Nordson Closes theCase onHotMeltAdhesive Sealing
Compareto dTapeS,ealing with HotMelt Adhesive Lowers Long-term 0perational Costs Pqchage seal¡ng nethodsarcall thesane,ight? Wrcng! Whilebathhotnelt adhesi)e andtapearccapable afüeating a bandandsealinga caseo,nlyhotnelt adhesiusefstens
deliüestuperior: a CosS t aúings aSealQuali1r
a Sat¿E aOperution
lStructunl Integrit! l Easeof Maintenance AndonlyNordsonnahescotDeniuLftaxLtapeta hotnelt üdhesiarecúli ll costeffectiuu eú se(a ess.
(:tnü11.¡l kelt !.v!tun )?.1t( | Itlxht(t kn¡e¡x i14l¡rt¡nt i\ll!.
ThccosL 0i diifereltse¡lir{Inct|ods c¿nv¡r]'widelv depc0dirg pricedürqed ]inespee{lan(lthe up0 thelenlll[0fthecase, perp0und oii)dhesive 0rdloltape.While tape se¡lirg fiily injtiillllappear to belesse]{pensjle, hidden longLerficosl$ciln q icklyerode anype¡cejled sa!ings, The "h¡dden" costs of tápe seál¡ng I LostproducLiviryand operator time¡eplacing empt]Lape rolls.
Hot melt seal¡ns keeps up with ¡ncreased production, reducing investment costs \ , { ¡ ! { ¡ ' l r ' L ¡ o r . , r r o i l y r " r r F r. l . . t . jnl¡respced ircre¡se meltequipment. NithoIt ¿dditionillhoL isase¡sl¡s se¡lingfivecases Seal¡rg 40c sesu minüte il ml|lUte,aId evenraDdofi slzecases canbeseaied aItofi¿tic¿lly expense. wjlhout ildditionill
'lupe sealing slstems.lre ljr0ited.As l¡respeed increases, te¡sjorpl¡cedontapecaD I Increased materialcosLs d e to [0rLsrblc t¿lpe rollslll¡l cause il Lobreak ¡ndbuckle, slolviDg hatebee¡damaged, produclion. lncreas¡rg speeds usuall! requifes mofe durable, f)rore purduse I Incrcascd cquipment expense to additionalt¿pe t¡pe¡ndtapchc¿ds r¿chines in Jneffortto keepupwithincr€,ising linespeeds. expensive or¿ddition¿l t¿pesystems. partscostsassociated I hcreased downtinreand wjth írequent nra¡rtenance ol tapeheads. Tape requ¡res special storage and handliñg properLies lTape cracks or losesadhesion in cold,hotol humidcordiliors. I Tapecorcsa¡dcdges canbce¿silydam¿ged dur g Lransp0ft.;i,ü,x?:::*:s:: "¡^r
\PoocÓs¿s' ^ó oer ".,
Bonds Deliver Superior HotMeltAdhesive IntegrityandSealQuality Structural prcducts andhu¡nid¡tc!hangeasb,us¡ue cosetso tn¡thstanudtrene temperutues Gett¡ng to norhetrcqu¡rcs potentialtanper¡na rcquienentsF.ailurcin 1neaf theseareas gndr¡gidstachinagndtrunspottatian handL¡ng, prcducts üeditclains. couldrcsultin dünaged andsubsequent Structural Integrity thefibersofmostlroard Hotmeltadhesive, whichpenettates strorlg, rigid stock, isapplied directly to cas€flaps, creatinga bondres lti g in acase ondsturd!a¡úl times.
Tamper-evidence llot relt ¿ldhosi!e
sedls wiilcause thefib€rto Le¡ril ¿nl¿ttenptls nla(e its beioreit re¿ches providing destination, superior tamper elidence andprodudprotedion.
Package Appearance Holmelladhesive seals are hiddeu dertheilapsand provide ¿clearsurlace io conpay displalexpensive logos andpromote brand images.
Tapedoesnolpenetrate boafdfibers flaps, d d onlybonds thelwo€xtern¿l This leaüng theinternal ilapsloose. theloadbe¿rirrg capacilyol weakens IoI costll' thepotentjal product d¿mage duñnglraosport.
Tapec¿nbesliced\Nith a koife.The c¿nbet¿mpered with Dfodrcls alldthecaseresealedwithoul Lheco srL|lor's knorvledge,
provid€s Tape inierior arr( IampeFevrúencc
from¿ndcovor Tapeseals detract the conrpany logoslimiting effecLileness ofbrandimages andnlessages, Cleartapesafe ¡noreexpensive, Tapeseals canproduce a "fly papef'eiiect. inside the Static casocharges corrLrgated and dustparticlos r¡hichthenattach to theadhesive Lrackirgon the t¿p€seal.Retailers seethisas and "dirt"ontheproductinside returnthecases to thema ulacturcr.
HotMeltSystem Design Innovations SimpliffOperation andMaintenance Nordson innovation makes using hot mélt systems eas¡er than evel 1.Tenpüt^pattcncontulsdetedcltun!a\t ú¡\c sizetlrd potte tsauLonnitLalb.nai ri:í ng a.ljusta(lhesit)c 2. Snünt na..lcstlcli)¿tIr'ct::iK (lha\¡0e llacet¡utt urul dcannÍle tl.ut off 3. [at\ b u::cclcctrcüiccat¡|rc|s ptcLi\tl! nntaítt tetreunün".\t1)tthitx I 'l (trulltr!.. hrifh| !,nDtlittlutl U)t.i(ktr¡nn!l itk¡itxtli o o[ $ tilu¡] \t¡ t tlt Atltot¡01 at¡l)anll'rtit,llo clockotüanntc\tttl. t-
' t . l o . ,t
4. Iht nkl t\tli(nIo^ oitIt Vi\t d|dtuti(: únInt\ Pnt)xk' utp iot dtrl t kr/l naiv i ntn¡ tti I y. 5- l(tlut ntt(!llnt utll tun/( Wmk,r|lln^tu ttlI l)nr)0rt.Jxlt1t¡ry. 6. l|ti|.l !u| m[iluntl¡a^ atr ht¡ltkl q||¡¿t||to trqu¡r,¡ ¡I\
lo n\,1tun
Advancem€nts in adhesive formulation help reduce operat¡onal and material costs ReccrL LfeakihftnUhs ir adhesivc f0nnrllti0n$ l\ r¡ajor ¡dIc$iveslp ie¡sdejyer|)frli0usly lnhe.lriol benefits ircluding: I Eliffinated odors.
I Reduced operating tempcf¡Ltufes b! 100degrees.
Malanl al il!)dsonequipñenhta:beenapprcwd ú ¡16¡gnetdü qü!dLú|1drptultl
potlivesLrpto 500horLrs I Extended If0mI01) hor¡s. l Reduced pfoducLio equipmenL rniirtenance, ircreased . reduced energyconsLr¡rpti0n ¡n¡ redLrced spafepaüs,¿ll dueto irrrprov¡rrl ad|."sile thermal stabilil\r
5ll$$$l)! Hot Mélt Adhésive Sealiñg
Tape Séal¡ng
I Lowerlong{€rr¡ operatingcosLs I Accommodates increased linespccds andvith without additional systems lesspersonnel
I Higher longt€frnOperdtrrlg cOsts iue to "hidden" expenses I Increased linespe""ds usually rcquic anrlpefsonn€l addilional equipnrenl
Seal Qual¡ly/ Structural Integtlly
I Penetrates iibersonboardsLock creating adhc$iol superior se¿lrthatretai¡r properLies in cold,hotot humid(xnrditi{nrs lAppliedt0allilapslorr4üdre d/¡drrrd] atalltimes support
jf cold, hot I Canbsoadhcsiurpr0pcrties or hn$idconditi{nrs lAtt¡cbcsonli1oexLemal flaps,leiN¡rg loadhearirg irsidcdpsloosc ¡cdrcjng
I Superior tamperevidence duotovisiblc liberlearifattempt is madeto opencasc
I I0lefiortln)p0fovnkrnrc¿sL¡pr cirirbc rvitlx)rLL vi!u¡l slicerlandrcs0ale¿ KI0 re(8e
I Most Nordsor systems meetworldwde (UL,CE,CUITUV) fegulatory¿pprovals I Automatic refillln!capability adheshe rcduces €edLoflifth{
I 0p€rators contcnd withconrprcssi0il rollers, sharpbl¡d0s,{(|l1\'c$ iuldilwklvafd lvhencIdr{iIlj rd s liilirrgposition$ poteItiLforinjrrics increasing
I llquipme t manufactured inlinewith CEguidelines facilities at1S09001 I Nordson syfemsl|liLh hotmeltadhesive " controls provide supe¡ior Vista eleclrical noise immunily I llighperiormance inrprove Saturn¡¡nozzles cblgilg adhesive cüt-olf and€liminate potlives I l,xte0ded relillirq andauLomatic prolide 0perliiür capability continu0un qnick, ITcmpuspatter0 conlrols enahle c¡slp¿LLc chagcovcrs
I Tapeheads needroütincfc¡ljgnrcnl m¿intenance andrePl¡cernurt I Tension r0llersneedheqrcn| ¿¿jrLfi0fl systenr ¿ndopcralof ¡ Rollchanges miDirnize productiviryand fequire Idditirnr¡l personnel c¡lning I Fastef li e speeds increase tensjo0 production orbuckle, slowjng tapctobreak
I Hi{lden sulicet0 seahproüde clean prourole graphicsand brand ¡llageon
graphics lVisibletapeseahhideexpensive ¿nd brand inageonthecase l]hp"" seals canproduce a"flypaper" elfect
I Provides displ¿v"readv LJscs attr¡ctive, li¡latelial Waste/ Stolage
I Solidadhesive is l00lousable I D4'adhesi\'e is easylo stole onper I Rcquircs min¡lülslo¡age space
l'llpe is uscloss ifedges orcorcsare danuged, ortapebreaks closetoitscorc I lllustbestorcdincontrolled envircnnentto pxneddgdinst rnoisLure, dusl,dirtand ch¡nges temperahne I Requires significdnt storage sp¿ce 0nper casebasls