The Alabama Messenger September-October 2020

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/ 2020 Volume 34/Number

We are still in the midst of a pandemic and it’s extremely important to know God’s amazing power and presence for times like these. The Word of God declares in Psalm 91:1-6, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust. Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” First, let’s look at this extremely frightening word in this text. “Pestilence!” It means a dreaded disease, an epidemic, or pandemic occurrence of sickness that has caused many deaths (over 800K worldwide at this printing). From Biblical times to this date, there have been diseases that have had their adverse effects throughout history. Epidemics and pandemics will come and go until Jesus returns. There will be diseases that will disrupt daily life and may lead to the destruction of many lives. What determines your peace and eternal destination is the faith you live out before the God of heaven and earth, your relationship with Jesus Christ, and your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Finding peace during pestilence and living through a pandemic begins by understanding that God is a personal God. Paul called him, “MY GOD” in Philippians 4. The Old Testament gives us His personal names. Unlike today, in ancient times a person’s name was more than just a likeable label. Hebrew names weren’t like cute and trendy—they described the person that carried the name. King David means “beloved.” The prophet Samuel means “God has heard.” Elijah means "my God is YAHWEH.” First, The Most-High (E-lyon): He cannot be compared to anyone, He is above all things, He owns and is ruler over everything. Supreme! Nothing above Him. The Most-High God. Do not fear the enemy who tries to intimidate you. Know that your God is the Most-High God. There is none above Him. Jesus Christ is exalted high above every name. Next, Almighty (Shad-da-i): Gives us the awareness of God being all-powerful, all-sufficient, a Sovereign ruler who is present all the time. Absolute power! The creator. Supernatural (above the natural). God Almighty, the mighty One of Jacob. God is not just another ‘god’ like the countless idols. He truly is the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. Third, Lord (Yah-weh) Reveals God’s nature in the highest and fullest sense, stressing His absolute faithfulness to fulfill His promises. The “Self-existent One.” He is my Refuge (Mah-si). Last, Fortress (Elo-hi-m): The Lord is My Fortress! This reveals to us God’s intensity in revealing His power, preservation and preparation. God is creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords. He is the Lord Most-High, stronger and mightier than anyone or anything. When you face impossible circumstances or adversaries, now that your God is stronger. God is the one to look to when we’re navigating through an epidemic or pandemic. We will make it through these troublesome days depending on our Almighty God. I’m looking forward to seeing you September 29 at Montgomery 1st for our ‘One Day Council.” Make plans to join us for this important day. Thank you for your ministry partnership.


THE DEADLY SINS WE EXCUSE AWAY All of us who follow Jesus are works in progress. We are o5en blind to those sins and sinful traits that are most deeply rooted in our character. We excuse those sins and view other sins, those which are not our problem, as the “real” sins and failures. The sins we are most likely to excuse are those our parBcular tradiBon or personality have failed to point out to us in God’s word. We read right past them. Have you ever known someone who claimed to be a spiritual person, perhaps even a minister, who was marked by a harsh, controlling, or jealous spirit? Perhaps they cloaked it with a smooth veneer, the camouflage of spirituality, or the mask of self-seeking “love.” Some may have a posiBon, power, the Btle “man of God”, “woman of God.” They might make much of their integrity, ability, or compassion. To many they maintain their false idenBty, while to others who have offended them in some way, or failed to defer to them sufficiently, they reveal their true selves via backbiBng and puniBve behavior. God warns us that their character and sins are just as evil and deadly as hatred, immorality, violence, and murder. Scripture conBnually warns us against these deadly sins. Jealousy or bi:er envy of the posiBon, blessings, or honor of others. Gossip, repeaBng negaBve informaBon about people, even if it is true, simply to damage their influence or exalt our own. Slander, repeaBng untrue or parBally true informaBon about someone in order to damage or destroy them. Unwholesome talk, speech that may sound good, but is actually toxic, that will spiritually and mentally weaken the hearers. Malice, harboring in my heart an aNtude toward someone that desires their hurt or harm in any way. Selfish ambiIon, desiring to be exalted to higher posiBons, acquiring more power, more influence, more control. Vain conceit, an exalted view of myself when in reality I am shallow or empty. Arrogance, an asserBve and unteachable pride in myself, for any reason. ExploitaIon, selfishly using others in order to build up our posiBon, possessions, power. Discord, division, dissension, and strife, destroying the peace and unity of a group. Lording it over others, loving and exercising power over others, exploiBng them to their disadvantage and my advantage. God explicitly warns us that these aNtudes, traits, and behaviors grieve the Holy Spirit, are sinful, unspiritual, and demonic. Things like these mark the person who will not inherit the kingdom of God. When you see someone repeatedly exhibit these things, recognize them as deadly evils that are defiling that person in every way. Do they have a desire for power, influence, control? Do they have great difficulty relinquishing control to others? Do they have great difficulty walking in forgiveness, humility, love, and unity? Do they quesBon or accuse others, o5en publicly, supposedly with a good moBve, before first going to them personally? Are they known primarily for their humility, kindness, and servant’s heart? “16 For where you have envy and selfish ambi:on, there you find disorder and every evil prac:ce. 17 But the wisdom

that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impar:al and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” (James 3:13-18). “29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemp:on. 31 Get rid of all biPerness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:29-32). Be discerning with your role models, your friends, and yourself. Your eternal desBny is at stake.

Alabama Youth Ministries www.alabama Steven A. Mason District Youth Director

Email: d 2020 Top Youth Group Offerings

2020 Top Speed The Light

Januar -August

Januar -August Phenix Cit First Assembl


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Vincent Revival Center




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Montgomer First Assembl





Jackson First Assembl



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Crossroads Assembl , Albertville $7,540.67

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Sunshine Assembl , Clanton



CenterPointe Assembl , Mobile


R be

Bethel Assembl , Ariton



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Tuscaloosa First Assembl




Lifechurch, Birmingham


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October 30-31

November 5 - 7

September 13 // Prayer Zone Partner Sunday September 23 // See You At The Pole October 9-11 // PK Retreat October 18 // Speed The Light Sunday October 30-31 // AYM Girls Conference November 5-7 // Youth Leaders Summit

Thank ou so much for our generosit to Speed the Light. Earlier this summer, we picked up our brand new STL vehicle in Spring eld. We haven’t et shoved it full of students, thanks to Covid, but hopefull we soon will. Pastor, If ou have an students coming to Auburn Universit this Fall, we would love to reach out to them and help them connect with our spiritual communit . You can email me with contact info or an questions: I am pra ing the Lord’s wisdom as ou navigate these unprecedented times. We are grateful for all ou do to serve students and the local church. Craig Woodham, Chi Alpha Missionar to Auburn Universit . We are excited to share that we were able to secure a 12 passenger van for our Selma Alabama Adult and Teen Challenge Men’s Center as a result of STL. Please conve the thanks of the man men who will enjo traveling in comfort because of the sacrice and hard work of the outh of the Alabama district. Their investment will reap untold divine dividends. We are trul blessed. Ed Wilson Executive Director, Adult & Teen Challenge of Alabama In August of 2019, Cr stal and I were blessed with the opportunit to travel to Ken a in partnership with WorldServe International and the National Speed the Light o ce. WorldServe’s mo o is that the trul believe that clean water and sanitation for Africa is in a crisis state, but that this problem can be solved in our lifetime. STL has commi ed to drilling water wells and spreading the Gospel through unconventional means b providing ph sical water along with the living water of Jesus and completel transforming desperate villages in Africa. Your giving makes it possible for WorldServe to strategicall dig wells next to churches. Churches then become powerful oasis centers in which water provides sanitation, restores dignit and changes lives for all eternit . STL is calling for our students across America to end the water crises in Africa once and for all and bring the Gospel to the most remote places so that ever person can nd life in Jesus Christ. The Alabama District has commi ed $150,000 to dig two water wells in Ken a. Thank ou for partnering with us and seeing this come to fruition.

Alabama District Missions and Men’s Department


Church Planting

Men’s Ministry


US Missions

David Strahan, Director email:

Friday, September 11, 2020, at 7:00 pm MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US!



Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God

Alabama District Missions and Men’s Director

Thank you for your faithful support of our Alabama missionaries. Visit our website at: for a list of missionaries itinerating. A document at the bottom of the page has a current list of itinerating missionaries. For a list of all itinerating missionaries including those serving in sensitive countries, contact the office at 334-279-7172 ext 5.

2020 Light for the Lost Pastor Round Tables Section










Appleton Assembly of God

6:00 PM



Praise Family Church

7:00 PM




Dreamland BBQ


11:30 AM



Location TBD

11:30 AM

7:00 PM



First Assembly of God

7:00 PM

Birmingham-Five Points South

Guest Speaker:

Alton Garrison

Tennessee Valley




First Assembly of God Hartselle

O’Charley’s Restaurant


11:30 AM

Phenix City


Tuscaloosa-McFarland Blvd



Jim n’ Nick’s

7:00 PM






First Assembly of God


Classic on Noble

11:30 AM


First Assembly of God

11:30 AM CST 12:30 PM EST

The Blue Plate

11:30 AM



Shane’s Rib Shack

7:00 PM


11:30 AM



Phenix City

Dothan-Ross Clark Circle



First Assembly of God



Lomax Assembly of God

11:30 AM


11:30 AM


Because of COVID19, we are hosting Pastor Round Tables this year in lieu of steak banquets. We will be meeting in rooms where we can follow social distancing protocols to ensure your safety. We are also only inviting our Lead pastors and spouses to join us this year. Brother Garrison will be sharing leadership principles and have a time of Q&A. Then, we will finish with an invitation to support our missionaries through LFTL. Please register at or call our office.


You will discover videos, upcoming events, info for LFTL, 360MAN registration, and promotional materials for our upcoming 360Man Conference.

Your faithful support for CP&D is making a difference! Check out our latest videos on VIMEO!

Cyndi Draughon


ADCAG’s ENGAGE Women’s Conference may have to be on-line this year, but the presence of God will be in person as we connect across the state and around the world. We are praying for a supernatural outpouring to flow into the room where you are and minister powerfully in your life. Don’t miss it!

Cyndi Draughon


Hotel Information

Open with Hall of Faith

Hilton Garden Inn

Communion and

7665 Eastchase Pkwy Montgomery, AL 36117

Memorial Service

Phone: (334) 244-0101

$115 + tax

10:30AM Ordination Service 11:45AM Break for lunch 1:30PM 4:00PM


Gather for Business (must be registered)

Townplace Suites by Marriott 2845 Eastchase Ln Montgomery, AL 36117

Conclude with Missionary Commissioning

Phone: (334) 239-7110

$109 + tax

The District Office ensures you we will do our part to make sure you are entering a clean and safe environment. Thank you for also doing your part by following recommended social distancing guidelines.


Holiday Inn Express 9250 Boyd-Cooper Pkwy Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 271-5516

$77 + tax


DISTRICT COUNCIL 2020 - ORDINANDS "By special action of the General Council Executive Presbytery, all candidates whose district councils were cancelled, shall be considered as having completed the first step of advancement to Ordained status, and may be designated as "Ordained." However, they shall be required to attend their rescheduled district council for the laying on of hands of the Presbytery in order to biblically complete their ordination and shall not receive their certificates until that service." ORDINAND




John Forrest Belson Courtney Draughon Frankie Gossett Cynthia “Niki� Hester Jonathan Hudson Nick Kenly Adam Lawley Anthony B Martin

Baldwin Mobile Phenix City Mobile Demopolis Mobile Birmingham Tennessee Valley

Courtney Martin Ronald C Morris Matt Richardson Donald L Ricketts Rose Stevens Hunter Taubel Stephen Todd Jennifer White

Dothan Demop olis Mobile Mobile Phenix City Mobile Birmingham Mobile

GENERAL PRESBYTERY CHANGES CREDENTIALING COURSEWORK per LEVEL In its August 2020 meeting the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God changed the courses required per level of ministerial credentials. Because of changes in the credential exams in 2018, three courses have now been swapped between the Certified and Licensed levels. In 2021 ALSOM will adopt the new requirements, working with students as we transition into the new standard. The new required coursework per credential level (not necessarily in this specific sequence within each level) is as follows: CERTIFIED Assemblies of God History, Missions, & Governance Old Testament Survey New Testament Survey Introduction to Hermeneutics Christ in the Synoptic Gospels Beginning Ministerial Internship Introduction to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine A Spirit-Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model Relationships and Ethics in Ministry

LICENSED Acts Romans Prison Epistles Eschatology Introduction to Homiletics Intermediate Ministerial Internship Effective Leadership Conflict Management The Local Church in Evangelism Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions

ORDAINED Prayer and Worship Corinthian Correspondence Pentateuch Poetic Books Preaching in t/ Contemporary World Ministerial Internship Pastoral Ministry Church Admin, Finance, and Law

WELCOME to ALSOM Online! September Class Registration now open. 1. Registration/Payment: 2. Course Login:

Remaining 2020 ALSOM Class Schedule Class Opens Class Closes September 1 September 30

Level 1 Courses (Certified) MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism

Level 2 Courses (Licensed) MIN 251 Effective Leadership

October 1 October 31

MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry

MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders

November 1 November 30

MIN 171 A Spirit Empowered Church

MIN 261 Introduction to AG Missions


MIN 191 Beginning MI

MIN 291 Intermediate MI

Level 3 Courses (Ordained) MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry

MIN 391 Advanced MI

Because of the pandemic restrictions we have placed ALSOM Online. Our students have now completed all of the courses in March, April, and May online. ALSOM Online enables us to offer many improvements and savings to ALSOM students, including convenient access to the course materials throughout the month … Ø One-stop online registration & payment of course fee (PDF of textbook included!). Then you have … o Immediate access to the Berean textbook as a PDF that can be read digitally or printed out, o Access to excellent supplementary information, such as instructors notes, relevant articles, videos, podcasts on important course topics, and access to archived lectures for each course, viewed at the student’s convenience, opens on the first day of the course month, o When lessons are completed, immediate access to the study guide for the final exam, o Then, an Online final exam that informs the student of the course grade immediately, Ø All of this is accessed on the page for the course for which you registered. Ø AT A DECREASE in fees from $ 70.00 ($40 textbook + $30 tuition) per course, to $ 50.00 for the whole course, including a free PDF of the textbook. th THE 10 OF THE COURSE MONTH, Registration CLOSES for that course that month. THE 11TH OF THE MONTH before next month begins, Registration OPENS for all courses that next month. EXAMPLE: Registration opens on March 11 for April courses, and closes on April 10 for April courses. You may link to ALSOM’s Registration page at to register for a course & pay the course fee of $50.00 (this covers all course costs). September classes are open for registration now. After registering and paying the course fee, you may access the course at Beginning in January 2021 there will be more new enhancements, including a live interactive session with instructors, email, Q&A, and other capabilities that make every ALSOM class a more accessible, effective, inexpensive, and enjoyable learning experience. For additional information contact the ALSOM Office at 334-279-7172 #2 /

HUMBLING OURSELVES IN ORDER TO READ THE GOOD BOOK WELL If I am to read and understand the Bible as God intended, it will require a lot of study by me, a lot of help from qualified people, and a hungry, teachable heart open to the Holy Spirit’s help through those qualified people. Jesus never promised even his Apostles that the Spirit would lead them into all truth or preserve them from error as individuals. He made that promise to his Apostles as a group, in community. No one is qualified to read and understand Scripture en3rely on their own. God ordains that we learn the Scripture together, receiving the instrucCon of those who have been thoroughly trained to teach us. That’s why we conCnually consult God’s giEs of Teachers by reading books like those reviewed here. Though each is brief, these three books are outstanding helps in reading, understanding, and living God’s Word. The Bible is not a manual for self-improvement, or full of secrets for success-in-life, or about leadership principles, or steps to fulfilling your desCny, or a detailed map of the “end Cmes.” It is the Great Story of God’s mission to redeem for Himself both His CreaCon and a People from every naCon through the person and work of Jesus Christ. To read or preach the Bible in any other way is to place our lies in God’s mouth and claim He said them. Whatever our “feelings” or apparent “success” if we do this, it will not go well for us when we stand before Him and give an account for what we have said in His Name. Here are some excellent aids to reading the good book well. Reading the Good Book Well: A Guide to Biblical Interpreta3on, Jerry Camery-HoggaO, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2007, 240 pages. Jerry Camery-HoggaO is a reCred Professor of New Testament at Vanguard University, an Assemblies of God school in California. In this book the author has provided an engaging, easy-to-read introducCon to reading and interpreCng Scripture. He uses simple language and stories from life to explain and simplify the complexiCes of biblical interpretaCon. In Part 1 HoggaO deals with The Why of Exegesis. Here he explains the determinaCve role of Scripture on what we can accurately know about God and about humanity. The nature and importance of hermeneuCcs is explained, exploring the necessity of sound interpretaCon if we are to understand God’s Word at all. He discusses the importance of recognizing our own paradigms that influence how we read the text and of correcCng those lenses so that we can see God’s Word more clearly. Finally, the issues in Bible translaCon are discussed. In Part 2 HoggaO deals with The How of Exegesis. He deals with the wide variety of topics that must be covered to understand hermeneuCcs and exegesis, the topics with which we must become at least somewhat familiar if we are to read God’s Word correctly: Literary genres, historical context, biblical cultures, manuscript issues, translaCons, the importance of careful exegesis, everything relevant to correctly understanding God’s Word is covered well. He also deals with intertextuality - when one passage is clearly drawing upon or interacCng with another passage - and how that affects interpretaCon. The author repeatedly demonstrates how to determine what the text meant “then” (when first wriOen), and only aEerward what it means for us today. The importance of the original author’s intent in governing the meaning of a passage and of our understanding of that passage is emphasized. His approach is both comprehensive and succinct, fresh in its perspecCve and its structure. The book is filled with excellent and helpful charts, diagrams, and drawings that beauCfully illustrate HoggaO’s points. Jerry Camery-HoggaO’s other specialCes are narraCve theology and storytelling. This shines in his conversaConal wriCng style filled with relevant stories and wiOy humor. His wriCng flows naturally, smoothly, and clearly throughout the book. This is a unique and excellent introducCon to reading Scripture well. It is an excellent starCng place for beginners and an excellent refresher for the experienced.

HUMBLING OURSELVES IN ORDER TO READ THE GOOD BOOK WELL Gospel-Centered Hermeneu1cs: Founda1ons and Principles of Evangelical Biblical Interpreta1on, Graeme Goldsworthy, Downers Grove: IVP, 2006, 341 pages. Teaching and preaching God’s Word begins with interpreFng that Word correctly. Goldsworthy’s book is an excellent addiFon to the growing number of good works on hermeneuFcs. This work is about understanding God’s Word through the person and work of Jesus Christ, a cornerstone principle in reading God’s Word well. The author organized the book in three parts. In Part 1 he examines the nature of evangelical hermeneuFcs. Everyone approaches Scripture with some kind of presupposiFons and interpreFve grid. It is imperaFve that these be evangelical principles arising from Scripture itself, parFcularly from the New Testament’s use of the Old. Part 1 closes with an excellent summary of gospel-centered hermeneuFcs and the biblical theology that must guide our interpretaFon. In Part 2 Goldsworthy explores the aQacks that evangelical hermeneuFcs have faced through the millennia. From the rise of allegory in the ancient through medieval Church, into issues within Catholicism, liberalism, historical and literary criFcism, to dangers posed by postmodern reader-centered approaches, he catalogues the specific challenges to biblical evangelical hermeneuFcs. Part 2 closes with a parFcularly insighUul examinaFon of serious problems within evangelical interpreFve tradiFons of the last two centuries. In Part 3 the author explains the reconstrucFon of evangelical hermeneuFcs on the foundaFon of the gospel, guided by biblical theology. He examines the relaFonship of the gospel with the literary, historical, and theological dimensions of Scripture. Goldsworthy covers the relaFonships of the two Testaments, typology, contextualizaFon, and other criFcal topics. He closes by examining “The hermeneuFcs of Christ,” His person and His work. This is an excellent work, a needed addiFon to your hermeneuFcs resources. I highly recommend it. Eat This Book: A Conversa1on in the Art of Spiritual Reading, Eugene Peterson, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006, 186 pages. Eugene Peterson was brought up in an Assemblies of God home, pastored a Presbyterian church for twenty-nine years, and served as Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College, Vancouver. He thinks as deeply and writes as beauFfully as any ChrisFan author of the past forty-five years. In this parFcular book Peterson brilliantly describes the joy of lec$o divina, “spiritual reading,” one way of reading Scripture which God intended and that saints have pracFced for over 2,000 years. He calls believers back to this way of reading Scripture that “honors words as holy,” a reading that meditates deeply, allowing God’s meaning to enter “our souls as food enters our stomachs, spreads through our blood, and becomes holiness and love and wisdom.” WriFng simply and clearly, Peterson walks us through the nature and process of spiritual reading. He shows how we o^en read Scripture in selfish, shallow ways, looking for a “message,” “principles,” “truths” to make us “feel” beQer. Using Scripture itself, and stories from history and everyday life, the author calls us back to reading God’s Word carefully, humbly, and hungrily, listening for God’s voice, wanFng Him for Himself and not simply for what He can do for us. This powerful, passionate book should be the companion volume, and ul$mate goal, of every other book on reading the Bible. If our interpreFve journey does get us to here, we’ve wasted our Fme. Eat this book. Michael D. Sharp, DMin District Secretary-Treasurer ALSOM Director

The Challenge of Self-diagnosing your Spiritual Strength Having worked with many ministers that have had a moral failure one consistent truth is evident in all of them; they were not aware of how weak they were spiritually. They allowed themselves to become spiritually weak to the point they gave in to tempta<on. We know from Scripture that with every tempta<on there is a way of escape, but we have to see that way of escape and have the strength to take it. No minister I have worked with got up one morning and said “today I think I will have a moral failure”. It is impera<ve we stay strong spiritually, especially as leaders, in order to stay true to our rela<onship with God and with those we love and serve. So how do we know when we are geEng spiritually weak? Self-diagnosis is difficult and yet Scripture tells us to judge ourselves, or to assess where we are in our walk with the Lord. Here are some red flags that you are weakening spiritually. 1. Ministry becomes ritualis<c – If your ministry has become a habit, a rou<ne, a way of paying the bills, and not flowing from an in<mate rela<onship with God you are spiritually vulnerable. How oMen have we thought how could he or she have done that? They were in the pulpit every week. They were serving God so faithfully. The outward display of ministry is not always an indica<on of what is happening on the inside. 2.You do not have a desire to spend <me with God or in His Word beyond that which is required for you to perform your du<es - Do you read the Word? Yes. Do you pray? Yes. You do because they are required to fulfill your ministerial responsibili<es. Is there that desire to be with God even if you had no ministerial responsibili<es? If you find your doing only what is required you are spiritually vulnerable. 3.You are experiencing unusual mental fa<gue – When you are not in sync with God it places stress upon anyone born again, and especially one called into ministry. The Holy Spirit is trying to warn you, to let you know something isn’t right. Don’t pass this off as doing too much, but realize it is God’s presence that gives you the strength and peace you need. 4.You know in your heart the anoin<ng is not the same – You may wonder why God isn’t moving the way He used to, or why don’t I feel the anoin<ng like I used to? The weaker we become spiritually the less sensi<ve we are to the moving and anoin<ng of God, and it shows. We can conduct services and get some results from our talents and experience, but we know something is missing. If the anoin<ng is waning in your life you are vulnerable. 5.You don’t have the same passion or concern for others – If we become weak spiritually we tend to turn more inward, and can find ourselves feeling overwhelmed at having to meet other’s needs. We may feel put upon or even taken advantage of and will tend to withdraw. If you have lost your passion for others you are vulnerable. There are others, but let me finish by saying you can’t fully self-diagnose your spiritual weakness. Yes, the Holy Spirit will help you, but also ask your spouse if they see any weakness developing in your life. Have someone you can talk to and help you remain accountable. If you ignore it too long you may not see the way of escape or have the strength to say no when tempta<on comes your way. We can do all things through Christ so stay very close to Him.



Kenneth Draughon District Superintendent

Vint Norris District Christian Education Director

John A. Loper, Jr. Assistant Superintendent

Steven Mason District Youth Ministries Director

Michael D. Sharp District Secretary-Treasurer

David Strahan District Missions/Men’s Director


Cynthia Draughon District Women’s Ministries Director

Kenneth Draughon Murray Kelley George Sawyer













Remembering those… Rev. Fred Lawson Fred Lawson a resident of the Babbie Community passed away Friday, July 24, 2020, in a Meridian, Mississippi At Home hospital, at the age of 76. Serving as pallbearers will be Randy Wilson, Jeff Hawkins, Jared Hawkins, Eric Carroll, Dylan Browder, and Michael Morgan. Le^ to cherish his memory, his loving wife of 54 years, Helen Lawson; with the daughters, Melissa Wilson (Randy) of Abbeville, AL; Christy Hawkins (Jeff) of Andalusia; grandchildren, April Carroll (Eric) of Ashford, AL; Allie Hawkins, Jared Hawkins, and Jake Hawkins, all of Andalusia; great-grandchildren, Bryant Lord Reynolds, Aidan Carroll, and Annabelle Carroll; brothers, Lamar Lawson of Andalusia; Ricky Lawson of Andalusia; sister, Sylvia Neal (Terry) of Andalusia. Mr. Lawson was preceded in death by his parents, Edlow Wilson Lawson and Lois MaIhews Lawson; a son, Jessie Lawson; brothers, Robert Lawson, John Lawson Donald Lawson and sister, Sherry  Barfoot. He re_red from the Covington County Road Department as a Bridge Foreman; the Lawson's aIended Gardener's Chapel and he loved fishing, hun_ng, and spending _me with his grandchildren. He will be greatly missed.

Rev. Glenn Snodgrass Rev. Glenn Dale Snodgrass, a resident of Spanish Fort, Alabama, passed away at his home on Thursday, August 13, 2020, at the age of 85. Glenn was a pastor and minister of Assembly of God churches for over 50 years. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Sally Ann Snodgrass; three daughters, Fonda GanI (Cleve) of Spanish Fort, AL, Joy Headley (Gregg) of Waxahachie, TX and Glenda Snodgrass (Mitch Adair) of Mobile, AL; grandchildren, Adam and Brandi Headley of Midland, TX, Nathan and Brooke Headley of Trussville, and Sally GanI of Spanish Fort, AL; greatgrandchildren, Karsyn Headley, Ellasyn Headley, Emersyn Headley, Madison Headley, Ethan Headley, Nolan Headley and Griffin Headley.

…who await us.

Alabama District Council Alabama District Council of the Assemblies of God of the Assemblies of God 5919 Carmichael Road 5919 Carmichael Road Montgomery, AL 36117-2507 Montgomery, AL 36117-2507

Lambert Lake

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