Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio (EN)

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Welcome to

Adli Hadiyan Munif’s Portfolio Last updated on Wednesday, 25 March 2020.



First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Adli Hadiyan Munif, and you can call me Adli. Currently I am pursuing a master degree in Chemistry at Universitas Andalas, Indonesia. I expect myself to graduate as soon as 2020 or as late as 2021.

Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia.


I have a few interests and abilities outside my major, which related with Information and Technology, Graphic Design, Editing and some Languages. I learn most of these abilities by myself (autodidact) or through scholarships and extra lessons. Please take a look at my curriculum vitae or resume for more details. Currently I am looking for part-time (in Indonesia) or full-time job (outside Indonesia) especially remote job since I am still a student but I think I will be able to manage my time to work part-time or full-time remotely. Aside from time management, I also have reliable internet connection (fibre - 20 mbps), a laptop and an android smartphone. In this portfolio, I will showcase my outputs mostly in graphic design, editing, layouting and web development that I have done in this past few years. I will also include some details about resources, software and related projects that I have used to produce these outputs. Some texts in this portfolio is formatted with hyperlink which will direct you to the online version of the documents. I will include my contacts in the end of this document for further information. I hope this portfolio will make you understand me better through some projects that I have done throughout a few years. Thank you very much, Adli Hadiyan Munif.

Adli Hadiyan Munif QUALIFICATIONS Universitas Negeri Padang Padang, Indonesia 2013 - 2018

MAN 1 Payakumbuh Payakumbuh, Indonesia 2010 - 2013

Bachelor of Education • Department: Chemistry • Study Programme: Chemistry Education

Senior High School • Program: Science

WORK HISTORY My Curriculum Vitae TED Open Translation Project Online Dec 2019 - Present


Translator and Transcriber (Volunteer) • Making subtitle by translating from English to Indonesia and transcribing Indonesian and English speeches

Universitas Negeri Padang

Padang,name Indonesia is Adli Hadiyan Munif, My Information Technology Support Specialist in Edukimia Apr 2019 - Present • Layouting and copyediting manuscript before publication and this is my resume. • Designing graphic needs Age Resident City

• Developing website ABOUT ME • Handling files arrangement E-Mail(online and offline)

24 years old Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia


(Daily) IT Staff in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science • Designing graphic needs QUALIFICATIONS ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE • Developing website 12/2015 - 12/2016 08/2013 - 03/2018 Bachelor of Education, Head of Information & Communication • Translating some section from Indonesian intoBuerau, English Chemistry Education, Chemistry Department Universitas Negeri• Padang Student’s Association Editing final documents of self-assessment report 07/2010 - 07/2013 Science Program,• Handling files arrangement (online and offline)(HMJ Kimia FMIPA UNP),

Feb 2019 - Aug 2019

Universitas Negeri Padang Vice President of Student Council (OSIS), Assistant Lecturer (Experiment) Aug 2017 - Mar 2019 MAN 1 Payakumbuh • Assisted three courses and twenty classes’ till(Islamic MarchSenior 2019High School 1 Payakumbuh) 2010 2011 Head of Journalist Section, FaktaBahasa Padang 08/2019 - 11/2019 Instructur and Data Collector, Student Council (OSIS), My Resume Padang, Indonesia Workshop with Teachers MAN 1 Payakumbuh Lecturers Dec 2017 - Jan 2018 and Chemistry Department’s Peer Mentor (Volunteer) (Islamic Senior High School 1 Payakumbuh) in Padang and Padang Pariaman. • Mentoring English language 12/2018 - 08/2019 IT staff, SMAN 1 Payakumbuh AUN-QA Certification of Payakumbuh, Indonesia 12/2019 - Present Translator and Transcriber (Volunteer),Page Chemistry Education Study Programme, TED Open Translation Project, Padang. (as Chemistry Teacher) Feb 2017 - Jun 2017 Universitas NegeriInternship MAN 1 Payakumbuh (Islamic Senior High School 1 Payakumbuh)

2011 - 2012


Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio



IT Support Specialist

Total Abstract Views dan Article Downloads pada jurnal Edukimia Mei 2019 - Februari 2020 800

Edukimia April 2019 - Current

Resources and websites that I used: • Unsplash to find free copyright pictures that will be used for covers or promotion materials. • Freepik and Icons8 to find illustrations or backgrounds. • Turnitin to check similarity from author’s manuscripts with documents in the internet. • Open Journal System (OJS), Stack Overflow, Github to develop and maintain Edukimia’s website. • Awesome Color Palette on Instagram to choose good-looking colour for copyediting, layouting and creating graphs or illustrations. • Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to promote Edukimia so the journal and articles could reach wider audience locally and globally. Software that I used: • Adobe Illustrator to design cover, graphs, banners, pamphlets, promotion materials and other illustration needs. • Adobe InDesign to do copyediting and layouting process, so the output will appear professionally like other journals. • Microsoft Word to reassuring the references and template matched with Edukimia’s rules. • Mendeley to repairs some mistakes in references by authors. • FileZilla and Google Chrome to develop website and transfer files through FTP connection then maintaining the website through front-end. • Sublime Text 3 to develop website by writing and editing codes whether in php, html or css.

- Author men-submit naskah sesuai template dan aturan penulisan di EKJ - Author mengisi metadata naskah



2. Review and Plagiarism Screening



- Double blind peer-review oleh reviewer - Plagiarism screening menggunakan Turnitin


3. Revision

500 410


Brief Explanation I am appointed as IT Support Specialist by Editor in Chief of Edukimia in April 2019 to continue and maintain the development of the journal. Even though my title is IT Support Specialist, but my job description is related with Web Development, Copyediting, Graphic Designing, Layouting, Social Media Admin and Treasurer.

Sistematika Publikasi Naskah pada jurnal Edukimia (EKJ) 1. Submission



- Revisi naskah oleh author


4. Copyediting - Tim design and production mengunggah file accepted pada situs resmi EKJ - Copyediting dan layouting oleh tim design and production - Perbaikan ilustrasi sesuai tampilan standar EKJ - Proofreading oleh tim design and production dan author


300 200

5. Publication

100 27


Vol. 1 No. 1

Vol. 1 No. 2


Abstract Views

Vol. 1 No. 3

Vol. 1 No. 4

- Artikel dipublikasikan pada situs resmi EKJ - Penyebarluasan via situs pengindeks dan akun-akun sosial media resmi EKJ


Vol. 2 No. 1

Graphic and diagrams for Edukimia journal.

Article Downloads


Volume 2, No. 1 diterbitkan pada 06 Februari 2020. Penghitungan dilakukan hingga 24 Februari 2020, 11:57 PM.

Workshop Artikel Ilmiah untuk Author dan Reviewer di Jurnal EduKimia Pemateri: Fitri Amelia, Ph.D Oktober 2019 - Ruangan ICT FMIPA UNP

Illustration credit to Ouch! on

Homepage of Edukimia journal.


Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery Learning dan Guided Inquiry Permainan Kimia: C-Card Ludo Kimia, Halmakimia

Banner design for workshop event by Edukimia.



Mengenai Lebih Dalam Jurnal Edukimia

Edukimia On The Cover Cover kali ini menampilkan foto tangan yang sedang membaca buku di padang ilalang. Gambar ini dipilih untuk mengilustrasikan bahwa artikel-artikel yang dimuat pada terbitan kali ini dapat menjadi jendela serta pembuka wawasan terhadap pembaruan-pembaruan di bidang pendidikan, terutama pada ilmu kimia. Photo credit to Ben White on Unsplash. Edukimia

Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery Learning dan Guided Inquiry Permainan Kimia: C-Card Ludo Kimia, Halmakimia Soal-Soal High Order Thinking Skill

Volume 02 Issue/No. 01 Published on 06 February 2020 e-ISSN 2502-6399 Page 1 - 61

Volume 02 Issue/No. 01 Published on 06 February 2020 e-ISSN 2502-6399 Page 1 - 61

© Edukimia • Universitas Negeri Padang • 2020

© Edukimia • Universitas Negeri Padang • 2020 2020 • Vol. 2, No. 1


Fokus dan Cakupan Edukimia adalah jurnal akademik yang mempublikasikan penelitian pendidikan kimia yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan kurikulum kimia,proses pembelajaran, evaluasi dan asesmen pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, strategi pembelajaran, serta penggunaan IT dalam proses maupun produk pembelajaran kimia. Publikasi pada jurnal ini mencakup seluruh jenjang pendidikan dengan tujuan menjadi sarana penghubung antara peneliti dan praktisi dari dunia akademisi dan industri dalam mengembangkan pembaruan pada dunia pendidikan serta membangun kolaborasi baru pada area ini. Edukimia juga menerima artikel-artikel riset orisinil serta review-review terbaru untuk dipublikasikan dalam lingkup pendidikan selama masih terkait dengan ilmu kimia. Berikut cakupan topic of interest pada jurnal Edukimia: Total Abstract Views dan Article Downloads • STEM education pada jurnal Edukimia Mei 2019 - Februari 2020 • Telaah kurikulum kimia • Analisis pembelajaran kimia 800 788 • Literasi kimia 688 • e-Learning 700 • Evaluasi hasil belajar siswa 606 • Evaluasi kinerja guru 600 • Media pembelajaran 529 berbasis web 500 437 • Permainan kimia 410 • Penelitian Tindakan Kelas 400 338 337 • Multipel representasi kimia 300 • Pengembangan model pembelajaran kimia 200 • Implementasi strategi/ 100 metode/pendekatan/model 45 27 pembelajaran kimia 0 • Revolusi pendidikan 4.0 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 2 atau 5.0 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 1 Topik-topik di atas Legenda: merupakan cakupan secara Abstract Views Article Downloads garis besar dan tidak menutup Catatan: kemungkinan topik-topik Volume 2, No. 1 diterbitkan pada 06 Februari 2020. Penghitungan dilakukan hingga 24 Februari 2020, 11:57 PM. lain untuk dapat diterima

Edukimia (EKJ) adalah jurnal resmi Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Negeri Padang. EKJ didirikan pada tahun 2015 dan memperoleh e-ISSN pada tahun yang sama. Pada bulan Mei 2019, terbitan pertama dari Volume 1 diterbitkan pada situs lama jurnal ini. Sejak Juli 2019, situs resmi Edukimia dimigrasikan ke alamat baru. Seluruh proses terkait jurnal Edukimia kemudian dilakukan pada alamat baru ini. Sepanjang perjalanannya, jurnal ini terus mengalami perbaikan baik dari segi output naskah yang dihasilkan maupun sistematika naskah. Perbaikan-perbaikan ini juga dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada beberapa jurnal berkualitas terbitan dalam negeri (seperti JOSI, JEP, JRPK dan JPP) serta jurnal-jurnal terbitan luar negeri (seperti Nature, Science, Scientific American, The Scientist, Popular Science, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, Chemical Science serta Palgrave Communications). Hingga Februari ini, Edukimia telah menerbitkan 49 artikel yang telah terindeks pada Google Scholar. Abstrak dari artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan pada Edukimia juga telah dibaca sebanyak 2167 kali dan full paper-nya telah diunduh 2037 kali. Total pengunjung dan pengunduh dengan detil dapat dilihat pada grafik di samping. Perluasan jangkauan pembaca pada jurnal ini dilakukan melalui akun-akun media sosial resmi EKJ dengan harapan kedepannya jurnal ini dapat segera terakreditasi serta terindeks pada beberapa situs seperti SINTA, DOAJ, OneSearch, dan lainnya. Di samping itu, Edukimia juga telah memiliki beberapa akun

Soal-Soal High Order Thinking Skill

media sosial resmi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana komunikasi sekaligus memperluas jangkauan pembaca di masa depan. Postingan pada akun-akun sosial media ini dibuat dwibahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris) agar dapat menjangkau pembaca lokal maupun global.

Dari Editor | From The Editor


Editor in Chief Eka Yusmaita, M.Pd Section Editor Margarita Claudya Maida, S.Pd., M.Si | Ifan Rivaldo, S.Pd

Editorial Advisory Board

Reviewers Budhi Oktavia, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D | Edi Nasra, S.Si., M.Si | Eka Yusmaita, M.Pd Fauzana Gazali, S.Pd., M.Pd | Guspatni, S.Pd., M.A | Hesty Parbuntari, S.Pd., M.Sc Umar Kalmar Nizar, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D | Dr. Yerimadesi, S.Pd., M.Si | Zonalia Fitriza, S.Pd., M.Pd

Design and Production

Copy Editor, Layouter, Graphic Designer Adli Hadiyan Munif, S.Pd

Reach Us

Lantai Dasar, Laboratorium Kimia, Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia, Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Padang. Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Barat, Padang Utara, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. 25171 Edukimia

2020 • Vol. 2, No. 1


pada jurnal Edukimia. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa topik-topik tersebut di atas berkaitan dengan ilmu kimia. Naskah yang tidak sesuai dengan focus and scope jurnal edukimia akan tertolak.

Sistematika Publikasi Naskah pada jurnal Edukimia (EKJ) 1. Submission - Author men-submit naskah sesuai template dan aturan penulisan di EKJ - Author mengisi metadata naskah

2. Review and Plagiarism Screening

menggunakan Turnitin. Hasil pengecekan ini akan dikirimkan bersamaan dengan hasil reviewer dari seluruh reviewer. 3. Revision Pada tahap ketiga, author akan melakukan revisi (jika ada) terhadap naskah yang telah melewati proses review. Di tahap ini, status naskah yang di-submit akan berubah menjadi Revision Required. Setelah naskah tersebut direvisi, author harus mengirimkan kembali naskah tersebut melalui situs resmi EKJ. Perlu diingat bahwa Edukimia akan melakukan pengecekan plagiarism

- Double blind peer-review oleh reviewer Sistematika Publikasi - Plagiarism screening menggunakan Turnitin Secara garis besar, naskah 3. Revision yang akan dipublikasikan - Revisi naskah oleh author pada jurnal Edukimia akan 4. Copyediting melewati beberapa tahapan, - Tim design and production mengunggah yakni 1) Submission; 2) Review file accepted pada situs resmi EKJ and Plagiarism Screening; - Copyediting dan layouting oleh tim design and production - Perbaikan ilustrasi sesuai tampilan standar EKJ 3) Revision; 4) Copyediting - Proofreading oleh tim design and production dan author dan 5) Publication. Detil dari 5. Publication masing-masing tahapan ini - Artikel dipublikasikan pada situs resmi EKJ akan dijelaskan di bawah ini. - Penyebarluasan via situs pengindeks 1. Submission dan akun-akun sosial media resmi EKJ Pada tahap awal, author melakukan proses submission secara online melalui situs kembali setelah author mengirimkan hasil revisinya, resmi Edukimia. Naskah yang di-submit harus merujuk dan jika tingkat kecocokannya mencapai >25%, maka pada Author Guidelines dan Manuscript Template yang besar kemungkinan naskahnya tidak akan diterima oleh tersedia pada situs resmi EKJ. Naskah ini kemudian diEdukimia. submit dengan ekstensi file doc atau docx. 4. Copyediting Di samping memperhatikan naskah yang akan Di tahap ini, jika naskah dari author diterima, maka di-submit, author juga harus mengisi metadata dari tim Edukimia akan meng-upload file naskah dengan naskah yang akan dipublikasikan. Metadata ini berfungsi watermark serta keterangan bahwa naskahnya telah agar artikel yang akan dipublikasikan dapat terindeks pada diterima (Accepted) di jurnal Edukimia. Namun, jika serta dapat muncul di halaman author pada situs-situs naskahnya ditolak, maka notifikasi penolakan naskah pengindeks artikel ilmiah. Beberapa metadata yang juga akan dikirimkan kepada author. harus diisi oleh author diantaranya ialah identitas author Di sisi lain, tim design and production akan melakukan (seluruh author yang terlibat, baik satu maupun lebih proses copyediting dan layouting terhadap naskah pada dari satu author), judul dan abstrak artikel (dalam bahasa aplikasi Adobe InDesign sehingga akan dihasilkan naskah Indonesia), academic discipline dan sub-disciplines, kata dengan tampilan yang lebih profesional serta sesuai kunci/keyword artikel (dalam bahasa Indonesia), bahasa dengan standar Edukimia. Selain itu, beberapa ilustrasi penulisan artikel, supporting agencies serta referensi yang yang kurang jelas pada naskah akan diperbaiki oleh tim digunakan. design and production menggunakan aplikasi Adobe Setelah pengisian metadata ini, author juga Illustrator/Photoshop agar pembaca dapat menikmati diharapkan mengirimkan file-file HD dari gambar, ilustrasi proses membaca artikel dengan baik. maupun grafik dalam satu file berekstensi zip/rar. Setelah Setelah proses layouting selesai, author akan diminta tahapan-tahapan ini dilalui, author tinggal menunggu untuk melakukan proses proofreading dari sisi author kelanjutan progress naskahnya melalui notifikasi yang untuk melakukan pengecekan baik dari segi kata, kalimat akan dikirimkan oleh tim via email maupun situs resmi maupun konten yang mungkin terdapat kesalahan. Naskah Edukimia. yang telah melewati proses ini kemudian akan diurutkan 2. Review and Plagiarism Screening untuk dapat dipublikasikan pada edisi selanjutnya. Di tahapan kedua ini, naskah dari author akan 5. Publication di-review oleh satu hingga dua orang reviewer. Namun, Publikasi pada jurnal Edukimia dilaksanakan rutin sebelum diteruskan ke reviewer, tim editorial akan sebanyak empat kali dalam setahun (minimal) dan dapat mencek naskah terlebih dahulu apakah sesuai dengan bertambah frekuensinya sesuai keputusan tim. Hak cipta focus dan scope, sistematika penulisan serta template EKJ. terhadap artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan pada jurnal Kemudian, informasi terkait penulis akan dihilangkan Edukimia ialah terhadap Edukimia. Di sisi lain, EKJ juga terlebih dahulu agar proses double blind peer-review menerapkan copyright CC BY 4.0 yang berarti naskah benar-benar berlangsung dan review yang diberikan oleh dapat dibagikan dan diadaptasi dengan bebas dengan reviewer tidak bias terhadap naskah yang ditulis author. ketentuan memberikan atribusi terhadap naskah yang Proses review ini dapat berlangsung selama satu digunakan. EKJ juga ikut menerapkan prinsip Open Access hingga dua minggu. Naskah yang sudah direview oleh terhadap artikel yang dipublikasikan sehingga konten reviewer akan diteruskan ke author setelah seluruh riset yang dipublikasikan dapat tersedia secara bebas reviewer selesai me-review. Di samping itu, reviewer yang untuk publik. memberikan komentar pada review comment form (form ini tidak dapat dilihat oleh penulis) akan dikompilasi oleh tim editorial terlebih dahulu, kemudian diteruskan ke author melalui email untuk memastikan author menerima seluruh komentar dari reviewer. Selain melewati tahap review, naskah yang di-submit juga akan melewati tahap Plagiarism Screening dengan

2020 • Vol. 2, No. 1


Cover and Designing and Layouting for Edukimia journal.

Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio

Page 3

Web Developer and Video Editor

Website Development

Video Editing

Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Padang October 2019 - February 2020

Brief Explanation This project is continuation from AUN-QA Certification Project on the next page. For this project, I was assigned to (1) developed and maintaining chemistry department’s official website through front-end and back-end; (2) producing videos which uploaded to chemistry department’s official YouTube channel. The projects lasted for five months, which consists of video editing from October - November 2019, then continued with developing website until January 2020. After completed the website development, I still asked to maintain the website sometimes to upload some files or tweaking some settings through front-end.

Scientific Article Workshop for Prospective Author in Edukimia

Resources and websites that I used: • Footages such as images or videos were taken by myself or compiled from various sources before produced into videos or compiled into archives or albums. • Freepik and Icons8 to find illustration or backgrounds. • Wordpress, Stack Overflow, Github to develop and looking for reliable plugins or some tricks in development and maintenance process of the website.

Enhancement of Chemistry Teachers Competency in Padang Pariaman

Software that I used: • Adobe Illustrator to design favicons and other illustration needs. • Adobe Lightroom to optimize some images so it becomes much better than the original one. • Adobe Premiere Pro to produce professional looking video for official YouTube channel. • Adobe Audition to optimize some audio so the quality will becomes better than the original one. • FileZilla and Google Chrome to develop website and transfer files through FTP connection. then maintaining the website through front-end. • Sublime Text 3 to develop website by writing and editing codes whether in php, html or css.

Applied Chemistry Training based on Entrepreneur.

Homepage of Chemistry Department’s Website.

Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio

Pengembangan Ekowisata Pantai Melalui Aplikasi Kimia Terapan

Page 4

IT Support

Website Development

Cover Design for Some Documents

AUN-QA Certification, Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP) Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Padang December 2018 - August 2019 Brief Explanation For this project I was appointed as Website Developer, Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and Prospectus Layouter, Graphic Designer, Data Analyser and Files Archiver and Compiler. The projects lasted for around nine months and in this duration I need to (1) compiled all files and archives from various sources; (2) layouted SAR and Prospectus; (3) analysed evaluation data for lecturers’ across departments; (4) developed website; and (5) designed various graphics for various events, covers, SAR and Prospectus. Resources and websites that I used: • Footages such as images were taken by myself or compiled from various sources before compiled into archives or albums. • Unsplash to find free copyright images for covers. • Freepik and Icons8 to find illustration or backgrounds. • Grav, Stack Overflow and Github to develop and looking for reliable plugins or some tricks in development and maintenance process of the website. Software that I used: • Adobe Illustrator to design cover, graphs, banners, pamphlets, promotion materials and other illustration needs. • Adobe InDesign to do copyediting and layouting the prospectus and creating mass-report from excel data which have been analysed before. • Adobe Lightroom to optimize some images so the quality could becomes much better than the original one. • Microsoft Word to layouting, tracked some changes from teams before reporting the SAR to AUN committee. • Microsoft Excel to analyse huge data contained lecturers’ evaluation report across department from students throughout four semester. • FileZilla and Google Chrome to develop website and transfer files through FTP connection then maintaining the website through front-end. • Sublime Text 3 to develop website by writing and editing codes whether in php, html or css.

Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio

ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

Peraturan Rektor


Universitas Negeri Padang

Chemistry Education Study Programme

• Tahun Akademik UNP • Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Program Diploma, Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor di UNP • Peraturan Kegiatan Akademik di UNP • Peraturan Akademik Tentang Penilaian Hasil Belajar di UNP • Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan melalui e-Learning di UNP

Undergraduate Programme

• Penyelenggaraan Wisuda dan Busana Akademik UNP • Panduan Pelaksanaan Program Pendidikan Kelas Internasional di Universitas Negeri Padang • Pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa di UNP


Universitas Negeri Padang 2019

Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Universitas Negeri Padang

• Left: redirect page created with html editor to redirect visitor to temporary CESP’s website. • Right: temporary website for visitor. Knowledge




The relation between teaching learning methods and assessment methods interpreted using this venn diagram. Some initials used in this images means: Lecture; GIL (Guided Inquiry Learning); PBL (Problem Based Learning) and PjBL (Project Based Learning).

PjBL PBL Skill


Lecture P Pj

Observation list


Rating Scale

The Relation Between Teaching Learning Methods and Assessment Methods


The Relation Between Teaching Learning Methods and Assessment Instruments The relation between teaching learning methods and assessment instruments interpreted using this venn diagram. Some initials used in this images means: Lecture; GIL (Guided Inquiry Learning); P (Problem Based Learning) and Pj (Project Based Learning).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chemistry Education Study Programme ELOs Hierarchy General Courses*L,GIL

1 2 3

Fundamental Knowledge of Chemistry Courses*L,GIL

Advanced Knowledge Chemistry Courses*L,GIL

Supported Courses*L,GIL


1 2 11 12

Fundamental Knowledge Pedagogic Courses*PBL

1 2 3 4



Advanced Knowledge Pedagogic Courses*PBL,PjBL

1 2 5 6 7 8 9

Supported Courses*L,GIL 1

2 3 11 12

Projects Courses*Pj

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching learning method that lecturers used throughout students’ study duration. The initials that used in these images are: GIL (Guided Inquiry Learning); L (Lecture); PBL (Problem Based Learning); PjBL (Project Based Learning).

ELOs that students’ will acquire throughout their study duration

Front Cover

2019-2020 Undergraduate Prospectus

Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP) Profiles Services Campus Life Academic Life Graduation and Careers Admission, Fees and Scholarship

Sample of Diagrams Designed for SAR and Prospectus These diagrams designed for Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and Prospectus from Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP), Universitas Negeri Padang. Front Cover

Contents 1


1 2 2 2 3

Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Academic Calendar 2019/2020 Welcoming Messages From Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang From Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences From Head of Chemistry Department



4 5 5

University Overview Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP) Overview Programme Specification of CESP


Admission, Fees and Scholarship

6 6 6 7 7

Freshman Admission How to Apply CESP Entry Requirements Tuition Fee Scholarships


Academic Life

8 8 8 12 12 13 17 18 21 21 21 27




Graphic Design and Layouting by:

28 32 34

Facilities Transportation Maps

Adli Hadiyan Munif


Campus Life

36 37 38

Clubs, Union and Organization Student Events Refreshing Around Town


Graduation and Careers

39 39 40 40

Graduation Career Alumnus Voice Student Voice

Expected Learning Outcome (ELO) Curriculum Courses Information Learning Process Chemistry Department Academic Staff List Chemistry Department Support Staff List Learning Process Freshman Admission Attendance Online Support Learning Programme

2019 - 2020 Undergraduate Prospectus of Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP) Specifically made to promote CESP to public and encourage reader to acquire latest info and details about CESP of FMIPA UNP. Available in Two Language, Indonesian and English

Translation to Indonesian and Reviewed by:

Annisa Dewi Pangestuti, S.Si., M.Si Fitri Amelia, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D Faizah Qurrata ‘Aini, S.Pd., M.Pd Hesty Parbuntari, S.Pd., M.Sc Zonalia Fitriza, S.Pd., M.Pd

Supported By:

• Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP) • Chemistry Department • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science • Universitas Negeri Padang All images, figures, illustration and datas belongs to the right owner.

Chemistry Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Padang 2019 CESP’s Undergraduate Prospectus | 3

2 | CESP’s Undergraduate Prospectus

Layouting for Chemistry Education Study Programme (CESP)’s Prospectus

Page 5

Staff of IT and Publication Division

Various Graphic Design Outputs

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science, Education and Technology (ICOMSET) and AMLI 2018, Universitas Negeri Padang April - October 2018

The 3rd ICOMSET & AMLI 2018

International Conference on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology & Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia (AMLI) Meeting 2018

“Current Advances in Research on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology for FulďŹ lling Global Needsâ€?

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Universitas Negeri Padang Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Thu - Fri, 04 - 05 October 2018


Equipments & Player

• Exercises given by teachers (e.g. worksheets, modules, or orally from question books) is typically monotonous, unvarying and not attractive for students. • Consequently, students becoming individual and didn’t discuss much with their peers, teachers and less active in earning process. • Therefore, there was a possibility that student cannot comprehend the concept. • Students never use game as instructional media as variant of exercises in learning process, but eager to use it. • There are no instructional media product of this kind for this topic at that moment.

Indexed By:

Supported By:

Sponsored By:

• Method: Research and Development (R&D) method. • Development model: 4-D model (consists of DeďŹ ne, Design, Develop and Disseminate). • Subject: three lecturer from chemistry department, FMIPA, UNP; two chemistry teachers from MAN 1 Payakumbuh; 18 students from X MIA 1 MAN 1 Payakumbuh. • Object: A set of chemistry ludo game based on CET on atomic structure topic. • Research Instrument: Validation questionnaire and Practicality questionnaire. • Data analysis technique: Descriptive data. • Used formula to calculate validity and practicality level: Kappa Cohen formula.

0,80 (Attention function (teachers)) 0,94 (Attention function (students))

Dr. Kuwat Triyana Physics Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia

Invited Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Che Radziah Che Mohd. Zain Biology University Kebangsaan Malaysia Malaysia

Important Dates

Scope The scope of this conference covers all topics in the field of (but not limited to): • Mathematics and Statistics • Natural Sciences (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and other related fields) • Education (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Natural Sciences, and other related fields) • Technology and Engineering

Fees & Publications

Registration Fees


Prof. Dr. Hj. Zuhaimy Hj. Ismail Mathematics Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia


“Current Advances in Research on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology for Fulfilling Global Needs�

• Early Bird - 01 May till 05 Sep 2018 International - Regular (USD 200) International - Student/Retire (USD 150) Local - Regular (1,500,000 IDR) Local - Student/Retire (1,000,000 IDR) • Publication (on IOP Conference Series Indexed by Scopus) Proceeding payments on site. | 1,000,000 IDR • Participant (non Presenter) International/Local | 350,000 IDR Participant will get seminar kit, lunch, certificate, coffee break.

Assoc. Prof. Laurinda Brown Mathematics Education University of Bristol United Kingdom

• Late/On Site - 06 Sep till 04 Oct 2018 International - Regular (USD 250) International - Student/Retire (USD 200) Local - Regular (2,000,000 IDR) Local - Student/Retire (1,500,000 IDR) • One Day Tour Fee International Participant (USD 30) Local Participant (300,000 IDR)


Selected papers will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Scopus Indexed Proceedings.

Before transfer, make sure you have already register as author/participant of The 3rd ICOMSET or/and annual meeting of AMLI and write it on the usage of transfer.

Deadline of Abstract Submission Deadline of Abstract Submission (ext) Deadline of Abstract Submission (ext) Acceptance decision of abstract Acceptance decision of abstract (ext) Acceptance decision of abstract (ext) Deadline for earlier payment Full paper submission deadline Full paper submission deadline (ext) Conference

July 5, 2018 August 5, 2018 September 5, 2018 July 20, 2018 August 10, 2018 September 15, 2018 September 5, 2018 September 5, 2018 September 30, 2018 October 4 - 5, 2018

Programs • Day 1 - Thursday, October 4, 2018 Pre-conference session with opening ceremony, opening keynote session, invited session, parallel session and reception at Provincial City Hall. • Day 2 - Friday, October 5, 2018 Keynote session, invited session, parallel session and closing ceremony.


Media function based on practicality test from teachers and students. 0,77 (Cognitive function)

0,94 (Cognitive function (students))

0,82 (Attention function)

0,95 (Compensatory function (teachers))

October 4 - 5, 2018 Auditorium, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

0,92 (Compensatory function (students)) 0,0





0,75 (Affective function)


Practicality test analysis result

0,75 (Compensatory function)





Validity test analysis result



Organizing Commitee

• Prof. Dr. Lufri, M.S Advisory Board • Dr. Yulkifli, S.Pd, M.Si Academic Advisory Board • Drs. Hendra Syarifuddin, M.Si, Ph.D Finance Advisory Board • Dr. Hardeli, M.Si Student Advisory Board • Budhi Oktavia, M.Si, Ph.D General Chair • Aristo Hardinata, M.Pd Vice Chair • Arief Muttaqiin, M.Pd Secretary I • Umar Kalmar Nizar, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Secretary II • Syafriani, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Treasurer

Contact Persons

Address Gedung Kelas Terpadu C, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Padang Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang. 25131. Indonesia. Call: +62 751 7057420; Fax: +62 751 7058772

Email Mail to:


• Dr. Eti Dwi Wiraningsih, M.Si Mathematics - UNJ • Dr. Markus Diantoro, M.Si Physics - UM • Dr. Fitri Khoerunnisa Chemistry - UPI • Prof. Dr. IGP Suryadarma Biology - UNY • Dr. Martina Restuati, M.Si Biology - Unimed • Prof. Arif Tiro, M.Sc., Ph.D Statistics - UNM • Prof. Dr. Sarson W Dj Pomalato, M.Pd Mathematics Education - UNG • Prof. Dr. Phil. I Gusti Putu Sudiartha, M.Si Mathematics Education - UNDIKSHA • Dr. Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, M.Pd Mathematics Education - UNESA • Prof. Dr. Cosmas Poluakan, M.Si Physics Education - UNIMA • Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Pd Chemistry Education - UNESA • Dr. Hadi Suwono Biology Education - UM • Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.S., M.Sc Biology Education - Unimed • Prof. Dr. Sudarmin, M.Si Natural Sciences Education - UNNES

0,97 (Affective function (students))

• A valid and practical chemistry ludo game set based on CET for Atomic Structure Topic for 10th grade high school students, which can be used to improve student’s learning activity and reinforced student’s concepts. • Validity level: 0.77 (high) • Practicality level: 0.85 (very high) [from teachers] and 0.94 (very high) [from students].

0,76 (Cognitive function (teachers))

International Conference on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology and Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia

“Current Advances in Research on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology for FulďŹ lling Global Needsâ€?

Theme & Scope

Payment can be done via bank transfer to: Bank name: BNI Bank account number: 0668110902 Bank account name: RPL 010 BLU UNP UTK DKE

0,90 (Affective function (teachers))



Auditorium, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Prof. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin Chemistry Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia


Media function based on validity test.

Thu-Fri, 4th - 5th October 2018

Dr. Shah Muhammad Applied Mathematics Mirpur University of Sains and Technology Mirpur, Pakistan

Player: 3 - 5 players (one of them assigned as coordinator) A game board One dice (modiďŹ ed from the original) with it’s cup Four set of question books (one for each color) 16 ludo pieces (four for each color) A copy of assessment form sheet A copy of game rules

Research Method Organized by: Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Padang



Software that I used: • Adobe Illustrator to design pamphlets, banners, name-tags, covers, certificates, wallpapers, tracing patterns and other illustration needs. • Adobe Lightroom to optimize some images so it becomes much better than the original one. • Adobe InDesign to merge data for name-tags and certificates. • Adobe Photoshop to change background for some images. • Microsoft PowerPoint to control presentation and typed audiences’ questions.

Author: Adli Hadiyan Munif., Drs. Iswendi, M.S., Dra. Bayharti, M.Sc.

International Conference on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology and Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia

The ICOMSET is a conference which organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Padang. The main objective of this conference is to provide an international platform for researchers, academicians, as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results in Mathematics, Sciences, Education, Technology, and other related fields. This conference also provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish research relations and to find partners for future collaboration.

Dr. Keisuke Kawamoto Material Chemistry Kanazawa University Japan

The Development of Instructional Media Chemo-Edutainment (CET) Based Chemistry Ludo Game on Atomic Structure Topic for 10th Grade High School Students

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology (ICOMSET) & Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia (AMLI) Meeting 2018

The 3rd ICOMSET & AMLI About The Event ICOMSET

Keynote Speakers

Resources and websites that I used: • Footages such as images compiled from various sources.

Chemo-Edutainment (CET) Based


Thu - Fri, 04 - 05 October 2018 Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Proceeding of The 3rd ICOMSET & AMLI 2018

Brief Explanation In this project, I was appointed as main graphic designer to design various materials, such as pamphlets, banners, name-tags, covers, certificates, wallpapers, and other materials. The projects lasted from April till October 2018. Aside from main graphic designer, I was appointed as operator on the main event which required me to control presentation when keynote speakers present their topic to audiences and to type questions from audiences after the presentation. Aside from being part of the committee, I also joined the conference as a poster presenter.

My Posters and Proof as Operator


• Budhi Oktavia, Ph.D General Information | +62-823-8820-1924 • Miftahul Khair, Ph.D Article/Publication | +62-812-6659-7254 • Dina Fitria, M.Si Article/Publication | +62-857-6613-8485 • Arief Muttaqiin, M.Pd Conference | +62-813-2058-2057 • Hary Sanjaya, M.Si Accomodation & Transportation +62-812-6636-3222

Online registration, visit our website:

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang, 2018

Supported By:

Supported By:

The 3rd ICOMSET & AMLI 2018

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that

Assoc. Prof. Che Radziah Che Mohd. Zain

has participated as Keynote Speaker in The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science, Education and Technology (ICOMSET) & Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia (AMLI) Meeting 2018 04 - 05 October 2018 at Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Padang, 05 October 2018

Prof. Dr. H. Lufri, M.S Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang

• Up: My own poster submission for this conference. • Right: Proof that I acted as an operator in the main day of the event.

Budhi Oktavia, M.Si., Ph.D General Chairman of The Organizing Committee

Supported By:

Welcome All The Attendees of

The 3rd ICOMSET & AMLI 2018

International Conference on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology & Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia (AMLI) Meeting 2018 “Current Advances in Research on Mathematics, Sciences, Education and Technology for FulďŹ lling Global Needsâ€? October 4 - 5, 2018 || Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio

Page 6

Translator & Transcriber (Volunteer)

Subtitle Translation from English to Indonesian

Videos Creation

Could a breathalyzer detect cancer? Julian Burschka

How It’s Made: Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

TED Open Translation Project December 2019 - Current

Brief Explanation In this project, I voluntarily joined the team to increase my translator and transcribing skills, specifically toward English to Indonesian language. Until this month, I just finished translated one subtitle from English to Indonesian. Resources and websites that I used: • Amara to making subtitle directly for YouTube videos. This website works online and translator only need to translate readily subtitle from English to their own language.

Banners Creation Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat - LP2M Universitas Negeri Padang

Various Small Projects

Pelatihan Kimia Terapan Berbasis Kewirausahaan Bagi Guru-Guru Kimia Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Provinsi Sumatera Barat

My Own YouTube Channel and Various People August 2008 - Current

Brief Explanation I also produced a few videos, then uploaded it to YouTube. I published contents varied from various events such as traditional dances, choirs, lecturers’ project documentations, chemistry experiments, and others. Aside from videos, I also created a few banners for various projects and covers for various aims.

Padang, September - Desember 2019 Oleh: Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Padang

Pengabdian Masyarakat

Pelatihan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Inkuiri Terbimbing yang Mengintegrasikan Praktikum dan Pemodelan (Multipel Representasi Kimia) untuk Guru Mata Pelajaran Kimia di Kabupaten Solok

Proceeding Cover for SEMNASKIM-1 Prosiding

Seminar Nasional Kimia

Resources and websites that I used: • YouTube to share my creation globally.


Seminar Nasional Kimia

“Inovasi Riset Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia untuk Kemajuan Bangsa�

#MyRamadhanJourney - 02. Bapak Masnal Jazuli Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat, Padang. [06 Mei 2019]

Tema: Inovasi Riset Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia untuk Kemajuan Bangsa Topik: Kimia, Biokimia, Material Sains, Bioteknologi, Pendidikan Kimia, Multiple Representasi IPA

PANITIA SEMNASKIM-1 SEMINAR NASIONAL KIMIA Program Studi S2 Pendidikan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Padang 2018 Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Barat, Padang, Sumatera Barat.

Program Studi S2 Pendidikan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Padang 2018

Software that I used: • Windows Movie Maker to produced videos. • Adobe Illustrator to created banners, covers, frames for videos, and other illustration needs. • Adobe Premiere Pro to produced videos. • Adobe After Effects to produced lower third for videos. • Adobe Audition to reproduce sounds so the quality will becomes better than the original. • Adobe Lightroom to optimize some images from the original one.

Chemical Changes (Full Version) [General Chemistry Experiments]

Sabtu, 7 Juli 2018 Auditorium FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang ISBN 978-602-52477-0-5 2018. Dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi S2 Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Pelatihan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Inkuiri Terbimbing - Guru MGMP Kimia, Kabupaten Solok

Adli Hadiyan Munif - Portfolio

Page 7

Thank You for Reading

Adli Hadiyan Munif’s Portfolio Reach Me Here:

+6285254283038 or +6282389700461 Jalan Abdul Muis No. 5c, Jati Baru, Padang Timur, Padang, Sumatera Barat. 25128 adli_hm

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