Third Place A Modern Fish Market as Centre for Public Participation in Malaysia Context
Muhammad Ade Rezky
Third Place A Modern Fish Market as Centre for Public Participation in Malaysia Context
Muhammad Ade Rezky
Dedicated to my parents, my sister and all my families for their endless love and support. Not forgotten to all my dear friends and lecturers.
This dissertation represents my hard works of gaining a lot of experiences through two years studying Master of Architecture. First and foremost I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Dr. Leng Pau Chung, Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, for willingly to give the opportunity for me to conduct my research under his supervision throughout this research period. I would like to express my gratitude to my dissertation supervisor, Prof. Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Ariffin for his guidance and advice throughout the accomplishment of this thesis dissertation. I am also extending to my gratefulness to Dr. Alice Sabrina Ismail, for all of her support as my academic advisor throughout my years in this university. Also I am indebted to my dear friends for helping me through the entire process of the research. Lastly but most important, I wish to thank my dearest parents, my sister and all my families for their endless love and unwavering faith in me. They raised me, supported me, taught me and loved me. To them I dedicated this thesis.
ABSTRACT The social participation issue is one of important caused when a city lost its identity. Community as one of the fundamental component in a city has significant role to contribute in reigniting their city value. The decreasing of community interest to their city will lead the city become lost its soul. As Agenda 21 stated that, one of the most important prerequisites in achieving a sustainable urban development is by considering a broad public or community participation in the decision-making, as well those that potentially will affect communities in which work and live (UNCED, 1992). In order to response to this social issue, ‘The Third Place’, an architectural theory and approach is applied as the alternative solution. Third place theory is an understanding of the importance of place that has a purpose as a point for gatherings between a person and other people/group, it becomes the platform for an active interaction and communication, triggering a sense of community as a social structure, and gather a vibrant public participation (Oldenburg, 1982). The fish market was selected as the focused building typology in representing the Third Place in Malaysia context. The selection is based on the potential of natural sources, as well as its value to become the suitable and perfect place as social gathering point while acts as the neighbourhood anchor of an area. (Probologic, 2012). In order to design the fish market which brings character of a good Third Place, the framework and architectural design guideline is needed. The aim of this dissertation is to propose the design framework of an efficient Third Place in the scope of fish market typology, as the alternative solution on the issue of lack of social participation in Malaysia urban context.
ABSTRAK Masalah partisipasi sosial adalah salah satu penyebab penting ketika sebuah kota kehilangan identitasnya. Komunitas sebagai salah satu komponen mendasar dalam sebuah kota memiliki peran penting untuk berkontribusi dalam menyalakan kembali nilai kota mereka. Berkurangnya minat masyarakat terhadap kota mereka akan menyebabkan kota itu kehilangan jiwanya. Seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Agenda 21, salah satu prasyarat terpenting dalam mencapai pembangunan kota yang berkelanjutan adalah dengan mempertimbangkan partisipasi publik atau masyarakat luas dalam pengambilan keputusan, dan juga mereka yang berpotensi akan memengaruhi tempat bekerja dan tempat tinggal komunitas tersebut (UNCED, 1992 ). Untuk menanggapi masalah sosial ini, ‘Third Place’, sebuah teori dan pendekatan arsitektur diterapkan sebagai solusi alternatif. Teori tempat ketiga adalah pemahaman tentang pentingnya tempat yang memiliki tujuan sebagai titik untuk pertemuan antara seseorang dan orang lain / kelompok, sebagaimana ianya menjadi platform untuk proses interaksi dan komunikasi yang aktif, memicu rasa akan nilai suatu komunitas sebagai struktur sosial, dan berkumpulnya partisipasi publik dalam jumlah besar (Oldenburg, 1982). Pasar ikan dipilih sebagai tipologi bangunan yang difokuskan menjadi Tempat Ketiga dalam konteks Malaysia. Pemilihan didasarkan pada potensi sumber daya alam serta nilai yang dikandungnya, menjadi tempat yang cocok dan sempurna sebagai titik pertemuan sosial (Probologic, 2012). Untuk merancang pasar ikan yang membawa karakter Third Place yang baik, kerangka kerja dan pedoman desain arsitektur diperlukan. Tujuan disertasi ini adalah mengusulkan kerangka desain Tempat Ketiga yang efisien dalam ruang lingkup tipologi pasar ikan, sebagai solusi alternatif pada permasalahan kurangnya partisipasi sosial dalam konteks perkotaan Malaysia.
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ ABSTRAK ..............................................................................................................
ii iii iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURE ...................................................................................................
LIST OF TABLE .....................................................................................................
CHAPTER 1: Introduction .....................................................................................
Problem Statement
Research Aim
Research Question
Research Objective
Significance of Study
Research Methodology
Thesis Framework
Scope of Work
Expected Findings
CHAPTER 2: Literature Review ............................................................................
What is Third Place?
The General Characteristic of Third Place
Third Place in Malaysia Culture
Efficiency in Third Place Design
Neutral ground
Conversation in main activity
Accessibility and accommodation
Having regulars
Low profile
The mood is playful
A home away from home
Fish Market as Malaysian Third Place
CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology ....................................................................
Research Methodology Framework
Research Procedure
Data Collection Procedure
Site Observation
Case Study
Software Simulation
CHAPTER 4: Discussion on Case Study ...............................................................
Introduction Case Study 1: The Observation Site – Transfer Road, Georgetown, Malaysia.
45 46
Culinary culture & identity
Coastal line & sea potential
Historical architectural value
Tourist attraction point & activities
Back lanes
Case Study 2: Sydney Fish Market, Australia.
Case Study 3: Bergen Fish Market, Norway.
CHAPTER 5: Findings ..........................................................................................
The Proposal Design Framework: An Efficient Third Place
Study on Site Potential & Identity – Building Program Justification
Variety of Activities – Commercial + Recreational Typology
Building Optimization – The “Inside and Outside” Concept
The Contextual Planning – Site Planning & Form Making Process
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion ....................................................................................... First objective: Defining the importance of Third Place theory
58 59
for social participation. Second objective: The significant role of fish market as Third Place
for Malaysia community. Third objective: Proposal of architectural design framework
for an efficient Third Place.
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................
Figure 1.1: Fish market as a platform of Third Place theory. Figure 1.2: Social participation portrayed on the activity in fish market. Figure 1.3: Two main targeted issues. Figure 1.4: The thesis framework. Figure 1.5: Architectural design strategy becomes the expected finding of the research Figure 2.1: Defining the Third Place Figure 2.2: Participation is the main purpose of Third Place theory. Figure 2.3: General characteristic of Third Place. Figure 2.4: Three general characteristic represent the Third Place and its correlation to the participation. Figure 2.5: Maidan, padang and garden as the old type of public place in Malaysia context. Figure 2.6: The translation of specific characteristic of Third Place from Ray Oldenburg book. Figure 2.7: Fish market in Malaysia culture. Figure 2.8: The structure of litterature review. Figure 3.1: The research methodology framework. Figure 3.2: Space Syntax simulation software.
Figure 4.1: Transfer road as the main studied area of research. Figure 4.2: Five main impressions which portrayed in the studied site. Figure 4.3: Map of seafood eating point in studied area. Figure 4.4: Location of fisherman point nearby the site study. Figure 4.5: Bird eye view of Sydney fish market. Figure 4.6: Transparency and strong visual attachment of building entrance absorb the public participation into the building. Figure 4.7: Sense of welcoming from building façade and tribune give an impactful effect to the visitor and environment view. Figure 4.8: Exterior perspective of Bergen fish Market. Figure 4.9: Transparency of the fish market’s façade provide the impact to the attraction of visitor and also respect to the historical environment surround the building. Figure 4.10: The colour tone of shading device is following the historical building colours scheme at the surrounding. Figure 5.1: The site potential and identity. Figure 5.2: The action toward the site potential. Figure 5.3: The combination of commercial and recreational building typology creates the variety of activities. Figure 5.4: Commercial activities inside a fish market. Figure 5.5: Example of building plan layout that portrayed the integration of commercial and recreational activities. Figure 5.6: Injection of recreational vibe inside a fish market as well as by providing the public aquarium. Figure 5.7: Role of library and museum as an indoor focused building typology.
Figure 5.8: Indoor focused building diagram. Figure 5.9: The outdoor public facility that being applied as a design feature. Figure 5.10: The proposal of “inside and outside� concept diagram. Figure 5.11: The site planning diagram, as a part of contextual planning process. Figure 5.12: Comparison between three options of form massing in site study in order to find the best correlation value from the proposed building by using the Space Syntax software. Figure 5.13: The framework of an efficient Third Place. Figure 6.1: The general (left) and specific (right) characteristic of Third Place.
Table 2.1: Third Place between the past and current era in Malaysia. Table 5.1: The elaboration of proposed design framework. Table 6.1: The research objectives. Table 6.2: The elaboration of proposed design framework.
Chapter 1 [introduction]
Introduction | Problem Statement | Research Aim | Research Question Research Objective | Significance of Study | Research Methodology |Thesis Framework Scope of Work | Expected Findings | Conclusion
Introduction Figure 1.1: Fish market as a platform of Third Place theory. (Source: author)
Third Place, an architectural theory was introduced by an American urban-sociologist, Ray Oldenburg (1989), who put the attention to the importance of social participation in nowadays community of a city, this community is called as modern community. The modern community has typical criteria which portrayed in their daily activity as well as stated by Oldenburg about “two-daily-basis”: home & work. Brey. A. (2009) also stated in his book that these two activities lead to the missing link of significant social value in the modern community. A person life style tend to focused in home with their family, which home is called as the first place, and/or, they will go to the working place to continue the rest of their daily time, and this working places is called as the second place. These two places have led to the static interaction between the users caused on the rigid environment, in this case means: the community themselves (Oldenburg, 1989). Hence, there are needs of the places that purposed to break the rigidness of user activities from these “twodaily-basis” modes, therefore, comes Third Place as the answer. Third place has a basis as a place for people interact with other people, it becomes the platform for an active interaction and communication, triggering a sense of community as a social structure (Oldenburg, 1989).
The social interaction becomes the main topic and target to be focused in a Third Place theory. The place can be any public place, as well as fish market is included. Fish market has significant role in Malaysia in socioeconomic sector. Department of Fishery Malaysia report that national’s fisheries sector contributes as source of employment, national GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and also main source of protein supply for rural community in the country. The sources are distributed to the industry sectors, whether in trading point (market) or culinary sectors (seafood). It makes the significant role of fish market becomes bolder in Malaysia. The fish market acts as multiinteraction point between fisherman, traders, and buyer, or in other word it can be called as; the Third Place. The identity of vibrant social activity of fish market in Malaysia is an opportunity to be projected as the alternative solution that faced by modern community issue nowadays, which is a lack of social participation. Hence, the efficiency of designing a modern fish market as third place is needed in order to accommodate the potential of social participation of the modern community in Malaysia.
Figure 1.2: Social participation portrayed on the activity in fish market (Source:
Problem Statement
Figure 1.3: Two main targeted issues (Source: author)
The social issue about lack of social participation among modern community in their city become the main focus to be solved in the context of architectural solution proposal. As Agenda 21 stated that, one of the most important prerequisites in achieving a sustainable urban development is by considering a broad public or community participation in the decision-making, as well those that potentially will affect communities in which work and live (UNCED, 1992). As goes to the fact which involvement of public in the city is a fundamentals, many research and study have covered to define the social, architectural or urban theories in responding to the issue. Third place is one of the theory which has main direction to tackle the social participation issue, but there is no exact guideline or framework in tem of how to design an efficient third place in order to solve its social issue. Hence, this research has two branch of targeted issue, which divided into lack of social participation as the social issue, and, the efficiency of Third Place includes in the architectural issue.
These two main issues are also generally affected in the scope of fish market development in Malaysia. There is a need to find a better framework in term of designing a modern fish market as the studied Third place to cater more potential of efficient numbers of public participation in Malaysia urban context, and also contribute in order to achieve a sustainable urban development.
Research Aim This thesis aim is to propose the design framework of an efficient Third Place in the scope of fish market typology, as the alternative solution on the issue of lack of social participation in Malaysia urban context.
Research Question The research questions for this thesis are; i.
What is the importance of Third Place theory for social participation in urban development?
How does of the significant role of fish market as a Third Place for the urban community in Malaysia context?
How to create a design framework in order to design modern fish market as an efficient Third Place which give significant impact to the public participation in
Research Objective This research investigates both definition and impact of Third Place as architectural theory, by using fish market potential as studied building typology in response to lack of social participation issue in Malaysia urban community. The objectives of this research are; i.
To identify the definition and importance of Third Place theory for social participation in urban development.
To identify the significant role of fish market as Third Place for Malaysia urban community.
To propose design guideline framework for an efficient application of Third Place design in a form fish market building typology as alternative solution for lack of participation issue in Malaysia urban community.
Significant of Study From the analysis of case studies and qualitative data collection, this research is indicated to contribute to provide the understanding, awareness and alternative solution in response to the social participation issue in urban context by using Third Place as architectural design approach. Fish market is chosen as the suitable architectural typology in Malaysia context caused by its potential in sources and culture in Malaysia environment, becoming the suitable Third Place to the Malaysia urban context.
By using these two combinations between suitable architectural theory and suitable architectural building typology, this research will also contribute to prepare design guideline in designing architectural facility that focusing to the solution of social participation issue in urban development.
Research Methodology In order to conduct this study successfully, a viable data collection is required in order to collect the validation of information. The suitable method is mixed mode where both qualitative and quantitative method is considered. Generally, the data collection is being done through literature review, case studies, software simulation and also site observation. The extensive data collection was done through literature review where collected journals, articles, reports and books were analysed thoroughly.
Direct observation has also been done through site visit and site study in order to collect information regarding the site location. By studying the demographic built-up of the region, the society composition, identity, cultural and heritage value of the site, the research was able to conduct gracefully.
Social Issue Lack of social participation among community in an urban area leads to the lost of identity & value of the city.
Third Place
Inefficiency of Third Place design left the proposed solution for social participation issue doesn’t reach the expected impact. How to create an efficient Third Place?
Proposed building program: Fish Market
Third Place design framework
Figure 1.4: The thesis framework (Source: author)
Scope of Work This research will focus to the Third Place theory, what is its definition, and how the theory might be impactful for contributing in the sustainable urban development by tackle social participation issue as
study was done in Georgetown city, Pulau Penang, Malaysia. The site study location is at the junction of Jalan Transfer and Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, the northern part of Georgetown city with direct contact
the main target challenge. In order to achieve this objective, this research will use fish market building typology as the design object of the
of coastal area of Malacca Straits. This site location was chosen based on the strategic location between 2 main roads, compact historical-
Third Place theory based on its suitability potential in Malaysia context; which are in the scope of sources,
tourism urban form, and the embracement of Malacca Straits as natural component.
culture, and value of identity. In order to achieve better understanding and outcome of this study, urban
Expected Findings.This research is proposed on the development of design framework of modern fish market building typology by considering the effectiveness in Third Place design. The findings are expected in the form of design strategies, elaborating more detail actions and points to strengthen the framework. These strategies are prophesized as the alternative solution which might be applied in term of solving the social participation issue that focused in Malaysia urban context. As what have been mentioned before, Georgetown is a studied city in this research which will be analysed to explore any suitable potential by its urban context and scenario. It will help providing a better understanding from study on the real urban Figure 1.5: Architectural design strategy becomes the expected finding of the research. (Source: author)
context, community, culture and its issue. Furthermore, the data and information from the analysis will be synthesized as the design strategy on development of design framework.
Conclusion.This research main concern is to propose a comprehensive design framework and guideline in order to design a modern fish market which applies the characteristic of an efficient Third Place theory. In addition to that, the proposed framework of design strategies in this research is mainly purposed as the alternative architectural solution in response to the social participation issue which occur among the modern community in Malaysia urban context.
Chapter 2 [literature review]
Introduction | What is Third Place? | General Characteristic of Third Place Third Place in Malaysia Culture | Efficiency in Third Place Design Fish Market as Malaysian Third Place | Conclusion
Introduction This chapter will be presenting important information and projecting any relevant analytical data which been collected from articles, journals, and books regarding to the consideration on understanding the architectural design approach, main targeted issue, relevant theories to be applied, and any additional information related to the research subject matter. All data which has been collected will be evaluated, analysed and synthesized in order to obtain the most prominent data for this research. Chapter on literature review is a fundamental component in a research structure in order to ensure the right determination the research nature as well as to obtain all the significant knowledge and theoretical data.
Furthermore, this chapter will be contained four main subsections which the first part is the introduction about what Third Place theory it is. Continuing the second subsections, it projecting about the significance of Third Place in Malaysia community and context. The third part will be laying down about the efficiency of Third Place theory in theoretical study. And the last subsection which is the fourth part will be further discuss on the significant of fish market for Malaysia urban community and how a fish market act as the Third Place.
What is Third Place? "Third Place Theory" is a theory which introduced by Oldenburg, R. (1989) in his book, The Great Good Place, which analyses the phenomenon of social behaviour of city citizen or community that narrows into a “two-stop” model in their daily activities, namely; home and working place. In a day, a person tends to spend their activities with family in home, which this place is categorized as a first place. Hence, the second place or, the working place will become another destination for a person spending the rest of their activity. Oldenburg saw this as something that is noteworthy because of the impact that could be caused.
These “two-stop” models bring some potential risk on social value in a society. The gap between the social components of community will occur, due to the lack of interaction and communication that is created between its societies. This can lead to the loss of the sense of membership, social identity, and the demise of an attempt to mutually help one and other. Therefore, Oldenburg identified there is the important need for an attempt to understand about the essence of third place theory for community nowadays due to enhancing their quality of life.
Third-place theory is an understanding of the importance of place that has a purpose as a point for gatherings between a person and other people/group, it becomes the platform for an active interaction and communication, triggering a sense of community as a social structure (Oldenburg, 1982). Third place is a place for everyone, the places that reject the doctrine of individualism, a place to appreciate the meaning of tolerance and balance role that owned between a person in that place. The meaning which contained in this third place theory is the reason why Oldenburg concern to the need for third places in a community, in this context is a community in the urban structure.
Figure 2.1: Defining the Third Place. (Source: The Guardian: Tell us about your 'third place' – where you connect with your community)
Figure 2.2: Participation is the main purpose of Third Place theory. (Source: author)
General Characteristic of Third Place
Figure 2.3: General characteristic of Third Place (Source: author)
Basically, the general characteristics of third places known from the nature of the fundamental functions of the indicated place. In contrast to the definition of first place and second place, the third place is considering social interaction as an important element that should be intertwined inside. Therefore, in general, the characteristic of a place which could be categorized as third place have the following properties;
Cook (2011) explained that sociability is a concept which closely related to the components of contemporary society, reflect that human is a “social beings� which always has dependence to other human beings. This may take the form of the relationships between a person with other person, a person with another group, or a group with other groups. The third place making social interaction becomes a key element that must take place therein, which, interaction and communication between the users is the main value from the definition of sociability.
Take the basic form of the word "democracy", which tends to be used in the language in context of government system, democratic means the nature, or, attribute of which is shown from the understanding of democracy. Democratic, closely related to the action that upholds the rights to freedom, equality and same levels between others without concerning the social or economic background of a person, uphold the meaning of tolerance in society such as; the opinion, expression, arguments, and etc. (Bernard, c. 2002). This sense of democracy need exists in the character of the third place. That kind of place can be a platform of freedom and equality of users for anyone, regardless of background or who the person is. Third place is purposed for everyone and belongs to the community.
The other main character of the third place is, that place contributes to the occurrence of engagement process between the user and the place. Oldenburg (1989) also describes that third place is an "escape" from the monotonous of the first place (home) and second place (working place) in the community structure, because of the lack of social contact between the person with the community components. Third place was presented to become one of option for solving this issue, providing platform for users to engage with any activities atmosphere that happen with other users. Involvement in third place occurs with readiness itself, not because of necessity or obligation is a requirement. The users who are in third place involve themselves into the community and build value to each other, sense of togetherness, and dependency. Therefore, involvement became important point as a character that should be owned for a third place.
These definition and characteristics of Third Place theory might be conclude that “participation� is the main important component that being expected to be existed in a Third Place. The social participation is the translation of the main purpose about why the Third Place is being designed.
Figure 2.4: Three general characteristic represent the Third Place and its correlation to the participation. (Source: author)
Third Place in Malaysian Culture Third-place theory is an understanding of the importance of place that has a purpose as a point for gatherings between a person and other people/group, it becomes the platform for an active inIn Malaysia culture, the Third Place has fundamental role in the community structure. As stated by NZ Harun (2009), it can be portrayed in the chronological tradition that Malaysian culture was so connected to the existence and significant role of the Third Places. Kostof (1992) stated that during traditional period, the royal court or called maidan (locally known as medan) is an open space located in the front of sultan’s palace which actually become the gathering point of the Malay society. It became the most dominant and important public place elements for the traditional settlements because of its function as the focal centre. Then continue to the colonial era, the Third Place is majorly influenced by British model of colonial town planning. It was called as esplanade or locally known as padang, which basically has similar form as medan that functioned as open public place for community used (Home, 1997). Beside of that, the British was also introducing the culture of parks and botanical gardens both in order to the needs of leisure of their residents, and many of these parks and garden is maintained until the current era of Malaysia urban context.
Figure 2.5: Maidan, padang and garden as the old type of public place in Malaysia context. (Source: Photo by Chee Kien Lai:�Maidan to Padang: Reinventions of Urban Fields in Malaysia & Singapore�)
Then after these two different periods of past era, the significant of Third Place culture in Malaysia is also portrayed until the current era. According to the National Landscape Deparment Malaysia (2005), the contemporary public spaces, as well as the maintained old parks, gardens, padang and medan are spread and upgraded. But there are slightly changes on the culture of utilization of Third Place for Malaysia community in current era which is the transformation into as set of indoor or privatized public space as well as the theme park, atrium, market and the shopping malls made popular in many Malaysia cities (NZ Harun, 2009).
This phenomenon leads both become advantage and disadvantage. It become the advantage for modern Malaysia community has fresh options in term of be able to utilize the Third Place in indoor facility rather than only outdoor facility in past era. But the disadvantage part is the more indoor and privatized the Third Place is, lead to some restriction on user’s access and will be costing in some context or cases, which means, the lack of public participation issue is occur.
In summary, the Third Place is really has a significant role in Malaysian culture and activities as well as clearly portrayed in the community tradition in the past-historic era until the current-modern era.
- Chronological of the significant of Third Place in Malaysia PAST
Type of public space:
Type of public space:
Shopping complex
Theme park
Table 2.1: Third Place between the past and current era in Malaysia. (Source: author)
Efficiency in Third Place Design In order to understand about the efficiency of Third Place design, the specific characteristic of a Third Place need to be analysed. As stated by Oldenburg (1989), the concept of "Third Place" has its roots in the concept of public, which there is an injection of vibrant social participation where people come together to socialize. Blissett (1982) was also added that a good public place is supposed to has the sense of attachment to their user in order to maintain the vibrant participation in another time for that place. The measurement of the crowds or number of public that participate in a place is obtained from the existence of these eight specific characteristics of Third Place that stated below;
Neutral ground
The neutrality of a place means that a person or user can freely access and exit a place whenever they are fit in it (Memarovic, 2013). This places are accept any person with different specifications of what they are going to do, in which section of that place they want fit to do their own activities, the place that rather formed roles between the people in socializing process. This neutrality of that place creates a freedom and flexibility to the users.
If a place can be for everyone without judgement on the user’s social status, means that having a sense of equity between the people truly for a free interaction process; that is a Third Place. Oldenburg (1989) suggests the Third Place an “equity-field� for the public can come and do the interaction process freely.
Conversation in main activity
J. Beinstein (1975) states that characteristically, urban community meet one another in highly segmented roles. It affects the communication process significantly, as well as they are not easily talk to each other in a public place if that another person has different “role�, circle, living environment, status or working scope. This is the issue that Third Place intentionally being solved. By set the main purpose of activity in Third Place in conversation, the place itself has to be comfort for a conversation process.
Accessibility and accommodation
The physical accessibility and accommodation is also the important point for an efficient Third Place. That place contains the value of sense of welcoming to the user, creates the more potential of public participation to the place. According to Arendt (1958), he stated that any public space supposed to be able to access and being used by any user component. The more accessible a place is, the more potential of public participation.
Having regulars
Oldenburg (1989) stated that the regularity of a place in included as important character of Third Place which are means the place is available to welcome newcomers. This characteristic might ease the process of socialization between the users, because of the openness situation in that certain of place.
Low profile
The low profile circumstances, as well as the place or a person in that place will significantly make the users comfortable to fit in there together. There are no restriction being made that based on some standards of certain things, the place is becoming flexible and acceptable. Fels. S. (2013) stated that any public space should ignite this kind of low profile situation if expecting the vibrant public participation. The user feels accepted in that place, hence, the user might be placed their value of attachment to that sort of place.
The mood is playful
Psychologically, each different people ease to acquire the connection in their community through serious activities as well as the playful ones. Oldenburg also stated in his book that Third Place required as place for light conversation. Which means, this place is for everyone, from a kids to the elderly without having standard level of communication topic. This light conversation creates a playful mood.
A home away from home
What a Third Place proposed is generally about the users comfort in interpretation and experiences. To derive this intention, the place is supposed to be like a home for everyone, but in out-of-home environment. The main different of comfort between Third Place and home is, Third Place inject the sociability value between a user to other unexpected type of users; known or unknown before (J. Beinstein, 1975).
These are the specific characteristic of how a placed might be suitable considered as a real Third Place. The specific characteristics are summarized in the table below.
Figure 2.6: The translation of specific characteristic of Third Place from Ray Oldenburg book. (Source: author)
Fish Market as Malaysian Third Place
Figure 2.7: Fish market in Malaysia culture (Source: Azhan Abdullah – Photo of Pasar Borong Selangor (PBS)
The fish markets are exemplary as Third Place. It is because of the fish market become the suitable and perfect place as social gathering point with loads of potential multi-type users as well as traders, fisherman, wholesaler and the buyer. The fish market can meets the component of community in any different layers, shapes and sizes, acts as the neighbourhood anchor of an area (Probologic, 2012). The human nature has need to consume food everyday in their life, includes the needs to the fish or seafood in order to fulfil the protein consumption, make the fish market become the primary facility to be keep running as well as acts a significant role for the community.
In Malaysia context, a country with 4,675 mile of coastal line, fish market is a fundamental thing in term of naturally and socially. According to Department of Fishery Malaysia, the 11th Malaysia Plan stated that the fishery industry is now being developed seriously in order to encourage the local and producers to engage in Malaysia seafood market. In 2014, the global annual/ capita fish consumption had hit a record high in approximately 20 kg per year. In Southeast Asean countries recorded 33.6 kg consumption per year, while Malaysia become the one of the highest in the world with total 56.5 kg seafood consumption per year. This statistic shows that Malaysian culture is related near with the existence of natural source in fishery sectors. The sources are distributed to the industry sectors, whether in trading point (market) or culinary sectors (seafood) while it makes the significant role of fish market becomes bolder in Malaysia; as well as nowadays the fish market has placed its foot to become the vocal Third Place in modern community in Malaysia.
With all the potential and opportunity of fish market become the good Third Place, there is some gap about how to optimize this existing potential in the architectural perspective, make the strategy framework of efficient fish market design is now required.
Figure 2.8: The structure of literature review. (Source: author)
The discussion in this chapter is majorly contains about the understanding of Third Place theory is an important point to be considered in the urban development process. By choosing Malaysia as the study area and references, fish market is connected to become the studied building typology caused by its availability and good potential of fishery sector in Malaysia, but, in architectural perspective it still has to be assisted in order to reach the optimal outcome of an efficient Third Place. Theoretical and statistic data is combined to become the preliminary foundation of research in order to solve the main issue about social participation. The further method of research will be further discussed in the next chapter.
Chapter 3 [research methodology]
Introduction | Research Methodology Framework | Research Procedure Data Collection Procedure | Conclusion
Introduction This chapter outlines a conducive and systematic research method in order to achieve a favourable outcome and fulfil the research aim and objective. Step by step, a thorough paradigm will be outlined to ensure the research will be well organized and efficiently structured. Based on the research aim and objective that has been outline, the appropriate research methodology is qualitative analysis where this analysis is based on exploratory research. Conducted in order to determine the nature of the problem, exploratory research is not intended to provide conclusive evidence, but helps us to have a better understanding of the problem. In this case, observation, investigation on multiple sources and analyzing each of collected information will be done before providing a solution. This methodology is utilized in order to achieve a better understanding on the motive, purpose, opinion, justification and vindication of the research. Furthermore, it will provide a different take on the issue and doing. Thus, it will help to provide a solution of the problem or to develop a working hypothesis.
This chapter will also help to validate the architectural approach and theories that were obtain through analysing and synthesizing literature review. This validated architectural approach and theories will act as a guiding principle in synthesizing the collected data as to manufacture a workable findings and solutions.
Research Methodology Framework This chapter will explain the method adopted by this research. This research is carried out in a structural process of a system that was constructed to fulfill the research aim and objectives through a methodology framework. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative research method. This research methodology framework will focus on how all the relevant data that has been collected will be utilize and implement throughout the research by oversee all the possible outcomes. The data collection sources that were employ throughout the research is focusing on utilizing primary and secondary data as main source and reference.
Due to the qualitative analysis methodology, the sources that will be harness is consist of specific research tool such as on-site observation and an unstructured interview with the targeted community. All the relevant data that has been collected in this research will be scrutinize and compared in further with the case studies on chapter 4. Subsequent to that, an extensive and comprehensive examination will be conducted on the analysis, findings, suggestion and recommendation and thoroughly interpret in the impending chapter. The research methodology framework in this thesis is summarized in the schematic diagram below:
Problem Statement The issue on lack of social participation in a city lead the city lost its soul and identity Research Aim To propose the design framework of an efficient Third Place in the scope of fish market typology, as the alternative solution on the issue of lack of social participation in Malaysia urban context.
Research Question 3
Research Question 1
Research Question 2
What is the importance of Third Place theory for social participation in urban development?
How does of the significant role of fish market as a Third Place for the urban community in Malaysia context?
Research Objective 1
Research Objective 2 To identify the significant role of fish market that has role as Third Place for Malaysia urban community.
To identify the definition and importance of Third Place theory for social participation in urban development.
How to create a design framework in order to design modern fish market as an efficient Third Place which give significant impact to the public participation in Malaysia urban context?
Research Objective 3 To propose design guideline framework for an efficient application of Third Place design in a form fish market building typology as alternative solution for lack of participation issue in Malaysia urban community.
Data Collection 2 Case Study Data Collection 1 Literature review
Site observation study, Georgetown.
Data Collection 3 Software simulation
ii. Sydney fish market. iii. Bergen fish market.
Data Analysis Method
Finding & Conclusion Figure 3.1: The research methodology framework. (Source: author)
Research Procedure This research will undergo a process in which the data analysis and synthesis, data recording and data collection method will be outlined as a systematic research procedure. All the procedure will be organized as a hierarchical process and to be explicated thoroughly in this section afterwards. All the primary data as well as the site observation, are collected around the urban study area of Transfer road, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. The software simulation being done by Space Syntax also take part in the site observation process, as the validation of analytical data and result. In accordance to that, the data will be supported by secondary data that are to be collected through literature review and case study.
Data Collection Procedure i.
Site Observation
Due to the nature of this research, personal observation is essential in determining the state, condition and identity of the study area. “Observation is used in the social sciences as a method for collecting data towards human, processes, and its cultures. Observation, particularly participant observation, has been the hallmark of much of the research conducted in anthropological and sociological studies and is a typical methodological approach of ethnography. It is also a tool regularly used to collect data by teacher researchers in their classrooms, by social work-
technique of observing involves studying the spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings. It is defined as observation process which consists of nonparticipant and the process is taking place in natural day-to-day setting. By using this approach, the research was able to be conducted spontaneously and unprompted. All significance aspect of the study area was observed and analyzed thoroughly so that the architectural identity can be comprehended and utilized accordingly.
ers in community settings, and by psychologists recording human behavior,� as stated by Barbara Kawulich (2012). Transfer road, in Georgetown city of Pulau Pinang were given as a study area to be observe thoroughly. The observation method that was chosen for the observation process of this research is naturalistic observation. Naturalistic observation is a
To get a better understanding on the social participation issue that occur in the studied urban area, several face-to-face interviews were conducted. This interview was orchestrated in order to obtain a real life experience and difficulties facing by this community from the firstperson perspective. McNamara, C. (1999) stated that “Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a participant’s experi-
view session between the interviewer and the respondent is carry out directly. The responses from the respondent will be much easier to understand and more natural as the respondent will feel more comfortable to convey their thought on the study as an opinion, personal thought or as an impression. The interviews session was organized among several physically disabled people and mobility impaired community who are willing to
ences. The interviewer can pursue in
contribute and partake in this re-
-depth information around the topic. Interviews may be useful as followup to certain respondents to ques-
search. These selected personal from the community are chosen from among those who have been using
tionnaires, e.g., to further investigate their responses.�
wheelchair and also from the people who is using prosthetic limbs and those who are interest in using it.
Beside from that, interview can be conducted as a method for qualitative research in which it dives deep into more personal level between interviewer and the respondent, thus making it more effective ways to collect data compared to other methods such as a questionnaire due to the fact that the inter-
Case Study
Zaidah Zainal (2007), stated that “Case study research, through reports of past studies, allows the exploration and understanding of complex issues. It can be considered a robust research method particularly when a holistic, in-depth investigation is required. Recognized as a tool in many social science studies, the role of case study method in research becomes more prominent when issues with regard to educa-
vantages and disadvantages. Additionally, Zaidah Zainal (2007) also describe that “the detailed qualitative accounts often produced in case studies not only help to explore or describe the data in real life environment, but also help to describe the complexities of real-life situation which might not be captured through experimental and survey research.”
tion, sociology and community based problems were raised. One of the reason of the recognition in case study as a research method is that researchers were becoming more concern about the limitations of quantitative methods in providing holistic and in-depth explanations of the social and behavioural problems in question.” In this research, multiple case studies is considered to be the most effective as this method will look into several source of evidence and into their analysis to synthesize their ad-
Software Simulation
spatial framework on the proposal of design strategy and framework at the findings section of this thesis.
Figure 3.2: Space Syntax simulation software (Source:
Conclusion In order to get better understanding on how integrated a city in the site observation analytical process, a value is needed in order to compare or conclude a synthesis regarding the result. Hence, the science-based simulation system is needed as the tools to testing out all the analytical input data that collected. In this research, Space Syntax simulation program is used.
The research methodology helps to clarify the procedure on collecting the research component. The methods which being applied is based on the needs and type of data that being expected to produce. It contains theoretical data from literature review and case study, and also a primary data that collected from on-site ob-
Space Syntax is a computeri-
servation and interview. Another supported data collection process is
zation of process that introduced by Bill Hiller in 1972, a system that pro-
from software simulation program in order to ensure the value for anal-
posed in order to find the spatial layout integration to the social or
ysis and synthesis process of the research.
public movements. The software can show the mathematical value of how integrated a space, building, or a city is. It will help much the research in order to test out the most optimal
Chapter 4 [discussion on case study]
Introduction | Case Study 1 | Case Study 2 Case Study 3 | Conclusion
Introduction After the explanation of a research methodology structure through analysing literature review, site observation data, and software simulation method, it is also significant to explore the real existing example regarding to the research topic where we could study and discussing the case study to sorting out the reliable supported information, in order to identify any potential weakness that we should overcome or might be the strength that we can extract and refer to improve upon. According to Baxter, P. (2008), the methodology approach in qualitative case study will provides the tools for researcher in order to observe the complex phenomena the specific relatable context. When this approach is being applied correctly, it will be produced a valuable method for research process in theory development process, program evaluation, and develop the intervention. Zaidah Zainal (2007) also added that, “Case study method enables a researcher to closely examine the data within a specific context. In most cases, a case study method selects a small geographical area or a very limited number of individuals as the subjects of study. Case studies, in their true essence, explore and investigate contemporary real-life phenomenon through detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of events or conditions, and their relationships.�
In order to tackle the urban issue on lack of social participation between the community and their city, various strategies might be achieve through formulation a framework in designing an infrastructure and facility by applying the essential approach of Third Place theory as the design strategy. The theoretical studies need a suitable architectural typology for being implemented, therefore the fish market were chosen to become the focussed building typology by put consideration of reliable natural sources and culture potential in the context of Malaysia community at the background. To be related in this research, several case studies that are implementing same program and approach through design and space organization have been carefully chosen as the references in order to determine any element that will be synthesized and utilized into the research.
Case Study 1: The Observation Site – Transfer Road, Georgetown, Malaysia
Figure 4.1: Transfer road as the main studied area of research. (Source: Google Maps)
The urban study was done in north-west side of Georgetown city, with boundary approximately 154 acre of study area. The study area can be seen inside the dash line with the diamond shape, surrounded with coastal line of Malacca straits at the north side, centre of historical Georgetown city at the east side, and a compact post-city development on the west side, creates the potential to become a strategic spot and value of the study area. A famous Transfer road lay down inside the study area, across from the south part to the junction with Sultan Ahmad Shah road at the northern part. Right in front of the junction between these two road, it is located the vacant land with direct contact to the shorefront of Malacca straits. The vacant lot is proposed as site for elaborating the design framework in the research.
Figure 4.2: Five main impressions which portrayed in the studied site. (Source: author)
This is a city with historical value and tourism culture that merges together while put some unique interpretation on the users (locals or tourist) perception. Hence, the study area success to put a bold impression to show what the city’s character is.
The city’s characters that significantly portrayed are;
Culinary culture & identity
Figure 4.3: Map of seafood eating point in studied area. (Source: author)
Culinary is the number one, The “Roti Canai Transfer road” is really famous throughout Malaysia and brings the city’s culture in culinary. Many local community and tourist are found to enjoy this famous eatery spot every day. Other image of culinary culture is portrayed by many street hawker food spot, old chendul shop, laksa penang & pasembor eating point, and also many hipster café, coffee shop and bistro that targeted visiting by the tourist and many youngsters. This culinary culture is becoming a significant vibe and experience to the community that actually brings the value of city’s identity.
Coastal line & sea potential
Figure 4.4: Location of fisherman point nearby the site study. (Source: author)
The studied city has direct contact with the seafront of Malacca straits on the northern part. Unfortunately, the private land-owners are spread out at the coastal line and create the restriction for the public to access this existing natural potential. The potential from sea source can be noticed also from the fishery sectors. As well reported from Department of Fishery Malaysia, Penang becomes the 2nd largest wholesale value of Malaysia fishery sector. Some fisherman spots are founded around the shorefront of Georgetown city, and the fishery product is usually founded in the traditional fish markets and seafood restaurant.
Historical architectural value
The Georgetown city has been designated by UNESCO as the World Heritage Site since July, 7th 2008. It is because Georgetown has a rich historical story and value since British came in the 17th century. The physical prove of the historical value can be clearly seen from the old architectural style of the most of building there. Combination of architectural style between British and Peranakan Cina seems bold in order to create the unique experience to this city environment. The buildings are in preserved by the Penang government to maintain the value of its character.
Tourist attraction point & activities The declaration from UNESCO to set Georgetown city as one of the
World Heritage Site give the impact on the number of tourist that came to Georgetown city. According to the Tourism Survey 2016 by Malaysia’s Department of Statistic, Penang has become the second highest increase both domestic and international arrivals within Malaysia. It also affects the site study that located near the centre of Georgetown city, which there are many number of tourists visit the city. The city set as well as local culinary, historical architecture building style, and street art become the main attraction for them to experience with.
Back lanes After four significant character of the study area, the back lanes in this
city also catch the unique attention. Related to its city planning, the city majorly contain of 2 to 5 storeys shop lots building and 2 to 3 storeys of old resident houses. The buildings are segregated by block arrangements that caused to many back lanes were constructed within the city. The back lane originally used as the services lane for the commercial zone and as secondary pedestrian lane for daily community usage. It puts some significant role to the city, as well as the short cut road for the locals who doesn’t use vehicle and avoid to walks on the big and crowded main road. Some of tourist also notice these back lanes and use it as the alternative route to explore the inner part of the city.
These five existing characters became the part of all the community elements of the city, as well as for the locals and tourists. These characters act as the identity of the site study, and also become the potential that can be optimized in order to synthesize an efficient architectural design framework and strategy of this research.
Case Study 2: Sydney Fish Market, Australia
Figure 4.1: Transfer road as the main studied area of research. (Source: Google Maps)
Figure 4.5: Bird eye view of Sydney fish market. (Source: ArchDaily)
Sydney fish market is originally a winning competition project that selected and finalized to be constructed in 2019. Designed by 3XN architecture firm from Denmark, put a focus on creating a fish market with a strong public connection at the waterfront site context. This fish market combines the old traditional market program with the contemporary feature and approach. The architect intended to maintain the free and human scaled atmosphere by integrate the large and semi-open space as the main focus of the design component. It is purposed to create the sense of comfort in human proportion and view in order to attract the visitor into the building. Another visual attraction is seen from the undulation curvy roof form, create a modern perception for the building and waterfront environment.
At general, the traditional fish markets are often closed to the public due to healthy risk of the processes. 3XN alert to this requirement but, however, they want to inject the vibrant public participation into the building. In order to translate this intention into physical design, 3XN provides the strong visual attachment between public views to the interior functions as purposed to allow the public indirect participation into building’s program.
Figure 4.6: Transparency and strong visual attachment of building entrance absorb the public participation into the building. (Source: ArchDaily)
In relation to optimize the public contribution to the building, the big tribune or staircase is laying down in front of the building entrances, connects public’s access from ground level to the market zone. The placement of big staircase at the entrance point might be creates the sense of welcoming while attracting visitor eyes from the outside. It also provides as gathering space and seating point and it is intended as facility for various outdoor public events.
Figure 4.7: Sense of welcoming from building faรงade and tribune give an impactful effect to the visitor and environment view. (Source: ArchDaily)
and the integration between traditional and contemporary fish market typology is becoming the crucial strategy for this Sydney Fish Market. The architect wants to design this fish market as the vocal point of public gathering, in another word is, becoming a Third Place. He realize that a building in urban context is not always has to serve for only one type of users, it should be flexible to cater different type of visitor in order to optimize the participation from the public.
Case Study 3: Bergen Fish Market, Norway
Figure 4.8: Exterior perspective of Bergen fish Market. (Source: ArchDaily)
Bergen’s fish market was located in central of Bergen, as the place of World Cultural Heritage place in Norway, designed by Edel Bieser Arkitekter. It was opened on 2012, in the central of historical place and tourist attraction point nearby the seaside old fisherman dock in Bergen city. The fish market had a significant and long story in Bergen, as a lively and meeting point between the layer of public with different background and purposes.
The architect brought the design concept with the title “History Continued”, as well as they intend to tell the story in the future. The building is located among the historic monument and it becomes the requirement to consider with the action in designing process, producing a modern architecture that blend smoothly into the historical environment.
The building height reach approximately 4-5 meter, with floating upper floor volume and fully glass façade on the ground level. The glass wall on the ground floor is purposed for direct view access to the historical buildings block at the other side of Bergen fish market. Instead of blocking the view of pedestrian to the good environment context, the architect treats the building as a frame. This is the strategy on how the modern building will blend to the historical context.
Figure 4.9: Transparency of the fish market’s façade provide the impact to the attraction of visitor and also respect to the historical environment surround the building. (Source: ArchDaily)
The inside-outside concept is applied into this fish market design, treating the transparent ground façade to create the view range and sense of welcoming. The activity inside the market is connected to the outside in order to produce one homogenous market place. Monthly or annual outdoor market event is always held in this crowded location, creates the vibrant sense of public participation on the building site. An example of effective optimization on site context into the building design, as well as to produce a vibrant the Third Place.
Figure 4.10: The colour tone of shading device is following the historical building colours scheme at the surrounding. (Source: ArchDaily)
Façade design on the upper floor use timber panel as flexible shading device. The different colour combination portrays the language of historic building façade substance surround the building site. This familiarity of colour tone between a modern building and historic houses shows the respect to the public perception and makes the Bergen fish market blend smoothly. As well as the architect said that, “Wooden panels in colours that are typical for Bergen, ochery, dark red and white are changing in rhythm and density. The façade is rendered lively. Seen from the front the façade stands for glass and accessibility.”
The closeness and accessibility is two component that determine a modern marketplace, especially for a building in urban context with many constrain, challenge, and potentials. When the architect can optimize all of this component between the building and its site, as well as Bergen fish market, then the result of vibrant participation of public will be fulfilled automatically and creates the building become a good public place; a Third Place.
The case study for this research is based on real site observation and analysis, produce a basis framework to gather the potential, constrain and issue in order to propose the design framework. Case study from building with same typology, which is fish market was also identified to understand the significant synthesis that been applied to those buildings. The combination of all these case and site study will help the arrangement of design framework process that will be discussed on the next chapter.
Chapter 5 [findings]
Introduction | The Proposal Design Framework Study on Site Potential & Identity | Variety of Activities | Building Optimization The Contextual Planning | Conclusion
Introduction This chapter elaborates the preliminary study and analysis from the previous chapter in order to produce the findings as a design framework. Theoretical data that collected from literature review is mainly discussing about Third Place theory and the significant of fish market to the Malaysia community, it will help to clarify the direction of aim of the thesis. The case studies and site observation studies has observed in order to strengthen the decision making on realizing the research objective. All those previous process is purposed to contribute in clarifying the optimum result and findings that will be presented in this fifth chapter.
The Proposal Design Framework: An Efficient Third Place As referred to the research structure, the aim of this research is to propose the guideline and design framework as an architectural strategy in order to designing an efficient Third Place. This proposal is based on the issue on lack of social participation on urban community in Malaysia context, by using fish market building typology as the main targeted building to be focused onto the application of the design strategy. From all the analysis and research methods that being done, the synthesis is produced in the form of four main design strategies. The four design strategies in order to design an efficient Third Place are justified in the table below:
Design Strategy Study on Site Potential & Identity Variety of Activities Building Optimization The Contextual Planning
Elaboration Building Program Justification Commercial + Recreational Typology The Inside-Outside Concept Site Planning & Form Making Process
Table 5.1: The elaboration of proposed design framework. (Source: author)
Study on Site Potential & Identity – Building Program Justification
A Third Place act as the ”pit-stop point” for community, as a point of gathering between users with different purpose, point of view, lifestyle and issues. To role as the place that forces to be fit for this kind multi-type of users, two main things are should be erected into that place character, that place has to be have value of neutrality, and representing the user’s general identity. These two things is included in the significant characters of Third Place design that introduced by Oldenburg (1989). According to that, there are needs an action to observe the context and environment of the Third Place to identify the importance information. Because of that, the study on site potential and identity is a fundamental in term of place the decision making about “How the Third Place will look alike? What kind of the main activity that will represent this third place? Or, what is the most essential building program that suitable to the community or culture surround the proposed Third Place?” All these questions has to be answered clearly in order to have the most optimum building proposal that respect the context, as well as the community behaviour and their culture, that will give the advantage implication for them to use the place. .
Figure 5.1: The site potential and identity. (Source: author)
For this dissertation, the site observation study was done in the
product is shown on the vibrant activity in culinary sectors that happen
urban area, located in Transfer road, Georgetown city, Pulau Pinang, Ma-
every day. Many street food hawker point full of crowd every night, it
laysia. The city is so bold with histor-
visits by locals and also the tourist
ical and tourism atmosphere, local
tend to join with. It shows that fish-
community and the tourist share their activity and seems blend as one unite community in that city. From
ery sectors and culinary culture is two main potential which the city has and it actually represent the
the observation, the city’s character was identified in chapter 2. It was found that the sea potential which
community behaviour and identity. From this analysis, justification of suitable building program for the
the fishery sectors has good potential in sources. The culture of local community to consume any seafood
Third Place proposal is derived as shown in the figure below:
Figure 5.2: The action toward the site potential. (Source: author)
Fish market is chosen as the focused building program for the
the existing site potential, derived from the character of the site as well
Third Place proposal in the urban study area. Seafood culinary program is also included inside the fish
as the identity and community culture of that city. By proposing a building program that respect to the
market to cater the existing culture on local culinary. Another important program to be proposed is to provide the facility as the leisure point, opti-
identity of a city and culture of the community, it will creates more potential of public acceptance and comfort, which means the potential of
mizing the tourism potential that exist surround the site context. Basically, this proposal of the fish market
social participation into the building is increasing (Assad. E, 2010).
is based on preliminary analysis on
Variety of Activities – Commercial + Recreational Typology
The traditional fish market is basically categorized as commercial building type. It only serve a visitor that intended only to buy fish or seafood products then going out from the marker after they have done with the business. By considering the effort to attract more participation from the public into the building, the option of activities inside the proposed modern fish market supposed to be varies. Instead of only serve a single program as well as a fish retail zone, other programs can be injected to cater more potential of public involvements to the market.
Figure 5.3: The combination of commercial and recreational building typology creates the variety of activities (Source: author)
The action might be start from combining the commercial
posed fish market. The integration of leisure activity into a public building
building typology with the recreational typology. It refers the data from the analysis that the site has
will lead to the good attraction point to the visitor. It creates the mood of the place become playful and low
strong value on tourism sectors, as well as the leisure activity is expected to be vibrant on the site context. By
profile, ease the community from any type of layer and background feels attached to the building
optimizing this existing potential,
(Oldenburg, 1989). For the modern
the recreational building typology is suitable and reliable to be injected into commercial program of the pro-
fish market proposals, the variation of activity can be seen from figure 5.3.
Figure 5.4: Commercial activities inside a fish market. (Source: ArchDaily)
The commercial part can become three main activities; fish re-
food eatery point will contribute to the attraction of building. The cul-
tail, seafood culinary and the outdoor bazaar. The fish retail is the
ture, behaviour, and identity in culinary sector is represented inside this
main program that happens inside
proposed activity. While, the third
the proposed building, the market act as the neighbourhood anchor for the community at the city, becoming
program that proposed in commercial sectors the outdoor bazaar. The outdoor bazaar act as the source of
the place of gathering between multi -type of users as well as the seller, buyer, fisherman or wholesaler. The atmosphere of vibrant daily activity in the market place will contribute to the highest public participation that
crowd, create the sense of welcoming for the visitor to participate. As Lehman, M. (2013) stated that, in psychology, there is connection between visual attraction (physical or movement) to the amount level of
occurs inside the building. The second program for the commercial is the seafood culinary. Bringing the
participation. The crowd that produced by outdoor bazaar will lead the visitor to participate into the
value of identity of the city, the sea-
Figure 5.5: Example of building plan layout that portrayed the integration of commercial and recreational activities. (Source: author)
For the recreational program, the proposed activities that might be
as decorative fish inside the aquarium is one of a way to create the
provided as well as fishing point, showcase aquarium and gallery, ob-
place become joyful for the visitor. And another leisure activities is to
servation deck and chill corners. As
facilitate a place that provide spaces
well as the context of site study, the building site which has existing natural potential of seaside, lake or riv-
for people use to enjoy with, as well as the observation deck and chill corner. The modern fish market sup-
erside, the leisure activity as well as fishing can be proposed as one of recreational facility for the building. It creates the user attachment into the place, provide an unique experience to the visitor as they are freely
posed to consider this type of user intention to come in the building, not only focusing to provide the marketplace facility. This leisure facility creates low profile environment, accommodate the needs for
might interpret the value of the building. Other type of activity can be proposed are the showcase aquar-
public which intended to participate for hanging around the place without any purposed or static inten-
ium and gallery to attract the visitor
from any ages and background. Effort on creating personal attachment to the natural element as well
Figure 5.6: Injection of recreational vibe inside a fish market as well as by providing the public aquarium. (Source: author)
Building Optimization – The “Inside and Outside” Concept
There are some architectural approaches that using indoor focused activity while some building having the focus on public activity on the outdoor area. These two architectural approaches have its benefit which suit to the objective of that building design. It depends on what the building is designed for, the strategy and its specific purpose (Nobert, 2010). The public buildings are also classified into these two type approaches.
Figure 5.7: Role of library and museum as an indoor focused building typology.
For the indoor focused building, the examples of public building that use this approach are library and museum. The indoor quality
semi-open building, and indoor covered by roof but minimizing the wall appearance to become the free access to the visitor. As well as the
control is needed to reach the specification that required for that build-
wholesale hypermarket fish market always designed with total enclosed
ing. Library with its need on controlled sound and lighting for the users, while museum design put the
controlled indoor environment and temperature. This indoor focused activity approach creates the build-
focus on the lighting and view for
ing function become rigid that spe-
the showcases. Its differentiated by the building purposes. For the typical commercial typology as well as
cifically purposed only to the retail activity and user type. It also creates the enclosed relationship from the
fish market, the treatment to the
outdoor context and potential that
architectural approach were respond each design in similiar way. The tra-
will decrease the potential of the public participation.
ditional fish market always acts as
Figure 5.8: Indoor focused building diagram. (Source: author)
In response to this scenario, the strategy is proposed to optimize
maximizing the exterior feature on the building. The exterior can be
the both potential of interior and outdoor context, by integrate these two approaches into the proposed fish market design. The retail and
utilized as the public gathering point that has flexibility of usage, as well as; public seating area, outdoor amphitheatre, plaza, and green turf /
culinary activity is placed inside the building to keep fish product safe from hazard and unconditional temperature, it also will provide the in-
landscaping. All these exterior features can be utilized as the space for the outdoor events, as well as monthly seafood bazaar, festivals or
door thermal comfort for the visitor. The injection of outdoor activity is by
outdoor stage performances.
Figure 5.9: The outdoor public facility that being applied as a design feature. (Source: author)
The flexibility of these exterior facility fill creates the building is become dynamic in the usage, serving the main program at the interior while provides the option of public usage at the outside. By applying this strategy, the potential on public participation is expected to be increased. The variety of user experience will be obtained, as well as they are free to set their own interpretation of the fish market itself. And this outcome is the form of a good Third Place character.
Figure 5.10: The proposal of “inside and outside� concept diagram. (Source: author)
The Contextual Planning – Site Planning & Form Making Process
The last proposed strategy in order to design a modern fish market as a good Third Place is by put consideration on the contextual planning. Context is defined as any external and internal elements that give the impact to the organizations. These internal and external elements are considered as important objects for planning or the process of organizing in the future (Toffler, 1984). Cope, R. (2002) claims that context is a fundamental process in a planning procedure for obtain the better expected result in the future. The integration between internal and external environment is supposed to be in bounded relationship, that’s the contextual planning.
The contextual planning goes beyond theoretical strategic planning. It is required to fit with the real impact to the human. In urban study, a context put a significant role into the action and decision making on the planning process. The site has specific constraint hide behind the physical context. When the contextual planning has been done properly, the hidden potential will be revealed and become the design tools that have connection with the site context. In this framework proposal, the contextual planning is identified into site plan planning and form making process.
Figure 5.11: The site planning diagram, as a part of contextual planning process. (Source: author)
In relation to the Third Place, the contextual planning helps the architect to decide any design actions that supposed to relate to the site context. The site context can become a physical environment and also the community surround that site. The relationship between contextual planning that give the impact to the community is through the form making process. Building forms play the important role in order to become the point of attraction for the visitor. “More pretty a building is, more attraction would be get into.� Beside of the physical prettiness of a building that will attract the visitor, the strategy on designing the entrance of building takes a significant part. As well as the entrance is the first component that meets the users, it is supposed to treat with fully consideration.
Figure 5.12: Comparison between three options of form massing in site study in order to find the best correlation value from the proposed building by using the Space Syntax software. (Source: author)
The figure shows example of
be potentially achieved. The third
form exploration process of a building that considering the contextual aspect. Three types of massing pro-
massing is the development from the first and second massing. It has the opening or pathway at the middle of
cess are tested with spatial simulation software, Space Syntax, to obtain the result of correlation value from each massing. From these 3
the blocks, the pathway is designed for 2 nodes at left and right side of building site. From the figure it can be seen that the third massing has a
massing, the highest number of integration value is at the third massing, with value of +0.68. The correlation value is a measurement of the integration between spatial arrange-
slightly different shape angle from the second massing, however it has quite many increase on the number of its correlation value. That’s mean that the changes of angle of building
ments with the people movements. The value that more than +0.5 is the expected result to be obtained which means that higher number that ob-
block to the centre of nodes at the third massing contribute the significant result of integration with the site context, which means the more
tained, the more integrated the plan-
potential of public movement and
ning is. It also means that the more number of social participation will
participation might be obtained.
Figure 5.13: The framework of an efficient Third Place. (Source: author)
Four design strategies are derived as the main guide in the proposed architectural design framework. All the strategies has the expected effect and outcome, as well as the first strategy will bring the place identity to the building. The second strategy will lead to the various of user type and also provides the flexible visiting time. Then the third strategy will effect to the variety of user’s experience and interpretation to the building. Hence, the fourth strategy will contribute to the building as the point of attraction for gather more public participation. The combination of these strategies will realize the outcome of designing a fish market as a good Third Place with a vibrant social participation.
Chapter 6 [conclusion]
Conclusion on Thesis Objectives | Objective 1 | Objective 2 | Objective 3
Introduction From the discussion in this dissertation, it shows that three main points which becomes the focus study of topic which are; Third Place theory, the fish market and social participation. It is correlated in Malaysia context, its community, culture and environment. As well as discussed in the first chapter, the targeted main issue which be taken is about the lack of social participation that occur in the urban community in Malaysia. This social issue has the implication to the risk of loss of identity and sense of membership among that community, which are in contradiction to the actual Malaysian culture as a “hospitable society�.
In order to solve the issue, an architectural design strategy is being used as the alternative solution. Here the Third Place theory is being observed, while the fish market building typology become the platform as the Third Place and expected to contribute on the social participation issue that occur in Malaysia urban community.
Regarding to this intention, it can be concluded that the findings of this dissertation is proposed to become the outcome in response to the research objectives, as well as that the research objective is stated in following points.
To identify the definition and importance of Third Place theory for social participation in urban development.
To identify the significant role of fish market as Third Place for Malaysia urban community.
To propose design guideline framework for an efficient application of Third Place design in a form fish market building typology as alternative solution for lack of participation issue in Malaysia urban community.
First objective: Defining the importance of Third Place theory for social participation.
Third-place theory is an understanding of the importance of place that has a purpose as a point for gatherings between a person and other people/ group, it becomes the platform for an active interaction and communication, triggering a sense of community as a social structure (Oldenburg, 1982). Third place is a place for everyone, the places that reject the doctrine of individualism, a place to appreciate the meaning of tolerance and balance role that owned between a person in that place. The meaning which contained in this third place theory is the reason why there is a significant role of third places in a community, in this context is a community in the urban structure. The observation of general and specific characteristic of a public place that can be called as a third place was being done to clarify deeper understanding to the Third Place theory. Those characteristic is shows in figure below.
Figure 6.1: The general (left) and specific (right} characteristic of Third Place. (Source: author)
Those characteristic is mainly conclude about the fundamentals of social participation in a Third Place. The users without any specific category, background or purpose are welcomed into the Third Place that means there is no restriction and segregated feeling in that place. This characters lead to the intention for accepting any social participation as well as becoming the main purpose of designing a Third Place, which is, the point that facilitate a vibrant social participation.
Second objective: The significant role of fish market as Third Place for Malaysia community.
In Malaysia context, a country with 4,675 mile of coastal line, fish market is a fundamental thing in term of naturally and socially. According to Department of Fishery Malaysia, the 11th Malaysia Plan stated that the fishery industry is now being developed seriously in order to encourage the local and producers to engage in Malaysia seafood market. In 2014, the global annual/ capita fish consumption had hit a record high in approximately 20 kg per year. In Southeast Asean countries recorded 33.6 kg consumption per year, while Malaysia become the one of the highest in the world with total 56.5 kg seafood consumption per year. This statistic shows that Malaysian culture is related near with the existence of natural source in fishery sectors. The sources are distributed to the industry sectors, whether in trading point (market) or culinary sectors (seafood) while it makes the significant role of fish market becomes bolder in Malaysia; as well as nowadays the fish market has placed its foot to become the vocal Third Place in modern community in Malaysia.
With all the potential and opportunity of fish market become the good and suitable Third Place in Malaysia context.The fish markets are exemplary as Third Place. It is because of the fish market become the suitable and perfect place as social gathering point with loads of potential multi-type users as well as traders, fisherman, wholesaler and the buyer. The fish market can meets the component of community in any different layers, shapes and sizes, acts as the neighbourhood anchor of an area (Probologic, 2012). Hence, it makes that the fish market become the primary facility to be keep running as well as acts a significant role for the Malaysian community.
Third objective: Proposal of architectural design framework for an efficient Third Place. From the studies on literature review, it focused on the observation of understanding of architectural theory about Third Place. The characteristic is translated generally and specifically in order to understand how a place can be considered as a good Third Place. Several case studies of fish market building typology are also observed in the fourth chapter, in order to understand the design feature that contributes to the aim of the dissertation. Last but not least, site observation is being done in order to get significant potential and actual constrain of studied site area. These three research method is aimed to contribute on proposing a design framework of an efficient Third Place. The findings are justified as a design strategy, as well as stated in following table. No.
Design Strategy
Study on Site Potential & Identity
Building Program Justification
Variety of Activities
Commercial + Recreational Typology
Building Optimization
The Inside-Outside Concept
The Contextual Planning
Site Planning & Form Making Process
Table 6.2: The elaboration of proposed design framework. (Source: author)
These four design strategies become the proposal of design framework in order to response on social participation issue that occur in Malaysian community. The first strategy is by do study on site potential and identity will derive to the justification on what building program that suitable and fit in the site context. The consideration of site identity will guide the architect to decide the activity inside building portray the behaviour of user itself. This effort will represent that building has respect to the site identity and context, which the user will derive the sense of place to that building. In relation to the first strategy, fish market is chosen as the focus building program in the site study. The site is located in Transfer road, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, which has the impressive potential in fishery and culinary sector. Therefore, the decision on fish market as the main building program is suitable for the building proposal. 89
The second strategy is injecting the variety of activities into the building proposal, in this case, the commercial and recreational activity is combined inside the building. By applying this strategy, the number of participation will be increase because of the correlation between variety of activity will proportionate to the variety of user type, which means more potential on the number of social participation to the fish market. Hence, the third strategy is discussing about building optimization by applying “inside and outsideâ€? concept. It is an effort to maximizing the building potential not only at the indoor environment, but also the outdoor area. Some activities can be happen in the outdoor area of the building, as well as become the gathering point between the visitors. Then, the fish market will attract more public participation by applying this strategy. Last but not least, the fourth strategy that about the contextual planning. It will be portrayed in the site planning and form massing process. The contextual planning means a design planning process that put serious consideration to the context surround. Building orientation, entrance position and building form and façade is the outcome of contextual planning that will gives the impact to the user perception toward the building. Therefore, the consideration to the contextual planning in the earlier stage of planning process will lead to the vibrant social participation to the building that has a good point of attraction for the visitor. By applying all these design strategies with the background of understanding to the theoretical study, the intention on designing an efficient Third Place by using fish market as the platform will contribute to the option of alternative solution for lack of social participation issue in Malaysia community.
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Muhammad Ade Rezky [2019]