How to Quit Marijuana - Overcome Cannabis Addiction Forever! So you want to know how to quit marijuana? Let me reveal to you the single secret that helped me quit smoking marijuana in ONE day. It's simple and quick. Basically it's this: "It's not the HOW TO but the WHY that will help you quit smoking marijuana." Read that again. "It's not the HOW-TO but the WHY that will help you quit smoking marijuana." Here's the reason why. A lot of times, marijuana smokers want to look for how to quit weed but it doesn't do anything. You know why? Because these pot smokers don't have any motivation to quit. In order to quit, you need to have MOTIVATION to quit. And that motivation only comes when you discover WHY you want to quit. It MUST be a core and deep reason that really strikes the deepest, emotional, part of your being. It must trigger emotions in you that will make you STAND UP and take action. For example, here are some great examples, of WHY you should quit. - I want to be there for my child and be healthy and sober around him. - I have smoked all the weed in the world and don't have any other reason to smoke anymore. - I've gotten high enough times and those days MUST be over. - I don't get high anymore so what's the point of smoking weed. - I am about to lose my job at work because of this. - I need to save my marriage because my wife is ticked off with my weed addiction. - I am not a kid anymore! All these reasons are different. But the main point is for you to find out your OWN REASON. Whatever strikes you, choose that reason and write it down on paper. Read that reason EVERY single day. Remind yourself why you need to quit. After that, the quitting will come easy. To your success, Bobby Min Learn how to quit marijuana from Bobby Min who shows how he quit smoking marijuana in 1 single day. How to Quit Marijuana - Overcome Cannabis Addiction Forever! Copyright 2010 by