My Timeline Graph - A Tool to Help You Stop Smoking Marijuana Since you have made the decision to stop smoking marijuana there are a lot of tools and resources that are available that will help you be successful in your endeavor. One of these is known as a timeline graph. Let me explain what this is and how you will use it to be successful in your choice. Now this chart can be called your timeline graph or your personal highlights chart. What you call it is not that significant. What you do with it is the important key here. If you sit down and take a look back at your life, I want you to look for the period of times or specific events or moments in your life that you can look back on and feel very proud of yourself. These will give you clues to find out what your specific sources of strengths are. This chart is like a pictorial representation of your life. Be very specific and start back as far as you can remember. It can be about any time or event in your life. It can be about any achievements in your life. The key is that it was something that brought you a sense of true satisfaction. Maybe it was nothing more than on that day you got out of bed smiling or in a good mood. If that brought you true satisfaction, then that needs to show up on your chart. Try to find one event for every year. If you had several in one year, then pick the one that stands out the most for you. In the chart, you will make two columns. The left-hand column will contain the year, the right hand column will contain the event. When you have a completed chart, you will have every year from the time that you were born listed in the left-hand column. In the right-hand column you will have an event or moment in your life that you feel very proud. Once this is completed, it is time to look through every event. Now is the time for you to pick out what event had the greatest impact on you or on your life. This will give you a hint as to what the greatest source of personal strength is for you. Understand that everyone has a source of personal strength and it is different for everyone. This source of personal strength is any activity or passion that makes you feel the most alive or the most energized or provides you with something that you love to do. You will be looking for exactly what gives you a sense of strength that nothing else in this world can bring you. Taking the time to build, and then study this chart will be a key in helping you to not only find your source of strength but also bring you one step closer in accomplishing your goal of quitting marijuana. Get free tips on how to quit smoking marijuana and learn the secrets on how to quit smoking weed in Bobby Min's Free Newsletter. My Timeline Graph - A Tool to Help You Stop Smoking Marijuana Copyright 2010 by