The Gerson Miracle ANatural Cure for Cancer Max Gerson was a German physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, an alternative dietary therapy, which has been proven to cure cancer and most chronic, degenerative diseases. The Gerson Therapy is based on the belief that disease is caused by the accumulation of unspecified toxins, and attempts to treat the disease by having patients consume a vegetarian diet including hourly glasses of organic juice and various dietary supplements. Gerson's daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continued to promote the therapy, founding the "Gerson Institute" in 1977. By Emily Zhang
oward Straus, grandson of Max Gerson and son of Charlotte Gerson, first began using his grandfather’s Gerson Therapy to cure his hereditary enema: thalassemia. His mother founded the Gerson Institute, and he had always been involved in some manner. That was how he discovered that natural treatment could cure cancer. At the age of 23, he was engaged to be married, but three months before the wedding, his fiancée came down with her third occurrence of skin cancer. She started the Gerson Therapy. Straus explains how successful the treatment was: “We both went on the therapy and all my little health problems started to go away. I lost 50 unwanted pounds, my adult acne cleared up and my hair started growing back. This was 23 years ago— look at me now, I’m almost 70 and I’m in the best health of my life, which is something that few American men can say at this age. My wife is in the best health ever and to this day is cancer free.” The basics of Gerson Therapy consist of organic, salt free, fat free, vegan nutrition with the addition of detoxification and vitamin, mineral, and enzyme supplementation. At the clinic, three large vegan meals are provided per day with a wide variety of fresh pressed vegetable and fruit juices. All these tenants serve to restore everything the body lacks. When asked about his opinion on the benefit of genetically modified food, Straus scoffed. “Genetically modified foods are not only useless and toxic, but they’re lethal.” He continues, “Monsanto is the most evil corporation on the planet. There are 1,000-2,000 Indian farmers per week that are committing suicide; I mean it’s just horrible. So, Monsanto is the problem, not the solution.” It turns out that companies pay big money to prevent food labeling so they can continue selling unhealthy food for a profit. People have to look to a natural cure. “Conventional medicine is failing more and more, it’s getting more and more expensive, less and less effective, especially with chronic disease.” Straus
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notes. In fact, a study done by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center has discovered that chemotherapy, when used on a living body, actually makes it more likely that cancer will recur. But all is not lost. Food can actually help fight cancer. “Plantbased nutrition will alkalinize your body and it’ll do it very rapidly,” Straus explains, “Meat based nutrition or animal proteinbased nutrition, any type of animal protein, milk, butter, eggs, ice cream, cheese, pork and chicken; all of those things will acidify your body. Therefore drinking milk is not going to help your osteoporosis, because it’s acidifying your body and the acidification is sucking calcium out of your bones.” “We shouldn’t just watch the food we eat though. Beauty and cleaning products can be bad for our health too. Cosmetics and personal care products like deodorants and lipstick are absorbed into the skin and directly into the bloodstream.” “Women that use cosmetics typically absorb about 5 lbs. of this stuff every year. Five lbs. of cosmetic chemicals and nobody regulates those chemicals, they’re carcinogenic, they’re neurotoxic and they’re mutagenic which means it causes birth defects.” “Chlorine, a common product that can be found anywhere from drinking water to swimming pools actually has a negative effect on the body.” Straus explains, “Chlorine is very toxic. It disables the thyroid, causing hypothyroidism, which leads to low energy production; it inhibits the ability to create an inflammation when there’s an infection. ” Thus, chlorine prevents the body from healing itself. “ “Mercury in your fillings, okay mercury will leach out of your fillings for ever, in the course of 25 years, 90% of the mercury will be leached out of your teeth and into your system where it’ll circulate and cause neurological problems. It’s the worst, the most powerful, neurotoxin that there is. The FDA has resolutely, consistently and cynically refused for 30 years, despite stringent demands for requirements, requests, mandates to test mercury amalgam fillings for safety. They