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Letter from The PUBLISHER

another day in



PUBLISHER Catherine Krantz Editor Page Cameron CONTRIBUTORS Bob Bowers John Glaab Charles Frommer Abigail Lovett Linda Neil Marie Oaks Epitacio Sanchez Nancy Seeley Julia Sumner Maura Taylor designer Isahrai Azaria ADIP OFFICE & ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Nisa Salmans (755) 544-8023 space is limited, deadline for materials and payments is the 1st of the month previous,

Dear loyal Paradise readers, The times they are a changin'. That statement is just always fitting, but it feels a little more fitting lately. Here at paradise we are changing with the times!


Magazines are undeniably becoming increasingly obsolete as we readers go online for more and more of our information. Much loved by readers and advertisers alike, magazines are effective promotion tools -- second only to television for their ability to engage consumers, but they are expensive; and in these frugal times, not always practical, for small business, small communities. ADIP has been offering a high quality website full of articles and information about IxtapaZihuatanejo for almost ten years now, and we launched our first fully functioning interactive digital magazine over three years ago, so we have been preparing for this moment for a while. ADIP in its full magazine format, will be an online-only publication starting this month, you can still read it every month at Our printed products will be the continuation our pocket guide series that we have been printing for several years now. Annual and monthly guides to Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, focusing on bars & restaurants (WINE&DINE) and real estate (ADIP Real Estate), (contact us if you have any interested in advertising in these products they reach thousands of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo visitors each month).

In the next few months we will be rapidly expanding our existing portal site and will be hoping to “WOW� you with all sorts of new, exciting, products and features as ADIP goes ever more digital and finds new interactive ways to connect with our loyal readership. Expect the same broad content of engaging and intelligent articles, written by people happily sharing their love of Mexico. Expect important information, and valuable resources. Expect great entertainment, and expect to participate. The new face of ADIP will be more personable, more about you, and we hope to have an online community that truly reflects the warm vibrant real-world community that you have already been a part of for many years. Thanks for reading!

Publisher Catherine Krantz


On The Cover: Squash Blossoms Photo by K. Santos

The Mexican Flag The Mexican National Anthem Indigenous Ingedients of Mexico Eating Healthy in Mexico

Project 15 Community Directory & 26 Classifieds activities guide 17 Z-Scene 23 Mexico abroad 24 Upcoming events 27 Travel 30 travel tips 32 home & living 34 real estate law 35 Real estate news Kayaking in the Sea of Cortez

Being Prepared for Emergencies

Interiors: Custom Built Furniture

Buyer's Agents

Mexican flag at sunset, Acapulco, Gro. Photo by Jose Hernandez

4 History 6 CuLture Food 10

another day in paradise

By Page Cameron


Mexican flag flying behind the Angel of Independence monument in Mexico City. Photo by Daniel Moore

LThea Flag Bandera of Mexico 4

The Mexican flag has changed many times over the course of the country’s history. When Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla declared independence in 1810, he carried the standard flag of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This is considered to be the first Mexican flag. In 1813, the revolutionaries designed a new flag. They used white silk with a border of blue and white squares. In the center, an eagle perched on a cactus. This image was encircled by a Latin motto, Oculis et unguibus asque victrix (victorious with both eyes and talons), and was topped with the Spanish crown. The national flag was created in 1821 and adopted by el EjÊrcito Trigarante (Army of Three Guarantees), which took its name from the guarantees of religion, independence and union promised by the Plan of Iguala. The three colors of the Mexican flag; green, white, red, were adopted at that time.



February 24th is Diá de la Bandera (Mexican Flag Day)

During the short-lived first Mexican empire, the stripes changed position. The eagle was placed alone on the white band, facing forwards with its wings spread. Its head was shown in profile bearing a crown. The national seal was first added during Maximilian’s rule, when a flag bearing the eagle under the crown of the French empire was adopted. Porfirio Diaz subsequently ordered that the eagle on the seal be shown facing forwards with its wings extended. Later, in 1823, under Venustiano Carranza, it was modified again. This time to reflect the Mexica legend of the founding of Tenochtitlan, when the Mexicas traveled from Aztlán (now the state of Nayarit) in search of the sign that their god Huitzilopochtli had told them they would find in the place where they should establish their empire. This sign was an eagle on top of a nopal cactus devouring a serpent. They found this on a small island in the middle of a lake. They settled there and founded the city of Tenochtitlan, which is now Mexico City. Because of this legend the eagle is now shown in left profile with a green, white and red ribbon representing the patriotic nation was added, shown tying together branches of oak and laurel.

about the author: page cameron first came to Zihuatanejo in 1985 as a teenager. Although things have changed dramatically since then, over the past six years she has returned numerous times and is here to stay. Making a life for herself in Zihua and enjoying every minute of it!

Mexican Independance Day Parade, 2010, Zihuatanejo. Photo by Abigail Lovett

Green is for hope and victory. White is for the purity of our ideals. Red is for union and the blood shed by our national heroes.

By Page Cameron

another day in paradise



Mexican flag flying on the Zocalo in Mexico City. Photo:,

Himno Nacional Mexicano

The Mexican National Anthem On November 12, 1853, during the presidency of General Mariano Arista, a literary contest was held to select the lyrics of the National Anthem.

On August 12, 1854, the composition, God

On February 3, 1854, the Official Journal

The National Anthem of the United Mexican

of the Federation published the name of the winner titled, Let us fly to combat, to revenge and that one who shies away, submerges in the dust his coward head front, written by the poet Francisco González Bocanegra, from San Luis Potosí. The original winning melody was composed by Juan Bottesini, but was widely unaccepted by the Mexican people. Therefore, there was another competition staged to set music to the lyrics written by González Bocanegra. A commission was formed to select the music from a total of fifteen compositions.

and Freedom, by Jaime Nunó, was declared the winner. Jaime Nunó, born in Spain in 1825, was a Catalan music director of military bands, who, after living in Havana, Cuba, became a resident of Mexico.

States was heard in public for the first time the night of September 15, 1854, at the Santa Anna Theater, which soon after changed its name to the National Theatre. This first performance was given by an Italian opera company that was in Mexico, directed by Juan Bottesini. The vocal work was performed by Tenor Lorenzo Salvi and the magnificent Soprano Claudia Florenti. The text and music of the anthem, authenticated by the three branches of government, by Constitutional mandate remain deposited in the National Archives, the National Library and the National Museum of History.

Himno Nacional Mexicano Mexicanos, al grito de guerra el acero aprestad y el bridón, y retiemble en sus centros la tierra al sonoro rugir del cañón. Ciña ¡oh patria!, tus sienes de oliva de la paz el arcángel divino, que en el cielo tu eterno destino, por el dedo de Dios se escribió. Mas si osare un extraño enemigo, profanar con su planta tu suelo, piensa ¡oh patria querida! que el cielo un soldado en cada hijo te dio. Mexicanos, al grito de guerra el acero aprestad y el bridón, y retiemble en sus centros la tierra al sonoro rugir del cañón. ¡Guerra, guerra sin tregua al que intente de la patria manchar los blasones! ¡Guerra, guerra! Los patrios pendones en las olas de sangre empapad. ¡Guerra, guerra! En el monte, en el valle los cañones horrísonos truenen, y los ecos sonoros resuenen con las voces de ¡unión, libertad! Mexicanos, al grito de guerra el acero aprestad y el bridón, y retiemble en sus centros la tierra

al sonoro rugir del cañón. Antes, patria, que inermes tus hijos bajo el yugo su cuello dobleguen, tus campiñas con sangre se rieguen, sobre sangre se estampe su pie. Y tus templos, palacios y torres se derrumben con hórrido estruendo, y sus ruinas existan diciendo: De mil héroes la patria aquí fue. Mexicanos, al grito de guerra el acero aprestad y el bridón, y retiemble en sus centros la tierra al sonoro rugir del cañón. ¡Patria, patria! Tus hijos te juran exhalar en tus aras su aliento, si el clarín con su bélico acento los convoca a lidiar con valor. ¡Para ti las guirnaldas de oliva! ¡Un recuerdo para ellos de gloria! ¡Un laurel para ti de victoria! ¡Un sepulcro para ellos de honor! Mexicanos, al grito de guerra el acero aprestad y el bridón, y retiemble en sus centros la tierra al sonoro rugir del cañón. -Francisco González Bocanegra

Zihuatanejo schoolchildren parading for Mexican Independance Day, 2010. Photo by Abigail Lovett

National Anthem in English Mexicans, at the cry of war, prepare the steel and the steed, and may the earth shake at its core to the resounding roar of the cannon. Bound, oh fatherland, your brow with olive the divine archangel of peace, for your eternal destiny was written in the heavens by the hand of God. But if some strange enemy should dare to profane your ground with his step, think, oh beloved country, that heaven has given you a soldier in every son. Mexicans, at the cry of war, prepare the steel and the steed, and may the earth shake at its core to the resounding roar of the cannon. War, war without truce to any who dare to tarnish the country's coat-of-arms! War, war! Take the national pennants and soak them in waves of blood. War, war! In the mountain, in the valley, the cannons thunder in horrid unison and the resonant echoes cry out union, liberty! Mexicans, at the cry of war, prepare the steel and the steed, and may the earth shake at its core

to the resounding roar of the cannon. Oh fatherland, 'ere your children defenseless bend their neck to the yoke, may your fields be watered with blood, may they tread upon blood. And may your temples, palaces and towers collapse with horrid clamor, and their ruins live on to say: This land belonged to a thousand heroes. Mexicans, at the cry of war, prepare the steel and the steed, and may the earth shake at its core to the resounding roar of the cannon. Oh, fatherland, fatherland, your children swear to breathe their last in your honor, if the trumpet with warlike accent should call them to fight with courage. For you the olive branches! A reminder for them of glory! A laurel of victory for you! For them a tomb with honor! Mexicans, at the cry of war, prepare the steel and the steed, and may the earth shake at its core to the resounding roar of the cannon. -Francisco Gonzรกlez Bocanegra

another day in paradise

By Marie Oaks


the indigenous ingredients

Huitlacoche, Corn smut, Photo by Sidney Snoeck

Cooks in Mexico still rely on the ingredients which were popular before the Spanish conquest. Corn, beans and squash: The Aztec Trio.

Traditional Mexican food is heavy in these three main ingredients. Combined with hunted game meats, such as deer or rabbit, the vegetable and grain trio made for an incredibly healthy diet.


Corn, beans, and squash planted together are also a famous example of “companion planting." Known in Mexico as the Aztec Trio and in other countries as The Three Sisters, the plants do marvelously well together. Corn is planted in the middle of a mound of ready

dirt. Around the corn, beans are planted to add nitrogen to the soil.The bean vines then climb up the corn stalks as they grow together. On the edges, squash is planted to provide mulch for the other plants. It is no wonder that, before the days of modern industrialized agriculture, native people all over North America used these plants to provide a healthy diet year-round. Centuries old native myths and stories highlight corn, beans and squash as a magical combination of foods.

Bean and squash blossom Quesadillas The combination of corn tortillas, squash blossoms, and beans is a great way to enjoy the Aztec trio. When possible, purchase or make corn tortillas made from freshly ground corn. In most areas of Mexico there is usually a señora in each neighborhood or village that will sell fresh, handmade tortillas by the dozen. This recipe includes an herb called epazote. Epazote is unique to Mexico and is much more flavorful fresh than dried. If you can't find epazote, there is no good substitute! But, freshly chopped cilantro or Mexican oregano would also be lovely in these quesadillas. For vegans or people who want to avoid adding cheese to their diet, these quesadillas are delicious without cheese! Ingredients •12 corn tortillas •24 squash blossoms •1 ½ cups mashed pinto (or any local variety) beans •24 epazote leaves, sliced •1 ½ cups shredded Oaxaca cheese (mild, farmer style cheese can be a substitute) Directions -Heat a comal or large griddle on top of a stove until hot. Reduce stove to medium heat. -Assemble the quesadillas: Spread 2 tablespoons of beans onto half of each corn tortilla. Add 2 squash blossoms, 2 sliced epazote leaves, and 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese. -Fold the tortillas in half and place them on the comal or griddle. -Heat each side for 3-5 minutes, taking care that the heat does not burn the tortillas. Make sure the cheese is melted through. -Serve quesadillas immediately, accompanied with salsa, low-fat sour cream (yogurt is a healthy substitute!), or guacamole.

Squash blossoms, Photo by K.Santos

Other healthy ingredients, indigenous to Mexico • Huitlacoche, known as corn smut or by the more attractive name Mexican truffle is a type of fungus that grows on corn crops. The Aztecs traditionally encouraged the spread of this fungus among their crops of corn, and throughout Mexico one can order quesadillas or other dishes filled with huitlacoche. Huitlacoche has important amino acids that are surprisingly present in the corn it infects. Apart from its nutritional benefits, huitlacoche is becoming prized by chefs around the world for its delicate and appealing flavor. • Sweet potatoes are native to the Americas and are one of the best sources nature provides us for beta-carotene. In Mexico, when sweet potatoes are in season they are lathered with piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar) and served as a dessert and snack. • Avocados originated in the state of Puebla. High in potassium and a rich source of mono unsaturated fats, avocados are one of the healthiest fruits in the world! A diet that includes avocados has been shown by some studies to reduce cholesterol and control high blood pressure.

Healthy Mexican Food

Gorditas (stuffed tortillas), Photo by Marie Oaks.

Healthy eating in Mexico can be a challenge. The temptation of incredibly tasty tacos, hamburgers, and enchiladas is daunting – Mexican street food is so uniquely satisfying and sabaroso (yummy) that it is hard to say "no." Taste aside, street food in Mexico can add to the waistline, quickly. For those living in Mexico or traveling for an extended period of time, it is wise to discover healthy eating in Mexico before the unhealthy eating adds unwanted calories and cholesterol to your body. Before the Spanish conquest, Mexican food didn't consist of the greasy fried meat and cheese that we see today. Instead, the original Mexican diet included ingredients that – surprise! - originated in Mexico. Squash, corn, and beans were a huge part of the diet. Add a bit of avocado, some nopales, tomato, jicama, sweet potato, and wild game – this is the diet of the pre-Hispanic Mexico. Cooks in Mexico still use these original ingredients, meaning that finding and creating meals that are low-fat, healthy, and 100 percent Mexican is easier than one might think.

Besides embracing original ingredients, there is also a wave of modern cooks who take the unhealthy, but tasty, foods from the street and re-create them to be healthy, balanced meals in the home kitchen. Healthy quesadillas, veggie hamburguesas, and shredded chicken tacos are all easy meals that can be created in any kitchen in less than an hour. Add some agua fresca (flavored water) sweetened with raw honey, and a bit of rice pudding for dessert.These meals can celebrate the ingredients of Mexico without polluting our bodies with trans-fat and unnecessary refined sugar. While living or traveling in Mexico, be aware of fried foods, cheese filled main dishes, and other fatty meals that are terrible for our health. Instead, embrace the incredible bounty of fresh and healthy ingredients that Mexico has to offer. When eating out, find the restaurants that include healthy meals on their menu.The United States and Mexico both have an enormous obesity problem that consumers can fight against by choosing the healthy meals over the meals that are destroying our health.

A fusion: Healthy Mexican “Street food” Hamburguesas:

Typical healthy condiments: Guacamole, salsa, rajas (pickled carrots, onion, and jalapeño peppers) and limes, Photo by Marie Oaks.

Ingredients -2 cups cooked black beans, mostly mashed -1 carrot, diced -1 small onion, diced -1 c. bread crumbs -1 handful fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped -1 egg, lightly beaten -1 t salt -2 T sesame seeds -large dash red pepper flakes (or minced jalapeño pepper) -hamburger buns Toppings: low-fat mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, shredded lettuce, pickled jalapeño, sliced tomato, sliced onion, and sliced avocado Directions Combine all ingredients and mix well

Black bean burger patties, Photo courtesy of Sunrise Foods

Mexican style hamburgers, called hamburguesas, are one of the most popular street foods available, especially late at night. Unlike its northern relative, Mexican hamburgers are thin patties of beef, fried and served with fried ham, cheese, and a pile of toppings. These “hamburgers” are made with black beans rather than beef. They are also griddle-cooked, not fried. Serving veggie burgers with the heaping mountain of toppings will make this meal seem just a bit more authentic.

Separate into 6-8 parts and form into patties On a hot, non-stick service, cook the patties for 5-7 minutes per side Serve on the hamburger buns, hot, and arrange the toppings for everyone to add what they like.

Healthy Chicken tacos, Photo by Marie Oaks

Tacos are arguably the most popular street food snack in Mexico. An order of three tacos makes a nice late dinner or even a mid-morning brunch. Topped with a gorgeous array of condiments, anyone who has had a true Mexican taco knows this is an amazing food! Unfortunately, most tacos in Mexico are fried. The meat is fried, and the corn tortilla shell is quickly fried as well. Delicious they are, but good for your waist they are not. Tacos are easy to make in a healthy way, the secret to authentic Mexican tacos is not the oil – it is the condiments. Serving up tacos with an array of salsa, chopped vegetables, and pickled peppers will make you not miss the fat but rather enjoy the complexity of different flavors! This recipe is particularly delicious if you are able to grill the chicken breasts.

about the author: marie oaks is a resident and head chef at the Bosque Village in Michoacán. She enjoys exploring traditional and new ways to prepare local ingredients. In her spare time, Marie runs a small web design company, Parakata. Check out her websites for more info: and

Shredded Chicken Tacos:

Serves 4 Ingredients: -Two chicken breasts, grilled or boiled until cooked -1/2 cup natural yogurt (no sugar) -12 small corn tortillas Condiments: Choose one or more of the below to dress up your tacos for an authentic Mexican treat! -Escapeche or Rajas – pickled hot peppers and vegetables (including carrots, onions, potatoes, and cauliflower), a common condiment found on the Mexican table. -Green and/or red salsa -Guacamole -Sliced cucumber and/or onion -Sliced radish -Pinto beans, in their broth -Diced onion -Chopped cilantro -Minced jalapeño, or other spicy chile -Wedges of lime

Directions With a knife, shred the chicken breast. Mix the chicken with the yogurt. Warm the corn tortillas on a comal or a stove-top griddle. Add equal amounts of shredded chicken to each tortilla. Serve, three per plate, with a healthy assortment of condiments

another day in paradise


Get Involved! Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo Community Directory The Angel Tree program This is a worldwide program, a branch of which was started Zihuatanejo seven years ago. The project organizes gifts for the children of people incarcerated in the local jail. Gifts are delivered on January 6th of each year (Kings’ Day). The inmates also create high quality hammocks which are sold through local churches including Zihuatanejo Christian Fellowship and Ixtapa Christian Fellowship. The revenues of the hammocks go to offsetting their expenses while incarcerated and to supporting their families. If you are

interested in making a donation, in buying a hammock or in learning more about the many facets of the program contact Patti at

BABY BUNDLE PROJECT A group of expat women initiated The Baby Bundle Project three years ago to create bundles of baby products required by new mothers. The group meets at an ex-pat’s home in Ixtapa every 2-3 months (year-round) for snacks around the pool and social time all-the-while creating bundles to help economically challenged, unwed teenage mothers living in the IxtapaZihuatanejo community. The group donates approximately 300 bundles per year. To contribute products for the bundles, for the address of the next meeting or for more information about how to get involved, contact Joan at 755-5531618 or, or Elizabeth at

Comisión para la Defensa de la Pesca Deportiva A.C. A group comprised of sport fishermen and sport fishing captains concerned with the conservation and protection of their natural resources, they support projects of conservation, preservation, catch and release in sport fishing, the ill effects of over fishing and education on these themes. For more information you can contact Comisión para la Defensa de la Pesca Deportiva A.C., founder and president, Capt. Ruben Lopez, at 755-108-6506, 755-554-6839, or by e-mail:

Fundación Rene Ferguson A.C. This Foundation was set up in memory of Rene Ferguson and its objective is to support able young women, who are suffering financial hardship, through a degree course by assisting them with the expenses of college tuition and books. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible in the United States through The Rene Ferguson Foundation. Please contact Erica

Islas at La Quinta Troppo or at


Hablando Menos aMAndo Mas A. C. Hablando Menos Amando Mas, means "Speaking less, Loving more." The goal at hand is to construct a home for seniors who have been abandoned and who are at risk living on their own. The 2 story hacienda style home is being built to house 26 residents as well as full time missionary staff and administration. The progress can be seen in Las Pozas at the site or www. For information, volunteer opportunities or to make a donation please contact Rosalind Hernandez Cavenagh at 755-554-5919 or Joan McKay at 755-553-1618 email : playaobispo@ The Netza Project The Netza Project is a U.S and Mexico registered non-profit organization that works to advance literacy, education and economic opportunity for all, in particular supporting the vision and expansion of The Netzahualcoyotl School and Kindergarten for Indigenous Children in Zihuatanejo, which today educates over 400 migrant, native and street children - many of

whom speak Nahuatl, Mixteco, Amusgo and Tlapaneco, and who otherwise might not be in school. See; contact Lisa Martin info@; US cell 508-284-0078; Mexico cell 044 755 10 01173.

Por Los Niños de Zihuatanejo, AC. Mexico registered non-profit association, founded by the Zihua SailFest, now in its 9th year, to provide educational opportunities to economically disadvantaged children in Zihuatanejo. Por Los Niños supports learning and school repair projects at more than 12 under-funded primary schools and kindergartens. Volunteers are always needed as well as things that can be used in the schools. The dates of this years Sailfest are Febuary 1st through 6th. Contact: Lorenzo Marbut, home: 755-554-2115, cell: 755102-4463,,

The Rotary Club is a world-wide service organization with the purpose to help those in need. In Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo there are two groups: Club Rotario Ixtapa - Nuevas Generaciones New Generations Rotary Club Ixtapa, meets at 8:30 P.M. on Thursdays at Dal Toscano Ristorante in Ixtapa.

Club Rotario de Zihuatanejo, A.C.

Zihuatanejo Rotary Club meets Tuesdays 3pm at the Hotel Catalina, on Playa La Ropa, Zihuatanejo. Phone: 755-554-9321

S.O.S. Bahia, A.C. Local non-profit group dedicated to the rescue and long-term preservation of the ecological integrity of the Bay of Zihuatanejo. Promotes environmental awareness, advocates the sustain-able development of the bay’s surroundings, and works to stop water pollution and the destruction of wildlife habitat in and around the bay. Collects and distributes information about the issues concerning the bay and organizes periodical beach cleanups. Gladly accepts volunteer contributions and donations.,

SPAZ-HKP “Helene Krebs Posse” Humane Society of Zihuatanejo (Sociedad Protectora de Animales de Zihuatanejo Helene Krebs Posse) Offers sterilization clinics, free adoptions, educational out reach programs, treatment and rehabilitation for wounded, homeless or abandoned animals. Sells t-shirts and memberships to raise funds, gladly accepts donations. Located at Casa Marina, next to the basketball court facing the bay in central Zihuatanejo. Casa Marina, Paseo del Pescador #9, Col. Centro 40880 Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, México, Tel. 755-112-1648, talk to Christian.,

ZI-GUITAR-FEST A.C. - The Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival Now in its eighth year, the Zihuatanejo International Guitar festival brings international musicians to Zihuatanejo from all across the world. The festival is a registered not-forprofit association in Mexico and a percentage of festival proceeds go toward supporting Music, Art and Cultural Education in the community. Sponsors, Donors, and Volunteers always needed.,

If you don’t see your organization listed here, please send us your mission statement and contact information to get on the list,

another day in paradise



Activities guide Living the Dream in Mexico by Linda Leonardis a personal sharing of our travels and experiences while RVing in Mexico over several years. It tells about how we planned, how we included my elderly Mom to have the “times of her life,” and about how we came to settle in Zihuatanejo. Order on www. or phone Linda 755103-6032 in Zihua. Owen Lee has reopened his seaside bungalows on Las Gatas Beach as the Zihuatanejo Beach For information regarding rentals or the purchase of his books and DVDs about Zih, please phone him at 755 1027111. Or check out his webpage at www. Look for a dramatic reading of scenes from his new screenplay happening soon. What Time Do the Crocodiles Come Out? by Kathe Kokolias tells the story of Kathe and Brian who move to Zihuatanejo to help friends build a beachfront hotel. But when unforeseen tragedy strikes, the hotel plunges into chaos, and Paradise slips through their fingers. Available at www. and Fruity Keiko. Greed, A Love Story, an award-winning thriller, adventure, and romance novel written by Zihuatanejo resident, Douglas Beach, is available at,,, and A courageous spirit, Douglas lost his fight to brain cancer and passed away on November 17, 2010. His book, Greed, A Love Story, debuted December 17, 2010.


IXTAPA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP nondenominational English language service every Sunday at 10am at Villas Paraiso in Ixtapa. Contact Ron 755-554-5919 or John & Joan at 755-5531618 for more information. IxtapaChristianFellowship


ZIHUATANEJO CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP nondenominational English language service every Sunday morning in Zihuatanejo. Contact John & Betty 755-554-7178 for more information. RECOVERY 12 STEP house English speaking recovery groups. Directly across from the biblioteca (library) on Cuauhtemoc. AA-Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6:00 PM. NA- Thursday 6:00 PM. Additional meetings November – April.

Painting classes by renowned local artists Alfredo Tapia and Guadalupe Gaytan at Studio Arte Nativo, Thursdays and Fridays 6:00 to 8:00 P.M., and Saturdays 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 pm. Price per class: $120 pesos for 2 Hours. Located at Studio Arte Nativo, Juan N. Alvarez # 67-A, (Behind restaurant La Sirena Gorda) in central Zihuatanejo, Gro. For more information, contact Alfredo Tapia Tel. 755-113-9371, or Guadalupe Gaytan, Tel. 755-104-5404

[ COOKING ] Al cilantro, A Taste of Mexico - fine food, traditional mexican Cooking Classes Spend a morning learning about history and art through Mexican cooking from a creative chef from Veracruz, who has 10 years experience offering classes in Ixtapa, contact Gabriela Tel. 755-102-6670, gabriela.pasquel@

Classifieds BOOKS

[ art classes ]

For more info call or email Bob P. 755-554-2034,, or Nick cell: 044 755 112 2124.

FOR SALE Artesanias 2 GrinGOS signs and collectables made out of Mexican licenses plates. Map of Mexico- $450 USD, piggy banks- $15 USD, journals- $15 USD, and custom signs-$30 USD, by Artesanias 2 Gringos. Email Luis at joseluissantiagobrito@ or Call Cel. 755-116-2391. SEE SHOPPING SECTION. For Sale: 1997 Ford Expedition, 140,000 miles, cloth interior, power locks and windows, 50,000 pesos. Email to request more information or

SERVICES CARPENTRY IN IXTAPA-ZIHUATANEJO. We build integral kitchens, closets, doors, dining room sets, armchairs, staircases, handrails, shelves. We also do restoration and carpentry maintenance in general. Guaranteed quality, all woods, call now !! Juan Pimentel: Tel. 755552-6956, Cel. 044-755-113-2780. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, interior decorating and consulting services. If you are building, remodeling or thinking about building in the Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo area, let us take the stress and worry out of your construction project. Please contact us on the web @ by telephone: 044 755-101-9711 or via email: info@ ZIHWATTS - Having trouble? or just need an upgrade…Computers, Dish TV, sound systems, security, telephone, electrical, and Intelligent Home Technology. We can install new, change the old, or troubleshoot existing problems. For more info contact J.C. by email: or by cell: 044 755-102-9093. Spanish and English spoken. MASSAGE on the beach, Barra de Potosi Enjoy Swedish & Reflexology massage in shady, breezy beach front cabana, 200 meters from Hotel Barra Potoisi, on the beach in front of the school, between Hotel and La Condesa Restaurant, some English spoken. Señora Ana Cel. 755-124-3670

Cooking School at Villa Casa Luna. Classes are held in an elegant residence surrounded by lush tropical gardens, offering a unique culinary experience. We offer a varied menu … Mondays (Chile Relleno), Wednesdays (Enchiladas) and Fridays (Seafood). Located just steps from La Ropa beach. Call 755 554-2743, 755 554-2743 or Cel 044 755 101-9711.

[ SPANISH ] HAVE FUN LEARNING SPANISH! Private classes, short and medium length courses by bilingual, experienced teacher. 60100 pesos/hour. Classes cover topics including doing usiness in Mexico, traveling, medical professionals, emergencies, shopping, domestic assistants and gardeners, asking for information, socializing, everyday language, etc. Contact Juan at Spanish classes - Free Spanish Conversation Classes Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm at Zihuatanejo Café in Zihuatanejo. Each foreigner will be paired with a native Spanish speaker. ½ hour Spanish conversation, ½ hour in English. Donation are accepted and used to assist locals in improving their English skills. Daily “coach” will provide instruction upon arrival. For more information, contact Yadira Rios:, or Janet Galeana, janet@, Tel. 755-544-8787.

[ tAI cHi ] Oceanfront Tai Chi Experience Certified instructor Hotel Irma, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. For more information, contact Gabriela Tel. 755-102-6670, gabriela.

[ YOGA ] YOGA with Ana Scales. Practice in paradise! SUNSET YOGA at Bungalows la Madera. 5:30-6:45pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Morning classes at ZIHUAYOGA studio, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-10:15am Mats and props are available. Schedule your own Private Session! For information e-mail anascales@ or call Cel 755-111-0857.

[ tours ] Experience our amazing ecosystem! Barra de Potosi: ocean, lagoon, mangrove channels, and awesome birdlife! Watch and learn the casting of native nets. Sharkboy is a native guide in our paradise. He can help you to feel the experience and learn about our magical Mexican Costeño way of life. Contact him at, or cell 044-755-102-6509

another day in paradise


ADIP 11th Anniversary Party & 2nd Annual iz Community fair Archeology Museum, Zihuatanejo, JAN 15








Another Day in Paradise celebrates 11 years and the vibrant IZ comunity with music, magazines 4 and community project tables

1. Winter Ramos and niece, Ana, 2. Fay Frick visiting the SPAZ (Society for the Protection of Animals) table, 3. Nancy Krantz and Lety Sanchez selling magazines, 4. ADIP Editor Page Cameron and Heidi Nygaard manning the bar, 5. Judy Juk & Bill Underwood.









6. Rick and Kathy Whitfield, 7. Denise DiPietro talking with Z Rotary Club rep. Nancy Lewis and Refugio de Potosi's Laurel Patrick 8. ADIP Publisher Catherine Krantz and Owen Lee, 9. Brain and Tamara, 10. Chef Glenn Monk and Veronica, 11. Joan McKay manning the Hablando Menos Amando Mas table 12. Isahrai Azaria and Son d'Aka performing, 13. Lee and Glenda manning the Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival table, 14. Jim and Susan Audley.



Thanks to everyone who came out and helped us celebrate!





Lois Brown's

Chick Party 2011 2

4 3 5


What a fun night for the ladies of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo! - Jan 20

1. All the Ladies, 2. Hostesses Claire Piazza and Lois Brown, 3. Lisa Bissonnette, 4. Alejandra Llamas, 5. Lisa Bissonnette & Esperanza Lopez, 6. Carolyn McCall, 7. Kathe Kokolias, 8. Mary Graham, Linda Fox, and Denise DiPietro, 9. Margaret Reid and Helen Walsh, 10. Catherine Krantz, 11-12. Nisa Salmans, 13. Julia Sumner


6 5














Galart Gallery presents: Delfino Victor Sanchez hand painted works in wood & Arthur Koby - hand crafted jewelry exhibit, Galart Villa de la Selva, Ixtapa, Jan 21, 22 7


1. -2. Details of Delfino Victor Sanchez's intricate hand-painted works in wood, 3. Artist Delfino, 4. The crowd at Villa de la Selva, 5. Robert Weiss, Artist Delfino Victor Sanchez, Galart owner Rocio Madrazo, 6. Delfino's wife and collaborator, Candelaria Gutierrez Esteban, 7. Arthur Koby Jewlery design, 8. Artist Arthur Koby, ADIP's Nisa Salmans and Catherine Krantz, 9. Peter Lohr and Carmina Frommer, 10. Arthur Koby and Rocio Madrazo, 11. Arthur Koby Jewlery design





9 7





another day in paradise


MEXICO ABROAD Feb 1- Mar 15, Frente a Frente, The Mexican People in Independence and Revolution, 1810 & 1910, Exhibition Hall, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. This exhibit features rare books, prints, photographs, and manuscripts from the Benson Latin American Collection, commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of Mexican Independence and the centennial of the Mexican Revolution. Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon awarded the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection the Medalla 1808, an award presented for contributions to the study and development of Mexican history and culture. Named in honor of its former director (1942-1975), The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection contains over 970,000 books, periodicals, pamphlets, and microforms; 4,000 linear feet of manuscripts; 19,000 maps; 11,500 broadsides; 93,500 photographs; and 50,000 items in a variety of other media (sound recordings, drawings, video tapes and cassettes, slides, transparencies, posters, memorabilia, and electronic media). This collection is a unit of the University of Texas Libraries and a specialized research library focusing on materials from and about Latin America, and on materials relating to Latinos in the United States.


more information at:

another day in paradise

Upcoming Events

upcoming events Feb 1-6

Zihua Sailfest

2011, Zihuatanejo, Gro.

This will be the 10th year of Sailfest which started because the boaters, stopping in Zihua on their way south, wanted to help the children and schools in the area. It has become an annual event where the boaters, joined by the local people and merchants, join in a week long festival to raise much needed monies and supplies for the local schools and children. All the proceeds from the events go towards the schools in Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa through Por los Ninos de Zihuatanejo a registered Mexican nonprofit. Volunteers are always needed as well as items that can be used by the children and schools. Contact Lorenzo Marbut 755 554- 2115 or cell 755 102-4463 if you would like to become involved.

Feb 2


Día de la Candelaria (Candlemas), Mexico.

This holiday is a very popular event in all of Mexico. A major festival that bids adieu to the winter season, Candlemas is celebrated with pomp and gaiety. Otherwise known as Día de la Candelaria, Candlemas is primarily a religious and family celebration organized in the country of Mexico. This festival got its name- Candlemas because of the ritual of bringing the candles to the church to get them blessed there. The Candlemas in Mexico marks the end of the winter season and is celebrated in a very joyous manner. However, this festival is the continuation of another significant celebration held on January 6th every year known as King's Day. On this day, the families catch up with each other and take meal together. Gifts are exchanged and the highlight is the cutting of the traditional Rosca de Reves- an Epiphany cake that has a figure of a baby hidden inside. Who ever finds that figure, plays host to the ensuing Candlemas providing guests with tamales (stuffed corn cakes wrapped in corn husks or banana leaves) and atole (a hot, sweet drink thickened with corn), which are the signature food items of this event. In Mexico, Candlemas celebrations include colorful parades, musical performances, dance and streets decorated with impressive lanterns. During it, the locals visit the church and also entertain family and friends with meals and parties. If you are in places like Tlacotalpan and Veracruz, you will get a bit different taste of the same festival. Here it is a grand fiesta with fun parades and bullfighting.

Feb 3

Año Nuevo Chino, Chinese New Year in Mexico City.

Red lanterns adorn Mexico City's Barrio Chino (Chinatown) for Chinese New Year and shops offer food to revelers at the celebrations. Chinese children dress up as lions and dragons for the typical colorful street dances. People munch on fortune cookies and frantically buy small charms of the specific animal the year represents. 2011 is the year of the rabbit.

Feb 7

Día de la Constitución, National. The first Monday

in February is a public holiday throughout Mexico, in commemoration of the February 5, 1917 (Day of the Mexican Constitution). The Constitution of the United Mexican States remains the current constitution in Mexico. It was enacted by the Constitutional Congress on February 5, 1917, in the city of Queretaro, with General Venustiano Carranza, the first constitutional president of the country. His legacy is the dedication of many social principles of the Mexican Revolution.

Feb 9-12,

Expo Mueble Internacional Invierno (Internacional Winter Furniture Expo) Expo Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Furniture fashion reaches the largest furniture

exhibition in Mexico and Latin America, featuring more than 500 national and international exhibitors with the largest collection of furniture in different styles, materials and designs.

Feb 11-24,

Ambulante Documentary Film Festival, Mexico City. (Also in Cuernavaca and Metepec/Toluca Feb 25Mar 3) See social and cultural issues tackled on the big

screen at the travelling Ambulante Documentary Film Festival every year. Documentaries from Mexico and beyond appear in Mexico City's cinemas, cultural centers, universities and streets, before moving to other Mexican cities. Ambulante was started by the well-known Mexican actors, Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna, and producer Pablo Cruz. Tijuana, Oaxaca, Morelia and Puebla are just some of the other participating cities every year.

Feb 12-19

The Todos Santos Art Festival, Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. This festival is as much

about Mexican culture and performing arts as it is about paintings, drawings and sculptures. Funded primarily by the government, the Art Festival brings folk dancing, music and theatre performance to Todos Santos. Guest speakers come to host conferences (including video) concerned with turtle conservation, fragile environments, fighting drug addiction and domestic violence, family relations, poetry appreciation, Continued on Page 26

Katalina Guerrero and Miguel Angel Guerrero, Art Opening at Coconut’s Restaurant, Zihuatanejo, 7pm. Creating a visual dialogue between ancient and modern textile practices, Katalina Guerrero comes from a family with a strong artistic tradition, and has been immersed in a creative environment from a very young age. Both her father, Miguel Angel Guerrero Garro and her grandfather Jesus Guerrero Galvan (1910-1973), are important figures in the Mexican School of Painting. Both Katalina and Angel will be showing works at Coconuts restaurant during the month of February, Opening Saturday Feb 5, 7pm.

painting by Angel Guerrero

feb 17-20

Feb 17-20

Expo tu bebe y tu (Your baby and you Expo) World Trade Center, Mexico City. This expo offers products and services to meet the needs during pregnancy

and early years of your baby. Fashion and footwear, furniture and children's games, or the food, hygiene and accessories, everything your baby needs at super prices. More than 100 of the best international and national brands will be present. And if you can not make it to Mexico City, this expo will be in Puebla on July 2-3. or

Feb 18-20

Expo tu Boda (Your Wedding Expo), World Trade Center, Mexico City.

Offering a wide range of products and services for the best prices, this expo is an event where you can put together the perfect wedding and reception in just a few hours. or

World Trade Center, Mexico City.

Feb 19

ADIP Presents award winning pastel painter Terri Ford, 6:30 pm Rafa’s Bar & Restaurant (formerly Rick’s Bar) in downtown Zihuatanejo. “Terri’s work reflects her keen sense of observation. Light and shadows weaving across a tapestry of textures and vibrant colors are a trademark of this outstanding artist." – Michael Dancer Terri Ford, a native Calfornian, has traveled extensively throughout Europe and Mexico. Her pastel paintings include landscapes, portraits, the splendors of Paris, the back roads of France, and Italy: Cortona, Tuscany, Florence, and Venice. Ford paints both in her studio and en plein air, on location. She is drawn to the landscape in varying light and conditions. She is also greatly inspired by old architecture; barns, bridges, missions, cathedrals, clock towers, turrets and spires,which is why much of her painting is done in France, Italy, Ireland, Mexico and New York City. Terri Ford’s pastel paintings have gained national and international recognition. Terri teaches plein air workshops in California and abroad and is featured in the Jan/ Feb issue of The Artists magazine. Join us for a painting demonstration and discussion. Painting by Terri Ford

Photos courtesy of the Centro Internacional de Exposiciones y Convenciones World Trade Center.

Feb 5

Continued from Page 24

and Baja history. There are workshops teaching Latin music and folk dancing. There are recitals featuring piano and poetry. Not your average art festival. Typically, the festival is held at the end of January or the beginning of February. All week long in the Profesor Néstor Agúndez Cultural Center, there is an art and drawing and regional crafts exhibition. Mexican folk dancing is featured opening weekend, in the afternoons and in the evenings there is usually a music or dance show in the plaza.

Feb 21-26

Abierto Mexicano Telcel (Mexican Open), Fairmont Acapulco Princess, Acapulco, Gro. The eighteenth edition of the Mexican

Open Acapulco tournament) takes place each year within the grounds of the Fairmont Princess Hotel. This clay-court tennis championship attracts many famous players from around the world. For upcoming matches go to:

Feb 24,

Diá de la Bandera (Mexican Flag Day). This Mexican national holiday honors the Mexican flag. Since 1937, celebrations have

been held in front of the monument to the General Don Vicente Guerrero, the first Mexican military leader that swore allegiance to the flag in Acatempan on March 12, 1821.

Feb 25-27

Fifth Annual Alamos Silver Festival, Alamos, Sonora. Renowned Mexican silversmiths demonstrate and display their jewelry and art, and restaurants offer fine cuisine during this annual festival. For more info:

january – March

whale watching, ixtapa-zihuatanejo. One secret that the waters off the beach have to offer during winter months is the great whale-watching during their annual migration. In December and early January many of the fishing and sailing boats have already spotted great packs of dolphins, pods of whales with calves and quite a few sea turtles just floating along. You should be able to see whales if you go out in a boat just outside the bay of Zihuatanejo. You can hire a boat straight off the beach, contact the fishing collectives down on the waterfront near the pier or along Playa Municipal, or just ask around the marinas… It’s worth it!

MAR 8 -13

Zihuatanejo international guitar Festival, ixtapa-zihuatanejo, gro. The Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival, now in its eigth year, is a non-profit music festival that brings world class musicians from across the globe to beautiful Zihuatanejo, Mexico, each year for a week of live music in paradise. A percentage of funds generated go toward supporting art and cultural endeavors in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. This year's event brings international musicans from across Mexico, the United States, Canada and as far away as South Africa. Tickets prices are from $100 pesos to $250 pesos per event and there are also two free to the public concerts. For more information

by bob bowers

another day in paradise

By Page cameron


Butterfly at Rest, Photo by Bob Bowers.

Kayaking San Carlos in Sonora, Mexico: •Choice of Bays •Open Ocean


•Perfect for Beginners or Skilled Kayakers

Sitting on the Sea of Cortez, San Carlos offers tourists abundant reasons to visit. Multiple bays, coves and open water provide excellent kayaking for all skill levels. Just twelve miles northwest of the deepwater port of Guaymas, San Carlos is a year-round destination for tourists seeking sunshine and sparkling ocean. Available water sports include swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, windsurfing, fishing, sailing, boating and kayaking. The San Carlos/Guaymas Tourist Area Surrounded by rugged, cactus-covered mountains and lying along numerous bays, coves, inlets and white-sand beaches, San Carlos is strikingly beautiful. This wide variety of water, which also includes a protected estuary, makes San Carlos an excellent choice for all levels of kayakers. Although San Carlos is more touristoriented, nearby (and larger) Guaymas also offers good reasons to visit. Together, the two towns provide wonderful restaurants, fresh seafood, and a variety of outdoor activities, including birding, hiking, biking and golf, as well as water sports.

another day in paradise


Author Points out Sights in San Francisco Bay, San Carlos, photo by Prudy Bowers.

Kayaking in San Carlos Kayaking choices, which can be combined into longer outings, include: •San Francisco Bay •San Carlos Bay •Punta Doble •Playa Algodones •Estero Del Soldado


Kayaks can be rented from El Mar Dive Center, on the bay side of the main street, just west of popular Rosa's Cantina. The English-speaking partners at El Mar will direct you to convenient entry points on San Francisco Bay as well as other locations, even if you have brought your own kayak. Double kayaks are available at El Mar for $45 U.S. for a 24-hour rental, including life jackets, paddles and kayak delivery/pickup at your entry point. For an additional $7 U.S., they will also move the kayak from one entry point to another, giving you access to multiple locations during the same day. Kayaking San Francisco Bay in San Carlos The main business stretch of San Carlos, from the entrance near the Fiesta Real Hotel to the Marina San Carlos, lies along Ensenada San Francisco (San Francisco Bay). This is a large, relatively placid body of water screened from the rougher water found along the western shoreline. Consequently, it is an ideal area for beginning and less-adventurous kayakers.

San Francisco Bay to San Carlos Bay Following the shoreline southwest, you can kayak out of San Francisco Bay and around (or through) a rocky cliff Punta Las Cavas (Cave Point) that leads to a small bay where the Marina Terra Beach Club is located. An eroded hole through the cliff adds some excitement and a short cut into the adjacent bay. After crossing the mouth of the Marina Terra Beach Club bay, another point is encountered with a second, narrower tunnel into San Carlos Bay, where the main San Carlos marinas are located. Kayaking Punta Doble to Mirador Continuing across the mouth of San Carlos Bay and around Punta Doble to the west, one encounters more chop, more wind and more power boats, and beginning kayakers could find this challenging. The water is generally less rough in the morning, before afternoon breezes kick up, and staying closer to the shoreline usually means easier kayaking as well. After coming around Punta Doble, a series of beautiful small coves and inlets mark the coastline to El Mirador, the popular sunset viewpoint that towers 175 feet above the ocean. Mirador is about a six mile paddle from the mid-point of San Francisco Bay.

The Sea of Cortez from Algodones Beach, San Carlos, Photo by Bob Bowers

Kayak Entry Point, Estero del Soldado, San Carlos, Photo by Bob Bowers

Kayaking Along Algodones Beach and Beyond From Mirador, kayakers follow the coast around the point and past an azure resort bay to Marina Real. The beautiful white sand Algodones Beach sweeps north of the marina, past The Premier Vacation Club and The San Carlos Plaza Hotel to the Paradiso Resort. Although this is called a bay (Bahia Los Algodones), it has the look and feel of the open ocean. Low surf breaks along the beach and Baja California lies eighty miles across the sea to the west. From the Paradiso Resort, where Venado Island lies offshore, the coastline continues north past the village of La Manga and beyond. Kayakers should note that strong breezes prevail here, an area popular with wind surfers. Kayaking Estero Del Soldado The Soldado Estuary is a protected area at the east end of San Francisco Bay. Access is available behind the Pilar Condominios, just south of the entrance to San Carlos, or at a gated entrance along the Delfinario road, which runs between the main San Carlos road east of town and Guaymas. The estuary consists of mangrove islands and a maze of shallow waterways. Kayaking is easy and relaxing, and the estuary is popular with birders. Kayakers should be aware of tides, however, since low tidewater can drop to non-navigable levels. San Carlos, an appealing tourist destination for many reasons, offers a broad range of kayaking experiences in a spectacularly beautiful setting.

San Carlos from San Francisco Bay, Photo by Bob Bowers

about the author: Bob Bowers has traveled extensively in Mexico. He has written numerous articles about Mexico, driving in Mexico and Mexico's birds for the online magazine, Suite 101, where he is the feature writer for Birds and Birding. Bob and his wife live in the Santa Catalina Mountain foothills north of Tucson, Arizona.

by Nancy Seeley

another day in paradise

Travel tips


View of Ixtapa, Photo by Page Cameron.


Travel is one of the great joys life has to offer, but that joy can rapidly become a nightmare if disaster strikes and you’re unprepared. Thinking about accidents and medical emergencies might not rate very high on the trip anticipation meter, but – as Benjamin Franklin so aptly put it centuries ago – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Following are some tips to keep in mind as you soak up the culture or laze on the beaches of Mexico. • Take a few minutes in each new city you visit to make a list of emergency phone numbers “just in case.” For instance, in our area, you can phone either the Red Cross (554-2009) or the Fire Department (554-7551) for an

ambulance. Dialing 554-2040 connects you with the Tourist Police. If you think you’ll need a doctor or a hospital while traveling, check out your options in advance. • If you’re caught flat-footed and trouble arises, all is not lost! Like many other countries, Mexico does have nationwide 3-digit emergency phone

numbers: “066” gets you to the police, “065” is for medical crises, and “068” connects you with the fire department. If keeping all three of them straight is too much trouble, then emblazon “066” in your mental phone directory. It’s the equivalent of “911” in the U.S. and can be dialed from both land lines and cell phones. (In Mexico’s more heavily populated areas, dialing “911” will automatically be rerouted to the correct “066” number. This DOES NOT work in Zihuatanejo and Ixtapa, however!) The people answering these calls are in Mexico City and will help you get routed to the correct numbers in your location. • American citizens should strongly considering registering with the U.S. Embassy if they’ll be in Mexico for an extended period of time. The ONLY way to do this is online at gov. Look for the suitcase with a check mark on the left side of the home page; what you want is called “Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.” Not only can this save you time and aggravation later, but the site is chock full of useful information – plus you can sign up to receive travel updates and security alerts by providing a valid e-mail address. • Ixtapa’s U.S. Consular Agent is Debra Mione. The Consular Agency is located in Ixtapa’s Fontan Hotel, and Ms. Mione’s office hours are Monday through Friday from noon until 4 p.m. and the office phone number is 5532100. In bona fide emergencies, she can be contacted via cell phone at 755557-1106. • The closest Canadian Embassy is in Acapulco. The phone numbers are 744-484-1305 and 744-481-1349. If you’re calling from a land line in Zihuatanejo, precede these numbers with “01”; from a cell phone, just those 10 digits will do the trick. • Before you leave home for your time south of the border, make sure you have contact numbers for relatives and/or friends up north who need to be

notified should problems arise. • If you’re living down here fulltime – or as a snowbird for much of the winter – have a plan in place for what to do if the unthinkable happens and the Grim Reaper interrupts your holiday. Not much fun thinking about this one, but the untimely death of a friend here recently emphasized how important it is for someone to know what to do in advance of a catastrophe. In the event of a death, you must have a doctor come over to pronounce the person dead, decide the cause of death, and begin work on an official death certificate. The cost of this service will be about $2,000 pesos. Processing final paperwork for issuance of the death certificate takes a few days. You need one person who's in charge to sign and a couple of witnesses to complete this task. All need to have proper ID (passports are preferred) to comply with the law. For this service, two good choices for a doctor are: Dr. Rogelio Grayeb (office 554-3334, cel. 044-755-551-3335, home 553-1711) or Dr. Olivia Montufar Mendoza (office 5542306, cel. 044-755-558-2235, home 5532330). Both speak English, and both are accustomed to being called at home at all hours of the night. Having read all that, it’s time for you to carry on with cheerier things in paradise.

about the author: Nancy Seeley moved down to Zihuatanejo from Wisconsin late in 1995, with the intention of staying for a three-year sabbatical... but once she got here, she found there was no turning back. Traveling throughout Mexico has become a passion, and avoiding winter weather in the Midwest has become a goal. So far, she claims a pretty high success rate on both fronts.


By Maura Taylor

Home & Living

another day in paradise

Home Building Series, Part IV:

custom built

furnishings Mexico is home to some very talented and creative artisans who turn wood, bamboo, stone, rattan and other natural materials into beautifully crafted furnishings to fit your individual style, taste, budget and more importantly: measurements. The beauty of custom-built furnishings you can build to fit exactly the spaces and contours of each room and area within your home. While most of us lean towards buying ready-made furnishings from our local Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware, here we are limited in our store-bought options.


However, you can have just about anything built to fit and probably at a fraction of what these similar pieces would cost you in a fancy home decorating store. Of course, it helps to have a bit of imagination and the ability to visualize the piece, its design and materials and more importantly where and how it will fit in with your décor. The best way to begin conjuring up your new table, bed frame, entertainment center, cabinetry, etc. is to start looking through decorating magazines, catalogs and on even the internet as a source of inspiration. Start out with some basic ideas of style, design and materials. Photocopy or tag pages from home decorating magazines and interior design books so you have an idea of your aesthetic and can decide what material to use. Once you have a more concrete idea, a simple room layout or sketch will suffice; be sure to take accurate measurements so you know how much space you have to work with. You can fill the room with representations of each piece of furnishing; it doesn’t have to be too detailed, just to give you an idea of how your furniture will fit together and get you closer to the ideal size and location of each piece. You can either work independently or with a home decorating professional in order to come up with a plan that fits your style and interior space.

photos by Maura Taylor

Using your room basic layout, you can start to think about materials for each piece; wood, bamboo, upholstered, rattan, wicker, iron, leather, glass, stone … the list goes only as far as your imagination and decorating aesthetic. You can choose to furnish in sets or bring together signature pieces that create an eclectic funky mix. In other words, you can get creative when the pieces are made to order. Modern, contemporary, rustic, colonial or coastal there are craftsman who can create a look that represents your individual style and taste. Once you’ve decided on materials and have a basic sketch and design, the next step is to find a skilled artisan that can craft your ideas into reality. When it comes to finding talented artisans and quality crafted furnishings, several regions of Mexico stand out among the crowd. Among them, Guanajuato, Guadalajara and Michoacán, all of which are easily accessed by car or bus and can be visited on either day or weekend trips. Each region offers a slightly different style of handcrafted artistry and materials to choose from. In larger towns and cities there are typically a plethora of shops, boutiques and galleries that showcase their custom built furnishings. Most work directly with private clients or their decorators to create unique heirloom pieces or furnish an entire home. You will find that styles and cost vary, depending on the artist’s recognition (both nationally and in some cases abroad), experience, materials, etc. It’s best to shop around extensively before deciding on with whom to work with. Also, whoever it is should share a similar vision or work in a similar

style to what you are looking for. Otherwise, it can be difficult if the craftsman has other ideas or styles in mind. If you are looking for custom but built closer to home, Zihuatanejo and its surrounds are home to a wealth of small independent craftsman, whose humble workshops may not rival those of San Miguel or Tlaquepaque; however you can certainly find several diamonds in the rough if you know where to look. Above all, you must have a bit of patience with any custom built piece, whether constructed here or elsewhere. Hand crafted furniture making is an unhurried process that no matter the material cannot be built as quickly or accurately as machine-fabricated products. However, hand crafted pieces are typically of higher quality and as each is a unique creation, its imperfections often become part of its charm. A few things to consider before building custom Take accurate measurements! There’s nothing more disheartening than bringing home a beautiful new piece of furniture only to find that it’s too big or too small for the space. Also make sure to measure hallways or staircases where the piece will have to fit through in order to arrive at your front door. Know that no one can be expected to get inside your head. The closer you can get to a detailed drawing and design, the more akin your finished piece will be made. Even so, each person’s interpretation of the same drawing will be slightly different and the piece may not come out exactly the way you envision. Allow some room for creative interpretation; it will spare you frustrations and in the end you will have a beautifully furnished home that can’t be bought in any store.


This is the 4th article in a series on the elements of home construction and the builder services & materials available here in Zihuatanejo. To read the previous articles, go to

about the author: maura taylor is a Zihuatanejo resident who provides highly personalized construction management, interior design and relocation services for expatriates emigrating to Mexico. You can find Maura on the web @ www.zihuaid. com, by phone #044 (755) 101 9711 or via email:

another day in paradise

BY linda neil

real estate law


Dual Agency Consider a Buyer’s Agent


Dual agency arises when a real estate broker or salesperson represents adverse parties (e.g., a buyer and seller) in the same transaction.

In real estate the party that represents a buyer or a seller in the purchase or sale of a property, is called an agent. In Mexico, as in other countries of the world, the agent has a duty to treat his principal in an ethical and professional manner. The Mercantile Code, Articles 273 to 308 outline the obligations involved in representing the interests of the client. Both law and custom make it very difficult for the conscientious agent to represent BOTH buyer and seller since the buyer wants to buy the property for the lowest price possible and the seller is looking for the greatest amount of money he can get for his property. With this in mind, how can the conscientious agent honestly represent both parties? Almost anyone will agree; there is a conflict of interest when anyone

tries to fairly represent both sides of a transaction. No matter how much the agent needs or wants the money that will come from a FULL commission, it is better to call in a colleague to represent one side or the other. That way both share in the commission, both principals are honestly and fairly served and the agent will have clients who will recommend his or her services to other friends and acquaintances. It ends up being winwin for everyone! To reinforce the relationship with buyer or seller clients it is important to understand and discuss this with the client; outline the responsibilities of the buyer’s agent, the obligations of the seller’s

And what are the obligations and responsibilities? Simply put, the SELLER’S AGENT has the obligation to counsel his seller as to fair and reasonable selling price, as to the importance of disclosure of defects in the property, as well as to offer the property to the widest audience possible. The purpose of this, of course, is to obtain the highest price possible for the property.

BY John Glaab

another day in paradise

Not only does this confirm the essentials of the fiduciary relationship, but also the clients, knowing that an agent is working EXCLUSIVELY for them, and not the other side, will be much more likely to remain loyal to his/her agent.

Real Estate News

agent and how to handle the important issues such as money where price is being negotiated. A confirmation of the relationship should be signed with the buyer or seller client.


The BUYER’S AGENT should assist the client in locating the best property possible which will meet buyer’s requirements. Once located, the property should be inspected as to suitability for the purpose intended and the most attractive price and terms possible negotiated for the acquisition of the property.

AMPI National Inauguration The Mexican Association of Mexican Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) has a new President. Adan Larracilla of Puebla, Puebla, has been sworn in, replacing outgoing President Hector Obregon of Leon, Guanajuato Also at the ceremony, Sergio Gomez became AMPI’s new Vice President and ten members representing a broad cross section of the Republic, joined the National Advisory Board. Jose Oscar Vega from the Secretary of the federal Government, representing President Felipe Calderon, presided at the ceremony.

In all cases, the agent must treat all parties with honesty and fairness. Forms confirming agency relationships are available by contacting the author at the address below. Copyright,2010 Consultores Phoenix, S.C. Reproduction prohibited without permission. For reprints or further information, please contact The Settlement Company®

about the author: LINDA NEIL has been designated as an Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR) by the National Association of Realtors® (USA). She is also the founder of The Settlement Company®, which specializes in real estate transfers and escrows, specializing in the Virtual Closing®. Licensed as a California real estate broker, Ms. Neil has pursued her profession in Mexico for over thirty years. Memberships: FIABCI, AMPI and NAR. Linda is a former member of the National Advisory Council of AMPI and has served as AMPI Coordinator for the state of Baja California Sur.


Outgoing President Obregon reported on AMPI’s activities last year, its fifty-fifth year of operation. Several new Sections have been established with AMPI now having Sections in sixty-four cities. A major accomplishment was the establishment of AMPI’s new Training and Statistics Institute. He also reported he had breakfast earlier in the day with fifteen AMPI Past Presidents. The new President Larracilla outlined his goals and aspirations for 2011. Jose Oscar Vegas had three messages for AMPI. First, he reported that the current Government is in full support of AMPI and its contribution to the housing industry. There are too many “coyotes” and too much fraud in the real estate industry. Second he spoke about the need to “regularize” the real estate industry. Here he referred to the need for licensing and mentioned the handful of states that have a law governing real estate. The third theme was trato directo, which basically is the For Sale by Owner market. He said, “This is a risky proposition.”

View from Real Contramar Condominiums in Ixtapa, Photo by Page Cameron.

Also speaking at the TOMA was Adrian Arriaga, CIPS, CCIM. Adrian, a past Ambassador from the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) to AMPI and a member of the Texas Real Estate Commission, is the currently Chair of NAR’s Global Business Alliances Group. He brought greetings from NAR President. Ron Phipps. NOTE: AMPI and NAR signed a joint venture agreement in 2006. Under the agreement, AMPI members can legally use the word REALTOR® The event was held at the Hacienda de Los Morales, in Mexico, D.F. A cocktail-reception followed the inauguration. It was attended by over 300 people including political and real estate industry dignitaries. Immediately before the TOMA the Mexican Section of The International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) gathered for a short meeting. During our FIABCI meeting Adolfo Kunz made a review of all his years in FIABCI. He fondly remembered the World Congresses held in Mexico in the 60’s and 80’s, and his wonderful experiences meeting dignitaries from all over the world in Europe, South America, Canada, and the United States, and different business opportunities he encountered through his FIABCI Membership. Adolfo, an attorney, is a Past President of FIABCI Mexico and was a Deputy in Mexico’s Congress.

Glaab to AMPI International Committee John Glaab, CIPS from the La Paz Section of the Mexican Association of Professional Realtors (AMPI) has been appointed to that association’s International Committee. The purpose of the committee is to foment relationships with other real estate associations worldwide, with a particular focus on the United States National Association of Realtors® (NAR). That association has affiliations with seventy organizations in fifty-five countries. He has been an AMPI member for nearly twenty years and is a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. He is active in NAR’s Global Business Alliances Group. In making the appointment, Lupita Duran of AMPI Tulum and Chair of the Committee said,” We are please to have a person with John’s real estate background and international experience on our team.” about the author: John Glaab, CIPS is a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. A Certified International Property Specials he is active in NAR’s Global Business Alliance Group. For further information: john.glaab@settlement-co. com or visit our web site at:

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