Magazine, research & workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals www.sdgzine.org

Magazine, research & workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals www.sdgzine.org
8 / Creativity for the Planet: How Art Confronts the Plastic Crisis
Dominika Sobolewska
Greengeoearth, a German start up that can change the world
Eric Van den Bruel
The Geneva Pledge for Gender-Responsive
Climate Action
Elise Buckle
Floating Ecosystems: Floradeau
Jules Hornung, Floradeau
Luis Marques
Christin Schäfer
Peter Woodburn
Jane Lim
La Fête de la Science en Pays de Gex
Jane Lim
New Special issue: SDG Olympiad
Ivonne Arica Ruiz
Addictlab Academy Summer Project with ASK: where innovation meets inclusivity
Touba Esfahani
Working Actively Together for Our Blue Planet
Khulan Berger
A Vision for a Sustainable Future: introducing Magictribe Media Ltd.
Erwin Vanmassenhove
Dr. Jane Goodall at The International School of Geneva
Ella Lagacé Edwards
Climate Change, Health and Heritage in Colombian Andes: integrating traditional knowledge with modern science
Natasha de Francisco, Andres de Francisco, Max Henriquez
Your Excellencies President Petro and President Lula,
Codez La Science at CERN
Brice Copy
The Educators’ Lab
Michelle Blanchet
The Mangrove Micro-bot
Elise Buckle
Where Quantum Innovation Meets Sustainable Development Breathing Games
SDG Management School
SDG Management School
The Art of Equality: Imagining a Just World Through Art, Research and Virtual worlds
Karima Cherif
Celebrating a decade of innovation connecting science and society: the journey of IdeaSquare at CERN
Mirabelle Breidvik, Jimmy Poulaillon,
New Global Citizen Study Program in Geneva
Unique Summer & Winter Camps
#398 Smart cigarette bin by FinalDrop / student project
Grace Annette Jimenez Lopez
#398 Smart cigarette bin by FinalDrop / student project
Grace Annette Jimenez Lopez
#398 Breathing Games
Fabio Balli
ManyProjects Studio
Luis Marques (see pages Art & SDGs)
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SDGZINE.ORG is an initiative from Jan Van Mol, the ADDICTLAB ACADEMY and partners contributing to the sustainable development goals of the United Nations.
Custi illacipietur magniatquae apidel et delit reictas simodio remolorit faccum ex eum faccus remporro corehenet earumquame sunt hicienducias imus non excepedit eos arit ipsum aut atquia cuptaspid quibusc imusandero tes dolesse roviderum, conecea quiae esequiam di quiamust, nos
Jan Van Mol
The Anthropocene, an era dominated by human activity, has led to profound climate and ecological crises, stemming from uncontrolled civilizational and cultural development. In the 20th century, progress was measured by increasing speed and efficiency, but this relentless acceleration, particularly in the age of hyperglobalization, has brought severe consequences: heightened stress, deteriorating health, a growing sense of alienation, and, above all, the advancing degradation of the natural environment.
Research by Richard Wiseman (2007) shows that the pace of urban life, measured in part by walking speeds, increased globally by 10% over a decade, with even more dramatic results in East Asian metropolises such as Singapore and Guangzhou. Over 50 years ago, Alvin Toffler (1998) foresaw that such acceleration would become a civilizational trap — a threat disrupting the balance between humanity and the world. Today, in what Ewa Bińczyk (2018) calls the “emergency mode,” we face the urgent challenge of curbing this momentum and charting a more sustainable path forward.
Faced with a global climate crisis born of unchecked civilizational changes, humanity can no longer afford inaction or indifference.
The magnitude of the challenge demands a concentrated effort to imagine and construct better, more sustainable visions of the future.
As an artist and designer, I often ask myself: What can I contribute within the realm of my discipline? What role can creative practices play in fostering positive, transformative change?
My vision aligns with the ideas of many thinkers exploring how creativity can help prototype the future. Alvin Toffler emphasized the need to combine the “rigor of science” with the “fiery imagination of art,” suggesting that only through this synergy can we navigate the complexities of modern challenges. Similarly, the concept of “hacking the Anthropocene” invites us to reimagine humanity’s role on Earth, redefining goals and exploring new directions for thought and action (Sugiera, 2023).
Both perspectives underscore
the power of creative practices to reconfigure the present and chart more sustainable pathways forward.
However, I find myself particularly drawn to the perspective of Amitav Ghosh, who underscores the need for a fundamental shift in collective thought. Responding to Ghosh’s call for revising shared societal narratives, I have dedicated myself to testing various creative strategies aimed at addressing our planet’s crises.
These efforts seek, on one hand, to rehabilitate humanity in the face of environmental devastation and reduce the impact of pollution, and on the other, to promote sustainable education while outlining new scenarios for the future.
For several years, my work has focused on the problem of marine plastic pollution, with “social participation” as my primary tool.
I believe that social participation holds immense transformative power. This fact was recognized by pioneering artists of the early 20th century. László Moholy-Nagy, in his essay Theatre, Circus, Variety, described it as a dynamic force that breaks from the “passive observer”
paradigm, awakening the spirit of the masses and enabling them to take control, actively participating in a fusion with the unfolding action. This, he argued, could lead to a purifying collective experience.
One striking example of this potential is Belgian artist Francis Alÿs’s 2002 project When Faith Moves Mountains. In the outskirts of Lima, Peru, Alÿs mobilized 500 volunteers to shift a sand dune measuring 500 meters in diameter by 10 centimeters. While the physical change was imperceptible to the human eye, its symbolic weight was profound. The shared labor, coordination, and unity among participants demonstrated the power of collective effort to achieve the seemingly impossible. For those involved, the experience became a testament to hope and a belief that collective action can spark extraordinary change.
Such participatory practices remind us that the interplay between art, community, and activism is not just a means of expression but a vehicle for reimagining and reshaping reality.
Following this path, I developed my project Deplastyfication, which I began in 2021 in Gran Canaria. This is a long-term initiative aimed at consciously slowing down the pace of life and combating plastic pollution. A key element of the project was a series of beach clean-up actions focused on mesoplastic, which took place on Gran Canaria, Ilha Bella in Brazil, and Sobieszewska Island in Poland. Each of these locations became a space for not only ecological actions but also therapeutic ones, with both physical and metaphorical dimensions.
During these activities, collecting plastic became not only a physical act of cleaning the beaches but also
a form of therapy—a meditative cleansing of the participants’ consciences. These actions also had a personal significance for me; they became an antidote to my neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD, which was diagnosed a few years ago. Participants, through engaging in the collection of plastic particles, experienced a purification both from the plastic and their inner burdens, introducing a practice of moving meditation into their lives, which combined a calm, reflective approach to action with physical involvement in eco-friendly activities.
This method also proved to be an effective tool for supporting people with similar modern ailments, offering space for reflection, focus, and connection with the surrounding environment.
The first phase of my project took place in Gran Canaria, where, together with my 6-year-old daughter, we collected plastic on the beaches and engaged beachgoers in our actions. The culmination of these three weeks of work was a site-specific installation called YOU, consisting of around 300 laboratory samples filled with
mesoplastic. This installation aimed to highlight our shared responsibility for the degradation of the marine environment, reminding viewers that plastic is omnipresent—from particles on the beach to elements present in our bodies.
The next residency took place on Ilha Bella, where I spent the first three weeks collecting mesoplastics from the beaches with my 7-year-old daughter, local teachers, students, and volunteers. The collected material was used to create the site-specific installation NÃO, which became an expression of protest against ocean plastic pollution. The presentation was accompanied by a lecture from Dr. Amanda Fernandez and local environmental activists about the threats posed by plastic pollution in marine waters.
I continued my activities on Sobieszewska Island in Poland, where, during the NATURA+ #6 PROTOPIA - BLISKO I TERAZ workshops organized by ART Lab Wyspa, I inspired participants to reflect on what constitutes part of nature and what does not. These experiences resulted in the creation of the film Natur(e)ality, which I made together with Vahram Mkhitaryan.
The film opens a symbolic “window in time”, revealing the inevitable consequences of human impact on nature, without offering an easy solution. Instead, it poses an existential question: what remains after us? The answer, though unsettling, points to plastic—a discarded remnant that will outlast human civilization and redefine the landscape. Once a functional object, now devoid of purpose, it becomes mere waste; yet, in its transformation, it takes the form of a new landscape, an almost “living” nature. The essence of the film lies
Up. This interactive lamp, designed to engage users, generates the message “YOU” through Morse code when brought closer. Crafted from plywood scraps and rake handles as well as wood and test tubes filled with mezoplastic collected during beach cleanup actions, the lamp offers a reminder of our role in environmental degradation while also conveying a sense of hope and agency. The material gathered in the test tubes became part of a larger narrative, one that connects our actions to the state of the world around us.
The lamp, uses a distance sensor to activate the light message “YOU”, symbolizing the power of individual and collective responsibility. Its design evokes the form of a lighthouse, whose purpose is to guide us towards salvation. On one hand, the message “YOU” serves as a stark reminder of our involvement in the destruction of marine ecosystems, but on the other, it offers hope, suggesting that the power to change
still rests in our hands. By engaging with the lamp, users participate in this reflective act, reminding us that, despite the damage done, there is still time to make a difference.
To confront the deeply embedded relationship between humanity and plastic, I organized another artistic project titled Plastsupper, realized in Industra Art Gallery in Brno in collaboration with artists Michalina Kostecka and Karin Pisarikova.
The project aimed to reveal how plastic permeates our daily lives and ecosystems, engaging the audience in a sensory, participatory experience. The title, inspired by The Last Supper, evokes the image of a final reckoning—an ironic feast that places the pressing issue of plastic pollution at its core.
The project posed provocative questions: What truly remains natural in our lives? and Where do we draw the line between the artificial and the organic? Despite its origins in natural resources like crude oil, plastic has infiltrated the environment and even our bodies, challenging the
boundaries between the synthetic and the organic.
We presented individual perspectives on this issue, blending our visions to enhance the sensory and visual dimensions of the project. The menu was designed to mimic the appearance of macroplastics, and the overall scenography—including decor, video art, and body performances— immersed participants in a visceral reflection on plastic’s omnipresence. The event culminated in a public dinner, where guests were confronted with the undeniable reality of plastic’s place in our world.
In the face of climate and ecological crises caused by unchecked civilizational development, art and creative practices have become crucial tools in seeking solutions to global problems. Projects like Deplastyfication, Light It Up, and Plastsupper demonstrate how artistic interventions and social engagement can address the crisis of plastic and environmental pollution. Creativity can not only raise awareness but also inspire change through interaction, participation, and reflection on our role in shaping the planet’s future. Although the challenges are immense, there is still hope for a better future if we act together, with responsibility and awareness of our decisions.
Bińczyk, E. (2018). Uspołecznianie antropocenu.. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika Ghosh, A. (2016). The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable. University of Chicago Press. Moholy-Nagy, L. (1923). Theater, Circus, Variety. Sugiera, M. (2023). Hakowanie Antropocenu. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego Toffler, A. (1984). Future Shock. Bantam Wiseman, R. (2007). “The Pace of Life.” [Website Name]. http://www.richardwiseman.com/ quirkology/pace_home.htm [Accessed 18 September 2024].
According to the UN, the world’s population is expected to peak at nearly 11 billion around 2100. Producing food to meet this growing demand while water tables are rapidly depleting is identified as a major problem by the UN. The main questions scientists all over the world are trying to solve are how we can feed a growing population and increase agricultural yield while protecting the ground water, reduce salt levels in the soil through using less fertilizer, reduce water usage and ensure the cultivation of new fields which were unusable before.
Maybe the answer can be found in a German/Swiss start up GreengeoearthAG who are at the brink of going commercial with a revolutionary and unique, non-toxic, soil improver that warrants 80% water savings. Let’s dive into the details.
It all started with a childhood dream of one of the founders of Greengeoearth. The Swiss-born Lorenz Beerspend a lot of time with his family in arid TamilNaduregion in the South of India. “If only we could build a pipeline from the Swiss Alps to India, we could supply enough water to turn this land in a fertile area”he told his mom.
The boy became a successful entrepreneur,and his dream never died. Together with friends from the paper industry they embarked on a journey to make our planet a better place and to make it green again.
It took the team Greengeoearth 10 years of development and hundreds of test formulas before they finally came up with a product that has the potential to change our blue planet into a green oasis. GR42 was born. As an anecdote,“42” refers to The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer Deep Thought, according to the hitch-hiker’s guide to the galaxy.
In short, through GR42 ́s high capillary characteristic it is capable to store water within its breakaway fragments of fibres and soil of up to 80% of its own volume. Water is contained through the surface tension for a much longer period. When it rains or when irrigated, GR42 captures the seeping through water and holds it until the roots of the plants ask for it.
As a result, GR42 is ideal for sandy, rocky soils where the amount
of humus/nutrients can be quite low or nearly zero. Over a time of 8 years, GR42 breaks down biologically through micro fungus and micro-organism into a natural micro fertilizer.
GR42 is a urea-based compound material fibre structure, that has a dual effect, both stabilizing the fibres and reducing them into essential fertilizing material by the micro-organism and micro-fungus that degrades organically after 8 years and converts into a nutrient/humus rich soil Extensive Tests at universities, independent labs and real-life cases have even revealed other benefits than just being a “good water storage through it capillary characteristics”.
Cases show up to 250% bigger root growth for plants which is important for example to increase survival rates from seedlings but also to have healthy and strong trees or shrubs. Some plants even produce 50% more fruits leading to a higher harvest and the need for fertilizers can be reduced to 70% without negative effects.
This brings us back to our initial question; how can we feed 11 billion people. Is it premature to
say that by massively producing and using GR42, converting desserts and arid lands into green pastures with a minimum of irrigation, by reducing the use of fertilizers and reducing the risk of salinization of the soil, we might be able to succeed feeding the masses without putting more pressure on our climate? If GR42 has been endorsed by universities, independent labs and if test fields have proven clearly the effectiveness of the product, would it not be a criminal offence towards our next generation that this product stays a good
idea of a few climate enthusiasts with a childhood dream? Have a look at their website (www.greengeoearth. com). This organization is not in this for the big money but for the greater good. If they can provide each farmer in arid areas with enough GR42 to cover 1 acre of land, the world is a better place to live in.
The only thing it takes to bring this to the next level of maturity is to find the necessary funds to build local plants and sales organizations and to convince local authori-
ties that this is the way forward. It is eminent that by doing nothing “wir schaffen das nicht”.
Want to know more about GR42?
Look at their website www.greengeoearth.com. The website contains technical data sheets of various life test and commercial fields they have already realized.
edited by Jane Lim
On 8 November, the world witnessed a landmark moment for climate and gender equity as the Geneva Pledge for Gender-Responsive Climate Action was officially launched at the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva. The event, hosted by the International Gender Champions Climate Impact Group, marked a significant step forward in the global push for inclusive, gender-focused climate solutions.
With more than 70 Member States, UN organizations, and civil society groups endorsing the pledge, the room buzzed with a palpable sense of optimism and the spirit of multilateralism. This vibrant gathering of leaders planted the seeds for collective action on the intertwined goals of climate resilience, peace, and gender equity.
The launch featured impassioned remarks from Co-Chairs of the International Gender Champions Climate Impact Group, Elise Buckle (President/CEO of Climate Bridges and Founder of SHE Builds Bridges), Ambassador Dr. Katharina Stasch (Permanent Representative of Germany), Jagan Chapagain (IFRC Secretary General), and Cristian Guillermet Fernández (Permanent
Representative of Costa Rica). They issued a clarion call for unity and bold action, emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate challenges through the lens of gender inclusion and diversity.
Months of dedicated effort, supported by Hannah Reinl of the International Gender Champions Secretariat, culminated in the unveiling of the pledge, which was met with overwhelming enthusiasm from attendees eager to champion its vision.
At its core, the Geneva Pledge is built on six transformative principles designed to mainstream gender equity in climate action:
• Champion equitable representation at all levels of climate decision-making.
• Advocate for gender-responsive climate finance, ensuring that resources address diverse needs equitably.
• Integrate strategies to break down silos, fostering collaboration across sectors.
• Base decisions on gender-responsive analysis and data, ensuring informed, inclusive policies.
• Push for legal and institutional reforms to embed gender equity into systems.
• Promote a care perspective that benefits both people and the planet.
• Global Momentum Building Towards COP29
• The pledge’s launch has set the stage for widespread adoption, with plans to expand the coalition ahead of COP29. Notable early signatories include High-Level representatives from Germany, Costa Rica, France, Norway, Barbados, Croatia, and many more nations. The initiative also secured commitments from major organizations such as UN Women, IUCN, CARE, and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
As the climate crisis intensifies, the Geneva Pledge underscores the necessity of inclusive solutions that prioritize gender equity. Leaders and organizations are invited to join this growing movement by endorsing the pledge and committing to its principles.
For further details or to express interest in joining the initiative, the full text is available online, with inquiries welcomed via admin@ genderchampions.com.
This milestone event reminds us that addressing climate change is not just an environmental imperative—it is a human rights necessity. The Geneva Pledge is a bold step toward a sustainable and equitable future, where the voices and needs of all are heard and acted upon.
“Aquatic environments are disappearing dangerously, taking with them an incredibly rich biodiversity. To illustrate this point, in Switzerland, 90% of ponds have disappeared over the last two centuries. In Europe, 80% of flying insects (many of which have an aquatic larval stage) have disappeared in just 30 years. At the same time as these worrying losses, urbanisation continues to spread, and there is now a need for innovative solutions to ensure that humans and nature live together harmoniously.
It was against this backdrop that the Floradeau project was born in the corridors of HEPIA in 2024. Floradeau aims to create multifunctional vegetated rafts that can be adapted to any type of water body (pond, river, lake). Designed by hydrobiologist Jules Hornung, these floating ecosystems will be manufactured without synthetic materials to avoid microplastic pollution. The aim is to help suffering aquatic environments by providing a habitat for terrestrial and aquatic
fauna, while enhancing the landscape value of the environment. Filled with purifying plants (helophytes), these vegetated areas will also serve as open-air educational workshops for young and old keen to learn more about nature.
The project, which is currently being incubated at the Pulse Incubator (HES-SO Geneva), has already won two awards (Coup de Pulse Prize and the 2nd IDDEA Prize) and is in the development phase. Several partnerships and projects are already being prepared in the Canton of Geneva for 2025, with the idea of expanding into Switzerland and neighbouring France in the following years.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact juleshornung@hotmail.com
In the heart of Switzerland, Myblueplanet is turning the tide on climate change through a powerful blend of education, innovation, and collaboration. The non-profit organization, with its clear vision of “Active together for a climate-friendly tomorrow,” leads transformative initiatives to inspire and enable individuals, companies, and communities to take tangible steps toward sustainability. Headquartered in Winterthur, with its dynamic HUB Romandie in Lausanne, Myblueplanet is strategically positioned to drive impactful climate action across Switzerland. The team actively engages in key areas to combat climate change.
Empowering Change Through Flagship Projects
1. ClimateActions4Companies: A Roadmap to Net Zero
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of Switzerland’s economy, and Myblueplanet is equipping them to become leaders in climate protection. The ClimateActions4Companies initiative offers tailored support for SMEs to define their climate goals, implement measurable solutions, and engage employees in sustainability. A best practice example is the Caux Palace, a historic landmark transformed into a model of sustainable operations under the stewardship of Caux Initiatives of Change. The palace team, guided by leaders such as Jacqueline Coté and Ignacio Packer, has seamlessly integrated
climate protection into every facet of their operations—from energy efficiency and food waste reduction to embedding sustainable values in their culture.
Their impact extends beyond the palace walls through initiatives like Hospitality for Change, inspiring visitors to adopt mindful practices.
2. ClimateLab: From Knowledge to Action
The ClimateLab workshops ignite a passion for climate protection in young learners, turning theoretical knowledge into actionable solutions. Participants engage in hands-on activities, group discussions, and even cooking sessions, all designed to foster creativity and teamwork.
With ClimateLab, apprentices don’t just learn about climate change—they become part of the solution, creating projects that bring real impact to their communities.
3. Climate Collaboration Catalyst: Sparking B2B Synergy
Myblueplanet’s Climate Collaboration Catalyst is developed in-house to bridge the gap between businesses and organizations, creating partnerships through a needs-based match-making system. By aligning entities with complementary goals and resources, the initiative accelerates progress toward a sustainable future.
Beyond its flagship projects, Myblueplanet engages its community through diverse tools and platforms:
ClimateActions mobile app motivates users to adopt sustainable habits in a fun and actionable way, conscious climate actions made available at the tip of our finger.
Give&Take stores & wagon promote the circular economy by encouraging the exchange of goods.
ClimateSchool: an educational program bringing the topics of climate protection and sustainability to Swiss schools in a long-term and experiential way such as building a solar roof together or creating space for biodiversity. In doing so, we make a concrete contribution to the energy transition.
MyBlueTree: community events or corporate volunteering opportunities - Our trees can be planted in your own garden, on your balcony or together with Myblueplanet in a forest in Switzerland. This tree will grow and bind a little more CO2 every year. In this way, you contribute to spreading climate awareness and are also a role model for your neighbors, friends, children or parents.
Community events: bringing people together through a mix of digital campaigns and in-person events, ensuring wide-reaching engagement on critical climate issues.
From collaborating with influencers to amplify awareness on social media to hosting impactful gatherings like the FoodSave Banquet in Lausanne and KlimaTag in Winterthur, the organization creates opportunities for individuals and communities to join the movement for a more sustainable future. By fostering meaningful connections and inspiring action, Myblueplanet makes climate protection accessible and inclusive for everyone.
The organization takes a collaborative approach in setting up its ac tivities. Whether you’re an individual, an enterprise, or a community group, Myblueplanet invites you to be part of the solution. Together, we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities.
Learn more and join us at: MYBLUEPLANET | 1022 Chavannes-près-Renens | 052 203 02 32 |
Coffee is in my veins. Coffee has been a central element in my life. My first contact with coffee was when my mum sent me to a local roastery to buy her a bag of coffee for the week. I loved to watch the barista grind the coffee and the memory of that aroma has never left me.
When I started travelling, I loved to explore local coffee shops and to discover many ways of preparing and drinking coffee that reflected the culture of each place.
Coffee took me to work for Nestlé where I spent 25 years in different areas of the coffee business and, when I left the company 4 years ago, I wanted to continue to learn about coffee and to use my passion to help change the world.
I was shocked to discover that women are largely invisible in the coffee industry. More than 70% of the work in the field to make our cup of coffee is carried out by women, but only a very small percentage of the coffee farms are owned by them.
So on March 8th this year, I launched DONA, a coffee brand that sources high quality specialty coffee uniquely from women-owned coffee farms as a way to celebrate and support these courageous women and the advancement of their communities. DONA is roasting the coffee in Geneva, and we are now offering 5 varieties with coffees grown by women in Congo, Rwanda, Colombia, Brazil and Indonesia. DONA coffees are available to buy through www. dona.coffee in Whole Beans and as Compostable Capsules.
If your company needs to show your employees and customers that you are committed to make the world a better place, you can choose to buy DONA, the coffee with a purpose, and we are offering special corporate conditions through corporate@dona. coffee
DONA is more than just great specialty coffee. When you buy DONA coffee, you are changing the lives of many women and their communities whose incredible dedication results in a fantastic cup of
coffee. I would encourage you all to think about this every time you drink a coffee. We, as consumers, have the power to change the world by deciding which products and brands we support. Know more about DONA coffee and the great women coffee farmers at www.dona.coffee.
For Female Founders audience, I am pleased to offer a 20% discount on your next order when you subscribe to DONA Journal, using DONAJOURNAL22.
Happy tasting!
DONA coffee Press Release Celebration of International Women’s Day March 8th, 2024
DONA: Coffee that supports the advancement of women.
St Légier (VD), January 29th, 2024 After a successful career at Nestlé in different areas of the coffee business, Elisa Dot Bach chose International Women’s Day to launch a women’s centric coffee company, DONA coffee
DONA coffee is a brand that offers high quality specialty coffee uniquely and exclusively from women-owned coffee farms. DONA’s mission is to celebrate and support women coffee farmers by supporting their business, paying a fair price, and keeping the supply chain as transparent and as short as possible.
Women are largely invisible in the coffee industry. It is no news that women are involved in the production of any coffee that we drink: They prune the coffee trees, they pick and sort the coffee cherries, but this work is rarely paid, as it is often seen as part of the housework Also, most of the coffee lands are still owned by men, according to the Specialty Coffee Association White Paper on Gender equity
“I have coffee in my veins” says Elisa Dot Bach who is using her passion and her expertise in coffee, as a tool for change.
“By giving more women coffee producers access to the specialty coffee market, we give them visibility, celebrate their exceptional effort, courage, and drive, and inspire other women to be at the decision table. And the potential is big: we drink more than 2 billion cups of coffee every single day”
To identify the best beans, Elisa is supported by the expertise of Ennio Cantergiani, trainer of Specialty Coffee Association and founder of L’Académie du Café Suisse Together, they selected the current assortment of DONA, which is comprised of five varieties, four single origins and 1 blend, 100% arabica and specialty graded, using some of the best beans grown by women in Congo, Rwanda, Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia.
Each woman or women’s cooperative has an incredible story to tell, and DONA connects the consumer with the story of the woman who grows that coffee. This is what inspired Patrizia Stalder, the renowned artist from Basel, to create the impactful illustrations of the labels for
Magictribe Media Ltd., headquartered at the Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton, UK, is an ambitious venture at the intersection of gaming, sustainability, and blockchain technology. The company is developing a modular platform designed to gamify climate action while promoting meaningful environmental change.
Operating with the ethos of “Connect. Create. Impact,” Magictribe Media Ltd. aims to empower individuals and communities through innovative gameplay, decentralized solutions, and regenerative projects. While the vision is bold, much of the infrastructure remains in its nascent stages, reflecting the company’s commitment to phased, modular and scalable growth.
At Magictribe Media Ltd., we’re driven by the belief that creativity is the key to solving the world’s biggest challenges. As the founder, I’ve seen firsthand how imagination can spark real change, especially when it’s paired with a deep commitment to sustainability. From rethinking cities to reimagining how we interact with nature, our mission is simple: connect creativity with purpose and build a future where both people and the planet can thrive.
Through PLAY2IMPACT, our gamified platform, we’re making it easier for everyone—from individuals to entire businesses—to take meaningful action for biodiversity and sustainability. It’s more than just a platform; it’s a movement, and we’re inviting you to be part of it. Together, we can turn innovative ideas into lasting impact.
1. Aligning Creativity with Purpose
We believe creativity has the power to change the world. From the way we design cities to how we care for the planet, imagination is the starting point for every solution. We’ve built our company around a simple idea: connect creativity with sustainability to make a better future.
Our planet is facing big challenges, like losing important animals and plants (biodiversity), tackling pollution, and making sure cities grow in ways that are good for both people and nature. But we also see huge opportunities. By making learning fun and rewarding through games, we can help people of all ages—kids, families, and even big businesses— work together to protect our planet.
At the heart of Magictribe Media Ltd. is our promise: “Rewarding Biodiversity, Rewarding Culture.” This means we focus on helping nature thrive while celebrating human creativity. Our games and projects make it easy for anyone to join, learn, and take real action. Together, we’re turning ideas into impact, and we’re just getting started.
2. The Challenge: Why Sustainability and Biodiversity Matter
Our world is changing fast, and not always in a good way. Forests are disappearing, animals are losing their homes, and the air and water we depend on are under threat. This is why biodiversity—the incredible variety of life on Earth—is so important. Every plant, animal, and tiny organism plays a part in keeping our planet healthy. When we lose even one piece of this puzzle, it hurts everything else.
The challenge isn’t just knowing this—it’s acting on it. Many people care about the planet but don’t know where to start. That’s where creativity and innovation come in. We believe we can bridge the gap between wanting to help and knowing how to help. Through our games and projects, we make it simple and fun to learn about biodiversity and take
Erwin Vanmassenhove Founder of Magictribe Media Ltd.
small steps that lead to big changes.
Think about solar energy. At first, solar panels couldn’t be recycled, which created new problems even as they solved old ones. But over time, technology improved, and now solar power is much more sustainable. The Fairphone is another example. It isn’t yet fully recyclable, but it’s on a journey, balancing the right materials with the needs of the people making it. With the platform we are building, we take the same approach: start where we are, improve step by step, and always aim for a future that’s fairer, greener, and better for everyone.
3. The Solution: Magictribe Media’s Modular Vision
At Magictribe Media Ltd., we know big changes don’t happen all at once. That’s why we are designing our platform in a modular fashion around “PLAY2IMPACT”, so we can grow step by step. Our idea is simple: make learning about sustainability fun, easy, and rewarding. Through games, people of all ages can discover how to care for the planet and take small actions that add up to a big (real-world) impact.
Our modular approach means we start with one piece at a time, like planting trees, supporting green rooftops, or helping communities use renewable energy. As we grow, we add more features and ideas, letting everyone—kids, schools, businesses, and even entire cities—find their place in creating a better world. This way, we can engage more people and adapt as we learn, always moving closer to our vision of a thriving, balanced planet.
Technology is at the heart of how we do this. We use AI to guide and teach, blockchain to ensure transparency and trust, and gamification to make it all exciting and interactive. Imagine a game where your choices— like saving water or planting trees—
help you earn rewards while making a real-world difference. That’s the power of PLAY2IMPACT. We are not just designing another platform; it’s a movement where everyone can play their part in creating a sustainable future.
At Magictribe Media Ltd., biodiversity is more than a goal—it’s our guiding star. It’s the foundation of life on Earth, ensuring clean air, fertile soil, and balanced ecosystems. Without it, we lose the natural systems that keep our planet thriving. That’s why every project we undertake, every game we design, and every pilot we launch is focused on preserving and regenerating biodiversity.
In cities, where nature often takes a back seat, we see opportunities to create harmony between the built environment and the natural world. Our pilots, like green rooftops, circular cities, and regenerative urban planning, transform unused spaces into ecological assets. Green rooftops, for instance, can become habitats for birds and pollinators, reduce urban heat, and provide fresh spaces for communities. Circular cities take this vision further, reimagining waste as resources and weaving sustainability into every aspect of design and function.
These innovations don’t just protect nature—they also drive cultural and creative revolutions. Imagine architects designing buildings that regenerate the environment, or urban planners shaping cities that act as living ecosystems. By making biodiversity a central theme, we inspire designers, artists, and businesses to think differently, opening up new industries and ways of living. At Magictribe Media Ltd., we see a future where biodiversity is not just protected but celebrated, driving a shift in how we build, create, and connect with the planet.
At Magictribe Media Ltd., we believe that learning should be as dynamic and engaging as the world around us. That’s why are creating PLAY2IMPACT, a platform that blends education with gamification to make sustainability fun, interactive, and rewarding. Through immersive mini-games, users can explore real-world challenges and discover how their actions—no matter how small—can make a difference.
In these games, players might find themselves planting virtual trees, reducing their carbon footprint, or designing sustainable cities—all while earning rewards like Magic Karma tokens. These tokens can then be used to support real-world biodiversity and sustainability initiatives. By gamifying the learning process, we’re not just teaching concepts—we’re empowering individuals to take action. Each game is designed to connect players with the real-world implications of their choices, helping them become active participants in the global movement for sustainability.
Magictribe Media’s platform revolving around PLAY2IMPACT is intended to become a bridge between creativity and impact, where education becomes a tool for creating lasting change. Just as Addictlab Academy fosters innovation in art, design, and science, we aim to inspire the next generation of sustainability advocates and creative problem-solvers. With our focus on sustainability, biodiversity, and education, we are keen to set up a pilot around very basic, yet efficient windmills which could be built with children of all ages…
The challenges we face in creating a sustainable world are complex and multifaceted. That’s why collaboration is at the heart of everything we do at Magictribe Media. We believe that art, science, and technology must come together to create innovative solutions _especially with the dawn of AI permeating the whole of our society. By fostering partnerships across disciplines, we’re building a community that can co-create impactful projects for the future.
Addictlab’s creative network of designers, artists, and technologists is the perfect (potential) partner in this mission. We invite the Addictlab community to contribute their skills and ideas to our ongoing pilots, such as our green rooftops or circular city projects. Whether you’re a designer with a passion for eco-friendly architecture or an artist interested in bringing sustainability to life through your work, there’s a place for you in the Magictribe movement.
Beyond co-creation, there are numerous opportunities for Addictlab’s members to participate in user-generated content (UGC) initiatives, where your unique perspectives can shape the future of our platform. Together, we can create a world where creativity and sustainability go hand in hand, inspiring new ways of living and working that benefit both people and the planet.
7. Vision for the Future: Toward Circularity
Looking ahead, Magictribe Media is committed to a future defined by circularity, regeneration, and sustainability. We’re not just imagining a better world—we’re actively building it. Our modular platform is designed to evolve over time, growing with the ideas, feedback, and creativity of our community. By focusing on biodiversity and sustainability, we are laying the groundwork for a future where both people and nature thrive together.
We see a world where cities are not just places to live, but ecosystems in themselves. Where every design decision is made with the health of the planet in mind, and every project contributes to a regenerative cycle of creativity and sustainability. And we want you, the Addictlab community, to be a part of this journey.
We invite you to join us in co-creating this future. Whether through partnerships, contributions to our pilots, or simply by sharing your ideas, your involvement can help shape a world where creativity and sustainability are the cornerstones of our collective future. Together, we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s solutions.
Dr. Jane Goodall, born April 1934 in Hampstead, London, fell in love with the extraordinary natural world at a very early age. Her stuffed toy chimpanzee, Jubilee, gifted to her by her father, has followed her footsteps for nearly her entire life. Jubilee helped spark an ever burning flame in her, alongside her loyal dog, Rusty, stable horses, and the various London critters she could find in her backyard.
To become the PhD chimpanzee conservationist we all know famously, Goodall not only had the luck of “the right person at the right time”, she also needed strength, perseverance, and an abundance of patience. In the late 1950s, research behind understanding animal behaviours was not yet popularly funded and was mostly a male dominated field. It took Goodall 7 years to gain recognition for her outstanding discoveries in the world of primates. She also began receiving ecstatic letters from around the world (the flow from fans would only grow from then on) from those inspired or just wanting to thank her, when the documentary titled ‘Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees’ was first aired by National Geographic.
As of 2004 Goodall began devoting her full time to advocating for chimpanzees and the environment,
nearly 300 days a year all around the world to inspire new minds and share her deep cutting message,
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” - Dr Jane Goodall
Unfortunately, it would take me more than 500 pages to only summarise all of Goodall’s journeys. Luckily, others have taken on the challenge for me and if you would like to learn more, there are many written biographies and/or documentaries that try to numerically represent Goodall’s life.
On Tuesday the 5th of November 2024, Dr. Jane Goodall made her appearance at The International School of Geneva’s campus, La Châtaigneraie. cThis extraordinary activist had the power to hush a full gymnasium to complete silence with only her presence.
Sometimes the media is able to manipulate us without us knowing. An example of this is how we unconsciously perceive well known people as not being human at all, embellished, even untouchable. It takes us
to see or meet this person with our own eyes to hear the beating heart of a human being, that is no different to us. How do you perceive your idols? How would you prepare yourself if you met them tomorrow?
Having the opportunity for our schoocommunity to listen directly to the voice of such an inspirational person was a once in a lifetime experience. That day Goodall was able to empower many new minds in our community to follow what they believe in, and find new confidence and strength in themselves.
Dr. Jane Goodall gifted us with her most intimate ordeals with the community of Gombe chimpanzees she stayed with for all those years. We watched several filmed moments captured with these intelligent mammals, visual proof of their complex emotions, use of tools and recognition of Goodall for helping those break free from their illegal captors. She then explained her groundbreaking discoveries with the help of Jubilee and co (a rat and a pig, stuffed toys). Goodall fascinated us with the unspoken intelligence of many undermined animals that have been given negative connotations through our language.
You may feel guilty or not for wondering about her age, to be truthful I believe we all were. Yet, Goodall surprised all of us with her passionate energy. Her age became shrouded and set aside by her vibrant personality, and all we could think about was how lucky we were that she was there, to see us.
Founded in 1991 by Dr. Jane Goodall, the non-profit organization, Roots and Shoots, has the mission to bring together youth from preschools all the way to universities to work on environmental, conservation, and humanitarian issues. Over 140 countries involving 8000 groups worldwide make up this program.
At La Châtaigneraie primary school, you can find the Roots and Shoots educational program in our year 5 and year 6 classes. On the day that Goodall was invited to talk at our school, she spent her morning in the primary school. She met the young minds taking part in her program, backed up by a group of passionate teachers that are working to bloom a passion for our local environment into our school community. Several other small groups of dedicated students from other schools around Switzerland joined us for the day. The aim, to create lasting bonds between our Roots and Shoots schools and together inspire each other with their creative projects.
The primary Roots and Shoots group with Goodall
Our Primary school group is currently working on an inspiring project to bring awareness of the wide variety of species our campus shelters. This collaborated book will bind with The International School of Geneva’s centenary celebrations and so will include 100 species for our 100th year.
To find out more about Dr. Jane Goodall, and where she will be appearing next, look at the Jane Goodall Institute website, at: janegoodall.org
Colombia faces unprecedented challenges brought on by climate change. Rising temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and environmental degradation are not distant threats; they are affecting lives today. These changes are not only ecological but also deeply impact human health. From the Guajira desert to the lush Andean highlands, the health risks posed by climate change are evident, and the response requires a multi-faceted approach that blends modern science with the wisdom of indigenous communities.
Understanding the Challenges
Research indicates that tropical diseases, once confined to lowland areas, are moving uphill as temperatures rise1. Such shifts highlight the urgent need for region-specific studies to track the incidence and spread of diseases under changing climatic conditions. Detailed analyses of health system responses and vul-
nerabilities are essential for shaping adaptive strategies.
The Colombian Andes, with its diverse ecosystems and unique geography, faces escalating health risks driven by climate change. Rising temperatures have led to increased malaria cases and outbreaks of leptospirosis linked to intensified El Niño and La Niña events 2. Climate shifts are also disrupting agriculture, causing declines in crop quality and yield, increased pest infestations, and water scarcity, which threaten food security and heighten nutritional and health vulnerabilities3. Additionally, biodiversity loss and ecosystem changes are reducing critical ecosystem services, such as medicinal plant availability and water purification4 Environmental degradation, including water and air pollution, exacerbates respiratory and water/vector-borne diseases, amplifying the public health burden in this region5. The evolving epidemiological landscape demands
proactive measures and innovative solutions.
During a recent visit to the Guajira region, home to indigenous communities of Wayuu, Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa, and Kankuamo, our research team at Æras Development Group (ÆRAS) observed how indigenous practices of land management, ecological stewardship, and traditional medicine could complement scientific approaches. For centuries, the local groups have cultivated an intimate relationship with their environment, rooted in sustainability and resilience. More evidence is getting available on the alignment between indigenous perceptions and meteorological data6,7,8 . This harmony offers valuable lessons for the Andean region, where similar indigenous groups can play a pivotal role in mitigating climate-related health challenges.
1 Thomson, Madeleine C., and Lawrence R. Stanberry. “Climate change and vectorborne diseases.” New England Journal of Medicine 387.21 (2022): 19691978.
2 Viveros-Uehara T. Health Care in a Changing Climate: A Review of Climate Change Laws and National Adaptation Plans in Latin America. Health Hum Rights. 2021 Dec;23(2):139-151. PMID: 34966231; PMCID: PMC8694288
3 Rodríguez, José de Jesús Núñez, et al. “Representations of Colombian Andean farmers on climate change and mitigation and adaptation strategies.” Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 59 (2020): e220439.
4 Tovar C, Carril AF, Gutiérrez AG, Ahrends A, Fita L, Zaninelli P, Flombaum P, Abarzúa AM, Alarcón D, Aschero V, Báez S, Barros A, Carilla J, Ferrero ME, Flantua SGA, Gonzáles P, Menéndez CG, Pérez-Escobar OA, Pauchard A, Ruscica RC, Särkinen T, Sörensson AA, Srur A, Villalba R, Hollingsworth PM. Understanding climate change impacts on biome and plant distributions in the Andes: Challenges and opportunities. J Biogeogr. 2022 Aug;49(8):1420-1442. doi: 10.1111/jbi.14389. Epub 2022 Jun 3. PMID: 36247109; PMCID: PMC9543992.
5 World Bank. “Impact of Climate Change in Health in Colombia and Recommendations for Mitigation and Adaptation.” (2023).
6 Guáqueta-Solórzano, Victoria-Eugenia, and Julio C. Postigo. “Indigenous perceptions and adaptive responses to the impacts of climate variability in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.” Frontiers in Climate 4 (2022): 910294.
7Zapata-Herrera, Juan Fernando, et al. “The Territory as a Victim: Geological Assessment to Analyzing the Impact of Colombia’s Armed Conflict on GeoBio Megadiversity at the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.” Earth Science, Systems and Society 4 (2024): 10112.
8 Cediel-Becerra, Natalia Margarita, et al. “Woman-sensitive one health perspective in four tribes of indigenous people from Latin America: Arhuaco, Wayuú, Nahua, and Kamëntsá.” Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022): 774713.
Focusing on Research Priorities:
We collaborate with academic institutions and indigenous communities to explore the potential of integrating traditional knowledge with epidemiological insights and modern scientific data on climate variability. This includes examining future scenarios proposed as feasible by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and developed by the Colombian Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies (IDEAM). ÆRAS initiative in the Andean region is focusing on the following research priorities:
1.Climate Projections and Epidemiological Impact Analysis: Detailed research on climate scenarios and their implications for public health and ecosystems is essential. For instance, understanding how rising temperatures will alter the distribution of ‘tropical’ diseases can help prioritize healthcare resources and interventions.
2.Tracking Historical Patterns of Disease and Vulnerabilities: Analyzing the spread of diseases such as malaria and dengue over the past decades provides insights into how climate change exacerbates existing health vulnerabilities. This historical perspective is vital for predicting future trends.
3. Linking Climate Variability to Health Risks: Research should establish clear connections between new climate patterns and emerging health and social threats. By evaluating vulnerability across different regions and populations, particularly indigenous groups, we can identify emerging patterns to help tailor strategies essential for public health programs. Studying the factors that play a role in environmental degradation is essential to understand the risk and its progression.
4. Early Warning, Ecosystems, and Community-Based Solutions: Developing health-focused early warning systems that monitor disease jointly vectors, weather patterns, and social community health trends and practices is critical. These systems need to integrate traditional knowledge, ensuring that prevention and adaptation measures align with local realities. Our ongoing research work for the World Bank Group on early warning systems and laboratory networks in Eastern Africa for diseases like tuberculosis, HIV/ AIDS, STI has shown the transformative potential of combining local insights with advanced technologies. These experiences underscore the importance of building adaptable frameworks tailored to regional contexts.
Traditional and complementary medicine has thrived through a complex system of knowledge from health promoters and healers
using natural plants and practices to help communities stay healthy. As the climate changes, traditional healers in the Andres and surrounding ecosystems have reportedly seen the need to expand their search of traditional products to faraway locations. As an example, the Colombian Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, one of the most important and unique ecosystems in the world, a well known source of traditional plants and remedies, has markedly reduced its production of traditional products. Focusing on the dynamics of this process can help address remedial actions.
Education and awareness play a critical role in building resilience. Governmental initiatives to incorporate environmental care and the effect of climatic changes and traditional practices are being integrated into public schools in indigenous communities. Integrating climate change and health into school curricula can empower younger generations to understand and address these challenges and promote the creation of professionals with detailed knowledge on the matter. ÆRAS is exploring experimental schools that blend indigenous knowledge with modern science, fostering appreciation of traditional practices while equipping students with tools to address contemporary problems.
The Andean region requires a comprehensive response to the dual crises of climate change, social and public health. The insights gained from the indigenous communities highlight the immense value of traditional practices in fostering sustainable solutions. By leveraging indigenous knowledge, education, global expertise in early warning systems and disease control, we emphasize the importance of uniting diverse knowledge systems in promoting sustainability and combating climate change and environmental degradation.
Such efforts can create systems that not only address current challenges but also anticipate and mitigate future risks, offering the greatest potential for resilience and progress in Colombia and serving as a model for other regions around the world.
“We are now living outside of the laws of nature where nature is now turning against man and becoming the enemy. Climate change is the consequence of the fact that man is operating outside the laws of life and laws of nature, law of the balance of the world. And doing so will destroy the balance.” --The Kogi
Society is in the grip of a socio-economic, climate and biodiversity crisis. People on the frontlines are already living through the nightmare of a warming and changing planet.
Today, we have a historic opportunity to change course. Your leadership in the ecological transition can make the decisive difference. The world urgently needs to transition away from fossil fuels, halt and reverse nature loss, ensure food security, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
As hosts of COP16 and COP30, Colombia and Brazil can forge an enduring partnership that will guide the world by demonstrating the intercon- nectedness of climate and nature. Together, you can champion bold action to ensure our efforts to protect nature are aligned with climate action, while placing the urgent transformation of our food systems at the heart of our shared mission for a sustainable future.
Governments will be updating their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which are due in February 2025. With your leadership, we can make ‘peace with nature’ the principle that gives shape to these national climate action plans.
We are a network of businesses, investors, scientists, Indigenous Peoples, youth and civil society organizations who are steadfastly committed to support and work with you on this ‘one year of united action on climate, nature and food’.We already have the foundations for necessary ambition: the commitments made under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the Paris Agreement, and its Global Stocktake – including the Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action and the Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People –serve as our collective blueprints. We are ready to support your leadership in mobilizing all actors to deliver these three outcomes to protect what we love:
Strengthen national climate plans to deliver a triple win for people, nature and food security by aligning decade-defining NDCs and national biodiversity strategies (NBSAPs) and integrating national food systems pathways across both – with clear policies and action to halt and reverse bio- diversity loss, including sustainable ocean management and by ending deforestation by 2030.
Scale up investment for nature and food system transformation by align- ing financial flows with the Paris Agreement and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, delivering on its biodiversity finance commitment and at least tripling finance by 2030, prioritizing direct access to finance for farmers, Indigenous Peoples, and Local Communities. Support the full and effective participation of farmers, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities across climate, food system and nature policy de- velopment, decision-making and monitoring, ensuring that these changemakers’ rights and contributions to unlocking sustainable development, economic prosperity and safeguarding of our planet are front and center.
COP16 to COP30 – both set against backdrops of the world’s most biodiverse natural landscapes – are our most powerful reminder that we need to act now to protect and restore what is sacred to us, in order to ensure thriving societies and economies.
This is a moment of possibility and a moment of decision. You are the first generation of leaders to truly understand the dual climate and nature crisis, but also the last generation of leaders able to address it in a timely manner. Whether or not COP16 and COP30 make history is now within your grasp. We stand united with you to seize this moment.
Global leaders: Christiana Figueres, Farwiza Farhan, Gonzalo Muñoz, Hiro Mizuno, President Juan Manuel Santos, Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, Mary Robinson, Monica Medina, Dr. Naoko Ishii, Paul Polman, Richard Branson, Wade Davis, Wanjira Mathai, Zac Goldsmith.
Indigenous leaders: Alfredo Nurinkias, Cristiane Julião Pankararu, Enrique Salazar, Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Juan Carlos Jinitiach, Joseph Itongwa, Josien Alioema, Levi Sucre, Oswaldo Muca
Scientists: Professor Carlos Nobre, Dr. David Suzuki, Johan Rockström, Dr. Ralph Chami, Sunita Narain, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Professor Dr. Tom Crowther
Youth leaders: Force of Nature, Paloma Costa, Rede Brasileira de Biodiversidade e Clima (RBBC), Rede Brasileira de Jovens pela Biodiversidade (GYBN
Brazil), We Are Family Foundation, Xiye Bastida, Youth4Nature
Business and finance leaders: AJE, Ajinomoto, Arauco, Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), Daniel Vercelli (Manuia), Danone, David Atkin (PRI), Eva Zabey (Business For Na- ture), Frannie Leautier (Southbridge), IKEA, João Paulo Ferreira (Natura), Leah Seligmann (The B Team), Legal & General Group PLC, Maria Mendiluce (We Mean Business Coalition), Nestlé, Peter Bakker (WBCSD), Stephanie Pfeifer (IIGCC), Stora Enso, Sven Bruchfeld Engel (Polkura), Tim Christophersen (Salesforce)
Civil society & NGO leaders: Brian O’Donnell (Campaign For Nature), Coalizão Brasil Clima Floresta Agricultura, Dorothy Maeke (African Nat- ural Capital Alliance), Felipe Arango Garcia (Transforma), Dr. Gunhild Stordalen (EAT), Jean Oelwang (Virgin Unite), Jen Morris (The Nature Conservancy), Juan Lucas Restrepo
and Ismahane Elouafi (CGIAR), James Lloyd (Nature4Climate), Ju- liana Uribe Villegas (Movilizatorio), Kirsten Schuijt (WWF International), Lawrence Haddad (GAIN), Lindsay Hooper (Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership – CISL), Martin Harper (Birdlife International), Mary Dixon (World Conservation Society), Michal Nachmany (Climate Policy Radar), Morgan Gillespy (Food and Land Use Coalition), Natalie Unterstell (Instituto Talanoa), Niki Mardas (Global Canopy), Planet Tracker, Proforest, Sandrine Dixon (Club of Rome), Sherry Madera (CDP), SOS Mata Atlantica, The Planetary Guard- ians, Tom Elliot (Restor), Virgilio Viana (Sustainable Amazon Foundation).
To know more about this effort please write to groundswell@globaloptimism. com
28.01.2025 AU
Exposition collective sous le commissariat de Marie Maertens
“Au départ, regarder l’eau paraît calme et apaisant... Il peut s’agir des lacs, mais aussi des ensembles plus vastes que sont la Méditerranée, l’Océan Indien… Source infinie de projections et d’espoirs, vision idyllique de voyages à venir ou conception parfois trop exotique du lointain, la mer, également associée aux départs imposés, se révèle, en parallèle, destructrice et dévorante. Elle peut happer ceux qu’elle a attirés et courtisés. L’eau devient alors un bouillonnement impétueux qui mêle les rêves et les détresses, conservant en souvenir les nombreux trépas dont elle fut témoin… avant de revenir aux plus douces visions et l’envie d’y plonger son corps.
L’eau évoque l’été, la plage et le soleil. Elle se teinte de l’attrait des séductions et des rapprochements des êtres, quels que soient leurs genres, à l’instar des vagues qui secouent les esprits et attisent les proximités. Témoignage direct de nos émotions, l’eau nous fait vivre et constitue notre corps. Elle se fait larme quand les sensations sont trop fortes, les bonheurs trop intenses ou les départs déchirants… Elle nous ramène au passé et à ce que l’on a quitté. L’eau coule toujours à travers nous et s’affirme encore par divers fluides qui suivent nos désirs les plus ardents… et les plus joyeux. » Marie Maertens
Exposition du 28 janvier au 11 avril 2025
Entrée libre de 10h à 18h du Lundi au Vendredi
Art Talk le 20 mars 2025
HiFlow - 36A Chemin du Champs-desFilles, 1228 Plan-les-Ouates
28.01.2025 AU 11.04
Genève, le 18 décembre 2024
Genève, le 18 décembre 2024
“Au départ, reg peut s’agir des que sont la Mé de projections venir ou conce mer, égalemen en parallèle, de ceux qu’elle a bouillonnemen détresses, cons dont elle fut té visions et l’envie
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En 2020, elle av the Infinite Jou des artistes fe espaces infinis, Surface of the E - dans cinq l’Ambassade de
Sustainable art is art in harmony with the key principles of sustainability, which include ecology, social justice, nonviolence and grassroots democracy.
Sustainable art may also be understood as art that is produced with consideration for the wider impact of the work and its reception in relationship to its environments (social, economic, biophysical, historical and cultural).
Born in 1984, graduated in Architecture from the University of Porto (Portugal), Luis is based in Geneva (Switzerland) since 2011 where he works in the public sector, for the Département du territoire.
He started developing his artistic work based on his long-time love for drawing. Using mixed media (graphite, ink, watercolour, amongst others), he proposes a certain sort of imaginary topographies (most of them inhabited) that could be seen as subconscious, internal and personal places, with natural inspired rules.
At first, one might get lost in the textures and some hypnotic pattern, but looking closer, one gets fascinated by the change of perspective where natural environments (although simulated) emerge with a hint of familiarity that comes with recognizable landscape traces.
He also explores the boundaries of sculpture with his paper cut assemblages, assessing notions of scale, rhythm and relief along with ideas of loneliness, isolation or the human impact on the landforms.
This artwork resembles a planet or geological cross-section etched with intricate, topographic lines, creating a striking visual representation that evokes thoughts of the human impact on Earth or an imaginary planet. The densely packed lines, which undulate and intersect across the circular form, resemble the scars left by humanity’s footprint: deforestation, urban expansion, and resource extraction.
The fading, earthy tones could indicate exhaustion, capturing a planet strained by relentless change. This piece can be seen as a reminder of how deeply human activities alter Earth’s landscapes, potentially beyond recovery.
project & member registered on
Christin Schäfer, a certified statistician who meticulously shaped her education and ca-reer around data, delving into machine learning research and managing data-driven systems for major European financial institutions. In 2015, she founded acs plus, data with care, a company dedicated to assisting partners in extracting value from data.
Beyond the realm of data, Christin has cultivated a lifelong passion for photography, transitioning seamlessly from analog to digital mediums. A former owner of a personal darkroom, she found solace in graphic work on the computer. Merging these worlds, Christin employs artistic algorithms to edit photos, giving rise to the current Eindruck Series.
The Eindruck Series challenges the prevailing norms in photography, particularly the loss of credibility and documentary properties in staged or generatively produced images.In a world where photographs are deliberately used to impress, influence, and guide viewers, the series highlights the paradoxical nature of ‘wahrnehmen’, underscoring the ironic contrast between the Ger-man term’s literal meaning—taking everything seen as true—and the stark reality that today’s photographs often embody anything but truth.As an artistic response, the Eindruck Series practices ‘slow seeing.’
By stripping away staging and over-whelming impressions, Christin invites viewers to engage in contemplative observation and reflection. Each artwork in the series
is meticulously crafted from a photograph, with pixels rearranged through randomness and algorithms.
The development of an ‘Eindruck’ prompts a reconsideration of the significance of the first impression derived from a photograph. Christin’s work challenges us to move beyond quick glances, urging us to invest time, patience, interest, and openness in understanding the representation and the depicted. It embodies an ever-renewing concept of slow seeing, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of exploration and contemplation.
Christin Schäferchristin.schaefer@acs-plus.de The Eindruck Series.
Eric Van den Bruel (Belgian) started drawing at the age of 12. He started copying in great detail old postcards from the village of his parents with Chinese ink and a pen.
When he went to university, he wanted to decorate his student room with posters from the lilies of Monet but did not have the money to buy them. Instead, he started painting in a larger format, first using oil paint on paper and later acrylic on canvas. He told us he never had good marks at school in drawing classes. What you see here is the result of “milage in the saddle” as he calls it.
He never had a formal academy education. In fact, he is an engineer and a MBA “with a soft creative side”. “Through persistence and constantly pushing boundaries, trial and error, people can learn whatever they want” he said .
When he moved with his family to South Africa he found his preferred theme; “wildlife” and more specific zebras.
His work sells relatively well and the proceeds he puts into a fund which he uses to pay for the study of youngsters who have the intellectual capacity but not the financial means to go to university.
He believes strongly that education is one path towards a better life. The only return he asks from students that benefit from this, is that they would do the same when they are financially capable.
As such the world becomes a better place.
In childhood, he lived and was educated in a remote Somerset village for three years, a brief period which was at the root of much that was important in his life, including his love of landscapes and of hidden places within them. Modern art (abstract and landscape painting in particular) became an unofficial interest, paralleling his emerging academic specialisation in language and literature, during the years of his secondary education at Sexey’s in Bruton. His father had given him a camera when he was very young, but he took few pictures during this period.
He read English at Trinity College, Cambridge and devoted time during vacations to experiments in abstract painting and sculpture, some of which he exhibited. He also learnt how to process and print black and white film, and began making prints of landscapes and found objects. During postgraduate research on landscape in poetry at Trinity College, he discovered the history of photography as a creative medium. This established photography and its theory as a lifelong - but largely private - centre of investigation and interest. To earn a living, he obtained a PGCE at Bristol University, then worked as a teacher of literature, first in south-west England and then from 1987, at two international schools in France, in Colomiers (31) and Ferney-Voltaire (01), for 30 years. In 2012 he was made ‘Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques’, the citation mentioning ‘des services rendus à la culture française’.
Peter Woodburn was born in Somerset in England, in 1957. He now works as an ‘auteur photographe’, creating limited edition prints of his original photographic works, in the French town of Gex, near Geneva. His photography has been exhibited in Italy, the USA and Britain, as well as in France, in Lyon, Mulhouse, Paris and La Roche sur Foron, and locally in Gex and Ferney-Voltaire. Selections of his work may be seen online on Singulart and Instagram.
He maintained his intellectual investment in photography during a busy career and while raising a large family with his second wife, through reading and attending exhibitions and, in 2002, he acquired new digital equipment to begin documenting one chosen French river site, near a shared summer home in the Aude, a place he visited once every year. This work was based on photographing the fine detail of a place where two rivers merged, the Orbieu and the Aussou, a spot whose appearances, changes and processes he came, over the years, to mythologize and see as sacred, rather than as simply beautiful. He came to describe his work as ‘documentary expressionism’ because careful, detailed observation gave rise to the integrated apprehension by the viewer (so his theory ran) of the powerful emotional links between the individual mind and heart and the visible world.
Most of his work now stems from that second period in his life of photographic apprenticeship.The number of places that feature in his work has grown since Covid and, during the lock-downs, a series of still-lifes of flowers at various stages of their life and death emerged, as if spontaneously, as a studio element in his work. Many saw low-country golden age still-life and ‘vanitas’ painting as the inspiration behind these, but they were, in fact, made with the techniques of compound digital photography, using flowers bought in a supermarket, and lit by LED lighting. He came to see the
incongruity between means and outcome as part of the pleasure of these works, and he began to be attentive to such conceptual elements in his creative workflow.
The often-made observation that his work is ‘like painting’, is something he currently sees as an insight as to how an existing work by someone else (often a painting, but sometimes a poem or other text) is present in his mind’s eye or ear and within his creative process as he tries to capture the objective world in such a way as to express all the force of the emotions that looking gives rise to. He hopes that viewers find the allusive inclusion of such works - forming a third term between ‘world’ and ‘work’ and often present only subconsciously or obliquelyboth susceptible of detection and enriching. He aims, via their inclusion,to make fully original images that have an emotional force that the viewer will feel moved to assist in the retrieval and recreation of.
“Following the first Covid lockdowns I began photographing the large but relatively little known Ramsar classified wetlands site around Gruissan in the Aude.”
Certified CELTA and CELTYL teacher based in France. Been teaching English for 14 years and delighted to be part of the STEAM group this year at St. George’s International School summer camp. Constantly involved with Addictlab and SDGzine related projects.
Passionate about cuisine and wine. Autodidactic artist and crafter.
This art piece, Currents of Change: A Plastic Tide, is a haunting representation of the devastating impact of plastic pollution on our oceans. Crafted from discarded plastic bags and mini plastic bottles, it recreates the shimmering surface of the sea, marred by the relentless presence of human waste. The intricate texture of the “ocean” mirrors its beauty and fragility, while the floating bottles symbolize the pervasive and enduring nature of plastic debris.
Trash wave pollution” refers to the phenomenon of waves carrying significant amounts of trash and debris to coastlines due to ocean pollution. This issue is primarily caused by improper waste disposal, plastic pollution, and the accumulation of garbage in marine ecosystems.
Through this piece, I would like to highlights the urgent need for action against plastic pollution, which suffocates marine life,
disrupts ecosystems, and infiltrates the food chain. The artwork challenges viewers to confront their role in this crisis and inspires a collective commitment to reduce plastic waste and protect the world’s oceans for future generations.
Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa stands as an enduring symbol of Japanese art, its powerful composition capturing the majesty of nature and the resilience of humanity. However, the evolution of this iconic piece is equally fascinating. A recent series of archival images shared by researcher and Ph.D. student in Japanese literature, Tkasasagi, offers a rare glimpse into the artistic journey that culminated in this masterpiece.
The images document different waves Hokusai drew during his life—at ages 33, 44, and 46—before creating the final version at age 72. These earlier works reveal a progression of styles, techniques, and thematic focus, reflecting the artist’s lifelong pursuit of perfection.
Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa, part of his Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji series, was created during the Edo period and published between 1829 and 1833. It depicts an enormous wave towering over three boats, with Mount Fuji visible in the background, symbolizing the interplay of nature’s grandeur and humanity’s struggle.
This evolutionary insight emphasizes Hokusai’s dedication to his craft and how his understanding of composition, form, and motion matured over decades. Today, the final piece is celebrated as one of the most recognizable works of Japanese art, reminding us of the meticulous process behind its creation.
STEAM fields are defined science, and technology, interpreted through engineering, and the (liberal) arts, and based in mathematics. Variations of definitions for the “A” exist, but no other definition formally defines the arts with research or links the disciplines together as a whole with research. STEAM is designed to integrate all subjects with each other for a way to teach across the disciplines. These programs aim to teach students innovation, to think critically and use engineering or technology in imaginative designs or creative approaches to real-world problems framed in social studies. STEAM programs add art to STEM curriculum by drawing on reasoning, ethics and design principles and encouraging creative solutions, effectively removing the meaning of the STEM distinction as the term now includes nearly all academic fields, yet still oddly leaving some behind
The founder of the STEAM initiative is Georgette Yakman, who in addition to raising
the idea of adding the arts to the STEM acronym, has conducted research and practicum since 2006 based on researching the formal way that subjects work together and correspond to the global socioeconomic world: “Science and Technology, interpreted through Engineering and the Arts, all based in elements of Mathematics.”She provides professional development training to individual educators and programs on how to use the STEAM framework.[9] In 2009, Senator Mark Warner announced Yakman’s nomination as NCTC’s STEAM Teacher of the Year 2009.
Involving kids and scaling education for the SDGs
La Fête de la Science du Pays de Gex, dans l’Ain, qui s’est déroulée du 4 au 14 octobre 2024, a été un succès inspirant, faisant vivre le thème Océan de Savoirs dans 14 lieux dynamiques. Organisé par Addictlab, l’événement de cette année a permis aux scientifiques, aux éducateurs et aux communautés locales de se réunir pour célébrer les sciences marines, l’innovation et la durabilité.
Avec un accent particulier sur les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD), en particulier l’ODD 14 (vie sous-marine), les activités ont mis en évidence le besoin urgent de conservation des océans et de pratiques marines durables. Des ateliers et expositions interactifs aux conférences d’experts marins, l’événement a exploré la riche biodiversité de nos océans et les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés en raison du changement climatique, de la pollution et de la surpêche.
La diversité des activités, qui ont eu lieu dans des écoles, des bibliothèques, des centres culturels et des espaces publics, a permis aux participants de tous âges de s’engager dans un apprentissage pratique. Parmi les expériences marquantes, on peut citer les sessions sur la technologie marine, les plongées en réalité virtuelle dans les profondeurs de l’océan et les laboratoires créatifs où les enfants ont exploré le lien entre l’art et la
science à travers des projets sur le thème marin. Chaque lieu a apporté sa contribution unique, créant une mosaïque de connaissances et de créativité dans toute la région répartie sur les 10 jours afin que la communauté locale puisse participer aux activités de son choix.
comment la science peut être un puissant outil de transformation sociale et environnementale.
Ce qui a le plus marqué cette année, c’est l’esprit collaboratif de l’événement. Des scientifiques locaux, des experts et des membres de la communauté ont travaillé ensemble pour sensibiliser à l’importance vitale des océans dans nos écosystèmes et dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. L’événement a également souligné
La Fête de la Science : Océan de Savoir s’est achevée avec des participants non seulement une compréhension plus approfondie des écosystèmes marins, mais aussi un sentiment de responsabilité partagée envers leur protection. L’édition de cette année a une fois de plus montré comment des festivals scientifiques comme ceux-ci peuvent inspirer les générations futures à penser de manière critique et à agir consciemment en faveur des ODD, ouvrant la voie à un avenir plus durable et plus équitable.
En tant que phare de la connaissance et de la découverte, l’édition de cette année souligne l’importance des efforts collaboratifs pour l’existence de la Fête de la Science au Pays de Gex. Nous invitons tout le monde à se joindre à nous pour célébrer la science et contribuer à un avenir plus durable pour nos océans et au-delà. Nous avons hâte de voir les vagues de connaissances issues de la célébration de cette année continuer à se propager à travers le Pays de Gex et au-delà.
Jane Lim Addictlab Researcher
The SDG Olympiad is a global competition designed to inspire students to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This year the SDG Solution Space and the Learning Planet Institute hosted the first Olympiad centered on sustainable development right after the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games 2024.
The SDG Olympiad leverages on the actual infrastructure of 12 universities hosting SDG Summer Schools programs and provides a platform for the students participating in them to further advance their innovative solutions.
The SDG Summer School is a teambased innovation program and hands-on prototype development. The goal is that teams of university students, in close collaboration with International Organizations, go from a conception phase to producing practical demos that generate relevant data to tackle the SDGs. All participants receive intensive mentoring and coaching to help transform their ideas into impactful projects and become part of a global community of innovators.
The SDG Summer School puts emphasis on open data, crowdsourcing technologies, and low-cost opensource solutions to achieve concrete steps towards achieving the SDGs, at a local, regional or global level.
Since 2020, the SDG Summer School has expanded from Geneva, where it was launched in 2016, to several other partner sites, which host their own versions of the Summer School. And since 2021, the SDG Summer School has focused on one theme: OpenSource Health Solutions, in collaboration with the Institute of Global Health at the University of Geneva.
In 2024 the topic of the SDG Sum-
mer School was Planetary Health. 12 Universities around the world hosted an SDG Summer School or a similar event. University of Geneva, Asian Institute of Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Politecnico de Milano, United States International University (Nairobi), Université Paris Cité, University of Lagos and Rice Univer-
sity hosted an SDG Summer School. Imperial College London hosted the Global Challenge Lab, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen Graduate Campus hosted a Summer Camp, University of Copenhagen hosted The Global Health Solutions Design Sprint and NYU Abu Dhabi, the Hackathon for Social Good.
Through a co-creation process, two award categories were established for the SDG Olympiad: the SDG Olympiad Global Award and the SDG Olympiad Special Award. The Global Award celebrates the top three projects from each of the 12 universities, honoring them with gold, silver, and bronze medals. To participate, each host university’s SDG Summer School manager nominated their best team, who then presented their projects live to a jury during the SDG Olympiad Award Ceremony in Paris.
The Special Award acknowledges exceptional projects not presented in Paris, with six unique categories: Best contributions to nature-based solutions for climate resilience, Best Contribution to Integrating Local Knowledge & Community Needs into Climate-risk Information and Solutions, Best Digital Public Good, Best use of Open-Source generative AI, Best Contribution to Furthering the Rights of the Child Award and Best Contribution to Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change on Global Health Award.
From September 25 to 27, 24 students embarked on a transformative journey, including workshops led by expert coaches, roundtables, and the much-anticipated pitch and award ceremony.
The international jury evaluated the projects and provided valuable insights to the teams. The jury included Dunola Oladapo, Digital Inclusion Programme Officer at International Telecommunication Union, Kath-
erine Temple, fellow student of the SDG Solution Space, Denise Soesilo, UNICEF Digital Public Goods Incubator / ADDA Consultant, Açig Berfin, Education, Research and Innovation Officer at the Embassy of Switzerland in France, Liza Sekaggya, President and Co-Founder of Phenomenal Women Global, Michael Adalla, Programme Officer & Team Leader at United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Alexandra Poissonnier, Deputy Secretary
General at Paris International Model United Nations (MUN).
This edition of SDG Zine showcases the winning projects from the SDG Olympiad Global and Special Awards. Dive in to discover these innovative solutions driving us toward a more sustainable world!
The Addict Lab Academy and All Special Kids (ASK) joined forces this summer to craft a vibrant program, blending creativity, technology, and sustainability. This was a daily activity that took place in the afternoon and the participants were autistic children aged 7 to 16 years and mature students over the age of 16, all with their respective mentors. We aimed at helping children to be creative and to understand the concept of conservation through various activities.
We set the stage for collaboration and fun by transforming introductions into hands-on name-tag making adventures. This activity was rather mundane, but it helped the participants break the ice. To make the students more comfortable with the creative aspects of the session, badge-making was also introduced. There was a badge machine through which students drew on circular paper and learnt how the machine worked. This was an early involvement that not only enticed the creativity of the individuals but also piqued their interest on the tools that they would meet during the program.
From programming robots to creating sand art, every station offered a unique opportunity to explore, learn, and imagine. The classroom was arranged in a dynamic space with various station activities that included Lego Spike, 3D pens, Turning Tumble, sand art and Wood/ Kapla construction. Each station was planned in a way that would interest people of different interests and develop certain abilities.
Students combined programming and construction to bring their mechanical creations to life. It combined
the fun of construction as well as the difficulty of programming. The students were able to program robots using Lego Spike to carry out certain tasks. This activity not only boosts creativity but also, provides the participants with an introduction to programming basics in the most entertaining manner.
Recycled materials turned into masterpieces as creativity flowed from pen to paper. They initially had to make small samples, with the 3D pen, and then within no time they were creating their own master pieces which showed their enhancement and creativity.
Students uncovered the magic of colour and texture through intricate sand art designs. The sand art station included the use of coloured sand where students had to create art using sand and sticky paper. This activity assisted them in learning patience as well as the concept of colour when creating their designs.
The Turing Tumble turned computational thinking into an exciting game of precision and creativity! In a way, students were playing with a manual computer system, which required them to arrange a predetermined set of pieces on a board as well as use other parts to make red and blue balls at the top, fall into their respective holes when a handle was pushed. This activity is effective in enhancing problem solving skills while at the same time explaining the fundamentals of computational thinking.
From cardboard chaos to creative genius
The Cardboard Lab station proved that teamwork
makes masterpieces! This activity was a great way to use recycled cardboard and materials which are safe for children. With the help of screws, cutters and joiners the children worked together in building the structures they pleased. This was not a theoretical exercise and therefore it also fostered teamwork while making the most unforgettable memories out of the messiest situations.
Students discovered the power of 3D technology and the joy of holding their creations. The 3D printing activity, helped them to learn how to carve names on wooden spoons and also learn how the printer and its system works. For the mature students there were other activities using the 3D printer, that help the students to learn more advanced tools and techniques. They also got to use 3D modelling software where they designed their own keychains which were later printed for them. This experience included the process of learning the creative aspect, when the students received a physical output of their work.
Cyanotype printing turned artistic visions into stunning blue-and-white imprints. This interesting activity included the use of cyanotype, a form of photographic printing. The experience combined technical learning with creativity, leaving the students with a tangible keepsake of their efforts.
Students learned the art of innovation with a sustainable twist, proving that imagination and eco-consciousness go hand in hand. For instance, they found out that the 3D pen materials were recycled and hard to make, thus underlining the notion of eco-friendly consumption. These lessons highlighted how creativity can contribute to sustainability from an early age.
The summer project ended with delight, lasting friendships, and a collective enthusiasm for what lies ahead. The students took pride in their creations, which they were allowed to take home, and the mature students expressed their enthusiasm for the added responsibilities they had undertaken.
The Addict Lab Academy and ASKs collaboration inspired young minds, strengthened bonds, and laid the foundation for a brighter, more creative future. The students’ creativity and the passion that they displayed together with the commitment of the mentors and organizers made this project a great success. Happy with the achievements, the Addict Lab Academy looks forward to having more collaborations with All Special Kids and to increase the probability of inspiring the young generations.
We are a group of girls from Marymount Secondary School, Hong Kong. We are pleased to introduce our project: the ‘Mangrove Microbot with Machine Learning’.
Our robot mainly identifies the type of mangrove that is best suited for a specific area, ensuring that they can thrive under favorable environmental conditions. This helps to avoid mangrove loss due to the incorrect choice of mangrove type under environmental circumstances. Thus, our goal is to conserve mangroves, minimise their loss due to incorrect choices of mangrove species, and maximise the species’ positive impacts on the respective regions
The robot consists of Microbit, connected to a dht11 sensor for detecting the temperature and humidity levels of coastal areas. We will first deploy our robot to coastal areas. After the collection of data through our microbit, we will execute our codes for machine learning analysis. First, we will transmit the data from microbit to Visual Studio Code through serial communication. Then, we will read a csv file stored in the laptop, containing datasets of different mangrove species and their corresponding temperature and humidity levels. Lastly, we will train the computer to output the most suitable type of mangrove for the area where the robot is placed, using machine learning technologies like the decision tree classifier.
Through conserving and minimising the loss of mangroves, which play a vital role in carbon sequestration, the robot helps mitigate climate change and serves as an effective climate adaptation strategy.
Mona Yeung, Lisa Yeung, Magdalene Tung Marymount Secondary School (Hong Kong)
Young inquisitive minds gathered at the frontier of science and technology for Coding Science 2024, a three day event co-organised by CERN, l’association Informasciences, hepia HES-SO, Les Emulsionneurs (https://www.lesemulsionneurs.fr/) and the CERN Micro Club. Held from November 29 to December 1, 2024, the event offered a unique opportunity for students aged 10 to 18 to explore the intersection of computational thinking and scientific discovery.
The event, hosted at both CERN’s Science Gateway and hepia HES-SO in Geneva, featured four carefully elaborated workshops exploring different aspects of digital twins - virtual replicas that bridge the gap between physical systems and their digital counterparts in modern scientific research.
Workshop Highlights:
Robot Polaire: Where Art Meets Mathematics
In the “Robot Polaire” workshop, participants aged 12 and above ventured into the world of robotics, programming a drawing arm to understand polar coordinates and coordinate transformations. This workshop cleverly combined artistic expression with mathematical concepts, demonstrating how STEM fields often intersect with creativity.
JacDac: Democratizing Electronics
The “JacDac” electronics workshop introduced participants as young as 10 to the exciting world of plug-and-play electronics. Using an innovative opensource standard, students created working prototypes in minutes, experiencing firsthand how modern scientific instruments are assembled and controlled.
Rebuild CERN: Virtual Architecture Challenge
The “Rebuild CERN” architecture workshop challenged participants to recreate CERN’s Science Gateway using Luanti, a sandbox construction environment similar to Minecraft. This exercise taught valuable lessons about spatial awareness, scale, and attention to detail – skills crucial in scientific facility design and engineering.
Save a Coral Reef: Environmental Science Meets Particle Physics
Perhaps most pertinently to sustainable development, the “Save a Coral Reef” workshop used augmented reality to demonstrate parallels between managing complex ecosystems and operating particle accelerators. Participants learned about ocean conservation while discovering how the skills used by CERN’s particle accelerator operators apply to environmental protection.
The event attracted 194 young participants across all workshops, with a 32% female participation rate. The electronic workshops proved especially popular among a young audience, indicating strong interest in hands-on technology learning.
Looking ahead, initiatives like CODING SCIENCE 2024 play a crucial role in preparing young people for careers in science, technology, and sustainability. By combining practical skills with real-world applications, particularly in areas like environmental monitoring and scientific instrumentation, the event demonstrated how today’s students can become tomorrow’s innovators in achieving sustainable development goals. The successful collaboration between major scientific institutions and local organizations provides a model for future educational initiatives that bridge the gap between advanced research and practical applications.
The enthusiasm shown by participants suggests a bright future for scientific and technological literacy in the region, with many young minds now better equipped to tackle tomorrow’s challenges in both scientific research and sustainable development.
We’re on a mission to serve our teachers. In order to shape the future our students deserve, we must create the conditions for educators to thrive. We advocate for educators, include them in dialogues shaping the future of education, invest in their ideas, and create programming and opportunities to support our teachers so they might drive change as local catalysts.
Through an Educators’ Fund, we’ve designed an accelerator to empower teachers as innovators so that they can launch impactful initiatives in their communities. We understand that for every opportunity, solution, innovation, or idea, a teacher is at the heart of its implementation. We believe it’s critical to design spaces and experiences that support teachers to do what they do best: make a difference for young people.
Through our inaugural green educators cohort, teachers from Uganda, Paraguay, Ireland, Trinidad and Tobago, Mozambique, and Nigeria were invited to take part in a virtual accelerator and given 500euro microgrants to grow their impactful ideas for their students and communities. Here’s a look at what a few our Green Cohort members are working on:
- Musisi (Uganda) - is an environmental champion supporting his students on a variety of fronts to make their community more climate resilient. From student-run gardens to community walks showcasing regenerative agricultural practices to planting trees with local organizations, his goal is to empower students to gain practical skills around agriculture and act as environmental stewards.
Brian (Ireland) - takes his passion for vermiculture and weaves it into the fabric of his school. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, he works with students in the design and implementation of a worm nursery. His goal is to provide students with hands-on experience around environmental sustainability with a focus on two critical issues: the rising problem of food waste and the ongoing degradation of soil quality.
We create the conditions for educators to change. We build opportunities that empo launch impactful initiatives in their commu
Wendy (Trinidad and Tobago) - is an environmental leader in her school who instigates a wide-range of student-driven projects aimed at greening shared spaces and engaging students in environmental stewardship. Her next project aims at creating a system for rain water harvesting and the building of a hydroponic system for the cultivation of vegetables that students can sell in the cafeteria.
As a global hub to connect educators with innovation in education by empowering te implement and launch long-term social o schools or communities
Sharihat (Nigeria) - is implementing the first of its kind climate programming for her school. Working with a local organization, she’s developing a climate education program for the student body and empowering students to be changemakers in their communities through the development of real-world projects.
We’re a team of former educators and s that the critical drivers to true education overlooked. Teachers are the backbone undervalued asset in generating placeis critical that we prepare, inspire, and n to thrive Teachers act as the bridge to r solution, innovation, or idea, a teacher is
We drive impact when we support teachers acting as catalysts in their communities. Learn more or get involved by checking out www.theeducatorslab.com
Newly launched in June 2024, The Educa enable teachers to do what they do bes people
SDGzine ‘s ambition is not only to document best practices and create a growing ecosystem of people and organisations that are taking on the challenge aiming for sustainable change.
Projects coming from the SDG Fablab, or the MIHDS students of the University of Geneva.
SDGzine ‘s ambition is not only to document best practices and create a growing ecosystem of people and organisations that are taking on the challenge aiming for sustainable change.
Projects coming from the SDG Fablab, the MIHDS students of the University of Geneva or the SDG Summer School
In a remarkable collaboration between SDG Solution Space, the University of Geneva, DoraHacks, the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and the CERN Micro Club, the 2024 Webfest emerged as an innovative event at the intersection of quantum computing and sustainable development. This hybrid hackathon, hosted on August 10th, 2024, brought together brilliant young minds from across the globe, both in person at SDG Solution Space and virtually, to tackle frontier technological challenges with potential far-reaching impacts on our sustainable future.
The event showcased the power of collaborative innovation, with teams of developers each working across four distinct challenge tracks. The format enabled seamless cooperation between on-site and remote participants, demonstrating how modern technology can break down geographical barriers in pursuit of
scientific advancement. Supported by the NISQ Quantum Computing Grant, the event offered not just intellectual stimulation but also tangible recognition for groundbreaking solutions.
Quantum-Resistant Blockchain: Securing the Digital Future
The first challenge addressed the critical need for quantum-resistant cryptography in blockchain systems. Teams worked on integrating CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM, a sophisticated post-quantum digital signature algorithm, into the Cosmos SDK blockchain framework. This forward-thinking project aimed to protect blockchain systems against future quantum computing threats while maintaining crucial backward compatibility and interoperability across the network. The implementation included advanced features such as hybrid support for both classical and quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms, ensuring a smooth transition as quantum computing capabilities evolve.
Democratizing Quantum Computing: The $100 Optical Computer
In a remarkable display of innovation and technical democratization, one challenge tasked participants with creating an optical quantum computer using everyday materials. The project cleverly repurposed LCD screens as polarizers, enabling the manipulation of light’s quantum properties for mathematical computations. This ingenious approach demonstrated how sophisticated quantum computing concepts could be explored and implemented with affordable components, potentially easing access to quantum technologies in resource-limited settings. The project successfully achieved basic matrix multiplication capabilities using light polarization, proving that advanced scientific concepts can be made accessible with creative engineering.
The third challenge embraced the power of gamification in quantum education through an innovative website. Teams developed interactive puzzles that transformed complex quantum phenomena like superposition and tunneling into engaging, real-world challenges. This project bridged the gap between theoretical quantum physics and practical understanding, making these fundamental concepts accessible to a broader audience. Through careful design and user experience considerations, the project demonstrated how gaming mechanics could serve as powerful tools for scientific education and public engagement with quantum physics.
Quantum Random Number Generation: Enhancing Digital Security
The fourth challenge focused on developing and analyzing quantum random number generators (QRNG) using IBM’s quantum processors. This comprehensive project encompassed multiple stages, from implementing the QRNG on IBM QPUs to applying sophisticated pre-processing techniques for entropy enhancement. Teams worked on creating classification models to distinguish quantum random numbers from classical pseudorandom numbers, while also implementing real-world applications. The project demonstrated the practical potential of quantum random number generation in enhancing digital security and cryptographic systems.
The event culminated in the recognition of the Quantum-Resistant Blockchain team’s work in post-quantum cryptography. Their project stood out for its practical approach to future-proofing blockchain technology against quantum threats while ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. This victory, accompanied by a $500 prize from the NISQ Quantum Computing Grant, underscores the importance of preparing our digital infrastructure for the quantum age.
Webfest 2024 demonstrated how collaborative innovation can address both technological advancement and sustainable development. By bringing together diverse talents and perspectives, the event showed that solutions to complex challenges often emerge at the intersection of different disciplines and approaches. As we move forward, such initiatives will continue to play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.
Every day, key decisions that save or improve people’s lives are taken in Geneva. These are often not reported in the international media’s headlines but they make a crucial difference for their beneficiaries nonetheless.
Geneva is the place where humanitarian relief for victims of floods, earthquakes or conflicts is coordinated; where responses to environmental challenges are devised; where the fight against deadly diseases is coordinated. It offers victims of abuse, torture and violence forums to be heard and seek redress. Governments come here to negotiate key agreements in the fields of trade, disarmament and conflicts. Regulatory frameworks for telecommunications and the protection of innovations are developed and implemented in this major cooperation platform.
No other city has a richer history of international cooperation than Geneva.
In 1863, a small group of Genevois created the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which led to the first international humanitarian treaty, the Geneva Convention of 1864.
In 1919, the city gained strength and momentum as a platform for dialogue and cooperation when the victorious states of World War I decided to establish the League of Nations and the International Labour Organization (ILO) there.
After World War II, the international community chose Geneva again to host key international organizations. Today, key actors in the health sector, like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have all set up headquarters there.
Read more here.
>Rendre les femmes handicapées plus autonomes pour une société inclusive
The SDG Management School (SDG MS), located in Geneva, Switzerland,established in June 2024. SDG MS is the world’s first business school established to foster global talent that will contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a pioneering institution in business education, SDG MS partnered with UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), which owns the original SDGs curriculum, to create a unique platform dedicated to advance sustainable development.
The innovative curriculum is designed to blend theoretical and practical knowledge across various sectors, including government, private enterprise, and social organizations. Through hands-on learning experiences, such as international internships, we prepare our students to tackle real-world challenges with confidence and expertise.
The school launched its inaugural academic term in September 2024 with two dual-degree programs ; the Executive MBA (EMBA) and the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA).
These dual degree programs developed in collaboration with UNITAR and aSSIST University, the leading business school in South Korea.
The Dual EMBA degree program offers two degrees from SDG MS (EMBA) and aSSIST University (MS in AI). includes immersive residency experiences in Geneva, Switzerland and Hiroshima, Japan. These residencies provide students with firsthand exposure to global sustainability practices, enabling them to gain valuable insights from experienced professionals and engage with lecturers from leading corporations and international organizations. By fostering a deep understanding of the SDGs, the program empowers participants to seamlessly integrate these principles into their professional roles.
The Dual DBA degree program offers two specialized tracks: Business Administration and AI Convergence. These tracks enable participants to align their studies with their specific career goals while developing expertise in creating innovative solutions to global challenges. The program focuses on cultivating actionable management theories, informed by the insights and experiences of professionals renowned for their sustainable and transparent practices. A team of highly qualified SDG experts
oversees the program, ensuring its alignment with cutting-edge sustainability standards.
With 150 students currently enrolled in master’s and doctorate programs, the school fosters a diverse, inclusive learning environment. Moving forward, SDG MS plans to expand its academic offerings by introducing undergraduate programs and non-degree certifications. In addition, the school is also committed to expanding both its Master’s and PhD programs To enhance its partnerships with global universities and organizations, offering students more opportunities for collaboration and research.
SDG MS is proud to draw upon the insights and expertise of top specialists in SDGs from academia, industry, and international organizations, ensuring our students receive the highest quality education and guidance.
What if the path to a just, fair, and sustainable world began with the power of imagination? This question lies at the heart of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) as it celebrates 60 years of championing research for social change. To mark this milestone, on October 2023, UNRISD inaugurated a transformative art exhibition that transcends border and time: “The Art of Equality: A Journey to Justice.”
Held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from October 10-20, 2023, the exhibition is an immersive exploration of the past, present, and future of social development. During this remarkable journey, you will encounter 39 artists representing 23 countries from six regions that will take you through time, from “where we come from”, to “where we are” and “where we are going”. In tandem, you will revisit some of the events that have shaped the past 60 years of our history, explore current challenges in gender, climate, economic and social justice, and be transported into a visionary eco-social world founded on principles of equality and justice
for both people and the planet.
Through their works, these artists offer a powerful call to unlock the potential of collective imagination to inspire action and transformation. But the reach of this artistic endeavor extended far beyond Geneva. With the support of Addictlab, UNRISD took a bold step into the metaverse, creating an immersive virtual exhibition. This innovative platform allows global audiences to embark on the same journey virtually, exploring the exhibition from their mobile phones, computers and virtual reality (VR) headsets. Visitors can navigate through thematic pathways or jump into the future and engage with the artists’ visions from anywhere in the world.
“The Art of Equality” was also the centerpiece of the broader #ImagineEquality campaign, launched to celebrate the Institute’s anniversary. This campaign invited leaders, practitioners, and changemakers to share their visions for a better world. Out of more than 1,200 submissions from global artists, 39 works were selected by an international jury. By
blending art, research, and technology, UNRISD bridged borders and showcased how creativity and knowledge can drive meaningful change while connecting global audiences to its mission of social justice and equality.
At its core, the exhibition exemplified UNRISD’s six decades of pioneering research and policy analysis. As an autonomous research institute within the UN system, UNRISD has consistently tackled neglected issues in development—asking difficult questions about power, politics, and distribution. Its work has sparked critical debates and contributed to transformative change by placing equity, inclusion, and justice at the center of sustainable development. As we step into the future, UNRISD’s journey reminds us that the first step toward a better future is imagining it. By envisioning a more equitable world—and taking deliberate steps to realize it—we can transform society.
Through initiatives like “The Art of Equality,” the Institute seeks to unlock the power of collective imagination, inspiring individuals,
Karima Cherif Author: Curator of the “Art of Equality” exhibition Head of Communications and Outreach, UNRISD
practitioners and communities to reimagine possibilities, pursue justice, and work to gether toward a brighter and more equitable future.
Event page of the Expo: https://www.unrisd. org/en/activities/events/the-art-of-equali ty-a-journey-to-justice
Catalogue of the Expo: https://cdn.unrisd. org/assets/library/reports/2023/catalogue-the-art-of-equality-unrisd60.pdf
Link to Virtual Exhibition on Spatial: https:// www.spatial.io/s/UNRISD-Art-of-Equal ity-660e5cd66658eec61dbbc4d4?share=2409602222689941206
Photos of the virtual experience if you need: (here some examples) https://www. unrisd.org/en/activities/news-items/ unrisd-joins-the-international-geneva-expo-at-balexert
This summer, join a diverse group of ambitious teenagers aged 14–17 for an unforgettable experience that combines academic growth, real-world problem-solving, and sustainable self-leadership.
You’ll explore the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through interactive workshops and hands-on projects designed to challenge your creativity and critical thinking. Dive deep into these global challenges, then put your skills to the test in a thrilling Hackathon where you’ll collaborate to craft innovative solutions. The program culminates in the creation of SDGzine, a magazine showcasing your team’s impactful ideas and projects.
In addition to academic and project-based learning, you’ll immerse yourself in Geneva’s unique role as a global hub of diplomacy and innovation, enriching your understanding of the world’s most pressing issues. Evenings feature TrulyBalance’s Sustainable Self-Leadership sessions, equipping you with powerful tools to stay resilient, focused, and balanced—skills that will benefit both your academic and personal journeys.
Designed to broaden your horizons, this program offers a rare opportunity to explore Geneva, a global hub of diplomacy and innovation, while building the mindset and skills
to shape a better future. Are you ready to take the first step toward becoming a global change-maker? Join us!
Explore International Geneva (SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions & SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals): Visit leading international organizations such as the United Nations and NGOs. Gain insights into their role in fostering global peace, sustainable development, and strong partnerships that drive progress on the SDGs.
Study and Discover CERN (SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure & SDG 4 – Quality Education): Dive into the world of science and innovation at CERN, the European hub of groundbreaking particle physics. Experience the intersection of education, research, and technological advancement, learning how innovation supports sustainable infrastructure and knowledge-sharing.
Hackathons for Innovation (SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth & SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities): Participate in a hands-on hackathon where you’ll work on solutions to real-world challenges. Collaborate with peers to design and prototype ideas that promote economic resilience, innovation, and sustainable urban development.
Hands-On Experimentation in the SDG FabLab (SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production & SDG 13 – Climate Action): Work directly in the SDG FabLab, applying design thinking and technology to develop innovative projects that address global challenges like climate change and resource sustainability.
Mental Health sessions (SDG 03 – Good Health and well being) Mental health – Sustainable SelfLeadership sessions
At the conclusion of this program, participants will document their ideas in a special version of the SDGzine magazine , acknowledging their successful completion of this immersive study experience and their contribution to projects aligned with the SDGs. This program provides not only academic growth but also practical skills and insights that empower you to become a driver of change for a sustainable future.
Study, explore, and innovate – let Geneva be your launchpad for meaningful impact!
More information on www.addictlab.academy or contact info@addictlab.academy.
Jan Van Mol Addictlab
“Without the people, this is just an empty building”
-Pablo Garcia Tello
This sentiment resonated deeply during the 10th-anniversary celebration of IdeaSquare, the innovation space at CERN, marking a decade of innovation, creativity, and collaboration. What began as an ambitious experiment has evolved into a vibrant hub where bold ideas meet daring execution.
The genesis of an idea
The story of IdeaSquare is a tale of serendipity, collaboration, and relentless experimentation. As Markus Nordberg recalled, it all began with a question: What could we do with the enormous amount of knowledge accumulated by the people who built the LHC?
This question sparked the creation of a space where scientists, engineers, technicians and non-technicians could “tinker in a good way”—a pre-
R&D environment for early-stage experimentation. The core concept was crystalised as a building in which this knowledge could be transmitted to society, and it initially went by the name “ATLAB” for its proximity to the ATLAS.
Marzio Nessi shared how the evolution of IdeaSquare meant embracing uncertainty: “When we started, we didn’t know exactly where we were going, but we knew we were onto something big. Anybody at CERN with an idea could come and realize it.”
Together, Markus and Marzio travelled to Finland to visit the Aalto Design Factory, which deeply influenced the design philosophy of IdeaSquare. Kalevi “Eetu” Ekman, creator of the design factory and previously working at the CMS experiment, shared with them what he learnt with this experimental learning and co-creation community, emphasising that innovation thrives where structure meets chaos. An agreement was reached between them to adapt parts of the concept to the scientific environment of CERN.
The spirit of collaboration
At its heart, IdeaSquare is about people. From its early days, it brought together individuals from diverse disciplines and cultures. Mar Capeans, who helped select and acquire the building, highlighted the transformative power of this interdisciplinary approach: “True innovation happens when people from different domains work together. It was an incredible learning path for all of us.”
The same spirit also birthed projects like the Marie Curie network, which connected universities, industries, and research centres.
The physical space of IdeaSquare started as a prototype itself, renamed IdeaLab. Harri Toivonen played a key role in shaping and designing the final building to foster creativity and interactions. He summed up the ethos of the space: “There’s beauty in the mess. It’s about finding clarity within chaos to create something that can truly progress humanity or sustainability.”
time I think, ‘Now I’ve got
it!’ it changes again. That’s the spirit of IdeaSquare— relentless transformation.”
CONCEPT: 1/29_11_2022
Sergio Bertolucci, director of research at CERN at the time and another key figure in IdeaSquare’s history, shared how the initiative came to life alongside the CERN Neutrino Platform that is now an integrated part of the DUNE experiment, and how the ATTRACT project sprung from it. He described the process of using the space as an evolving prototype: “You want reality to surprise you.”
European projects have been an important part of this process, with ATTRACT which has gone through several phases, but also Crowd4SDG.
Today, IdeaSquare is more than a physical space; it’s a living, breathing community. Sijbrand de Jong, Chair of the IdeaSquare Advisory Board, described the space’s constant evolution:
As IdeaSquare steps into its next decade, its mission remains clear: to dream boldly, innovate fearlessly, and bring people together to imagine a sustainable future. It is this desire that has driven its educational team to develop a new programme, IdeaSquare Planet, encouraging
Master’s level students to imagine a society from scratch as well as the way in which they could mobilise emerging technologies to build it in a sustainable manner.
From its humble beginnings to its young present, IdeaSquare is driven by the dreams and determination of its community. Here’s to the next 10 years of breaking boundaries, challenging conventions, and creating a better future.
IdeaSquare proves that when diverse minds converge with bold ideas, the possibilities are endless. It’s not just a building—it’s a testament to human creativity, collaboration, and the power of thinking big: a place where people have the licence to dream.
Planet programme
IdeaSquare’s new educational programme, IdeaSquare Planet, is taking us on a cosmic journey to an exoplanet and then back to Earth. At its core, this approach hinges on a bold question: What if humanity were compelled to start anew on an entirely different planet? How could we make choices that prioritise sustainability? Moreover, could the knowledge gained during this cosmic journey be effectively applied to realworld situations on Earth?
The programme is composed of two phases. First, students tackle an imaginary challenge of taking on a mission on an Earth-like planet where they must prototype a new society from scratch. In the second phase, ”Coming back to Earth”, students apply the learnings of phase 1 to approach a current, real societal challenge. The programme’s focus is to encourage them to challenge their assumptions and think critically in systems, assessing the impact of their solution by doing orders of magnitude calculations.
A Fab Lab is typically equipped with an array of flexible computercontrolled tools that cover several different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make “almost anything”. This includes technology-enabled products generally perceived as limited to mass production.
While Fab Labs have yet to compete with mass production and its associated economies of scale in fabricating widely distributed products, they have already shown the potential to empower individuals to create smart devices for themselves. These devices can be tailored to local or personal needs in ways that are not practical or economical using mass production.
The Fab Lab movement is closely aligned with the DIY movement, open-source hardware, maker culture, and the free and opensource movement, and shares philosophy as well as technology with them.
Our initiative to install designated cigarette butt disposal bins near Lake Geneva is driven by the fundamental goal of preserving the natural beauty of the area. The introduction of these bins seeks to address the visual impact of cigarette butt litter, which has the potential to detract from the pristine surroundings. Through clear signage and information on the bins, we aim to educate the community about the importance of utilizing these disposal points to maintain the aesthetic appeal of Lake Geneva. The strategic placement of cigarette butt disposal bins is not only a commitment to aesthetics but also a crucial step in addressing health and safety concerns. Cigarette butts, if improperly discarded, pose a fire hazard, especially in dry conditions. By strategically locating disposal bins, we actively mitigate this risk, ensuring the safety of the community and the protection of natural habitats. Information on the bins will highlight their role in fire prevention and contribute to a safer environment.
Our versatile bins easily attach to existing structures—be it bins, lampposts, or food trucks. But we don’t stop there; we’re elevating
impact through QR codes on each bin. Scan to unveil the harsh reality of cigarette butt pollution, connecting you to ongoing cleanup efforts led by NGOs like CIPEL and initiatives such as Stop2Drop. Our bins boast smart features: solar-powered lighting for nighttime visibility and the pièce de résistance? An innovative sensor triggers a sound reshaping behaviors one drop at a time.
According to the current waste management system in Geneva, cigeratte butts are disposed as household waste and are incinerated. However, the plastic material of cigeratte butt can be recycled and made into new products. We connect with recycling companies to dispose the collected cigeratte butts and use them for new plastic products such as ashtrays, shipping pallsts, or plastic lumber.
Acknowledging potential skepticism surrounding the innovative design and messaging employed, there exists a concern that these endeavors may inadvertently reinforce smoking behavior. In response to this concern, our strategy incorporates two psychological and behavioral approaches. Primarily, we leverage
the established social norms surrounding smoking, capitalizing on pre-existing attitudes and behaviors within the community. Through the strategic reinforcement of messages that underscore societal norms, individuals are more likely to contemplate smoking cessation when they perceive the behavior as socially undesirable or observe a prevailing trend of others abandoning the habit. Furthermore, in our conscientious campaign addressing water pollution and disseminating pertinent information about Swiss society, our objective is to systematically capitalize on the established societal norms and regulations. By doing so, we anticipate a gradual alignment of public behavior with the intended environmental and societal objectives.
By Grace Annette Jimenez Lopez Switzerland
Addictlab is a bottom-up and self-managed cultural platform, that guests creative thinkers from all disciplines and cultures, aiming to create a global display for cultures and ideas through networking, to accelerate and empower local talent, and to create sustainable change. The site has had different iterations yet exists since 1997.
You can join the eco-system, showcase your work, and join projects that aim to create sustainable change. Documentation & sharing is key.
What can you do?
1. Register & profile yourself : present yourself - what are your skills, your profession, and what is your drive and passion? Use the Creative Chemistry elements - https://addictlab.academy/ creative-chemistry-cards/
2. Link to a creative hub: link your profile to a creative hub if applicable. This allows the development of a local ecosystem.
3. Use the site as your creative portfolio : upload your work on your profile. Link it to projects, creative disciplines, SDGS
4. Understand about the Sustainable Development Goals : the navigation system through this site are the creative disciplines but also the 17 sustainable development goals as developed by the UN.
5. Join a collaborative project : comment on ideas, add your own, link your work to that project, join in the conversation.
6. Get published! Join the SDGzine projects and have your work published in the magazine.
Other Addictlab projects include:
Lab services/Whereas the Addictlab.com community is all about free research and experimentation, it functions as the R&D department for Your Own Lab, a consultancy and business unit focussing on collective intelligence.
Lab Academy/ Share ideas & educate / The Addictlab Academy is our educational department developing tools to create awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals , Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M) and create a holistic approach on education
Publications/ Addictlab published over 35 magazines and books on creative topics, and has now started publishing the SDGzine. www. sdgzine.org
Other functions of the site
Create your Photo album /Make Friends / Send Messages /Shop
Create a Hub & build your own online community
Create a Project & build your own online brainstorming tool. Have an idea to work on? You can start your own research - attention, Addictlab management needs to approve your project
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What contemporary boxes have we trapped ourselves in? Box Body is a site-specific 3D video artwork showcased on the iconic TenSquare billboard in Singapore, viscerally embodying the constriction that defines many urban lives. For a few nights in one of the busiest and fastest-growing metropolitan spaces in the world, a giant crouched, wedged in a building, contemplating their entrapment and ours too.
As part of the 2023 ART-ACT Festival during Singapore Art Week, we presented our very first site-specific 3D media piece in collaboration with several specialists. Inspired by conversations with locals during our four-month stay in Singapore as part of a graduate program exchange, the two-minute and fifty-second film depicts a giant human trapped within the Ten Square building. It invites onlookers to confront the oppressive structures that frame our lives, urging reflection on the spaces we inhabit and the invisible forces that shape them.
Our generation is increasingly fatigued by a lack of control. Many aspects of life are dictated by customs and corporations, rendering individuals powerless in the face of crises. As a young queer diasporic Asian woman, Xin’s presence in the box underscores the intersectionality of societal constraints. Box Body reclaims billboard space to vividly depict marginalized lives constrained by structures they had no hand in creating, subverting the billboard into a magnifying glass for reality rather than a platform for materialistic fantasy.
The Living Screen Production Technique
Through Box Body, we developed a production workflow involving remapping filmed imagery from a built scaled model of the screens. This innovation has the potential for real-time interaction with sitespecific 3D visuals, eliminating the need for CGI. We chose to forego prior experience in computergenerated animation to realize a more subtle, tangible, and visceral vision through live-action film. By partnering with experienced filmmakers and innovating in live
mapping production flows, we created instantaneous 3D imagery that is not only captivating but also deeply human, contrasting the synthetic vibrance common to CGI.
Hope is not beholden to reason.
EMERGE:NCY is a media art installation tailor-made for London’s Piccadilly Lights, presenting a visceral expression of entrapment, senseless perseverance, and liberation. Its title comes from Rebecca Solnit’s ‘Hope in the Dark’, which argues: “Inside the word “emergency” is “emerge”; from an emergency new things come forth. The old certainties are crumbling fast, but danger and possibility are sisters.” The 2.5 min long film is the recipient of the 2023 CIRCA Public Vote Prize.
EMERGE:NCY expands upon Box Body, an interactive media art piece showcased on Ten Square Singapore’s billboard during Singapore Art Week in January 2023. Our unique production method involves remapping filmed imagery from a built scaled model. It has the capacity for real-time interaction with 3D visuals tailored for the screen from a specific viewing angle, with minimal need
for computer-generated imagery (CGI).
The intense, massive visualization of a giant human trying to break free from a box compels viewers to witness hope in raw action. As the human navigates the confining, suffocating space, their curiosity and confusion devolve into frustration, defeat, and helplessness—but their determination remains. This is hope’s dynamic nature: sometimes apparent and fervent, other times dormant, yet never truly extinguished.
EMERGE:NCY captures the ebbs and flows of hope, not as a passive wish but as an active confrontation to challenge. The emotions are communicated through performance, as well as sound and music design. The human’s final breakthrough, with light flooding the darkness of the now broken box, insists in a hope that is not fragile, and that there is always something beyond the boxes that trap us.
Creative laboratory for kids, adults and organisations in Geneva & Ferney Voltaire
Addictlab proposes highly creative activities for kids and adults, from regular after school Wednesday Labdays, to school lab visits, Birthday Lab parties, ideation sessions and team building activities. Activities in the SDG Fablab (Geneva) and the Château Voltaire (Ferney Voltaire)
Learning by Lab - an innovative view on education
School lab visits and multidisciplinary activities for students in the center of Geneva
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1/2 page - introduction price : 600 CHF (for schools & NGOs)
1/4 page - introduction price : 400 CHF (prices ex VAT)
1/4 page - introduction price : 300 CHF (for schools & NGOs)
1/8 page - introduction price : 200 CHF (prices ex VAT)
1/8 page - introduction price : 150 CHF (for schools & NGOs)
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For donations, go to www.sdgzine.org
I want to publish regularly on my organisation’s SDG related activities.
your editorial content in a dedicated section : 4 pages 2500 CHF (ex VAT/ conditions apply)
your editorial content in a dedicated section : 8 pages 3500 CHF (ex VAT/ conditions apply)
other / extra print runs of your section / contact me
Lab Partner (our outreach workshops)
logo on all communication, editorial content of our educational workshops in your organisation - including 15% reduction on all educational activities you order for your school or organisation: 6000 CHF (exVAT/year)
Egg partner
Our SDG Egg in your space with the magazine - conditions apply
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Your OWN special edition of an SDGzine with your content / from 4500 CHF on
SDG related workshops
I am interested in ideation and/or team building activities for my organisation
www.sdgzine.org info@sdgzine.org