Paris Paintings
2 - 13 February 2010
iain dawson gallery 72a Windsor Street Paddington, Sydney
Paris Paintings-Anthony White
Opening Wednesday 3 February 2010
Anthony White comes from the gestural abstractionist school of painting that has emerged from the National Art School in the past decade. After spending time travelling on the Marten bequest and the Friends of the National Art School (FONAS) Paris studio award, White has brought together a body of work which has a strength of colour, form and movement rarely seen in a painter his age. White has been a finalist in many of Australia's most respected prizes and awards, including the Brett Whiteley travelling scholarship, The Churchie emerging artist award and Art on The Rocks. White has also been a recipient of international programs in both New York and Paris. - Iain Dawson 2010 The work in this exhibition was made in residence at Australia's Storrier Onslow Studio, at the Cite Internationale Des Arts, Paris. This studio award, enable me to paint and live in Paris for three months. The architectural surfaces of Paris are laden with centuries of graffiti, posters, filth and humanity. The works draw upon these references and the sense of transience, the passing of time, the organic and the antique' Anthony White 2010
Opening night (Photographs courtesy of Heath Bennet)
'Anthony White’s paintings from the Paris CitÊ brutally engage the hum and history of a place so often romantically rendered by travelling artists. White’s process is gritty and obsessive yet harmoniously tender. Within the provocative kneading of paint I sense the abstraction of Paris from the inside out.' Steven Harvey 2010
Seine II oil on linen 51 x 51cm 2010
Rendezvous oil on linen 51 x51cm 2010
Rouen Oil on linen 51 x 51cm 2010
Installation Shot
Guests included: Justin Miller, Heather Bennett and Catherine Martin