What exactly is HIV/AIDS?
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breathe & learn what is HIV? human immunodeficiency virus HIV is a virus that prevents the body from being able to fight off illness, keeping you sick and vulnerable.
This book will help you learn about how HIV harms your body and the negative affect it has on your health.
breat he Testing HIV positive means that at one point in your life, you were exposed to the virus. Unfortunately, once is all it takes to be infected for the rest of your life. Now is it’s your job to make the rest of your life as long as possible.
Learning more about HIV is the first step to fighting it.
Blood Cell
CD4 Cell
Your body has different types of blood cells. Red blood cells help keep your body running. White blood cells (CD4 cells) help fight off outside diseases.
HIV Organism
Infected CD4
HIV is a virus. It enters the body and infects the CD4 cells. When infected, the CD4 cells no longer fight off diseases entering your body. The infected cells multiply, and eventually no more healthy cells exist.
your CD4 cell count This measures the number of healthy CD4 cells you have in a cubic millimetre of blood. A high number (500-1500) means that you are healthy and keeping HIV under control. Track your progress each time your doctor gives you an update on your cell count. If the number goes down, it means that HIV is progressing. If the number falls below 200, then the HIV has progressed to AIDS.
1500 Healthy
200 AIDS
What is AIDS? Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome • A more serious progression of HIV • Makes you very susceptible to illness • Vital that you take ARVs regularly • Keep away from sick people and unclean conditions to avoid illness. • Stay healthy, safe, and optimistic. • AIDS is not a death sentence. Remember it is possible to raise your CD4 count to a healthy level.
“ When people are determined, they can overcome anything.” Nelson Mandela
stages of HIV There are different levels of how the virus progresses through your body.
1 2 3
First Contact
Large amounts of the virus spread quickly through your body. It could feel like you have the flu.
Inaction The virus becomes less active and reproduces at lower levels. You might feel healthy at this stage, but you are not rid of the disease.
AIDS The virus has progressed. Your body is incapable of fighting disease. This stage is avoidable if you take your ARVs daily.
Mild infections and symptoms include: Fever Fatigue Swollen lymph nodes Diarrhea Weight loss Cough Shortness of breath
AIDS symptoms (and symptoms of other illnesses that are brought on by AIDS): Night sweats Chills / fever for several weeks Chronic diarrhea Diarrhea Lesions on the tongue or mouth Skin rashes or bumps Blurred or distorted vision
HIV can be spread by: Sexual contact Blood Childbirth Breastfeeding Needle sharing
HIV cannot be spread by: Saliva, tears, or sweat Casual physical contact, like hugging, shaking hands, or sharing drinks Air or water Insects, such as mosquitoes Drinking fountains Toilet seats
facts to remember: HIV is a virus that takes over your healthy CD4 cells. AIDS is the progressed state of the HIV virus. Testing your CD4 count can tell you how healthy you are. Early HIV symptoms are similar to the flu. Sexual contact is usually how HIV is transmitted.
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