5 minute read
Successful Transitioning Stories
By Dr. Julie Ducharme www.synergylearninginstitute.org
Finding Your Passion How did you prepare for retirement? I started preparing for retirement a full three years Originally from northern Minnesota, Travis Johnson is a retired Naval Officer, before my planned retirement date. I made sure to have my finances in order; we paid off 100% of our consumer debt. We only have the house payment remaining. married with two children, and on move #50. His humble beginnings include 36 moves before graduating high school at 17, 12 schools, 6 states, 5 foster homes, surviving I began with the question, “What does my ideal day look like?” I knew I didn’t want to continue with military service and I was not interested in simply starting my next job. I wanted to do something that gave me flexibility, a solid income, and freedom of location. I didn’t want to be tied to a building that I needed to report to daily. 2 murder attempts, and mother with type 1 bipolar disorder. How did your podcast come about while you were on active duty?
Travis hosts the top-rated Nonprofit Architect Podcast, hosted the 2021 Veteran Podcast Awards, and is the only professional podcaster with an accredited course available at the university level. Travis holds a Bachelor’s in Science and received a 4.0 for his Master’s in Human Relations.
I enlisted in the Navy in July 2000. I served 11 years maintaining ejection seats, cabin pressurization systems, environmental control systems, and egress systems. I was commissioned in Dec. 2011 and went to flight school. I earned my wings as a Naval Flight Officer in June 2013. I finished my service with nearly 1500 flight hours and saw 12 countries and all 50 states. Ultimately retiring in February 2022 after declining O-4. I began as a podcast guest but when I got stationed in Bahrain without my family, I knew I needed something positive that would keep me out of trouble. My friend convinced me to start a podcast. Since I had been helping nonprofits, I began the Nonprofit Architect Podcast dedicated to helping nonprofits design, build, and grow. We quickly shot up to #4 in the US, Top 10 in eight countries, featured in Podcast Magazine in the Top 25 Veteran hosted podcasts, and by Feedspot in the Top 25 Nonprofit Podcasts.
Where did you get the skills to write a book?
I don’t know about the skills to write a book. I did purchase a podcast guide in December of 2020. I was so irritated by the guide I purchased because I felt like I got ripped off. My friends allowed me to whine about it for two days before holding me accountable for my nonsense. They said, “If you want to be an entrepreneur, shouldn’t you write something better and stop whining?” They were right, whining doesn’t get you anywhere.
I set out to write the Ultimate Podcast Guide. https://nonprofitarchitect.org/ultimate-podcast-guide/ I wanted to make it readable and actionable. I didn’t stop at the what, I included the how and why for everything listed. I wanted to ensure anyone reading it could implement anything and everything included in my guide and not feel like they needed to spend more to get the answers they needed.
My customers helped me write my book. For every copy that sold I solicited feedback and a review. Every question I was asked turned into a revision of the book. The Ultimate Podcast guide was a huge success and was turned into the Ultimate Podcast Course. https://envisageconnect.com/course/ultimate-podcast/
What tips do you have for any veterans wanting to chase a very different passion when out of the military?
Ask yourself, “What skills do I need to be successful? What education do I need? How do I create a network of people that will add value to my life and I can add value to theirs?” The answers to these questions will help guide your next career move. If you start early enough, you can complete most of these things before you retire or leave the military. Make sure your debts are paid off and you have 6-12 months of expenses in the bank. This gives you the freedom and peace of mind to explore what the civilian world has to offer without being under too much pressure.
The structure of the military that served me well for 22 years was removed and I struggled to find my footing until I developed and implemented my own structure. The biggest thing that has helped me has been the company I’ve kept. My inner circle holds me accountable, pushed me to be better, and checks in on me. Every conversation I have with them keeps me motivated, energized, and on track to achieving my dreams and goals.
Keeping mentally fit has been my top priority over the past several decades. I did this by getting quality sleep, surrounding myself and my family with abundant, low-stress people, and taking care of my responsibilities.
Many veterans suffer from PTSD and I’ve had my share of mental health struggles. You must decide to get the help you need, take responsibility for where you are in life, and own your future going forward. The bottom line, if you show up, have a great attitude, and are willing to work, you’ll be successful in whatever you choose to do next.
Connect with me on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/nonprofitarchitect/ and check out my show the Nonprofit Architect Podcast. https://nonprofitarchitect.org/
“Remembrance of Chris”
Transitioning out of the Military into the Civilian Workforce?
Finding a job in the civilian world may seem easy at first. After all, you have learned skills, practiced leadership and demonstrated initiative that will make you successful wherever you go.
The reality, though, is that it can be difficult. In fact, it can be downright depressing, demotivating and you may feel totally disillusioned.
Veterans In Transition is dedicated to you and to helping you succeed in your transition.
For editorial & monthly columns regarding transitioning to business, career advice, tips, workshops, transition to education, entrepreneurship, straight-forward legal tips for Military and Veteran Business Owners and more visit Veterans In Transition at www.tinyurl.com/Veterans-In-Transition