Kont@ct Final Report

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Kont@ct Market Research: Final Report December 2010

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 2

Background Description •

The idea that the team developed through the course of the semester is a social networking site exclusively for Columbia College Chicago students. The social networking site would be developed as an outlet for students to communicate with each other and with faculty throughout the college’s different departments. In addition to the communication features that the social networking site would offer, it would provide a place for students to upload portfolios and resumes so that they can be reviewed by faculty and professionals working in the field. The site would be named Kont@ct.

Final Concept Statement •

Kont@ct is a social media networking site especially designed for Columbia College students to communicate with each other and faculty. It will provide a space for students to upload professional information, work, and events. The website will be accessible to other Columbia College students and career professionals.

S.W.O.T. STRENGTHS • Students can connect to other students in different majors on both friendship and professional levels • A social network that is free to students • Central access point for students’ portfolios • Information about all school events • Faculty and workforce professionals can view all students’ portfolios and match them to job and internship opportunities • User friendly • Live chat feature • Exclusive to Columbia students

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 3 WEAKNESSES • If students do not take advantage, Kont@ct can fail • High maintenance • “Another” social network OPPORTUNITIES • Columbia does not have a network like Kont@ct • This network can help upgrade Columbia and fulfill its mission statement. • Not only can this forum be used to create work relationships among students and promote collaborative research, but students can form friendships through the network as well • No other school offers a personal social networking site • Students can get their work in the public sphere in a safe and welcoming forum • Greater school unity • Can increase school’s credibility THREATS • Social networking sites can fall out of fashion • Restrictions on content • Budget cuts • Other social networking sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace) Exploratory Research / Focus Group • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Moderators’ guide first introduced the idea of a Columbia College social networking site and included questions to ask the focus group participants such as… Welcome. All of you here today are currently enrolled students at Columbia College Chicago; let’s talk about creating a social networking site that will cater to the needs of Columbia College students. II. How much time do you spend each day using a social networking site? III. Do you enjoy using social networking sites? How have you observed that social networking sites benefit your life? What is your favorite feature of social networking sites? IV. Are you a member of a social networking site? Do you use Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, or MySpace? How do you feel about having your personal information online? How do you feel about contacting people online? How do you feel about having your art work online? How do you feel about having a resume/portfolio online? How do you feel about uploading documents online? V. This social media networking site is specially developed for Columbia College students to communicate with each other. It will provide a space for students to upload

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 4

• • • • • • • •

professional information, work, and events. The website will be accessible to other Columbia College students and career professionals. VI. How well do you understand the product presented? How do you feel about the product described? How often would you use Columbia College’s social networking site? In what ways would you use Columbia College’s social networking site? What would be most important to you about Columbia College’s social networking site? In what ways would the Columbia College social networking site benefit your career path? What type of professionals would you like to have permission access the Columbia College social networking site? What features would you like to see on Columbia College’s social networking site? Are there any additional comments you would like to share? VI.Thank you for attending today’s session. Columbia College appreciates that you have taken the time to help us better serve our students.

• • • • • • Exploratory Research / Focus Group Summary • • • • • • • • • • • •

Everyone may not have a social networking site, but most people are knowledgeable about them When thinking of social networking, Facebook is what comes to mind Definite need for portfolio-posting feature and information about internship opportunities School-wide social network would be beneficial according to the group This service should be free Site should offer faculty access to facilitate viewing and critiquing student portfolios Optional privacy setting to enable professionals to view student portfolios Sites can be easily categorized by department to promote viewing Site should definitely have a link for students to copyright their work Great way for students to collaborate with students of different departments Students want to access Kont@ct through computers, phones, and IPods This site will be a simple way for the Columbia community to communicate

Preliminary Research Summary •

As the team conducted the preliminary research and developed the SWOT analysis, we became worried that a Columbia College social networking site might be seen as a nuisance because there are already so many social networking sites. Nevertheless, all members of the group agreed that there is a need to communicate department to department, i.e. across departments, and to start a movement to unify Columbia College students. The group expanded the preliminary research by conducting some exploratory research through a focus group. The focus group invited Columbia College students to

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 5 voice an opinion about a possible Columbia College social networking site. As the focus group participants voiced their opinions, it became clear that the idea of a Columbia College Chicago social networking site was worth researching. Commentary offered in the focus group also raised additional ideas about a social networking site that the team had not considered previously. Reasons to Conduct Survey •

The team concluded that a survey would help determine if Columbia students think they need a Columbia College social networking site and whether students believe that such a site will improve the Columbia College experience. The team also decided that a survey would provide greater insight into what Columbia students would find important in a social networking site for Columbia

Survey Research Objectives Objectives • • • • •

Identify which percent of the sample liked our service Identify which percent would use our service Determine the percentage or a measure of people who think a Columbia College social networking site is beneficial Determine how important a service like this is to our target audience Identify attitudes our target audience have toward Kont@ct

Sampling Plan Who • Current Columbia College students • All ages Where • Columbia College classes When • November 1, 2010 - November 15, 2010 • Surveys were distributed at all times of the day How • Convenience How Many • 179 Columbia College students Summary

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 6 •

The team decided to survey current Columbia College students because they are the social networking site’s target audience. Convenience sampling was used because the team had limited time and resources. In order to get results within the two-week time frame and without access to a student data base, a survey was most realistic because team members could distribute it to classmates. The subject of the classes each team member takes limited the variety of students the survey reached.

Data Collection Methodology Type •

Self-administered survey o Simple way to conduct research on the product. o Results will flow in quickly

Advantage • •

Quick and easy answers Consumer will be more willing to take survey since team members are a familiar classmates

Disadvantage • • •

Not in depth May create bias in survey results because a majority of the surveys will be administered to upper classman May create bias in survey results because a majority of surveys will be administered within the Marketing Communications department

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 7

Survey This is a questionnaire about our new service that we would like to introduce to Columbia students. We are asking questions to find out if this service would be useful and used by Columbia College students, and most importantly the aims to find out if it would better the Columbia College experience. Please answer honestly and in its entirety. 1. Do you use social networking websites? YES NO If you answered no to number 1, please skip number 2. 2. Below is a list of social networking sites; which of these sites do you use at least once per week? Facebook MySpace LinkedIn Twitter None

Other (specify) ______________

Below is a list of statements about social networking sites and Columbia College, indicate whether you agree or disagree. Social networking sites are useful



Social networking sites are generally secure.



Social networking sites make connections with people that normally would never connect through real life meeting.



There is a lack of communication between Columbia College students across campus.



Students need another outlet in which to meet other Columbia College students



Students need an easier way to collaborate with other students other than flyers around campus.



Students need an outlet to display their works to other students and faculty.



This social media networking site is specially made for Columbia College students to communicate with each other. It will provide a space for students to upload professional information, work, and events. The website will be accessible to other Columbia College students, and career professionals.

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 8

Below is a list of statements on KONTact; indicate whether you agree or disagree. You as a Columbia College student would find this site useful.



If you answered agree with the first statement continue with the rest; if not skip to question number 4. You would use KONTact at least once a week. AGREE DISAGREE KONTact should include a copywriting link so students can prevent stolen works.



KONTact would be a safe and secure network in which students can portray their works.



KONTact would benefit you while attending Columbia.



KONTact should have faculty access to view students’ profiles and critique their work.



KONTact should have limited viewing access to Business professionals on specific fields to view student works.



KONTact should include a live chat option in order to communicate with students.



Past alumni should be able to access this site in order to connect with current students as well.



3. Please rate how successful you feel KONTact would be at Columbia. VERY SUCCESSFUL SOMEWHAT SUCCESSFUL SOMEWHAT UNSUCCESSFUL VERY UNSUCCESSFUL 4. What is your age? UNDER 18 18-24


5. What year are you in school? FRESHMAN SOPHMORE

31-39 JUNIOR


Adelita O’Dell Morrow 9

Characteristics of the Final Sample Demographics

Age Under 18



5% 2%


Age Under 18 3 students

18-24 158 students

25-30 8 students

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 10

Class Level Freshman








Class Level Freshman 18

Sophomore 57

Junior 68

Senior 36

Summary •

The results of the final sample were as expected. A majority of respondents were upper classman between the ages of 18-24.

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 11

Conclusion / Summary Results General Conclusions •

88% of Columbia students think that there is a lack of communication among students (shown in figure 1)

Figure 1

There is a lack of communica?on among Columbia College students across campus Agree




Adelita O’Dell Morrow 12 •

A Columbia College social networking site and others like it are important to 89% of respondents (shown in figures 2 & 3)

Figure 2

Social networking sites are useful Agree




Figure 3

Which of the indicated social networking sites do you use at least once a week? Facebook




16% 7% 6% 71%

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 13

92% of the respondents answered that they would use the Columbia College social networking site at least once a week (shown in figure 4)

Figure 4

You would use Kont@ct at least once a week Agree




Adelita O’Dell Morrow 14 •

98% of respondents think a Columbia College social network would benefit them (shown in figure 5)

Figure 5

Kont@ct would benifit you while aMending Columbia Agree




83% of respondents want a place to show their work to other students and faculty at Columbia College (shown in figure 6) Figure 6 •

Students need and outlet to display their works to other students and faculty Agree




Adelita O’Dell Morrow 15 General Conclusion Summary •

The survey answered the team’s research objectives. As the results of the survey made clear, the overall concept of a social networking site is favored by Columbia College students and they considered an exclusive Columbia College networking preferable and beneficial. These conclusions are based on the percentage of respondents who said they would use Kont@ct at least once a week. As anticipated, the survey confirmed the premise that students feel disconnected from each other. Overall, the survey results indicate that a site like Kont@ct is very important to Columbia College students.

• Cross-Tabulation Question This social media networking site is specially made for Columbia College students to communicate with each other. It will provide a space for students to upload professional information, work, and events. The website will be accessible to other Columbia College students, and career professionals. •

“You as a Columbia College Student would find this site [Kont@ct] useful” Agree


Cross TabulaDon Results Percent of Respondents


84% Agree

16% %

Lower Classmen


Upper Classmen Class Segment


Adelita O’Dell Morrow 16 Cross-Tabulation Conclusions • • •

Both upperclassmen and lowerclassmen see the need to have a Columbia College social networking site. Both upperclassmen and lowerclassmen agree that the social networking site would benefit them in showcasing professional information Both upperclassmen and lowerclassmen agree that the social networking site would help them to connect with other students and faculty

Cross-Tabulation Summary •

The reason for the team’s cross tabulation initially was to further investigate whether there would be a difference in opinion between upperclassmen and lowerclassmen. As the team cross tabulated the data we expected to see that the upper classman would express a greater need than the lowerclassmen. The team’s hypothesis was that as a student becomes more involved in their school and major that the student will experience a greater a need for more outlets to connect with others. Technically our predictions were correct, for 60% of upperclassmen identified a need for a Columbia College social networking site. When taking a closer look at the data, it became apparent that there was a bias in the results caused by a disproportionate numbers of upper- and lowerclassmen. Far more upperclassmen than lowerclassmen participated in the survey.

Survey Error •

Through the process of distribution, data collection, and cross tabulation the team came across many types of survey error. The first survey error that appeared was the nonresponsive error. Many people did not fully complete the survey. The next type of error that the team encountered was systematic error. When tabulating the responses of the survey the team had difficulty adding up the tallies and numbers correctly. The third type of survey error was bias, and it was presented during the cross tabulation process. Bias became obvious when the team was cross tabulating the results. During cross tabulation the team could see that the results may have been affected by the fact that the sample consisted of about double the number of upperclassmen than lowerclassmen.

Recommendations for Management Recommendations •

Conduct more research on the features needed for a Columbia College social networking site o Privacy settings o Homepage template Research the budget needed for a Columbia College social networking site

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 17 • • •

Determine the percentage of students using the site that defines the standard/measure success Develop the Columbia College social networking site Test the Columbia College social networking in focus groups

Appendix: Total Results

Question Social networking s ites a re useful Social networkig s ites a re generally s ecure Social networking s ites make c onnections with people that normally would never c onnect through r eal l ife meeting There i s a l ack of c ommunication between Columbia College students a cross c ampus Students need a nother outlet to display their works to other students a nd faculty Students need a n easier way to c ollaborate with other s tudents other than flyers a round c ampus Students need a nd outlet to display their works to other students a nd faculty You a s a Columbia College s tudent would find this s ite useful Your would use Kont@ct a t l ease once a week Kont@ct s hould i nclude a c opywriting l ink s o s tudents c an prevent s tolen works Kont@ct would be a s afe a nd s ecure network i n which s tudents can portray their works Kont@ct would benefit you while a ttending Columbia College Kont@act s hould have faculty a cces to view s tudents profiles and c ritique their work Kont@ct s houle have l imited veiwing a ccess to business professionals on s pecific fields to view s tudent works Kont@ct s hould i nclude a l ive c hat option i n order to communicate with s tudents Past a lumni s hould be a ble to a ccess this s ite i n order to connect with c urrent s tudent a s well

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 18 MySpace Twitter Facebook 7% 18% 86% Agree Disagree 97% 3% 68% 32% 83%








92% 92% 82%

8% 8% 18%



88% 98%

12% 2%







81% 19% Under 18 18-­‐24 2% 93% Freashman Sophomore 10% 32%

25-­‐30 5% Junior 30%

None 2%

Senior 20%

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 19


MySpace Twitter Facebook None 7% 18% 86% 2%



Social networking sites are useful Social networkig sites are generally secure Social networking sites make connections with people that normally would never connect through real l ife meeting There i s a l ack of communication between Columbia College students across campus Students need another outlet to display their works to other students and faculty Students need an e asier way to collaborate with other students other than flyers around campus Students need and outlet to display their works to other students and faculty You as a Columbia College student would find this site useful Your would use Kont@ct at l ease once a week Kont@ct should i nclude a copywriting l ink so students can prevent stolen works Kont@ct would be a safe and secure network i n which students can portray their works Kont@ct would benefit you while attending Columbia College Kont@act should have faculty acces to view students profiles and critique their work Kont@ct shoule have l imited veiwing access to business professionals on specific fields to view student works Kont@ct should i nclude a l ive chat option i n order to communicate with students Past alumni should be able to access this site n order to connect with current student as well

Disagree 97% 68%

3% 32%











92% 82%

8% 18%















Under 18 18-­‐24 25-­‐30 2% 93% 5% Freashman Sophomore Junior Senior 10% 32% 30% 20%

Adelita O’Dell Morrow 20

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