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Top Health Threats Affecting Children

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Be Informed

Be Informed

the mainstream media and government have

peddled the same lame health concerns affecting children for decades. Whether it's drug abuse, smoking, teen pregnancy, obesity or any other perceived public health threat, no officially recognized health concern affecting children compares to the actual threats which are rarely if ever discussed by public health entities or the mainstream media. The reasons for this convenient ignorance are simple...deception and distraction.


The typical diatribe coming out of government organizations who claim to be enforcing good health and protecting our children is nonsense and always has been. They parrot the same mundane health threats affecting children decade after decade without actually doing anything about them or telling us what actually causes them.

They insist things like smoking, drug abuse, obesity, teen pregnancy, bullying and abuse are the top health concerns for children and teens when they are nothing but a miniscule fraction of a threat compared to the following:

1. Vaccines Vaccines, all vaccines, are immune suppressing; that is they depress our immune functions. The chemicals in the vaccines depress our immune system; the virus present depresses immune function, and the foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues depresses immunity. Chemical toxicity and depressed immunity likely make vaccines the number one long-term health threat to children.

2. sweeteners, colors, FlaVors and PreserVatiVes Dangerous food additives are creating a toxic environment for our children's health spurring allergies and ADHD.

Two recent British studies found that certain food dyes, as well as the common preservative sodium benzoate, may have an adverse effect on some children's behavior. Researchers said the increase in ADHD diagnoses could be partly to blame on preservative.

3. Genetically Modified Foods Genetically Modified (GM) foods are likely the single biggest threat to humanity in the coming decades and certainly a threat to the health of future generations. If you're new to the dangers of GM foods this article "The 7 Biggest Reasons To Never Eat Genetically Modified Foods" sums up the reasons to stay away from them. Problem is, they're everywhere and it's almost impossible to escape from them.

GM foods pose a threat to the environment, polluting the fertile soils of the world with unnatural genetic material that may have unknown long-term consequences. Cross-pollination with non-GM crops, monoculture practices and the liberal use of chemical pesticides alongside GM crops are just a few of the serious threats to sustainable life on Earth posed by food scientists playing God with seeds.

4. Environental toxins BPA, fluoride, parabens, phthalates, PFOA, fiberglass, oxybenzone, BHA and dozens of other chemicals makes up a very long laundry list of environmental toxins affecting every household. Combine this with geoengineering intiatives polluting the entire atmosphere with toxins, and you have a toxic planet from soil to sky.

Developing children are at even greater risk than adults for harm from the above chemicals. Their toxic effects are far reaching affecting almost every body system.


Perhaps the biggest health myth today (although more people are catching on) is the public's misconception that mainstream medicine and the healthcare system helps sick children. Nothing could be further from the truth since physicians and psychiatrists alone are extremely dangerous to the health of children. They are the ones that prescribe the dangerous medications, vaccines, antibiotics, and debilitating psychotic drugs.

90 percent of all diseases (cancer, diabetes, depression, heart disease, etc.) are easily preventable through diet, nutrition, sunlight and exercise. None of these solutions are rarely if ever promoted by conventional medicine to parents and their children because they make no money.

One can only hope that a child does not contract cancer as physicians only have one tool for that--cut, poison and burn via surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

No pharmaceuticals actually cure or resolve the underlying causes of disease. Even "successful" drugs only manage symptoms, usually at the cost of interfering with other precious physiological functions in young bodies that will cause side effects down the road. There is no such thing as a drug without a side effect.

Mainstream medicine is the leading cause of death in the United States. They recruit children into the system when they are young and vulnerable and they attempt to keep them as life-long clients as they age.

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