May 2015

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Sports New England’s Outdoor Magazine

Co-Editors/Publishers Angelo Lynn C Lisa Lynn staff writer Evan Johnson C Art Direction & Production Shawn Braley C Advertising Manager Christy Lynn C Advertising Sales Greg Meulemans C | (802) 366-0689 Dave Honeywell | (802) 583-4653 C Reader Athlete Editor Phyl Newbeck C gear and beer editor Hilary DelRoss C This month’s contributing PHOTOGRAPHERs Oliver Parini, Jordi Saragasso Editorial and Production Office Vermont Sports | 58 Maple Street Middlebury, Vt. 05753 | 802-388-4944

Cully Brown focuses as he negotiates a section of whitewater on the New Haven River during the Vermont Paddlers Club’s annual race. Photo By Evan Johnson


We welcome unsolicited material but cannot guarantee its safe return. Materials submitted will become property of Vermont Sports. Vermont Sports is independently owned and operated by Addison Press Inc., 58 Maple Street, Middlebury, Vt. 05753. It is published 10 times per year. Established in 1990. Vermont Sports subscriptions in the U.S.: one year $25. Canada: US funds, please add $5 per year postage. Other international subscriptions, please call 802-388-4944 for information. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Vermont Sports, 58 Maple Street, Middlebury, Vt. 05753

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Pages 6-9 Pro Tips: Run Faster, Race Smarter, Ride Harder Moe Brown’s Race Day Intel for the Vermont City Marathon; Steve Hare’s Triathlon Prep Tips, Andrew Gardner on Getting Gap-Tough.

Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility


publisher Commentary

16-17 Reader athletes: Andrea Charest and David Santamore

The New Haven River was the scene of some of the best whitewater action in the Northeast this April. Plus, great whitewater spots for spring.

22 news briefs 23 Medical corner: a pain in the...heel? 29 gear and beer

Pages 14-15

30-33 Calendar of Events

Pages 12-13 Paddlers’ Challenge

Vermont Sports is a proud member of


Nutrition: The New Natural Energy Gels Ski Vermont

The Green Mountain Club

Vermont athletes are jumping into the energy gel game with natural alternatives. Plus, expert advice on what you need to know about choosing energy gels.

Pages 18-22 Kasie vs. The Sky On the cover: Kasie Enman of Huntington has become an international champion in Skyrunning, training behind her home in Huntington’s Sleepy Hollow, pictured here. Photo by Oliver Parini

May 2015

Kasie Enman is not only the fastest woman in Vermont, she’s one of the fastest women in one of the toughest sports in the world: skyrunning.

Pages 26-27 If the Shoe Fits… Our spring guide to fitting and finding the right new shoes for road and trail running.

Advertisers! The space deadline for the June issue of Vermont Sports is May 21. Contact today to reserve space! 3




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May 2015

publisher commentary

by Angelo Lynn

Kasie Enman may be the most famous American runner you’ve never heard of — and she lives right here in the heart of Vermont. Enman, 35 and a mother of two from Huntington, has surged to the forefront of the international skyrunning circuit. As of the end of 2014, she’s tied for second place in the world and has bested all racers in some of the world’s toughest races. A Middlebury College graduate who helped lead her team to national championships back in the day, she now sugars with her family at their Sleepy Hollow Inn and cross country center, trains when she can, coaches, and travels the world to compete in ultramarathons and skyrunning events when she can. Her story (pages 14-18) is as inspiring as she is humble —the idyllic blend of Vermont’s soul and grit. ********** Elsewhere in this issue, as spring gives way to summer, we’re packing up our skis and snowshoes and slipping on running and biking shoes, wetsuits and swimsuits, and pulling out our paddles and rackets. To that end, we turn our focus in this issue to several articles on training for upcoming events. We start with Moe Brown’s section-by-section analysis of the Vermont City Marathon on May 24. Brown has been running the Burlington-based marathon for years, and operates a fitness business called Your Personal Best. In the weeks leading up to the race, Brown offers clinics and training specific to the Burlington marathon — and provides a few tips to our readers in this issue on Page 6. If you’re looking to enter one of Vermont’s grand fondos, or just make it to the top of your first gap, we provide pointers (Page 9) on the basics of approaching longer rides, and specifically preparing for Vermont’s spectacular gaps — the pinnacle of road-riding for those who enjoy a challenge. Meanwhile, long-time triathlete Steve Hare provides a good overview of how to train for triathlons (Page 8). For paddlers, we offer a sneak peak into some of the best spring-time stretches of whitewater found in the region (Page 10), and profile a mid-April white water classic race on the New Haven River (Pages 12-13). For all of you training long hours, we talk to a nutritionist about proper fueling, profile two new Vermont-made energy gels (Slopeside Maple Syrup and Vermont Peanut Butter’s Pack It) and provide a chart comparing the nutritional values of several energy-packs on the market — all on Pages 22-23. If you’re a runner, you already know that having a shoe that fits is critical to success, whether that means running your personal best or just jogging pain-free. We provide tips on what to look for when choosing a running shoe, and ask two local retailers for their choices of the best shoes for various types of running (Pages 24-25). ********** On a sadder note, the death of two cyclists killed in roadside collisions in the past two weeks serves as a siren call to push for a change in culture on Vermont’s roadways. Mutual respect of all travelers on the road — from cars and trucks to motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians — has to be the goal. Better education in driver’s education classes should become part of that curriculum; more road signs reminding motorists that it’s the law to share the road and wider shoulders on key roads in higher population centers should be long-term transportation goals. Such significant changes in the road infrastructure won’t happen overnight, but if Vermont wants to encourage a healthier and safer lifestyle, it needs to start now to make its roadways safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. For Vermonters to understand the problem, numbers are useful — and it’s not just fatalities that should shock the reader. According to the Agency of Vermont Transportation, for 2011-2014, no bicyclists were killed on Vermont roads, but 318 cyclists were hit and injured by motorists — 84, 86, 85 and 63 in the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively. Another 74 bicyclists in those four years suffered damage to their bikes from motorists, but narrowly escaped personal injury. Pedestrians fared worse. Twenty-five pedestrians were killed by motorists in those same four years, while 517 were injured. Better driver education, more consistent signage to remind motorists of their responsibilities, and a constant dialogue of mutual respect on our roadways is the call to arms if we are to change Vermont’s culture.

May 2015

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oe Brown’s printer whirs and spits out a full-color map of Burlington, then Brown slides the paper across a wide wooden desk. There in full color is the course map for the Vermont City Marathon spreading north and south along the shore of Lake Champlain. The course map for the Vermont City Marathon is hardly a secret, but few know it as well as Brown. Having run the Vermont City Marathon for 15 years as an individual and on relay teams, he’s more than familiar with all the hills and turns on the course. A lifelong runner, Brown is the owner of Your Personal Best, a personal training fitness facility in South Burlington that he has operated since 2003. Sitting at his desk, sunlight spills in through an east-facing window with views of Camel’s Hump and Mount Mansfield. His bookshelf is fully stocked with volumes on stretching, diet and strength training. Behind him a glass case displays the ribbons from various other marathons. Another nearby case holds a bib and a finisher’s medal from a marathon in Providence, R.I., where he set his personal record, 3:02.46. “The marathon is really a metaphor for life,” he says. “You go through peaks and valleys. Sometimes you’re feeling really strong, other times you’re low, but if you persevere through those times that you’re down you get stronger physically and mentally and you feel like you can take on anything.” Burlington’s marathon is known as a fast course popular among beginner and veteran runners alike. Its outand-back loops are great for spectators and less daunting for runners. In the weeks leading up to the May 24 rundate, Brown offers clinics and training specific to the Burlington marathon. He’ll be on the starting line this year as well, with a goal to beat that 3:02.46. Brown shared his familiarity with Vermont’s biggest road race, walking us through all 26.2 miles from the start on Pearl Street to the final kick to the finish line in Waterfront Park.

The Start, miles 1-3 The Vermont City Marathon Starts at Battery Park. At the start, you’ll find yourself running up Pearl Street toward the University of Vermont with thousands of spectators lining the sidewalks, all screaming for you. The feeling, Brown says, is electrifying, but don’t let it go to your head. “It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, have a lot of energy and actually go out too fast,” he says. “Two miles in, you might think you feel great,

road no further than ten to fifteen feet in front of me,” he says. “By doing so, and not staring at the top of the hill, the hill is mentally less taxing and seems far less menacing.”

The Wall, miles 17-21

Vermont City Marathon

Race-day intel from Moe Brown By Evan Johnson

but ultimately, that won’t be the case.” Resist the urge to go beyond your target pace or ability. At the start of any race, the field will be closely packed. As you enter the first three miles, avoid getting boxed-in. Find some space outside of the crowd where you can run freely.

Set a pace, miles 4-9 The following five miles extend north on Park Street and Route 127 towards the Ethan Allen Homestead. The highway will be closed and unless you’re in the lead pack, you’ll see runners returning from the turn-around at the six-mile mark. “It would be daunting if you were by yourself out on that open highway,” says Brown. “You can use the energy of the pack to carry you along, but don’t let it take away your focus.” Route 127 has a steep camber for drainage so try to find a spot with flat footing to avoid straining your legs, he says. This stretch also has the most sun-

light, so take advantage of the aid stations and wear your sunscreen.

The Stretch, miles 10-17 What is known as the runners’ second stretch down Church Street comes in section three and passes the 10-mile mark in Burlington’s South End neighborhood on Pine Street. Much of this is a slight downhill and is an opportunity to soak up the energy from the crowd, Brown says, so stretch out your legs and let it flow. After reaching the southernmost extent of the course at Oakledge Park, keep your target pace on the Burlington Bike Path while approaching the biggest hill of the race. While Boston has “Heartbreak Hill” located around mile 19, Burlington’s toughest hill is on Battery Street, climbing up the hill towards Battery Park. Seen from the bottom, the hill can seem intimidating. “A technique I use to stay focused and take away the daunting effect of the hill is to keep my eyes focused on the


After cresting Battery Street, the course cruises down North Avenue, making a short side detour on Lakewood Parkway. At mile 18 this short excursion is hardly welcome and is when many runners find themselves flirting with “the wall.” Fortunately, Brown says this neighborhood is known for having great crowd support and is more shaded. Trust your training and maintain your target pace. Aid stations will offer energy gel; take them, he says, as you’ll need them for the last sections. After running through Bernard J. Leddy Park and a few more turns, you’ll emerge back on to North Avenue for a slight downhill onto the Burlington Bike Path. “That hill can be nice because you’re going downhill, but you’ve still got 20 miles under your legs,” Brown cautions. “You’ll want to run with control and not let the momentum carry you too quickly.” By keeping yourself in control, you’ll save your quads for the final section, he says.

Final Five, on the bike path For the final five miles, you’ll be on the bike path with views of Lake Champlain. With few spectators around, you’ll have to dig deep and be your biggest fan as you near Waterfront Park. Runners familiar with the bike path can count down the street crossings. Runners unfamiliar with the area can try to break the distance down into individual time segments. “For example, if someone is running nine-minute miles, instead of thinking ‘36 minutes to go,’ they can think if it as four nine-minute segments remaining,” Brown says. With the finish nearing, Brown adds that it helps to have positive affirmations along the way. “There’s no way around it, you’re going to be tired when you hit that section,” Brown says. “Telling yourself either aloud or in your head ‘I’m strong, I’m a fighter, I’ve got this,’ can really go a long way in getting you through that final stretch.” A popular spot for runners to start their kick, he says, is at the entrance to Waterfront Park. The crowds are screaming and the finish line is in sight. Brown’s final suggestion is all about the glory: Remember to raise your hands at the finish.

may 2015

news briefs Vermonter Chip Knight to Lead U.S. Skiing Development Team Vermont native Chip Knight knows a thing or two about ski racing. Knight grew up ski racing in Vermont, raced for Williams College, raced on three Olympic teams and four World Championship teams and coached the Dartmouth women’s alpine team and served as director of skiing there. This spring he was tapped by the U.S. Ski and Snowboarding Association to manage the U.S. Ski Team’s alpine development team, national training groups, regional programs and youth development programs.

Northern Forest Canoe Trail hosts First Freshet Fest WAITSFIELD, VT.  — On May 9, 2015, the  Northern Forest Canoe Trail (NFCT) is hosting its first ever Freshet Fest. The day includes paddling activities on the LaPlatte River in Shelburne followed by an evening of meeting NFCT Through Paddlers — people who have paddled the entire 740-mile route in one trip — at Splash at the Boathouse in Burlington. Since its founding in 2000, the Northern Forest Canoe Trail has documented 79 paddlers who have canoed or kayaked the entire route of connected lakes and rivers from the Adirondacks to Maine’s Allagash River. Five of these adventurers will share their best, worst and funniest moments on the trail in a panel discussion, followed by a catered dinner, and guest speaker Matt Hopkinson’s presentation “Upstream Challenge: 180 Miles by Canoe.” Hopkinson has placed in regional and national canoe poling championships. He has many paddling adventures under his belt, including canoeing from the Saint Lawrence Seaway through Québec and Maine to Penobscot Bay. His presentation will be about his 2014 trip in which he paddled and poled 180 miles up the Penobscot River to draw attention to newly restored spawning habitat for the endangered Atlantic salmon. For more information, visit

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MAY 2015 7

6 TIPS to get ready for your first triathlon By EVAN JOHNSON MIDDLEBURY — Steve Hare, owner of Vermont Sun Fitness Center in Vergennes and Middlebury, has competed in triathlons of varying lengths all over the United States and the world. But he didn’t start out wanting to be a triathlete — he wanted to be a bodybuilder. “I was lifting weights, trying to get big, but there were people that spent three times the time I spent lifting on these old treadmills and stationary bikes,” he recalled. At the encouragement of a member at the gym where he worked in San Diego, Calif., Hare signed up for and competed in his first triathlon in 1982. He wasn’t much of a swimmer, but having gone to a summer camp on Lake Dunmore in his home state of Vermont he knew he could paddle, so he found a race that had a canoe portion. In the weeks leading up to the race, Hare was running and cycling more than lifting weights. On the day of the race, Hare found himself not only inshape for the three events, but he actually found himself in the lead pack. “I couldn’t believe it,” he says. “Here I was in my first triathlon and I was leading the race.” Hare finished his first race in second place, which prompted a shift in his athletic aspirations. Gone were the dreams of bodybuilding, now he wanted to go as far as he could in the world of triathlons. “I was hooked,” he said. Hare went on to compete as a professional athlete and even on an allAmerican triathlon team in the late 1980s. Hare competed in races all over the United States and the world, including the legendary Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii. In 1985, he opened Vermont Sun in Middlebury and began organizing the first Vermont Sun Triathlon Series, which has continued in Branbury State Park on and around the shores of Lake Dunmore. “I had run a lot of other people’s races and I wanted to see if we could hold one of our own,” he said. “We know we’re never going to compete with some of the bigger races out there, but we’re in one of the most beautiful settings, bar none.” The series has continued for the past 30 years and Hare enjoys the events he organizes so much that he now competes solely in these triathlons, primarily to share his enthusiasm for the sport and offer any support or help he can to those wanting to pursue what can be a demanding discipline. To the athlete who wants to pursue triathlons, Hare says the sport can be as demanding as you want to make it — to a full-time profession or just a good way to cross train, stay in shape and develop a

Hare notes that most triathletes have strengths in one segment of the race or the other, so they use that segment to excel while becoming proficient in the other two. Beginning triathletes should do the same: Keep up your strength in the areas you’re naturally good at so you can rely on them later in the races, and work on the others. Besides, Hare says, the better you are at one segment of the race, the more likely you are to be having fun — and having fun is what it’s all about. If you’re not having fun and enjoying the sport, Hare says, you won’t stick with it.

3: Pick your events wisely

Steve Hare

camaraderie with a group of like-minded people. To that end, training for your first triathlon doesn’t have to be daunting. To help, Hare offered some tips on crosstraining and getting ready to step up to the starting line for the first time.

1: Get comfortable If this is your first race, Hare’s first tip is to spend as much time as you can in each discipline. “Focus on being comfortable swimming in the water, riding your bike and running,” he said. “Get a solid base before you even think about getting faster.” More advanced athletes can improve their time with consistent intensity training, he said, but that can wait. But by developing comfort you’ll be smoother in your transitions from each event. During the shorter “sprint” triathlons, Hare says the middle-of-thepack time is one hour and forty minutes. Slower athletes will take longer than two hours. These can make for a benchmark when training.

2: Be patient Developing comfort in each discipline will take time. For example, if you’re already a strong runner, don’t be discouraged if it takes longer to build up your swimming or biking skills, Hare says. “The more patient you are with yourself, the faster you’ll learn,” Hare said, adding that while that is true, you’ll need to put in the time to develop those aspects of the sport.

Nobody (or at least almost nobody) signs up for an elite-level triathlon or a marathon on a whim, so enter races that fit your ability level. If this is going to be your first multi-sport event, Hare recommended aiming for realistic goals. “Sprint”-style triathlons are a popular option for newer racers and will give you a great first experience with a half-mile swim, 12-mile bike and 5-kilometer run. This differs from an Olympicdistance triathlon, which includes a .9-mile swim, 28-mile bike and 6.2mile run, which is also featured in the Vermont Sun Triathlon Series. Hare’s triathlons this spring and summer attract seasoned triathletes but he says that shorter events can be a great introduction. “Sometimes that’s all people need to find a sport they really love,” he says.

4: Ignore expensive equipment The top racers in the world will pay thousands for their wetsuits and bikes, but for those heading out for their first triathlons, Hare said, the most expensive equipment in the world won’t make much of a difference. “The most important piece is the strength of your body that’s riding the bike” he said, “The bike makes only a little difference. Good, solid equipment is not that expensive.” The point: Focus on your fitness before your gear. Hare estimated about 15 percent of the field show up to compete in the Vermont Sun triathlons on mountain bikes, and he said there’s absolutely no shame in that. If you try your first race and find that you love it, consult with your local bike shop on finding a good used ride or low cost road bike. If you love the sport and want to excel in it, buying a good road bike will make racing all the more fun and it’s the piece of equipment that can make the most difference.


5: Run smart Of all the portions of a triathlon, running produces the highest impact on your bones and your joints. While it’s easier to practice running than to find an appropriate and safe spot to bike or swim, Hare said it’s also the sport where tri-athletes experience the most injuries in knees, ankles and hips. “The elite athletes will say it’s not a question of have you been hurt, but when,” he said. Hare advised that practice in swimming and biking helps athletes balance the high impact of running with those more low-impact activities, so athletes should not cut corners on those events. As you schedule your workouts, be sure to take the most rest days from running or combine it with other lowimpact activities. Finding a workout will vary for every athlete, but many beginner regimens focus on endurance rather than intensity. For a person training for their first triathlon, a first week of training might look like this: Monday: Swim 15, run 20 minutes Tuesday: Off Wednesday: Bike 35 minutes Thursday: Run 20 minutes Friday: Swim 30 minutes Saturday: Off Sunday: Bike 40 minutes

6: Don’t be afraid to go it alone Hare said coaches and personalized workout plans can be great, but they’re not completely necessary. “A coach can be a great person to have to communicate with and hold you accountable,” he said. “They’re there to take an interest in what you’re doing, but are they absolutely needed? No.” For extra help, Hare encouraged seeking out the advice of more experienced triathletes who can tell you what worked for them. Above all, Hare said, don’t be afraid to enter events. Bigger races like the Ironman start racers in waves of up to 2,000, but at smaller races like those on Lake Dunmore or around Vermont you are guaranteed to find friendly faces and manageable distances. That’s where you’ll meet people who are almost always eager to share their experiences and advice. “When people think of a triathlon, they too often think of an Ironman with elite racers,” Hare said. “But the sprint triathlon is hardly extreme. When you consider a lot of the other races people sign up for like cyclocross or Tough Mudders, they’re more demanding. With some patience and practice, I think most people would be surprised that it’s so manageable.”

may 2015

Getting gap-tough By Evan Johnson If you’re gearing up for some serious road biking this spring, summer and fall, and need to get in shape for Vermont’s thigh-burning gap rides and centuries, you’ll want to get in bicycling shape sooner than later. To help, we checked in with Andrew Gardner, an experienced cyclist from Ripton, Vt., who competes on the ENGVT Cycling Team with fellow riders from Burlington to Boston. Gardner gave us his tips for developing the mental and physical stamina needed for some of Vermont’s challenging climbs and distance rides.

Bodywork Getting ready for riding season should start before athletes get back on their bikes each spring. In addition to taking a few winter rides when the weather cooperates, Gardner says cycling is one sport where building strength before the season starts will pay dividends later. Stretching, yoga and core workouts that strengthen lower abdominal muscles will also help relieve strain on the lower back.

Cycling is a low-impact sport, so Gardner also recommends including some weight bearing activity in the offseason like cross country skiing, hiking, lifting weights or running to help build bone density. While cycling is one of those sports in which you can be reasonably fit just by cycling lots of miles, a good cross-training program to build core strength will make riding the steeps a lot easier.

Ride a bike that fits The majority of recreational riders aren’t riding bikes that suit their body type or size, Gardner says, and ride with their legs reaching too far (or not far enough) or with their upper body hunched over or too far away from the handlebars. It’s a common mistake and one that Gardner says is easy to fix by getting a proper fit at a qualified bike shop. Riding a bike that fits makes a big difference for any level of rider, allowing the athlete to attack the hill more aggressively and efficiently.

Embrace the interval “As cyclists, we tend to ride where we’re comfortable,” Gardner says. “For gap

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rides, the trick is to get out of that comfort zone.” Instead of pedaling at a sustained moderate pace, start introducing sustained bursts of speed into each ride and then recover, then repeat throughout a portion of the ride. You can also incorporate interval training in your runs, as part of crosstraining for the bike. This strengthens the muscles, improves aerobic capacity, and gets the muscles (and mind) used to going faster, farther. Experiencing the burn now, he says, will pay off later.

On hills, start small The more you ride the hills, the easier they become. If the bigger hills seem too fearsome, riders can work up to them by practicing on smaller hills. Before tackling the Middlebury Gap, Gardner enjoys practicing on a smaller hill in neighboring Weybridge, riding up and down repeatedly to acclimate to the varying pace and technique of climbing.

Layer up It may be sunny while you crank over the final crest of the Appalachian gap, but there’s no telling what the weather

can be when you drop into Fayston or Buells Gore. Gardner prefers to overdress when covering distances. “Anyone who lives in Vermont knows how precarious the weather is,” Gardner says. “I’ve gone over some gaps in the mountains in the sun and then found myself descending into a snow squall.” So bring at least a light longsleeve layer if the temperatures might make a sudden swing.

Mind over matter When you’re in the saddle and looking up at a dozen or more miles of climbing to the top of the gap, you can fight off those feelings of intimidation by breaking the climb into manageable pieces. Rather, for instance, than concentrating on the entire 1,734 feet of vertical gain on Smugglers’ Notch from Cambridge, focus on picking out landmarks that help you measure your progress. “The biggest thing with gaps is that they’re more intimidating than they are difficult,” Gardner says. “The first key, psychologically, is to break them into pieces of hills.” Above all, he says, keep pushing the pedals. “You’ll make it.”

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Stretches of springtime

whitewater By Evan Johnson

A paddler plunges through a narrow section on the New Haven River during a recent race.


hile the rivers and streams are running high and fast, we looked through data and trip reports for the latest intelligence on where to go. Check with American Whitewater (www.americanwhitewater. org), the Vermont Paddlers Club (www. or the Northeast Paddlers Message Board ( for updates on the latest conditions and flow rates.

Big Branch River Big Branch Trail to Tabor Mountain Road Bridge Length: 1.3 miles Class: V+ Nearby city: Danby Seasoned paddlers looking for a sustained and unrelenting challenge should seek out this section of the Big Branch that flows at 400 feet per second. A proving ground for New England creek paddlers, this is one run that demands total concentration and solid technique and judgment with multiple lines over several drops.

Ball Mountain Brook Metcalf Road to Jamaica State Park Length: 3.5 miles Class: III-IV Nearby city: Jamaica When the water runs high, this brook

becomes known as “The Jamaica Bobsled Run.” Catch this class 3-4 run during springtime snowmelt and you’ll see why. The run can be scouted and accessed by Pikes Falls Road, which runs parallel to the brook. The best time to catch this run is after heavy rainfall or in September during the dam’s annual release.

Connecticut River Sumner Falls Length: .25 miles Class: III Nearby city: Hartland Also called Hartland Rapid, this section of the Connecticut River is a popular play-boating area for paddlers of all levels. The rapid is run-able at most levels and can hold the interest of beginners content to stay in the eddies, intermediates who want to challenge themselves and advanced paddlers who just want to show off. This is a reliable and relaxed rapid to practice and play.

Winooski River Middlesex to Waterbury Length: 5.5 miles Class: I-II Nearby city: Middlesex The Winooski is a narrow, scenic run in northern Vermont that holds its water well into the summer. The rapids are mostly easy and there are significant

Photo by Evan Johnson

stretches of flatwater, during which you can enjoy the views.

for a class 3 ledge followed by areas for excellent play boating.

Mad River

New Haven

First Hydro dam to Winooski River Length: 2 miles Class: II-III+ Nearby city: Waitsfield The most common class III on the lower Mad is from the hydroelectric dam to the confluence of the Winooski River. The run parallels Vermont 100B, for easy scouting and access. The put-in features a straightforward shot around large boulders. The rapids really begin after the 100B bridge and eventually lead to Horseshoe falls, a technical, sixfoot drop with a recirculating hole at the bottom. That, or you could opt to portage around.

West Lincoln to Rte. 116 Bridge Length: 1.3 miles Class: IV+ Nearby city: Bristol This section of the New Haven River, called the New Haven Ledges, is a classic Vermont creek run and the home to the Vermont Paddling Club’s annual race. The put-in is littered with rock gardens that lead down to the ledges. Following fast-moving water, a few more boulders lead to a short pool above “The Toaster,” a 15-foot drop with a simple line down the center. This is followed by continuous rapids with boulder gardens all the way to the take-out. The lower New Haven below the Route 116 bridge is significantly easier and a popular play boating spot. The biggest rapid occurs where the river plunges over some boulders beneath a bridge on the outskirts of Bristol. After this drop, the river is totally continuous for the next mile down to the takeout.

North Branch Lamoille Belvedere to Waterville Length: 5 miles Class: IV Nearby city: Waterville This run starts with a class IV fall above a bridge. After the fall, water is mostly calm, with some class 3 ledges just above the 109 Bridge. After more flatwater, more class 3 rapids await, which continue for about 1 kilometer before the first option for a take out at a covered bridge in Waterville. For an optional extension, continue under the bridge


Editor’s note: As always, scout the river before putting in as conditions change rapidly, paddle within your skill limits and paddle with others.

May 2015

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photos Stor y & Johnson by Evan

LINCOLN/BRISTOL — More than three dozen paddlers plunged through fast-moving rapids and over 15-foot falls on the frigid New Haven River on a recent mid-April weekend in pursuit of prizes in a friendly, early-season competition. The eighth annual New Haven Ledges Race was organized by the Vermont Paddlers Club, a statewide association of whitewater and flatwater paddlers that advocates for releases from dams around the state. “The New Haven race is an event that we get excited for every year,” said

race organizer and VPC President Ryan McCall. “It’s an event that draws paddlers from all over the state and the region. You’ll see local paddlers who participate every year and newer guys who are going for that next level.” “This run, in particular, really displays every kind of good rapid that we like,” said paddler Mike Flynn, who had driven up the night before from Brooklyn, N.Y. “It has boulder gardens, slides and waterfalls. It runs frequently and it’s not long so it’s easy to get in lots of laps. It’s the perfect river for building up to more

difficult runs. You get a lot of bang for your buck.” Flynn had pulled into a parking space by the New Haven River’s edge around 2 a.m., waking with a stiff neck after sleeping a few hours in the back of his truck. Since the New York City area lacks whitewater paddling close by, he has to drive to Pennsylvania or the Adirondacks, to find high-quality whitewater. But the New Haven River, he said, was in a class all its own. With reliable spring flows that can be easily accessed from the road, the river


demands solid skills and planning before a kayaker puts in. “It’s gnarly, quick and very technical,” says paddler Ryan Lane. “Knowing what’s coming ahead, you’ve got to be proactive rather than reactive.” Lane, 24, was fortunate enough to have a bed to sleep in after making the drive from Albany, N.Y., earlier in the week. Despite being well rested, he still complained of jittery nerves as the start of the race drew near. He had already run the course twice. “I’m trying to memorize the rapids,”

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paddler Matt Young from Stowe. “If you try and push the boat, you wind up hitting a lot of rocks. You’ve got to find the path of least resistance.” During the race, paddlers rotated safety positions, taking turns lining the shoreline with “throwbags,” long extensions of rope enclosed in a pouch that can be tossed to a paddler in need of assistance. Paddlers wore helmets, reinforced Gore-Tex dry suits and whitewater-specific lifejackets equipped with whistles and lightweight titanium rescue knives strapped within easy reach. The course culminated with “the Toaster,” the largest and most intimidating feature. Located close to the intersection of Route 116 and Lincoln Road, the waterfall plunges over a 15-foot ledge into a pool. On Saturday, most paddlers hesitated, picked a narrow line over the lip and disappeared momentarily in the spray of the waterfall before reemerging below. “Right before that water, I just try and smile,” Young said. “This waterfall in particular is fairly safe and non-consequential. I try to let it fly, maintain my speed and go get that buoy.” After surfacing from the drop, paddlers make a sprint to the finish, touching a buoy suspended from a rope to stop the clock. The race lasted well into the afternoon with most paddlers taking two runs. By the end of the day, the worst damage sustained was a broken paddle. The most serious injury was a bloody nose. Justin Beckwith of Waitsfield won with a time of 4:04. He was followed by brothers Rogan and Cully Brown, who came from Burlington and Durango, Co. They finished with times of 4:11 and 4:13, respectively. In the women’s division, Catherine Hull from Richmond won with a time of 5:32, followed by Ellen Ludlow of Lexington, Mass. with 6:45. Leanne Bernier of Franconia, N.H. did not finish. Robert Paulsen practiced the run nine times before Saturday’s race, and twice went through some of the more technical rapids upside down. But he didn’t complain; instead, he bound up the scrapes on his hands with duct tape and hiked back to the start to try again. “You take the hits and roll with them as long as it’s not anything too serious,” he said. The 21-year-old from Saratoga Springs, N.Y. works 10-hour shifts at night doing construction, which gives him four days off to paddle. To be out on — or sometimes in — the water was a welcome break. “This is the most difficult paddling I’ve done,” he said. “But it’s also a beautiful location and the people have been so friendly.”

Paddlers challenge the whitewater at the New Haven Ledges Race in mid-April, including “The Toaster,” a 15-foot drop just before the finish. Above, Ryan McCall, president of the Vermont Paddlers Club, officiated as master of ceremonies. Photos by Evan Johnson

he said. “The ledges are sketchy as hell to set up. But I’ve got to go hard over the Toaster, come up, slap the buoy and hope all is well.” The paddling nonprofit American Whitewater describes the stretch of the New Haven River next to Lincoln Road between Lincoln village and Bristol village as a classic whitewater run in Vermont. When water levels are at their normal height, the 1.3-mile stretch of river is classified as a difficult class four, with multiple rapids and drops (whitewater paddling runs are classified from one, the easiest, through six, typically described as nearly impossible and extremely danger-

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ous). In the spring, melting snow pushes water levels even higher. The New Haven Ledges Race had been scheduled for the first weekend in April, but was delayed due to remaining snow and ice that blocked most of the river. But this Saturday (April 18) featured air temperatures in the 60s, with water temperatures still lingering in the mid30s. “Cold enough to give you a slight headache,” said Eric Adsit from Lowville, N.Y. The race attracted 39 paddlers from around the Northeast and Quebec. Many paddlers, like Robert Paulsen, had al-

ready made a few investigatory runs the previous weekend or even earlier that day before the race. Flow rates on race day were measured at 600 cubic feet per second, slightly lower than what would have been ideal, but race organizer McCall said Vermont paddlers are used to low water levels. Paddlers entered the course by way of a wooden ramp lined with AstroTurf. After plunging into the river, paddlers picked their way through a series of rock gardens and a section of steep drops called “the Ledges.” “The key in this river is to stay smooth rather than try and go fast,” said 13

nutrition 101

The New, All-Natural Energy Packs Some of Vermont’s top athletes are producing energy packs with a local twist By Lisa Lynn


ou are 80 minutes into your bike ride or run and that sinking feeling starts. Your legs begin to ache. Someone filled your shoes with sand. Your mind starts to wander. It’s happening: your body is running low on glucose and you are ‘bonking.’ So what do you do? Eat peanut butter? Sip maple syrup? Until recently, those would not have been convenient options, assuming you wanted to keep moving. Instead, most riders and runners have opted for single packs of energy gels, such as Gu or Hammer Gel. Rip the top off with your teeth, squeeze the pack and wait for the blessed carbs to flow into your body. The only problem is knowing exactly what is in that hyper-sweet, chemical-tasting gooey stuff that just slipped down your throat. Most gel packs contain a combination of the sugars glucose and fructose, sodium, potassium, caffeine and a variety of hard-to-pronounce ingredients. Increasingly, energy gels are trying to not only improve their taste (witness flavors such as Caramel Macchiato, Salted Watermelon and, yes, even Pizza Margherita), but are also striving to be “all natural” and even organic. Now, two new products aimed at athletes are not only “all natural,” but boast a proud new claim: they are “made in Vermont.”

A Sweet Solution UnTapped, a 100-calorie pack of pure organic Slopeside maple syrup bills itself as the “All Natural Athletic Fuel. ” It’s a claim that gains legitimacy when you consider who is behind it: four cousins, all members of the legendary Cochran ski racing family; pro cyclist Ted King, and former Middlebury College Nordic ski coach Andrew Gardner. Generations of Cochrans have been making syrup from the 23,000 maples that grow in the hills around their Richmond, Vt., ski area and last year four Cochran cousins decided to try to market the liquid gold in single .96 oz. packs. Tim Kelley, a Cochran and World Cup ski racer, had been bringing syrup with him to events around the world and thought it could be a good alternative to energy gels. Last July, he teamed up to create UnTapped, a packet of pure, organic maple syrup. The group started a crowdfunding campaign, hoping to raise $35,000 and ended up with more than $50,000. The packets are now available online ( as well as in sports stores, and the company is hoping to launch sales via L.L. Bean this summer. UnTapped may be on to something. Besides being

high in carbs, syrup naturally contains some sodium, which athletes need to replenish what is lost when they sweat, as well as potassium, which helps regulate hydration—though less than you might find in manufactured energy gels. Syrup, especially the darker syrup, contains polyphenols, antioxidants that can quell inflammation and may help in managing diabetes, according to research done at the University of Rhode Island. While syrup works well for some, it may not break down into your body as efficiently as other energy gels. “You want the quickest source of energy available to your body, and that source is glucose because it is readily absorbed and converted into energy,” says Marcia Bristow, MS RDN CD, and a lecturer on sports nutrition at the University of Vermont. Maple syrup contains sucrose, glucose and fructose in varying percentages, based on the grade. The digestion and absorption of sucrose will be a bit slower, notes Bristow, since glucose has to be further broken down into glucose and fructose before absorption can occur.

Power Food While racing or exercising, getting easily digestible sugars into your body is critical. “You don’t want a lot of fiber, fat, protein or sugary or salty drinks prior to


or during excercies. During exercise, the blood flow to the GI tract decreases and reduces the release of digestive secretions. Blood is moving toward the working muscles and is moving away from the digestive track, making it even harder to digest,” says Bristow. But at some point, you are going to need something more for recovery and sustained endurance. That’s where Morrisville resident Chris Kaiser hopes his new Vermont Peanut Butter’s Pack It will come in. Kaiser, a former Division 1 baseball player, who worked as a trainer with the Baltimore Orioles, has been passionate about nutrition. That’s what led him to first home-brew, and then market, his Vermont Peanut Butter, adding in whey protein for recovery and using honey and other natural sweeteners. His original idea was to create portable packs for hiking, mountain biking and other sports. His jars of peanut butter have been selling fast for nearly 10 years now and this spring he launched Pack It, a 1.15-oz. pack of peanut butter that squeezes into your mouth with surprising ease. “Peanuts are naturally high in protein and good fats, but the more I looked at store-bought peanut butters, the more I realized how many junky ingredients, hydrogenated oils and extra sugars were in there,” says Kaiser. The new Pack Its come in two flavors, Good Karma (dark chocolate, peanut butter and added whey protein) and Bee Nut (peanut butter and honey). “Whey protein is a great recovery food since it contains a higher percentage of leucine than practically any other source, including eggs, meat, soy and poultry,” says Bristow. “This helps in protein synthesis and muscle recovery.” Unlike energy gels, peanut butter is high in monounsaturated fat and low in sugar. It is also high in fiber and protein (which fill you up) and contains Vitamins E and B6, potassium and magnesium. Kaiser has already signed on athletes such as snowboard legend Jeremy Jones (National Geographic’s 2013 Adventurer of the Year) as well as Saku Koivu, a former captain of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team, and has begun sponsoring events such as the Vermont City Marathon. With no added sugars, both UnTapped and Vermont Peanut Butter’s Pack It have a refreshing, recognizable taste that sets them apart from the pack of cloyingly sweet gels. The only problem is that they taste so good they could be addicting. As Bristow cautions: “Carbohydrate needs for the recreational athlete are typically not much greater than the general population.” So unless you are planning on burning those calories, don’t get too reliant on those 100-calories packs.

may 2015

nutrition 101 Natural, Organic and Made in Vermont Energy Packs, vs Popular Gels Brand Flavor* Pack Size (oz)** Calories Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Sodium (mg) Potassium (mg) Caffeine (mg)*** Organic? Made in Vermont? Ingredients:

UnTapped VTPB Pack It HoneyStinger Maple Bee Nut Organic Vanilla 0.96 1.15 1.1 100 180 100 26 6 24 0 15 0 0 7 0 5 0 50 80 0 50 0 0 21 100% No 95% Yes Yes No Organic Oil-­‐roasted Organic tapioca maple syrup unblanched syrup, organic peanuts (with honey, water, skins), pure potassium Vermont maple citrate, natural sugar, Vermont flavor, sodium raw honey, low-­‐ chloride sodium sea salt.

Clif Organic Gu PowerGel Banana Beet Vanilla Vanilla 3.17 1.12 1.44 110 100 110 23 22 27 0.5 0 0 2 0 0 90 60 200 230 40 20 0 Trace 0 95% No No No No No Organic banana Maltodextrin, Dual Source puree, organic water, fructose, Energy Blend beet juice leucine, potassium (maltodextrin, concentrate, citrate, sodium fructose), water, citric acid, sea citrate, citric acid, and less than 2% salt, ginger calcium carbonate, of: salt, sodium valine, sea salt, citrate, citric natural flavor, green acid, natural tea (leaf) extract, flavor, sodium gellan gum, benzoate and osoleucine, potassium sunflower oil, and sorbate, preservatives potassium sodium benzoate & chloride. potassium sorbate .

*For the sake of comparison we chose Vanilla or the simplest flavor. Other flavors will have different nutritional profiles **Note that pack sizes vary. Clif Organic's pack and serving size is 3 times that of the others. ***Other flavors may contain more caffeine

Energy, On Demand By Lisa Lynn Some people can get by eating nothing during a long race and do well. Some people can eat pizza while they run and be fine. But for most, finding the right way to replenish your energy stores can mean the difference between performing well and hitting the wall. The difference often comes down to how well you can digest and transform carbohydrates into the glucose that your muscles need to operate. Look for energy gels and bars that not only taste good but are going to be easily digested.

1. Treat Nutrition Like Training

3. Know What You Will Burn

“Your best strategy is to have been eating well long before an event,” says Marcia Bristow, MS RDN CD, a registered dietitian and lecturer on sports nutrition at the University of Vermont. “Nothing can replace good, day-to-day nutrition: it’s like using quality gas and having regular oil changes and tune-ups on your car.”

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy during exercise as the liver breaks the carbohydrates down into glucose before it enters the blood stream. Any glucose that isn’t used right away is stored away as glycogen, which is set aside in reserve to be converted back into glucose when your body discovers it needs more. The challenge: the body can only store about 2,000 calories of glycogen and if you are burning through more than that in a session, you need to refuel. “A person weighing 150 pounds (68kg) should attempt to take in about 68 grams of carbohydrates (1 gram of carbohydrate/kg of body weight) from gels and sport drinks every hour of exercise to maintain blood glucose supplies to the working muscles and the brain,” Bristow advises, adding that gels and bars should always be taken with water or other drinks, which will help absorption and hydration. That would mean two to three gel packs for every hour of exercise, plus a sports drink.

2. Plan Your Fuel Ups If you are going out for 60 to 90 minutes or more of hard exercise you should plan to refuel and actually train your body to digest efficiently. Often during exercise at an intense level, blood is moving toward the working muscles and away from the digestive track. This slows down the transit and abosrption of nutrients. Since fat, protein and fiber take more work to digest, it’s no wonder wolfing down a hamburger (or even a turkey sandwich) during a race could lead to gastric distress. Instead, plan to begin eating small portions of carb-rich sources 30 minutes into an event and plan your subsequent fuel ups wisely.

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4. Choose Your Sugars Most gels contain about 100 calories, and pack 20 to 25 grams carbohydrates in the form of easily digestible sugars. But just what types of sugars you consume can make a difference. The most efficient way to refuel would be to put pure glucose back into your body. But, as Bristow notes, glucose is expensive; instead manufacturers often put other sugars in energy products such as dextrose, maltodextrin and fructose, all of which get converted into glucose. While all these sugars ultimately have the same effect, they are not all absorbed at an equal rate. Though it is a complex sugar, maltodextrin is easily broken down into glucose molecules and is considered the most digestible. Fructose, which naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables, is often included because glucose and fructose are absorbed by different transport mechanisms. “If too much glucose is in the gut, the transport proteins become saturated, limiting absorption into the blood stream. Fructose will take advantage of different absorption pathways,” Bristow explains. Honey and maple syrup contain varying amounts of sucrose, glucose and fructoes. Both honey and maple syrup have a small, added advantage over other sugars in that they contain some antioxidants and minerals.

These two work together to regulate hydration to the muscles, which keeps them from cramping. You can get the daily-recommended value for potassium (3,500 mg) through eating foods such as a banana (422 mg), a cup of yogurt (579 mg), a glass of orange juice (496 mg) and a baked sweet potato with the skin (694 mg). Most Americans get more than enough sodium. But if you are working out for a long period, choosing energy gels with both is a good strategy. Caffeine, a stimulant, is also a popular ingredient to mask fatigue and trick your mind into feeling less tired.

6. Plan for a Quick Recovery When the race or ride are over you may be tempted to eat everything in sight: your body is still craving carbs and you should plan to replace them right away. If you wait more than 30 or 40 minutes to eat after an event, the cortisol hormone your body produces during exercise can cause muscles to atrophy. Some people still have trouble digesting post-exercise. Research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism has shown that ingesting protein (0.2-0.4 grams per kilogram of body weight) and a smaller amount of carbohydrates together (around 0.8g/kg) makes it easier to digest. If you are looking for quick, natural recovery foods, studies have shown that chocolate milk, which is high in carbs, protein and calcium, will not only help rehydrate the body, but helps muscles recover after a long workout. Peanut butter and bananas are another good choice.

7. Practice Eating Lastly, which gel or sports drink you choose should be based on what works best for your body and, simply, what tastes best. Don’t wait until race day to try something new. Practice training different refueling strategies. Keep a log of what you eat and drink and write down how you felt. As we said, some people can get by on pizza. Most of us can’t. For more information: Marcia Bristow, MS RD CD, is a registered dietitian who lectures on sports nutrition at the University of Vermont and has a private

5. Mix in Minerals Something else athletes should look for in gels are electrolytes, mainly minerals such as sodium and potassium.

practice. Many more nutrition tips are available at her website 15

reader athlete By Phyl Newbeck

andrea charest

Age: 33 | Residence: Bolton | Family: Husband, Steve; puppy, Skadi | Occupation: Co-owner of Petra Cliffs Climbing Center and mountain guide | Primary sport: Rock and ice climbing

Andrea Charest has been climbing all her life, starting with indoor climbing walls and later moving on to ice. Sponsored by Mammut, she competes in climbing events and helps others who want to experience the great outdoors as a guide and a New England Ice Ambassador. As the co-owner of Petra Cliffs Climbing Center, she also passes her love of climbing walls on to the next generation of climbers. VS: Did you start climbing on ice or rock? AC: I started with rock climbing. I’ve always been a climber even before I knew rock climbing existed as a sport. I started climbing at an indoor wall in Pittsburgh where I grew up and I was hooked. I came to Vermont the next year and looked for every opportunity to climb indoors and then I met some people who introduced me to climbing outdoors.

VS: When did you try ice climbing? AC: I started that in 2003, but I didn’t start leading ice until 2007. Leading involves starting from the ground and placing your own protection. There’s a bit more risk involved than in top roping.

VS: This may not be a fair question, but which do you like better? AC: Actually, there’s a third option which is called mixed climbing or dry tooling and involves climbing on rock, transitioning to ice, and then back to rock using ice axes. On the rock section you sometimes have to swing the axe over your shoulder or clip it to your belt. Overall if I had to choose it would be rock climbing, but I really like mixed climbing. It’s a great filler for that in-between time like November when it’s cold but there’s not a lot of ice. We also do it year round indoors. At the end of January we have a mixed climbing competition at Petra Cliffs.

VS: Can you explain how mixed climbing competitions work? AC: There are two different events associated with ice or mixed climbing. One is speed. I’m not very good at speed climbing. I watched a video of myself recently and wondered if I was even trying to go fast. The other kind of event is based on difficulty and sometimes has pre-qualifiers to give you an overall placement be-

fore the main event. There are no style points, but there is usually a time limit for the whole route and there are some things that are off limits — like hooking your arms or feet over the axe, which allows you to rest. Our competition is a kick-off to the Smuggs Ice Bash. Ouray, Colorado has a big competition as part of their ice festival, which draws people from all over the world and this was the third year for a competition in Bozeman, which is now a World Cup event. There are other events in Russia, France and all over Europe and a couple of other indoor competitions at climbing gyms out West. I entered the competition realm a few years ago.

VS: I see that you have two American Mountain Guide Association certificates for teaching climbing. AC: Right now I’m moving toward additional certifications. I have one more exam before I reach the highest level for rock climbing. I’ll take the American Mountain Guides Association course in August with the Rock Guide Exam coming in September. That’s my goal and that will open up more areas that I can gain access to for guiding throughout the United States. The certifications I currently have allow me to teach indoors and guide outdoors, as long as I keep up with the professional standards.

VS: Tell us about a memorable climb. AC: A year ago I competed in the Bozeman ice festival. I didn’t have a goal of winning because I own a business and have a full time job so I can’t spend all my time training. I’m in it to get more women involved and have fun. I did the best I could on the competitive route and when I came down I saw pictures of myself and realized that I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time. I’m always in it

to have fun and hopefully pass that on to others.

VS: Have you always been athletic? AC: I’m an only child so my parents dragged me on any adventure they were going on. I’ve always been a camper and a hiker. I tried traditional sports in school. I played soccer, ran track and was on the swimming and diving team, but none of them really interested me other than being something to do. I used to do a lot of mountain biking, but I injured myself badly and stopped doing that. In addition to climbing, these days I ski a lot. I love combining ice climbing with skiing and doing more ski mountaineering in places where you need ice axes and crampons on your ski boots.

VS: When did you buy Petra Cliffs? AC: Petra Cliffs opened in 2000, the year I moved to Vermont. I learned about it in 2001 and started working here right away. In the beginning I was volunteering to get a free membership and then I started working part-time at events like birthday parties. I was asked to work at the summer camp and did that for a few years. When I graduated from UVM I didn’t really have a plan, but I was asked if I wanted to work full-time and said yes. I worked at the front desk and did some guide work and became the summer camp director. The last two owners were pretty absent from the business so I found myself really managing the place and doing payroll, paying bills and other administrative work. When the last owner got into a spot where he had to sell, my husband and I made him an offer and bought the business in April of 2012. We’ve tried to move it away from a team-building place to more a climbing and mountaineering business.


VS: You’re also involved with CRAG-VT (Climbing Resource Access Group). AC: I’m the treasurer and also the only female board member, which needs to change. I’ve always been a supporter and member because I feel like anyone who climbs and uses these trails should help maintain the areas and support the future of Vermont climbing.

VS: Are women still unrepresented in the climbing world? AC: I’m seeing a lot more women and girls get into the sport and even stick with it. Most of the work that I do is with women’s groups, which is fantastic. We also typically have more women than men in the co-ed groups. I love getting women out climbing and skiing so offering women’s only clinics has helped a lot. Our junior climbing team at Petra Cliffs has more females than males, and typically a lot of the college programs I do for UVM, St. Michael’s College and Boston College have more women than men sign up for climbing trips. I feel like women are being empowered and getting more into climbing, but they’re still not getting into guiding. I’ve been the only female in all the courses I’ve taken through AMGA. I think that will change, but it hasn’t changed yet.

Phyl Newbeck lives in Jericho with her partner, Bryan, and two cats. In the winter she alternates skiing with Nordic skating, while the summers find her on her road bike, swimming or kayaking. She is the author of Virginia Hasn’t Always Been for Lovers: Interracial Marriage and the Case of Richard and Mildred Loving.

may 2015

david santamore

reader athlete By Phyl Newbeck

Age: 62 | Residence: Barre | Family: Wife, Kay; three grown children | Occupation: Retired insurance agent, part-time staff at Washington County Youth Services Bureau | Primary sport: Downhill and cross-country skiing, sled hockey, hand-cycling, wheelchair basketball, kayaking, swimming, and scuba diving

Marine Corps veteran David Santamore survived a tour in Vietnam without major injury, but in 2005 he lost his left leg below the knee when the motorcycle he was riding was blindsided by a car. Rather than let the injury restrict him, Santamore persevered and became a member of World T.E.A.M. sports. The acronym stands for The Exceptional Athlete Matters. VS: Tell us about World T.E.A.M sports? DS: World T.E.A.M. Sports is a nonprofit that provides opportunities for athletes to participate in a variety of events. I’ve done three or four of them. There is one at the end of April called the Face of America ride. It’s a two-day, 110-mile ride from the Pentagon to Gettysburg with 500 cyclists, including 125 disabled athletes. I’ve also participated in their Adventure Team Challenge in the High Sierra desert near Grand Junction, Colorado. That’s a three-day event that incorporates a 5 ½ mile hike with a 12mile whitewater raft down the Colorado River, some mountain biking, some rock climbing and some rappelling.

VS: Have you always been an athlete? DS: I grew up on a farm and played high school sports. I was always quite active and I served in the U.S. Marine Corps. I lost my leg in 2005 when I was on a motorcycle and was broad-sided by a car. Fortunately, I was able to save the bike, but I lost my left leg.

VS: What was the first sport you tried after your injury? DS: The first thing I did to re-establish my boundaries was climb Camel’s Hump for my birthday in August, 2006. I called some friends and told them I wanted to have a picnic to celebrate at the top of the mountain. I had to start at 5 a.m. in order to have lunch near the top at 2 p.m. It was a rainy day and I needed a rope to get down the mountain because it was so slippery. I had to pace myself to avoid exhaustion so I was moving for 31 hours, but I made it back down. It was a perfect test and I completed it and established that if time wasn’t an issue, anything was possible. The first sport

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I competed in was sled hockey. I had played a little pond hockey when I was young, but nothing organized. I started with the Vermont Sled Cats and since then I have helped develop a veteran’s sled hockey team based in White River Junction called the Ice Vets. We’re always looking for new recruits. We’re open to all athletes, but our main goal is to help veterans.

VS: When did you start mono-skiing? DS: That was my next sport. I started with the Northeast Handicapped Sports Association at Mt. Sunapee as part of the New England Winter Sports Clinic for disabled veterans. I’ve skied with the group Veterans without Boundaries at a number of ski areas. These days I have a pass at Stowe.

VS: What has been your most memorable athletic moment? DS: I took part in the CanAm Challenge with World T.E.A.M. We rode almost 800 miles from Ottawa to Washington D.C. We left Parliament on June 20 and arrived in Washington on July 3 so we could appear in the Fourth of July parade. That was very challenging. Our longest day was 85 miles and started with a 12-mile climb out of Cooperstown, New York, which was quite impressive. I’m hoping to get selected to do the Sea to Shining Sea ride in 2016 that goes from Oregon to Boston, averaging 60-mile days. That’s my next goal.

VS: Have you done a lot of hand cycle events? DS: I’ve done the Marine Corp marathon a few times, as well as the Vermont City Marathon. I’ve done the Kelly Brush ride, usually doing 50 miles. I’ve also done the Three Notch Century in New Hampshire. The first day you

on exhibitions and fundraisers. We did a fundraiser for Bristol’s Mount Abraham High School where the varsity team used wheelchairs and competed against us.

do Lincoln, Crawford and Franconia Notch and the next day is the full length of the Kancamangus Highway where you start with a 22-mile climb and then a 14-mile scream down the other side.

VS: What was the hardest sport to learn?

VS: Closer to home, you’ve also done the Darn Tough Race over the Notch. How tough was that?

DS: Mono-skiing. The first couple of years were quite tough because I didn’t have my own equipment and it’s hard when you don’t have something that fits you. Over time I was able to get fit better and it was a whole different world. Now I just sit down, strap it on and go. At the New England Winter Sports Clinic at Sunapee that first year, I got the Human Snowplow Award, which is given to someone who has a lot of difficulty but keeps a good attitude. The following year I was awarded the Most Improved. You give a Marine a mission and you don’t have to worry about it.

DS: It was a good ride and a good group of people. Last year was the first year hand cyclists were involved and hopefully we’ll have a bigger turnout in the future. It was a great event. The special thing is there were a variety of levels of riders and everyone helped each other. It’s amazing how quickly it becomes pretty cohesive.

VS: How much harder are the hills on a hand cycle? DS: It’s twice as hard because you’re using your arms instead of your legs. It’s quite difficult when you start off. An equally accomplished cyclist would finish a century in about the same time a hand cyclist would finish 50 miles.

VS: You also do a lot of volunteer work, don’t you? DS: In 2000, I retired from selling insurance. Since then I’ve had some part-time jobs and for the last six years I’ve worked at the Return House, which is a transition home in Washington County for young men returning to the community after being incarcerated. On Tuesdays I usually mentor kids at Berlin Elementary School and on Wednesdays we have a checkers club where we teach kids to play and finish the year with a tournament. I also volunteer with the Barre Community Justice Center doing outreach support for those transitioning from prison to the community. If I just sat on the couch and ate bonbons I’d get bored — and, besides, bonbons are expensive.

VS: And then there’s the tandem mountain bike… DS: That was part of the CanAm Challenge and it was very challenging. It was the first time I’d been on a tandem mountain bike and the fellow in front was a triathlete who had also never been on one. This wasn’t beginner terrain, either. We were going through sand and mud. We spent some time on the bike and some time lying on the road, but like anything else you just keep going.

VS: We haven’t even begun to hit all of your sports. You also play wheelchair basketball, right?

— Phyl Newbeck

DS: We play eight or nine months of the year at the Barre Evangelical Free Church on Tuesday nights and we put 17

Kasie vs. the

Sky By Lisa Lynn


may 2015

Kasie Enman is not only the fastest woman marathoner in Vermont. She's become one of the fastest women in one of the toughest sports in the world: ultra skyrunning.


n a raw, rainy April day, three miles up a dirt road in Huntington, Kasie Enman is coaxing the evaporator to life in her sugar house, holding her toddler Ansel in one arm and throwing logs on the fire with the other. She and her husband, Eli, have a thousand maple taps at Sleepy Hollow, the old inn, bike and cross country ski center that Eli and his family have brought back to life. Sugaring is a short season and, as she admits in her understated manner, “I have a lot going on right now.” Enman has a 10K race to organize on May 17— the Sleepy Hollow Mountain Race, a USATF points race that is part of the New England Mountain Running Championship. She is coaching running part time with the Green Mountain Athletic Association. In a few weeks she is slated to race her second Vermont City Marathon, defending her 2012 title as the only Vermont woman to ever finish first. “And, oh yes,” she recalls, last week she was in Mallorca, Spain representing Salomon International Trail Running Team and madly signing autographs. In Europe, Enman is on her way to becoming a household name. In 2014, in her second season of racing ultramarathons, she tied for second in the Skyrunning World Series Ultra category, having raced a high-altitude trail event every month from May through September. The Skyrunning series consists of trail running (or scrambling) at altitudes over 2,000 meters in three events: Vertical (climbing a vertical kilometer in altitude over less than 5K in distance), Sky (22K to 50K cross country races) and Ultra (50K and longer).

Invented by alpine mountaineers, skyrunning has gained a following on the six continents where the series is held, but nowhere so much as in Europe. “It’s amazing, over there you can be racing on a mountainside in the middle of nowhere and there are crowds along the trail cheering for you like it was the Tour de France,” Enman says. Kilian Jornet Burgado, the 2014 SkyRunning World Series Champion, has become something of a legend and is now attempting to speed climb the world’s highest peaks, earning the Catalan the title of National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year. His girlfriend, Swede Emelie Forsberg, 28, was the women’s 2014 World Series Champion. And Kasie Enman, the 35-year-old mother of two from Huntington, Vt., is hot on her heels.


nman did not find skyrunning. It found her. Growing up near Manchester, N.H., Enman raced cross-country in high school and then led the Middlebury College cross-country team to a Division III National Championship. Eli Enman was also a Middlebury College runner and in 2002 Kasie did a 5K in the morning and married Eli in the afternoon. The Photo by Oliver Parini pair became constant contenders on the New England running circuit, running road races, trail races and, in winter, snowshoe and cross-country ski races. In 2006, Kasie Enman set her sights on her first distance event, Burlington’s Vermont City Marathon. She had trained with her coach and friend Jeff Staab, but the morning of the event found her taking antibiotics. “My throat was so swollen I could barely swallow. I knew I just couldn’t race, not feeling like that. I was so disappointed as this was my

Huntington’s Kasie Enman rock hops Italy’s challenging 50K Kima course. With its mile of climbing into the clouds and a high point at 10,000 feet, Kima is the most grueling race on the circuit.

may 2015

Photo by Jordi Saragossa/Salomon 19

Clockwise, from top left: After Trofeo Kima, Enman consoles teammate Emelie Forsberg, who veered off course; muddy and tuckered, Enman rests after Spain’s Zegama Skyrace; husband Eli, and kids Acadia and Ansel greet their mom at the Kima finish; Enman shows off her race course tattoo at Utah’s Speedgoat 50K. Photos by Jordi Saragasso/Salomon

longest she had ever run. The Giir di Mont, less a run than a 32K mountaineering experience, traverses a cow path with steep climbs and descents. On the morning of July 30, Enman set out with 830 other runners. Her feet were bound and taped from having worn through the skin on her heels during the 28K Dolomite Skyrace the week before. She quickly took the lead in the women’s field prompting clanging cow-bells from the surrounding crowds, pats on her rump as she pushed through the throngs and cries of “prima donna! prima donna!” (literally, first woman! first woman!) She wasn’t wearing a watch, but with World Series champion Emelie Forsberg on her heels, she held her pace. Soon she was alone, keeping her steady, short gait, and pushing on the downhills, where she excels. When she crossed the finish line, 3 hours, 45 minutes and 50 seconds later in the longest race she had ever run, Enman was a remarkable 18 minutes ahead of the second-place woman. As it turned out, Enman, the relatively unknown American, had just set a women’s course record for the Giir di Mont. That record still stands.


am a momma first, who also leads a blessed life running in mountains, racing for PRs on the roads, freelance writing, coaching and living in the moment,” is how Enman describes herself on her Facebook page. Coming off the incredible first year on the World Series, Enman found herself pregnant with son Ansel. For Salomon, it could have been a disappointment to see their rising star sidelined. Instead, the sponsor created a beautiful video showing Enman running through her pregnancy (she ran up until she gave birth), her home life with Eli and her children. Ansel was born in June 2013. And in 2014, Enman was back with an intense schedule that had her racing as follows: May: in the Spanish Pyrenees for the Zegama Sky Marathon. June: the U.S. Mountain Running Championships at Loon N.H., and the Mont

may 2015

Blanc Vertical K and marathon in Chamonix, France. July: Mount Washington (N.H.) Road Race and Snowbird’s (Utah) Speedgoat 50K; August: the 46K Ultraks in Zermatt, 31K Sierre Zinal in the French Alps and Italy’s grueling Kima 50K. September: the Rut 50K in Big Sky, Mont. She posted top-five finishes in nearly every event, but her highlight was Kima. Kima is without a doubt Skyracing’s most grueling event. The 50K course covers 3,800 meters total elevation, climbing seven passes, all over 2,500 meters, and reaching a top altitude of nearly 3,000 meters. “It’s a course where you have to use your hands,” says Enman. “There are chain ladders and rebar and it’s easy to get vertigo.” At times, clouds socked in the trails, making it difficult to see. At 26K, Emelie Forsberg had an 11-minute lead on Enman, but then disappeared, having veered off course. “All of a sudden people were yelling ‘prima donna, prima donna’ to me,” Enman recalls. At first she didn’t believe it. But after 7 hours, 53 minutes and 42 seconds of running, she crossed the finish line in first.


nman’s combined top three finishes out of five races in the 2014 Skyrunning World Series Championships put her behind winner Emelie Forsberg and tied for second with Anna Frost in the Ultra category. She received several thousand dollars in prize money and bonuses from her sponsor,

Salomon. “I think I made enough money to cover the expenses of bringing my family to events,” she says. “But I’m actually just as happy racing locally here in Vermont.” Unlike social media stars Forsberg and New Zealand’s Anna “Frosty” Frost, who have their own websites and Facebook followings of 80,000 and more, Enman is a quieter, almost reluctant, professional. In 2015, with an ankle injury still plaguing her, she is hesitant to commit to 21

“I wasn’t looking to be a world-traveling marathon runner,” she says. “Some days I’d like to just simplify my life and go hike the Appalachian Trail or something. But I’ll ride this out as long as I can.”’

After running for seven hours, 53 minutes and 42 seconds, Enman crosses the finish line at Italy’s 2014 Trofeo Kima looking strong and securing first in Skyrunning’s most grueling race. Photo by Jordi Saragasso/Salomon

what races she will do, but has her Skyracing schedule laid out and has made plans to bring Eli and the kids to events in Oregon and Utah. She attended the April Advanced Week in Mallorca and in February flew to Hong Kong to race the MSIG Sai Kung 50K. “I’ve never been to Asia and thought it would be a good chance to see it,” she says. She finished third there, but is now taking things a bit slower. “I’m crazy, my life is crazy, right now,” Enman admits with a sigh as she stokes the fire at her family’s sugaring operation. A warm amber trickle of syrup starts to flow from the tap and she feeds Ansel a sip. “If I could have anything right now, I’d have a nutritionist and cook following me around. Right now, Eli cooks and I just eat whatever, whenever I can.” Enman does not seem particularly stressed. At 35, she has the remarkably fresh, freckled skin of a teenager. Her curly strawberry blonde hair is tied back in a tight ponytail and her blue eyes shyly dart down and around when she speaks. She still seems surprised at her own success. After finishing second at Utah's 50K Speedgoat in July 2014, an interviewer from the online site congratulated her on her first ultra-marathon. “Thank you,” said Enman, “but I’m not sure 31.2 miles really counts. I don’t consider myself an ultra-marathoner yet.”

With an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Middlebury College and a master’s degree in sustainability from Antioch College, Enman is already thinking about the next chapter. “I wasn’t looking to be a world-traveling marathon runner,” she says. “Some days I’d like to just simplify my life and go hike the Appalachian Trail or something. But I’ll ride this out as long as I can.” What keeps her going? “She’s stubborn and pretty competitive,” says her husband Eli, with a laugh. “We have a good rivalry,” he says. He recounts the time she was biking alongside him in a marathon and he asked her what her personal best finish time was down to the second. “She wouldn’t tell me,” he says with a chuckle, “because she didn’t want me to beat it.” Ironically, he finished in the exact same time (2:37) as his wife's personal best. The 2015 Vermont City Marathon will be his first chance since to break that, but this time Eli and Kasie will have to race a marathon head to head. “I am stubborn,” Kasie Enman admits. “I spend a lot of time focusing on the mental side of things.” She visualizes sections of races long before they happen and then listens to her body to maintain her pace, step by step. “If I try to think about the whole big thing, it’s just too much to think about. You can’t deal with it.” “I just try to live in the moment,” she adds. “You can deal with the moment.”


may 2015

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may 2015 23

sports medicine By Dr. James R. Slauterbeck

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A Pain in the...Heel?

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Break from the pack: High School XC Camps

“Oh my heel hurts… it must be a stone bruise.” Runners often complain of pain on the bottom of their heel. The pain is often worse when taking the first step in the morning and usually aggravated after standing or running. Sometimes heel pain is indeed caused by stepping on a stone. Sometimes it is a stress fracture or an insufficiency fracture, such as can occur with osteoporosis. But most often the diagnosis is plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes. One of the most common injuries in runners, plantar fasciitis is a painful condition localized to where the plantar fascia meets the calcaneus (heel bone). It is usually a result of chronic overuse, but occasionally can occur from a traumatic event like stepping on a stone. It is thought to be caused by chronic traction of the plantar fascia from the heel towards the toes that results in small ruptures of the fascia. The fascia then thickens or inflames, which is what is believed to be the source of the pain. Runners with a high arch who overpronate or run on hard surfaces are at greater risk for developing this. The diagnosis is based upon obtaining an accurate history and identifying tenderness on the bottom of the heel. A calcaneal spur may be seen on x-ray, but the size or presence of the spur is unlikely to be related to clinical symptoms. Treatment usually involves limiting your running, taking non-steroidal


anti-inflammatory medications like Naprosyn, and placing a soft support in the shoe under the heel. Physical therapy and exercises that involve stretching the bottom of the foot and calf muscle can be very successful. To decrease the pain, try stretching before getting out of bed and wearing night splints. Occasionally an injection with cortisone near the heel spur can be attempted, but this can also result in a rupture of the plantar fascia or loss of fat in the heel area, which can be devastating to a runner. There is some growing evidence that PRP injections (platelet-rich plasma) into the plantar fascia may be of some benefit, but so far there have only been limited scientific studies that show this. Removal of the calcaneal spurs by surgery is unnecessary. The best results are usually observed after a patient keeps a splint on at night and stretches in the morning and uses a soft pad in the shoe. In general, plantar fasciitis typically goes away within six months or one year.

James Slauterbeck, MD is Associate Professor of Orthopaedics Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation at the University of Vermont. He is in private practice with: Sports Medicine Orthopaedic Specialty Center 192 Tilley Drive South Burlington VT 05403

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may 2015

news briefs Save the trails: If it’s muddy, don’t hike until Memorial Day WATERBURY — If you want to have good trails to hike the rest of the year, then stay off the trails from now through Memorial Day, says the Green Mountain Club. Warmer temperatures and a substantial winter snowpack have made Vermont’s hiking trails wet, muddy and especially prone to erosion. Hikers walking on saturated soils or on the sides of trails cause irreversible erosion and damage surrounding vegetation. Trails are closed from April 15 through the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. Closures include trails within Coolidge State Forest, Camel’s Hump State Park, Mansfield State Forest, Long Trail State Forest, Jay State Forest and all other trails inside the state forest. Trails on the Green Mountain National Forest are not officially closed, but the USDA Forest Service asks hikers to avoid muddy higher elevation trails like the Long Trail until Memorial Day weekend. “It’s been a long winter and everyone is itching to take a hike. If a trail is so muddy that you need to walk on the soil beside it, turn back and seek an alternative area to hike or an alternate activity, like canoeing or biking,” GMC director of trail programs, Dave Hardy said. Dry trails at lower elevations, dirt roads and recreation paths provide excellent opportunities for spring activities. “High elevation soils retain snow and ice longer, and they dry out later, so we ask folks to use their judgment since a trail may be ready for hiking at the trailhead, but will get softer and still have snowpack as you climb higher,” added Hardy.

2014: A Year for Record-big Fish MONTPELIER — The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has released its annual Master Angler program report and the 2014 edition is highlighted by two new state record fish – both caught in Lake Champlain. “2014 was a great year for Vermont fishing all around, and the new record fish are a symbol of that,” said Shawn Good, fisheries biologist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. The two new state records include entries for both the common carp and white perch species. Darren Ouellette harvested the new record carp while bowfishing on Lake Champlain in Shoreham. The fish weighed in at 44 pounds, 6.8 ounces and measured 41.25 inches in length. The new record white perch, which weighed 2 pounds, 9.3 ounces and measured 16.6 inches in length, was caught by Anthony Austin while ice fishing on Lake Champlain in St. Albans. “Along with the new record fish, the Master Angler program had several other highlights from 2014, including 790 trophy fish entries from 164 adult anglers and 63 youth anglers,” said Jud Kratzer, fisheries biologist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. “In total, 12 youth participants and 23 adult participants achieved Master Angler status by entering trophy fish for at least five different species, and we had a 61 percent release rate, which means over half of the trophy fish submitted were released to be caught another day.” In its fifth year in existence, the program received trophy fish entries from 79 different waterways around the state.


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If the Shoe Fits

How do you find the right shoe for your body and running style? Our shoe-fitting expert tells what to look for and two shoe fitters share their top picks.

Skirack’s Emily Davis shows a couple of her favorite running shoes.



t’s spring, time to trade in winter’s worn, muddy treads and start the season with a new pair. Picking a pair of shoes is hardly a matter of grabbing a nice-looking pair off the shelf. If you want to avoid injuries and feel more comfortable while running, getting a good pair of shoes that fit is critical. Christy Lynn should know. A marathon runner, she spent two years selling shoes in specialty running stores in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Vancouver, B.C., then another three years as a technical representative for Brooks, a running shoe and apparel company. “Most people can find a comfortable running shoe that fits their running style,” she says. But to help do so, it takes a fairly sophisticated understanding of one’s own body biomechanics — information that can be gained online or at a specialty running shoe store that focuses on proper fit.

Different Strides Everyone runs differently, Lynn is

quick to point out. Just like everyone’s body is different, everyone has a different set of natural biomechanical positions that they go to naturally when they move, she says. Here are just a few factors at work: Some people’s hips can be angled in different directions, which may push the runner’s center of gravity forward or back. Some hip joints are tight, affecting your stride, while others are looser. You may think your legs are the same size, but even slight leg length discrepancies can tilt a runner more to one side. And your arches may be high or you may be flat-footed. To account for the wide variety of body types, top running shoe companies employ biomechanical engineers to study how different shoes affect the natural way runners move. The objective? To develop shoes that address the needs of runners so they move efficiently and reduce running injuries.

How do you run? To properly fit runners, the most technical running shops rely on video anal-

ysis of a customer walking or running to decide what kind of shoe would best suit his or her biomechanics. Runners can also learn about how they run by looking at the wear patterns on their shoes. Many runners can find themselves in one of these categories: • Neutral shows a natural wear pattern at the balls of the feet and central portion of the heel, caused by the natural inward roll following the heel striking the ground. Runners who have a normal amount of pronation should look to “neutral” shoes. • Over-pronation shows excessive wear on the outside edge of the heel and under the big toe, showing an exaggerated inward roll. Over-pronators need stability or motion control shoes. • Under-pronation (also called supination) shows excessive wear on the outside edge of the shoe from back to front, caused by insufficiently reducing impact while running. Runners who under-pronate should look for neutral running shoes with lots of cushioning.


Lynn says once a runner determines how they run, it becomes easier to find a pair of shoes that addresses their need since shoes are designed around how a runner moves, beginning with where the foot hits the ground. This begins with a “crash pad,” a piece of lowest-density cushioning where the runner’s foot is likely to strike first. This can be squarely on the heel or more forward if the runner lands on their forefeet. Shoes also feature a flex pattern that allows the shoe and the foot inside it to flex naturally.

Finding the right shoe The most important fit in the shoe is the heel, Lynn says, since that’s where the under- or over-pronation originates. The shoe should also be wide enough to allow the muscles in the front of your foot to work. If a shoe is too narrow, the muscles won’t be able to function to their fullest ability. A third way to find a well-fitting shoe is to look for what Lynn calls “the transition point,” a point on the sole – usually under the arch – that encourages forward motion. Many

may 2015

people recognize they’ve found a shoe signs shoes with BIOMOGO Technolthat truly works for them when that ogy. That’s a lot of variety and Lynn area aligns with their foot. If a per- cautions that some of it can be marson’s initial point of contact is more keting hype, but runners need to keep on their forefoot than on their heels, track of how long their shoes last so this point will not be as distinct or im- they aren’t running on shoes that have outlasted their performance. portant. “It will substantially differ be- For consistent runners, Lynn tween support shoes and neutral says a pair of shoes can last between shoes,” she says. A support shoe of- 400 and 500 miles before the shoes’ fers maximum support for a foot that dampening properties are lost. When over-pronates while a neutral shoe is the padding and treads flatten, she designed for runners with normal pro- says, the jarring feeling in your joints will let you know it’s time for a new nation in their foot. A final point of shoe fitting is pair. recognizing whether you’re what Lynn calls “a gripper or a flexer,” which Reducing the risks has more to do with your toes. Most Finally, finding the right shoe is an inpeople will either vestment not only subconsciously in your running, flex their toes up but in your health. The most important fit When a runner’s or grip them into the foot-bed at in the shoe is the heel, strike is correctly each strike. Runaligned, that runLynn says, since that’s ner is less likely ners that identify as a “gripper” where the under- or to encounter the should look for five most common over-pronation origi- chronic injuries a shoe that turns upward at the toe nates. The shoe should associated with to allow the foot running. also be wide enough to push off. “Flexers” should find to allow the muscles in • Plantar fasciitis a wider shoe that refers to the inthe front of your foot to flammation of the will let the toes spread like they work. If a shoe is too plantar fascia, a want. thick band of connarrow, the muscles nective tissue that When you’re trying on a pair of won’t be able to func- connects the bone shoes, Lynn says, of the heel to the tion to their fullest abil- base of the toes. It it’s important to walk and run can be caused by ity. as you normally improper support would and resist through the arch the urge to change of the foot. your strike pattern or length of stride. “Trying on shoes is not the time • Achilles tendonitis is the inflammato change your running habits or tion or tear in the Achilles tendon, stride,” she says. “Just do what you which connects the back of the heel to normally do and get the shoe that fits the calf muscle. you.” Also: don’t be so picky about • Shin splints are common injuries color. for athletes rapidly increasing their A pair of running shoes should training. Over-pronation of the feet is feel and fit comfortably as soon as also a risk factor for developing shin they come out of the box. You will not splints, as inward rotation of the foot have to run miles to break them in, and ankle pull the muscles away from Lynn says, to which South Burlington the tibia bone. coach and runner Moe Brown agrees. • Runners knee refers to pain in the “I often hear people say ‘they feel area under the kneecap where the uncomfortable now, but I’m going to kneecap connects with the thighbone. break them in,’” Brown says. “But if • IT Band syndrome is the inflammathey don’t feel good right away, then tion of a thick connective fascia that they’re not going to be good for you.” wraps around the outside of the knee and runs to the hip.

Time for another pair?

Every top brand of running shoe uses a patented cushioning system, Lynn says. Nike uses Air, Adidas has Boost, Asics employs Gel and Brooks now de-

may 2015

All of these injuries can be avoided with a properly fitted pair of running shoes, and proper training habits.

Christy Lynn spent two years working at specialty running stores in Brooklyn, N.Y. and in Vancouver, B.C. before joining Brooks, a specialty running company as a technical representative. While at Brooks she spent three years traveling across western Canada educating runners and running shops employees about how footwear affects natural biomechanics and can be used to relieve and prevent some of the most common running injuries. She has also helped coach numerous running groups for longer distance races. Christy currently runs and works in Middlebury, Vt., as the advertising manager of Vermont Sports and assistant publisher of Addison Press Inc.

Spring Shoe Shopping By Evan Johnson

Ready for new shoes? We asked two local shoe-buying experts — a road runner and trail warrior — for their picks for the new season.

road winners

and a firmer toe plate for a distinct rebound from one step to another.

An accomplished track and crosscountry runner, Emily Davis will set up a customer on Skirack’s treadmill and video tape his or her stride before helping her customers select a shoe. Here are her six picks for pounding the pavement.

Mizuno Wave Paradox ($139) uses lightweight construction to create a shoe for over-pronation control that’s light and moves quickly. A SmoothRide-engineered sole creates a rocking chair motion from the back of the foot to the front.

Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 ($120) is a support shoe designed for road runners with a medium to high arch. This updated version of the popular Adrenaline features BioMoGo DNA cushioning and a segmented crash pad for a smooth heel-to-toe transition.

Asics Gel Cumulus 16 ($115) the 16th iteration of the popular Cumulus, offers more cushioning than any of its predecessors and is ideal for underpronators and neutral runners. In addition to Gel cushioning units, it features an improved guidance system to enhance the foot’s natural gait.

Brooks Ravenna 5 ($116) rides the line between a support and guidance shoe with a blend of cushion and stability great for road runners. Like the Adrenaline, the Ravenna features patented BioMoGo DNA cushioning and a segmented crash pad.

Asics GT 2000 ($130) is great for neutral to slight over-pronators, who will enjoy the lightest edition of the GT in the shoe’s 20-year lifespan. At 8.5 ounces, the weight savings is due to improved heel and midsole stabilization systems.

Mizuno Wave Inspire 11 ($119), an update from the popular Inspire 9 and 10 models, combines guidance and cushion with a slightly wider toe box, internal stabilizing straps

continued on next page 27

Spring Shoe Shopping - continued road winners An accomplished track and crosscountry runner, Emily Davis will set up a customer on Skirack’s treadmill and video tape his or her stride before helping her customers select a shoe. Here are her six picks for pounding the pavement. Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 ($120) is a support shoe designed for road runners with a medium to high arch. This updated version of the popular Adrenaline features BioMoGo DNA cushioning and a segmented crash pad for a smooth heel-to-toe transition. Brooks Ravenna 5 ($116) rides the line between a support and guidance shoe with a blend of cushion and stability great for road runners. Like the Adrenaline, the Ravenna features patented BioMoGo DNA cushioning and a segmented crash pad. Mizuno Wave Inspire 11 ($119), an update from the popular Inspire 9 and 10 models, combines guidance and cushion with a slightly wider toe box, internal stabilizing straps and a firmer toe plate for a distinct rebound from one step to another. Mizuno Wave Paradox ($139) uses lightweight construction to create a shoe for over-pronation control that’s light and moves quickly. A

SmoothRide-engineered sole creates a rocking chair motion from the back of the foot to the front. Asics Gel Cumulus 16 ($115) the 16th iteration of the popular Cumulus, offers more cushioning than any of its predecessors and is ideal for under-pronators and neutral runners. In addition to Gel cushioning units, it features an improved guidance system to enhance the foot’s natural gait. Asics GT 2000 ($130) is great for neutral to slight over-pronators, who will enjoy the lightest edition of the GT in the shoe’s 20-year lifespan. At 8.5 ounces, the weight savings is due to improved heel and midsole stabilization systems.

Trail Blazers As a dedicated trail runner, Chris Sussman, running guru at Burlington’s Outdoor Gear Exchange, admits that most of his selections are geared toward tackling roots, rocks, mud and gravel. “It’s what I run in most of the time,” he says. Here are some of his top picks for the season: Altra Superior 2.0 ($110) is a lightweight and aggressively treaded shoe with zero drop, placing the heel and forefoot an equal distance from the ground. Trail Blazers As a dedicated trail runner, Chris Sussman, running guru at Burling-

news briefs Killington to host Vermont Jerkfest & Reggae Festival KILLINGTON —Killington Resort will host its first annual Vermont JerkFest & Reggae Festival this July 31-Aug. 1. Celebrating all things spicy and jerk hot, this Caribbean-style foodie festival features local Jamaican jerk spiced food and entertainment for the family. The festival begins with the Rum & Brew Tasting held Friday night, 6:30 p.m. -10 p.m., and continues with the Jerk Food and Reggae Festival on Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. Killington bars and restaurants will continue the festival with afterparties. “Killington Resort is committed to bringing new energy to the area during the summer months, so hosting the first ever Vermont JerkFest was a no brainer,” says Mike Solimano, president and general manager of Killington Resort. “With live music, local food, a festival atmosphere and a focus on sustainability, this event is a perfect fit in Killington.” An important component for the Vermont JerkFest is highlighting and promoting local agriculture and local food. Vendors will be encouraged to source locally. Included in the festivities are: • Live music, including an international reggae headline performer and regional musicians • Jerk dishes prepared by local and regional restaurants, food trucks, and street vendors • Spice Lane, showcasing local specialty products, including hot sauces, desserts, cheeses, etc. • Jerk Cook-Off competition and Seafood Throwdown competition featuring local seafood freshly caught from Vermont lakes • Chef demos featuring jerk and highlighting local food • Children’s activity zone with hands-on interactive activities • Cultural stage promoting traditional and folklore traditions of the Caribbean Food festival tickets range from $5-$25 and are free for children under 10. The Rum & Brew Tasting tickets are $50 and $100 for VIP Admission. For tickets and information, visit

Dutch Hill seeks revival as backcountry ski area Vermont is littered with abandoned ski areas and now some people are hoping to bring one of them back as an uphill, self-service, skin-up, ski down area. The National Forest Service is currently looking at reviving the old Dutch Hill trails, just north of the Massachusetts border in Heartwellville, Vt., as a backcountry ski area. The trails were last served by a T-bar in 1985 and the buildings and lifts are gone. The effort is part of the Green Mountain National Forest South of Route 8 Integrated Resource Project and at this point, the National Forest Service is seeking to gain public interest via a survey. To weigh in, visit

Maximize your run with

Course: 18-mile* & 6-mile timed runs, 2-mile family fun run/walk. All courses are loops on pristine trails through woods, farmland, meadow and river valleys, circumnavigating the town. *18-mile run capped at 100 runners.

~Ultra Light-weight ~Superior Cushioning ~Fluid, Efficient Ride What More Could You Want In A Running Shoe?

Men’s Black/Grey/Neon

HOKA Clifton

Location: Start & end at Wright Park in Middlebury, VT. Post-race celebration with refreshments, prizes & music. All welcome, any ability. All proceeds will help to maintain & improve the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM).

Register starting June 1 at 28

Women’s Acid/Aqua/Neon Coral

20 Langdon Street, Montpelier, VT 802-229-9409 • May 2015

gear and beer

GEAR: Pearl Izumi E:Motion Road M3 V2 After a snowy season in the northeast, paved roads and rec paths are the first surfaces to dry out as plants begin to bud and foot traffic flourishes. Pearl Izumi's most cushioning midsole alleviates the pounding road runners experience when hitting the pavement. Forget about abrupt, slappy transitions often felt in stability shoes, the Road M3 V2 offers a luxurious ride with super soft heel strike and a smooth transition through the toe thanks to Pearl's E:Motion technology. The technology has existed for three years but has been fine tuned this season. Marshmellowy cushioning in the heel absorbs impact, while the midsole guides the forefoot through the step with cushioning, stability, and pronation control. The seamless mesh upper is supportive through the forefoot and very breathable - a nice feature as warm weather fast approaches - and a rubber toe bumper adds a bit of protection and durability to the front of the toe box. The new Road M3 V2 provides mid level stability in both men's and women's sizes with an average weight of only 11.9 ounces and 10.3 ounces for the pair, respectfully. This sneaker packs a big punch in a light package. Ladies will want to size up by half a shoe size as they run on the smaller side. Both men's and women's models come in two color ways and are available at many local retailers

May 2015

across Vermont including Skirack, Outdoor Gear Exchange, Fleet Feet, Lenny's, Pearl, Mountain Goat, Sam's, and Onion River Sports. If you can't find them, ask. It's worth the effort to get a pair of these on your feet before you hit the street. $135

and a flavor profile to match, stemming from a blend of Simcoe and other hops, but without the bitterness typical of this style. Malt and hop favors are well balanced and a smooth finish lends the Idletyme to easy drinking. Enjoy Idletyme inside the restaurant or brew pub or head outside to the patio and Tree House Bar. Pair a pint with live music on Sunday afternoons throughout the summer after working up a thirst (and a hunger) on the adjacent rec path. If you'd prefer to enjoy this 8% ABV beer at your own camp, pick up a 22 ounce bottle from the Mountain Road location or ask for it at other area retailers.

GEAR: Scarpa Oxygen GTX If hitting the trail is more your style, you won't be disappointed with the Oxygen GTX by Scarpa. The Oxygen is a new mid-weight hiker featuring SockFit technology, which incorporates the tongue and softshell inner into a single low profile layer that wraps your foot in, you guessed it, a sock-like feel. Pair the close and comfortable inner fit with the grippy Vibram sole and waterproof, breathable Gore-Tex outter and you'll keep them on all season long. This year Gore-Tex introduced mesh vent panels all around the foot, including underfoot, to encourage air circulation to help keep tootsies dry during the warmer months while offering its trusted waterproof protection on the upper. Not only is this low rise shoe agile enough for quick jaunts up the local trail, it's also stable and supportive for longer hikes and a unique alternative to lighter backing footwear. No need to peel off soggy boots and socks at the end of the day, keep the Oxygen on when you hit the town for post adventure food and drinks. $189

by Hilary DelRoss

BEER: Crop Brewery Idletyme Hilary grew up in

A camp once stood on the picturesque footprint where Crop Restaurant and Brewery now resides in Stowe, Vermont. Crop's brewmaster, Will Gilson, pays homage to the site's recreational heritage while recognizing the current popularity of hop forward IPAs with Idletyme, which is named after the camp. Idletyme is a double IPA designed to be enjoyed by all. It is unfiltered with a subtly hazy, golden hue and leaves a lace-like lattice on the glass once the head recedes. Idletyme is aroma forward with abundant flowery notes

southern New England where she developed her love of nature and outdoor recreation,


ing learning to ski at Rhode Island's only ski hill. After exploring the Rocky and Cascade Mountain ranges, she transplanted to the Green Mountain State where she snowboards, skis, hikes, bikes, kayaks and stokes campfires from her home base in Montpelier. 29

Event organizers! Listing your event in this calendar is free and easy. Visit, and e-mail results to

calendar of events

distances of 15, 30 and 60 miles.




10-14 Tour De Kingdom

bike rides supporting patient services and

Kingdom Games in Vermont’s Northeast

cancer research at the Norris Cotton Cancer

Kingdom hosts four days of long-distance rides

Center in Lebanon, N.H. Friday’s ride is from

through the NEK and northern New Hampshire

Manchester to Hanover, Saturday’s ride is a

totaling 440 miles and 25,000 feet of vertical

loop starting and finishing in Hanover, N.H.

The Prouty Ultimate is two days of century

2 Second Skirack Annual Bike Swap Bikers are invited to bring their road bikes, mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, cyclocross bikes, kids bikes, bike parts and accessories, carracks, cargo boxes and child carriers to


sell on consignment. Please no department store bikes, helmets or clothing. Receive 100 percent in store credit or 80 percent in cash when your gear sells.





fondo-style ride to celebrate the relationship

32, 67 and 100 miles long around Chittenden


County. All rides start at Oakledge Park in

landscapes. The ride is open to the first 500


who register. Distances include 10, 40, 74

Alliance for a bike swap from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in downtown Waterbury. Sellers keep 100 deals on used bikes and parks.

15 Tour De Zack

Tour De Zack includes a 27-mile ride from

provided by Jake’s Quechee Market, at 1 p.m.

20 Switchback Bike for the Lake

short ride on Sunday. Barbeque and brews follow in the afternoon at the MRG Basebox.

20 Route 100-200 Miles, One Day

First Aid May 30-31 Wilderness First Aid/CPR Training This is a two-day, 16-hour introductory course for care of injuries in the wilderness. Designed for outdoor enthusiasts and trip leaders, this course includes lectures and practical

highways and the 200-mile ride is routed to


minimize automobile traffic.

27 Long Trail Century Ride

The annual Long Trail Century Ride benefits Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports and is a recreational century that starts and ends at the Long Trail Brewery on Route 4 in Bridgewater Corners. Distances include 20, 60 and 100 miles.

substantial stretches of dirt roads with

depart from the MRG parking lot at 9 a.m.

recognized as one of Vermont’s most scenic

The ride is followed by family-friendly activities.

rides. All of the Tour de Heifer routes include

River Glen ski area near Waitsfield. Rides

Massachusetts state line. Route 100 is widely

Center. Distances include 55, 30 and 16 miles.

includes the annual Tour De Heifer bike

a weekend of road biking based from Mad

starts at the Middlebury College Snow Bowl.

stretches from the Canadian border to the

a day of distance rides to raise funds for the

Brattleboro’s Strolling of the Heifers weekend

Whiz Skiers and the Ramapo Ski Club host

Appalachian, Middlebury and Brandon. Event

The 100/200 is a one-day bicycle ride that

The Lund Family Center in Burlington hosts

7 Tour De Heifer

Riders, White Plains Ski Club, North Jersey

miles, plus four mountain gaps – Lincoln,

State Park in Milton, Vermont.

three days of racing in central Vermont.

The Westchester Cycle Club, Mad River

climbs over distances of 46, 69 and 104

races with distances of 11 to 160 miles over


18-19 Bike It If You Can Weekend

ride will test your fitness with its challenging

100 mile loops. Start and finish is at Sandbar

the Green Mountain Bike Club host a series of

31 Lund Center 7th Annual Ride for Children

ride through Vermont’s Green Mountains. This

annual Bike for the Lake with 25, 50, 70, and

The town of Killington, Killington Ski Resort and


Friends of Northern Lake Champlain hold the

23 Killington Stage Race


with three levels of routes on Saturday and a

mile ride, continuing to Bethel and Barnard will meet at The Quechee Green, for a picnic

13 Vermont Gran Fondo

Quechee through West Hartford, and a 47through Woodstock and back to Quechee. All


The Vermont Gran Fondo is a non-competitive

VMBA partners with the Waterbury Trail

percent of their haul and shops will also offer


and 102 miles starting in Pittsfield, Vt.

9 Waterbury Bike Swap

12 Farm to Fork Fondo

Education & Services hosts a series of rides 17,

Williston hosts a cross-country mountain of distances for all family members. www.

Wrenegade Sports hosts a three-distance,


bike race on rolling single-track with a variety

13 Champ Ride

The Vermont Center for AIDS Resources,

9 Flower Power Mountain Bike Race

10-11 8th Annual Prouty Ultimate

28 Central Vermont Cycling Tour

A multi-distance ride winding along country roads in the towns north of Montpelier, from Morse Farm through the hamlets of Adamant, Maple Corners and Wrightsville. The route starts gently and becomes more aggressive on the longer tours. Distances include 13.6, 33.75 and 59 miles.



Obstacle Racing June

21 Shale Hill Obstacle Relay Challenge 2015

Shale Hill Obstacle racing hosts a co-ed team event. Each team member completes 20-25 obstacles/challenges in 2.2 miles including teeter totters, tire flips, hurdles, logs, walls, rope climbs, pond traverse, balances, sand




crawls, monkey bars, Tarzan swings and wall traverses over mixed surfaces. www.

may 2015

calendar of events July

Featured Events

11 Dirty Girl Mud Run

Killington Resort hosts a 5K mud run to support

May 23

Adirondack (N.Y.) Marathon Distance Festival

The Dandelion Run is a competitive and recre-

September 26-27

ational half marathon with relay options on back

Schroon Lake, N.Y. hosts a full weekend of dis-


roads deep in the heart of the Northeast Kingdom

tance racing in the Adirondack Mountains. The

of Vermont, starting at the Derby Beach House in

race weekend features marathon, half-marathon,


the town of Derby. The day also includes a 10K run

relays, 5k and 10k races, as well as fun runs for

and walk.


Dandelion Run

breast cancer awareness and research. The event is untimed and covers 11 obstacles.

9 Northern Forest Canoe Trail Freshet Fest A paddlers’ rendezvous for long-distance

Vermont Sun Triathlon

kayakers and canoeists - as well as armchair travelers - curious about what it takes to paddle the 740-mile Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Meet with other paddling enthusiasts for a day on the river and an evening of meeting with Northern Forest Canoe Trail thru-paddlers.

13 Brattleboro Outing Club paddle on

picnic in the marshes off the Connecticut River. The group meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Walmart parking lot on New Hampshire’s Route 119. 16 BOC Annual Canoe/kayak/shell/SUP Consignment sale/swap Annual



of canoes, SUPs.


kayaks, taken

Club sale rowing

hosts and shells


The Saratoga Springs Lions Club hosts a 5K run fol-

bike and 3.1-mile run in Branbury State park on

lowed by a 30K bike and and additional 5K run. The

the shores of Lake Dunmore, nestled against the

Lions Duathlon Experience is designed to allow for

Green Mountains. Novice and advanced athletes

many levels of participation including family and busi-

alike marvel the beauty of the course and enjoy the

ness teams where members do the running or biking

mountains, lakes and streams of Central Vermont.

or any combination of male or female. www.saratogas-

in Friday evening

to noon, at which time the consignment sale will start. Proceeds fund the summer paddling

marshes and coves off the Connecticut River

of Lake Dunmore. The spectacular and challeng-

Lake Dunmore. The lake region is a most spectacular

ing out-and-back courses offer views of the pristine

and pristine place to swim, bike and run.

Lake Dunmore so pretty you won't even notice the

hills as they go by.

starting at the Jericho Elementary School.

to traffic for the race. Live music, post-race lunch, cash prize purse to the top runners, t-shirts, medals for all finishers and more.

the 13-mile/7-mile two-person relay. 3 Middlebury Maple Run, The Sweetest Half half marathon through the town of Middlebury,

3 Springfield Dam Run

Springfield hosts a four-mile race/walk and a half-mile fun run to benefit the Springfield Family Center & Food Shelf. The Springfield Family Center was incorporated in 1971 to meet the needs of low-income families and

Woodbury or share the run with a partner in

individuals in Springfield, Vt.

3 Champlain Classic Road Race

The Shelburne parks and Rec Department hosts a 5K- and 15K-road race on scenic roads in Shelburne.

through farm country in Weybridge that overlooks the Green Mountains to the east and

annual Tulip Trot 5K on roads and wooded

five-mile out-and-back on dirt roads closed

roads with ponds and hills through Calais and

The Green Street School PTO holds their third

person relay point before finishing with a final

Run this scenic out-and-back course on dirt

2 Green Street School Tulip Trot 5K

may 2015

the Middlebury College campus at the two-

2 Adamant 20-Miler and Relay

The Middlebury Maple Run hosts its 8th annual


Adirondacks to the West, and courses through

2 GMAA Pump it Up 5-Miler

The race will follow an out-and-back format


races starting at Branbury State Park on the shores

6.2-mile run in Bradbury State Park in and around

a certified five-mile race on Old Pump Road.

during migrations. Meeting time is 9:30 a.m.

Vermont Sun hosts a .9-mile swim, 28-mile bike and

The Green Mountain Athletic Association holds

in Rockingham, Vt., a major gathering place in the Hannaford's parking lot on Putney Rd.

Vermont Sun hosts half-marathon, 10K and 5K

The Brattleboro Outing Club explores the

September 27

June 20, July 12, August 9

Brattleboro’s Harris Hill Ski Jump.

program, which is free, and open to the public.

17 Brattleboro Outing Club paddle trip to Herrick’s Cove

Lake Dunmore Triathlon

entering the scenic Retreat Trails at the base of


announced on the club’s website. Swap is 11:30

Vermont Sun holds a 600-yard swim, 14-mile

trails that winds through neighborhoods before


and Saturday morning. Location will be

May 24

Vermont Sun Half Marathon

The Brattleboro Outing Club hosts a paddle and


June 20, August 9

Connecticut River

Saratoga Springs Duathon,

(Continued on next page) 31

calendar of events


37th Annual Steve Zemianek Bennington

Road Race The




benefit the local Humane Society. Start is


in Waterbury.

The Dandelion Run is a competitive and


recreational half marathon with relay options Hearts for Hunger 5K

Bennington Road Race includes a half-mile


kids fun run, 3.8-mile and 10K races in North

The United Church of Hinesburg is hosting


a 5K and 1K

on back roads deep in the heart of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, starting at the

Fun Run/Walk to help

Derby Beach House in the town of Derby. The

fundraise for the Vermont Food Bank’s 7-14

2015 Peak Ultra

Peak Races of Pittsfield hosts a series of

Dandelion Run

Backpack Program. Starts in Hinesburg.

day also includes a 10K run and walk.


races with 15, 30, 50, 100, 200, and 500-



mile distances. The longer races will all do a

Coyote Scramble Ultras

Kingdom Trails in East Burke hosts a full Girls on the Run 5K

rugged 10-mile loop in the Green Mountains.


Runners will repeat the loops 10, 20 or 50

Every Girls on the Run Vermont 5K Run/

times to finish the respective races.

weekend of ultra distance running around the Darling Hill Trails with distances from seven to

Walk event is non-competitive and family

friendly. Go to www.girlsontherunvermont.

40 miles on Saturday and Sunday.

org for locations around the state.



The JMMY Center in Georgia, Vt. holds its annual race fundraiser with 5K, 10K and half

30 16

9th Annual Road to the Pogue

Blueberry Hill Inn and the Endurance Society

A challenging, but beautiful 6.1-mile

host a series of 8, 88 and 888K trail races in

course on the grounds of the Marsh-

Goshen. 88K has a 24-hour cutoff while the

Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park.

888K race has a 240-hour cutoff.

marathon distances. 9 Jared Jabout Agency 5K/10K & Half Marathon

Race Vermont holds a 5K, 10K and half


Barre Town Spring Run 5K


marathon through some of the area’s most

Central Vermont Runners and Onion River

picturesque scenery, including the historic

Sports in Monteplier host a 5K race on the

Ti Trail, Shelburne Bay and Lake Champlain.

Barre Town Rec Path out to the Rock of

Londonderry Depot to Jamaica State Park to

The 5K/10K will either be an out-and-back or

Ages Visitor’s Center. This is part of the

benefit The Collaborative’s mission to provide

CVR/ORS race series.

fun, healthy educational programs for youth

a loop, depending on the condition of the trail. Race starts and finishes at Shelburne Health


Vermont Respite House 5K Fun Run &







in the Northshire and Mountain communities of Southern Vermont.

17 9

West River Trail Run


and Fitness.

Infinitus 2015

Race Around the Lake, Barnard

A 5K and 10K run around Silver Lake in

Jiggety Job

Barnard, Vt. The race is a fundraiser for

The Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden

youth programming through BarnArts, a

Onion River Sports hosts Vermont’s fastest

and Grand Isle counties holds its annual 5K race for the Vermont Respite House. Race


community arts organization.

certified 10K course as part of the Central

Vermont Runners and Onion River Sports

starts and finishes at the Allen Brook School in Williston. Day-of registration starts at 8 a.m. 5K run starts at 9. 10

Capital City Stampede 10K

Race Series. Race starts in Montpelier. 17 Sleepy Hollow Mountain Race, Huntington

Sleepy Hollow Cross Country Ski Center

6 Colchester Causeway 5K/15K

Umbrella Mothers Day Run and Picnic,







Runners follow a gravel trail out onto the


on a combination of wide trails and

historic Colchester causeway, where runners

Traversing the ruggedly beautiful countryside

single track. This event is part of the

will make their way to designated turn-around

at the base of Burke Mountain in East Burke,

USATF NE Mountain Running Series.

points on the causeway before returning to

Vt., the course challenges and delights

the finish at Airport Park.

walkers of all levels. The 5K and 10K races will be run simultaneously, primarily over dirt roads. 17

Shires of Vermont Marathon, Bennington to Manchester

The fifth annual Shires of Vermont 10

CVR Mutt Strutt

Marathon runs from Bennington College

Central Vermont Runners hold a three-mile

through North Bennington before entering

run for people with dogs (on leashes) to

the back roads of Shaftsbury. The finish is in downtown Manchester.



Race to the top of Bradford

The Bradford Conservation Commission holds a 3.5-mile run to the top of Wrights Mountain on trails of Bradford’s town forest.

may 2015

calendar of events 7 Walk on the Wildside

mile run in Branbury State park on the shores

The Upper Valley Humane Society hosts


Bear Swamp Run

of Lake Dunmore in Salisbury.

their fourth annual 5K fun run around

Onion River Sports and Central Vermont

Colburn Park in Lebanon, N.H. to raise

Runners host a 5.7 mile-race on hilly dirt

funds. Well-behaved dogs on leashes (no

roads. Race day registration only (8:00-8:45


flexi-leads) are invited to participate.

am) at the Rumney School in Middlesex, Vt.

The Missisquoi Paddle & Pedal Race Missisquoi





combines 6.5 miles of flatwater paddling along

Contact: Tim Noonan 802 223-6216.

the Missisquoi River and 4.5 miles of cycling 13

Smugglers’ Notch Trail Race Series


Goshen Gallop

Smugglers’ Notch hosts 4, 8K and kids

The Blueberry Hill Inn in Goshen hosts a 5k

races on dirt tracks around the Smugglers’

and 10k trail race in the Moosalamoo National

Notch area.

Recreation Area; 12 miles south of Middlebury. It’s billed as the “toughest 10K in the East.”

14 Worcester Four-Mile Challenge and Two-Mile Fun Run

Two races start in Worcester, Vt. at the


racers are welcome. 28 Greater Burlington Sprint/Olympic Tri and Aquabike Run Vermont hosts a series of four races in Shelburne. Those races include two duathons

Vermont 100 Endurance Race

intersection of West Hill, Hampshire Hill,

The Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run is a

and two triathlons comprised of: a 500-yard

and Minister Brook Roads. The two and

100-mile ultra-marathon held at Silver Hill

swim and a 15.8-mile bike; a 500-yard swim,

four-mile races are out-and-back course

Meadow in West Windsor, Vermont. It is one

15.8-mile bike and 3.1-mile run; a .9-mile

on Minister Brook Road. Contact: Roy

of the four 100 mile races that comprise

swim and 27-mile bike; and a .9-mile swim,


the Grand Slam of Ultra-running. http://

27-mile bike, 6.2-mile run.


735-5110. 20

back on an adjacent rail trail. Kayak and canoe

Eighth Annual Run for Empowerment,





Burlington Fundraising teams compete for the cup

Vermont Sun Fitness Center holds a 600-

of empowerment in 10K, 5K and 1K kids’ fun run at the Burlington Waterfront. This


year’s goal is to raise $50,000 for Women

This early season triathlon includes a 500-meter



Vermont Sun Triathlon

Women. www.

yard swim, 14-mile bike and 3.1-mile run in

Stowe Triathlon

Branbury State park on the shores of Lake Dunmore in Salisbury.

swim, 13.7K bike and 5K run in the Stowe



Paul Mailman Montpelier Ten-Miler


Saratoga Springs Duathlon


Willoughby Triathlon

The longest continuously held road race

The Saratoga Springs (NY) Lions Club hosts

Kingdom Games hosts a 7-mile bike on the

in central Vermont starts/finishes near

a 5K run followed by a 30K bike and an

logging roads of Bartlett Mountain followed by

Montpelier High School, as part of the

additional 5K run. The Duathlon is designed to

a 1.2 mile swim in Lake Willoughby and then

Central Vermont Runners and Onion River

allow for many levels of participation, including

a 2.6 mile run to the finish at the top of Mount

Sports Race Series. Flat to rolling out-and-

family and business teams where members do

Pisgah. Event also includes a youth division.

back course; 27 percent paved, 73 percent

the running or biking or any combination of

Race is held near the town of Sutton, Vt.

gravel roads.





26 Harry Corrow Freedom Run


Lake Dunmore Triathlon

30.1 Colchester Triathlon

After last year’s 30th Colchester Triathlon was

Kingdom Games hosts a 10-mile, 10K, 5K

Vermont Sun holds a .9-mile swim, 28-mile

rained out, organizers are trying again with

and 1-mile run on the Newport-Derby bike

bike and 6.2-mile run in Branbury State Park

a race they’re calling 30.1. The Colchester

path and the Memphremagog Ski Touring

and along the shores of Lake Dunmore in

Triathlon includes a 500-meter swim or one-

Foundation Trails.

Salisbury. 10

Smugglers’ Notch Trail Race Series

mile kayak, 12-mile bike and a three-mile run.


Vermont Sun Triathlon

Smugglers’ Notch hosts 4, 8K and kids

Vermont Sun Fitness Center in Middlebury

races on dirt tracks around the Smugglers’

holds a 600-yard swim, 14-mile bike and 3.1-

Notch area.

may 2015 33

Midd Summer Fest Sat, June 27th, 4:00-7:00pm

Middlebury Marble Works live music, local BBQ & lawn games Expanded site overlooking Otter Creek falls beer, wine, cider, spirits cheese & other artisanal foods

info & tickets at


Sa le



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may 2015

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