Work sample (2014-2017)

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A d i t i

N a i r

S o m e s h w a r

Works between 2012-2016 r esearch | d esign | f ield work


MESN (March 2017-Present)

Comprehensive Slum Mapping and infrastructure upgrade To upgrade the slums systema cally Municipal corpora on of greater Mumbai is undertaking detailed mapping of the slum areas at Macro and Micro level. Typically a Macro level mapping is for 20 ha of an area which is divided into units of about 4 ha for detailed micro level mapping.

Open space redevelopment Promo on of quality public spaces in the most neglected M east ward, on the periphery of Mumbai city where large colonies of the poor have been rese led since the 1970s residing in slums in close proximity of dumping ground.

Comprehensive Slum Mapping The Kurla West-Ghatkopar West belt, part of the L and N civic wards, comprises at least 75 large slum se lements, one of which is Bhimnagar located in the N -ward, Ghatkopar in the proposed DP 2014-34 the area is shown as reserved for reservoir. In N-ward (Ghatkopar), 70% of the approximate seven lakh popula on lives in slums.

Passages Area(SQM)

Open space Area(SQM)

8% 45%


30% 59% 11%

Drain network

Public toilets


15% 3%

41% 82%


Mapping was carried out by Total sta on survey and overlayed with informa on regarding basic infrastruture like passages and drains etc using an app created by MESN. The informa on collected was then converted to a GIS based map ra ng each basic infrastructure for systema c upgrada on

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Land use plan


Upgrada on plan Area speciďŹ c SWOT analysis with upgrada on visions were submi ed to the BMC; for the local corporator and ward oďŹƒcer to realize the poten al of such detailed mapping and phase wise development.

House units in Bhim Nagar

Public Space Development in Gautam Nagar , Rese lement and rehabilita on scheme The Govt. of Maharashtra and Mumbai Metropolitan Road Development Authority (MMRDA) has developed 45 colonies for 64,000 tenements in the suburbs for R&R.

GOAL To develop the public space in a Rese lement and Rehabilita on Colony, effec vely responding to community needs, including par cipatory approaches to improve health, hygiene and cleanliness and improve over all well being of the inhabitants.

City Dump Yard (emi ng toxic air)

OBJECTIVE Shivaji Nagar)

Mobilizing Community

S.R.A. R&R scheme

Strengthening federa on and society

Development and Maintenance of Public Spaces

Legend: Project site: Slum Rehbilitaiton Authority’s (S.R.A) Rehabilita on and Rese lement Colony (R&R) in Gautam Nagar, Govandi

Cycle of Slum Rehabilita on Scheme Transit oriented development in Mumbai i.e Metro line, Road widening projects

Project Affected People(PAP) from adjacent slum are rehabilitated

Rehabilita on in a high rise building is away from PAP’s work network resul ng in loss of livelihood.

Maintenance of high rise is unaffordable as compared to the G+1 slum structures.

4500 PPH Density in R&R Colony as compared to 1200 PPH Density in the slums of Mumbai!! 0.5 Sq.M Public Spaces Per capita as compared to 1 Sq.M Public Space Per capita in the slum

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Highly degraded quality of life and public space in SRA R&R colony’s dense neighborhood

VOICES IN AN S.R.A Difficult to adjust in high rise

Lack of ligh ng and cleanliness-Unsafe for women in the night




• Lack of apathy towards PAP • Ambiguity in allotment of housing units


• Building wise socie es are organized but lack capability. • Federa on responsible for maintenance of public spaces not even opera onal.


• 30% rental housing, hence lack of ownership & reluctance to take responsibility •

Lack of social cohesion & civic sense

Lack of Restricted access to open spaces for females



• Neighborhood of low income group popula on marginalized together in vast majority forming ghe os of poverty • Lack of mixed income group se ngs / mixed use creates lack of opportuni es and social cohesion. • Feeling of aliena on generates a sense of anger blanketed across the neighborhood.

The crux of the project lied in mobilizing the community and in working with various departments within the government to address the issues involved in public space development in a rehabilita on scheme. However for sustained maintainence of public space a scheme of social credits was introduced to mo vate con nued involvement of community S.H.G and BMC cleaners.

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NIVASA NGO (January 2015- March 2017)

Redevelopment of Villages

Project Griha

Suppor ng redevelopment of villages in a holis c manner where we contribute to design and help in execu on of infrastructure and housing needs.

The aordable rural house Developing customized design solu ons that consider local material, environment, sociocultural sensi vi es & economic ac vi es, and dissemina on of template to contractors, skilled workers and the larger community.

Project Suitcase A solu on for the urban homeless Developing a toolkit of housing components for the urban homeless as a step towards permanent housing solu ons.

CO-construc ng Thimmaiyanadoddi The Timmaiyanadoddi model is an experiment, with an outlook to make it a replicable model for interven on. Apart from providing for the basic need for decent shelter, the model inquires to ascertain the impact of holis c design of built environment on the human psyche: Once you are the proud owner of a house, and are involved in the rebuilding of the spaces around your houses, the level of sensa on of well-being, self-worth and responsibility towards oneself and on the surrounding environment is likely to increase.

Thimmaiyanadoddi is 21 kms from Electronic city, and falls in Bangalore Urban District, in Anekal Taluk • It consists of 21 houses on a hilly terrain. Ÿ The villagers are a basket weaving communit. Ÿ Government had allo ed them land for farming; as well as 30’ x 40’ sites for their housing. Ÿ Main Occupa on is basket weaving and agriculture • Nuclear family system

Quarry in Jigni industrial area

Village Site

Over a span of two years Nivasa hlped assess the communi es needs, conducted trust building exercises and built the community center to showcase the rigidity of a mud structure. Nivasa helped construct 14 houses in Thimmaiyanadoddi, where the mud blocks were built by owners and house was built by local masons. A 400 Sq house was built for INR 2 Lakh with the labour help from the home owners.

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Each home owner was trained to make mud blocks and was educated on the benefits of using mud blocks for construc on. 3 people per household spent 15 days making 2000 blocks and 15 days curing it.

2000 Mud blocks per house

Villagers were trained to build Astra stove for smokeless cooking.

20 Smokeless Chullas

2 helpers from each family contributed as unskilled labour for a 30 day period

14 400 Sq houses

20 toilets built by mobilizing communty i “One of the important things learnt from the project is perseverance . By the end of the project, from what I gather with my 20-30 days experiences in Thimmaiyanadoddi, small changes could be observed in the way people thought about their own place . From a sleepy village environment in the start , by the end of the project the en re community was giving inputs and was involved ac vely. One thing observed is, incen ves pushed people to work and prac ce took a lot of me to follow inten on .” Panchyat funded building of 20 toilets through Swach Bharat Abhiyan scheme

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Redevelopment of Villages Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu Ko amedu village comprises of a Irular tribal community of 28 families’ vic ms of the recent flooding in Chennai. An asset based approach was used to cater to the community’s housing needs. Loca on: 45 kms South of Chennai, about 16 kms from Chenagalpet. •

Keys to an Asset based approach redevelopment of Ko amedu Village • • • •

Makes visible skill, knowledge, connec on & poten al in community. Promotes capacity, connectedness & social capital. Building around needs, building suppor ve groups. Ensures well being through strengthening control, self esteem, increased awareness & involvement. • People are part of the solu on, not seen as the problem. • People have the ability to influence decisions. • The focus is on us facilita ng & empowering than delivering.

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GRIHA_UDUPI The model house built under Project Griha in Cherkady village for a Koraga family was funded by ITDP, under the leadership of the then DC, Dr. R.Vishal. It as a sensi ve response to the prevalent prac ce of housing built under Indira Awaz Yojna in the Udupi district. The INR 3 lakh house built for Mr. Krishna was executed with the help of local contractor and mason using locally made interlocking bricks. Expandability:


Climate sensi ve:

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GRIHA_CHITRADURGA Developing customized design solu ons that consider local material, environment, sociocultural sensi vi es & economic ac vi es, and dissemina on of template to Contractors, Skilled workers and the larger Community.

Street view

House eleva on

House interiors

Taluks Kitchen

Core : Living + Room Toilet / Bath

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GRIHA_DAVENGERE An ongoing study on the local material, environment, socio-cultural sensi vi es & economic ac vi es, climate of Davengere district. Being divided into dry and wet region, the Davengere housing study gives an insight into the shi in lifestyle region wise and its affects on the housing needs. The current solu ons being prac ced in the region lack sound construc on detailing and cost effec veness.





•41 House visit •4 Taluks •9 FGD •16 Villages Drawings of rural houses documented in Davengere district

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PROJECT SUITCASE It is a solu on to the urban homeless is about developing housing prototypes as a ‘kit of parts’ solu on to the urban homeless. A modular structure that can be assembleddimanteled-reassembled was made using palle e racks to suit various skins depending on the context they are built in. Transition Phase Urban homeless

Squatting on the roadside, pavements, hume pipes, under staircases or in the open, in temples, mandaps, platforms, tarpaulin tents, sheds.

Material tes ng for Prototype

Structural tes ng for Prototype Need for HUMANE, MOVABLE housing units

Towards permanent shelter

Prototype 1:

Unit 01- H.A.L, Vimanpura:

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Prototype 2:

Unit 02- J.P Nagar:

URBZ (March 2014 - July 2014, Volunteer) The Urbz igloo was built as a oďŹƒce space using EPS (dense thermocol) blocks. An a empt was made to build-use-shi the structure as per user need.An experiment in temperory housing was executed in Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai.

Image source: h p://

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WHITE 3 (October 2014 - January 2015, Internship)

Residen al villa in Alibaug

Concept drawing of bou que hotel in Panchgani.

Image source: h p://

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Hudco Trophy ( NASA 2014) Housing the homeless

THE NAKA SYSTEM The naka system is an already exis ng informal employment system. the project aims at tapping the exis ng lifestyle and a aching it with the shelter programme so that it acts like an incen ve for the shelter less to be a ached to the system. The Naka system assures employment opportuni es for the homeless by providing a informal pla orm. It helps them to maximize on their savings thus helping them move towards selfemployment.

The community spaces on each oor plate acts like a spill out which promotes community level par cipa on

CONCLUSION 1.To introduce the day and night shelter as an urban insert symbio c with the surrounding context and diminishing the prevalent social s gma a ached to the idea of a Night shelter. 2.To iden fy the role that the homeless individual plays in thedevelopment of the commercial sector and to upli their present lifestyle and empower them for taking part into an economy of the city. 3.To accommodate the homeless in his exis ng ecosystem of livelihood via solu ons that would not detach him from his contextual rela onships. 4.To generate revenue from commercial as well as sustainable indigenous techniques for recovering the cost of construc on and also recover the maintenance cost required to run the day and night shelter and the associated programme.

The challenge for designing homeless shelters lies in the exis ng scenario and living condi ons, there is a strong social s gma a ached to the homeless and therefore, our interven on of crea ng a street with features like interac ve spaces (naka system), ee market, revenue genera on programmes along with the living module aims at diminishing this s gma. through our modular but site responsive insert. We are contribu ng back to the locality as well as the city, as we are harnessing the services provided by the ground labour force and organizing their distribu on in the locality. The direct propor onality of bustling commercial hubs to homeless density, reinforces the fact that the proposed replica on of our design strategy will not only reduce the issue of homelessness as merely living without a roof but will also upli the living standards of one of the most vulnerable sec ons of society.

Hudco Trophy ( NASA 2010) Designing for Hawkers at Dadar Sta on

Mapping system shown below for Dadar,shows the density of hawkers, pedestrians. ‘Hawking is not permi ed upto 150m outside railway sta ons and on footbridges.’This is the exis ng BMC hawking guideline, but this is no ollowed and across the city. As a guideline, due to its inability to recognise the true needs of the consumer and the hawker.hawking is s ll seen on sta on streets it has failed. Hawking is a source of livelihood to a large number of people and many small scale industries rely on hawkers for the sale of their goods. Reloca ng the hawkers to inaccessible hawking zones only leads to the poten al loss of livelihoods and nonavailibility of ‘affordable’ and ‘convenient’ access of the general public to the hawkers. Thus, they must not be removed or relocated. Approach: Ÿ To encourage func onality andlegibility of the street, and to ensure that the ‘sense of place’ is maintained. Ÿ To recognise and accommodate the hawkers which form an important part of urban scenario. Ÿ To efficiently manage the conflic ng factors on site, crea ng Ÿ a pleasing environment for the user. Ÿ To maintain the informality inherent associated with the site and to acknowledge the formal sector equally.

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DADAR It is the heart of the Mumbai railway system located centrally, linking South Mumbai and the suburbs. It is frequented everyday by mul tudes of commuters.Dadar along with Matunga, Mahim and Wadala were developed as residen al areas in the 1920s

One of the main strategies used on site is pedestrianisa on of the street. This allows us to refine the rela onshipbetween the hawker and the buyer, by providing for a slower, more inten onal pace of movement of people.


Thank you

e : adi m: 9833017618 l : 5/17, Ar st Village, Navi Mumbai

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