The Alabama Messenger March/April 2021

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In the same way, even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other.



Hear HIS Voice We arrived in 2021, coming out of the rst tumultuous year of the “Great Pandemic.” In these unscripted days, we live in knowing what to do can give a person the edge. Not knowing what to do can get you red or killed. Every age has its unique challenges, and those who understand the mes tend to lead the way. I’ve always loved this verse: “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the mes, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment” (1 Chronicles 12:32). There’s an interes ng example of this in the Bible that comes to us from the days of Israel’s monarchy. Circumstances were changing as David was about to be crowned King of Israel. Saul was dead, and the Benjamites had other ideas about the successor to the throne. But the other tribes were in favor of David as their king, and they had met in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him. It was a tense me in Israel, and there was a need for great wisdom to discern those mes. It’s here that the children of Issachar stepped up, knowing what needs to be done and how to do it. The word understanding that we read in this text means to have insight or to act with prudence. The sons of Issachar had analyzed their mes and had perceived correctly what those mes were all about. They knew what to do because they understood what was happening. It was obvious to them that Saul had not been a good king and there was no established dynasty to keep the kingship in the tribe of Benjamin. David had emerged as a real leader by virtue of his character and ability. He was the type of king Israel needed during those turbulent mes. The sons of Issachar knew exactly what to do. All of the tribes should get together and crown David as the new King of Israel. God is looking for individuals like the sons of Issachar to have a tuned ear to His voice and seek to know what to do in mes that are hard to understand. In a world where “prophets” have told us what God is saying and loud voices tell us the way to go, we need a “sure” voice to guide us. It reminds me of the story in 1 Kings. “So He said, “Go forth and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD was passing by! And a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind. And a er the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. A er the earthquake a re, but the LORD was not in the re; and a er the re a sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” Then he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am le ; and they seek my life, to take it away” (1 Kings 19:11). In verse 15, God told the man of God to go and do His will. We can’t a ord to subjugate the voice of God for other voices. In this hour—like no other—we must HEAR the voice of God and act upon it.


















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FALSE PROPHETS in the LAND “But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.” - Deut 18:20-22. God’s people have always had to deal with false prophets. This was true in both testaments and throughout church history. For many decades the Pentecostal / charisma c (P/c) movement has endured an apostles-and-prophets movement called the New Apostolic Reforma on (NAR). That movement is the same as the here cal La er Rain Movement our Fellowship o cially condemned in 1949. Sadly, in recent years our leaders have been slow to cri que the false doctrines and prac ces of the NAR. Therefore, many of our pastors and parishioners have been deceived by this aberrant movement. The modern apostles-and-prophets have repeatedly brought shame on Christ and the gospel. The modern-day prophets’ most recent failure was their most spectacular: Their failed prophecies of the re-elec on of the President. This is one of a mul tude of failed prophecies. Most of their prophecies are given in ambiguous language that can later be interpreted however needed. This is true of their grandiose prophe c words proclaiming every new year “a year of new beginnings” or “a year of breakthrough” or whatever, and their prophecies to individuals, groups, or churches. The generalized language gives the false prophets wiggle room to explain how events actually did ful ll their vague predic ons in some way or other. They rede ne their prophecy and call it ful lled! They also use generalized language when prophesying the past, present, or future of individuals: “You’ve been hurt / misunderstood.” Well, who hasn’t? They use posi ve future language: “You’re a world-changer. You’re going to take your city for God.” Who doesn’t want to hear those things? If every such word given in the past 50 years were true there would be no pagans le on planet Earth. When the prophecies fail the prophets blame others for lack of faith or prayer, or claim there was a “spiritual” ful llment, or simply say nothing and move on to their next false prophecy. A ny handful of those who prophesied falsely eventually apologized, but they will quickly begin to “prophesy” again. None of these prophets have admi ed that they all prophesied everything BUT a deadly pandemic for 2020! Where did this modern fad of super-prophets come from? Certainly not from God or his Word. Prophets in the NT were subject to the authority of the Twelve Apostles, the Apostolic teaching, and the local churches. In the NT the words for “rule” or “authority” are never used in connec on with prophets. Those words are reserved for the Twelve Apostles and for the pastors / elders of the local churches. Like the Twelve, the prophets men oned in Ephesians 2:20, 4:11, and 1 Corinthians 12:28f were part of the founda onal era of the church, and like the Twelve, Scripture never teaches that this class of prophets would con nue. Instead, we see the revelatory func on of those ministries completed in God’s Word. The Pastor-Teachers / elders of local churches, apostolic church plan ng among unreached people, and prophe c speaking by local church believers would all con nue in the power of the Holy Spirit. Today all “prophets” should submit to local churches and learn from genuine Teachers how to correctly interpret God’s word! Neither in the NT nor in church history do we ever see a permanent class of prophets giving words from God for the en rety of God’s people. Even each of the Twelve had limited authority, and apart from the Twelve the NT prophets had none. Prophe c words were to come through leaders and believers in local churches according to God’s sovereign choice, speaking correc on, encouragement, and comfort to God’s people. Using the Apostles’ teaching and the Spirit, the Pastor-Teachers and elders led God’s people in evalua ng all prophecies, and how they should respond. Since the passing of the Twelve Apostles the Chris an church has never had and has never needed an elite class of superapostles or super-prophets. They are not from God. They are neither submi ed nor accountable. They are not speaking from God or for God. These self-proclaimed apostles and prophets are speaking their own desires and their own plans, using, abusing, and confusing God’s people for money, fame, and power. They are false apostles and false prophets, wolves who are devouring God’s people. Good pastors and leaders will be warning God’s people against these false prophets by name, telling the ock to reject them, to never listen to them again (Acts 20:28-30). The Holy Spirit s ll speaks prophe c words through believers as he chooses, but he speaks through whomever he chooses in the churches. We do not treat genuine prophecies with contempt, but we test everything, hold on to the good, reject every kind of evil (1 Thess 5:20-21). That means we must call the TV prophets and all of their visions, angelic visita ons, and trips to heaven what they are: False! God grant us the discernment and courage to do so!








































Church Planting

Men’s Ministry


US Missions

David Strahan, Director email:

Join us for our Upcoming Ministry Network Missions Service Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at 9:30 am. Our Special Guest is Rev. Sam Johnson, Founder and Executive Director of Priority One

Thank you for your continued support of our Alabama Missionaries! Thank you for your faithful support. This has been a wonderful year with several of our missionaries transitioning to fully appointed. We also had several new missionary associates appointed this year. Currently, we have 92 AGWM and US missionary personnel and families serving around the world. This is the most missionaries that we have ever had in Alabama. Praise the Lord!


Visit our website at: for a list of missionaries itinerating. A document at the bottom of the page has a current list of itinerating missionaries. For a list of all itinerating missionaries, including those serving in sensitive countries, contact the office at 334-279-7172 ext 5.

Thank you Alabama! You gave $411,874.21 to LFTL in 2020! We placed 5th in the Nation!

We invite every man to Join us the 1st Tuesday night of each month at 7:00 pm for MANTALK! This is a virtual meeting via ZOOM. For more information, visit

Become a 360Man by going to or scan the QR code to sign up!

Mark Your Calendars NOW! Men’s Encounter 2021 September 23rd-25th Springville Camp & Conference Center A







planting C H U R C H



Thank you for all those who attended our recent CP&D Banquet Tour. We are grateful for the support as we look forward to the future of church planting in Alabama. If you have not turned in your 2021 faith promise, please do so. Link to Alabama Church Planting videos on Vimeo:

Guest Speaker:

Rev. Rick Allen



Women, Make your Life Rally a priority! Why?

1. Because I want to see you in person! 2. Because we believe in MISSIONS! 3. Because you are sure to leave encouraged! I can’t wait to you there!

Sincerely, Cyndi Draughon




$40 Deposit + Balance Due Upon Arrival $120 Total Per Person- Cabin $130 Total Per Person- Lodge

Space is Limited Please register ASAP


We hope to see you at SPRINGVILLE CAMP & CONFERENCE CENTER this fall!

ENGAGE RETREAT September 16-18. 16-18. 2021 September 2021


SPRINGVILLE CAMP & CONFERENCE for CENTER a local missions outreach to Choctaw JUNE 7-11, 2021 GUEST SPEAKERS:



at home and around the world! TENNISON & MARTHA

County, Alabama. We will be partnering with Pastor Scottie & Phyllis Fulcher and Butler First Assembly of God to bring hope to those in need through FAITH Groceries. We will also be helping to make repairs at recent church plant in a nearby community. If you’d like to partner with us, please text or email our of ce. More info will be coming soon!


Join the Alabama Women’s Department for a local missions outreach to Choctaw County, Alabama. We will be partnering with Pastor Scottie & Phyllis Fulcher and Butler First Assembly of God to bring hope to those in need through FAITH Groceries. We will also be helping to make repairs at recent church plant in a nearby community. If you’d like to partner with us, please text or email our office. More info will be coming soon!



Cell: 334-324-8064


Alabama Youth Ministries Steven A. Mason District Youth Director

Email: 334-279-7172 x3 2020 Top Youth Group Offerings January-December Pinedale Assembly, Clanton


Montgomery First Assembly


Atmore First Assembly


Lifechurch, Birmingham


Evangel Church, Montgomery


Jackson First Assembly


Hartselle First Assembly


Tuscaloosa First Assembly


Crossroads, Albertville


Robertsdale First Assembly


* U P C O M I N G * E V E N T S * March 5-6 // Youth Convention-The Rock Church, Huntsville April 16-17 // Fine Arts Festival-Kingwood, Alabaster May 31-June 10 // Foreign AIM-Costa Rica July 19-24 // Stateside AIM-New York City August 2-6 // National Fine Arts Festival-Orlando August 21 // G5 Conference-Montgomery



2020 Grand Club CHURCHES DIAMOND AWARD CHURCHES ($25,000+) $63,047.55 $55,519.16 $50,000.00 $30,931.33 $29,006.69 $26,100.00

First Assembly of God, Montgomery Vincent Revival Center First Assembly of God, Phenix City First Assembly of God, Dothan Lomax Assembly of God, Clanton First Assembly of God, Ozark

PLATINUM AWARD CHURCHES ($10,000-$24,999) $18,233.00 $16,638.92 $16,383.70 $15,400.00 $14,123.00 $10,516.72 $10,500.00 $10,163.28

Burns Assembly of God, Slocomb First Assembly of God, Jackson Lifechurch, Birmingham Madison Assembly of God Crossroads Assembly of God, Albertville Bethel Assembly of God, Ariton Island Church, Orange Beach First Assembly of God, Hartselle

GOLD AWARD CHURCHES ($5,000-$9,999) $9,773.97 $9,560.00 $8,866.31 $7,050.00 $7,000.00 $6,947.19 $6,100.00 $5,940.50 $5,846.00 $5,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

First Assembly of God, Tuscaloosa First Assembly of God, Robertsdale Weatherly Road Assembly of God, Huntsville First Assembly of God, Newton Orchard Assembly of God, Semmes City Church, Mobile First Assembly of God, Bay Minette Appleton Assembly of God, Brewton First Assembly of God, Butler Haw Hill Assembly of God, Brundidge Harper’s Joy Assembly of God, Dothan Clearwater Assembly of God, Wagarville

SILVER AWARD CHURCHES ($2,500-$4,999) $4,940.00 $4,676.00 $4,293.66 $3,930.00 $3,906.19 $3,619.00 $3,545.15 $3,515.53 $3,235.00 $3,200.00 $3,150.08 $3,025.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,883.85 $2,772.58 $2,763.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00


Sunshine Assembly of God, Clanton CenterPointe Assembly of God, Mobile Moffett Road Assembly of God, Mobile First Assembly of God, Ashland First Assembly of God, Clanton Calvary Temple Assembly of God, Saraland Range Assembly of God, Repton Lake City Assembly of God, Guntersville Faith Christian Center, Ozark First Assembly of God, Geneva Fellowship Church, Oxford Marvin Chapel Assembly of God, Coffee Springs Pinedale Assembly of God, Clanton First Assembly of God, Pleasant Grove Piney Grove Assembly of God, Samson First Assembly of God, Florence First Assembly of God, Sumiton Temple Assembly of God, Clanton New Haven Assembly of God, Brundidge First Assembly of God, Eufaula Shady Grove Assembly of God, Samson

HONOR AWARD CHURCHES ($1,000-$2,499) $2,411.60 $2,280.05 $2,272.00 $2,132.88 $1,950.00 $1,800.00 $1,780.00 $1,710.00 $1,700.00 $1,688.88 $1,650.00 $1,528.15 $1,523.83 $1,504.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,341.00 $1,301.04 $1,235.00 $1,219.00 $1,200.00 $1,160.00 $1,159.63 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,088.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Evangel Church, Montgomery Daleville Assembly of God Excel Assembly of God Bethel Worship Center, Wetumpka Fellowship Temple, Northport Taylor Assembly of God, Dothan Risen Life Church, Columbiana Thompson Chapel Assembly of God, Jemison Legacy Church, Gadsden Coleman Assembly of God, Frisco City Southview Assembly of God, Opelika Calvary Assembly of God, Mobile First Assembly of God, East Brewton New Life Worship Center, Samson All Tribes Native American Indian, Midland City Connect Church, New Brockton Hanceville Assembly of God Agape Assembly of God, Eclectic First Assembly of God, Greenville Mount Vernon Assembly of God, Elba First Assembly of God, Ashford Cornerstone Assembly of God, Mobile Calvary Temple Assembly of God, Anniston Metro Worship Center, Mobile Wooten Chapel Assembly of God, New Brockton First Assembly of God, Elba Christian Life Assembly of God, Birmingham Chancellor Assembly of God Holloway Tabernacle, Coffee Springs Celebration Church, Fairhope Praise Family Church, Mobile First Assembly of God, Samson Lighthouse Assembly of God, Union Springs


(334) 279-7172 Ext. 4


For more information on these events & more, please contact: Kristi Norris @ or (334) 279-7172 Ext. 4 or visit



Clearwater A/G.................................... $33,000.00 Orchard A/G.......................................... $20,617.20 First A/G, Montgomery..................... $19,909.04 Praise Family Church........................ $14,918.00 First A/G, Phenix City..........................$14,000.00 Vincent Revival Center..................... $12,747.33 Garywood A/G..................................... $10,000.00 Thompson Chapel A/G................... $9,825.76 First A/G, Robertsdale....................... $9,114.22 Fountain of Life Church.................... $8,695.49

Hobson A/G................................................. $836.00 Weeks Memorial........................................ $635.00 First A/G, Bay Minette............................. $600.00 Harper's Joy A/G....................................... $600.00 Kingwood A/G............................................ $600.00 First A/G, Montgomery........................... $600.00 The Crossing................................................ $600.00 Faith A/G....................................................... $594.88 First A/G, Atmore....................................... $500.00 Temple A/G..................................................$473.93




KIDS KIDS 456 456 Kids456 was a huge success! We had a total of 143 in attendance. Many kids were filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, several healed, and many touched by the power of the Lord at the Altars. Thank you to Georgia District KidMin Director, Russell Smith and his team for their awesome ministry. Thanks also to Evers Capps, Caleb Miller, Eli Miller, Anna Stevens, Phillip & Christy Stevens, Emma White, and Tim & Marcia Jones for serving our Alabama kids. Special thanks to Scott & Annie Miller for leading the Small Group Sessions.


BOOK REVIEW: PROTECTING GOD’S PEOPLE from FALSE PROPHETS The Pentecostal – charismatic movement has been a prolific source of aberrant, heretical teachings and practices for over a century. One of the more successful aberrant movements calls itself the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Originating in the 1940’s New Order of the Latter Rain, the NAR has many heretical doctrines and practices. These include the restoration of apostles and prophets equal to the Twelve, regular supernatural guidance through prophetic words, the rise of an elite end-time generation who will do greater miracles than Jesus and the Twelve and conquer the world for God, and more. Virtually all of the NAR television / internet super-prophets falsely prophesied the re-election of President Trump. Their spectacular failure has brought great reproach on the Gospel. This is only the latest in a long line of failures of all kinds in the apostles-and-prophets movement. The Assemblies of God in 1949 officially rejected the Latter Rain (NAR) movement as heterodox, unbiblical, and dangerous. For years the Latter Rain movement largely disappeared from view. It resurfaced in the form of the NAR in the 1980’s. Promising end-time revival, greater spiritual power, and more spectacular supernatural experiences, the NAR has grown into an influential movement. It’s pervasive errors and excesses have hurt tens of thousands of people. Two recent books provide the most balanced, detailed analysis of the NAR ever done. These outstanding works are endorsed by such prominent Pentecostal scholars and leaders as Craig Keener, Amos Yong, Vinson Synan, Michael Clarensau, and others. They present an in-depth evaluation of all NAR doctrines and practices, revealing NAR’s repeated misinterpretation of Scripture, and correctly explaining what all of the relevant biblical passages really mean. The authors, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, are Christian leaders active in ministry and apologetics. They believe in the continuing supernatural ministry of the Spirit. They accept NAR followers as fellow Christians trapped in serious doctrinal errors. Their evaluation is very fair, and therefore very devastating to the NAR. As you read you will encounter the leaders, language, teachings, and practices of the NAR. You will realize how deeply these erroneous beliefs have penetrated many Pentecostal churches and ministries. You will recognize the names of prominent ministers and ministries that are a part of the NAR. You will realize how unbiblical and how dangerous the NAR is for genuine, biblical Pentecostal life and practice. Every Pentecostal / charismatic minister and lay leader should read these books. If you are a discerning Pastor, teacher, or leader, then you love God, His Word, and His People, and you want to know the truth. These books tell the truth, truth that some Pentecostals / charismatics will not want to hear. I urge you to order them today. God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 159 pages. In this book the authors provide an introduction and overview of the NAR. All of the NAR’s major teachings and practices are examined and compared with Scripture. A glossary of NAR terminology equips the reader to recognize such terms as evidence of NAR influence. Lists of NAR teachers and organizations are provided. This book is excellent for pastoral teaching or for a small group study (under good leaders!). “If you have a loved one who has been drawn into this movement, or you want a brief and accurate introduction to it, or if you … simply want a brief introduction for yourself, this book is for you.” A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 254 pages. In this book the authors go into greater depth. They examine the historical-theological origins of the NAR, its growth, its attempts to gain influence in politics and among other churches. They explore all unique NAR doctrines and practices including apostles, prophets, strategic level spiritual warfare, an elite end-time miracle working army of God, spectacular spiritual experiences, dominionism, and so forth. In every instance the authors exhaustively examine what the Bible actually teaches about all of these things, compare this to NAR teaching, and demonstrate the aberrant, dangerous, often heretical nature of the NAR. Every Pentecostal / charismatic pastor should read this book. Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. District Secretary-Treasurer 13 ALSOM Director

BOOK REVIEW: PROTECTING GOD’S PEOPLE from DECEPTION The QAnon Deception: Everything You Need to Know About the World’s Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theory, James A. Beverley. Concord, NC: EqualTime Books, 2020.

On October 28, 2017, the first message from someone called “Q Clearance Patriot” was posted on the internet. The post falsely predicted the October 30 arrest of Hillary Clinton. This person(s) would come to be known as “Q”, and soon create the largest and most divisive conspiracy theory in history. It was the first of almost 5,000 confusing, cryptic “Drops” that became the fuel of the QAnon (Q Anonymous) movement. Consistently promoting an incendiary mix of conspiracy theories new and old, Q tapped into a deep distrust and hostility among many people, inflaming that into a cult-like movement that swept millions into its fold. The QAnon conceptual universe soon consisted of a conglomeration of conspiracy theories. Some were older theories held by politically or religiously conservative people, such as the belief in an international conspiracy of shadowy figures like the Rothschilds and the Illuminati who were always about to create a one-world government. The major new conspiracy theories integrated into the old claimed there was an international cabal of Satanists engaged in child trafficking for sex and human sacrifice. All of these theories claimed the leaders of these atrocities were prominent American Democratic politicians and other world leaders. The Q Drops portrayed President Donald Trump as the courageous leader of people of true faith and patriotism, a man opposing these forces of evil that pervaded the deep state here and abroad. Dr. Beverley documents (with specific citations) many other bizarre conspiracy theories created and integrated into the QAnon worldview, far too many to list here. The long-standing distrust of many evangelicals toward socially liberal politicians, the resonance that the major Q conspiracy theories have with some evangelical eschatological perspectives, the prevalence of conspiratorial mind-sets among large segments of the evangelical / Pentecostal movements, and the antagonism Christians feel for occult religions (Satanism) and for child trafficking, combined to give QAnon an open door into the hearts and minds of millions of American Christians. Many Christians became entranced with the cryptic, ambiguous Drops of Q and of the major “Q Teachers” or interpreters. Millions of sincere, well-meaning believers fell ever deeper into the rabbit hole of worldly conspiracies, and became increasingly hostile to friends and family members who did not believe in the “truths” of Q. The lies, division, and hatred produced by QAnon soon divided friends, families, and churches across America. Dr. Beverley examines the Q phenomenon in great detail. He provides exhaustive footnotes and nine extensive appendices on topics directly related to QAnon, including past conspiracy theories. His meticulous research covers the basics of QAnon, the origins and possible identity of Q, the primary and secondary conspiracy theories of Q with their many internal contradictions, the lack of any convincing evidence for the major and minor teachings of Q, and the failure of almost all of Q’s predictions. He explains the reasons Q appeals to many evangelicals, the use of QAnon theories by famous Christian “prophets”, and the very serious damage done by QAnon to millions of Americans, Christians, and to our national life. He writes with compassion and respect for those ensnared by this deceptive belief system. God’s word repeatedly warns us that the adversary of our souls is a liar, the father of lies, a deceiver, the one who sows strife, hatred, and fear, who divides the body of Christ, turns our hearts away from our first love, and distracts us from Christ, Christ’s mission, and the gospel. This fear and hatred, this divided loyalty, are the fruits of QAnon. This excellent book is a stark warning to the Church of the demonic dangers of this movement. I highly recommend it. Dr. James A. Beverley is Research Professor at Tyndale University in Toronto, Canada, and Associate Director at the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Woodway, Texas. The author of many highly regarded books and articles, he is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the American Academy of Religion, and Associate Editor of Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions (2017, 9th edition). Over the past four decades Beverley has built an international reputation as an expert on world religions, new religions, and conspiracy theories. He is often called upon for his expertise by Christian and secular media outlets, by other academic researchers, and in civil and criminal trials. Beverley is an evangelical Christian, a friend of Dr. Michael Brown, and a repeated guest on Dr. Brown’s The Line of Fire radio broadcast. Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. District Secretary-Treasurer ALSOM Director


Encouragement 1 Thess. 5:11 So encourage each other to build each other up, just as you are already doing. So many today are discouraged by the rampant sin in our land, na onal disunity, the economic stress, the lack of fervency for God, and so much more. It would be easy to get caught up in all the malaise and life draining nega ve thinking. Yes, life is a challenge today, be we also have the wonderful promises of God and a future that has been established by God's great love. I believe we need encouragement more today than ever, and we need to make a new concerted e ort to be encouragers. To encourage is to give strength and courage to a faltering faith or a depressed heart. Let me share a few things to do to help you become an encourager. 1. Turn on your spiritual radar. We walk right pass so many on a daily basis that need encouragement. Ask the Lord to help you see the needs of others around you, and to be willing to reach out. 2. Look past the nega ves and see the need. We tend to no ce the bad in others, the faults or weaknesses. Determine to see their poten al, to see them as God sees them. 3. Plan and prepare to encourage. Keep a li le cash aside for someone in need. Don't be so rushed you can't stop and pray with someone. Keep a Bible handy, perhaps one you can leave with someone. 4. Ask for God's wisdom, discernment and direc on. You need God's direc on to know how someone needs to be encouraged. Some just need a hug or to be told you care, some need prayer, some may need nancial or physical help, and some may need a listening ear. When you see someone always be open to God's Spirit direc ng you to encourage in ways you may not have thought of. 5. Take me daily to listen for God's encouragement list. Besides those you may encounter during the day, spend some me with God and let him place the names of people in your heart that need encouragement. Many mes I have just sat in God's presence wai ng for the Lord to lead me. God will give me a name for me to pray for or send a card to, or an encouragement email. So o en they respond with, "that card came just at the right me". 6. Realize encouragement is Spiritual maintenance for the Body of Christ. As we are encouraged, built up and strengthened we help the church be all she can be. Just a few words of encouragement can recharge a believer's ba eries and they are o again to minister. I know the words, "Pastor that was a great message", or "I just want you to know I appreciate you" has been a blessing to you. As the Scripture implies, when we are red, depressed, discouraged, and weak....encouragement build us up and places us on the front lines once more to serve with power and e ec veness. Acts 13:15 "Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak."
























Two schedule options will be offered for the Spring 2021 Semester to accommodate for the course changes which have been made by the General Council. They feel the new course arrangement will better prepare candidates for the exam content given at the end of the Certified and License level. Follow this course listing if you began taking ALSOM courses prior to August 2020. Class Month January





Level 1 Courses (Certified) THE 142 A/G History, Missions, and Governance BIB 114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine BIB 115 Acts: The Work of the Holy Spirit BIB 117 Prison Epistles

Level 2 Courses (Licensed) THE 211 Intro to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective BIB 212 New Testament Survey BIB 214 Old Testament Survey BIB 215 Romans: Justification by Faith MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics

Level 3 Courses (Ordained) THE 311 Prayer and Worship BIB 318 The Pentateuch BIB 313 The Corinthian Correspondence BIB 322 The Poetic Books MIN 325 Preaching in the Contemporary World

Follow this course listing if you began taking ALSOM courses August 2020 or after. Class Month

Level 1 Courses Level 2 Courses Level 3 Courses (Certified) (Licensed) (Ordained) January THE 142 MIN 123 THE 311 A/G History, Missions, The Local Church in and Governance Evangelism Prayer and Worship February BIB 114 BIB 115 BIB 318 Christ in the Synoptic Acts: The Work of the Holy Gospels Spirit The Pentateuch March THE 114 BIB 117 BIB 313 Introduction to Prison Epistles The Corinthian Pentecostal Doctrine Correspondence April BIB 212 BIB 215 BIB 322 New Testament Romans: Survey Justification by Faith The Poetic Books May BIB 214 MIN 223 MIN 325 Old Testament Introduction to Homiletics Preaching in the Survey Contemporary World If you have any questions about which schedule you should follow, please contact Jennifer Harris at 16

Rev. Dikes Eugene Weeks

Rev. Dikes, who was 67 of Elba, AL departed this life Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at Southeast Health in Dothan, Alabama. Funeral services were held at Hayes Funeral Home Chapel on Friday, December 18, 2020 at 11:00 AM with Rev. Dwight Johnson officiating. Committal services followed in the Evergreen Cemetery. Survivors include: Wife - Kathy Weeks, Elba, AL, Son - Ashley Bryan (Monica) Weeks, Ozark, AL, Son - David Blake (Tasha) Weeks, Elba, AL, Grandson - Chandler Weeks, Elba, AL, Granddaughter - Shelby Weeks, Ozark, AL, Grandson - David Weeks, Ozark, AL, Granddaughter - Graycee Weeks, Elba, AL, Granddaughter - Morgan Weeks, Elba, AL, Granddaughter - Molly Weeks, Ozark, AL, Granddaughter - Piper Weeks, Elba, AL, Brother - Dwight (Lanette) Weeks, Geneva, AL.

Rev. Janice Webb Burdick

(7/15/28 – 1/7/21) After a brief illness, the soul of Mrs. Janice Burdick restfully passed from this earth into eternal rest and into the presence of our heavenly father on the evening of 1/7/21. Janice lived a long and prayerful life and will be fondly remembered by all family and friends. She was a lifelong residence of Montgomery graduating from Sidney Lanier High School and then furthering her education at Southeastern Bible College in Lakeland, Florida. Janice was skilled in the art of piano. In fact, not only as a player of the piano, but also as a piano teacher to many of the youth in Montgomery. After her collegiate career at Southeastern, she became the wife of a sailor in the United States Navy and also, later in life, the Assistant Pastor at Trinity Assembly of God in Montgomery, Alabama. Her ministry career began earlier on as Assistant Pastor and Music director at First Assembly of God in Hewitt, Trussville Alabama, in the early 50’s, and culminated with Janice receiving her pastoral license in the year of 2000.

Rev. Orville Franklin Whitacre, Jr.

Rev. Whitacre, 73, of Phenix City, AL stepped into Glory while at Piedmont Columbus Midtown, Columbus, GA on Friday, January 29, 2021. Rev. Whitacre was born February 17, 1947 in Bucyrus, OH, son of the late Orville F. Whitacre, Sr., and LaRue Helfinstine Whitacre. He was a life-long pastor of Assemblies of God churches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Louisiana and Alabama. Rev. Whitacre was also active with the Fellowship of Christian Magicians (FCM), serving as the Treasurer. He was also an accomplished Karate instructor and 3rd Degree Black Belt. Other ministry opportunities he served in included: Past President of the Ministers Association, Director of the Washington County, FL Literacy and Director of a Puppet Ministry at the New Orleans 1984 World’s Fair. His ministry has and will continue to impact his family and those around him. We are grateful he followed God’s call on his life to serve as a Pastor and Shepherd.

Rev. Calvin Franklin Faircloth, III

Rev. Faircloth, age 73, a resident of Brundidge, died Thursday, October 29, 2020 at Flowers Hospital. He is survived by his wife of 54 years: Eva Faircloth; children: Charles Calvin Faircloth, Twyler Lynn Ellis (Allen), Calvin Franklin Faircloth IV, Adam Joshua Faircloth (Patty); grandchildren: Charlie Faircloth, Cassie Terry, Brandi Homan, Haley "Bug" Ballard , Hayden "Mooch" Youngblood, Emma Lou Faircloth; numerous great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, and other family; and a close friend: Ray Sanders. He is preceded in death by his parents: Calvin Franklin Faircloth, II and Eula Clyde Maulden Faircloth; and sister: Sylvia Hussey. He was born and raised in Coffee County. He served our country in the Army National Guard. Rev. Faircloth worked as a successful mechanic in his own shop and pastored at a number of churches. He loved sharing the Gospel and giving “ear adjustments” to the children he ministered to. He had a special bond with Gracelyn and Emma over saving money. He enjoyed assigning creative nicknames to people he held dear. He found joy in gardening vegetables and tinkering in his shop. Calvin had a special love for his dogs, especially Blue.


In memory of those who have gone before us…

TRANSFERRED IN: -Matthew Baker (L) -Charles Brewster (O) -Carlon Chadler (L) -Jerry L. Miller (O) -Charles White (O) -Brandon Lee Shirley (C)

DECEASED: -Janice Burdick -Calvin Franklin Faircloth, III -Dikes Weeks -Orville Whitacre, Jr.



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APRIL 19-21






5919 Carmichael Road Montgomery, AL 36117


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