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Naples Naples Naples Winery Winery Winery
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Welcome Florida’s Welcome Welcome Welcome to Florida’s totoFlorida’s Florida’s most most most unique unique unique winery winery winery and and and most unique winery and tasting tasting tasting experience. experience. experience. tasting experience. Home Home Home of Award ofof ofAward Award Winning Winning Winning Home Award Winning Tropical Tropical Tropical Fruit Fruit Wines. Fruit Wines. Wines. Tropical Fruit Wines. Tastings Daily Tastings Tastings Tastings DailyDaily Daily 12001200 5th 1200 Ave. 5th 5th Ave. South Ave. South atSouth Tinat City Tin Tin City City 5th Ave. South atat Tin City Naples, Naples, Naples, FL 34102 FL FL 34102 34102 Naples, FL 34102
239 732-WINE (9463) Toll Free 866-550-9463 239239 732-WINE 239 732-WINE 732-WINE (9463) (9463) (9463) • Toll • •Free •Toll Toll 866-550-9463 Free Free 866-550-9463 866-550-9463 FaxFax 239 Fax 239 732-9455 239 732-9455 732-9455 • www.thenapleswinery.com • • www.thenapleswinery.com www.thenapleswinery.com Fax 239 732-9455 • www.the napleswinery.com
BANANA FLORIDA BANANA - Made from fresh banana, this perfectly tropical wine is great after dinner or paired with scallops, tilapia and jerk chicken. Best of Class 2008, Indiana State Fair.
BLUEBERRY BLUEBERRY BLUE DRY- Look for hints of blueberry in this Pinot Noir-like wine. Great paired with salmon. 2014 Silver Medal, Indiana State Fair. BLUEBERRY BLUE - A true semi-sweet made from three pints of blueberries per bottle! 2006 Double Gold Medal Winner.
BLACKBERRY BLACK GOLD DRY - If you like a Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz, you’ll fall in love with our dry blackberry wine. Four-Time Bronze Medal Winner, Indiana and Florida State Fairs. BLACK GOLD SEMI-SWEET - Its Red Zinfandellike flavor and bouquet will remind you of fully ripened blackberries. 2013 Double Gold Winner, Indiana State Fair. CHERRY CHERRY RED - Not too dry or sweet, this wine is best served with burgers, BBQ chicken or amaretto cheesecake. Gold Medal Winner, Indiana, Florida State Fairs. CRANBERRY CRANBERRY KEY - No holiday celebration is complete without this crisp cranberry wine on the table. The perfect companion to your Thanksgiving dinner or a sage-rubbed pork roast. Seven-Time Florida State Fair Medalist. GRAPEFRUIT FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT - Made with fresh-squeezed Florida pink grapefruit juice for a light and refreshing table wine. Try it with salads, sandwiches and seafood. Epcot 2002/2003 Selection. 12 Medal Winner. GUAVA MAMMA GUAVA - This tropical wine is a perfect complement to any Caribbean-style dish. Gold Medal Winner 2011, 2006. HONEYDEW HONEYDEW HIDEOUT - Touches of honey and tropical fruit make for a sweet yet buttery wine which is wonderful with prosciutto or calamari.
Smoothie Mix! Just add our T
HONEY ORANGE BLOSSOM HONEY - The sweetest of them all - a light and refreshing mead made from native Florida orange blossom honey. Try it after dinner. 2005 Silver Medal.
KEY LIME KEY LIMEN - Nothing captures the essence of old Florida like our key lime wine. A perfect balance of sweet and tart. Pair with grouper or chips and salsa. If you are a margarita fan, you’ll love this one! Four-Time Double Gold Medal Winner.
KIWI KING KIWI - Made 100% from fresh, crisp kiwifruit, this subtle yet fruit-forward wine is great with all Florida seafood or stands alone as a refreshing sipping wine. Silver Medal Winner.
MANGO MANGO MAMMA - Made from Florida mangoes, this semisweet wine has a silky-smooth finish. Serve with pieces of fresh mango on a skewer for a terrific presentation. 3 Double Gold, International Competition.
MUSCADINE GRAPE SINFULLY NOBLE - A semi-sweet red crafted from the juice of the native Florida Muscadine grape. It radiates a fresh grape taste and aroma and exhibits undertones of white American oak. 2013 Gold Medal Winner, Florida State Fair. ORANGE ORANGE SUNSHINE DRY - Our wine is the real thing made with Florida Valencia oranges -it’s great with Asian cuisine and poultry. ORANGE SUNSHINE SEMI-SWEET - Wait for the flavorful, citrusy finish of fresh-squeezed orange juice in this wine. Total of 11 Medals; Gold, Silver and Bronze. ORANGE-CHOCOLATE COCOA BEACH - Perfect for the chocolate lover! A decadent blend of semi-sweet orange wine and rich cocoa syrup. ORANGE-COFFEE MIDNIGHT SUN - A delightful flavor combination of semisweet orange wine and fresh-roasted coffee beans for your sipping enjoyment. It’s not just for breakfast anymore! Silver Medalist, Indiana State Fair.
PASSION FRUIT FLORIDA FEVER - Made from the finest passion fruit juice. Tart and bright, this wine is incredibly flavorful and highlights any seafood dish - try it with fish tacos. Silver Medal 2015; Gold Medal 2010.
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PEACH WHITE GOLD - Incomparably smooth and made from the very best white peaches you’ve ever tasted! Perfect for sipping on the patio on a summer afternoon. Silver and Bronze Medals at Indiana State Fair. PIÑA COLADA COCO POLADA - Our coconut, orange and pineapple wine was created to inspire that Jimmy Buffett state of mind. Essential to any great beach day! Pair it with coconut shrimp. 2011 Double Gold, Indiana State Fair. PINEAPPLE FLORIDA SUNSET - Exotic, tropical flavor of fresh pineapple with that slightly sweet/tart finish. A perfect marinade with garlic and soy; great with ham. 2008 Double Gold, Wines of the South. RED RASPBERRY RASPBERRY REEF - If you love raspberries, try our sweettart raspberry wine. Perfect for casual parties, weddings or elegant dining. 2015 Silver Medalist, Indiana State Fair. RED SANGRIA ST. PETE SANGRIA - This delicious twist on a traditional Sangria features a blend of our best-loved berry wines and grape brandy with a hint of citrus. ¡Salud! STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY BLUSH - Made from Plant City, Florida strawberries. Serve with salads dressed in balsamic or try it over ice cream. A real surprise paired with spaghetti. Silver Medal, Florida State Fair. TANGELO TANGELO - Made from the sweet, juicy Honeybell, a cross between the Dancy tangerine and the Duncan grapefruit. This crisp and refreshing wine has undertones of oak and fresh squeezed tangelos. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist. TOMATO HOT SUN - A smooth, dry wine with a tomato taste upfront followed by a hint of hot peppers. Feel the warmth… a delightful surprise served with crackers and cheese, raw oysters, enchiladas and brunch. Use in cooking for a gourmet touch. Two-Time Silver Medalist, Indiana State Fair.
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a delicious Tropical Fruit Drink.
WATERMELON JUICY MELON - A sip of this wine finds the delicate flavor of watermelon sliding gently across your palate, bringing back lazy summer days. Perfect at barbecues or packed in your picnic basket. Bronze Medal, Indiana and Florida State Fairs.
Port-Style Wines and Sherry
Our fruit wine combined with grape neutral spirits, aged in oak. 18% alcohol. • Rick’s Naples Mango • Flamingo Fling Chocolate Raspberry • Black and Blue - Blackberry and Blueberry
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TROPICAL SANGRIA HURRICANE CLASS 5 - FLORIDA SANGRIA This secret blending of several of our most popular tropical wines is a refreshing white sangria. Made for the courageous, cheerfully optimistic and romantic of temperament... especially during our hurricane season. 2007 Indiana State Fair Concordance Gold, Best of Class.
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• Strawberry Cream Sherry
Try our 9 great Sparkling Wines! SPARKLING PASSION FRUIT A perfectly tropical sparkling for all lovers of passion fruit & champagne SPARKLING PINEAPPLE Bursting with the sweet and tangy flavor of pineapple SPARKLING RASPBERRY An intensely flavorful bubbly made 100% from raspberry SPARKLING KEY LIME A perfect balance of sweet and tart with a smooth citrus finish, deliciously refreshing! SPARKLING BLUEBERRY Our effervescent Florida Blueberry Wine sparkles with flavor sensations! SPARKLING CRANBERRY Bursting with crisp flavor, a perfect wine for Holiday celebrations! SPARKLING MANGO A sparkling treat with pleasures of a great champagne with a mango twist! SPARKLING GRAPEFRUIT Crisp and refreshing; a celebration of our Florida Pink Grapefruit wine!
Wine Accessories Wine WineWine Accessories Accessories -- Practical, FunAccessories & Unique Practical, Practical, Practical, Fun, Fun,Fun, Add to and your collection or give and Unique. and Unique. Unique.
the perfect gift from our wide variety of stylish and useful wine If Ifyou’re you’re Iflooking you’re looking looking forforthat that for special special that special wine winewine accessories. accessory accessory accessory forforyourself yourself for yourself ororasasa or gift, a gift, as we a gift, we we have havedozens dozens haveof dozens ofopeners, openers, of openers, wine winestoppers wine stoppers stoppers and and an special special special wineaccessories. wine accessories. accessories. We make appreciating wine wine Like Like our our Like unique unique our unique Cork Cork Cork simple with our innovative wine tools. Here, Cages, Cages,made Cages, madeespecially made especially especially forfor for you will find dozens of openers, preservation collecting collecting collecting those thosespecial those special special systems and other handy gadgets toOr, corks. corks. Or, corks. Or,our our ‘5enhance ‘5o’clock our o’clock ‘5 o’clock Somewhere’ Somewhere’ Somewhere’ clock, clock, clock, that thatwill that willwil your wine drinking experience. always alwaysalways bring bringabring laugh a laugh a to laugh toyou you to you and andyour your and guests. guests. your guests. We also carry a large Or, Or,how how Or, about about howaabout unique, a unique, a unique, selection of glassware practical practical practical gift giftofofour gift ourchampagne ofchampagne our champagne bottle bottle bottle opener. opener.Itopener. Itmakes makes It makes - from elegant, opening opening opening a bottle a bottle of of handblown pieces to aofbottle champagne champagne champagne childs childschilds colorful, hand-painted play playand and play contains contains and contains glasses.thethecork cork the from from cork from across acrosstheacross theroom. room. the room. For For all all your For your wine all wine wine artists, like Or choose from worksyour by local accessories, accessories, accessories, visit visit visit the “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” clock, sure The TheNaples Naples TheWinery Naples Winery Winery forfora truly a truly for agreat truly greatwine great winewine to keep you in a Florida stateshopping of mind. shopping shopping experience. experience. experience And Anddon’t don’t Andforget don’t forget forget to to taste taste to the taste the wine wine the to wine to to We have something make makeyour make yourshopping your shopping shopping for everyone, so make complete. complete. complete. sure to check us outtastings Wine Winetastings Wine tastings daily dailydaily from fromopening from opening opening toto to for a memorable wine closing! closing! closing! shopping experience. Wine tastings daily from opening until closing!
A Must-Have Florida Something Something Something New New New To To ToThe The The Experience Florida Florida Florida Experience. Experience. Experience.
AtInThe Naples Winery we have more than In January January In January 2000, 2000, 2000, forfor the forthethe time time time inin its inits its 6565 65 year year 40history, different varieties ofCitrus Florida fruit approved wines history, history, thethe Florida the Florida Florida Citrus Citrus Commission Commission Commission approved approved tothe choose from. They are carefully the use the use ofuse of one one of of one of itsof its licensing itslicensing licensing marks marks marks oncrafted on on a beverage aa beverage beverage other other other than than Orange than Orange Orange oror Grapefruit orGrapefruit Grapefruit juice. juice. juice. Our Our Our wines wines wines the highest quality tropical fruit, ewine from have have been have been been granted granted granted the the right the right right to to use to use use the the the “FLORIDA “FLORIDA “FLORIDA et, we citrus and berries, and have gained national SUNSHINE SUNSHINE SUNSHINE TREE” TREE” TREE” logo logo logo onon all onall our allour our citrus citrus citrus wines. wines. wines. oppers rsand and andand international recognition for their AllAll ofAll of our our ofpremium our premium premium speciality speciality speciality wines wines wines areare are made made made es. sories. excellence. To date, our wines have won from from from 100% 100% 100% pure pure pure Florida Florida Florida Citrus Citrus Juice. Juice. Juice. Our Our Our Gold Gold ork more than 276 medals inCitrus competition. Medal Medal citrus citrus citrus and and berry and berry berry wines wines wines remain remain remain unequaled unequaled unequaled ycially orfor for Medal and and unduplicated. and unduplicated. unduplicated. Most Most Most people people people have have have never never never tasted tasted tasted lecial Ina2000, the Florida Citrus Commission truly a truly a truly great great great fruit fruit fruit wine, wine, wine, let let alone let alone alone a a a citrus citrus ck ’clock granted our citrus wines the right to bear wine. wine. wine. will t, that willwill Florida Sunshine Tree logo -International previously Our Our wines Our wines wines have have have won won won National National National and and and International International oyou ghyou to youthe reserved onlyatfor orange and grapefruit Recognition Recognition Recognition at theat the number the number number One One One Fruit Fruit Fruit Judging Judging Judging Contest Contest Contest in in the the in United the United United States. States. States. To To To date, date, date, our our wines wines juices. The key to their success lies inour nique, e, have have won have won 244 won 244 medals. 244 medals. medals. The The key key key toto their totheir their success success success lies lies quality ingredients andThe the alchemy of a lies bottle e inin quality quality in quality fruit fruit fruit and and the and the alchemy thealchemy alchemy ofof aofgreat aagreat great wine wine great wine-making process. maker. maker. maker.
Please Please Please come come come byby and by and and visit visit visit The The The Naples Naples Naples Winery Winery Winery for a aa Please come by and visit our friendly staffforfor truly truly unique truly unique unique wine wine wine tasting tasting tasting experience. experience. experience. The The The Naples Naples Naples for a truly unique wine tasting experience. Winery Winery Winery is is located located is located inin historic inhistoric historic Tin Tin Tin City, City, City, a fully aa fully fully airair The tastings are always complimentary and conditioned conditioned conditioned indoor indoor indoor market market market place place place onon on thethe the Gordon Gordon Gordon you may choose from anyretains ofretains thethe wines and River. River. River. The The current The current current location location location retains the the rustic rustic rustic maritime maritime maritime spirit spirit spirit ofon of the of the original theoriginal original 1920’s 1920’s 1920’s clam clam clam shelling shelling wine smoothies our list. And, yes, weshelling and and oyster and oyster oyster processing processing processing plant, plant, plant, overlooking overlooking overlooking Naples Naples Naples wine ne eat wine ship! Bay. Bay. The Bay. The Naples The Naples Naples Winery Winery Winery is is the isthe the latest latest latest addition addition addition toto xperience. nce. ience. thethemany the many many eclectic eclectic eclectic shops, shops, shops, creative creative creative boutiques boutiques boutiques and and aregreat located in historic Tin City, a fully et forget We great great restaurants. restaurants. restaurants. to ewine to to air conditioned indoor marketplace on the pping ing shoppingGordon River. The current setting retains the rustic maritime spirit of the original 1920’s ngs ly ailydaily clam shelling and oyster processing plant ong to and is one of the biggest destinations in town. The Naples Winery is one of the many eclectic shops, creative boutiques and great restaurants all overlooking Naples Bay.
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We’re proud to offer free tastings of our We’re We’re We’reproud proud proud to toto offer offer offer free free free tastings tastings tastings ofof our ofour our delicious tropical wines before you buy. delicious delicious delicioustropical tropical tropical wines wines wines before before before you you you buy. buy. buy.
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Winery Hours Winery Winery Hours Hours Hours Mon. -- Sat. Sat. 10am to 9pm Mon. Mon. Mon. Sat. - Sat. 10am 10am 10am to to9pm to 9pm 9pm Sun. Sun. Sun. Noon Noon Noon to to 5pm 5pm Sun. Noon toto5pm 5pm
“Finally, wine that tastes good!” “Finally, “Finally, “Finally,a awine wine wine that that that tastes tastes tastes good!” good!” good!” Our Our Our wines wines wines are are are the the the real real real thing! thing! thing! The The The Naples Naples Naples Winery Winery tropical tropical tropical wines wines wines are are made are made made The Winery made here here here in inin Florida Florida Florida from from from the the the finest, finest, finest, freshest, freshest, freshest, here in Florida hand-selected hand-selected hand-selected fruit, fruit, then then then squeezed squeezed squeezed and and hand-selected fruit, and fermented fermented fermented using using using the the the highest highest highest quality quality quality fermented using products products products available. available. products available.
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