Quitting Smoking Requires Will Power http://www.HowToQuitMarijuana.com
Quitting smoking in any form is not an easy task, given the fact that it requires tremendous will power which not all smokers possess. Smoking pot or marijuana, though perceived to be less addictive than other hard drugs like cocaine or heroin nevertheless has its share of pitfalls and obviously, health is the main concern. Apart from physical health on which smoking takes its toll in more visible forms, the mental health of the smoker too is highly affected. Living in a perpetual marijuana-induced haze affects the mental faculties and distorts the individual's ability to think rationally. This would perhaps explain why smokers find it so difficult to give up smoking even if the heart desires. However, though there is no magic cure for quitting smoking, there are few steps which if followed with strict will power, may help you overcome the urge to smoke and eventually give it up altogether. Try and stop all marijuana-related activities; it may be certain movies or music which is linked to smoking pot and which may further incite you. Discovering a new hobby or passion will help distract your mind, take up your time and energy thus leaving you with little opportunity to start smoking. Once you get interested in something else it will become easier to wean yourself from the habit. This cannot be stressed enough; keep away from people or so-called friends who either smoke weed themselves or incite you to smoke. They are no friends of yours and you will be better-off if you disassociate yourself from them as soon as possible. Try to hang out with people who do not smoke. This will give you an incentive and encourage you to do the same. Beginning with will power these tips should help you quit smoking once and for all.
Find some unusual tricks to quit smoking marijuana in Bobby Min's website http://www.HowToQuitMarijuana.com and kick off this nasty addiction for good!
Quitting Smoking Requires Will Power, Copyright 2010 by http://www.HowToQuitMarijuana.com