Time management

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Competencies for Chapter 12 Time Management  Identify common myths of time management  Explain daily time logs and their benefits  Define time robbers, and list examples  Distinguish high-priority interruptions from low-priority interruptions, and summarize strategies for dealing with the latter  Explain how daily to-do lists function as time management tools  Identify strategies to help supervisors stick with priorities  Describe the importance of weekly planning guides and calendars  Define delegation, and explain why it is important  Describe common barriers to delegation  List steps supervisors can take to delegate task 1 effectively

Time Management Time is the one thing we all possess. Time is Money,Time waits for no One. Time Heals all Wounds. Practically every decision in your life is created around TIME!! o Do you know EXACTLY how all your time is spent? o Does it always seem like there is never enough TIME to get things done? o How well is your time managed? TIME is always scarce and a precious resource for supervisors.Finding ways to effectively manage your time will allow supervisors to accomplish more in their personal life as well as their professional one, also it will reduce the unwanted levels of stress.The sooner you learn how to increase your productivity, the faster you’ll make an impact. Hence, your disciplined time-management skills will set an example for others to follow. You 2 will control the job-not vice versa. Page 315

Myths Concerning Time Management (excuses supervisors give for not managing their time) • My job is to deal with people, problems and emergencies that don’t lend themselves to specific schedules • I can’t delegate because no one can do the work • Time management doesn’t work for big projects • I don’t need a formal schedule to manage my time • Frequent interruptions make time management impossible.

Can you think of any other excuses that are used to avoid having to manage time? 3 Page 315

TIME ANALYSIS: see handout The first step in learning how to manage time is analyzing how you spend it NOW. Establish effective ways to protect and plan your time. Lets examine these key questions relating to how your time is spent:  Am I using a daily time log to record important daily activities?  Is this log book done in an honest format that allows me to at the end of the week analyze the information that was gathered?  Did any patterns or tendencies emerge?  What were my biggest time wasters, and what accounted for most or my interruptions?  How can I control or eliminate these interruptions?  Which part of the day was most productive?  Did I work on jobs I enjoyed at the expense of higher-priority task?  Are there any task that I consistently avoided?  Where are my best opportunities for increasing my 4 efficiency?

Time Management You must be completely honest because only you know the results. Time problems can not be solved until you identify them! It is always possible to make better use of your time, but this is an individual choice. Time Management consist of making wise choices. There is only so much time available, regardless of how desperately you try to manage it. The secret is to use your time on the most important things. Choose those things that will have the greatest positive impact on your life. And give yourself permission to leave the rest undone. Identify and practice using “Optimal Hours�. Page 316 5

TIME ROBBERS/INTERRUPTIONS: Things that require time but do not contribute to reaching your objectives. Two basic categories of time robbers are:  Those You Generate. procrastination, attempting too much, never saying no, disorganized work station and files, lack of planning, no objective or priorities setting,self created

 Those That Others Generate.(interruptions such as unexpected visits, unscheduled meetings, waiting for others, un-planned activities, phone calls that require you to change your well planned day). Studies show that 80% of your interruptions are caused by only 20% of staff members. Confront these individuals and work out some system for satisfying their legitimate needs without having to interrupt you incessantly. Before being able to manage low or high priority interruptions supervisors must first categorize them accordingly.  Wise supervisors do not try to avoid interruptions, but rather, try to more effectively manage them into high or low priority interruptions. A tip for lowering the frustration levels that accompany interruptions: (Shift all or at least most of the lowpriority interruptions to a specific time that’s convenient for you. 6 This will free up some of your time, and lower frustration levels.

EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT TOOLS ď ś DAILY TO – DO LIST: an important tool that you will find valuable for keeping track of jobs and details that may get forgotten. These to- do list can be written at the beginning of the day or the end of the day for the next day. Always put down all the task you can think of. Consider deadlines, work flow and other variables. Cross of items that do not have to be done that day. Assign things that you can do yourself and DELEGATE things that others are capable of doing. Always stick with your priorities and make sure they are done first. Learning how to Prioritize your responsibilities is very important. The same will apply for your employees, determine the items that require immediate attention and have employees focus on them first. Page 318


 WEEKLY PLANNING GUIDES: a tool that will assist you to allocate time for the most important activities, projects and people you must attend to during the week. Make sure you set up a specific time each week to fill out your weekly planning guide. (see ex 2 on pg 321)  CALENDARS: assist with allowing you to see the big picture over the course of the current month or up-coming months. They can be used to remind you of long term commitments that you can not forget. Take a look at your calendar each day before you make out your To – Do List. Always inform your employees of upcoming deadlines affecting them as soon as possible.  SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS: Microsoft’s Outlook contains many of these tools as added features to its email program functions. (see exhibits 3,4 & 5 on pages 322-4). (Palm pilots also act as effective time organizing tools with tone reminders and printouts ) You will discover that planning your time can help avoid crises. Always strive to get the most important things done first and still allow time for other activities that are important to you 8 and your organization. Pages 319-323

DELEGATION Defined Delegation ? Why is Delegation so important for supervisors? Reasons why delegation is important to staff:  It shows that you trust and respect them.  Staff take greater pride in their work because they have been given a decision making role.  It will increase their participation, involvement and commitment.  Gives them the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally NOTE: When you delegate a task you must also delegate the authority to get the task done! As supervisors you are responsible to manage the work of others, not do their work! Also you are equally accountable for whatever you delegate. Hence, successful delegation depends so much on your willingness and ability to help employees 9 succeed. Page 323-4

Your answers to the question listed in exhibit 3 on page 325) will determine if you are able to delegate effectively?) Also some questions to ask before delegating task are listed in exhibit 7 on page 327)

Barriers to Delegation: Why are supervisors reluctant and/or uncomfortable to delegate?  Do not have trust in their employees or have confidence in their abilities  Risk factor involved  Lack of experience  Lack of organizational skills  Insecurity  Fear of being disliked by employees  Perfectionism  Reluctance to spend the time it takes to train employees  Failure to establish control or follow-up procedures Why do staff members present another barrier 10 to effective delegation? Pages 325-6

LEVELS OF DELEGATION  LEVEL 1: Full authority is given to the employee to take whatever actions are necessary to carry out the assignment, without consulting or reporting to you.  LEVEL 2: almost the same as level 1, however the staff member must inform the supervisor of the actions taken.  LEVEL 3: Authority is limited. The employee must present their recommendations to the supervisor and cannot take action until a decision is made by the supervisor. The best way to delegate is to tell employees up front exactly how much authority they have to carry out a task. What is perhaps the “GREATEST OBSTACLE” to effective delegation? (Fallacy of Omnipotence and/or SelfEnhancement Bias) Supervisors who TRUST their employees and take time to train and build a good staff typically outperform and out last those supervisors who burn themselves out trying to do it all. 11 Pages 326-7


1) Think the project through- provide the employee with options that are feasible. 2) Set the deadline- be realistic about setting a target date, ask employee to assist in setting the deadline 3) Choose an Employee- ensure that the employee has the time and skills to get the job done. 4) Meet with the Employee- express your confidence that the employee can get the job done, explain the project fully and its importance. {See handout #3a Repeat After Me that will assist in improving direction giving skills} 12

Pages 327-9


1) Monitor Progress- see how things are going early and help employee correct any start-up problems, be friendly and helpful, not judgmental. {see handout #3a Managing a breakdown} 2) Provide Assistance if Necessary- provide coaching not sarcasm 3) Praise the Employee- be generous with your praise, this builds the employee’s self confidence. Thank them when the project is completed and make sure that they receive prompt recognition for their work. 13

“One Question Quiz” Performance:

State two Time Management strategies never previously used,that you will adopted to assist with improving how you manage your time.


Never used before


One attempt only


Using your own words, in 90 seconds, establish and state the performance with out the use of the text book and handouts .

Hope you enjoyed our time together just as much as a I did and Thank you for your TIME!! •


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