Stop Smoking Weed - How to Quit Marijuana Today! One tip I have used to quit smoking weed was to write down the pros and cons of smoking marijuana. Get a piece of paper and write the benefits of smoking weed on one side. And on the other side, write down the cons of smoking weed. Be honest with yourself and don't stop writing. Whatever gets in your mind, write it and don't be biased. Whatever comes in your brain, just let it flow and keep writing for at least 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, you will have a list of benefits for smoking weed and the cons of smoking pot. The most important thing is that from now on, you want to paste this in your room. You want to look at this sheet of paper and remind yourself what you are REALLY doing to yourself every time you smoke another bowl of weed. What's even better is that you can just get rid of the benefits and paste the cons of smoking weed. Paste that on your wall. Now, every time you think about smoking weed, just take a look at your harmful effects of smoking weed. It doesn't matter if it is something the surgeon general will approve or not. What's important is that it is true for you. So you want to write down the harmful effects that is affecting you personally from smoking weed. Some examples of harmful effects can be: -
I get super lazy. I eat tons of chips and get fatter every time. I don't want to do anything except watch YouTube clips and laugh all day. I don't want to go to sleep and this ends up wasting my time all day. I don't achieve any goals in my life And the list goes on...
After this, just paste this on your wall and READ it every day. This is just one of the techniques that can greatly help you get closer to becoming free from marijuana addiction. Bobby Min is a former marijuana addict who was coaches marijuana users to quit pot addiction in ONE single day using his proven & tested method. Sign up for Bobby Min's free online newsletter on how to stop smoking weed now! Stop Smoking Weed - How to Quit Marijuana Today!, Copyright 2010 by