Folding Ca.rton Systems prodrcttยกualtiy onI pnrluctian$fit:tsu:.y. litilLanr:e
application Flexible hotmeltandcoldadhesive productivity. helpincrease anddetection systems Nodson!' toldi¡gcarlonsystens h€lpyou: I0pt;nize prodrdqualily heller adhesilel]llloll throLrgb ¡r(l irll:,Yc ¡rcurdtcbc¿dtlüccrncl. prodüctivity I Increase bl'rcdrnrirgr kr rcadltiflc I Cutr0slsbvr(xlLrnL{|dllNriivc DrilnLcD¡nce wd$tc, rfrtlrrenerts aIarrfat).
Adhés¡vé Application pum|safd hot meltarlhesi\'e rneltels Efiicieltcoldadhcsivc 1 . , . J , .L r u , r l . . r . + [ . o l L J r , r , l .' ' ¡ , ¡ ' " ' '
LoN 0r highpressrfepunpsarc iN¿ilablc to 0ldtrhqrccil c . ¡ l o u l , ., v p , p . . \ p" ' r ' ¡ n p r . \ 1 , 1 ,l ¡ . , . 1 ! i ¿ r l (pl r 0 l c c t i nagd h c s i vbco n ( l l ndqr a f ¡ c l e r i s l r cl ,s( .i 0 f prLlrps¿(||00|nLo(l¡tcvirr! w¿| üll-'lIrL ]rltpf(xlrdiof Dccds w r i l ec o r r o s i 0rre s j s l l npL r t sI r l t i r n r ( i ¿ rLs qc r lui r.
I Mcetyourcustomcfs b)' varyingrequirenrenls ( rIrr$I)vrrs. $Ipp0fLi0g sho¡nr0$ i|l|(L{]0irk
t,aqut¿thn oe(t'uR)Arhtes¡re
NordsonSystemsfor tbldingcartonsinclüde: AdhesiveA)plicatior . Low-or high-pr€ssüre . Ilot meltsystems Verification . Cold¿dhcsive, including sidc-scam volüm€ve fication . Hotmeltadhesive . Prinl{o'cutregislralion . Secur;ty LagAFlD FaultyProductldentilication . Inkmarking . Kicking . Éjecling ProductionReporting
Avdriety ofNordson hotneltadhesire rieltelsrieet requirements. Melters virtually anyproduction are designed lo besimple tooperale andmaintain.A choice of provides youwitha melter tanksizes andpümps thatmeets yourspecific needs. Precise temperature ¿ndpiessure repeatable control delñeraccurate, adhesive dispensing.
Nordson ollersaviderange ol electicandpneumaticguns lor coldandhotmeltadhesive dispensing. 0ptimized systems proYide placement accurate while miniÍzingexcess adhesñe. precision-engineered Nordson guns deliver clean cuLofi and consistednitspensin togminimizo rejects, Durable componentg reduce andadvanced desiSns maintenanceand maximize equipment uptime. Nordson guns digpensing deliver abroad \dscosities range oi adhesive and types atvirtually anylinespeed. Pattorñ Plácom€ntand PvoductVorilication Nordson offerspattern capabilities control andverificaiion (ombired ¡9l rifglesJsrcn o. ar nd,\idur' clcnerr: pattern Pfogrammable controhproüdequickpattem developmenl andchangeov€rs to acconmodaie even ghortrunsoncomplex p¿Ltenr Nordson controls boxes, provide gunconholand multiple tdggerinputs andsupporL oÍ beadchoices forapplic¿tion ilexibilitl aselection precise pressure St¿dÁrdieatures include controlfor positioning adhesive a d deposition ¡crossthefullmachine gpeed proüde progmm range. Thecontrolsalso menorylor rapidpattern changeovex c¿bles a0dmenudriven interi¿ces simpli[y Quickconnect installation Pattern andprogranming. controh areadaptable guns. lor hotmeltorcoldadhesiv€ Nordsoo veriñcation systems enhance onlinequaliq, assur¿nce pattern bynonitodng ¿dhesñe andplacement accuracy without theneedtor¿dhesive ¿dditñes. These s)Et€ms offer mültiplecoldand hotmeltadhesive in sensorsseveralzones. (ansimultaneously Easy-to-program systems detect and quality paraneters verifynumerous including: overlapped andskewed subslrates;bar codes;and iaultyiolds, flaps \ r rr,ngf.dlr¡ o. r\pr'r.fodprÉddirg andbdr.0dÉ recognúe formats diverse andcodes.
producls pushed, Llnacceptable canbeautomatically marked pdntedfeports provide or ejected. Onlineft¡ckingand producti0n quality. documentation oIoverall paLte¡n " inLegrated TheLogicomm controland vedficaLion provides pattern orverific¿tion independently system control orcombined. Themodular system hasthellexibility toaddor expand €itherlunctionas needed, Thecombinalion system h¿sproduction reportil]g a0dclosed loopcompensation capabilities.