1 minute read
So, the Coronavirus curve has been flattened and life, as we know it, is slowly returning to normal!
Every week, more restrictions are being lifted by each Government, as they attempt to help society fall back into step and business to get back into the groove, although there’s still a deal of uncertainty surrounding the virus though with the danger of transmission by people showing no symptoms top of the medical experts worries. That’s why is so, so important for people to observe the 1.5m physical distancing rule (nothing social about it, let’s call it what it is) when out and about. For that reason, CIBSE will ensure your safety by holding future seminars online, until the Government advice allows us to hold face to face meetings. The social aspect of the seminars allowing one another to catch up with industry friends and colleagues is sorely missed, but we’re sure we’ll be back on track soon. Be sure to check out the website, where the most recent online seminars have been recorded and can be viewed if you missed the opportunity to catch it first time around.
We thought we’d get a few opinions on what is was like during the COVID-19 lockdown days and you’ll hear from our new CIBSE ANZ Chair, Mark Crawford, plus the AECOM ANZ Building Services Practise Lead, Stephanie Donnelly to document their experience. In addition, you’ll also hear a little on what makes them tick in their work and family lives.
We have featured articles from key industry stalwarts with some really intriguing and thought provoking insights that should whet your appetite.
In Australia state and federal governments have announced some shovel ready projects to boost local construction, at a time when it is needed the most, and we have a number of technical articles, including Smart Building Technology, Plumbing, HVAC, Modular construction, Education and the Commercial sectors.
With that in mind, it has never been a better time to be a building services engineer ……