V720 Design Brief

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Project Brief:

Innovation in Knowledge Sharing for Design Management

SCAD. DMGT 720.Winter 2011. Professor Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness. 1

Introduction The field of Design Management is currently represented through various and inconsistent means. This fragmentation has resulted in clutter and confusion within the marketplace as to Design Management’s true value in the realms of design and business. There is an opportunity to achieve clarity and cohesiveness of professional purpose, a central entity should be developed that unites Design Management as a trusted resource, demonstrates credibility and relevance in the world of commerce, and establishes a future for this evolving profession. In order to mend this fragmentation, a forum of knowledge sourcing will be created whereby several audiences are fully served- the Design Management community of practitioners, the world of commerce, and aspirant peers who shape the growing field. This network and its members will clearly distinguish Design Management as a viable and unique entity that provides genuine success in its methodology and praxis. Â


Definition of the Problem The Design Management community lacks a cohesive source for those within the field and for those outside the discipline who could benefit from incorporating design management into their profession and experiences. The nature of Design Management is difficult to define as it deals with tangible and intangible variables, both inside and outside an organization. Without a clear voice to broadcast and balance the discussion this apparent ambiguity can result in misconceptions and devaluation of Design Management.

Need downloadable PDF for better screenshot

Need downloadable PDF for better screenshot

Figure 1. Model exploring Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom with two additions explores knowing by doing.

Figure 2 Model exploring Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom with two additions explores knowing by doing.


Scope The project aims to create a network that unites people who are interested in Design Management and its application. Such a network will diffuse the meaning and value of DMGT as profession the network will serve as platform to connect design managers and create innovation culture as knowledge is shared and sourced. By crafting an action plan for the creation and implementation of a tangible network that produces clarity, transparency and accessibility, Design Management becomes explicit in function and practice. Eventually meaning should be implicit when “design management� is mentioned. The network will be constructed and implemented in non-linear phases and solidify as completed elements are fit together. This network shall be an advocate for the profession, a pooled resource and service, that encourages the evolution of definitions and areas of application.


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Figure 3. Early definition and of project scope explores alternate words. 4

Scope The framework will be informed by the message of the network, execution will be flexible and evolve as the message is refined creating a feedback loop that progressively reflects on itself. Consistency Check Message



Vision realized

feedback loop

Identify Network mediums (website, platform, print and digital publications, papers, competitions, conference, video) Users, stakeholders Working Definition of Design management (incorporating peer research)

Elements (include but not limited to) Partners Content Name Style Visual brand (including graphics) Editorial Tone and Style Defining Design Management Working Definition Best practices & Heuristics Papers and Demonstrations Videos Case studies - from all over! Social, product, Real time Sharing Social Media Point-in-Time Sharing: Publication Combined Sharing Conference Workshop (virtual & specific one time locations)

Map out: Content for the network elements Business plan for revenue generation and network sustainability

Extended Elements: Events and community building Fun and Inspiration Curation Competitions Education Scholarship model Fellowship model Development Grants Membership


Opportunities There are a number of opportunities for Design Management’s future practice and contribution to the world. Primarily, this is the chance to demonstrate our relevancy and advocate our profession to both design industry and the business world as a whole. This opportunity lies in the void of information surrounding the Design Management as a practice. It is an emerging field with roots in traditional design disciplines, but is still in its adolescence with considerable refinement on the horizon. Given its emerging status, it may not be able to immediately improve its value, but it has opportunity to validate it. This validation fosters value. Design Management is positioned to take advantage of the rising interest in design and “design thinking” as a competitive advantage in business and as a solution-source for complex social problems. Impact In creating a successful Design Management resource our impact can be viewed as three-fold. First, we serve fellow design managers by creating an inclusive voice of professionalism for our craft and advocating for the discipline. Second, we demonstrate and share our skills and practices with the outside world, therefore inviting industries to seek us out as meaningful instruments for implementing change and awareness through the value of good design. Finally, we forecast a future for the profession as an essential element of the design culture. By linking the needs of the consumer and the potential enterprise, we have the opportunity to facilitate the integration of successful industry practices.



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A Design Management network has the opportunity to impact the design management industry and related communities.

Figure 5. Elements in related networks can be organized to evaluate information density: Action Environment Interaction Objects Users Media

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Objectives This project’s three broad objectives begin to address the knowledge sharing opportunities presented to Design Management as a discipline and practice. Objective 1: Construct a Design Management Network A core competency of Design Management is collaboration; however, at present there is no effective mechanism or method to facilitate broad collaboration or the exchange of ideas. The ideal Design Management professional network reduces redundancy in published Design Management materials and creates a place for non-designers to explore applicability of Design Management. Ideally, this network will provide the platform for involving international Design Management movements as well. The goal of this objective is to connect existing informal networks of Design Managers and help make them visible to each other and accessible to a broader audience. Objective 2: Refine the Message of Design Management Branding Design Management is a critical step in establishing it as a valuable asset to the professional world. Certainly, it will demonstrate worth over time by producing and illustrating positive results, but at the outset it can be validated in its potential influence and current contributions. The message of Design Management can begin to be clarified by highlighting working examples, case studies, research, visualizations and portfolios of Design Managers and manifesting those resources in a cohesive manner. Objective 3: Become A Trusted Source for Design Management Interaction and Exchange It is vital to the growth and longevity of Design Management to make available the material and contributions the field to industry, society and the rest of the world. This showcase shall be highly engaging because Design Management operates in multiple fields and produces content in a variety of mediums. To date, there is no central source of this material that satisfies the needs of the growing field and there is significant potential benefit to compiling examples in one central resource. Furthermore, the generation and subsequent collection of content will serve as a helpful record of Design Management as a body of knowledge. In contrast, it is equally important that the Design Management discipline learn from other fields to safeguard the integrity of the knowledge it accumulates. In this regard, content generation requires a certain amount of curation. It is both unwise to simply a create a dumping ground for work that may or may not actually support or promote the discipline. By existing as an authority that is accessible and relevant to today’s market the network acts to sustain the profession’s future.


In summary, the goals of this project are far reaching and the outcomes may set precedent in the field of Design Management in the United States, and beyond, if conducted thoroughly. ○

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Facilitate a working definition for design management on several levels including: ■ Theory, principle, professional practice, and individual credentials. Demonstrate value in both the Design Management and Design fields, developing an authoritative and credible source of knowledge. Cultivate a Design Management network as a trusted source for interaction and exchange. Exist as an authority that is accessible and relevant to today’s market and sustainable for the profession’s future.

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Figure 6. Visual project objectives


Deliverables Various phases of the entire project will be completed in stages, deliverables for the inaugural phase will include: Project Brief Roundup Brand Identity Online Publication Engagement & Outreach Business Plan Deliverables

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Figure 7. Deliverable outline including brief, roadmap and business plan. 10

Methods Our methods for determining content, value and medium should comprehensive and reliable. The following factors are considered crucial to success: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Research- to determine market needs and opportunity Identify aspirant peers- to expand our field of future colleagues and evaluate existing models Competitive scan- to identify direct and indirect competitors Explore and validate- to ensure successful models Propositions and feedback- to measure growth and maintain sustainability Recalibration- to maintain relevance in an ever-shifting business climate

In compiling this data we aim to define and commoditize Design Management: as a professional application regarding inspired development of products, services, brands and experience. ● a consumer practice that applies social and ethical principles to all aspects of operation. ● as a business execution that delivers solutions based on knowledge, research, and intuition. ●



Figure 9.

Figure 9. Timeline for project.


Appendix Additional thinking models and visualization Figure A. Octopus Model, metaphors for design management.


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