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of the new gamers have noticed that playing video games helped them with their various day to day activities
PROBLEM - While traveling, foreigners have problems with understanding the local language.
Tourists would simply take a photo with their smartphone and the app would translate it for them.
Our goal is to develop an app, which would help tourists translate everything from menus to road signs...
CLIENTS Target group
Quick solution for language problems. - Tourists - Smartphone users - 15 to 35 years old
Reaching costumers
-Advertising on the internet and on airplanes -We will also sell ads to companies
- Money for advertisement - Payment for progammers to develop the app
We would raise the money by getting sponsors and selling  companies ads
COMPETITION -They aren't any good translation apps on the market at the moment, there's not much competition. - Being able to take photos of things you want to translate gives us an advantage.
1st step : Contacting the programmers and translators 2nd step : Development of an app 3rd step : Putting app on the market 4th step : Advertising