Relative analgesia Workshop CPD Date: Time: Venue: Format: RSVP by:
6 Scientific Hours
Fees (GST inclusive)
Friday 29 March 2019
ADAVB member
8:30am – 4:00pm ADAVB Meeting Rooms Level 3, 10 Yarra Street, South Yarra, VIC 3141 Workshop
ADAVB member – recent graduate
Wednesday 20 March 2019
Brief This course will enable participants to become proficient and confident in the administration of nitrous oxide in clinical practice. Approved by the Australian Society of Dental Anaesthesiology (ASDA), the course provides an introduction to the use of relative analgesia (RA) in dental practice. It is also an excellent refresher for dentists wishing to update their knowledge and practical skills in the delivery of RA. Participants will be given the opportunity to administer nitrous oxide sedation to each other, and to experience the effects themselves in a safe environment.
Topics • Practical application of the use of RA on patients • Usage of RA armamentarium • Appropriate maintenance and sterilisation of equipment • Indications and contra-indications of relative analgesia. At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: • Understand the legal requirements for the use of RA • Understand the indications, limitations and advantages of using RA • Use RA properly • Appropriately bill for RA procedures.
Proudly supported by
Non-ADAVB member
Non-ADAVB member – recent graduate
Presenters Dr Angelo Preketes
Dr Robert Turnbull
Registration form //tax taxinvoice invoice Registration form ABN 80 263 088 594 ARBN 152 948 680 RED’D ASSOC NO. A0022649E
Please use block letters when filling in your details PRIMARY REGISTRANT I am a member of my ADA Dentist
state branch (specify state branch if not Victorian)
Recent graduate (please circle year: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
Member number
Student/retired member
I am not an ADAVB member
Other (please specify)
Full name Phone Email
(Important: Your confirmation and reminder will be sent to this email)
Dietary requirements
SECONDARY REGISTRANT I am a member of my ADA Dentist
state branch (specify state branch if not Victorian)
Recent graduate (please circle year: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
Member number
Student/retired member
I am not an ADAVB member
Other (please specify)
Full name Phone Email
(Important: Your confirmation and reminder will be sent to this email)
Dietary requirements
Course date
Course fee
Accompanying staff fee
Total fee
TOTAL (inc GST) $ PLEASE NOTE: Your registration for these events indicates acceptance of ADAVB’s Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy. Make a copy of this registration form and maintain it for your records.
American Express
Voucher Number Expiry Date
Card number
Cardholder name Date
HOW TO ENROL Telephone registrations are not accepted
FAX: 03 8825 4644 • EMAIL: • ONLINE: • MAIL: ADAVB, PO Box 9015, South Yarra, VIC 3141 For further Information, please call (03) 8825 4600
This is a TAX INVOICE for GST upon payment. All rates are GST inclusive. Australian Dental Association, Victorian Branch Inc. Level 3, 10 Yarra Street (PO Box 9015), South Yarra, Victoria 3141 Tel: 03 8825 4600 • Fax: 03 8825 4644 • Email: •