Steps To Architectural Success Midterm Learning Portfolio Architecture Design 101 Fall 2013 Jerry Lum
By: Christaine Allyssa Dichosa
Table of Contents Introduction
Week 1 Ice Breaker (Iteration 1)
Ice Breaker Cont’d (Iteration 2)
Week 2 Drawings
Introduction to Kit of Parts
Week 3 Kit of Parts (Iteration 3)
Narration (Iteration 4)
Week 4 Proportions (Iteration 5)
Space (Iteration 6 & 7)
Week 5 Space Cont’d
(Iteration 8 & 9)
Week 6 Skeleton
(Iteration 10)
Responding to Nature (Report)
42 46
Week 6-7 Research (Research Project 1, 2 & 3) Conclusion
55 60
Introduction: In our very first day of class, Professor Jerry conducted an ice breaker assignment for us to make through the weekends. Our assignment is to make a structure out of 12 similar object that we either found or modified and put it in a 8-½ inch x 11-inch stiff piece of cardboard. Making the assignment was a very difficult task for me. I find it hard to visualize a design and make it into an actual model. I also find it hard to decide what material I should use for the instruction of “only using 12 similar object” is too general for me, which confused me. Thankfully, the problem was sorted out when I emailed sir Jerry about my confusion, and he explained the assignment again in full detail. The other difficulty that I experienced in making the assignment is the lack of time. Because I didn’t organize my time well at that time, I was really pressured when making the ice breaker. So, I learned that I should really organize my time well next time. What I also learned in encountering the difficulties in making the project is to be perseverant for if I had succumbed to the pressure I wouldn’t have finished my project, and I wouldn’t have felt the self-fulfillment and satisfaction in finishing my design.
Ice Breaker (Iteration 1)
Iteration 1 “a [structure] had to be designed “with a view of aesthetic appeal” before it could be called an architecture.” by Colin Davies
Ice Breaker (Iteration 1) Critique Strengths:
* Durable
* Plastic * No Unity * Cartoonish * Too Literal
* No Order ____________________________________________ Learnings:
- I learned from my classmates that I have no order and unity in my structure.Furthermore, my
- How can I show repetition without being too symmetrical?
structure looks too literal, and I
- What other material can I use?
lack repetition. It also look too
- How can I make my intention clear in
cartoonish, and lack appeal because of its plasticity.
my work without being too literal?
Ice Breaker (Iteration 1) Reflection
- Personally, after seeing the work of my classmates I was kind of disappointed with my work. For, my classmates design looks really like a structure while mine just looks like a cartoon slogan. I hope next time I can also do a good job just like them. I would also need to work on getting rid of my shyness so that next time I can defend my work properly.
Ice Breaker Cont’d (Iteration 2)
Iteration 2 “ The architecture field is not an abstract concept but a concrete social formation” by Colin Davis
Ice Breaker Cont’d (Iteration 2) Strategies: * Look for inspirations * Develop a story * Manage time properly
Story: - I like to illustrate in my design the long journey students experience before they reach their destination or goals in life.
* Make sure to consider the critiques * Find a specific adjective that I want to use to my design.
Adjectives I want to use: illusion, mystery
Inspirations: These are my inspirations when designing my second iteration: - this spiral staircase inspired me for it shows the rhythm and movement I am aiming for my structure.
- this tunnel inspired me for it illustrates the illusion I want to integrate to my structure. It is also like my intended design, an illusional pathway.
Ice Breaker Cont’d (Iteration 2): Critique Strengths:
* Rhythm
* Literal (Toast)
* Repetition
* Not Complex
* Asymmetrical * Have Unity * Have Order __________________________________________________________ Learnings: - What I learned that I lack in this structure that it lacks more movement. my classmates said that I shouldn’t just make my movement “middle to up” but “side to side as well. I also learned that I should make the frame in the sides of my tunnel more dynamic. Furthermore, again, I should stay away from being too literal
Questions: - How can I make my structure not literal without taking away the language I’m aiming? - How can I integrate more movement to my design? - How can I make my framing more dynamic?
Ice Breaker Cont’d (Iteration 2) Reflection
- Compare to my previous iteration, I can see really see an improvement in this second iteration, but it is still not enough. I still need to broaden my mind further and think of more interesting and intricate design that I could appy in my structure. Goal: - Research interesting design in the internet
- For this week, Sir let Jerry let us bring some drawing of our last two iteration to study our design further. This activity really help me a lot for I learn some helpful tips that I could apply to my next iteration. Tips such as, we should have clear demonstration of repetition that incorporate change, we need to convey juxtaposition, we can use oppositions, etc. Studying my drawings led me to realize things that I didn’t consider when making my just simply design; like how my structure have orientation, or how it have rhythm or movement etc.
Introduction to Kit of Parts
Introduction to Kit of Parts
Introduction to Kit of Parts Reflection: - Sir Jerry introduce us today in making Kit of Parts. At first, I was really confused in why sir Jerry would want us to draw our structure in parts. I really thought that it wasn’t significant at that time for I never imagined that it will be really helpful in the future. However, after sir Jerry discussed the use and importance of the Kit of parts I finally realize that it is very important and helpful in creating new design. It can also help me break free from my fixations to loaf breads. - I am really glad that sir Jerry taught us this technique for now I find coming up with a new design a little easier.
Kit of Parts (Iteration 3)
Iteration 3 “ Drawing and designing are closely related activities. The design in the mind is drawn on paper, and what is drawn is the form of the object without the matter that will eventually constitute it� by Colin Davies
Kit of Parts (Iteration 3) Strategies: * Find inspiration * Time management * Devise a story * Come up with more specific adjectives
Adjectives: musical, playful, jolly
Story: - I decided to change my work into a much more musical and jolly structure for I don’t feel satisfied with my first intended narration. I tried to make my structure a little more like me so that I could relate my work and hopefully do a bettr job than before.
Inspirations: My inspirations for my third iteration: - This structure inspire me for it has a jolly and musical appearance that I want to integrate to my design.
- this structure also inspire me for seeing this structure made me realize that I should make my structure curvilinear to make it more welcoming to look at.
Kit of Parts (Iteration 3) Kit of Parts Realization: - Using kit of parts is a great advantage for me because it helps me come up with a design that I will never consider if I am only thinking. It is really a good strategy for students like me who have a hard time visualizing a design. My Kit of Parts: From loaf bread form
Kit of Parts Cont’d
to Structure:
Difficulties: - I was really glad when I finish my new design, I would never have thought, in the past, that I would be able to create a design like this. However, even though I was glad that I was able to create a design that meet my standards. I have to make a lot of adjustment; for, making my design into actual structure is a very hard thing to.
Kit of Parts (Iteration 3) Critiques Strengths:
* Intent is clear
* not 3D but 2D
* Have rhythm
* Lack more rhythm
* Asymmetrical * Repetitions * Have order
__________________________________________________________ Learnings: - I learn from my classmates that I should work on making my structure more 3D. I also learn that I should create relationships or “conversation� between elements and group of element. In short I should create interaction in my design.
Questions: - How can I make my structure more 3D? - Interaction? How can I create interaction?
Narration (Iteration 4)
Iteration 4 “ When we use architecture as a metaphor, when, for example, we talk about the “architecture” of a novel, we are talking about ordered structure, the hidden regularities that hold the novel together and make it a coherent work of art.” by Colin Davies
Narration (Iteration 4) Strategies:
- create a narration - manage time wisely - make 3D model Adjectives: Jolly, Lively Cheerful
What I’m trying to denote in my design is to bring a cheerful, lively feeling to spectators when they look at my design. Much like what I felt when listening to the song titled “Funny Classical Music,” I want spectators to see or feel the jolly cartoonish feeling I felt when listening to the music that inspired me. I want to captivate the spectators by presenting my design in a welcoming and jolly way. So I try to stay away in using sharp angles for I don’t want to elicit a threatening or non-welcoming feeling when I show my design to the viewers. Plus, the curvilinear design gives my structure a sense of movement, which I’m trying to improve to show my audience that my design have rhythm (Music).
Inspirations: My inspiration for my fourth iteration:
- this structures inspire me for it shows the welcoming and jolly feeling I am aiming for my design. both have the curvilinear I was intending and when I look at it I just feels like smiling and want to go inside these pictures.
Narration (Iteration 4) Critique Strenghts:
* Have Hierarchy * Rhythm
* Not durable
* Intended
* Not stable
narration is followed * Repetition * Able to make 3D
__________________________________________________________ Learnings: - I learned that even though my structure looks more
- I also need to make it more stable and durable. Questions:
3D-ish than the 3rd iteration
-How can I fill in more space?
I should still need to work more
- How can I make my work more stable
in occupying more space and dimension.
and durable?
Proportions (Iteration 5)
Iteration 5 “An interesting feature of [proportional system] is that, though geometrically simple, they are arithmetically rather complex.� by Colin Davies
Proportions (Iteration 5) Objectives: - For our fifth iteration we need to put proportions in our design for as Colin Davies put it, putting proportional layers can architectural structure geometrically simple but arithmetically complex. What is Proportion? - “Proportion is a correspondence among the measures of the members of an entire [structure], and of the whole to a certain part selected as standard.� by Wiki. Learnings: - Therefore for the fifth iteration I learned that we need to make a structure that have different scales. - Scale that are represented by many different proportional technique.
Proportions (Iteration 5) Technique such as: Le Corbusier (Le Modulor):
Golden Section:
Proportions (Iteration 5) Fibonacci Series:
Strategies: * Integrate Proportions (Fibonacci Series) * Still use previous narration * Time management * make structure stable and durable. * Make sure to fill in more space
- the two people inspired me for they denotes the lively and cheerful feeling I am aiming for my structure.
Proportions (Iteration 5) Critique Strenghts:
* Rhythm
* not 3D
* Narration is
* Doesn’t fill spaces
* Easily blown away
* Shows
* Too cartoonish
Proportion __________________________________________________________ Learnings:
Question: - What other material should I
- I learn that I should really need to fill more spaces to make it more 3D. I should also, maybe, change materials for foam board is just to lite.
use? - How can I make my structure more 3D - Can I change the color of my structure without taking away the cheerful and fun feeling I was aiming?
Space (Iteration 6 & 7)
Spaces “In our minds, despite what the cosmologists try to tell us about the space time, space has three dimensions: height, width, and depth.� by Colin Davies
Space (Iteration 6 & 7) Strategies: * Time management * Create 3D structure * Find appropriate materials Objectives: - Create a design that still express my narrative even though changing materials. I should also stop with the 2D designs and make it more 3D and stable. Adjectives: Fun, Cheerful
- this structure inspired me for it kind of remind me of a lively, and cheerful person throwing his or hand in the air.
- this two pictures also inspired me for my sixth and seventh iteration for it shows me the beauty of integrating spaces in structures.
Space (Iteration 6 & 7)
Strenghts: * Finally made it a 3D * Shows space * Rhythm * Fun, Welcoming, Playful * Really Stable * Asymmetrical Weakness: * Arbitrary * Unclear Proportions * Too Chaotic * Shape of Nothingness * Foreign
Space (Iteration 6 & 7)
Learnings: - Next time I should really consider making my structure more familiar without making it too literal. For, even if I am happy that I finally able to achieve the 3D structure I have been lacking in the past iterations, I would agree that my work do look too chaotic. Questions: - How to make my structure less chaotic or less arbitrary ? - How can I make better spacing ? - How can I show my proportions more clearer ?
Space Cont’d (Iteration 8 & 9)
Iteration 8 & 9 “The relationship between function and form, between space and life, is richer than architects actually allow and we too easily lose the richness in our conformity to established procedure such as listing space requirement...” by Colin Davies
Space Cont’d (Iteration 8 & 9)
Strategies: * Time management * Make structure familiar or unarbitrary * Make structure less chaotic * Make proportions clearer
Objectives: - look for inspirational structure that have a familiarity looks to it. - still keep the fun and cheerful attribute in my design. - Make clearer proportion.
- this structure inspired me for it is very fun to look at. even though it’s a building, it looks like a fun and playful cruiser ship.
- I also like this design for it shows space in different sizes and forms.
Space Cont’d (Iteration 8 & 9)- Iteration 8
* familiar in an
* to intimidating in
iliteral way
the bottom part
* Have proportions
for it’s closing in.
* Have space * Not chaotic __________________________________________________________ Learnings: - I should open up the bottom part of my structure so that it doesn’t look intimidating.
Reflection: - I’m really happy in this design for its the first structure that my classmates and Professor appreciated. Being in the potential part of the table for so long, I feel accomplished when it is finally chosen to be put in the inspiring part of the table.
Space Cont’d (Iteration 8 & 9)- Iteration 9
* Familiar
* Too literal
* Have space
* Common
* Proportioned
__________________________________________________________ * Symmetrical Learnings: - I should avoid creating structures like this in the future.
Reflection: - In contrast to my eighth iteration, I am not really happy with this one, for to tell the truth it does resembles a doll house.
Skeleton (Iteration 10)
Iteration 10 “even pieces of sculpture have to be constructed and stand up securely, but often the structure that actually bears the loads… will be concealed or disguised.” by Colin Davies
Skeleton (Iteration 10)
Chosen Structure:
* Time management * Find appropriate materials that will look like a skeleton.
Objectives: * make my chosen structure into a skeleton.
- I chose this structure for I am curious of what it will look like in skeleton form. Will it be more appealing and interesting to look at? or will it be a disaster?
- this structure inspired me for it kind of looks like my design. And, seeing the space the skeleton of the structure creates is very fascinating.
- this skeletal structure also inspired and amazed me for I would never have thought a string or wire that look so fragile can be strong enough to hold the structure together.
Skeleton (Iteration 10) Critique
Strengths: * Shows space * Really looks like a skeleton. * Asymmetrical
Weakness: * Just copied the previous iteration * No improvement Learnings: - I should learn to take risks and not just do the easy way.
Responding to Nature (Report)
- In my Research Project I choose the De Young Museum, Transamerica Pyramid, and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission as my most interesting building structure that responds to nature for the technique and materials they use to lessen electricity usage, or avoid massive earthquake damage is really fascinating.
De Young Museum
Report: - In my first presentation I talk about how the De young Museum uses Copper as their facade, for they want to blend to the nature in the future. They took the oxidation of the copper and the moisture of the air to their advantage in order to make their structure beautiful and fascinating later in time. I also discussed why the De Young structured their copper facade with holes in it. According to my research the architects, Fong and Chan, purposely did penetrations, to replicate the effect of light flickering through a canopy of leaves. their design is truly outstanding for one can see that the architects behind the museum truly want the structure to be one in nature. De Young Museum truly does respond to its site.
- De Young is also constructed of warm natural materials such as copper, wood, stone, and glass to complement its natural surrounding - I also learned that the wall was perforated in order to respond to ventilation and lighting requirements. - Ribbons of windows erase the boundaries between the museum & interior natural environment outside
Transamerica Pyramid
- In the past the Transamerica isn’t accepted by the community for the neighborhood feared that the structure would not fit in the city of San Francisco, which is better known for its picturesque wooden victorian houses. Report:
- The Transamerica pyramid responds to nature for its structure was designed to resist the destructive power of earthquake.By incorporating the truss system (bottom right) in the bottom of the pyramid, the building is able to withstand both vertical and horizontal loading. It also resist lateral forces.
- It also have a Spire that light’s up during the night. the Spire was made to in order to make the transamerica be a landmark and the read light in the very top of the spire warn planes.
- lastly, the shape of the building is purposely made a pyramid in order to not obstruct the sunlight of the neighborhood
San Francisco Public Utilities Comission
- LEED Platinum, 277,000 square-foot office building - Features 50% less of a carbon footprint, uses 32% less energy, and consumes 60% less water. -One of the greenest urban office buildings of its kind. - the south side reflects an intent to complement the surrounding historic Civic Center setting including San Francisco City Hall and the Beaux-Arts character - Wind Turbine: Generate electricity - Polycarbonate squares (Fireflies): when the wind trigger the magnet connected to the electrical reed switch it triggers the flickering of tiny LED lights , which mimic fireflies. The polycarbonate also insulates electricity - the building also have solar panels - the slicing off of the structure also enables sun to shine on a neighboring school’s play yard. And, it also accommodate San Francisco’s sun-shadow ordinance. - On the north south side of the building, the angled top floors are designed with a system of exterior louvered blinds, operating automatically by sun-sensors.
Research (Research Project 1, 2 & 3) First Day Reflections: - In my first presentation I didn’t do a very good job in reporting my chosen buildings for I didn’t do enough research. There are still some points that I’m uncertain of when I reported for the first time. Which, sir Jerry immediately corrected for he don’t want us, his students, to transfer in a four year university and just be told off by the professor for reporting unprepared. I am really thankful that we are already being told of what to expect when transferring to a university for it will save us from trouble and embarrassment later on. I was really pleased when sir Jerry give me a chance to redeem myself by moving our research project to the following week, which will give me time to truly prepare myself. Goals: - Research my building and site further - Practice my skill in presenting
Research (Research Project 1, 2 & 3) My learning on the first day of reporting: - I learn that we should be curios - we should navigate and familiarize surrounding, sun orientation, etc. - Study building form, significant features, how it respond to site, design language. -Formulate analysis Site Response: - We can take advantage of the nature. - We can orient our structure towards significant views. e.g: SF Bay - We can adapt our structure to new needs. - We need to consider looking at compass orientation - I also learned that we can mimic the surroundings, rhythm, scale, material, etc.
Research (Research Project 1, 2 & 3) Second Day Reflection: - I could really say that I really prepared for the orientation. Going to the site personally and studying its every angle is a new and exhausting experience for me because I never did site and place visiting in the past, I just look for certain information in the internet. However, although exhausting, I really had so much fun researching about my projec, in going to its actual location, for I can see for myself if some of the information that I research in the internet really are true. It also give me the opportunity to go inside the building and have tour. So, coming back to the presentation I think I did a better job than the first one. Although, even with the job well done, I know I still need to improve and push myself harder next time. Goals: - Practice on my presenting skill further - Study up more vocabularies so that I can tell what I want to express later on - Push myself more harder
Research (Research Project 1, 2 & 3) My Learnings on the second day of reporting: Site design: - Make connections between significant physical site features - Emphasize contrast - Complement existing natural surroundings - Signify the design from multiple distances - Create landmark - Go with the terrain - Create hierarchal design pattern - Intersect forms: natural + synthetic - Have the outside of the structure say one thing and inside another. - Make everything human scale - Fitting to the neighborhood doesn’t mean blending in - Create own context
Research (Research Project 1, 2 & 3) My Learnings on the third day of presentation: Strategies: - Respond to site climate & weather pattern for heating, cooling, natural ventilation. - For large facade- break up expression to create human scale and increase complexity of patterns. - Use tectonic language to indicate different uses, activities, systems, occurring in the interior. -Set up parallel planes- different sun pattern, shadows, etc. - Understand the physics, chemistry, biology, etc; do not just focus in art. - Understand materials - Set a diagram to really analyze and examine the site. - Split up elevation
So far, this semester has been a very eventful and mind awakening journey for me. For, I never have consider doing something like what I experience this semester in the past. I learned a lot of helpful things this semester that could prepare me in my journey in becoming a professional architect in the future. I learn to be perseverant and hardworking because of the activities and projects we have been conducting this semester.I also learn new techniques and strategies that I could later use in my future studies. I hope that as I continue this course, I would still learn a lot more things that could help inspire me or open my mind to face the other in coming challenges that I will certainly face in the future.