enetas has developed a new Consumer Participation Register, to seek feedback and input directly from consumers about how to improve customer experience and service delivery in Aged Care through co-design.
One CHC client who joined the workshop left some really positive feedback regarding the experience, further validating that the community is keen to collaborate with Benetas to help improve how services are delivered to them.
The Register empowers consumers to collaborate, provide feedback and contribute to the development, delivery and evaluation of care and services provided by Benetas.
“It was a really interesting meeting and I was pleased to be a part of it. I was able to have my say and learn from other’s opinions too. I am happy to participate in this and any other matters where I might be of assistance,” said the participant.
People from diverse social, demographic and faith backgrounds are matched with specific projects that will benefit from consumer perspectives and input.
Depending on the specific project, Register participants will be kept in the loop about how their contribution has helped shape improvements or changes.
It is an opportunity to better capture the views of a diverse group of consumers ensuring cultural competence and suitability of services across the whole suite of Benetas Aged Care offerings.
Benetas CEO Sandra Hills OAM said understanding and listening to the needs of consumers, their families, and carers is extremely important.
Benetas invites people with a connection or interest in aged care, to sign up to the Benetas Consumer Participation Register and get involved in workshops, surveys or webinars to provide input into improving service development and customer experience. Planning and design commenced in July this year with a dedicated team shepherding the project to launch in October. Within the first month of launch, the inaugural project was carried out, engaging Register members with a list of requests scheduled for the next six months, as a first step. Clearly the Benetas business is ready for more community collaboration. The first project was hosted by the Community Health and Care (CHC) team. Consumer participants from the Register were involved in an online workshop to review and provide feedback on the updated and improved Consumer Care Plan.
“The new Benetas Consumer Participation Register aligns with our Customer Experience Vision and Principles which articulate a commitment to engaging consumers in decision-making at multiple levels,” she said. “We want people to be involved and have a greater say in the way our services provide for their needs and quality of life.” The Consumer Participation Register is developed in line with the ‘International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Framework’, which articulates a continuum of consumer engagement from ‘inform’ to ‘empower’. Seeking and responding to consumers also validates one of the key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and forms a central part of the Charter of Aged Care Rights, and Aged Care Quality Standards 1 and 8.
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