First Nations Collaboration Grant Recipients
Over $100,000 in grants were available to Australian First Nations participants, made possible by the support of the South Australian Government. Adelaide Fringe Artist Fund also contributed further funds. 17 First Nations Collaboration Grants were distributed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants to help them present work at Adelaide Fringe in 2021. Aborigi-LOL presents Fire Bucket Fun
Balya Productions CAN’T EVEN DJ!
Deadly Nannas Deadly Nannas Song Performance Karul Projects [MIS]CONCEIVE Party Passport ALL SORTS
Katie Aspel My Story
Briefs Factory International BRED
Iwiri, Electric Fields, SA First Nations Dance Collective Inma
Joshua Warrior The Boomerang Show - Just Keeps Coming Back
Kevin Kropinyeri Kevin Kropinyeri Goes Talkabout
Red Poles Living on Country
Cackling Jackal The End is High (Concept)
The Jack and Annie Show
Mala Band
THE STORYTELLER Mi;Wi 3027 Readings
Yakkana Productions Song Revisited “Being able to provide DJ workshops and performance opportunities proved a successful way to engage Community and provide them with a foundation to explore how they can utilise their love of music in a professional sense. Overall, this opportunity has fostered capacity and confidence in our community to explore spaces and opportunities that they may have previously felt excluded from.” Balya Productions - Can’t Even DJ (FNCG Recipient) Balya Productions. Photo: Trentino Priori. Image Supplied
Our Commitment to Reconciliation
In 2019, Adelaide Fringe commenced the journey to the creation of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The Adelaide Fringe Innovate RAP provides a framework for the organisation to deliver our ongoing commitment to reconciliation. Our RAP outlines the work we are doing to strengthen our relationships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community through our festival and sets out details of plans to roll out into the future. Adelaide Fringe has a long history of engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through various art forms to make an impact. Our RAP is a major part of our reconciliation journey. We are committed to creating space to listen, learn, unlearn, and relearn. We are here to pay respect to, to celebrate and to champion Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, artists and cultures. Adelaide Fringe will officially launch our Innovate RAP in 2021. Scan to view our RAP online. 11