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Continuing Education
One of the great things about education is that even when you leave grade school or college, you don’t stop learning. Learning is a lifelong process – sure, you don’t have tests or letter grades, but you garner information in less traditional ways. Learning does not have to stop with these local continuing education options.
College of Adult and Lifelong Learning at UT
The College of Adult and Lifelong Learning (CALL) at the University of Toledo provides access, career and life coaching, degree completion and academic support to new, continuing and reentering adult learners in a respectful and nurturing environment. CALL helps students transition to college life to establish a foundation for educational attainment, career success and lifelong learning. Participants must be age 25 or older, financially independent of parents, may be a veteran or on active military status, delayed college start or have some college credit, have diverse interests and career goals outside UT’s degrees or have a busy lifestyle that requires a nontraditional approach to earning a degree. If you meet one or more of the criteria, you are eligible to attend. Visit utoledo.edu for more information.
Lourdes’ Lifelong Learning Program
Lifelong Learning is an exciting educational program at Lourdes University that is open to all interested adults. The goal is to provide learning opportunities through cost effective, short-term, non-credit courses, lectures, field trips, and other events that are stimulating, meaningful and high-quality, while cultivating the minds of adult learners and raising social and cultural awareness. The only requirement for participation is an interest in ongoing learning. Participants can enjoy classes in a wide variety of academic subjects, including literature studies, local history and more. For more information or to register, visit lourdes.edu.
Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s Adult Classes and Programs

Toledo’s award winning public libraries are helping older adults expand their horizons through various free classes and programs. Individuals can expand their knowledge of current hobbies or pick up new ones, like arts, crafts, films, cooking, gardening, history, travel, wellness and more. In addition, the library has special opportunities for seniors. Cool off with some ice cream at the senior ice cream social, or meet for a game gathering while enjoying a cup of coffee. Those seeking to broaden their knowledge can attend one of many different presentations on health and wellness, internet safety and home improvement, to name a few. Full calendar of events and programs at toledolibrary.org.
Owens Community College Mature Citizens Program
The Mature Citizens Program is designed for Ohio residents 60 years of age or older who want to attend college. Instructional fees are waived for mature citizens taking coursework on a non-degree (audit) and space available basis. Those enrolled in this program take coursework for their own enjoyment, to learn a new skill, to explore new ideas or to study topics for which they never previously had time. Anyone desiring credit for coursework or wishing to work toward a degree must pay all required fees and is responsible for books and other expenses for courses. For more information, call 567-661-7000 or email david_shaffer5@owens.edu.
Bedford Public Schools Adult Education
Bedford Public Schools offers an array of different classes for adults. To assist with earning a GED or just helping to brush up on basic math or language skills, a multitude of career training online courses are available to help jump-start a new career. Earn a certification in programs such as event management, personal fitness training, interior design or nonprofit management. With one-on-one instructor assistance, 24-hour access and a self-paced course schedule, individuals can engage in some of today’s fastest-growing careers at an affordable cost. For those enjoying their retirement, Bedford Public Schools also offer adult enrichment options. Learn to play Pickleball, move your body with Tai Chi or tee up with some golf lessons. To review programs and to register, bedford.ce.eleyo.com.
Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio

The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. promotes the health, well-being and safety of older adults, empowering them to live life to the fullest. Getting older might be stereotyped as a time of declining health with aches and pains that continue to worsen with age, but the Area Office on Aging helps with improving health and quality of life, one workshop at a time. Offering various evidence-based health and wellness programs to improve health, reduce falls and increase self-reported health status, including for those needing diabetes self-management, Tai Chi, chronic pain self-management. areaofficeonaging.com.
Sylvania Senior Center’s Courses

There are many local organizations with classes for those 55 and over, and one of the most robust programs is the Sylvania Senior Center. Fitness and educational classes are offered at varying times during the Center’s Monday through Friday hours, 8 am to 5 pm. There are courses that cover topics like understanding your body, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) functions, navigating Medicare and more. To find a class that’s right for you, visit sylvaniacommunityservices.org.