4 minute read
Wood County Fair
Agriculture fair with a variety of activities including entertainment, competitions, parade and more. Runs Sunday, July 30 through Saturday, Aug. 5. Gates at 8 am. Wood County Fairgrounds, 13800 W. Poe Rd., Bowling Green. woodcounty-fair.com
[county fairs]
Monroe County Fair
Regional agriculture fair with food, entertainment, carnival, competitions and more. Country artists Jackson Dean with Caitlyn Smith perform Saturday, Aug. 5. $40. 8 pm. Adults $7, children 6-12 $4, ages 5 and under free. Runs Sunday, July 30 through Saturday, Aug. 5. Gates at 9 am. Monroe County Fairgrounds, 3775 S. Custer Rd., Monroe, MI. monroecountyfair.com
St. George Cathedral Summer Festival
Middle Eastern food, dancing, culture, live music & more. Self guided church tours are available during festival hours. Grape Smugglers perform Friday at 7 pm. Madison Avenue performs Saturday at 7pm. Aftershock performs Sunday at 2pm. Admission $5, children 10 and under free. Fri., Aug. 4, 5 pm. Sat., Aug. 5, 4 pm. Sun., Aug. 6, 12 pm - 5pm. St. George Orthodox Cathedral, 3754 Woodley Rd.
FRIDAY 11 [festivals & fairs]
Maumee Summer Fair
Arts & crafts vendors, kids zone, classic car show, live music and more. Friday, 5 pm - 12 am. Saturday, 9 am - 12 am. Uptown Maumee, Conant St., Maumee. maumeesummerfair.com
SUNDAY 10 [zoos & animals]
Grandparent’s Day Free admission for grandparents who visit with grandkids. 10 am - 4 pm. Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way. toledozoo.org

THURSDAY 24 [seniors]
(Virtual) Driving: Is it Time to Hang Up the Keys?
Practical insights and resources for making the decision to retire from driving. Helping the resistant older adult or person who has dementia to decrease or stop driving.Call ahead for access information or register online. (419) 720-4940 or cconley@memorylanecare.org. Virtual. memorylanecare.org/events.

[festivals & fairs]
German American Festival
The German American Festival is Toledo's oldest and largest ethnic festival. Authentic German food, imported beer, folk dancing, and German music. Take part in traditional German contests and feats. The kids will enjoy lots of fun activities and rides. $9-$20, children 12 and under are free. 6 pm - 1 am. Also on Saturday, Aug. 26, noon - 1 am and Sunday, Aug. 27 from noon - 8 pm. Oak Shade Grove, 3624 Seaman Rd., Oregon. germanamericanfestival.net
[glass art, markets & shopping]
Firenation Tent Sale
The annual glass art sale (formally Santa's Secret Tent Sale), in the Firenation parking lot. 10 am - 4 pm. Firenation Glass Studio and Gallery, 7166 Front St., Holland. firenation.com
SUNDAY 27 [history]
Living History Day
Meet first-person interpreters who will share stories of past Wood County residents. A Joyful Noise performs at 1:30 pm. Bring your own chair. 2 pm. Wood County Museum, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green. Woodcountyhistory.org. Free
[computer classes, safety & preparedness]
Senior Safety: Scam Awareness
Come get your questions about scams answered by the Better Business Bureau, after a brief presentation on best practices for protecting yourself. 10 am - 11 am. West Toledo Branch Library, 1320 Sylvania Ave. toledolibrary.org
TUESDAY 29 [ice cream]
Ice Cream Social for Seniors
Cool off with some ice cream and fun toppings, while playing games, chatting with others or checking out the Library's newest offerings. 2 pm - 3 pm. Oregon Branch Library, 3340 Dustin Rd., Oregon. toledolibrary.org
Parking Lot Party & Author Fair
Join Gathering Volumes and over 20 area authors to celebrate what we love most: books. From children’s picture books to horror, science fiction/fantasy to regional nonfiction, and everything in between, there is something for every reader. 10 am - 4 pm. Gathering Volumes, 196 E. South Boundary St., Perrysburg. Gatheringvolumes.com
Black Swamp Arts Festival

The Black Swamp Arts Festival is an awardwinning art festival and the largest free live music festival in Ohio. Fun fact: The Black Swamp Arts Festival is a non-profit run entirely by volunteers. Admission is free. 5pm. Also on Saturday, Aug. 9 at 11 am and Sunday, Aug. 10 at 11 am. Downtown Bowling Green, Wooster & Main, Bowling Green. blackswampfest.org


[caregiving, support groups]
(Virtual) Caregiver Coffee : Open discussion / Caregiver Tips
Would you like to talk with other caregivers about their experiences? Join The Area Office on Aging and MemoryLane Care Services for a (virtual) coffee every Wednesday at 2 pm. Learn from others who face the same challenges. Share insights, advice, and encouragement. Join by videoconference or phone. Contact MemoryLane Care Services to enroll 419-720-4940 or cconley@memorylanecare.org. areaofficeonaging.com
[geology, markets & shopping]
Treasures Unearthed
Toledo Gem & Rockhound Club's 52nd Annual Gem, Rockhound, Mineral Show & Jewelry Sale. $6-$12, kids 12 and under free. Noon - 8 pm. Also on Saturday, Aug. 9, 10 am - 6 pm and Sunday, Aug. 10, 11 am - 5 pm. Wood County Fairgrounds, Pratt Pavilion, 13800 W. Poe Rd., Bowling Green. rockyreader. com

[festivals & fairs, maritime history]
Toledo Lighthouse Festival
Annual festival hosted by the Toledo Harbor Lighthouse Preservation society. Live music, auction, food, merchandise and kids activities. 10 am - 7 pm. Also on Sunday, Aug. 10, 11 am - 5 pm. Maumee Bay State Park, 1400 State Park Rd., Oregon. Toledoharborlighthouse.org
[seniors, safety & preparedness]
Virtual- Caregiver Support
Program - "Senior Scams and Senior Protection"

Presented by a staff member from The Office of the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. This event is not sponsored by the Ohio Attorney General's Office. The Ohio Attorney General's office does not specifically endorse or recommend Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc., or any products or services affiliated with Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. To RSVP and obtain access instructions: Please Email or Call: Jennifer Forshey, LSW: jforshey@areaofficeonaging.com, (419) 725-6983 or Tracie Fountain, BSN, RN: tfountain@areaofficeonaging.com, (419) 725-6984 areaofficeonaging. com
[zoos & animals]
60+ Safari
Attendees can get free parking, free admission to the Zoo, free blood pressure checks and health screenings and visit some of the 45 exhibitors. The KGB Band will provide Live entertainment. Please register online. 10 am - 2 pm. Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way. areaofficeonaging.com/ event/60-safari
MONDAY 18 [caregiving]
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
In-Person 6-Week Series presented by the Maumee Senior Center & The Area Office on Aging of NWO. Registration required. Call 419-893-1994 or email MaumeeSeniorCenter@gmail.com to reserve your spot by Sept. 11. 1 pm. Maumee Senior Center, 2430 S. Detroit Ave., Maumee. maumeeseniorcenter.com
THURSDAY 21 [farmers markets]
Farmers Market at the Health Department
Accepting SNAP, WIC Farmers' Market Coupons, Senior Nutrition Coupons, Produce Perks and cash. 11 am - 2 pm. Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, 635 N. Erie St. lucascountyhealth.com