eedition The Daily Mail January 19 2022

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022 B9


Fiance’s lady friends pose big problem for intended Dear Abby, My fiance, “Peter,” has a number of female friends I’m not comfortable with, primarily because they are women he “had” interest in before we started dating. He says he has told them he’s taken now and they can’t be more than friends, but I don’t think they got the DEAR ABBY message. He recently told me one of them told him a guy had proposed to her but she’s delaying accepting in case Peter becomes available. This is the second time something like this has happened. I believe it’s because of the way he relates to these girls. I mean, if he has really made clear in words and actions that he’s not interested in them romantically, they wouldn’t base their life decisions on the hope that they may still have a chance with him. Peter may tell me these things because he wants me to know lots of women are willing to have him. But I’m confused at this point about whether he’s truly committed to me. Could it be he just likes “talking” to women even though it leads them on? And is this behavior healthy for a future marriage? Second Thoughts


You are asking intelligent questions. Unfortunately, not knowing your fiance, I can’t answer them. I can, however, offer this: When couples become serious, they stop playing games. If your fiance thinks that causing you to feel jealous or insecure at this point is constructive, he is making a mistake because it won’t stop after the wedding. Peter appears to be immature, and that’s a red flag. Premarital counseling may help to clear the air. Dear Abby, I have been married for 28 years. I thought

we were very happy for the first 25. The change came when our children all left home. We sold our large house, which I was more than willing to do. But the house we have moved into causes me a lot of anxiety because of the traffic noise. My husband is very forceful about his “right” to choose where we live. He has insisted that the next move is also his choice and has already purchased the land. He claims he has provided for others all these years, and now it’s his turn to get what he wants. Abby, I raised the children, I still have a job and I contribute to every aspect of home life. Although I love him with all my heart, I wonder if I’d be better off throwing in the towel. He refuses to go to counseling, but I have gone, to help with my anxiety. After three years in this new home, I don’t see any sign he will change his ways. I have tried talking to him about choosing something different together and moving, but he won’t do it. Help! Back Up Against The Wall I can’t change your husband’s attitude and, apparently, neither can you. I’m glad you have been seeing a therapist, because it’s time to schedule more appointments. Your therapist will help you to decide whether you can continue living with someone who refuses to recognize your contributions to the marriage and who has such a controlling, authoritarian attitude. You have decisions to make that should not be taken lightly or decided while you are emotional. You deserve peace of mind and an equal voice about where you choose to live.


Pearls Before Swine

Classic Peanuts


Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.



By Stella Wilder Born today, you have a way of turning the merely mediocre into something recognized for its rarity and excellence — and you can do this with almost anything you do or touch because you have such a clear vision of what you want the world around you to be like. You always work from a clearly established ideal, and if you are unable to make that vision a reality, you will chip away bit by bit until you have something you can work with successfully. You can put up with a great deal of personal hardship, but you will not tolerate those who require you to compromise your ideals. That is a deal breaker, as far as you are concerned, in both your personal life and business affairs. That you can compromise when necessary there is no doubt — but you must decide to do so yourself. Also born on this date are: Junior Seau, football player; Thomas Kinkade, painter; Katey Sagal, actress; Robert Palmer, rocker; Paula Deen, celebrity chef; Dolly Parton, singer; Janis Joplin, rocker; Paul Cezanne, artist; Edgar Allan Poe, author and poet. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Organization is the key to your success today; you may have to learn a few “secret” techniques that almost everyone else already knows! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — A piece of information comes your way today that you don’t quite know what to do with — until you realize just what its source really is. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — They say that talk is cheap, but today you may find that almost everything you say can cost you — but it’s not a per-

manent thing, surely. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Your ideas may be shot down one, two, three — but there’s something fishy going on, surely. This is something to investigate closely! GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Your eagerness is contagious today, and soon everyone will want to do what you’re doing, the way you’re doing it. You may be “hemmed in” a little. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — What you put forth today you’re likely to get back — but it may take a slightly different form, depending partly upon the time of day. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You mustn’t do anything today that will require you to backpedal — or, worse, apologize. Keep everything without accepted boundaries if you can. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — What you share with others may be surprising to you as well as to them — and this may not be something you wish to repeat anytime soon. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — The sooner you apply good old-fashioned common sense to a stubborn problem, the sooner you’ll realize that the solution is within reach. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — A dramatic change needn’t take you by surprise today. Stay abreast of key events and you’ll know what’s coming and surely react appropriately. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — You’ll stumble upon an exciting opportunity today, but it’s likely something you cannot explore on your own. Pick your partner carefully! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You must be willing to do something today that you swore you’d never do — but it will go over so well that no one will hold it against you.

Dark Side of the Horse

Daily Maze


Goren bridge

Today’s deal is from a match between a team from Italy and a team from Hong Kong. The Italian North-South pair were playing an unusual system. North’s bidding showed an unbalanced

(Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail:

TEAMWORK East-West vulnerable, North deals NORTH ♠965 ♥J ♦ A8762 ♣AJ96 WEST EAST ♠ K 10 7 4 3 ♠Q2 ♥ K63 ♥ 8542 ♦ K43 ♦ J 10 9 5 ♣K4 ♣ 10 8 5 SOUTH ♠AJ8 ♥ A Q 10 9 7 ♦Q ♣Q732 The bidding:

NORTH 2♦ 2♠

EAST Pass Pass


WEST Pass All pass



Opening lead: Four of ♠

hand of 9-13 points with long diamonds and no heart support. West, Derek Zen, from Hong Kong, led a spade to the queen and ace. Declarer led a low club to dummy’s jack as East, Hong Kong’s Samuel Wan, followed suit with the eight. This planted the idea in South’s mind that East started with the 10-8 doubleton. South led the jack of hearts from dummy and overtook it with his queen. Zen, West, smoothly followed with a low heart. Had Zen won with his king, there would have been no beating this contract. Even if Zen continued brilliantly with the king of diamonds, declarer, with no entry to his hand, would have had no choice but to cash dummy’s ace of clubs. The fall of the king would have made the rest easy. Declarer was at the crossroads. He chose to lead the queen of clubs, hoping to pin the doubleton 10 in East’s hand. West covered with the king and dummy’s ace won the trick. When the 10 did not fall, declarer continued with another club. East won with his 10 and returned a spade. The contract eventually finished down two after this lovely defense. Well done by both Zen and Wan!

WITH BOB JONES ©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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