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Take the Love Your ADK Pledge

n o i g e R t s a o C k c a d n o r i d A

2 2 0 2 l l a F / r e m m u S • e d i u G n o i t a c V a k c a d n o r i d A / e s i r p r e t n E y l i a D k c a d n o r i d A

Taking care of the Adirondack Park’s natural resources is everyone’s responsibility. It’s easy, and the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism will show you how on the “Love the Adirondacks” website, where you can take the Love Your ADK pledge.

By taking the Love Your Adirondacks pledge and practicing Leave No Trace ethics you can help ensure that the forests, waterways and communities of the Adirondacks remain beautiful and unique for generations to come.

The Love Your ADK pledge has been created in partnership with ROOST, the Adirondack Mountain Club, Adirondack Council and the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Sign the pledge online at the following website: www.loveyouradk.org/pledge.

I pledge to:

¯ Love the Adirondacks in a way that is mindful of others; ¯ Only share thoughtful messages on social media that encourage good stewardship; ¯ View wildlife from afar and be considerate of their home; ¯ Embrace the hiker ethos and get my boots dirty by walking through the mud; ¯ Always explore responsibly and prepare for any experience; ¯Do my duty to properly dispose of trash as well as pet and human waste; ¯ Keep woods and waters clean by checking my gear and equipment for invasive species; and ¯ Support, practice, and inspire others to follow the Leave No Trace Seven Principles.

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