What will life look like now?
breat he
breathe & live These five simple steps will keep you healthy.
take ARVs
seek support
track your progress
live healthy
be smart
You can do this. Do not let this disease define you. You are stronger than HIV.
1 take ARVs fact
where? when?
You have the right to get your ARVs completely free. ARVs are available at clinics. It is crucial that you take ARVs every day in order for your body to continue fighting HIV. You should get a refill of your pills every month.
ARVs will fight against the HIV in your body. They will prevent the virus from spreading. They need to be taken every day or else the virus will spread again.
Learn more in your “What is the Treatment?� booklet.
2 seek support Telling your loved ones is an important time. Having a network of support is vital.
telling your telling your partner partner
It is important to tell your partner about your diagnosis. Encourage him or her to get tested as well.
telling telling your your family familyand and friends
Do not let fear keep you from telling other people.
Understanding the facts about HIV will help you better answer questions that others have.
counseling services where?
Baragwanath Hospital Email: info@phru.co.za Tel: +27 11 989 9700
HIV Counseling Resources Voluntary counseling and testing Couples counseling Medical male circumcision HIV care and treatment Adolescent HIV prevention
We are in this together. This is a difficult time. You are not alone.
3 track your progress You should get your CD4 level tested regularly. This test shows how able your body is to fight disease.
Normal Taking ARVs daily can get you back into this range.
below 500
HIV+ You need to be taking ARVs daily. Most people with HIV are in this range.
below 200
AIDS The immune system’s ability to fight disease is dangerously low.
CD4 Count
4 live healthy
Because of the HIV in your blood, your body is now less able to fight off outside diseases. It is vital that you take your ARVs and follow these steps for staying healthy and active. Your body needs all the help it can get.
By following these steps to living healthy, you are helping your body fight the HIV virus.
Take your medications regularly. Eat healthy.
Stay hydrated.
Avoid sick people.
Stay active.
Make smart choices.
Stay up-to-date with ARVs.
5 be smart Know how HIV is transmitted to avoid putting yourself and others at risk.
1 2 3
Sexual Contact
HIV can transmit during sex. Though there is always a risk, male and female condoms lower the chance of transmission.
Childbirth HIV can transmit during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. Taking ARVs can reduce this risk to 1%. Ensure your baby is tested for HIV.
Needles Since HIV lives in the blood, any object, such as a needle, that comes in contact with the blood can be a method of transmission.
facts to remember: Taking ARVs will give your body back its strength. You are not alone. Your CD4 count will show how healthy your body is. Living a healthy life will help your body fight the HIV. Know how HIV is spread to avoid putting yourself and others at risk.
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