t goes without saying that 2020 has been a very difficult year to arrange any sort of physical activities. We have held a number of Webinars throughout the year which have all been successful. But we also know it is not quite the same as getting together in a professional development setting where some of the most important conversations are the informal ones held between presentations or over lunch. With the reducing COVID numbers and reports of a vaccine being developed we are hopeful that we are heading towards a post COVID reality in the not too distant future and we can recommence in person professional development days. It seems like only yesterday that many of our regional members were either facing the threat of devastating bushfires or fighting fires with the CFA. Even those of us in urban areas had been dealing with the challenges of high smoke levels in and around the buildings that we manage. With dry weather upon us again, it may be a timely reminder to slash any paddocks surrounding facilities and start planning for smoke management. A plan to restrict outside air intake and isolate VESDA systems that were particularly vulnerable to smoke during last bushfire season may come in handy in the next few months. This represents an interesting dilemma since many areas in facilities are running on 100% outside air to mitigate the risk of COVID. We would like to give another reminder about the IHEA Learning and Development app available to be downloaded to your smartphone. We would encourage all members to download the app, enter some of your daily activities or even complete some of the courses on the
app. The more engagement we can get with this, the better we can make it. This will provide a well defined pathway for the recognition of Hospital Engineering professionals if this becomes a requirement in the future. There have been a number of high-level conversations about certification of healthcare engineers, so everyone is encouraged to get an early start to be on the front foot for any upcoming regulations. We still have the end of year function planned for Saturday November 28th, COVID permitting where we will honour our hardworking and recently retired IHEA members at Cargo restaurant in the Docklands, overlooking the harbour. Last year was a great success with a good time had by all and we will look forward to seeing you there. If in the unlikely event this needs to be postponed due to COVID we will reschedule for early February. This is an important function and the only opportunity some members have to meet other colleagues so we will do everything in our power to make sure it proceeds as planned. The IHEA Vic/Tas committee of management would like to thank all members for their valued support throughout this very challenging year. We look forward to working with you and on your behalf throughout the new-year to continue to provide a network for Healthcare Engineers. This is important to assist us all to build optimal facilities, maintain them to a high standard, obtain the latest information, develop the profession of Healthcare Engineering and serve our communities. Have a Merry Christmas and a safe healthy New Year.. Kind Regards. Steve Ball on behalf of the Vic/Tas Committee of Management