KENNETH W. DRAUGHON, D.MIN. Network Superintendent
Looking at a New Year we are drawn to reflect on change. Change is inevitable!
There isn’t a cell in your body today that was there seven years ago. “The only constant in life is change.” Look at your High School yearbook, then look in the mirror—change is inevitable.
One man put it this way:
“My great-grandfather rode a horse but was afraid of the train.
My grandfather rode on a train but was afraid of a car.
My father rode in a car but was afraid of an airplane. I ride in an airplane, but I’m afraid of a horse.”
Someone said, “I wish we’d never invented the future tense.”
The opening of Joshua chapter one presents a naMon undergoing a profound transformaMon following the demise of Moses. While he had guided them from enslavement, the quesMon arose of who would lead them into their future trajectory.
It is essenMal to recognize that God consistently ensures the fulfillment of one’s desMny. Moses, while instrumental in guiding the Israelites out of Egypt, was merely an instrument of God’s divine plan. God was the one who liberated them and orchestrated their departure.
Joshua 1:5-7, “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you. “Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them.”
So how does the Lord counsel us to navigate life in the midst of change?
God invites us to culMvate a relaMonship with Him, and this entails understanding the significance of learning from the past rather than dwelling on it. The naMon of Israel, despite its historical challenges and leadership shortcomings, was unable to move forward unless it focused on its future. Similarly, we must embrace the prospect of the future, as this is where God’s call lies.
If you want to live in a dynamic relaMonship with God, try to discern what God would want in and around your life, and then decide to put that before you as the call to faith. … to believe… to pray…
Someone has said: “When we have more memories than dreams, life is over.” When we have greater memories than dreams, we will never make a difference in changing our world for God.
God told Isaiah in Isaiah 43:18-19: “Do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new.”
God is a God of new ideas, of innovaMon. God is a God who uses change. We must pray for new visions. We cannot be content with what is. We must crave what can be! God has a fresh plan for you—find it!
The Christmas Season begins on December 25 and lasts through January 5. On January 6, most Christians celebrate Epiphany, the revelation of the infant Jesus to the Magi as the King of the Jews and the Light of the World. We read about the visit of the Magi in the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12. Matthew has been telling the story of Christ’s lineage from Abraham, his miraculous conception, and his birth as the promised Messiah, seed of Abraham and Son of David. In every possible way Matthew has emphasized that all of God’s promises to Abraham, to David, and to Israel will be fulfilled in Jesus. Matthew then tells of Christ’s first revelation to Gentiles. The story of the Magi is not a birth story – it is an announcement story about the King of Light for all the world! God had promised that David’s Son would rule the nations and that God’s People would be a light to the nations. The glory of God would be revealed in God’s king, a light to those who lived in darkness. Nations would come to his light and kings to the brightness of his dawn.
The Magi were Wise Men, scholars, astrologers from the region of Babylon and Persia. They were spiritual seekers. Matthew has no word of rebuke for these Gentiles. God meets hungry souls where they are, speaking to them in ways they understand, leading them to a clear witness of the one Savior of the world. They saw in the heavens, the realm familiar to them, a new and inexplicable light. God had promised in Numbers 24:17 and in Isaiah 60:1-6 that something like this would happen. The Magi viewed it as a sign, an omen, that a great king was being born. Drawn by God, they came to worship the King of Light for all the world. The Magi became the first-fruits of a vast future harvest from the nations of the Earth.
Epiphany celebrates the visit of the Magi as well as celebrating an event later in Jesus’ life: His baptism by John the Baptist. At his baptism Christ identified himself in solidarity with the lost humanity he came to save. He submitted to John’s baptism of repentance, even though Christ needed no repentance himself. He fully submitted to the Father’s mission to save a lost humanity, was revealed as God’s beloved Son, and was anointed by the Holy Spirit to fulfill his mission.
Both these events – the visit of the Magi and Christ’s baptism by John – are critical moments in the life of Jesus. They are moments of revelation, manifestations of the ultimate purpose of Jesus of Nazareth: The Son of Man who came to seek and to save that which was lost. He came as the Savior of Israel and all the nations of the world. Both events direct every Christian into Jesus’ purpose: Revealing the good news of God’s Messiah to the nations Celebrating Epiphany reminds the Church that we must always be on mission to go and make disciples of Jesus in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the uttermost parts of the Earth.
For me, this is yet another excellent reason to follow the Christian Year. At Epiphany we are thrust into mission at the beginning of the year, ending the Christmas Season on a high note of purpose and action When Pentecost concludes the Easter Season half-way through the year, we are again thrust into mission in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us always be about our Father’s business of sharing the Gospel that reveals Jesus as the King of Light for all the world. Let us always be about our King’s command to make disciples, teaching believers to how to follow Jesus. Epiphany exists to remind us of this mission. Every year we should celebrate Epiphany!
I hope to see every one of you in YOUR SECTION for our Life Rally Tour. We are going to have a great time together as we dream and plan for what we, as women, can do for missions at home and around the world! Mark your calendar now for when we will be in your section.
Women’s Theme: Audacious Faith
She will be known by her boldness of faith. Faith. What is it? You can’t physically touch it or see it with the naked eye. You can’t purchase it from the store when you are running low. But you can “see” it demonstrated in the life of a woman who is confidently trusting God in the midst of a storm. You can “hear” it in voice of the one who is waiting for her healing, for a financial miracle, or the restoration of a broken relationship. Looking through the lens of faith can change everything!
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NLT)
Saturday, March 1 10:30 AM TN Valley River Valley Church, Madison
Saturday, March 1 4:00 PM Anniston Fellowship Church, Oxford
Tuesday, March 4 6:30 PM Birmingham Pleasant Grove AG
Thursday, March 6 6:30 PM Montgomery Safe Harbor, Prattville
Tuesday, March 11 6:30 PM Sylacauga River of Life, Alex City
Thursday, March 13 6:30 PM Mobile Refuge Church, Mobile
Saturday, March 15 10:30 AM Demopolis Magnolia AG, Grove Hill
Tuesday, March 18 6:30 PM Monroeville East Brewton AG
Thursday, March 20 6:30 PM Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa First AG
Friday, March 21 6:30 PM CST Phenix City Eufaula First AG
Saturday, March 22 10:30 AM Andalusia Sanford AG
Tuesday, March 25 6:30 PM Enterprise Elba First AG
Thursday, March 27 6:30 PM Dothan Harpers Joy AG, Dothan
Friday, March 28 6:30 PM Cullman Life Springs AG, Jasper
Saturday, March 29 10:30 AM Baldwin County New Life AG, Spanish Fort
Phenix City--02/03/2025--6:30 pm CST
Texas Smoking Guns, Eufaula Tuscaloosa--02/06/2025--7:00 pm Yampertown Steak & Seafood, Winfield
Section--Date--Time--Location Demopolis--02/04/2025--6:30 pm David’s Fish House, Thomasville Tennessee Valley--02/07/2025--7:00 pm First Assembly of God, Hartselle Andalusia--02/11/2025--6:30 pm David’s Fish House, Andalusia Montgomery--02/20/2025--7:00 pm Catfish House, Millbrook Anniston, Birmingham, Cullman 02/17/2025--7:00 pm Springville Camp, Odenville Mobile--02/24/2025--7:00 pm Dreamland BBQ, Mobile 2025 CP&D Pastor/Board Banquet Tour
Monroeville--02/10/2025--7:00 pm
First Assembly of God, Brewton Enterprise--02/13/2025--7:00 pm
McLin’s Restaurant, Daleville
Dothan--02/18/2025--7:00 pm
Blue Plate Restaurant-Ross Clark, Dothan
Sylacauga--02/21/2025--6:30 pm
Good Ole Boys BBQ, Sylacauga Baldwin--02/25/2025--7:00 pm Wolf Bay Lodge, Foley
Ashland First AG $21,122.45
The Island Church, Orange Beach $21,000.00
CenterPointe AG, Mobile $15,835.65
CelebraMon Church of Fairhope $15,000.00
The Bridge Church, Cussena $12,347.30
Pinedale A/G, Clanton
Fountain of Life Church, Saraland
Lake City A/G, Guntersville
BOOK REVIEWS – The Lost World of the Bible
One of the best helps in understanding the world of the Old Testament is a series of books by Old Testament scholar John Walton, PhD. Walton is a premier evangelical scholar, a long-term professor at Wheaton College, and co-editor of the Cultural Background Study Bible with New Testament scholar and Assemblies of God minister, Craig Keener, PhD. Known as “The Lost World of the Bible” series, each volume examines in depth the Ancient Near Eastern world within which ancient Israel lived, thought, and wrote. Walton explores the relevant ANE cultural understandings of the cosmos, the natural world, history, morality, law, and literary genres which ancient Israel shared. This knowledge has long been understood in our evangelical / Pentecostal scholarly community. Walton now brings it to pastors and laity in a simple and accessible manner. Understanding and using resources like these enables us to read the Old Testament correctly and avoid teaching or preaching in error. We learn how to see with ancient eyes and hear with ancient ears. Pentecostal scholars, including in the Assemblies of God, recommend these works as good resources for reading the Old Testament well I highly recommend the “Lost World” series
The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority, John H. Walton and D. Brent Sandy, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2013, 320 pages. Walton and Sandy examine the lost worlds of communication and composition within which the Old and New Testaments were spoken and written. They explore critical aspects of the oral transmission and eventual written composition of both OT and NT texts. The unique natures of the ANE / biblical genres of narrative, legal, prophetic, and NT literature are explored The authors conclude with in-depth explanations of how all the preceding information impacts our understanding of the origin, and our affirmation of the authority, of Scripture.
Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: The Conceptual World of the
Hebrew Bible, John H. Walton, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2007, 368 pages.
Walton here examines the conceptual world ancient Israel shared with its ANE neighbors. He summarizes the literature of the ANE and shows that Israel used the same genres and literary conventions to write the OT. ANE religions with their gods, temples, and rituals are explained. Walton explores the pre-scientific ANE understanding of the structure and function of the cosmos, an understanding largely shared by Israel. He compares the similarities and differences between ANE and Israel’s perceptions of the origins and purposes of humanity. The book concludes with the implications of Israel’s conceptual world on our faith, our practice, and our future.
The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate
, John H. Walton, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009, 191 pages.
Walton carefully examines what the text of Genesis 1 actually means and compares that with various ANE concepts of the origins and functions of the cosmos, and humanity. He demonstrates that ANE cosmogonies (origin stories) were function oriented Similarly, the Genesis account is concerned with the establishment of order, function, and purpose rather than with material origin. Walton explores ANE concepts of the cosmos as a temple. He demonstrates this was the primary focus of the Genesis 1 account as well: God defeats chaos and establishes the cosmos as God’s well-ordered temple, creating humans as bearers of his image to tend the earth and worship him The seven-day chronology relates to temple building, filling, and inauguration, not to a chronology of material creation. This allows for any perspective on the process or length of material and human creation. Some form of Walton’s overall perspective is now common among most OT scholars, including our own.
The application period for the Alabama Ministry Network Scholarship Program (AMNSP) is now open. Applicants may contact Jennifer Harris at to receive an application packet. The forms are also available on our website at
The Alabama Ministry Network Scholarship Program (AMNSP) gives financial assistance to qualifying Assemblies of God students who are going into traditional and non -traditional ministry, helping them to attend endorsed Assemblies of God colleges, universities, and graduate schools. The AMNSP is open to high school seniors and college or seminary students who are attending Assemblies of God churches. In order to receive scholarship money, winners must attend an endorsed Assemblies of God educational institution.
The Network Scholarship Committee evaluates all properly completed applications and , based on availability of funds, awards one or more of each of the following scholarships:
• Superintendent’s Scholarship ………………………..
Students pursuing degrees designed for Pastoral/Preaching ministry
• Pastor’s Dependent Scholarship ……………….……
Children of Alabama Ministry Network Assemblies of God ministers
• Church Ministry Scholarship
Students pursuing degrees designed for ministries such as Youth, Children, CE, Music, etc.
• Distance Learning (Degree program only) ……...
Students pursuing online/correspondence degrees at the institute, college, or graduate levels
The deadline for applications, including all reference forms and either an Initial (first -time) Application or a Continuation Application, is February 14, 2025. It is the student applicant’s responsibility to see that the completed application, including all completed reference forms, have been received by the Network Office by February 14, 2025. All application forms may be mailed to the Alabama Ministry Network Scholarship Program, 5919 Carmichael Rd, Montgomery, AL 36117. They may also be emailed to the Network Office at
Please contact the Network Secretary-Treasurer’s office at 334-279-7172 ext 103, or at, with any questions you may have.
We sometimes find that, for whatever reasons, some of our ministers are not clear on our financial obligations to the Alabama District. We have begun to publish these more frequently in order to clear up any misunderstandings proactively before ministers fall behind in their giving. Here are the District Bylaws followed by an explanation.
Section 2 - Obligations of Ministers
a. All ministers shall be required to remit on a monthly basis 7.5% of their income earned from Gospel ministry and from secular work for the support of the District general fund.
b. The following exceptions are permitted:
1. Ministers who receive wages strictly from secular employment and regularly attend a local assembly shall be required to support the local assembly with 5% of their income and shall also be required to support the District general fund on a monthly basis with 5% of their income.
2. Evangelists shall be required to support the local assembly of which they are a member with 5% of their income and shall also be required to support the District general fund on a monthly basis with 5% of their income.
3. Financial obligations of missionaries, military and industrial chaplains, and nationally appointed home missionaries are as outlined in Article VII, Section 8c of the General Council Bylaws.
c. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for membership in the Alabama District Council and for the renewal of credentials of all active ministers. Any minister whose obligation falls into arrears shall be required to appear before his/her respective Sectional committee at the time of the Sectional Councils, and his/her credentials will be withheld until such time as his/her financial obligation is brought up-to- date.
d. All ordained ministers shall recognize their obligation to support our General Council headquarters office in Springfield by contributing from their tithes or as an offering, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month. Licensed ministers shall contribute the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month, and certified ministers shall contribute the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per month.
e. Each minister should accept the responsibility to provide a retirement income for himself and his/her family by contributing an amount equal to 5% of the minister’s salary to the MBA minister’s account.
Explanatory Note: If a credentialed minister receives any income from ministry, whether regular or irregular, parttime or full-time, or if they serve in a pastoral role in a local church, then they are required to remit to the district office on a monthly basis 7.5% of their income from all sources, including secular work. If a credentialed minister receives no income at all from ministry, and only receives income from secular work, and does not serve in any pastoral role in a local church, then they are required to remit to the district office on a monthly basis 5% of their income from all sources. Exceptions are only as provided in Paragraph b. In both scenarios, the remainder of the minister’s tithe should be paid to the local church they attend or serve. You may pay your tithes by mail, or online at the Alabama District Website at, or by Text at Text #73256 Message: ADCAG. If paying online, always enter your personal name in the memo box to ensure that your tithe is credited properly to your account.
Any exceptions based on category of ministry (missionary, evangelist, etc.) are as described in the Bylaw. Whenever you have questions about how the District requirements apply to your particular circumstances, please contact the District Secretary-Treasurer’s office. - Michael D. Sharp, D.Min., Network Secretary-Treasurer, ALSOM Director
Ministers who meet the following conditions: 1) are 59 ½ or older, 2) receive no regular income from ministry, 3) do not serve as permanent lead pastor, and 4) have formally requested and received a ministerial status change to SENIOR RETIRED, have no financial obligations to either the General or District Councils. Senior Retired ministers may still be volunteer chaplains, serve without regular remuneration part-time on church staffs, serve in pulpit supply and as short-term interim pastors for love offerings or honorariums, etc. Please contact the district office with any questions as to your proper status.
Our new schedule layout is below. ALSOM students may take any cou rses needed during each quarter.
Quarter 1
January – March
Courses Open for Purchase: January 1
Last Day to Purchase: March 10th
Tests Must be Submitted by March 31st
Quarter 2
April – June
Courses Open for Purchase: April 1
Last Day to Purchase: June 10th
Tests Must be Submitted by June 30th
Quarter 3
July – September
Courses Open for Purchase: July 1
Last Day to Purchase: September 10 th
Tests Must be Submitted by September 30 th
Quarter 4
October – December
Courses Open for Purchase: October 1
Last Day to Purchase: December 10th
Tests Must be Submitted by December 31 st
Each quarter, we will post our entire ALSOM catalog for purchase. The courses required for each level of credentialing are listed below.
Level One (Certified)
BIB 214 Old Testament Survey
BIB 212 New Testament Survey
BIB 121 Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible
BIB 114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
THE 211 Introduction to Theology
THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
THE 152 Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
MIN 171 A Spirit-Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model
MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry
MIN 191 Beginning Ministerial Internship
Level Two (Licensed)
BIB 115 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
BIB 117 Prison Epistles
BIB 215 Romans: Justification by Faith
THE 245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come
MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism
MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics
MIN 251 Effective Leadership
MIN 261 Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions
MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
MIN 291 Intermediate Ministerial Internship
Level Three (Ordained)
THE 311 Prayer and Worship
BIB 313 The Corinthian Correspondence
BIB 318 The Pentateuch
BIB 322 The Poetic Books
MIN 325 Preaching in the Contemporary World
MIN 327 Church Administration, Finance, and Law
MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry
MIN 391 Advanced Ministerial Internship
To enroll in an ALSOM course, please visit Across the top of the page, you will see several tabs. Click on “Store” to purchase a course. Once you add a course to your cart and proceed to check out, you will be prompted to login. If you are a first -time user, you will be asked to enter your email information. After you complete your purchase, an email will be sent to you to create a username and password. When you purchase the course, you will receive access to the course. To access the course, click on the tab “Courses.” This is where you will do all the work for your course. Each course has a pdf textbook. Some courses have additional content such as video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, and additional reading. Your test will come from content from all sources.
Seeing individuals in Alabama work toward and receive their ministerial credentials is one of the most rewarding processes that our office participates in. It is our hope that providing information about the process helps prospective ministers have a better understanding of the steps that must be taken to receive credentials with The Assemblies of God. This process is continually being refined and the Secretary-Treasurer’s office is the only office that can give you up-to-date information and guidance. Avoid outdated information and delays by contacting our office first and always!
There are three levels of credentials: Certified, Licensed, and Ordained. Typically, individuals begin with an application for credentials at the Certified level, then upgrade to Licensed level, and after a two -year tenure at the License level and final coursework, they may upgrade to Ordained. In some circumstances, an individual may qualify to begin the process at the License level. Contact the Secretary-Treasurer’s office and Credentialing Specialist Jennifer Harris for details.
For each level, there is an application process including financial and criminal background checks, reference checks, communication of your call to ministry and beliefs, and a commitment to abide by the policies set forth by the General Council. In addition to these requirements, there are also educational requirements for each level as listed below. These courses may be waived in part or completely (depending on your degree) if you gained a degree at one of our AG Universities. If you graduated from one of our AG Universities, or from another properly accredited university, contact us with any questions about your transcripts. Once credential applicants have completed or are nearing completion of the required courses for each level listed below, they can contact our office for a current application packet and exam study guides. (Always contact the Secretary-Treasurer’s office to determine the legitimacy of any “school” before attending! Your credits might not be acceptable, and you might still be required to take some or all the courses below.)
Certified – 10 courses and passing of the Bible Knowledge Exam and Doctrine Exam
Licensed – 10 courses and passing of the Polity Exam
Ordained – 8 courses + Licensed for 2 years (no additional exam at this time)
Complete Required Education Component
Request an Application Packet and Exam Study Guides
Communicate with the Network about Previous Marriages for Applicant or Spouse
Circumstances that May Impact the Credentialing Process
Submit Application Paperwork to the Network Office
• If the applicant or the spouse have a previous spouse still living, the General Council must approve that divorce. There are five allowances for divorce approvals. They are abandonment of the believer by the unbeliever, spousal infidelity, preconversion, domestic violence, and ecclesiastical annulment.
• If the applicant has filed for bankruptcy and/or has past due payments displayed on their credit report, additional documentation and/or waiting period may be required.
• If the applicant is currently struggling, or has struggled in the past, with life controlling substances or issues, the General Council will ask that the application not be submitted until a certain benchmark of time has been obtained with freedom from those struggles. Contact us for details.
Prospective ministers who feel they may fall into one of the categories above should reach out to the SecretaryTreasurer’s office for conversations about what impact this may have and the correct next steps.
Network Secretary-Treasurer, Michael D. Sharp, D.Min.
Executive Assistant and Credentialing Specialist, Jennifer Harris
In Remembrance Of…
Rev. Royce Ellison
Royce Ellison, a beloved minister, devoted husband, and loving father passed away on December 1, 2024 at the age of 69. With a heart full of love for others and a deep, abiding faith in God, Royce spent over 50 years of his life serving in ministry, guiding countless people with compassion, wisdom, and unwavering dedicaMon.
Born March 16, 1955, Royce's journey in ministry began early and grew into a remarkable life marked by his kindness, love, and joy in helping others. For more than five decades, he preached the Gospel, offering counsel, comfort, and hope to all who crossed his path. His loving spirit and caring nature made him a friend to everyone he met. He loved well.
Royce's love for his family was evident in his 48 years of marriage to his beloved wife, Teenie. Together, they built a life full of love and faith. Royce was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend. As a minister, Royce's life was a testament to the power of faith, hope and love. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those whose lives he touched. We will forever remember him for his unwavering belief in the goodness of others, his commitment to service, and his love for God and his fellow man.
He is survived by his Wife, Lila Ellison; Daughter, Roxanne (Lance) Meche; Son, Daniel (Kelly) Ellison; Grandchildren, Kelson (Will) Lenior, Cohen Ellison, Anna Meche, Faith Meche, Sadie Ellison, Jase Meche and Nathan Ellison; Sisters, Michelle (James) Ward and Ann Taylor Ellison; and a host of friends and family who he loved dearly.
Royce's life was a reflecMon of the love and grace of God, and his impact will be felt for generaMons to come. He will be dearly missed, but his spirit will live on in the lives of those who carry forward the love he so freely shared. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donaMons be made to Alabama Adult and Teen Challenge at in Royce's memory.
Rev. Jerry R. Lankford
With graMtude for a life filled with faith and compassion, we announce the passing of Reverend Jerry R. Lankford, a devoted husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and beloved pastor, whose faith became sight on December 4, 2024. He was preceded in death by his loving and faithful wife of more than 60 years, Mary Tom Lankford.
Born February 4, 1942, Jerry, known affecMonately by many as “Papa,” was known for his unwavering faith, kindness, and genuine compassion for others. His generosity reached so many in his community with the love of Jesus Christ over 60 years of ministry.
Jerry was a proud father to three sons: Jeff (Liz), David (Danelle), and CurMs (Brooke), who carry on his legacy of love and faith. He was a doMng grandfather to his grandchildren: Jonathan (Bethany), Jessica Bonner (Barry), Andrew, Cole, Presley Chapman (Dakota), and Alayna Lankford, each of whom brought him immeasurable joy. Jerry also celebrated the arrival of five great-grandchildren: Darcy, Daisy Kate, and Barren Bonner; Rylee and Sam Lankford, who were the light of his later years.
A reMred employee of the Alabama Power Company, Jerry dedicated his life not only to his work but also to his true calling as a pastor. Throughout his years of ministry, he built many churches across Alabama, spreading the love of Jesus and touching countless lives with his generous spirit. He became a lifelong pastor to many.
His life was a testament to service, love, and devoMon, and he will be remembered for the impact he made in the lives of those he encountered. Pastor Jerry’s legacy of generosity and faith will conMnue to inspire all who knew him. We know he has received his crown of life and will forever be with the Lord.
Sister Barbara Tyus
Barbara Jeanene Tyus, age 91, passed away Friday evening, December 6, 2024 at her home surrounded by her family.
She was born in Graceville, Florida on August 3, 1933 and was a resident of Dothan, Alabama since 1985. Barbara was a devoted and loyal Pastor’s Wife for over 50 years, and a wonderful, loving mother, grandmother, sister and friend to all who knew her. Family and service to her church were her love and passion. She was an accomplished pianist and accordionist, and loved to praise the Lord with music.
Barbara was preceded in death by her husband of 69 years, Reverend Harold Lloyd Tyus, her parents Tower Stevens and Corine Grant Stevens, brothers Billy Stevens and Jack Stevens, and sister Vivian Stevens Creel.
She is survived by her son Bing Tyus (Debbie) of Lake Wales, Florida; daughter Lomell Taylor (David) of Graceville, Florida; son Max Tyus (Regina) of Pierson, Florida; grandsons Jeremy Tyus (Nicole) and Shane Taylor, granddaughters Emily Stegall (Barry), Tyla Rizzolo (Angelo) and Beth Davis; four great-grandchildren Hannah and Gavin Stegall, and Henley and Cora Tyus, as well as a host of cousins, nieces, and nephews.
On behalf of Alabama Women’s Ministries, we honor
Sister Barbara Tyus
for her many years of faithful service to the women of Alabama. Her love, prayers, friendship and support were an intricate part of this ministry for many decades.
Transferred in:
Renewal season has begun and ends on December 31. Since General Council and Alabama Network offices are closed the last week of the year, our national office advises that all renewals be submitted by December 15
Scon Creswell (L)
Jennifer Creswell (L)
Pastoral Changes: N/A
Royce Ellison
Jerry Lankford
Barbara Tyus
Daniel K. Stephens (C)
J. Ryan Carroll (C)
Angie L. Drummonds (C)
Abigail P. Payne (C)
We want to make you aware of a change with the 2025 credential renewal process this November. Instead of receiving a paper renewal in the mail, you must log in beginning November 1, 2024 to complete your minister credential renewal online before the December 31, 2024 deadline.
Devon B. LeMaster (L)
Stacey Gaston (L)
The General Council’s secure login system called AG Accounts will allow you to create a login if you have not already created one. Please see below for helpful tips on creating an account.
1. Please go to and click on the Log in with Your