2 minute read
Paul McDermott - Plus One
Presented by Rhinestone Rebel
Where & When
Rhino Room (131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
9:45pm, Tue 2nd - Sat 13th Mar
What is the show about?
The ‘show' has not been formalised at this point. In fact, it lacks the basic components of what would generally be described as a ’show.’ Currently there is no structure, no form and no material. I could fill column inches with its potential, the dizzying possibilities available and blue sky it up the wazoo, but you’ve come to expect truth from me and the truth is - I’ve no idea.
I will hazard a guess it will be more of the same. Overtly - the pretence that I’m grappling with universal concepts and ideas in a comedic fashion, but really every thought expressed on stage has passed through the prism of the self until it’s just rampant ego, a pretty voice and what Dr Google and friends have described as a virulent example of narcissistic alexithymia.
On a positive note, I will be joined on stage by Glenn, and between bouts of self-indulgent, but hopefully humorous, misery we will sing glorious songs. - Paul McDermott, 2021.
Why you should see it!
I feel it would be dishonest, at present, to recommend that someone ‘SHOULD' see this show. There are so many variables, an endless ocean of options and a disarming amount of choices to be made. If experience has taught us anything, it’s that I invariably make poor choices.
Finally, ‘seeing' the show would be the worst sense to experience whatever-this-is with. My decline has been rapid and visually distressing. I appear now before audience’s as a meth-addled Santa, the Kenny Rogers of sadness, a comic version of Karl Marx. I am currently the size and shape of a garden gnome, have been recently afflicted with tropia, and feel like Saddam Hussein in a storm water drain had better options available.
So, given this information, ‘seeing' the show is not recommended.
The three other senses still available to us Post-COVID (smell, touch, taste), are likewise not suggested ways of experiencing the yet-be-invented show.
That leaves us with hearing. Hearing it is by far the best option. And hearing it, preferably, at a safe distance and visually impaired.
On a positive note I will be joined on stage by Glenn, and between bouts of eye-gouging horror at the ravages wrought by age on a once beatific choirboy, we will sing glorious songs. - Paul McDermott, 2021