online events!
8,200 participants!
LASA is out n about online! With restrictions on mass gatherings still in place, we’ve moved our professional development opportunities online—so it’s easier than ever to get involved.
Our redesigned Aged Services Industry Forums have been really well received, with hundreds attending each webinar.
Since the start of COVID-19 restrictions, our Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) team has been hard at work keeping everyone connected and up-to-date.
Our new COVID-19 webinars have also been in demand, giving our Members a forum where they can get the latest information and raise important questions.
Our popular events have been shifted to a virtual format, and our visits to our valued LASA Members and Affiliates are now being conducted virtually.
You can also access workshops as interactive virtual classrooms on topics such as governance, customer service, ACFI—and more!
Prior to COVID-19, our State-based offices held Home Care, Residential Care and Retirement Living Advisory Groups bi-monthly, and since COVID-19 these have been moved to weekly online events—making sure everyone has the support they need.
If you have any questions or would like further information about LASA events, please email events@lasa.asn.au
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