7 minute read
Golf Courses
Adirondack Golf & Country Club
18 holes (518) 643-8403 88 Golf Club Way, Peru
The Barracks
18 holes (518) 566-7150 24 Golf Course Rd, Plattsburgh
Bluff Point Golf & Country Club
18 holes (518) 563-3420 75 Bluff Point Dr, Plattsburgh
North Country Golf Club
18 holes (518) 297-2988 862 Hayford Rd, Rouses Point
Harmony Golf Club & Community
14 holes (518) 834-9785 95 North St., Port Kent, NY
Ganienkeh Golf Course
9 Holes (518) 493-2582 102 Devils Den Rd, Altona, NY
Essex County
Ausable Club
137 Ausable Club Rd.,(518) 576-4411 Keene Valley, NY

Cobble Hill Golf Course
9 holes (518) 873-9974 Court Street, Elizabethtown
Craig Wood Country Club
18 holes (518) 523-9811
141 Country Club Lane, Lake Placid
Crown Point Resort Lake Placid Golf Club
(2) 18 Hole Courses (518) 523-2556
100 Olympic Dr., Lake Placid, NY
Lake Placid Club
45 holes (518) 523-4460, Morningside Drive, Lake Placid
Town of Moriah Country Club
9 holes (518) 546-9979 Broad Street, Port Henry

Saranac Lake Golf Club
18 holes (518) 891-2675 Ray Brook, NY
Schroon Lake Golf Club
9 holes (518) 532-9359 Hoffman Road, Schroon Lake
Ticonderoga Country Club
18 holes (518) 585-2801 Hague Road, Ticonderoga
Westport Country Club
18 holes (518) 962-4470
47 Country Club Way, Westport, NY
Whiteface Inn Resort & Club Course
18 holes (518) 523-2551 Whiteface Inn Rd., Lake Placid
Willsboro Golf Club
9 holes (518) 963-8989 140 Point Road, Willsboro
Highland Greens Golf Course
18 holes (518) 529-0563 1055 State Rt 11B, Brushton, NY
Malone Golf & Country Club
36 holes 877-483-3633 Country Club Rd., Malone
Saranac Inn Golf
18 holes (518) 891-1402
125 County Rte 46
Tupper Lake Golf & Country Club
18 holes (518) 359-3701
141 Country Club Road, Tupper Lake
Catching and Releasing Trout
Today's anglers can take simple steps to improve the quality of future fishing. Some anglers practice catchand-release fishing all or much of the time, while others release only sub-legal (undersize) trout. The guidelines below are intended to help anglers reduce mortality of trout that are released. How many of the measures are you using?
• handle fish as little as possible and release them quickly - do not fight fish to exhaustion
• minimize or eliminate the time fish are out of the water
• consider using only artificial lures - their use is mandatory on some waters
Free Fishing Days
During Free Fishing Days/Weekends, anyone can fish the fresh waters of New York State and no fishing license is required! All other freshwater fishing regulations still apply.
Upcoming Free Fishing Dates
June 24-25, 2023

National Hunting and Fishing Day, September 23; and November 11, 2023
Ideas for Free Fishing Days
• Try fishing for the first time.
coasters can communicate to prevent collisions or close coasters.
• when a fish is deeply hooked, do not try to remove the hook - clip the leader instead
• during the warm summer months when stream temperatures are elevated, do not fish for trout if you plan to release them - these fish are already stressed and additional handling may kill them (For additional guidance, check out Help Trout & Salmon Beat the Summer Heat)
Phil Smith, a maintenance assistant for the coaster attraction, has been working at Mt Van Hoevenberg since October 2020, just before the coaster opened. Smith maintains the track and individual sleds to ensure a quality riding experience. “Sleds have a positioning monitoring system, so they detect each other on the track,” says Smith. “If you get 100 feet of

“Sleds have a positioning monitoring system, so they detect each other on the track,” says Smith. “If you get 100 feet of another sled, the sled will start to beep to notify you to slow down.”
• likewise, do not fish for trout in spring holes when water temperatures are in the mid 70s or higher (especially if you plan to release them) another sled, the sled will start to beep to notify you to slow down.” And if a passenger does not brake, the sled will begin to brake independently. The safety of the coaster experience is a top priority, so passengers can sit back and enjoy the ride.
•Haven't fished in a while? Remember the joy of catching a fish again for free!
• Become an ambassador to the sport; take a friend fishing for the first time.
• Invite a friend to New York to fish.
• Take a spouse or significant other fishing.
After being snuggly buckled up, the coaster begins the four-minute ascent up the mountain. Anticipation builds as a recorded narration offers information
• Take the family fishing...and don't forget the grandparents!
Donnelly’s Ice Cream

Fishing Responsibly in New York State
Courtesy NYS DEC
From small headwater tributaries and tiny ponds, to large rivers and lakes, New York is blessed with abundant fishing waters. To help ensure that the state’s fish populations remain healthy, New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation continually monitors the resource and employs a wide range of fishing regulations. These fishing regulations are frequently evaluated to ensure the best possible fish populations are maintained in the Empire State’s diverse waters.
Anglers can assist this effort by fishing responsibly. Be sure that you know and understand the regulations for the waters that you will be fishing. In addition to following fishing regulations there are other ways that you can insure that your fishing will not harm aquatic resources or others enjoyment of them. Through following the simple guidelines below, anglers will help make sure there will be great fishing for future generations to enjoy.
Non-toxic Sinkers and Jigs
The loss of sinkers and lures is a routine part of fishing. Unfortunately, lost sinkers, especially split shot, may be mistaken for food or grit and eaten by waterbirds such as ducks, geese, swans, gulls, or loons. Toxic effects of even a single lead sinker can cause birds to sicken and increases the risk of death through predation, exposure, or lead poisoning.
As responsible anglers, we should seek to reduce the unintended effects on the natural environment and leave no trace of our presence. A trip to your favorite tackle shop will reveal a variety of alternatives to lead split shot, sinkers and jig heads. By switching to nontoxic sinkers with your next purchase, you can assure that your fishing tackle choices are helping to reduce the risk of lead poisoning to birds.

New York State passed legislation that will prohibit the sale of certain lead sinkers. Beginning in May 2004, the sale of lead fishing sinkers (including “split shot”) weighing one-half ounce or less will not be permitted.

Protecting Wildlife and Fishing Privileges
When fishing, anglers need to be conscious of their effects on the environment, and make sure they practice their sport in a manner that has a minimal impact on all the state’s natural resources. Discarded monofilament line, along with old fishing lures and gear can potentially harm wildlife. For some species, the results can be fatal. It’s up to all anglers to be responsible and protect the state’s wildlife and environment.
Monofilament Line
Experienced anglers recognize the need to frequently cut back or change to fresh monofilament fishing lines. The relatively soft composition of these popular lines makes them easily damaged while playing or landing fish. When replacing or fixing damaged line, be sure to properly dispose of any excess. Monofilament line degrades slowly in the environment, with heavier lines taking much longer to break down than light lines.
Carelessly discarded monofilament line can seriously harm wildlife. Animals can become entangled in, or ingest the line, whereby starvation, strangulation or deep wounding are possible. So, be sure to remove any discarded line as well as any other monofilament line that you may encounter while fishing.
An unspoiled setting greatly adds to most people’s enjoyment of their total angling experience. Too often litter identifies popular fishing spots and often some of this litter such as bait containers, lure packaging and discarded monofilament line is undeniably associated with the presence of anglers. When you leave garbage behind, you not only affect wildlife-- you also leave the impression that anglers are thoughtless and don’t care about the environment. Affected landowners may close the area to fishing. So, be responsible and try to leave the area you visit even cleaner than when you arrived.
Retrieve All Lures and Gear
Including those that got snagged in tree branches or on submerged vegetation or logs where possible. Animals may mistakenly ingest, or become entangled in, or get accidentally hooked by fishing equipment carelessly left by anglers.
Non-Native Plants and Animals
Many waters in New York State have been affected by the unintentional introduction of non-native plants and animals such as zebra mussels, Eurasian water milfoil, water chestnut and the river ruffe. Often, when species such as these are first introduced, there is
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518-561-1740 • Fax 518-563-9212 ggautosupply@verizon.net

Fishing Tournaments
Toyota Series Presented by Rabid Baits

Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, NY
June 22 - 24, 2023
Day 1 & 2 & 3 : 6:00 AM ET
Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Weigh-In: Day 1 & 2 & 3 : 2:00 PM ET
Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Important Dates: Priority Registration by May 31, 2023, Balance Due by May 31, 2023, Late Fees Apply on May 31, 2023, Final Registration by Jun 21, 2023
Registration: Jun 21, 2023 : 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET TBD
Abu Garcia College Fishing
Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, NY
June 25, 2023
Day 1 : 6:00 AM ET
Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Weigh-In: Day 1 : 1:00 PM ET
Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Important Dates: Priority Registration by Jun 24, 2023, Late Fees Apply on Jun 25, 2023, Final Registration by Jun 25, 2023
Registration: Jun 25, 2023 : 4:45 AM - 5:30
AM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Phoenix Bass Fishing League
Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, NY
Jule 8, 2023
Day 1 : 6:00 AM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Weigh-In: Day 1 : 2:00 PM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock St, Plattsburgh, NY
Important Dates: Priority Registration by Jun 27, 2023, Late Fees Apply on Jul 4, 2023, Final Registration by Jul 7, 2023
Registration: Jul 7, 2023 : 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Reynolds Boats Northern Bass Tournament 2023
July 15, 2023
Lake Champlain (Plattsburgh)
Phoenix Bass Fishing League

Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, NY
July 29, 2023
Day 1 : 6:00 AM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Weigh-In: Day 1 : 2:00 PM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Important Dates: Priority Registration by Jul 18, 2023, Late Fees Apply on Jul 25, 2023,
Final Registration by Jul 28, 2023
Registration: Jul 28, 2023 : 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET Plattsburgh City Marina, 5 Dock Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
2023 Bassmaster Elite at Lake Champlain
August 17–20
Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, NY