Christaine Allyssa Dichosa Architecture 102 Midterm

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Developing a Conceptual Language

Midterm Portfolio Christaine Allyssa Dichosa Architecture 102 Fall 2014

Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………….....................................


Choosing Image………………………………………………….........


Corrugated Tiles (Process and Iterations)…….......................................

6 - 13

Gesture Models (1-8)………………………………………………… 14 - 31 Site Analysis………………………………………………………….. 32 - 34 Site Drawings…………………………………………………………

35 - 38

Site Program and Gesture Models (1 -7)……………………................

39 - 53



Introduction Having taken architecture studio for one semester (Architecture 101), I have little knowledge of what to expect when taking this subject. I know that we will be making a lot of gesture model in this class, similar to architecture 101. Also, I know that by the end of the semester the class will be presenting their design process in front of the jurors (this is base from my observation during the finals week in architecture 101). However, even with this knowledge, I am aware that I will still go through an extensive and meticulous process this semester. I am also aware that even though I’ll go through this strenuous course again, I will acquire a lot of learnings and insight that can really help me in attaining my goals and visions of being a professional architect.

Choosing A Favorite Image Exploration of Qualities

For our first homework in architecture 102, we were asked to bring a picture that we love or we find appealing. Also, we should indicate what we like about the image. What did we saw in the picture that pull us to it? What are the feelings or qualities that experience when we are choosing the picture? In doing this homework, I am able to explore and develop my ability of coming up with qualities that attracted me to the picture I chose. I was also able to accordingly observe and study certain picture, which develop my observation skills.

My Chosen Picture I chose this picture because I love the gracefulness I see in this image; it reminds me of a lady swaying or dancing gracefully. I also love the flowing appearance of the ice sculpture. Furthermore, I like how the middle vertical lines brings complexity to the structure despite the symmetry of the curvilinear thick outer line of the DNA ice sculpture. Finally I like the crystal appearance or texture of the sculpture for it makes the figure appears fragile.

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Corrugated Tiles

Initiating a Path to Conceptual Design

For our first activity in Architecture 102. We were assigned to create a tile out of a 12�x12� corrugated board, where it must be 24 layer thick and 1 layer thin. Our task is explore and make full use of the corrugated board as a material. We must also construct a beautiful and well crafted design based on the inspirational picture given to us in class, and make a design that can practice our skills and show our understanding of how to create the task at hand. Furthermore, the tile should depict a natural or man-made landscape that have an intricate and complex layering.

Process In order to find inspirational concepts that I can use to create my design, I did some rough tracing of my picture online in order to explore some possibilities of ways to create a tile design that can accurately depict my assigned picture. Doing this process it help me explore the geometric pattern of my picture which inspired me to create geometric shaped tiles.

First and Second Tile Iteration First Tile Iteration

Second Tile Iteration

First and Second Tile Iteration Design Concept Concept: For my first and second iteration design concept, I was mostly inspired by the dome shape figure of my picture. When thinking about my design, I feel like the dome-like geometry shape truly depicts the characteristic of my design inspiration. The dome geometry show the majestic and welcoming nature of my picture because of its dominant curvilinear qualities, which I find really inspiring to embrace in my design.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Hearing the Evaluation of my classmates and professor about my first and second iteration. I realize that I was so focus in applying the geometrical dome shapes that I literally show it in my tile. Although there is complexity in my design because of the complex pattern surrounding the domes, the dome shapes is really apparent in these two structure. Not to mention that my tile doesn’t look like a 3D structure at all, but a 12�x12� square that have a complex dome shape carvings on it. Seeing this mistake, I am determine to change this problem in my next iteration.

Third Tile Iteration

Third Tile Iteration Design Concept Concept: For my third design concept, I want to venture away from the literal dome shape geometry, for I fear that I will make another design that have a literal dome shape in it. So, I just magnify my exploration of coming up with complex designs in this iteration.

Discovery: While exploring some interesting techniques that can help me understand the corrugated board’s language, I was finally able to communicate with it when the board presented me a complex yet beautiful design that I can apply in my structure. Having a discovery like this, I learn that exploring the material whole heartedly can really help when conceptualizing a design concept.

Fourth Tile Iteration

Fourth Tile Iteration Design Concept Concept: For my fourth iteration, I am aiming to attain unity in my design because my third iteration clearly lack this aspect. Even though my third iteration have some complexity, the figures that I design in my tile doesn’t complement or fit one another; it seems like I am just pasting various figures atop of each other. There is clearly a lack of oneness in my previous design, so in my fourth tile design I place the figures with the same texture next to each other so that I can create a sense of oneness. Furthermore, I increased the negative space in my fourth iteration to make the structure look less chaotic and more organize. Adding more negative space also made my structure’s geometric shapes seem flowing and connected to one another.

Gesture Model The Start of Architectural Exploration and Development After we finish discussing about the corrugated tile, our class started delving into making 1:3/ 1:4 proportioned gesture models based on the three required human activities our professor provided for us. The three words that we should apply or integrate in our gestural language are WAITING, THROWING, and READING. Two of these words has a required condition that we should think about when making our design. First, waiting should consist groups of people. Second, throwing should only be sports oriented. Finally, in reading, this word has no condition. With this three human qualities we should come up with a design that shows the attributes or our own interpretation of what these three words may appear like. Learnings: In doing this activity, I am able to develop and enhance my conceptualization skills because I am able to have the opportunity to explore and delve deeply into the three human qualities the professor provided for us.

First Gesture Model

First Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: When making my first gesture model, I use corrugated board because I want to show or use the material’s dense and heavy appearance to illustrate the qualities that I choose.

For the word “Throw,” I made my structure appears like there is a lifting quality in it for when basketball players throw a ball they first lift it high into the air, then next comes the release. For the word “Waiting” and “Reading,” I made mine look closed- up or tense because I want to illustrate the feeling some people get when they are waiting in a crowded place. For some people seems uncomfortable waiting in a crowded place. For reading I want to portray what children feels when they are forced by their elders to read some books. How some children feel pressured when they are expected to do what they don’t want to do

Second Gesture Model

Second Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: In my second gesture model I try to explore other qualities of professor Chandler’s three chosen qualities. For throw, I try to make my structure appear like it is being pushed to show the feeling of athletes when they are pushed to the limit or when they are pressured to throw back the ball to their team mates immediately. For reading, I apply the quality of force. This is to show the feeling of someone, may it be children or student, when forced to read. I literally show it to my model so that I can let my model communicate it’s design to the class. Finally for waiting, I wanted to show the quality of break because sometimes when waiting for someone or some group we momentarily have to pause from our stressful activities.

Weaknesses: The weakness of this design model is that it is too arbitrary. When being discussed in class, my classmates and professor can’t see the innovative aspect of my design. It is so complex that it is unrecognizable. Realizing this weakness, my goal for my next iteration is to put a little obviousness in the design.

Third Gesture Model

Third Gesture Model Design Concept Added Limitation: In these recent gesture models, professor Chandler started introducing a new limitation or requirement for us to apply in our next gesture models in order to help us conceptualize the three broad word, human activities, more clearly. The limitation that he introduce are: Throwing should now be associated to bowling, Waiting should now be associated to transportation, and reading should now be associated to studying. Adding these limitations really help me a lot for I can now conceptualize more visibly compared to before.

Concept: For my third gesture model, I created an unpredictable pattern to my rectilinear shapes in order to illustrate the unpredictable movement of the bowling ball after it is release by the bowler. For waiting I based my model to some person’s mood while waiting. Depending on a person’s mood, their patience for waiting varies when they are not in a hurry. That is, whenever a person isn’t in a hurry their patience are longer compare to the people who are in a hurry, and their patience are shorter. That is why some of my rectilinear shapes are longer than the others to show my intended qualities. Finally for studying. I made my structure appears like a stair in order to represent the improvements people made when they study. Strengths and Weakness the strength of my third gesture model are I am able to portray my chosen quality in this design. The structure was able to communicate in the class clearly so my classmates are able to grasp it’s concept much easier. The Weakness of my design however is that it is too simple. Other than the minimal complex pattern, the design is very simple to look at yet arbitrary to distinguish. Although I did somewhat achieve my goal to make this next design much simpler looking, I am not satisfied with the result because it doesn’t look like it has the capacity to be fabricated for every angles are the same rectilinear shapes. Plus there is no complexity to the proportions. This iteration looks like it has one proportion element, which make it appear uninteresting and not complex.

Fourth Gesture Model

Fourth Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my fourth gesture model, I started to incorporate a curvilinear shape in my design in order to illustrate the welcoming experience we feel or encounter whenever we are learning something new through studying. I also position my rectilinear shape into a cage like appearance in order to represent people’s brain capacity of capturing and retaining some valuable information after learning them. For throwing, I’m trying to represent the rotation of the ball after it is released. That is, I’m trying to portray the balls movement when thrown into the bowling lane. Finally, for waiting, I made my structure seems close because I want to illustrate the closed up or compacted feeling people feels when waiting in a crowded transportation place.

Strengths and Weakness the strength of my fourth gesture model are I was able to incorporate multiple levels on my design. By combining the thick curvilinear arch to my thin rectilinear bars I was able put a systematic quality in my design, which appears interesting and complex to the audience. I was able to put dynamic in this iteration by making the rectilinear bars appear like its rotating. Finally, my gesture model can be read in multiple level which depicts awareness. However, despite it’s positive complexity, my fourth gesture model is way out of proportion. I wasn’t able to show the horizontal aspect of our required site size, so in the next iteration I am determine to make my structure look more longer than bigger.

Fifth Gesture Model

Fifth Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my fifth gesture model, I started to explore the use of certain colors to illustrate my concept of the three require human attributes more clearly to the audience. For reading, I use white material (foam core and white plastic strips) in order to illustrate my chosen word serenity. I want to show my audience through my model’s color scheme how people prefer to study in a more peaceful place. Furthermore, I made the curvilinear element dominant in my structure in order to emphasize the welcoming feeling quiet places give when people would want to study. For waiting, I chose the color scheme black and red in order to illustrate the hot and pissed off feeling some people feel when strangers breech their personal space while waiting for a transportation. Finally, I was able to portray the rotation of the ball through positioning my rectilinear shapes in a turning manner.

Discovery: Before professor Chandler mention it, I wasn’t aware that my use of color schemes help me integrate two different material together. Both the foam core and the paper where able to complement each other because I put a white paper between the two which transition the change of material suitably.

Sixth and Seventh Gesture Model Sixth Gesture Model

Seventh Gesture Model

Sixth and Seventh Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my sixth and seventh gesture model, I am doing an exploration of integrating my past designs to my present ones, for I am all out of ideas when I was making these iterations. I was hoping that when I revisited my past design methods and apply it to my newer ones I may get a much more complex and abstract design. Discovery: I learned that by looking back and truly analyzing the past iteration that was made, I can make a much more interesting tectonic language. I was also able to develop a design that evolves critically, which give me joy immensely because I feel like I am beginning to understand how making and developing a design process works. For my next iteration I am aiming to continue this development.

Eight Gesture Model

Eighth Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my eighth gesture model, even though I want to venture more in developing my past designs, I just have to try some new techniques and method in bringing innovation in my new design. So, I tried to put a new element in my new gesture model. I want to try if my new idea of making rectilinear geometries appears curvilinear would work. I also tried to incorporating my three elements in my new exploration. Discovery: Sadly, my new exploration didn’t work. My new iteration looks like a mess, and honestly I am truly disappointed in what I have done in this gesture model. When looking at the structure it looks like it is poorly and hastily crafted. And the paper atop the structure, which is my attempt to put a little past design concept, looks like it doesn’t even belong there. All the elements doesn’t look like it’s integrated together, and it’s becoming to look like a building. Experiencing this disappointing outcome made me realize always applying new elements in my design isn’t always that great. So, for the next iteration, I will really explore deeply my past iteration and from there I will slowly develop it from the techniques or methods I find successful.

Site Analysis Embracing the Limitations Site Location:

Site Analysis (Site Forces): Visiting the site, I notice that there a lot forces affecting our site. Because our location is in between the Phelan loop bus stop and the CCSF Multi-use Building there are a lot of people circulating our spot. The circulation forces in our site is really tight because through out all direction people pass through our site to go to one building from another. It is also because our site is surrounded by Schools, Rental Homes, and Bus stop that why many people pass through our site. Another force that influence the site is the sun and the wind. Knowing and understanding the wind orientation can be really powerful for when incorporated right, it can truly help with the ventilation of the structure. The sun can also be powerful for, like the wind, we can use the sun’s warmth and brightness into an advantage in our design. There is still a lot more site forces affecting our site. But I really find these three forces interesting because these three forces can really help in improving or developing our design.

The Site is Bound by 

The CCSF Multi-use Building and it’s parking lot

The Phelan Loop hub and the Fire station

Phelan Avenue

An Apartment Complex with Commercial on the ground floor

A slope in the north side part of the Site

Site Drawings Evaluating and Studying the Site Task: The class were asked to draw or sketch three aspect or elements that we find interesting or compelling in the site. Furthermore, when choosing a compelling element or aspect of the site we should ask ourselves this question in order for us to pick a purposeful drawing: First, what are my criteria for making a design? What are the purpose of my drawings? What is it that I’m seeking , and how do I deliver it to others? We should ask ourselves this question for this could be very helpful when it is time for the audience to ask some question why we choose this specific drawings.

First Drawings The reason why I chose to draw this three spaces because these three inspire me to come up with an interesting design concept in my next site gesture model. The drawing in the upper left inspire me for it clearly depict the closed up feeling I want to incorporate in my next design. The drawing in the bottom left inspire me because It gives me an idea to use the path way in this side of the road to connect the MUB side to the Phelan loop side. Finally, I draw the slope for I find it interesting that there is an elevation difference in one of the side of our site. Because before I went to the site I never knew that there is a slope in the north side of our site.

Second Drawings I choose to draw this two spaces because these two give me an idea on how I can respond to my primary site force, circulation. The drawing in the upper left side inspire me because as expected from the site, I found out that this space is really tight especially if there is a lot of people, since the access sidewalk is very narrow. So this space interest me because it is overcrowded with people. Realizing this problem I was inspired to create an opening where people can walk through in a more open space. In addition, the drawing in the lower right side inspired me for I really want to incorporate the slope in my design process.

Third Drawings

In these three sets of drawing I want to show the significant places that I want to improve when creating a design concept. For the set of two drawings in the lower left and the upper right, my space is basically the same. I keep on drawing these spaces for I want to continue exploring some more possibilities to improve the space for circulation. For the drawing in the upper left, the entrance to the MUB building inspires me for I am thinking of aligning my structure’s entrance in the entrance of the MUB so that I can get the interest and attention of the students entering and leaving there.

Site Program The BOWLORAMA Task: Our task is to build a multiple activity center which include a four lane bowling alley, a bookstore/ café, and a exterior waiting space. For the bowling alley we should follow a certain specification for dimensions for the bowling alley. For the bookstore/café, the bookstore should be approximately 1000 square feet, the café is to be about 500 square feet that serve from an outside window. There should be ten café tables outside near the serving window. Finally, the waiting space should have a top covering the exterior space. Size and Design is up to us and how we will respond to these site constraints. Furthermore, we should also need respond to some of the site forces that is located in our site for determining and solving the problem in the site can help develop our design process.

First Site Gesture Model

First Site Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my first site gesture model, I was mainly focus on correcting the previous bad gesture model I made that I didn’t get into consideration our given site. The other reason why I wasn’t able to take the site into consideration is because I was so focus in incorporating the new adjective I found that best describe waiting. I again added another new element in my structure and I am proud to say it worked out pretty well than the previous model I made. However, other than my halcyon element (my adjective of waiting) I still incorporated my newly developed past designs, which is maybe why it worked out pretty well than the last time. Strengths and Weaknesses: So, I am really proud of this design. It is organize yet complex so I have no problem with the design concept. My only negative critique is that I didn’t really thought of our site that much, and I am just using the flat bottom element as my stabilizer; which professor Chandler discourage us to repeat because for our next site gesture model he specifically indicated that we should also combine the bottom structure in our tectonic language.

Second Site Gesture Model

Second Site Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For the second site gesture model, I really struggled in this gesture model because I have no clue how to incorporate the bottom structure in my design language. So, in order to engage the bottom board I made it like a stairs for that is the only ground involvement I can think of when making this design. I also put back some of design concept from the previous iteration to this iteration for I want to explore if I can enhance the previous design by integrating the bottom board on it. Strengths and Weaknesses: The Strengths of this gesture model is, now I have a system to look into, for my design looks so systematic that it is like a building. The other positive aspect of this design is it organizes my space, and finally I now have a program. The weakness of making a systematic design concept is it makes my gesture less interesting because I limit my design language to creating walls and floors. The other negative aspect of this model is that the organization system kills my architectural creativity because I am already thinking of creaing a building.

Third Site Gesture Model

Third Site Gesture Model Design Concept

Concept: For my third site iteration, I made my structure based on responding to the circulation of the people in our site. That is why, I made my structure with a lot of negative space in order to make a pathway or connection to the CCSF Multi-use Building and the Phelan Loop. Unique Quality: What make my structure different from others is I’m trying to incorporate a hide and reveal quality in my design through the use of sectioning to bring or evoke interest to the onlookers while passing my structure.

Fourth Site Gesture Model

Fourth Site Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my fourth site gesture model, I try to take away the bottom structure that the third iteration have for I really want to emphasize my hide and reveal system because in the third gesture model I have a lot of space so I made my structure much more dense to emphasize my appealing hide and reveal system.

Weakness: However, by doing this I fear that I had use my bottom board in an utmost minimal compare to my third model. Also looking at my finish product, I realize that my design concept doesn’t look like they are integrated as a whole. They all seem like different to one another. So seeing this, my next goal when creating my fifth iteration is to have integration in my design because for now my design appears fragmented.

Fifth Site Gesture Model

Fifth Site Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my fifth gesture model I really took the integration of the bottom board up a notch. I really make sure that the board is really incorporated in my design language. To make that happen, I also set sectioning in the bottom board so that it will look like it is one with my structure, I also tried to make structure appears integrated by making all my structure elements looks similar. Discovery: I didn’t succeed in making my design look integrated, especially the two curvilinear striped structure facing one another. It is true that they seem like having a conversation to one another however it is still not enough to make them look like they are one.

Sixth Site Gesture Model

Sixth Site Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my sixth site gesture model, I really exaggerated my response in accommodating people circulation in the site. I also started responding to the slope in the north side of our location for I feel that if I can incorporate the slope I may get a much more interesting tectonic design. Furthermore, in this gesture model. I am trying to explore more solutions that I can use to respond in my chosen site forces. For instance, I put an opening in the bottom middle part of my structure so that there is a pathway people can pass through to go to the bus stop from the MUB Strengths and Weaknesses: Responding to the slope really did improve my design concept it made me think up of a better way to enhance my intended negative space and made the pathways much more accessible in the north side and the south side. Plus, I was able to fittingly integrate my bottom board in my design concept. However, despite my insightful discoveries, I still found out that my the element that suppose to solve the problem slope’s existence was exaggerated too much that it appears like I am lying to my self when creating my design. My blue striped structure also seems bland. So, in my next gesture model I will try to fix this problems and at the same time respond to the site properly.

Seventh Site Gesture Model

Seventh Site Gesture Model Design Concept Concept: For my seventh gesture model I really incorporated my new finding after visiting the site. When I have visited the site and measured the height of the slope, I found out that the height difference of the slope to the site isn’t really that high. When I measure that the height, the slope is only ten feet high. So, learning this new finding I made my seventh iteration respond to the slope again but already in the proper height proportion. Also I made my bowling space interesting by putting the lanes atop of each other. I know it might not seem appropriate for building code safety but it did made my structure more interesting. Discovery: However, even though I had made my bowling space interesting by interloping bowling lanes atop of each other, the design also took away my primary response of solving the problem of giving people that are circulating the site easy access to move to the bus stop easier. So, my next goal in my design concept is to make the circulation pathway dominant in my design.

Conclusion: So far this semester is an eventful and insightful experience for me. I learn and realize a lot of procedure and methods to further improve my tectonic language. Attending the class also developed my conceptualization skills and enhances my knowledge of creating complex and interesting architectural designs. I really learned a lot of helpful procedure to further enhance my conceptual design. I also learned to be more observant and accurate when studying a site because of the activities and projects we have been doing this semester. I hope that as I continue this course, I will broaden my learning about architecture and will continue to understand how an architect professional really work.

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