Architecture Portfolio

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Alexander MORLEY

portfolio in architecture. Lehigh University. Undergraduate works.

Architecture is a social art that addresses global issues.




Timeless City


3 4 5

Holmen 5x5x5



Østerbro Waves


Urban Infill



Nørrebro SportHus



Shadow Plaza



Southside Station


9 10 11




Machine House[no.1]



Building Technologies Furniture Design Oppidan Analysis


Curriculum Vitae

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Timeless CITY

spatial analysis influneced by einstein’s dreams. Fall 2005, Lehigh University. Professor Anthony Viscardi.

“This is a world of changed plans, of sudden opportunities, of unexpected visions. For in this world,

time flows not evenly but fitfully and, as consequence, people receive fitful glimpses of the future.”




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Extrusion and study of volumetric and planar forms from 2 dimensional spatial compositions. Models are then applied to a visual interpretation of a single dream from Alan Lightman’s novel, Einstein’s Dreams.




-Einstein’s dream on May 22, 1905

“We evolve when we are put in different


Change is not really pleasant at times, but

ast P . 1

failure to brace ourselves for inevitable change and continuous negations does not do justice to our intellectual


as humans.� -Mas Yendo

t sen e r 2. P

[drawing: graphite on mylar]

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This sporadic conception of time flow can be seen as a direct observation of the evolutionary capacity of humans in the built-environment. These three segregated yet simultaneous cultures represent the concepts of past, present, and future.

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Holmen 5x5x5 Staying within the parameters of a 5x5x5 meter cube, design a modular, two-student housing apartment to be repeated in a row for a new kollegium complex in the neighborhood of Holmen. Cubic volume is ‘sliced and pushed’ to take advantage of the elongated, earthen mound on-site, maximizing passive effects through solar orientation.

breaking the box with student housing. Fall 2006, DIS Copenhagen. Professor Jon Andersen.

[drawings: graphite on mylar]








Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.


gateway plaza and public cycle center. Fall 2006, DIS Copenhagen. Professor Jon Andersen.

Cycling is an integral aspect of Danish urban culture. Over 30% of all Danes in Copenhagen commute daily to work by bicycle. The Østerbro Waves establish a functional, multi-use haven for cyclists throughout Copenhagen. Located at the mouth of Fælledparken, one of the largest and most widely used parks in the city, the complex holds three pavilions for separate functions: bicycle parking, a repair station, a café, and a small bike shop.

[drawing: ink on mylar]

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Parking + Repair

Bicycle Shop

[drawings: ink on mylar]

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.


visual permeation to build community. Spring 2007, DIS Copenhagen. Professor Cecilia Nilsson.

It glows like a lantern by night and feels like an outdoor room by day. Located on a quiet, residential niche in downtown Copenhagen, the infill on the street of Krusemyntagade is a center where members of the neighborhood may gather for group activities, social support, excercise, public information, and other purposes that are so intrinsic to any Danish community. Taking advantage of the site’s southern exposure, the five-floor complex takes the basic Maison-Domino building prototype to allow for free-standing glass façades, flooding every floor with natural daylight. Alongside a modular system that accommodates both flexibility and specificity, a systematic fanning of ‘cuts’ are taken out of each subsequent floor to allow for two atriums, a roof terrace on each level, and increased natural light in rear courtyard.

Sounds of activity echo throughout the building and all floors are visible from every level in order to heighten the communal interconnectivity.

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Sauna +



s Gym

s Fitne




Front façade from street

Rear façade from courtyard

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[plans and axon: ink on mylar]

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.


greenbelt destination with site lines & sight lines.

Spring 2007, DIS Copenhagen. Professor Cecilia Nilsson.

With a highly homogeneous indigenous population, Denmark, is dealing for the first time with the presence of a substantial and visible minority. Approximately 3-4% of the population in Denmark is Muslim. Some ethnic Danes feel threatened by aspects of Muslim culture, which has set the stage for conflict in recent years. Located in Nørrebro, the most multicultural district in Copenhagen, the SportHus is a public gymnasium that breaks these racist undertones by giving common place for young Danes [ethnic and muslims alike] to interact with each other. Design process of extending existing site lines to create a dynamic space that sits comfortably within the surrounding landscape and maximizes public access, open visuals, and efficiency of circulation. Through strong architectonic expression and site placement, a common identity is branded and the gym becomes a formidable node for not only sports and activities, but public events as well.


The satiric

use of jagged forms and punched-out windows speak to the misconception of Nørrebro being ‘rough around the edges.’

[drawings: ink on mylar] Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Shadow PLAZA

using phenomenology to direct a turbulent landscape. Fall 2007, Lehigh University. Professor Anthony Viscardi.

A place to study. A place to catch the bus. A place to suntan. A place to protest. A place to perform. A place to watch. A place to meet. Situated on the main pedestrian artery of Lehigh University’s campus, the plaza is careful not to disrupt the principal function of the space as a circulatory path. The resulting interplay between movement and place create a dynamic tension. The hurried passerby cannot help but become an ephemeral participant in this student playground. Within these student-oriented nodes for various activity are intentional juxtapositions: natural light + shadow, water + air, and grass + wood. The subtle details enhance the space and create a sense of wonder.

Morning, midday, and afternoon shadow tracings create an organic yet geometrically rational grid from which the most dynamic lines are exposed in plan. Lines are then extruded

[drawings: graphite on mylar] to observe the spatial relationships created within the voids. The voids are given solidity to derive a landscaped foundation. Remaining lines are used to dictate the truss forms.

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Southside STATION

transportation hub as a catalyst for urban regeneration.

Once the second-largest steel producer in the United States, the Bethlehem Steel Corporation in Pennsylvania manufactured this revolutionary metal for some of America’s most prominent landmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge and the Chrysler Building. The now fallow blast furnaces and machine shops in Bethlehem stand today as massive relics to the city’s industrial past, and this commuter rail station pays homage to this heritage in both site and materials. With a long, multi-level, open shed, the steel and glass pavilion is capped with a rusted, corten steel super structure. Situated along the river, sweeping views of the the blast furnaces throughout the station entice a sense of time and identity upon arrival to the city.

Spring 2008, Lehigh University. Professor Christine Ussler. Alex Hammerschlag ‘08 [studio partner].

“Urban railroad stations are focal points for expression

of civic values... like the

ceremonial gateways of medieval towns, the symbolic role of the terminal is to signal arrival in the city.�

-Witold Rybczynski, City Life

[drawings: graphite on mylar]

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Machine HOUSE[no.1] Collaborative student design-build initiative to produce a fourteen-foot wide, low-income, sustainable infill house. Located in a struggling neighborhood in South Bethlehem, the vacant lot has become the local dumping grounds. Efficiency in service, circulation, and openness play key factors in planning. The house draws design cues from the machine shops of Bethlehem’s industrial landscape as a vehicle to brand a stronger local identity. Played an active roll throughout the entire process. Continuing with construction documentation and LEED accreditation under a local firm owned by a Lehigh professor of practice. Will submit for building permit Spring, 2010. Working towards LEED-Platinum certification.

making a difference through design-build. Fall 2008 - Present, Lehigh Green Partnership.


NOTES: Dimensions and proportions are approximated. Stacked plumping walls share common walls for plumbing to filter out.

shared plumbing wall

Plumbing walls are on the exterior walls of the house for direct sewer access.

2 1’ 5’ 10’


NOTES: Storage zone are fit into the core “machine”. Space can be adapted to be mechanical, utilitarian, or storage. Located on exterior wall for insulation of sound and climate.



[ gpraeretnn elreshhiigph ]

5 32 br o a dw a y a v e

s c al e: as s h o w n d r aw n b y : d y l an c o o n r ad l as t mo d i fi ed : 1 1 / 17 / 08

d i ag r am 6 o f 9







Dimensions and proportions are approximated. Orange masses in 3D model indicated space added to living space during the summer months. Courtyard opens to connect kitchen and dining spaces. Front and Back yards become occupyable and sheltered spaces.


[ gpraeretnn elreshhiigph ]

5 3 2 br o a dw a y a v e


s c a l e: a s s h o w n d r a w n b y : d y l a n c o o nr a d l a s t mo d i fi ed : 11/17 /0 8

diagram 8 of 9





[ S E A S O N A L E X PA N S I O N ]

[ gpraeretnn elreshhiigph ]

5 3 2 b road w ay ave

scale: as shown drawn by: dylan coonrad last modified: 11/17/08

diagram 7 of 9


house work NOTES:

Dimensions and proportions are approximated.

Main living masses are connected by transitional core, programmed with domestic utility and mechanical functions. Space organization carries through to second floor.






a Lehigh Green Partnership house for 532 Broadway 14’


1 jack allen cameron bence 2 dylan coonrad alex hammerschlag alexander morley karel hans vanderkaaij NOTES:

alex o’briant todd van varick bruce thomas tony viscardi christine ussler

Circulation zones are masses in 2 and 3 dimensions to show limited wasted living space. Stacked circulation volumes occupy “machine” and connect living masses. Notice circulation zones are flooded with natural light (see dwg 4)

living space

living space

[ 3D STACKED MASS DIAGRAM ] transitional core


NOTES: The stairs, storage, entrance, and mechanical/utility spaces all inhabit the bar along the east facade. Bar acts like a domestic “machine for living”. Both floors utilize its efficiency.





[ O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L M O D U L E ]

g r e e n

[ p a r t n elreshhiigph ] Lehigh University, The City of Bethlehem, Habitat for Humanity, Artefact Inc.

5 32 b r o a d wa y a ve

scale: as shown drawn by: dylan coonrad last modified: 11/17/08

diagram 3 of 9



[ C I R C U L AT I O N E F F I C I E N C Y ]

[ gpraeretnn elreshhiigph ]


5 3 2 br o a dw a y a v e

d i a gr a m 7 o f 9



s c a l e: a s s h o w n drawn by: dylan coonrad l a s t mo d i fi e d : 11/ 17/ 0 8


2 storage







[ gpraeretnn elreshhiigph ]

5 3 2 b road w ay ave

diagram 5 of 9

NOTES: The stairs, storage, entrance, and mechanical/utility spaces all inhabit the bar along the east facade. Bar acts like a domestic “machine for living”. Both floors utilize its efficiency.

scale: as shown drawn by: dylan coonrad last modified: 11/17/08



Alexander MORLEY portfolio in architecture. 2 entrance




Fall 2007, Lehigh University. Professor Tom Peters.

WOOD: Pedestrian Bridge

[drawings: graphite on mylar]

structural desigin with traditional systems.

STONE: Pedestrian Causeway

[drawings: ink on mylar] Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Furniture DESIGN 1. Night stand designed and built specifically for a trundle bed. Four concealed wheels allow stand to roll smoothly as the trundle pulls out and notches into the night stand. This prevents the need to physically pick up the bedside table and risk knocking over its contents.

form and function at an intimate scale. Fall 2008, Lehigh University. Professor Amy Forsyth.

2. Series of overlapping cubes provide strategic, flexible, and ‘exposed’ storage spaces to encourage tidiness. The one ‘hidden’ compartment allows for more personal items.

Use of semi-opaque milk paint creates a stark contrast between the zebra wood veneer and plywood grain. With this ironic relationship, the double rabbet joints in the plywood compliment the lines of the veneer, which accentuate the wrapping nature of the plywood, and vice versa.

[materials: zebra wood veneer, plywood, milk paint, 360째 pivoting wheels] Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.


observation of the world’s urban fabric. 2004 - present.




[drawings: fountain pen and colored pencil]

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

CurriculumVITAE Education

bachelor of arts in architecture.

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, minor in History, certificate in Global Citizenship. May 2008. GPA: 3.79. Honors: High honors, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Delta, Sigma Alpha Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, Dean’s List every semester, Presidential Scholar (one year of free tuition after graduation, awarded for scholastic acheivement).

Lehigh in Vicenza Summer Architecture Study, Vicenza, Italy. July 2007. DIS (Denmark’s International Study) Architectural Design Program. Copenhagen, Denmark. Affiliated with the University of Copenhagen. 2006/2007 academic year.

Berkshire School. Sheffield, MA. May 2004. SYA (School Year Abroad). Zaragoza, Spain. 2002/2003 academic year.

Technical Skills


Computer: Autocad 2008, Adobe Creative Suite, ArcGIS, Google SketchUp, Microsoft Office. Representational: Sketching, Drafting, Model Making, Woodworking, Photography. Language: Spanish fluency, basic Danish and Italian.

Teaching Assistant, Architectural History II, Lehigh University. Professor Bruce Thomas. Fall 2007. Teaching Assistant, Architectural Design Studio II, Lehigh University. Professor Ivan Zaknic. Fall 2007. Spanish Translator, Lehigh Microfinance in Honduras, Pueblo Nuevo, Honduras. June 2006. Snowboard Instructor, Butternut Basin Ski Area, Great Barrington, MA. Winter 2001, 2002, 2004-2006. Rush Coordinator, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Fall 2005.


Experience Lehigh Green Partnership, Studio Architect, Bethlehem, PA. Fall 2008 - Present. [Collaborative student design-build project with Lehigh University, the City of Bethlehem, Habitat for Humanity, Christine Ussler of Artefact Inc. and Todd Van Varick & Alex O’Briant of Polshek Partnership Architects, to design and build a sustainable house on a unique lot in the impoverished south-side of Bethlehem, PA.]

Played an active role with total involvement on every level: from early conceptual planning, to design development, zoning variance applications & appeals, construction documentation, LEED accredidation processes, and cost estimation. Building permit to be obtained Spring 2010 with Artefact, Inc.

Artefact Inc. Architectural Design, Intern, Bethlehem, PA. June 2009 - Present.

In addition to above-mentioned Green Partnership work, responsibilities include construction documentation, digital rendering, redlining, surveying, new materials research, cost estimation, and LEED for Homes research.

Arup, Winter Intern, New York, NY. January 2009.

Briefed the urban design team on a new project in the South Bronx and presented site design concepts to promote sustainable urban regeneration in one of the poorest, most polluted neighborhoods in New York City.

The Lehigh Review [annual journal of the Liberal Arts], Photographer & Illustrator, Bethlehem, PA. Spring 2008.

Partnered with head graphic designer to reformat the previously mundane publication into an exciting thematic layout. Photographed and generated all images, charts, and maps to correspond with each article.

Romulo Remos, Architect, Apprentice, Cuenca, Ecuador. Summer 2004.

Surveyed several Ecuadorian construction methods through sketches and notes as the architect oversaw his several projects. Daily verbal communication conducted entirely in Spanish.

Publications Portfolio invited to be reviewed for inclusion into Portfolio Design, Fourth Edition by Harold Linton. “Cohousing in Cuenca: a Philosophy Statement,” The Lehigh Review. Spring 2009. Williams Prize Recipient

Travel Experience Canada, Ecuador, Honduras, China, Hong Kong, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Vatican City, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ireland.

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

thank you.

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

Š 2009 413 717 0499

Alexander MORLEYportfolio in architecture.

undergraduate works.

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