Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department
Summer Activity Guide May - August 2014
Adults, Youth and Family Programs, Athletics and Special Events www.middleburyparksandrec.org
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
36th Annual
Middlebury Summer
July 6th – 12th, 2014
Middlebury Recreation Park
A free family-friendly event supported by community donations Sunday, July 6, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band 7pm Smoky soul and R&B vocals backed by a dance-fueled horn band
Brown Bag: Magician Tom Verner Noon
Monday, July 7, 2014
Josh Panda & the Hot Damned 8:30 pm Soulful roots-rocker running the gamut from country and Cajun to gospel and rock
Vorcza 7pm “Rising stars of a new jazz generation”
Brown Bag: Rik Palieri Noon The Stray Birds 7pm Acoustic trio; “an un-ignorable force in the folk world”
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Ryan McKasson & Friends (with members of Cantrip) 8:30pm Music in the Celtic tradition
Brother Sun 7pm “An explosion of musical diversity and harmony, in the finest of male singing traditions”
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Brown Bag: Mister Chris Noon Anaïs Mitchell 7pm “Most original artist currently working in the field of new American ‘folk’ music” Peter Karp & Sue Foley 8:30pm Talented blues and roots artists
Brown Bag: No Strings Marionette Company Noon
Matuto 8:30pm A rockin’ combination of funky Brazilian forro and American bluegrass music
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Brown Bag: PaDulabaum (Rebecca Padula & Gary Dulabaum) Noon Harpeth Rising 7pm High-energy trio; Americana, blues, bluegrass and all things acoustic Le Vent du Nord 8:30pm Quebec’s top traditional music band
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Vermont Jazz Ensemble/ Street Dance 7pm Come early for dance lessons with Jim Condon!
Visit festivalonthegreen.org or call 802-462-3555
to learn more about this year’s performers
See our selection of outstanding raffle items and find out how you can volunteer!
Support this year’s festival by clicking JustGive on our website or by mailing a donation to: Festival on-the-Green P.O. Box 451 Middlebury, VT 05753
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Page 3
General Information Mission Statement
The Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department (MPR) shall provide lands, facilities, and services for community members of all ages and all income levels. It shall provide programs for both sport and leisure. The department shall serve as instructor, facilitator, and partner in efforts to promote and improve quality of life for participants. MPR will work with an involved public and business community to provide a healthy and aesthetically pleasing environment with opportunities for cultural growth. The department should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs and tastes of the community, while finding creative ways to deliver recreation programs and facilities that are affordable to the residents of Middlebury.
Contact Us
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Offices Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday and Holidays Mailing and Physical Address: 94 Main Street Middlebury, VT 05753 Other Contact Info: Phone: (802) 388-8100 x205 or x216 Fax: (802) 388-4364 Online Reg: www.middleburyparksandrec.org FB@ Town of Middlebury Parks & Recreation
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Committee Colby Benjamin – ACT Teen Center Rep. Sabrina Butterfield - ID-4 Rep. Greg Boglioli – Chair Tricia Allen – Ilsley Library Rep. Brian Carpenter – Selectboard Rep. & Chair Bill Ford - Member At-Large Jim McDaniel - Member At-Large Carl Robinson - MALT Rep.
Staff of Middlebury Parks and Recreation Department Terri Arnold, Director Dustin Hunt, Program Coordinator (802) 388-8100 x205 (802) 388-8100 x 216 TArnold@townofmiddlebury.org DHunt@townofmiddlebury.org Yvon Pouliot, Grounds & Facilities Supervisor (802) 771-7251 cell phone ADVERTISING The Addison Independent prints and distributes this publication four times per year. We welcome your advertisement for a business, program or event in our publication for a fee; please contact us for more specific information. Christy Lynn, Advertising Director, (802)388-4944. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Programs may be cancelled in the event of severe weather or power outages. MPR encourages you to do the following if you have questions: Call: MPR Offices Voice Mail system, 388-8100 x216 Check: Facebook, Town of Middlebury Parks & Recreation Check: www.middleburyparksandrec.org
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
REGISTRATION INFO • Advanced registration is required for all programs, classes or special events, unless otherwise stated under the program information. • All fees are due at the time of registration, we cannot ‘hold’ a space for anyone without full payment at time of registration. • There is a $25 service fee on all returned checks and/or declined debit and credit cards.
REFUND POLICY • Full refunds will be given for all classes by MPR. • If you need to cancel your registration before the second session of the program, we will refund you a pro-rated registration fee, minus 10% processing fee, or issue a credit, good for one calendar year, for the full class fee. After the second session is attended, eligibility for a refund is void. • Please be aware that refund requests may take up to 30 days to process. • Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this guide is accurate. We reserve the right to add, withdraw, or revise programs or events as needed. For more updated information, please visit our web site.
Individuals with or without disabilities may register for all programs offered by MPR provided program safety can be met. The Department provides reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Contact MPR offices in advance of the program start date to discuss accommodation on a case-by-case basis.
RESERVATIONSFacilities and Sports Fields Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department requests that all groups planning to use our facilities or fields please notify us in advance by making a reservation. Anyone wishing to make a reservation must complete a facility use application, available in our offices or online at the Town web site. Facility Use Request Forms are considered on a first come basis, depending on availability. Rental fees may apply. For additional information regarding availability, rates, and reservations, contact the MPR offices at (802) 388-8100.
On the cover: MORGAN MCNULTY, WITH the help of an instructor and a water “noodle,” floats around the Middlebury town pool during a parent/tot swim class last summer. Independent file photo/Trent Campbell
TaeKwon Do K.I.C.K.S. for your Summer! Summer Special 3 Months for $150* (includes uniform)
$60 savings
*Offer expires July 15, 2014
Classes for kids & adults!
Classes in Middlebury & Vergennes 377-0476 or email tkdkicks101@yahoo.com
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Page 5
2014 Summer Program Start Dates
May May 1st- Summer Activity Guide Available Registration Opens for Most Programs May 12th- Gymnastics Registration Begins May 14th- Swim Team Informational Night 6-7pm Senior Center June June 1st- Dog Obedience Session 1 Begins - Municipal Gym June 2nd- Swim Team Preseason begins- Middlebury College June 3rd and 4th- ACT Clothing Swap- MUHS 11:30am-7pm June 13th- Zumba Big Friday Night Event 5:30-7:30 Municipal Gym June 14th- Pool open for Public swimming Middlebury Town Pool June 16th- Swim Team Regular Season Begins - Midd. Town Pool - Mandatory Swim Team Meeting 6pm Middlebury Town Pool Zumba Summer Schedule begins June 23rd- Camp Kookamunga Week 1 -Bromley Sun Mountain Gymnastics Camp Session 1 Begins - Municipal Gym Tennis Lessons Session 1 Junior Golf Camp Session 1 Ralph Myhre Golf Course ACT Teen Day Camp- Teen Center- Week 1 World of WoolCraft Sheep Camp- Whiting June 29th- K9 Nosework Course- Municipal Gym June 30th Camp Kookamunga Session 2 - Circus Smirkus Swim Lessons Session 1 Begins - Middlebury Town Pool Panther Soccer Camp - Middlebury Recreation Park Tennis Lessons Session 2 July July 4th- Aerial Arts Begins July 6th- Festival on the Green Begins - Middlebury Rec. Park
July 7th Sportacular Week 1 - Vermont Lake Monsters Game Tennis Lessons Session 3 Gymnastic Camp Session 2- Municipal Gym Junior Golf Camp Session 2 - Ralph Myhre Golf Course ACT Teen Day Camp Session 2- Teen Center July 8th- K9 Games Begin- Municipal Gym July 9th- Aikido Introduction Series Begins July 14th- Camp Kookamunga Week 3 - Great Escape Tennis Lessons Session 4- East Middlebury ACT Teen Day Camp Session 3- Teen Center Swim Lessons Session 2- Middlebury Town Pool Junior Golf Camp Session 3- Girls Only Camp July 21st- Camp Kookamunga- Week 4 Echo Center Youth Basketball Camp- Municipal Gym Tennis Lessons Session 5 ACT Teen Day Camp Session 4- Teen Center July 26th- 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament July 28th- Camp Kookamunga Week 5- The Fun Spot Gymnastics Camp Week 3- Municipal Gym Swim Lessons- Session 3 Begins- Town Pool Junior Golf Camp Session 4 - Ralph Myhre Golf Course Vermont Voltage Soccer Camp - Middlebury Rec. Fields Tennis Lessons- Session 6 ACT Teen Day Camp Session 5- Teen Center August August 3rd- Dog Obedience Session 2 Begins August 4th- Camp Kookamunga Session 6 - Fair and Field Days Tennis Lessons- Session 7 August 11th- Vermont Premier Soccer Camp - Midd Rec. Fields Junior Golf Camp- Session 5 -Ralph Myhre Golf Course August 17th- Pool Closes for Season (Tentative) August 18th-22nd- Sportacular Week 2 August 21st- Fall Activity Guide Available September September 8th- Fall Programs Begin 2014
ore than 25 museums, stores and galleries turn downtown Middlebury into one extraordinary exhibit.
Second Friday of the month 5 to 7 pm.
May 9 June 13 July 11 August 8 September 12 October 10
For this month’s flyer of participating locations and artists, go to
Page 6
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Bridge School 1469 Exchange Street • Middlebury, Vermont 05753
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nown for our individualized care, we offer: Chiropractic, Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture.
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Nicholas Cannon, DC Rental Space Available All Summer Long! MEMORIAL SPORTS CENTER 296 Buttolph Drive, Middlebury VT • 802-388-1238 info@memorialsportscenter.org www.memorialsportscenter.org
Chiropractic physician. Injury Rehabilitation, Sports Injury Care and Performance Development 152 Maple St., Ste. 302 (across from Noonies Deli) Middlebury • 458-0488 • www.integratedmed.net
Insurance Accepted
Page 7
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Program Registration Form • Please fill out every field of this form. • Parent must sign bottom of form if participant is under 18 years of age. • You can put multiple children on each form.
Middlebury Parks & Recreation 94 Main St., Middlebury, VT 05753 www.townofmiddlebury.org 388-4041/8103
Ck# Date:
Amt. Rec’d
Rec’d by:
Home Phone:
Parent/Guardian: Day Phone:
Mailing Address
Emergency Contact: Program
Relationship: Sect.
Registrant’s Name
Phone: D.O.B.
Make Checks Payable to: Town Of Middlebury
Total Fees: $
RELEASE: I understand that there are risks of physical injury inherent in participating in sports and recreational activities. I understand that the Town of Middlebury does not carry health or accident insurance for participants of its programs, and strongly advises paticipants to carry adequate coverage for themselves and their family. I am aware of the particular risks involved in the above programs and have considered these risks before registering myself or my child. I hereby release the Town of Middlebury, its employees, and agents from any liability of personal injury, or the loss or damage to personal property which I or my child may experience in connection with activities sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department. I hereby consent to any medical procedures deemed advisable for my child in the event I cannot be reached and my child has sustained an injury. I hereby consent to the use of my or my child’s photo, video, etc. by the department for flyers, presentations, etc. NOTE: All programs are on a first-come, first-served basis. Space may be limited in some programs!
Signature of Participant (parent if under 18)
Page 8
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Community. Budget set
Cruise control
The Middlebury town manager helped craft a town budget that will be put to voters. See Page 3A.
Dreamwork A group of artists will display and perform works at a Bristol gallery next week. See Page 13A.
The Commodore and Tiger boys each won comfortably on Tuesday and will meet on Friday. See 1B.
Vol. 67 No. 5
Three TYeyeing OUNone vacancy ON C on Bristol’s ADDIS MOND
INDEPENDENT Middlebury, Vermont Thursday, January 31, 2013 44 Pages
DENT N E P E IND ns selectboard
es 36 Pag By XIAN CHIANG-WAREN BRISTOL 2013 — On Town Meeting Day, three candidates will likely vie uary 28, for a three-year seat on Bristol’s se-
Middlebury sees selectboard race
Five candidates to run for three seats as Davis, Murray to take on incumbents
to tow nding indles dw talks fu Bixby endowment as its
to move Vt. Gase back pipelin CO route L to VE
Cute an cuddly d ca
One plate in the air
is library City’s out reaching
rs , teache ACSU contract agree onbers, district
mem the • Union st now ratify k on a board mu deal, then wor e 3. one-year tract. See Pag con longer
Robert Frost letters unveiled Archive shows his thoughts on religion By XIAN CHIANG-WAREN BUFFALO, N.Y. — On the 50th anniversary of Robert Frost’s death on Jan. 29, a rare collection of private artifacts that include religious musings during his time in Vermont and shed light on the great poet’s personal beliefs will be made available to the public for the first time. The collection of letters, photoduring rinkaudio graphs, canand other mats files ool’s ice Studen includes over 20 years of the sch years.terials l 33 across correspondence between one of Campbel t, skate school for o/Trent greatest literary figures America’s ury far righ ent phot Loney, the Middleb Independ and his friend and Ripton neighGerry ide bor, Rabbi Victor Reichert. It was teacher the rink bes retired ding donated to the University of Bufr and been floo founde falo by Reichert’s son, Jonathan, ool co- Loney has sch but substantial portions will be on. and DENTS rsday afterno digitally archived and made availL STU Thu OO able online in the coming months. last E SCH ons “The bits, the little pieces I’ve BRIDG ckey less ing recess. /ho seen of (their correspondence) skating the rink dur k an worhad suggest that Robert in also use beg Frost toReichert, intimacy with anine seriousare rs prep k the in the level tone ofts” their tracand h-grade ness men rare,” that will Req that was uirepretty ol’s nint os discussions, d to the scho ng on portfoli said tionParini, Axinnnee Jay Professor dua Gra will Writing spri and Creative Based ofs English 6 (seeat say they h this mance s in 201 Middlebury College and a promion Hig Y “Perfor school official diploma KALD ive nes Uni s) from nent Frost scholar. “Frost had two DY KIR — Vergen second grant port (PBGR in order to rece or three major friendships adersinwill his By AN a h-gr NES sup ter rded to nint was one of the entReichert life, and VERGEN recently awa Foundation curr stu- mas story). 27) naford important 6 require d related officials saidmore nt, Pageones.” cation ool was WERS icia A. Han g a 201 Edu Sch by igne gra ool FLO to JONATHAN REICHERT POSES materials fromVUH his S Robert Frost came to Ripton for N -deswith some of the Sch Patr lie Mae oing effortVictor proposin repin selfrare By JOH URY — Rabbi Reichert’s collection of Robert Frost(See materials the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conferthe Nel ol’s ongfather s are cientocy that wereprofi the University of Buffalo MIDDLE ter director 15,820, which over as archives. The collection ence in the 1920s. He purchased trate donated the scho demons offers insights into Frost’s previously Cen phase,unknown spiritual beliefs. uating. the Homer Noble Farm (now Career 14 budget of $3,5 ding increase,639. Photo by Douglas Levere/ a crucial dents to before grad (See Frost, Page 16A) entering Poetry Collection of the University Library, University of Buffalo 3-20 ent spen to $95 folios
reveals Movie struggles r worke film
ary s document worker • A neweight migrant s. See profiles nt dairy farm on Vermo Page 3.
for polic e
ury, Ve rm
ry 25, 201
Seek OK bond in for $1.85M March 5 vote to vie
Kr Benton, Jin amer Langro joins ck, Spmayorship for city erry
gym MUHS place a busy
g • Staffin new s, change just hours are the part of efBixby’s er fort to bettVere serv the . area gennes 14. e See Pag
ISON COUN INDEP TY E N City offi D E ci NT al s make ca se
By JOHN FLOWERS Murray have joined the field to make MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury it a race. voters on Town Meeting Day will Davis, 60, currently serves as chairdecide a five-way race for three spots man of the Middlebury Development on their selectboard, while Weybridge Review Board (DRB) — a position voters will settle contests for town he said he would resign should he be lectboard. Brian Fox, John Moyers clerk and treasurer as that community elected to the selectboard. He is a forand Kris Perlee all submitted petiont begins to turn the page on an embez- mer member of the town’s planning , Verm tions for candidacy by the 5 p.m. ury zlement scandal. commission, zoning boardVo of l. adjust25 No deadline on Monday. Incumbent Middleb .1 Those are some of the highlights ment, and recreation council. He is Carol Wells said in December she 49 emerging from candidate filings made also a former member of the Middlewould not seek re-election. No. at Middlebury-area town clerks’ of- bury Volunteer Ambulance AssociaFox, Moyers and Perlee are all acVol. 24 fices by the Monday, Jan. 28, deadline. tion. tive members of the Bristol commuAs has been a trend, there are more “I’d like to become more involved nity, ted in though they have diverse areasG-WAREN of hea uncontested elections slated for March and serve the community in a differease of expertise. IAN r weeks s and . a Hinesburg N CHofficer, 5 than there are contested ones. But ent capacity,” Davis said of his main for an incrut $24Fox, — Afte t Gas System of a By XIA police y asked voters will decide a few races in the reason for running for the selectboard. TON and resident initiall resident to abo werise aatlifelong Bristol NK mon path by Ver MO the Bix Addison Central Supervisory Union we theris“I have always had thoughts of een per president of the Bristol s over , the parties betwRescue g when of Fer when thefrom $13.66 towns of Middlebury, Bridport, Corn- running for the selectboard and this official disputewith tow Squad. He served Brisemberin rris port pipeline promise — n the n2007 wall, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham and seemed like a good time to do it.” Police Department - sup ey’re still rem ber Peter Mo andablytol, are ral gas Monkto from a com erst Weybridge. Davis is a senior vice president in “Th is that Bix Y to 2010 and currently has anatu seat on nearing board mem ards, und be proposed eve KALD e 35) fiscal cris Middlebury, incumbent Select- charge of information services and famayHigh the Mount Union ton Abrahamlved •In Nick DY KIR — Facing a rd members beli few $7,” said“The selectbo r taxes.” kton, Pag of Pan dArtim, invo is set to(See men Rea Travis Forbes and cilities with the Middlebury-based Coabout By AN School board, which expireMon NES boa gh. Howe in a e thei ing, “Slfor ourBaker rov Gary running ippre-elecweeare March. VERGEN orial Library nes fixture ers” Operative Insurance Companies. ap- bur ng not to rais irman Brad impin klyallTed n PetDavis winter gen while tion. and Eric in (See Middlebury, Page 12A) towalways Mem tryi been fairly active in featChallengers of the board cha ating“I’ve nomy, ure on Pag by Free krupt the Ver members this ary serves Week Bixby rd onal ecofurther complic the community,” Fox told the Indeban libr e boa ld 24. nati the e ives cou By AND it rece rs, thos said the ains fragile, munities Page 30) pendent last week, noting that he had Y KIR considered a run for the selectboard short yea the five com in the support rem y funding, VERGEN KALDY also d Bixb st che for some time. boo NES — (See proa dents on ood why a major Verg Moyers, who made an unsuccessunderst mixed seeking n budgets. to supportMarch 5 will deci ennes resisaid they ful bid for a selectboard seat in 2011 were tow within board membersselectboards lion bon the city council’s de whether against incumbent John “Peeker” • Local d proposal $1.85 milBixby from local Heffernan, said that running for the lawKIRKALDY By ANDY a policy5,94 on park to pay 0-sqdisplays es firm uare that perselectboard seemed like a “natural hires respons VERGENNES — Vergennes vot- mitted the Norlong-standing t police for a new, th Main -fooChristian next step” after years of interest and Stanfo station ers will pick a new mayor in March, crèche to remain there during et. the rd The pric Stre activity on planning and zoning ison Mayor Michael Daniels made winter holiday season. Lawasgra e sues. lion mayor incluntil d his pledge made early in Jin was good on for thefromtag 2005 udes $1.1 as asso “The selectboard will soon review buil 5 milding 2012 not to seek re-election for a 2007, for whensite she lost her bid for, reciat abou e all changes to Bristol’s zoning reguladevethen to wor fourth term. lopm election Daniels, a ent former t $200,00 $80to,000 basketb s’ k tions forthcoming from the Planning on boy cost in and er alderman. s, roug 0 design litigatioCity residents will also decide a multi-term tingency Commission, and I’d like to have a • The Tigted two games, a four-way race for three city council When she lost that race,fees Jin ,said a $50,000 hly n. See , $59 ,000 for role in that,” Moyers said. “There Page 35. conseats among three incumbents and a she furn would retire from public life, at iture a gene team hos squad hosted late , and are big decisions ahead on a new and a numasber ce former two-term alderman. leasteronce terms ended a Ver- rator and expeher ition improved fire department headquarnses of other the dan compet Page 18. . School director The marquee race for mayor will gennes Union High sma team The ters, and the question of whether our llpit incumbent Alderman Bill Benton (she served land 15 years) as a memmulti- k. See Sports, costandcoul police department should expand, agre against former mayor and Alder- berhas d vary of the Patricia Hannaford Caed toA.buy last wee . and if so, how that might work. As a mer woman April Jin. reer Center board, including 14 years The city Verg Main Street resident and downtown enne Autthe 0.75-acre Benton won election to the coun- asfor its chairwoman. CIRCUS SMIRKUS ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE Joni White-Hansen teaches plate spinning to Ferrisburgh for$22 has alsos been o Sales property owner, I can be an advocate in 2012 as the top vote-getter in a $22 Jin, who9,00 0, and involved Central School kindergartners Robin and Katelyn Tuesday morning. The entire school worked •with prop for our downtown. But beyond these Loc cil four-way race for three seats. He has with ,000 d spend erty other mor high-profile coul community White-Hansen all week to prepare for a circus performance for the community on Friday. See more pho- al gra e to that issues, I just want to do my part to up to ers com championbeenppl tos on Page 2A. buywhen an active member panel, land efforts,tothis week said morshe allo peteof thewriting Independent photo/Trent Campbell e adjacent w flexPage ships at (See Bristol, Page 16A) building taking the leaddinfor (See Vergennes, 3A) ibility in Ver including tou
ay, Jan
n work o ts VUHS n to help on requireme t n ra G uati er eyes new grad eer cent in hand
hike Car ending 2.8% sp
201 amounts a 2.8-perc ude any resents The increase does not incl r. this yea get proposal Page 35) The bud Career Center, (See
port rt is now That effo
Wrestler Vt. state s vie at meet gennes.
rna See Pag ment e 18.
City ey ein solar po g new wer arra y
• Alderm intent for en sign letter of project. alternative ene See Vergennes Spotlight on rgy on Pages 14-15.
future garaand parking and in siting the ge. room for Alderm a some of en have discusse the using traffi tax impact of d offsetting sibly som c ticket reve the bond by nue and Accordi e Water Tower posng to a com Fund money. pieceBysubm ANDY KIRKALDY itted to the —munAddison ity foru VERGENNES m (See Inde Police stat Northwest Supervisory pend Union ion, Pag ent and e 25)
Fate of VUHS bonds at stake on Tuesday
Bristol center dental $300K lands grant BRISTO By RS L— serving people ofA new denthe expecte all inco tal center Homeowners nervous d revitaliz to open this fall me levels is ed Bristol’s a recently industrial park inway after rash of burglaries , than ann ounced eral gran $300,00 ks to t that residents on Tuesday will vote on two Vergennes Union High School bonds totaling $6.2 million that would pay for major improvements inside and outside the school. (See ANwSU, Page 12A)
THE OWNERS OF this Addison home are responding to a spate of residential break-ins by letting others know they have been victimized. By JOH A community forum on crime will be held at Addison Central School on N Addison FLOWE Feb. 7. Independent photo/Trent Campbell
The Middlebury College men’s will team stole for “tens of hockey Editor’s note: This is the first of a had kicked in a door and ing will have0 afed“whiteprovide the long key The game of stuff,” two-part series on the increase of bur- thousands of dollars worthMor out” game on Friday. ding effobeginsfund eov thestanWesleyan glaries in Addison County. The second including irreplaceable 19th-century at 7- p.m. dison Cou er,against ope the way, rt. part will focus on the state police’s new jewelry. Page 16A) nty (See Byning of the is all Adexp Her story has become tooecte com- Dental Cen crime-fighting tool. ter (AC d to mon in Addison County as of late. PoBy JOHN S. McCRIGHT rent DC) effort to complement a ADDISON COUNTY — A Wey- lice say that reports of home burglaries concuresta • Gro NICHOL uplefttoherwea the northbridge homeowner residence have spiked, particularly in (See Dental blish a Federal the Mid AS CANNON clinic, Pag talesandwit ly half of the county. Burglars are for an hour locked everyve door hauern dlebury ntin Obituaries ................................ 6A e 2) com in the house. She’d h heard about area casingghomes in rural areas and strikCollege OF Bristol at Rip Classifieds ....................... 8B-11B haring campus takes his ton coffwasplex mon onies weekdays while residents are break-ins and her dau eehtaking last Thu Service Directory ............ 9B-10B Arts Beafamily ouse. Rea away at work. precautions. rsday ghters, Mae t on Pag Entertainment ........................ 13A d morning , 2, and said he feels “vio“We were really locking our edoors 10. Zev LangenauerBy . Georgia Community Calendar ...... 8A-10A inXIA Addison was for the first time after 25 years in Ver- lated” after his home , 5, dow CH Sports ................................ 1B-4B n broken into on Jan. 18. The N burglary mont,” she recalled.
‘About aims to 9’ trio enthrall
“We got hit anyway.” When she returned that afternoon, the homeowner, who asked not to be named so as not to draw more attention to the house, found that thieves
Pure jo
Monkto n lando wners w ary
IANG-W a snowy MO AREN slope happened despite the fact NK he had two TON Independ on Beverly — Last ent phot German shepherds in the house — the August Latr o/Trent eille was the Campbel assailant got intohear a room to which the , 82, of d of first time Addison Cou it. The Rot l dogs did not have access. wor man who ax Road in king for “He stop nty to Ticonde Monkton came to (See Break-ins, 14A) an eng hiredPage ped here roga, N.Y her inee Latr by ington natuVermont Gas ring firm that door was ing) eille. “He said and told me . Sys a 42-mile, ral gas compan tems, the Souhad been and , and it would there would be about it,” said called, saying people (sur be she wou th y $72 mill was an agreeme offered to sign ion pipe now planning to Burl- or wal ld it be OK if following the VEL veyline exte nt to let ked they what she “I didn CO line crews park nsion throbuild highway on it, because parked on thought our prop , farther off’t care if they . ugh they wan on her parked the high ted to get erty sign “The hay on my law lawn. way,” Latr ed the field was off the eille said n to get still stan What sheagreement, not . “And ding hay, real we ” she re- the agreeme and her family izing.” didn’t real nt allowed (See Pipe workers to ize was that line, Pag survey their e 16)
We work every day to keep Addison County strong.
INDEPENDENT Serving Addison County, Vt., Since 1946 Serving Addison County since 1946 www.addisonindependent.com • 388-4944
of pipeli ne plan
36 Pag
Page 9
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Camp Kookamunga
For Children going into Grades 1-7 9am-4pm Monday-Friday Cost $175 for Residents and $200 for Non-Residents (Cost is Per Week) Register: Online or in person starting May 1st
June 23rd-27th “Under the Sun” Say hello to Summer by sharing the sunlight and what our sun can do! Campers will make s’mores in a sun oven, build solar powered race cars, and much more. Join us for the first week of camp where we will play our favorite games, and visit Bromley Sun Mountain for a downhill adventure! Kids will get to play on the twin spin, space bikes, zip lines, super slide, bumper boats, the big splash and much more! *Kooks in the Middle will have the option to participate in the Aerial Park at Bromley Sun Mountain where they can climb, glide and slide through the canopy on 5 different courses of ropes, ziplines & bridges. June 30th-July 4th “From Sea to Shining Sea” Celebrate the 4th of July with a spectacular week of camp. Campers will get to participate in our fourth Outhouse race in Bristol and hopefully race to victory! We will also travel to Circus Smirkus to watch their summer show “Anchors Away.” Discover maritime merriment under the briny big top, where we explore the vast ocean in all of its beauty and mystery – both above and below the surface. Join our intrepid crew as we climb the rigging with aquatic aerialists, tumble the surf with amphibious acrobats, even catch and release some fishy jugglers. July 7-11th Kookamunga Campers, see the Sportacular information page for an alternative week of summer sports and games. July 14th-18th “Escape the Heat” Bring your bathing suits for a fun week of water games and a special Wednesday trip to the lake! Challenge yourselves for a week of riddles, puzzles and teamwork. Campers will have a week to remember with a culminating trip to Lake George. The Great Escape is calling and we must go! Kookamunga will travel to the Great Escape for a fun filled adventure in the water park and amusement rides. July 21st-25th “Build It and They Will Come” Building blocks, summer forts and KEVA planks! Build up the excitement by crafting our own summer shade and play building challenges and puzzles this week! We will travel to the Echo Center to play with their hands on exhibit THE FUSION OF ART AND SCIENCE. Echo’s 15,000 Keva planks ensure that there is plenty of design and creativity to go around. After working hard on your creations, cool off with a sweet treat at the Ben and Jerry’s factory tour! Learn about Vermont’s ice cream manufacturing process and of course, have a taste of your own!
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
July 28th-August 1st “Skating Through Summer” Join us as we venture to different skating surfaces! Kookamunga campers will experience roller skating and ice skating this week by traveling to The Fun Spot in Lake George and an Ice Rink too! The Fun Spot also hosts Go-karts, Jungle Gym Area, Mini Golf and Laser Tag for all campers to enjoy. This week is also our ever popular and annual Talent Show! August 4th-8th Fair, Fields, and Fun Finish out the summer with the Addison County Fair and Kookamunga! A Vermont tradition of livestock, rides, and old fashion fun this week will round out a summer of great heights. Hop on the wagon and experience a week of what Vermonters are made of. Don’t forget the sunscreen for our last trip to Branbury for a camp cookout!
New this year!- Kooks in the Middle
*Maximum of 10 Kids per week* Middle School Ages (Entering 8th or 9th Grade) Kookamunga is now available for Middle School Campers! The Kooks in the Middle will experience all of the marvelous field trips of the summer and have more chances to travel around Middlebury on great adventures by accessing the ACTR Busses. Some of the many day experiences include: *Hiking the Mountains of Ripton and Lake Dunmore *Fishing Opportunities *Advanced Arts Projects too! These campers will go on the same field trips as Camp Kookamunga as well!
Early Birds and Afternoon Owls
Before and after Kookamunga each day there will be optional camps provided for kids! If 9:00 am is a little late, or 4:00 pm is too early for busy parents please consider the additional two camp offerings! Before and After Camps this year will be Music and Art! Morning sessions at 8 will be Musical and our 4 p.m. sessions will be Art!
July 7th-11th and August 18th-22nd 9am-4pm Daily Open to Children going into Grades 1-7 Location: Memorial Sports Center Cost: $175 Resident $200 Non-Residents (Includes Camp T-Shirt) (Cost is per week)-Scholarships available Each week limited to 40 registrations. Register online or in person starting May 1st. Week # 1 July 7th-11thFestival on the Green and VT Lake Monsters Game. This week has something to offer for each child’s amusement. Activities this year include daily sports offerings at Middlebury Recreation Park including Basketball, Tennis, Football, Soccer, Kickball and Baseball as well as several more. If you can play it, we will do it! This is also the week of Festival on The Green, so we will be treated to special performances each day during our lunch period. Our afternoons will be spent swimming at the Town pool, and offering the kids several exciting activities as a choice. On Tuesday we will head to historic Centennial Field to watch the Vermont Lake Monsters take on the Lowell Spinners for an 11:05am start! Week # 2 August 18th-22nd- Send Summer out with a Splash! This week will be spent trying to beat the heat with special private hours at the Town pool playing water games, a trip to Branbury Beach for fun in the sand and a special trip to Waterslide World in Lake George, NY. We will still play all the popular camp games like Prisoner Ball and Kickball as well as all of your favorite sports. Why spend your last week of summer vacation sitting at home just waiting for school to start when you can spend it with us having the time of your life!
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
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7:15am-10:15am- Swim Team Practice 10:15am-12:15pm- Swimming Lessons 12:15pm-1:00pm Adult Swim 1:00pm-4:45pm- Open Swim 4:45pm-5:45pm- Adult Swim 5:45pm-6:30pm- Family Swim Kiddie pool- 5 years and younger is open from 12:15pm-6:30pm Adult Supervision Required
Great Escape and Six Flags New England Tickets
We are pleased to offer discounted tickets to both these great parks in 2014! Great Escape Tickets- $35.00 Price at Gate: $54.99 Great Escape Parking Pass- $15.00 Price at Gate: $20.00 Six Flags New England Tickets- $38.00 Price at Gate $59.99 Tickets can be purchased in the Parks and Recreation office located at 94. Main St. *Cash or Check only*
*** Home swim meets are held on some Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings Pool closes at 4:30pm on home meet days Daily Fees Youth (15 and younger)- $2.00 Adults(16+)- $3.00 Senior Citizens-$1.00 Season Passes Youth $50 (Non Resident $65) Adult $60 (Non Resident $75) Family- Up to 6 people $110 (Non Resident $135) Senior Citizens (55+) $25 (Non Resident $35)
Swim Lessons
Lesson Schedule Session I: June 30 - July 10th (2 Weeks) Sec A: Level 1 10:45-11:15 Sec B: Level 2 10:15 - 10:45 Sec C: Level 3 10:45 - 11:15 Sec D: Level 4 10:15 - 11:00 Sec E: Level 5 10:45 - 11:30 Sec F: Parent & Child 1 11:15 -11:45 Sec G: Pre-School Level 1 11:15 - 11:45 Sec H: Pre-School Level 2 11:45 -12:15
OPERATING SCHEDULE JUNE 14TH- AUGUST 17TH (schedule subject to change)
Session II: July 14th - July 24th (2 Weeks) Sec A: Level 1 10:15 - 10:45 Sec B: Level 2 10:15 -10:45 Sec C: Level 3 11: 15 - 11:45 Sec D: Level 5 10:45 - 11: 30 Sec E: Level6 11:30-12:15 Sec F: Parent & Child 1 11:45-12:15 Sec G: Pre-School 2 11:45 - 12: 15 Sec H: Pre-School 3 11:45 - 12: 15 Lessons continued on Page 12
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Continued from Page 11 Session III: July 28th - August 7th (2 Weeks) Sec A: Level 2 10:15 -10:45 Sec B: Level 3 10:45 -11:15 See-C: Level 4 10: 15 - 11:00 Sec D: Level 5 10:30 -11:15 Sec E: Level 6 11:00 -11:45 Sec F: Pre-School 2 10:45 - 11: 15 See G: Pre-School 3 11:45 - 12: 15 Sec H: Parent and Child 2 11:15 - 11:45
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Lessons are held Monday-Thursday. Fridays are reserved as a make-up day for cancellations due to weather.
Private Lessons: Private and semi-private lessons are available upon request. Arrangements are made through pool staff. Please contact swim lesson coordinator Mychaella at mychaelladevaney@gmail.com with any questions. Fees: $55.00- Resident $75.00- Non-Resident Register online or in person starting May 1st www.middleburyparksandrec.org Parent and Child (2 levels) For ages 6 months to 36 months (must be accompanied by an adult) This class will teach your child to become more comfortable in water so they are willing and ready to learn to swim. Basic skills taught include adjusting to water environment, comfort holding a front or back position in water and demonstrating breath control (blowing bubbles, etc.) Preschool Aquatics (3 Levels) Ages 3 and up. Designed to give children a positive developmentally appropriate aquatic learning experience. Level 1 helps orient young preschool children to aquatic environment and gain basic skills. Level 2 helps children gain greater independence in the water using basic skills. Level 3 helps children start to gain basic swimming propulsive skills to be comfortable in and around water. Each level must be completed before advancing to next. Learn-To-Swim (Levels 1 and 2) Ages 6 and up. Instructors will teach to swimmers ability and confidence. Level 1 focuses on skills such as water entry and exit, bobbing, blowing bubbles through nose and mouth, opening eyes underwater and retrieving objects. Level 1 must be passed to move to next level. Level 2 participants must be able to perform kicks, basic arm strokes and be comfortable with face in water. This level focuses on jumping feet first into the water, fully submerging and holding breath, floating face down in the water, back float, changing direction while swimming on front and back and continued work on swimming on front and back. Level 2 must be completed before advancing to level 3. Stroke Development (Level 3) Level 3 builds on previously learned skills by providing Classes continued on Page 13
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
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Continued from Page 12 additional practice. Participants learn the survival float, front crawl with rotary breath and elementary backstroke. Head first entry into water is introduced and treading skills are improved with scissor and dolphin kicks. Level 3 must be passed before advancing to level 4. Stroke Improvement (Level 4) Level 4 develops participants confidence in the strokes learned in level 3 and improves other aquatic skills. In level 4 participants improve their skills and increase their endurance by swimming familiar strokes (front crawl, elementary backstroke) for greater distances. Participants also learn the back crawl, breaststroke and butterfly and the basics of turning at a wall. Level 4 must be completed to advance to level 5. Stroke Refinement (Level 5) In level 5 participants refine their performance of all strokes and increase their distances. Flip turns on the front and back are also introduced. Diving is refined. Level 5 must be completed to advance to level 6.
Middlebury Swim Team
The Middlebury Swim Team meets the needs of all swimmers, from beginner to advanced, by following a progressive, developmental model that fosters excellence and commitment to the team. We want each swimmer to achieve the best that s/he is able to. As a member of team, a swimmer learns the values of sportsmanship and teamwork. Additionally, swimmer will be empowered with physical, emotional, and intellectual skills that will last a lifetime. If you can make the commitment, swim 25 yards, and perform rhythmic breathing then you are eligible for the team. All who practice regularly can choose to swim
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Swimming and Skill Proficiency (Level 6) The objectives of this level, the final level of the American Red Cross learn-to-swim program, are to refine the strokes so participants can swim them with ease, efficiency, power and smoothness while going greater distances. We will also cover aspects of personal water safety skills, diving and fitness swimming. This level prepares participants for more advanced courses such as lifeguarding and water safety instructor as well as competitive swimming.
at meets. Meets take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from the end of June until the end of July. Championship meets are held the last weekend in July and the first weekend in August. Parents are responsible for ensuring the success of the team by volunteering at meets for various duties. Though not required team suits, caps, and additional apparel will be available to order. Suit and cap orders are due to Metro Swim Shop by June 7, please attend the May 14th meeting for more information. A two week preseason is offered by the Middlebury Aquatic Club and begins Monday, June 2nd. Preseason practices are held in the evening for two weeks. Swim team continued on Page 14
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Swim team continued from Page 13 Separate registration is required for the Middlebury Aquatic Club preseason. Registration these practices can be find on MAC’s website, http://www.eteamz. com/middleburyaquaticclub/. Preseason is not a part of Middlebury Swim Team, but a great way for swimmers to prepare for the summer team. Cubs/Transition Swim Team: The Cubs group is comprised of swimmers ages 5-8 with a competitive spirit and the need for experience. Some of our most accomplished swimmers started as Cubs; this program will introduce swimmers to rhythmic breathing and competitive strokes. Swimmers who can swim 25 yards independently are welcome to this group, which will give experience to younger competitors. As skills improve, swimmers are encouraged to compete in meets. Catamounts: This group is comprised of experienced 8 & unders, all 9-10s, and newer 11-12s. Stroke skills are reinforced and competitive preparation is introduced. Emphasis is placed on stroke development/correct technique, and building swimming endurance. Jr. Panthers: This group is comprised of experienced 9-10s and 11-12s, and newer 13 & olders. The emphasis is on endurance, commitment, and competition. Stroke technique will be reviewed as necessary and race strategy is introduced. Sr. Panthers: This group is our most competitive group and is comprised of 13 & olders (11-12s at the coaches discretion). Emphasis is placed on intensive water training with a continued focus on endurance,
commitment, and competition. Stroke technique is reviewed as necessary and race strategy is reinforced. It is further expected that all Sr. Panthers serve as role models for their younger teammates.
MANDATORY INFORMATION SESSIONS Wednesday, May 14, 6 -7 PM/Russ Sholes Senior Center, 94 Main St. Monday, June 16th 6-7PM/Town Pool The Middlebury Swim Team will be hosting the league championship meet at the Town Pool, and several dual meets throughout the summer. Please attend these meetings to learn how parent involvement and support throughout the season will make each meet a success for the team. Coaching Staff Amanda Burnham: Amanda is a certified USA Swimming coach, who has been with MAC since 2011 as the coach for the Catamount training group, and cohead coach for the 2013-2014 winter swimming season. She started swimming on a summer league team at age 6. Amanda swam competitively on club teams and in high school. This is Amanda’s fourth season coaching with the Middlebury Aquatic Club. For the summer season Amanda will coach the Cub group, Catamount group, & Sr. Panthers group. Mychaella Devaney: Mychaella is a Middlebury native. She has been a competitive member of the Middlebury Coaching staff continued on Page 15
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Coaching Staff continued from Page 14 Aquatic Club, previously the Middlebury Marlins, since the age of 6. Mychaella has been part of the swim lesson staff for 4 years. This will be Mychaella’s second year on the coaching staff. She is looking forward to working with the younger swimmers to help build their confidence and technique in the water. Mychaella primarily coaches the Cub group, Catamount group & Jr. Panther group. Brianna Foley: Brianna is going into her sophomore year of college, and is currently studying to become a teacher at CCV. She swam for Middlebury Aquatic Club for 7 years. This will be her very first season coaching swim team. She believes it will be a great season and can’t wait to see what it has in store! Brianna will coach the Cub group, Catamount group & Jr. Panther group. Middlebury Swim Team Schedule (Schedule subject to change due to pool availability and weather conditions, check team website for most up-to-date information) Preseason at Middlebury College offered by Middlebury Aquatic Club 6/2-6/12 Jr & Sr Panthers (11 & older): 6:30-7:30 pm, MondayThursday Catamounts (10 & under): 6:30-7:30 pm, MondayThursday Cubs: 6:30-7:15 pm, Tuesday and Thursday **Registration for pre-season only will be available online via the team website by mid-May. USA Swimming registration fee of $65 REQUIRED to swim at College for Pre-season for swimmers who did not swim with the team during this past winter or Spring season. (Reduced $5 Outreach Fee is available with verification that the swimmer participates in a reduced or free school lunch program.) Those swimmers who swam this winter or spring season are already registered with United States Swimming. This is for insurance purposes. More details will be presented at swim team registration. Preseason fees (does not include required USA Swimming fee of $65) Panthers $35 • Catamounts $35 • Cubs $20 Middlebury Swim Team at Town Pool (outside) 6/16-8/1 Panthers: 7:15-8:45am Cats: 8:45-9:45am Cubs: 9:45-10:15am Practices will be held at the Town Pool in the evenings, until ACSU summer break begins. Practices are held Monday-Friday for each group. Regular season fees: **Regular season fee includes team t-shirt. T-shirt size must be provided at time of registration. Scholarships are available, for more information please call 388-8100 ext 216 Panthers $145 ($170 non-res.) Catamounts $140 ($165 non-res.) Cubs $115 ($135 non-res.) You may contact Head Coach Amanda Burnham at middleburyswimteam@gmail.com for more information.
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Gymnastics Camps
Instructor: Terri Phelps Phone: (802) 236-1315 Email: terriphelps@ymail.com Registration will open Monday May 12th at 10am, no registrations will be accepted before this time Session 1: June 23rd-June 27th 9:00AM-10:00AM Ages 3-4 $65 ($75 Non-Res) 10:00AM-12:00PM Ages 5-7 $90 ($100 Non-Res) 1:00PM-4:00PM Ages 8+ $115 ($125 Non-Res) Session 2: July 7th- July 11th 9:00AM-10:00AM Ages 3-4 $65 ($75 Non-Res) 10:00AM-12:00PM Ages 5-7 $90 ($100 Non-Res) 1:00PM-4:00PM Ages 8+ $115 ($125 Non-Res) Session 3: July 28th-August 1st 1:00PM-4:00PM Ages 6+ $115 ($125 Non-Res) (Students will be placed in groups based on skill level and/or age in session 3) Students will work to improve strength, flexibility and coordination, as well as skill development in a safe and fun environment. Instruction will be included on uneven bars, beam, floor exercise, springboard, parallel bars and vault. Gymnastics Fun Night- Friday June 20th 5-8pm Pizza, Gymnastics and Lots of Fun $20
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Aerial Arts du Cirque Static Trapeze (Kids and Adults) Special French Language Edition
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When: Friday July 4th – Friday Aug 8th 5:006:30pm Where: Middlebury Municipal Gym Cost: $114 for the session, $22.00 for drop in classes What: Come join the circus and dance in the air. In this static trapeze class, you will learn dynamic tricks and poses while you increase your strength, body awareness and flexibility. Safety, fun, technique and artistic expression are emphasized throughout the class. No prior experience required although you will need to be moderately fit (a simple test: hang from a bar for 10 seconds, hold a plank for 45 seconds). Please note this class will be taught in French and discussion between students should be limited to French. Allons-y!
Summer Soccer Camps
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2014 PANTHER SOCCER CAMP June 30th- July 3rd- 9-12 DAILY - Middlebury Recreation Fields Join us for the 2014 edition of the ever popular Panther Soccer Camp. Children will receive instruction from Dave Saward, Men’s Head Soccer coach at Middlebury College and Ron McEachen, Retired Coach of the Skidmore College Men’s Soccer team. Standout local high school and college players will also assist in the weeklong camp. The camp is open to all children age 6-12. The cost is $125 per camper and includes a camp T-shirt. Registration forms are available in the Middlebury Parks and Recreation office. For more details please contact Karen McEachen- kmceache@skidmore.edu
2014 Vermont Voltage Soccer Camp
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July 28th-August 1st 9-12 Daily - Middlebury Recreation Fields Open To Children Ages 5-18 Professional Soccer Academy invites young soccer enthusiasts, ages 5-18, to be part of a challenging educational experience. The Academy offers a n opportunity to learn and enjoy many aspects of the game of soccer in a competitive environment from Soccer Camps continued on Page 17
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Soccer Camps continued from Page 16 a current professional player. Fundamentals as well as sophisticated techniques of soccer will be taught on a personalized individual level along with various forms of group instruction provided by Camp Director Bo Vuckovic and several other Vermont Voltage professional soccer players. Emphasis is placed on the development, improvement and refinement of basic playing skills. Cost: $115 for first child and $110 for each additional child. Families with multiple children must register in person at the Middlebury Parks and Recreation office starting May 1st. Each child will receive a camp t-shirt which is included in the registration price. Register: Online or in person starting May 1st. Registration is limited to 100 participants.
2014 Vermont Premier Soccer Camp August 11th-15th-Middlebury Recreation Fields Ages 4-6 9am-12pm $120.00 (includes T-shirt) Ages 7-14 9am-3pm $195.00 (includes T-shirt) Vermont Premier Soccer continues to develop and grow programs for the youth soccer community in Vermont. All our coaching staff are licensed male and female coaches from the United Kingdom & Ireland and have undergone a sustained period of professional development training at the organization
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training at the organization. We also ensure our programs pass Vermont Board of Health guidelines to ensure your child’s well-being and safety. This all inclusive soccer camp caters to soccer players of all ability levels aged 4‐14 years and is designed around individual development and ball mastery through age specific curriculum. Register: Online or in person starting May 1st. Space is limited so register early!
Ages 8+ $75-Residents $85 Non-Residents SESSION 1: June 23rd – June 27th 9am-12pm SESSION 2: July 7th – July 11th 9am-12pm SESSION 3: July 14th – July 18th 9am-12pm (Girls Only Camp) SESSION 4: July 28th- August 1st 9am-12pm SESSION 5: August 11th- August 15th 9am-12pm Players will receive instruction from the golf course staff and members of the MUHS golf team. Space is limited to 20 golfers per session. Register: Online or in person starting May 1st. For more information please call Jim Dayton 802-443-5125 or email Jdayton@middlebury.edu
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Children going into grades 7th-9th will practice from 1pm-4pm daily. The cost for this age group is $125 dollars. Registration will begin Thursday May 1st. For more information contact Dustin Hunt 802-388-8100 ext 216 or dhunt@townofmiddlebury.org With Special Appearances by local College and High School Coaches! Be on the lookout for information on a 3 on 3 tournament July 26th
JULY 21st- JULY 25th Grades 3-9 If your child loves playing basketball and is interested in taking his or her game to the next level than this is the perfect camp for them! Players will receive instruction from Coach Randy Stockwell with assistance from Dustin Hunt and local players and coaches. We will focus on perfecting the basic fundamental skills while giving your player the tools to be successful as they move up through the local basketball program. This camp will include specialized drills, fun games and scrimmages every day. Campers will also receive a T-shirt the last day of camp. Children going into grades 3rd- 6th will practice from 10am-12pm daily. The cost for this age group is $100 dollars ENJOY
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Aikido – The Art of Peace AIKIDO
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Session 4- July 14th- July 18th (In East Middlebury) Session 5- July 21st- July 25th Session 6- July 28th- Aug 1st Session 7- Aug 4th- August 8th Fee: $65 Residents $75 Non-Residents Tennis lessons will be held at the Middlebury Recreation Park. On days when there is rain, lessons may be held at Middlebury Indoor Tennis, located behind Middlebury Fitness. For more information please contact Franz sojotennis@gmail.com or 802-349-9851 *Session 4 will be held at East Middlebury’s Harold Curtis Park* TINY SWINGERS (AGES 5 AND UNDER) Introduces participants to the game and focuses on coordination and ball control All Lessons are from 9:00-9:30am Session Session Session Session Session Session Session
1- June 23rd-June 27th 2- June 30th-July 4th 3 – July 7th- July 11th 4- July 14th- July 18th (In East Middlebury) 5- July 21st- July 25th 6- July 28th- Aug 1st 7- Aug 4th- August 8th
Fee: $45 Residents $50 Non-Residents LITTLE ACES (AGES 6-9) Covers rules and court conduct as well as the basic strokes of the game. Emphasizes consistency in strokes and introduces game play All lessons are from 9:00-10:00am
Session 1- June 23rd-June 27th Session 2- June 30th-July 4th Session 3 – July 7th- July 11th
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HOT SHOTS AGES 10-13 (RECOMMENDED) Requires prior tennis experience and general knowledge of the game. Practice shot placement as well as consistency of most strokes, including serves and returns. This session will prepare children to play matches amongst themselves. All lessons from 10:00-11:30am Session Session Session Session Session Session Session
1- June 23rd-June 27th 2- June 30th-July 4th 3 – July 7th- July 11th 4- July 14th- July 18th (In East Middlebury) 5- July 21st- July 25th 6- July 28th- Aug 1st 7- Aug 4th- August 8th Fee: $75 Residents $85 Non-Residents
Important Information: • Classes must have a minimum of 4 participants to run • Lessons may go over allotted time • No Tennis Refunds will be given Private Lessons Private lessons are available to people of all ages. Price is $55 per hour10% off package of 4
• Free 1st Time Play for Area Residents • Senior Discount Thursdays ~ Noon-3pm • Four Drop-In / Round Robin Events Each Week • Certified Trainers for Clinics & Lessons
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Inti Ombak Pencak Silat
Head Instructor- Guru Mark Zizis Phone-1-802-377-7047 Website- www.Intiombak.com Email-Intiombakvt@gmail.com Pencak Silat is a general term used to describe the martial arts systems found throughout Southeast Asia, especially those found in Indonesia and Malaysia. Pencak means art and silat can be translated as evade or escape, so the literal translation of pencak silat could be considered the “art of evasion or escaping”. In Eastern philosophy evading or escaping does not necessarily mean running away, but rather it means facing the situation and solving it. Thus a deeper contextual translation for pencak silat may be the “art of problem solving.” Pencak Silat is a very unique art that tries to reach all aspects of life. Teaching of this art is usually made up of four aspects: Sports or health, Self Defense, Arts or culture and Spiritual. I am an individual with a noble mind and character. I am a person who honors his fellow man and seeks in silence for friendship and peace. I am a knight who upholds truth honesty and justice always resilient in facing life’s toughest situations and temptations. I am a silat player! (The silat practitioner’s creed)
Adult Silat Classes are Tuesdays at 7:30pm and Wednesdays at 6:30pm Kids Silat Classes are Monday 4pm and Tuesdays at 4pm Reiki/Energy cultivation Classes are on Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Supporting Teams, Sports & Recreation for OVER 30 years!
Everything for the Rink, Court, Pool, Field & Diamond 68 Main Street, Middlebury 388-3443 • Open 7 days Enter to win a $50 gift card @ middleburyshop.com
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
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2014 Kids Camp ZUMBA Classes
All Classes held at Municipal Gym 94 Main St. Zumba is a dance aerobics cardio workout that is gaining popularity because it’s safe and fun. You can dance your way to health and happiness modifying the moves to suit your needs. Come on in and try it. Your first class is free. Wear comfortable clothing, shoes you can dance in and a water bottle. Summer Schedule Begins June 16th: Morning Classes: M,T, W, 8:00-9:00 a.m. Evening Classes: M, T, W 5:30-6:30pm TH-6-7pm Punchcards available - $6.50 per class. You must register at the classes, no online registration available. Need more info??? Go to lizcleveland@zumba.com email liz_cleveland_vt@hotmail.com or call Liz at 802-989-5977 *Zumba Summer Kickoff EventFriday, June 13th 5:30-7:30*
Drop-In Summer Programs Adult Co-ed 30+ Basketball Wednesdays 6:45-8:30 at Municipal Gym. For more information please contact Bryan Jones @ 989-8399 Adult Co-ed Volleyball Monday’s 6:45-9pm at Municipal Gym For more information please contact Tom Randall @ 343-2652
Paddling Rock Climbing Hiking Mountain Biking Geocaching Fly Fishing Day Camps Tubing for kids 6-15 years old Sponsored by 16 years experience bringing kids into the outdoors For more information call Steve 388-7245 or www.mmvt.com
Exercise Good Judgment! Ensure a Healthier Future for All
Soilsaver Compost Bin & Sure-Close Kitchen Collector On Sale Now at the District Transfer Station Compost at home and encourage your friends and family to join the effort. Turn food scraps and yard waste into rich, organic food for your garden. About 25% of our garbage is comprised of food & yard waste. Composting saves money, keeps waste out of landfills, and will help your garden grow!
Sure-Close Kitchen Collector ONLY $5
Soilsaver Compost Bin – ONLY $45 Sturdy recycled plastic • Fits neatly into any vehicle Retains heat and moisture • Keeps animals out Removable convenient locking top with self-watering lid 2 slide-up doors for easy compost removal
Addison County solid WAste MAnAgeMent distriCt Located at 1223 Rt. 7 South, Middlebury. Hours are Mon-Fri 7am-3pm, Sat 9am-1pm. Questions? Call 388-2333 or visit: www.AddisonCountyRecycles.org. Addison, Bridport, Cornwall, Ferrisburgh, Goshen, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlebury, Monkton, New Haven, Orwell, Panton, Ripton, Shoreham, Starksboro, Vergennes, Waltham, Weybridge, Whiting
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3:00 - 6:00pm Thursday & Friday 3:00 - 7:00pm www.addisonteens.com
Middlebury’s Local Teen Center A.C.T.’s Mission
ACT provides a Teen Center and after-school alternatives that are welcoming, safe and fun for all teenagers in the community.
• Pool Table • Ping Pong Table • Foosball • Bike Rides • A Wii System
• Computers • Free internet access • Free food and refreshments • Spoken word seminars
Teen Day Camp - Summer 2014
Looking for something fun for your teen to do this summer?! Join Addison Central Teens (ACT) in a week long day camp specifically designed for teens! Activities include hiking, swimming, biking, games, trips to VT State Parks, plus more! Open to all graduates of sixth grade through teens seventeen years of age. Contact Information: Colby Benjamin Phone: (802) 734-6755 Email: Colby@addisonteens.com Registration Begins March 1st Session Session Session Session Session
#1: #2: #3: #4: #5:
June 30th – July 3rd July 7th – July 10th July 14th – July 17th July 21st – 24th July 28th – July 31st
To register go to WWW.ADDISONTEENS.COM or register in person at the teen center Monday – Friday 3-6pm Space is limited (ten teens per session) so don’t delay Location: 94 Main St. Middlebury, VT Time: 9am – 4pm, Monday - Thursday Fee: $60 per session
Clothing Swap and Shop
MUHS Hallway outside the main office Wednesday & Thursday, June 4 & 5 • 11:30 am to 3:00 pm – students only 3:00 pm to 7 pm – open to the public Bring in your gently used clothing, formal wear accessories, jewelry, Knick-knacks, DVD’s, CD’s, and swap for new used Items. No clothing to swap? Bring your money and shop. 1 point equals $ 1! Items may be dropped off at the ACT teen center every day after school from 3 - 6 pm. Look for posters in May announcing clothing collection at MUHS and MUMS. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please contact: Jutta@addisonteens.com 802-989-8934
1330 Exchange St., Suite 101 Middlebury, Vermont 388-4456 • opticsltd.com
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Wake Up From Your Hibernation
38 Main St., Middlebury
M-Sat 9:30-5:30 Sun 11-4
Have Fun Athletes. WE SUPPORT YOU! When the going gets tough, we’re here to help: Ankle & Knee Braces Wrist & Arch Supports Orthotic Inserts Hot & Cold Therapy – Colpacs & Hotpacs Knowledgeable Staff & Personalized Service Marble Works, Middlebury • 388-9801 • 1-800-649-2627 • Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-1
WALK & ROLL TO SCHOOL DAY Wed., May 7, before & after school, hosted by Safe Routes to School. BIKE SAFETY FAIR Wed., May 7, 3:15-5:30 pm, Mary Hogan School side lot (if rain, in gym). Helmets, bike safety checks, prizes. All ages welcome. BIKE USE TRAINING Mon., May 19 – Fri, May 30, Mary Hogan School. Details to follow. WAY TO GO! COMMUTER CHALLENGE Mon., May 12 – Fri, May 16. Sign up at www.waytogovt.org for prizes. RIDE OF SILENCE Wed., May 21, 5:45 pm, departs Middlebury Triangle Park by Skihaus. Commemorates those hurt or killed in road bike accidents. BIKE TO WORK DAY Fri., May 16
Hosted by Town of Middlebury (Parks & Recreation, Energy Committee) with support from Mary Hogan, local bike shops, riders and businesses.
Bicycle Repair Class-1 Day Course
Keeping Your Family Healthy Is Our Goal • Free, same-day delivery (call for details) • 24/7 prescription refills (phone, Smartphone, on-line) • Frequent In-Store specials on a wide selection of products • No hassle prescription transfers. PLUS! A $30 giftcard for new patients • $12/90-day supply drug list • Compounding Pharmacy Start ’em • Sensitive & Discrete Counseling off right! • Free Children’s Vitamin Program We are your independent, hometown community pharmacy and our friendly staff looks forward to being of service to you and your family. Our pharmacists are always ready to answer your questions. We offer competitive prices & free delivery. Let us be your partner in your healthcare. Stop in today and see why our customers are so loyal!
Instructors Carl Robinson and Chas Lyons Email: crbikerepair@gmail.com Email: lyons.chas@gmail.com Cost: $25 Per Class Location: Russ Sholes Senior Center Register at www.middleburyparksandrec.org The class is designed for people who would like to learn the basics of on the ride bicycle repair and maintenance, getting you safely out on the ride and able to get home if you experience a mechanical problem. You will become familiar to the specific needs of your own bicycle. With the skill learned you will be comfortable knowing that you have the knowledge to successfully conduct a safety/pre ride check, repair a flat tire, and other minor adjustments. The class is hands on, so be prepared to get a little dirty. Participants are required to bring their own bicycle and on the ride repair kit (if they have one). Tools will be available.
Age and Skill Level: 16 +, any skill level Dates: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, May – July: In Bristol Works! 6:00 – 8:00 pm Marble Works, 61 Pine Street County’s No. 1 Pharmacy 187 Main Street Addison Bristol • 453-2999 Middlebury • 388-3784 Vergennes • 877-1190 April 24th, May 8th and For more info and pharmacy hours: 22nd, June 12th and www.marbleworkspharmacy.com 26th, July 10th and 24th
Middlebury & Vergennes
Marble Works, Middlebury • 388-3784
We welcome you and your family!
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Fall Soccer 2014 Early Registration Playing Times: New this Year- Preschool and Kindergarten Soccer! Monday’s 3:30-4:30pm Division 1- Grades 1 and 2 (Coed) - Wednesday and Friday 3:30-4:45 Division 2- Grades 3 and 4 (Gender Specific) - Tuesday and Thursday 3:30-5:00 Division 3- Grades 5 and 6 (Gender Specific) Boys: Monday and Friday 3:30-5 Girls: Monday and Thursday 5-6:30 (Note: 5/6 grade girls play later in the evening so that any girls interested in participating in the field hockey program on Monday afternoons may do so.) • All practices will be held at the Middlebury Recreation Park. • Program will begin the week of September 8th. Players should show up at their designated playing time on the first day and they will be divided into specific teams from there. • Registrations will begin online and in person on Thursday, May 1st. • We ask that all players be registered on or before Friday September 5th. Fee: $60 for Residents of Middlebury, $75 for NonResidents (Scholarships available.) *Each player will receive a ball and jersey to keep*
If you are interested in coaching a team please email Dustin Hunt dhunt@townofmiddlebury.org or call 3888100 ext 216. We are looking for jersey sponsors this year, If your company is interested please contact Dustin Hunt dhunt@ t o w n o f m i d d l e b u r y. org or call 388-8100 ext 216 for pricing information.
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014 Intro to K9 Nose Work®
Discover why the founders developed the activity, how it works, and see how quickly any dog can be taught the foundational skills for a lifetime of fun and achievement in K9 Nose Work®. Follow up classes include Intro to Odor or Continuing Nose Work; Advance Nose Work; Competition Skill Building NW1/NW2/NW3; Inaccessible Hides: The Search for Elusive Source; and K9 Nose Work Teamwork: From Foundation to Trial Day. Sunday June 29th 9 am – 4 pm Middlebury Municipal Gym Cost: $150.00 per person/dog team $50 for each additional dog, $100 adult only Register online www.Middleburyparksandrec.org
Dog Obedience Classes
Whiting World of WoolCraft Sheep Camp Monday, June 23, 2014 to Thursday, June 26, 2014 9:00-1:30 daily Ages 8-12 years (Limit of 10 campers) Cost: $45 per Camper Register: Online or in person starting May 1st
Campers will learn about where wool comes from and many of the uses of wool. Each day will begin with feeding and caring for sheep with a focus on learning about the impact of animal health on fleece quality. For the remainder of the day, campers will work with wool including dying, spinning, felting, knitting, and weaving. For more information, contact Jon and Janelle Ashley at SDG Farm (989-9528).
Eddy Farm
Summer Horseback Riding Camp Ages 6 – 17
Offering 5 week-long sessions to riders of ALL abilities. $330/session • Mon – Thurs, 9 AM – 3 PM June 23 – 26, July 7 – 11, 14 – 17, 21 – 24, July 28 – 31 Limited to 10 campers a week – APPLY EARLY! Applications available on Eddy Farm website: www.eddyfarmschool.com For questions call Margaret Bojanowski 388-6196 or e-mail margaretbojanowski@gmail.com
Puppy Kindergarten: Open to puppies 10-18 weeks of age the start date of the class. Puppyhood is a developmental deadline critical to your puppy’s socialization and prevention of behavior problems. If you want your puppy to end up as a well-trained dog who is friendly to other dogs and people this is the place to start. It is an introduction to cues & manners that will create a foundation of learning and will strengthen the communication and relationship between you and your new puppy. You will be provided ample reading material as well to help you through puppyhood. Session 1- Sunday June 1st-July 20th, 11am-12pm Session 2- Sunday August 3rd-Sept. 7th 11am-12pm
Middlebury Market & Sama’s Café Come Before or After! 388-6408 College St • Middlebury samascafe.com
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
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Dog Obedience Classes Continued Adult Basic Training: This class is open to dogs age five months or older. Class aims to provide all the building blocks a dog of any age needs for a foundation of obedience. This class will show you how to gain your dog’s respect through controlling access to all things dogs love, while rewarding good behavior, and teaches basic obedience cues. Session 1- Sunday June 1st-July 20th 12:15-1:15pm Session 2- Sunday August 3rd-Sept. 7th 12:15-1:15pm Session 3- Friday July 11th-August 15th 8am-9am K9 Games: An enjoyable class that is a unique opportunity to have fun and enjoy your dog while continuing the training dogs love by motivating dogs and owners to meet goals and perform. With tricks and games like biscuit balance, musical chairs, round up challenge, and playing possum, you end up with training opportunities like reliable sit-and downstays. Done with teaching heeling or sit stay? This series can be super amusing and fun for you and your dog. Eligible dogs: K9Game is for friendly, confident, non-reactive dogs. There will be a lot of dogs at this workshop running around off-leash so please do not bring reactive, fearful, unsociable, or antisocial dogs. It would not be fair to other dogs and their owners, and it would not be fair for your dog. Session 1- Tuesday July 8th- August 5th 6:45-7:45 pm
DOG OBEDIENCE & AGILITY CLASSES Tristan, eg, with trainer P ld o s th n is 17 mo s5 a h y d and alrea s. e tl ti e obedienc
Dog obedience classes are $95 per person/dog. K9 Games is $85 per person/dog. Register online or in person starting May 1st Proof of up-to-date vaccinations required at first class For more information please contact Sandy Chicoine of Best Friend Dog Training Email- bestfrienddogtrainingofvt@gmail.com Phone (802) 989-0463
Join the Localvores!
Train with the best.
Over 25 years of experience teaching good dogs to be GREAT DOGS. Join me for a fun-filled class! Just ask my friends! Class size is limited. Please call for more information.
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Money Saving Offers from Vermont’s Best Merchants …psst: It’s free to sign up! www.LocalvoreToday.com
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Outdoor Education/Adventure Camps Tight Lines Fly Fishing Kids Clinic July 28th-30th 9am-4pm Children Ages 10+ Register: Online or in person starting May 1st Cost: $100 This is a three day course that allows for children to learn the ins and outs of fly fishing including fly tying. There will be plenty of on water fishing time! The course is taught by Joshua Hardt a career outdoor guide and educator, with fly fishing experience from New England to Alaska.
Tight Lines Fly Fishing Course for Adults July 19th and 20th 9am-4pm Register: Online or in person starting May 1st Cost: $85 per person This two day course allows aspiring anglers to learn the basics of fly fishing and a little more! Participants will learn to tie flies, identify fish and fish habitat, cast, catch and release fish. The course is taught by outdoor guide and educator Joshua Hardt who has guided and taught fly fishing in Vermont for over a decade.
Vermont Wilds Day Camp August 11th-15th 9am-4pm Ages 8+ Register: Online or in person starting May 1st Cost: $150 per camper In this camp, campers will explore the mountains, waterways and forests of Vermont. All the while campers will experience things like caving, paddling, climbing and survival skills. The camp will be run by Joshua Hardt a career outdoor educator and guide with a host of pertinent certifications.
Summer time... and the reading is easy...
Sit back & relax with the Addison Independent’s ADDISON COUNTY AREA
Summer Guide
Coming June 26th
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Middlebury Area Land Trust Planned Hikes Summer 2014
April 26th – Flying Squirrels in Otter Creek Gorge with Carson Hauck, Middlebury College Biology Student Did you know there are flying squirrels in Vermont? Learn about the distribution and natural history of flying squirrels, specifically in Addison County, while hiking in Otter Creek Gorge Preserve. Meet at Belden Dam Rd parking lot, 10am. May 24- Jackson Trail Work Day! Work on graveling wet areas, bridge or boardwalk repair or clearing trail. 9am June 7th- National Trails Day- help work on the TAM. Work on graveling wet areas, bridge or boardwalk repair or clearing trail. TBA June 21st- Family Quest Hike for Beginning Birders, with Otter Creek Audubon Society 9-11am, Wright Park July 26th – Family Hike in the Battell Woods with Suzanne Young, Cook and Food Hiking continued on Page 30
1/2 OFF APPETIZERS (WITH MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE ID) 51 Main Street, Middlebury go51main.com
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
Hiking continued from Page 29 Educator at Mary Johnson Children’s Center and MALT Member. Search for animal homes, play forest games, and use all of our senses. Geared towards children 2-5 and their families. We will be in the shade, so it should be nice and cool. Meet at Monroe St. entrance. 9-11am. August 23- Paddle Otter Creek with Dan Redondo, of Vermont Wetland Plant Supply in Orwell. Learn about the riverside plants and maybe bugs and fish while we’re at it. Meet at 3 Mile Bridge, south on Creek Rd. Bring a boat! September 28th – TAM trek, Middlebury College Golf Course All Hikes are free and no preregistration required (Donations accepted) Call 388-1007 or email info@maltvt.org for details.
Other Summer Programs in Addison County Middlebury Studio School, 1 Mill St. lower level
Children’s Summer Art Camps From 9-11:30 – Tuition $150
June 23-27, It’s a Small World Instructor: Kathy Hall
June 30-July 3, Once Upon a Time Instructor: Kathy Hall
July 7-11, Discovering Artists & their Mediums – Instructor: Ginger Birdsey
July 14-18, Fairy Houses Instructor: Kate Tilton
July 21-25, Young Artists Instructor: Kate Tilton
July 28-Aug. 1, Bird Brains and Feather Head Instructor: Renee Ursitti
Aug. 4-8, Art Around the World- Instructor: Sarah Pope
Aug. 11-15, Crafty Creatures - Instructor: Poppy Rees
Aug. 18-22, Art in Nature Instructor: Heather Hardt
(Tuition $120)
Multi-age Hand Building/ages 5 to adult Tues., Weds., Thurs. 2:30-3:30
AM Multi-age Wheel/ages 8 to adult Tues., Weds., Thurs. 10-11:30AM
PM Multi-age Wheel/ages 8 to adult Tues., Weds., Thurs. 2-3:30PM
Call 802-247-3702 or email ewaldewald@aol.com website: middleburystudioschool.org
MiddSummer We have been offering MiddSummer Camp for 10 years, and we’re going strong!
Choose from 1 to 5 weeks Located at Mary Hogan School
Lunch and Recreation Program June 23-July 25 • Monday-Friday • 8 am-4 pm
Nutritious snacks and meals provided • Swimming & weekly field trips • Scholarships available* For more information contact Beth Bearor, Program Adminstrator, at 802-598-6940 or bbearor@addisoncentralsu.org *Families receiving food stamps are strongly encouraged to apply.
Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
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Other Summer Programs in Addison County Middlebury Area Land Trust
MALT conserves, promotes, and manages land as natural, open and working landscapes in Addison County. MALT also manages the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM), a 16 mile footpath, and runs a summer camp program.
The TAM turns 25 this year! $125K Goal
$41,835 – start
Help us celebrate and support this community resource with a donation to the John Derrick Endowment Fund for the TAM. The endowment will help ensure this local treasure is a part of our community for many years and generations to come. Our goal is to raise $125,000 for this fund and YOU can help us get there. Find us on Facebook
Visit www.maltvt.org or call 388-1007 for details. All hikes are free – donations accepted.
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Middlebury Parks & Recreation Department Summer Activity Guide • The Addison Independent • May 1, 2014
indoor outdoor
• Air Conditioning • Motivating Classes • Functional Fitness • Swimming Pools • Sprint & Olympic Triathlons • Multi-distance Run Event
Whether you want the comfort and convenience of indoor fitness or fresh air of outdoor events, VT Sun has you covered with a top-of-the-line facility and fun, accessible world-class events! For details on all the excitement, visit www.vermontsun.com Middlebury • 388-6888 Vergennes • 877-2030