San Diego Veterans Magazine June 2020 PTSD

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Vol. 2 Number 6 • June 2020

San Diego Veteran of the Month

Understanding PTSD: A Guide for Family and Friends

Cohen Veterans Network “We Are Here To Help”

PTSD Breakthrough

Facts About COVID-19


Commemorating the 76th Anniversary of “Operation Overlord” with San Diego “Screaming Eagle” Tom Rice (98)

PTSD Awareness Month

Honoring Fathers of the ”Greatest Generation”

What’s Next Transitioning

Arts & Healing Enlisted To Entrepreneur



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Publisher Editor-In-Chief Mike Miller

Contributing Writers Holly Shaffner Veteran Advocate - Honor Flight SD

RanDee McLain, LCSW A Different Lens

Vicki Garcia

Enlisted to Entrepreneur

CJ Machado

SD Vets & Homeland Photojournalist

Kelly Bagla, Esq. Legal Eagle

Joe Molina Veterans Chamber of Commerce

Eve Nasby

What’s Next - Transitioning

Amber Robinson Greetings and a warm welcome to San Diego Veterans Magazine! Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. The Magazine focuses on San Diego resources, support, community, and inspiration for our veterans and the military families that keep it together. Our magazine is driven by passion, vision, reflection and the future. The content is the driving force behind our magazine and the connection it makes with our veterans, service members, military families, and civilians. The magazine is supported by a distinguishing list of San Diego veteran organizations, resource centers, coalitions, veteran advocates, and more. We are honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people. San Diego Veterans Magazine is a veterans magazine for veterans by veterans. We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a reader of San Diego Veterans Magazine.

Mike Miller Editor-In-Chief

Arts & Healing

Eva Stimson Veteran Advocate

Collaborative Organizations VANC- Lori Boody Honor Flight San Diego - Holly Shaffner • DAV • Father Joe’s Village • VetCTAP • Shelter To Soldier • Give An Hour • UCSD • Courage To Call • • Veteran & “For Purpose” Organizations • Veteran Advocates & Guest Writers • And many more...

San Diego Veterans Magazine 9528 Miramar Road, #41 San Diego, CA 92126

(858) 275-4281 Contact us at: San Diego Veterans Magazine is published monthly. Submissions of photographs, Illustrations, drawings, and manuscripts are considered unsolicited materials and the publisher assumes no responsibility for the said items. All rights reserved.

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE 6 San Diego Veteran of the Month 8 FREEDOM RINGS GLOBAL 14 Understanding PTSD Guide 20 PTSD Breakthrough (DAV) 24 Cohen Veterans Network 26 A Different Lens - PTSD 30 Arts & Healing - First Steps to Healing 36 VANC Supporting the Community 38 Petco Foundation - Shelter To Soldier 40 What’s Next - How to Ace the Interview 42 Enlisted to Entrepreneur - Partnerships 46 The Job Market 48 Legal Eagle - INCORPORATE 52 Honoring Fathers 58 SD Vets 2020 Editorial Calendar 60 COVID-19 Facts (CDC) / JUNE 2020


VETERAN OF THE MONTH San Diego - June 2020 By RanDee McLain

Tavarus “TJ” Dunbar From track runner to United States Marine to Dr Dunbar to community volunteer. This Marine has done it all and with a distinguished military career coming to a close, we want to honor him as the Veteran of the Month. TJ will retire in a few short weeks but has already been giving back to his brothers and sisters. TJ has been volunteering in our San Diego community as a mentor to veterans. He is a volunteer mentor for the Southern District of California Veterans Treatment Court (VTC). The court targets the root causes of veterans’ criminal behavior. The goal of these courts is to resolve criminal cases through treatment and support. In these courts, veterans take part in a program tailored to address their needs. As part of the program, participants meet frequently with a judicial officer, other veterans, treatment providers, mentors, and support teams. TJ currently has two mentees who are successfully navigating through the program.

Being a VTC mentor takes commitment, passion and understanding. Early in his mentorship, TJ experienced his first set back with one of his mentees. His participant had a relapse and TJ was able to use his experience and training to step in and support his participant. This action helped his mentee regain the skills to get his life back on track. When asked what his most memorable moment was as a mentor, he said “camaraderie.” He was able to bring both of his participants together in a healthy and safe environment to support their growth in the program. As simple as it sounds, it was for a Super Bowl watch party. The families bonded and that little act of camaraderie paid dividends for their success in the program. It showed them that people care and want them to succeed! Tavarus “TJ” Dunbar is a proud Marine. TJ had dreams of running track in college and when that did not work out as planned, he decided to join the U.S. Marine Corps. TJ joined the USMC in 1997 and after boot camp at Parris Island, he was trained in the Supply Admin Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). While stationed in Okinawa, Japan, he was able to earn his undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice. A few years later, he found himself stationed at the American Embassy Manama, Bahrain. There, he served as the Reactionary Force NCO and Mess NCO with the Marine Security Guard Battalion. After making a lateral move and successful on the job training, he earned the MOS of Morale and Welfare Recreational Specialist and was ordered back to Japan. During his assignment in Iwakuni, TJ served as the 7-day Store Manager and deployed to Iraq in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom where he served as the Baharia Tactical Field Exchange Manager.

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A few years later, TJ found himself back in Iraq where he served as the Exchange Chief aboard forward operating bases Rawah, Tripoli, and Al Quaim. During this tour, he stayed focused on his education and was able to earn his master’s degree in Business Administration. TJ was then selected to report to Drill Instructor School MCRD San Diego, CA. He graduated as the #2 Honor Graduate and the Iron Man of his Drill Instructor class. He served a Drill Instructor and while on the Drill Field, TJ was selected to the Warrant Officer program. His tours as a Chief Warrant Officer have taken him to Yuma, AZ, Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, CA and is currently the Retail and Services Director at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The USMC has kept him busy; to earn his Doctorate in Business Administration is a large accomplishment. Life cannot be all business, deployments and education in a young Marine’s life. He met his lovely wife, Janetta on Memorial Day weekend in 2002. The young couple married in 2006 and have been happily married for fourteen years. TJ and his wife both have the entrepreneur spirit and have started several small businesses over the years. In addition to being a Marine, business owner and author, he is also the proud father of two children: Tavarus II “Duece” and Avari “Nina”.

After 23 years of service, TJ is looking forward to retiring. He has had an amazing career serving our country and is looking forward to starting the next chapter in his life. For us at the VTC, we are thankful to TJ for his dedication to his fellow veterans during their time of need. And I have enjoyed getting to know TJ over the last year. As a veteran myself, I am proud to welcome him to the Veteran Community. Congrats on nearing retirement and on being June’s Veteran of the month. For more information about Veterans Treatment Courts, go to: / JUNE 2020


FREEDOM RINGS GLOBAL Commemorating the 76th Anniversary of “Operation Overlord”

June 6th, 2020 marks the 76th anniversary of D-Day, “Operation Overlord,” the largest WWII allied operation against Nazi Germany. Most of the young men who fought to save the world have long passed and the remaining are well into their nineties. Sadly, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, we are losing over 250 WWII veterans every day. I’d like to celebrate those still with us and highlight a few of the bravest and most selfless men ever created, the “Greatest Generation.”

By, CJ Machado, photojournalist & veteran advocate

One of those brave men is Coronado resident, WWII paratrooper “Sreaming Eagle” Tom Rice (98). On D-Day, Tom served in Company C, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR), 101st Airborne Division. Rice commanded a 60mm mortar crew and served as platoon sergeant. The mission of his division was called “Albany.” In addition to several other tasks, its main mission was aimed at securing four causeway exits behind Utah Beach. Rice returned to Normandy for the 75th Anniversary of D-Day in June 2019, where he jumped in Carentan, Normandy in the same drop zone as he did on D-Day. At the time he was 97 years-old. His inspirational jump harbored over 20 million views worldwide by international media. 8 / JUNE 2020

His incredible jump and war stories are documented in Libertas (Normandy Jump 2019) documentary available at - This year Tom had been scheduled to participate in the 76th Anniversary celebration in Normandy, France, but his trip was postponed due to the COVID-19 traveling restrictions and many international events being cancelled. Since museums in Normandy are scheduled to be closed on D-Day, the Normandy Victory Museum proposed the “Les Clochers de la Liberte,” The Bells of Liberty to be rung on D-Day, June 6, 2020 at precisely 6:44pm.

Teams nationwide (WWII Airborne Demonstration Team, Round Canopy Parachuting Team, Liberty Jump Team) and the Military Freefall Association have committed to ring liberty bells in honor of their Airborne Brother Tom Rice. The Mayor of the City of Coronado Richard Bailey and San Diego City Mayor Faulconer have expressed their support. The USS Midway, San Diego Padres, San Diego Veterans Coalition, The Indiana War Memorials, Military Order of World Wars, the Greatest Generations Foundation and many worthy veteran organizations have committed to the worldwide initiative. Fellow WWII Paratroopers “Screaming Eagles” Dan McBride (96) Silver City, New Mexico, “Battle of the Bulge” Vincent J. Speranza (95) Auburn, Illinois and the last living D-Day Pathfinder pilot David Hamilton (97) Prescott, Arizona have committed to the Freedom Rings Global initiative. They will ring Liberty Bells in their cities come D-Day, June 6, 2020 at 6:44pm in their respective time zone.

Patrick Fissot, Nicholas Belle and Emmanuel Allain created the French movement that has quickly spread throughout the cities of Normandy and France.

Prior to the ceremony, WWII veteran aircraft C-53/DC-3 D-Day Doll will fly honored guest, Tom Rice, “Team Tom Rice” and Honor Flight San Diego (HFSD) volunteers over the Coronado and San Diego skies to celebrate the liberties given on D-Day. Honor Flight San Diego will bring posters of the D-Day veterans who have gone on their Honor Flight with the organization. It will serve as a way to honor D-Day veterans who couldn’t be on D-Day Doll.

The French have never forgotten their Liberator Tom Rice and in the spirit of democracy, the Normandy Victory Museum reached out to Rice to ring liberty bells on June 6th, 2020 at precisely 6:44 pm in his respective time zone. Naval Air Station North Island was chosen for the Freedom Rings Global Ceremony because Tom’s father served in the US Navy in aviation. Tom’s father, Marcus Stovel Rice, member of the VPT3 squadron and the pilot were killed when the amphibious aircraft crashed into 60 feet of water in Panama Bay, on May 23, 1934. Tom was 12 years-old. Tom Rice and the Commander of Navy Region Southwest, Rear Admiral Bette Bolivar will jointly ring the Liberty Bell at NAS North Island (Flag Circle) in harmony with the Liberty Bells wave around the world to remind us that Freedom Rings, Freedom Reigns! A group of ardent Tom Rice supporters called “Team Tom Rice” and Honor Flight San Diego expanded the movement through creating a Freedom Rings Global initiative in support of our French Allies. To date, over 1,000 cities from France, Belgium and the UK will be participating in this global event. The Screaming Eagles Association and Foundation, the Pathfinder International Parachute Group, members of our Jump

American Legion Riders led by Post 149 will escort Tom Rice to the Landing Zone for the monumental fly over. D-Day Doll was one of 159 C-53D Skytrooper aircraft built at the Douglas factory in Santa Monica, California. She was then delivered to the Army Air Force on July 7, 1943, and arrived at RAF Aldermaston in March 1944. On June 6, 1944, 52 aircraft assigned to the 434th Troop Carrier Group launched from Royal Air Force Aldermaston Airfield, where each aircraft towed a Waco glider. D-Day Doll carried reinforcements for troops from the 101st Airborne Division who had jumped in earlier, near Utah Beach. She flew three missions on June 6 and 7. Continued on page 11 > / JUNE 2020


We need your help to locate San Diego County World War II and Korea War Veterans for our upcoming 2020 trips. We want to honor them by taking them on a 3-day trip to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials built for their service and sacrifice. Since 2010, Honor Flight San Diego has taken over 1,400 veterans on this trip. Due to generous donors, the trip is no cost to the veteran.

“It was the best weekend of my life!� - WWII Veteran For more information, please call: (800) 655-6997 or email:

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Doll stayed in the fight after D-Day, flying in Operation Market Garden in Holland, the re-supply of Bastogne, then pushed on across the Rhine flying a variety of support missions and evacuating wounded to England. D-Day Doll returned to Normandy seventy-five years later to participate in the D-Day “Operation Overlord” commemoration ceremonies. Along with the D-Day Squadron, Doll dropped hundreds of parachutists dressed in WWII paratrooper uniforms in Normandy, France last June 2019. This year, the 76th D-Day Anniversary event and flyover to be held in San Diego and Coronado is sponsored by veteran owned AMERICA FIRST SPIRITS, a beverage company that is dedicated to supporting our veterans and worthy veteran organizations. In fact, every bottle of Vodka proudly displays the “Homes For Our Troops” label on the backside. Enthusiastic members of the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team (West Coast ADT) will be dressed in WWII period uniforms waiting for Rice at the Landing Zone. “Sweethearts of Swing,” will be performing the most authentic Andrews Sisters tribute show around. Katleen Dugas with the “Sweethearts of Swing” will be singing the French and American National anthem.

The original member of the Golden Knights US Army Parachute Team and a member of the International Skydiving Museum and Hall of Fame, Jerry Bourquin will be in attendance and is expected to participate in the flyover. To learn more, visit: www.FreedomRings.Global or like and follow us on Facebook and post your support: To read more about the WWII “Screaming Eagles,” Dutch Army Lt Colonel Jos Groen and prior Dutch Marine Corps documented “Three of the Last WWII Screaming Eagles”, a historical autobiographical book that highlights three other WWII paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division who jumped with Tom Rice on June 6, 1944; Dan McBride, Jim “Pee Wee” Martin and Dick Klein. The primary focus of the book is on the arduous battles these courageous men fought against the Germans in France, The Netherlands and later during the Battle of the Bulge. The revenues of the book are donated to two U.S. foundations, the Patriot Foundation and Screaming Eagle Foundation. We are beyond blessed to have a few of the “Greatest Generation” still with us to celebrate one of the most significant days in history, D-Day. May we continue to honor the selfless service and sacrifice of our “Greatest Generation.” God Bless them.

Tom Rice

Normandy Jump 2019 / JUNE 2020



You Don’t Have To Do This Alone Resources & Articles available at: 12 / JUNE 2020

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Understanding PTSD: A Guide for Family and Friends

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PTSD and PTSD treatment from Veterans and their loved ones - / JUNE 2020


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PTSD break

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MDMA shows promise healing mental trauma in FDA-approved clinical trials By Matt Saintsing


hen it comes to treating post-traumatic stress disorder, nothing is better than trauma-focused psychotherapies, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. By centering on the memory or meaning of harrowing and often painful events, veterans can process and make sense of their most stressful experiences in war. But momentum is steadily growing to battle the symptoms of PTSD with alternative medicine, including one illicit substance that’s showing tremendous promise in recent studies. MDMA, commonly known as the street drug ecstasy or Molly, is culturally linked to the rave scene of the 1990s. First synthesized in 1912 for pharmacological purposes, the CIA experimented with the substance as a potential psychological weapon during the Cold War. Nearly all research came to a halt in 1985 when it was placed on the list of Schedule I drugs. More recently, however, it’s shown to significantly reduce PTSD symptoms when paired with psychotherapy. The research has been so promising that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted the drug “breakthrough” status and is fast-tracking final phases of clinical trials in the hopes of developing a new countermeasure to PTSD.

Army and Marine Corps veteran Jonathan Lubecky knows the challenges of living with the invisible scars of war all too well. While he was deployed to Balad Air Base, Iraq, in 2006, an enemy mortar crashed down inside the portable toilet he was using. He was left without a single physical scratch, but he would later learn he suffered a traumatic brain injury and developed severe PTSD. “I got blown up in a Port-o-John—shittiest place to get blown up,” said Lubecky. “Had I stood up, the shrapnel would have gone through me instead of in front of me.” This event marked the beginning of a life-changing and dangerous journey involving daily suicidal thoughts, which he acted on five separate times. After retiring from the Army in 2009, he began selfmedicating with alcohol and marijuana, masking the underlying problems. He also tried the medication prescribed to him by the VA, at one point taking 42 pills per day. But help seemed beyond his grasp. “Most of what I was thinking was, is this going to be my life for the rest of it? Nightmares every night?” he said. “I felt like the world would be better without me in it.” But in 2014, Lubecky signed up to take part in a study involving MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, organized and conducted by the Multidisciplinary / JUNE 2020


Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), an organization working to advance the science of potentially beneficial compounds like MDMA. MAPS’ multiple clinical MDMA trials have shown to reduce PTSD dramatically. Under close observation, Lubecky ingested MDMA three times over 12 weeks in conjunction with psychotherapy sessions. He would take a green capsule containing 125 milligrams of MDMA, and after roughly 40 minutes, when the drug started to take effect, his therapy session would begin. An additional 70-milligram dose was also offered to help boost the sessions. “It worked,” said Lubecky. “Five years later, and I still don’t have PTSD, and I haven’t done MDMA since.” The results stunned him. Lubecky’s ClinicianAdministered PTSD Scale (CAPS)—a way to measure PTSD severity—was nearly cut in half. A year later, his depression had dramatically subsided. According to Dr. Michael Mithoefer, the acting medical director for MAPS and a psychiatrist who is heavily involved in the clinical trials, MDMA can break down barriers some may have with PTSD and encourage trust—a vital component of a patienttherapist relationship.

“It can be very painful to process trauma, whether you have MDMA or not. It’s just that MDMA tends to make processing more possible.” —Dr. Michael Mithoefer, psychiatrist

“The VA acknowledges that psychotherapy is the best treatment for PTSD,” he said. “But it doesn’t work for a lot of people, at least half.” Many people have extreme difficulties tolerating therapy and end up dropping out of treatment. 22 / JUNE 2020

“Sometimes, they are just so overwhelmed by anxiety and emotions that it just doesn’t help,” Mithoefer added. Emotional numbing is another facet of PTSD, where patients may be able to talk freely about their trauma but are not necessarily meeting the goal of processing memories and emotions. According to Mithoefer, MDMA helps reverse the brain functions that can paralyze people when trauma is triggered. Brain imaging studies have shown PTSD appears to increase commotion in the amygdala, the brain’s fear center, and reduce activity in the prefrontal cortex, which regulates emotion. MDMA’s ability to overcome fear and defensiveness, increase empathy and compassion, and heighten introspection can significantly improve psychotherapy for PTSD. It also releases naturally occurring hormones, such as oxytocin and prolactin, which are associated with feelings of trust, intimacy and bonding, making patients more likely to open up during therapy. “It can be very painful to process trauma, whether you have MDMA or not,” said Mithoefer. “It’s just that MDMA tends to make processing more possible.” Of the 103 patients that had chronic, treatmentresistant PTSD who completed MAPS’ Phase 2 trials, just over half no longer met the qualification for PTSD diagnosis in the months following treatment. At the one-year mark, 68% no longer qualified. All patients suffered from chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD for an average of just under 18 years. The stunning results were published in the journal Psychopharmacology in May 2019. Phase 3 trials, the final step of research required by the Food and Drug Administration before deciding to approve a drug for treatment, are currently underway at 14 sites across the United States, Canada and Israel. Mithoefer is hopeful that, following these stages, MDMA-assisted psychotherapy could be an accepted treatment for PTSD by 2022. However, MDMA, like other psychedelics, remains illegal and can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Independent doctors and psychologists screen all patients participating in these trials. Under the current regimen, MDMA is never given as a takehome drug, and patients only receive it two or three times over several months. Additionally, two therapists

Left: Jonathan Lubecky, a veteran of the Marine Corps and Army, poses with a .50-caliber sniper rifle at Balad Air Base, Iraq, in 2006. Center: Wearing his dress blues, Lubecky is an advocate for alternative therapies, including MDMA, which he says helped to cure him of PTSD. Right: Pictured in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Lubecky, now a civilian, works to bring attention for MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for veterans to U.S. lawmakers.

“Five years later, and I still don’t have PTSD, and I haven’t done MDMA since.” —Jonathan Lubecky, Army and Marine Corps veteran

are present during the therapy sessions, and breaks are taken to help “integrate” the experiences. Despite the success of these trials, MDMA remains a Schedule I substance, which marks the drug as having no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. “By no means should we communicate these compounds are risk-free,” said Dr. Roland Griffiths, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research. “They’re not.” But because some psychedelic drugs left the laboratory in the 1960s and began flooding antiestablishment and anti-war movements, they were “promoted in an unwise fashion,” said Griffiths. The federal reaction that followed mostly stripped scientists from being able to research any potential benefits to psychedelic compounds, including MDMA and psilocybin, the active compound in

so-called “magic mushrooms.” The move, according to some advocates, criminalized legitimate science. Scientists in recent years began picking up such research, thanks in large part to private donations to organizations such as MAPS. “It wasn’t until we got permission to give a high dose of psilocybin to psychedelic-naive individuals in 2000 that this work began to be reinitiated,” added Griffiths. “We published our study in 2006, and over the course of the last 14 years, increasingly, other academic centers are coming online.” “DAV is supportive of continued research on nontraditional therapies, complementary and alternative medicine, and expanded treatment options for veterans,” said Deputy National Legislative Director Adrian Atizado. “Anything that can safely help our veterans heal from the lasting psychological impacts of war, particularly for those who tried treatment before without success, is worth studying further, which these trials are attempting to do.” n / JUNE 2020


“We are here to help” By Holly Shaffner June is National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) month. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there will be about 5 million post-9/11 veterans by 2021. Why is that important? Because the National Center for PTSD reports that (each year) approximately 11-20% of post-9/11 military veterans have PTSD - that is between 550,000 to 1 million military men and women who may have PTSD. The Cohen Veterans Network is making a big impact in military communities throughout the country to treat our veterans and their families suffering from this disorder. We are fortunate to have a clinic here in San Diego. The name of our local clinic is The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Veterans Village of San Diego. At nine months old, this clinic is relatively new but has already helped hundreds of veterans and military families. The clinic has seen over 260 clients since they opened their doors and it is staffed by clinicians, case managers, and a clinic director. Pre-COVID 19, their model was primarily face-to-face appointments; but they were also leading the way in telehealth. The clinic had already started video appointments before the coronavirus outbreak and about 28% of their appointments were via telehealth. Now, in a social distancing environment, the appointments are 100% telehealth. The vast majority of their clientele are post- 9/11 era; however, if a veteran from another era requests services, the clinic will assess their needs and ability to serve that veteran. 24 / JUNE 2020

Photo by Melissa Jacobs

So why would a military-connected member reach out for services? Clinic Director Shari Finney-Houser said the top reasons are for general anxiety, PTSD, and depression. There are a variety of other issues that trained clinicians are ready to address as well: adjustment issues, anger, grief and loss, family issues, transition challenges, relationship problems, children’s behavioral problems, and other concerns. The Cohen Veterans Network is rooted in their treatment through evidence-based treatments such as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing, Problem Solving Therapy (PST), couples therapy, and Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET). Houser said that the longer you sit with the symptoms, the harder it will be on the brain. Prevention is much easier and there are many ways to treat PTSD. Houser wants people to know there is help for symptoms… you just have to make that call.

Veterans and military families have a variety of options when it comes to mental health care.

“We really need to get the word out that we are here, and we are ready to help”

While she had several success stories to tell, her favorite is about a veteran who was unsheltered. She helped him get therapy for his condition, find a place to live, get into school and helped him find a job. Today he is a motivational speaker who talks about that transformation. That is how you help your brothers and sisters. When I asked Houser what her greatest need was, she said “We really need to get the word out that we are here, and we are ready to help.” So please share this story and this resource with your networks. If you know a military-connected member who wants confidential mental health care at the San Diego clinic, they should call (619) 345-4611 or email:

“What makes us different from other services is accessibility,” said Houser. The clinic is easy to access and open to veterans, their families including spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings, caregivers, and others. The Cohen Clinics provide mental health services to active duty service members as part of couples or family therapy but not individually.

The Cohen Veterans Network is a not-for-profit philanthropic organization and there is no cost for care if the client does not have insurance. There are 15 operating clinics nationwide with more being developed. To find a clinic near you, go to:

Another important item that makes this clinic standout is their service for women veterans. Of the 145,000 women veterans living in the state of California, approximately 7,700 are in San Diego County. Having dedicated mental health services in a safe environment, that is staffed by women, just makes sense. Ashley Tatum is a case manager and Navy veteran. She leapt at the opportunity to put her post-military education to work in order to serve her fellow brothers and sisters. Every day, Ashley sets her clients up for success by connecting them to the appropriate resources in our community.

Shari and Marla / JUNE 2020


A Different Lens Mental Health Monthly By RanDee McLain, LCSW

What are known treatments? There are several Evidence Based Treatment (EBTs) for PTSD but the top 3 are generally listed as Cognitive Processing Therapy; Prolonged Exposure (P.E.) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

June is PTSD awareness month….but for the millions of veterans in our country suffering from PTSD everyday they are aware. They are aware of the ways PTSD has forever changed their lives. They are aware of how little things have new meanings. They are aware of how their symptoms, if left unmanaged, can cause chaos in their lives. We do not cure PTSD but rather learn how to manage our symptoms. Now, before we go to far into what PTSD is and how to manage it ….let’s first dispel some myths. All veterans have PTSD or all ‘combat’ veterans have PTSD. False, roughly 11-20% of all Post 9/11 Veterans suffer from PTSD. Only “boots on ground” veterans experience PTSD. False, trauma can happen anywhere at any time. I.E car accident; natural disasters; combat; assault...ect. These are just a few of the myths that have been thrown around for years. effects a smaller part of the population both in the military and civilians. Though the numbers overall are not huge in comparison to the number of individuals that serve- PTSD can have long lasting effects. What is PTSD? A disorder that develops after an individual is exposed to a traumatic event or has witnessed a life-threatening event. This can include exposure to death, threat of death, actual or threatened actual serious injury or sexual violence. Individuals who are diagnosed with PTSD deal with repetitive re-experiencing of an event (flashbacks); avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma and/ or increased arousal. 26 / JUNE 2020

CBT is a cognitive intervention to change the way a traumatized individual think. This type of treatment is generally done over 12 weeks and adheres to a structured, manualized protocol. More sessions can be added as needed. CBT includes homework that clients bring home and work on between sessions. CBT can be done in groups or individual sessions and works to identify stuck points; examines thoughts and beliefs and challenges them. CBT is considered an effective treatment for PTSD and complex trauma. Another treatment used on individuals diagnosed with PTSD is Prolonged Exposure. PE is an evidence based behavioral intervention that repeatedly exposes the clients to distressing stimuli to decrease their anxiety in response to those stimuli. PE is based on 10 weekly sessions with more sessions as needed to address new issues that may arise. PE starts with in vivo exposure to places that may increase anxiety i.e public places. The second part of PE involves writing and dictating a trauma narrative focusing on one traumatic experience.

The client listens to the narrative (recording) over and over eventually decreasing the anxiety associated with the trauma event. Prolonged Exposure is a great modality of treatment for individuals that have PTSD. A newer modality is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Though the modality has been around for awhile it has recently become a more popular form of treatment amongst veterans and others dealing with trauma. This type of treatment has the client focus on distressing images as well as the following: • state a belief that goes with it • notices associated feelings • identifies body sensations The therapist will use auditory and tactile alternatives to eye movements using bilateral stimulation. This is a complex treatment that should only be performed by a trained clinician or doctor. More information can be found at Many veterans can find relief of symptoms through other nontraditional way including Art therapy; Equine Therapy; Water Therapy; Yoga; Mindfulness or Prayer. Social interaction is important to dealing with the symptoms of PTSD. There are support groups or prosocial groups in the community they get you outdoors and doing physical activities. Exercise is an important for health and helps clear your mind. Treatment is individual to each person and no treatment is perfect for everyone. Do your research and seek help when needed. PTSD is a serious condition that many of our service members and veterans face but with treatment we can and do regain control of our lives and find our true path to a happy life. Know the signs and symptoms of PTSD and where to go if needed.

For additional resources and support visit Courage to Call. Courage to Call is a local non-profit serving Active Duty, Veterans, Guard, Reservist, and their families in San Diego County

WOUNDS WE CANNOT SEE Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not always allow the affected to seek help. Lend a hand and provide them with methods of help, listen and be a friend. San Diego Veterans Magazine works with nonprofit veteran organizations that help more than 1 million veterans in lifechanging ways each year.

Resources. Support. Inspiration. At San Diego Veterans Magazine you can visit our website for all current and past articles relating to PTSD, symptoms, resources and real stories of inspiration. Resources & Articles available at:



A Veteran-led program serving our military-connected community‌including Active Duty, Veterans, National Guard, Reservists and their family members.

24/7 Access to Resources and Peer Support

Call 877-698-7838 or dial 2-1-1 Visit our website at 28 / JUNE 2020

Courage2Call @CourageToCall @CourageToCall / JUNE 2020


Arts & Healing Arts for Military Veterans By Amber Robinson

Let it out and let it in; how to manage those first steps to healing June is PTSD awareness month, which is fitting to have right after Memorial Day. Many of you may still be trying to put the memories that arise on that day back into their box for the next year. Living with the memories of war or any other trauma isn’t easy. There is always that tendency to want to box up those parts of your past and keep them hidden away. When I first left the service I remember thinking PTSD was just for the infantry, or those who had gone through severe IED blasts, seen buddies die or had to fight for their lives daily on those small, rural combatoutposts. Journalists like me didn’t have to deal with hose things routinely, we don’t get PTSD. The first time I ever had a major anxiety attack due to PTSD was in theVA pharmacy waiting room, of all places. I happened to be sitting next to an old Vietnam veteran who had come up from Tijuana to the ER of our VA Healthcare Center in La Jolla.. He was telling me in detail about his ailments when I began to feel the walls closing in. I clutched my purse tight against my chest and shrank into myself as the man’s voice waxed and waned between piercing and faint. I turned to him in desperation trying to explain that I’m usually more talkative but I thought I was having a panic attack. He just nodded his head and asked where and when I served. I told him Afghanistan for three tours. He nodded knowingly, again. It turns out he was an 100% disabled veteran for PTSD. As I cried and rocked, trying to regain my balance, he said to me, “You don’t look like an angry sort of person, do you have any way of letting any of this out? You have to learn how to let it out.”

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“Letting it out” is the first step in facing the trauma. Before I even took my first steps into the Vet Center in Chula Vista, or before I ever sat in a group of fellow women veterans sharing my trauma, I wrote a poem. I decided the old Vietnam veteran was right, I had to find a way to let it out. I chose a moment that was especially traumatic for me, and I began to turn it into prose. Just writing the poem made me very emotional. I would write a few lines, walk away, cry and pace, and then come back to it to write some more. It took me days to chronicle the event in my own way.

But when I was finished, I felt better. I could look at that poem and see the pain now, I was facing it for the first time. My next step, I decided, was to “let it out” even more. I decided I wouldread it to a friend, and have her help me edit it. My next step was to go further, and to read this very vulnerable, traumatic poem to an audience at an open mic night.

“let it out and take a moment to appreciate how awesome you are. Yeah, you.”

When I did, my hands shook, my voice shook, my knees shook. But I did it, and the more I read that poem at different times and venues, the easier it got. Soon after I began regular group sessions with other female veterans and shared even more of my trauma. I have a friend I met during a Military Sexual Trauma workshop a few years back, who said to me once that, “each time you are brave enough to speak your darkness, it lets a little bit of it out, and makes more room for the light.” No matter how you speak it, what is important is the “letting it out” part. For me, it was easiest through poetry at first. For you, it may be easiest to start with group sessions, then try art or journaling. Each person must find their own way of releasing the traumatic event. Healing through art offers a myriad of possibilities. You can let out your pain through paint, poetry, drawings, dance...the ways to say “I hurt”, without words can go on forever in the art world.

But, I also encourage you to “heal creatively”. That’s not to say don’t use art or do use art. That simply means don’t be afraid to create your own path to healing. You are the artist of that path, and it’s complexity or simplicity is completely up to you. / JUNE 2020



WOUNDS WE CANNOT SEE Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not always allow the affected to seek help. Lend a hand and provide them with methods of help, listen and be a friend.


San Diego Veterans Magazine works with nonprofit veteran organizations that help more than one million veterans in lifechanging ways each year.




Support. Inspiration.


At San Diego Veterans Magazine you can visit our website for all current and past articles relating to PTSD, symptoms, resources and real stories of inspiration.

Resources & Articles available at:

The colors of gratitude

32 / JUNE 2020





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34 / JUNE 2020

Meet Mark. Marine veteran Living with multiple sclerosis Unbelievable falsetto Was homeless (found hope)

It’s been one battle after another. But thanks to Father Joe’s Villages, Mark has a roof over his head, his health under control, and a song in his heart. Help people like Mark leave homelessness behind. (619) HOMELESS (466-3537)

#HomelessNotHopeless / JUNE 2020


“The men and women who serve our Nation deserve our support — Today, Tomorrow, Always —”

VANC Supporting the Community In partnership with The San Diego Food Bank, The Veterans Association of North County (VANC) and it’s member organization American Legion 760 along with Team Rubicon have found a new way to reach out to our active duty and veteran communities.


Welcome to June. If you look back on the last few months, it sure has been a roller coaster ride. We had the fear associated with this novel coronavirus, followed by the lockdown to flatten the curve, and then the realization that the models do not do an adequate job of preparing for the outcome. We are saddened by the loss of life. We are frustrated with the clear separation in our society that roughly half of us want to restart our economy and get back to living our lives and half who feel that the danger is not yet over and that we jeopardize their lives. And, while I hope we can all begin to heal as a country, I am also amazed at how life takes away one option and provides several others. We were disappointed to watch as the plans we made came apart. The Car show cancelled along with training classes, yoga classes, transition programs and hunter safety classes all stopped and have yet to re-start. But we also found ourselves in a position to help our soldiers and sailors, our airmen and marines in an entirely different way. 36 / JUNE 2020

Our first food distribution took place on April 10. It was raining so badly that a section of Highway 78 was closed due to flooding. On that day we served over 1000 active duty, veterans and their families in a no touch drive through food distribution. We had great participation from volunteers in rain gear and face masks setting up and distributing food. Our next event on May 8 was a beautiful sunny day and we were able to serve over 1800 service connected families. We are so pleased to be able to help in a small way to support our mission of being a one stop shop for military and community support. This latest project was never planned to allow us to continue our mission during covid and yet it does. We have a food distribution planned for every month in 2020. We hope to continue to provide food and friendship to our local military community as long as there is a need. I hope that all of this will end soon and we can get back to doing what we do in our building with events, activities and classes for our community. But it has been a blessing to us to find purpose in the stay at home world of Covid 19. We appreciate all of the support we have received from our community, our Association Members and partners like the San Diego Food bank. They helped us find purpose and meaning in an otherwise bleak situation. We hope you have all faired well through these last few months and look toward the future with hope. / JUNE 2020


Petco Foundation “Helping Heroes Campaign” Benefits Shelter to Soldier by Eva M. Stimson With the support from the Petco Foundation’s Helping Heroes grant, Shelter to Soldier adopted a gorgeous (from the inside-out!) shepherd mix named “Scout” from Labs and More (Labradors, Retrievers and More) Rescue out of San Diego, CA. According to Shelter to Soldier President Graham Bloem, “So far, he’s an all-star in training and has thrived immensely in working with our team. It‘s obvious to our staff that he was destined for a great purpose as he has a special way about him.

It is estimated that 16 veterans lose their lives to suicide every day in the United States, and in 2018 alone, 6317 veterans took their lives. Shelter to Soldier is committed to making an impact on these devastating statistics by providing hope through the companionship of a psychiatric service dog who provides non-judgmental, 24/7 support and motivation to veterans otherwise debilitated by mental illness.

Our training regimen has refined wonderful traits of companionship and a renewed confidence in Scout. He’s put himself on the fast track in our program, excelling in his training every day. He’s on target to begin the process of meeting veterans to start handler training, most likely in the summer of 2020.” From October 5 to October 27, 2019, the Petco Foundation raised funds to support thousands of therapy, service and working animals that have a significant impact on people across the nation. The Petco Foundation places a special emphasis on programs that obtain dogs from shelters to transform them into “Helping Heroes”.


Donations throughout October of last year were collected at Petco stores and online. Shelter to Soldier was selected as a recipient of the campaign, with an added charitable component. According to Kyrié Bloem, Shelter to Soldier CoFounder and Vice-President, “To maximize their impact this year, the Petco Foundation generously pledged to match up to $20,000 in donations given to Shelter to Soldier through the month of October, 2019, to support our comprehensive work to facilitate dog rescues for our service dog program, and to support our veterans suffering from invisible wounds, such as Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and more. We’re tremendously grateful for their continued support that enables us to expand our services.”

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Starting a Business as a Veteran? These veterans sacrificed everything to protect our freedom, and Shelter to Soldier is dedicated to giving back to them, by fulfilling their mission of “Saving Lives, Two at a Time”TM. Since 2012, the Petco Foundation has invested more than $14 million to support the life-changing work of all helping heroes. These Helping Heroes not only safeguard the military and support wounded U.S. veterans, but they also rescue people during disasters, help provide independence, comfort the sick and even benefit children learning to read. To contribute to Shelter to Soldier’s mission, visit to make a tax-deductible donation. Shelter to Soldier is a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that adopts dogs from local shelters and trains them to become psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 combat veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or other psychological injuries. Shelter to Soldier Co Founder, Graham Bloem is the recipient of the American Red Cross Real Heroes Award, 10News Leadership Award, CBS8 News Change It Up Award, Honeywell Life Safety Award, and the 2016 Waggy Award. Additionally, Shelter to Soldier is a gold participant of GuideStar and accredited by the Patriot’s Initiative.

To learn more about veteran-support services provided by STS, call 760-870-5338 for a confidential interview regarding eligibility. The Petco Foundation invites the public to join them to celebrate and support the transformative impact that therapy, service, and working animals have on individuals and communities around the world. With a goal to raise more than $2.5 million in Petco stores and online, the Helping Heroes campaign supports the incredible work of organizations that help animals who save and improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people each and every day. These helping heroes safeguard our military, rescue people impacted by disasters, give independence, comfort the sick, and help children learn to read.

The transition from military service to civilian life can be a difficult one, especially when it comes to your career. That’s why a growing number of veterans choose to forge their own path and become entrepreneurs after leaving the Armed Forces. While starting a business comes with numerous challenges, former service members do have one distinct advantage: the veteran community. “The strength and power of veteran entrepreneurs comes from other veteran entrepreneurs” Unlike most highly competitive entrepreneurial environments, veteran entrepreneurs share information much more easily. If you or someone you know is a veteran looking to start a business, please feel free to contact Vicki Garcia. Vicki is the Co-Founder of Operation Vetrepreneur & President of Marketing Impressions, a 33+ -year- old marketing consulting firm. If you want support for starting up a business, email her at For advice, tips and programs you can read Vicki’s monthly column at Homeland Magazine or visit www.SanDiegoVeteransMagazine and click on the banner:



WHAT’S NEXT Transition to Civilian Life By Eve Nasby

How to Ace the Interview Palms sweating you rise to shake the hand of the one who has just interviewed you. As you leave the interview your mind races as it recalls the questions and your answers. Your thoughts turn against you as you wonder, “Did I ramble?” “Did I even answer the question?” Sadly, your fears are confirmed when the “Thanks but no thanks” letter arrives from the company. What if someone had slipped you the questions and the answers a week before the interview? Would you memorize and rehearse your answers? You bet you would, and land the job! This month we have the answers you’ve been looking for to the questions you most likely will be asked in your next interview. By the way, we will tell you at the end of the article where you can find 92 additional answers to the questions you may be asked. Paul Falcone ( is a nationally recognized Human Resources expert and prolific Author and has spent decades interviewing thousands of people. One of his best-selling books highlights ideal questions for interviewers to ask you. He also highlights theright answers to expect in a good candidate. Interested? What if you knew not only what questions were going to be asked in your next interview, but you also knew the right answers? Is it like cheating? Well, we think of it as being resourceful. There are numerous books on job-finding and interviewing available, but Paul Falcone’s 96 Great

Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire

(HarperCollins Leadership and AMACOM Books, 3rd edition, 2018) has been a go-to resource for corporate recruiters, headhunters, and operational leaders for over twenty years. We have Paul’s overview below and we think you will enjoy the perspective from the ‘other side of the desk.

What is the trick to the book’s success? Make candidates feel comfortable making themselves vulnerable, transparent, and open to the employer’s career guidance. After all, interviewing works two ways—the match between individual personality and corporate culture is critical for long-term hiring success. The same goes for candidates, especially those transitioning from the military to the private sector: be honest and true to yourself because people tend to hire in their own image. In short, if they like you and can relate to you, you’ll gain a big leg up in the hiring process. It all typically begins with a telephone screen. The most important question to be prepared for is, “What are you looking for at this point in your career as you transition into the private sector, and what’s important to you?” The question is so broad that it can be difficult to master on the spot, but it’s important that you practice this one in the mirror. For example, you might want to respond as follows:

“At this point, I’m doing my best to learn about what’s available, what advantages I might have in certain fields or roles, and how I can make the biggest impact. I know that the three ‘biggies’ are role, company, and industry, but I’ve come to realize that industry is in many ways the most critical because the strongest industries will create the most opportunity. I researched the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook ( to identify the dominant and fastest growing positions by industry between 2018 and 2028, and it really opened my eyes as to the growth prospects out there. Dave Grundies

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That’s what got me excited about this opportunity— healthcare and biotech (in this example) seem to have the strongest need for someone with my cybersecurity background, which is why getting into this field is my primary focus.” Wow—Your 30-second answer just told the employer a lot about you: your key goal, your method of researching a solution, and your level of ambition. Not bad for an initial opener! Assuming you get invited to an in-person or Zoom interview, let’s move on to another challenging question that may likely come your way: “What makes you stand out as a rarity among your peers?” Many job applicants shy away from this one by sitting back in their seats, collapsing their shoulders, and looking down. My best recommendation: smile, sit up at the front of your chair, and acknowledge the interviewer, possibly with a bit of humor:

Well, that’s hard to answer because there’s just so much to choose from! It’s actually a really good question, and I would humbly offer that I was always extremely focused on my career while in the military. I think my superiors would say I was an excellent and selfless team player, and I consistently put the good of the unit above everything else. I’d like to think that these very same traits will serve me well as I transition into my first full-time job in the private sector. Again, an excellent answer that lends itself well to encouraging the interviewer to ask you some type of “behavioral interview” follow-up question that might sound something like this: “That’s a great answer, Paul. Can you give me an example of a time when you demonstrated that kind of selfless leadership in putting the team’s needs above your own? Also, what is it about you that makes you value teamwork and selflessness so much?” You can likewise expect a follow-up question that sounds something like this: “Paul, I don’t like asking candidates what their greatest weaknesses are, but it’s an important issue in terms of self-awareness. I’ll ask it this way: What would your most respected superior/ critic say that you need to work on, especially when transitioning into the private sector for your first full-time role?” A wise answer might sound like this:

“My favorite boss is someone who I admire immensely, and I have an annual review from him that I’d be happy to share with you when the timing’s right. I think he’d say that I’m focused, driven, and committed to what I do.

But he’ll also say that I’m probably a bit too serious at times and maybe that I need to lighten up a bit. It’s not that I don’t have a good sense of humor or enjoy a good solid laugh with everyone else. . . It’s just that I sometimes worry about things that are a bit too far down the road. I’m always thinking about things in three- to fiveyear increments, and he’d say that I need to enjoy the moment a bit more and not be too concerned about things too far down the road. I’ve always thought it a strength, but he taught me that a strength taken too far to the extreme can actually become a weakness. But he was a great mentor and coach, and I hope we’ll always stay connected.” This is a wise answer because it’s real, sincere, and humble. Whatever your response to a question like this, make it your own. No employer is looking to hire a perfect candidate—there’s no such thing. And there’s no such thing as a perfect job, either. But in this example, for instance, you spoke about a three- to five-year plan, which helps the interviewer understand the timeframe you’ll likely be committed to in terms or remaining with the company. Okay, here’s a bonus question: “What do you know about our organization, and why do you feel you might want to work here?” Make sure you’ve researched the organization’s web page, LinkedIn page, Glassdoor, and Google to ensure you can answer the basics, which include: - Date established / founded - Revenue (in millions or billions) - # of Employees (local vs. international) - Primary Product Line - Key Competitors - Publicly traded vs. privately held With those basics in hand, you’ll be all set-in terms of asking smart questions when invited to do so toward the end of the interview. Well prepared is well armed. Now just have fun, smile a lot, and be yourself. Putting your best foot forward during the interview may be easier than you think! Would you like to see more common interview questions and ideas for crafting your own great answers? You can find a copy of Paul’s book here: Happy reading and as always, if you need help with your career transition, connect with Eve on LinkedIn. / JUNE 2020



The Truth About Partnerships

So, you and your really good friend have a great idea for a business. You look at each other and say, “let’s do it together!” And, off you go...blissfully unaware that up to 70% of all business partnerships fail. It makes perfect sense to want to be in partnership with someone else. Starting up a business on your own can be lonely and intimidating. Having a partner can seem like you’re part of a team with synergy to work together. Plus, it would be great if your partner has funds to invest in the business. And, that’s how you can run straight into the mistakes that will send you down the white rabbit hole called how-did-this-go-wrong. I can tell you, from first-hand experience, that a partnership breakup is brutal. It’s nearly as bad, and in some cases worse, than a divorce. All your dreams and hard work go up in smoke, and that may not be the worst of it. It’s not unusual for a former partner goes on the warpath deploying nuclear, radioactive options. Ask around in any business networking group and you will hear scores of partner breakup horror stories.

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A Business Partnership Is Like a Marriage Without the Good Stuff A business partnership is like a marriage, without the good parts that keep you married, like kids and sex. Think about it...50% of marriages break up, and those people love each other. Entrepreneurs get into partnerships for a variety of reasons – • Labor –If you have a business partner you can get a lot more work done without worrying about paying a highpriced employee. • Splitting Up Tasks – One of the best things about having a business partner is that you can divide tasks and not worry about other aspects of your business. And, each partner will be able to specialize on certain tasks, which will make each more efficient. • Money – One partner can fund the startup and keep it going. The other partner typically has no money but has expertise.

• Sharing the Ups & Downs – Sometimes things will be going great and other times they won’t. By having a partner, you can motivate each other to stay on top of things.

• Communication wasn’t clear and honest. Just like in a marriage, it is important to work things out and talk frankly frequently. Trust is critical to a successful partnership.

• Brainstorming – when you think of something cool and want to bounce it off someone, what better person to do so with then your business partner?

If you enter into a partnership, you must make a commitment to the other partner, much like a marriage. Not only must that person and their interests coincide with yours, but you must always give them the loyalty and concern that is due to a partner. You form a unit, and protecting that unit is paramount.

• Networking – you can never have a big enough network. With a business partner you can double your network Exciting, huh? We’re going to work together in common cause and make lots of money. Yea!! STOP!!!

Unraveling a partnership can be a daunting, miserable experience. If the partnership has been in existence for a period of time, there may be complex financial issues.

For starters, a partnership is a legal entity. According to Free Advice: Legal “Partnership liability can depend on the type of partnership, as well as your position in the partnership.

Each partner may have assets and intellectual or material interests at stake. From my experience, there are almost always thorny emotional disputes behind a partnership dissolution.

It can also depend on the laws of the state in which you do business. In a general partnership, each partner has unlimited personal liability. This means you are financially responsible for whatever your partner does.

Happily, there are other options. One is to start your business as a sole proprietor and enter into joint ventures with other sole proprietorships.

Partnership rules usually dictate that whatever debts are incurred by the business, it is the legal responsibility of all partners to pay them off. This is true even if one partner enters into a bad contract, or rear-ends another car while working.

Each joint venture is a separate agreement. You get all the benefits, without the liabilities, while preserving your independence. If it doesn’t work out, go your separate ways. Doesn’t that sound like a better alternative?

All partners are responsible for paying the debts.” (at this point, I’m going to state, unequivocally, that this is not legal advice. Seek the advice of an attorney, and do your homework.

Partnerships Fail for a Lot of Reasons Considering that partnerships are usually launched with such great optimism, what could go wrong? • The partners didn’t adequately define their vision and reason for existence beyond simply being a vehicle to make money. People often join partnerships for financial reasons but leave because of values, career or life goal misalignment. • Expectations weren’t clearly set from the get-go. Who does what and when are they supposed to do it. What you don’t want is one partner working their butt off, while the other is kicking back, enjoying the fruits of the other’s labor. • You don’t share common values and ethics. This is a subtle and yet extremely important element for a successful partnership. Egos can be easily bruised. Animosity builds up. Honesty and integrity may be more important to one partner than the other.

Operation Vetrepreneur is proud to support Esteemed Movers growth and success. The City of San Diego grant has paid for Operation Vetrepreneur under National Veterans Transition Services, Inc to help launch and support veteran (Military & Spouse) startups and growing businesses. Working with highly experienced entrepreneurs, and using a unique brainstorming high-touch model, you get mentoring and info while in the company of other like-minded veterans. Tell us about yourself and any needs you have at, sign up for a workshop at Vicki Garcia is the Co-Founder of Operation Vetrepreneur & President of Marketing Impressions, a 30+ -year- old marketing consulting firm. Apply to join Operation Vetrepreneur’s FREE Think Tank Groups or one-on-one mentoring at / JUNE 2020


44 / JUNE 2020

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Certification & Supplier Diversity Concept Review for Startups Perfecting Your Pitch Speaker Training Brainstorming with Experts Publishing Knowhow Personal Branding Mind Mapping Crowdfunding Writing a Business Plan Branding, Graphics & Visuals Internet Marketing Social Media & SEO Legal Issues Budgeting Where & How to Get Money High Velocity Growth Strategies Employees & Contractors / JUNE 2020


Veterans Chamber of Commerce By Joseph Molina

The Job Market

How can we improve our chances of securing a job? 1. To secure jobs during this lockdown period, one needs to be computer literate, comfortable working from home and have the basic skills with handling network and social media tools. 2. Resume-Video This is a great way to impress potential employers and to let them see what you have to offer, hear your message and your employment goals. The Job-Board is sponsored and managed by the Veterans Chamber of Commerce – The service is provided free to Veterans and Military Families and supported by Corporate Sponsors.

No one would have predicted our current events under the COVID 19. We didn’t choose this but it’s here now and has become a dire situation for many in one way or another. Job security remains the question for many. A world of possibilities It is true that a lot of doors and possibilities have been closed due to current situation, at the same time many different doors have been opened. While we may not be able to do things as we used to, we may be able to do those things in a different way or to do entirely new things and or create New Opportunities. Hiring is not going to be the same, since pandemic broke out and the physical distancing took effect, many interviews were rescheduled or completely cancelled. Despite current turn of events, positions will keep opening up and hiring employees will continue. So, what can we do to make sure we stand out? What do we need to do to make sure we show our skill set? And what other skills should we showcase in order to qualify for these jobs?

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3. Update your resume and improve LinkedIn profile. This is essential in improving your chances of getting an interview. It is a great idea to clean up your social media and remove anything that is likely to sabotage your chances of getting employed, anything you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see. 4. Research potential employers in social media: Become acquainted with their style, work type, and priorities. Connect via social media with some employees to become familiar of the organizational culture and hiring process. 5. Industry In-demand: The truth is that not every company has been affected directly by the pandemic, delivery workers, online customer service and warehouse workers, accountants and health care workers are still very much in demand. If you find yourself job hunting, you may want to consider those fields that are currently in demand. Video Interview tips: While the traditional face to face interviews may not be possible due to social distancing guidelines, a well-executed video interview will present an excellent alternative to meeting in person. However, during your virtual interview, try to keep these few tips in mind.

Resume-Video This is a new way to impress potential employers, let them see what you have to offer, hear your message what your goals are. The Job-Board is sponsored and managed by the Veterans Chamber of Commerce – The service is provided free to Veterans and Military families paid for Corporate Sponsors.


Be human be conversational. Use a conversational style when talking about your goals and objectives, instead of jumping straight to what you want, you can start by stating Why you are interested in the job. Secondly, like the conventional interview, dress properly and find a quiet setting to record your video. Practice. Practice multiple times before you decide on uploading your final video. Take your time, get some feedback from friends or family on how you appear from their perspective. Prepare some of the things you may want to say about your own experiences this will help people connect with your story. Be ingenious. “Business, as usual, isn’t anymore,” said Jana Seijts, a lecturer in management communication at the Ivey Business School. “Those who can adapt and seek out possibilities will thrive.” The need to learn new skills or to enroll for online certificate programs may be essential, keep learning. Take a look at some Online Courses, many of these courses are free. These are opportunities for you to keep investing in yourself. The relationship between staying valuable in today’s market and investing in yourself cannot be overemphasized. You may want to learn new skills that pertain to the current situation like technical skills required to set up video conferencing that enable both individual and organizations stay connected or learning new diets or exercises that can help people stay fit and healthy, then make conscious effort to better yourself in those areas. In any case, respond to those areas that truly resonate with your needs and engage your energies creatively. The Veterans Chamber would like to provide as much support as possible to those seeking employment by helping you connect with employers. The Veterans Chamber Resume-Video may give you the advantage you need to land an interview. We will continue to be committed to supporting our fellow veterans with Support, Guidance and Coaching.

Transitioning Out of the Military into the Civilian Workforce? Finding a job in the civilian world may seem easy at first. After all, you have learned skills, practiced leadership and demonstrated initiative that will make you successful wherever you go. The reality, though, is that it can be difficult. In fact, it can be down right depressing, demotivating and you may feel totally disillusioned. This column is dedicated to you and to helping you succeed in your transition. Eve is a seasoned recruiting executive and business owner. She is driven to help people find the right job for and to help companies find the right talent. She is especially passionate about helping military professionals transition into the civilian workforce. If you need help with your career transition, connect with her on LinkedIn. For advice, tips and programs you can read Eve’s monthly column at San Diego Veterans Magazine or visit and click the What’s Next Web Banner.

WhAT’s NEXT Transition to Civilian Life / JUNE 2020


legal Eagle Straight-forward legal tips for Military and Veteran Business Owners By Kelly Bagla, Esq.

WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO INCORPORATE? Have you been thinking about starting a business or incorporating a business or an existing sole proprietorship? If so, you might be wondering what’s the best time to incorporate. Should you try to squeeze it in before the end of the year or wait until next year?

Any tax benefits you might receive from incorporating begin on the date you incorporate. This means you’ll typically have to file two business income tax returns for the year, the first for the months that you operated as a sole proprietor, and the other tax filing for the months after you incorporated.

Below are three tips for determining when is the best time to incorporate your business:


LIABILITY CONCERNS: If your business is involved in an industry or activities with a lot of liability, then you should incorporate as soon as possible in order to separate your personal finances from your business. In this case, there’s no reason to wait and expose yourself to anymore liability than you need to. TAX BENEFITS: If your tax advisor has told you that you can significantly lower your taxes by incorporating, you will want to get your incorporation paperwork in as quickly as possible. Of course, bear in mind that your corporation’s start date is not retroactive.

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For small business owners that don’t have significant liability concerns, January 1 is the most logical start date since it eases the paperwork burden. You can start fresh in the new year as a corporation. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about reporting taxes as two different entities during the year.

Because of this, January is the busiest time of the year for processing incorporation applications at many Secretary of State offices. In some cases, it can take up to 40 to 60 days to bring a corporation into existence after you submit your filing documents with the state office.


Filing your paperwork with the help of an attorney, usually the attorney can get your paperwork back faster than if you file by yourself. Remember: if you have a pressing need to incorporate due to liability concerns or you want to take advantage of significant tax benefits, then you should incorporate your business as soon as possible.

I’m the CEO of where we provide legal tools for savvy entrepreneurs and I’m proud to provide a limited time offer of 15% discount on our Startup Essentials Package. Please use the code Startup15 at checkout.

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For more information on how to legally protect your business please buy a copy of my bestselling book: ‘Go Legal Yourself’ on Amazon or visit my website at


Disclaimer: This information is made available by Bagla Law Firm, APC for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, and not to provide specific legal advice. This information should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

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Attorney-drafted, client-approved, ready-to-go legal documents you can trust. GO LEGAL YOURSELF!® Legal Documents are backed by BAGLA LAW FIRM, APC, a trusted name in law. / JUNE 2020




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San Diego Veterans Magazine A Veterans Magazine by Veterans for Veterans

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Honoring Fathers of the ”Greatest Generation” By Robert Verl (Bob) Lewis

The Last Flight of the Banshee Father’s Day was always a big deal in my home. My dad’s birthday often fell on Father’s Day (June 15, 1917). He spoke little of his war experience, except for a few humorous anecdotes from time to time. It was not until after his passing that I was able to truly appreciate what he and many other young men from the “Greatest Generation” would risk to protect their families, present and future. My father flew the B-17 aircraft during World War II. The Boeing B-17 and its variants were the workhorses of the Allied daylight bombing campaign. 12,731 B-17 Flying Fortresses were produced between 1936 and 1945; 4,735 were lost during combat missions; less than a dozen are air-worthy today. It was Easter weekend of April 6, 1944, when my father’s B-17 was shot down, the mission for the boys of the 15th Air Force 463rd Bomber Group (the Swoosh Group) stationed in Foggia, Italy was to destroy the Zagreb Airdrome in Yugoslavia. Pilot Mike Wistock, Co-pilot Verl “Monte” Lewis (my father), Navigator Bill Ure, Bombardier Jackson Kiefer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner Bob Applebee, Radio Operator Jack Robinson, Ball turret gunner Chester Majewski, Waist gunner Bernard Cummings, Waist

gunner Roy Coble and Tail gunner Leon (Bud) Ballard were assigned to the 775th bomb squadron and to B-17G #42-31831, affectionately named: “Banshee --Deliverer of Death”. The crew’s mission was to last 7 hours and 25 minutes, at a speed of 200 miles per hour and an altitude of 25,000 ft. By 3 P.M. the boys of the Banshee were approaching their target. The B-17G presented a formidable opponent for enemy fighters, particularly when flying in tightly stacked defensive boxes. Once locked in by the Norden bombsight, the B-17G required a minimum of 20 seconds of non-deviational flight while on the bombing run. The Banshee was forced to endure constant anti-aircraft fire and harassment by the Luftwaffe while the bombing group stayed in formation and locked on target. Due to heavy cloud cover, the 775th bomb squadron was forced to go around and attempt their bombing run for a second time. The Banshee would endure flak and machine gun damage, injuring several members of the crew including my father, co-pilot Lewis, who sustained flak injury for which he eventually received a Purple Heart and a Distinguished Flying Cross.

Banshee Crew next to B-17

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After his evasion and rescue, Lewis returned to the U.S. and went on to fly B-24s and to train pilots in Florida for the rest of his active duty. He met Florence Campbell; they were married a month later. My dad retired as a Major in the United States Air Force.

Aflame, the Banshee broke formation but maintained heading and altitude in order to salvo its ordinance on target and to protect the rest of the formation should the Banshee explode. Set upon by forty Luftwaffe pilots who were flying ME 109s and FW 190s, and who also knew the soft spot on the B-17G, head on towards the plexiglass housing of the pilot’s cockpit where the machine gun coverage was at its weakest. The Banshee stayed straight and level and it’s machine guns eliminated four of the attackers. “Bombs away” came the command and the load of M41 fragmentation bombs fitted in 500 pound clusters descended towards their targets.

Mike and Monty never knew what happened to each other or the rest of their crew until 1986. Dad suffered guilt and emotional demons for

Wistock and Lewis turned the Banshee “upside down and inside out” in order to extinguish the flames but to no avail. The order to bail out came and co-pilot Lewis went through the plane to make sure the rest of the crew had jumped and then exited through the bombbay doors. Wistock aimed the Banshee north and left through the pilot hatch in the cockpit. Although none of the crew knew it for another 42 years, all had landed safely.

Pilot Wistock Official POW Photo

The Banshee, their Fortress, rolled off the Boeing assembly line in Cheyenne, Wyoming on Christmas Eve 1943 and on Good Friday 1944 was reduced to burning wreckage scattered across a hillside near Zlatar Yugoslavia.

As we commemorate Father’s Day, let’s all take a moment and remember the “Greatest Generation” and give thanks to the young men who risked everything for we owe them all that freedom has provided to us.

most of his life. The dark cloud evaporated when the boys of the Banshee reunited later that year in Tucson Arizona.

Despite the full moon, three airmen were able to elude their hunters. With the help from locals and Marshall Tito’s Partisans, Lewis and Majewski arrived at a British mission near Petrovac on the Adriatic coast. Joined by seventy five other downed airmen, they were evacuated by C-47s to Brindisi, Italy; Ballard was evacuated later when able to travel. All the rest were captured and held as prisoners of war. Wistock injured both ankles while landing and hid out under leaves for three days before being captured by the Germans at a farmhouse. He was paraded through town, stoned and spit on by the locals. He spent 14 months in Stalag Luft I in Barth, Germany, barely surviving an Allied bombing raid before being liberated by the Soviets at wars end. Captain Wistock returned to the States and married Mabel Smith in January 1946. After Mike was honorably discharged, they moved to southern California where they remained for the rest of their lives. Mike graduated from Northrup Aeronautical School and began his lifelong career with Boeing working on the space program. For his contributions, he was awarded an American Flag which had flown to the Moon and back. Verl “Monte” Lewis & Robert Verl (Bob) Lewis / JUNE 2020


Caring for our veterans

Veterans facing the challenges associated with a life-threatening illness can rely on The Elizabeth Hospice for the medical, emotional and spiritual support they need and deserve. Our skilled, compassionate caregivers are trained to address PTSD, depression, anxiety, survivor’s guilt, and soul injury. Complementary therapies, including physical therapy, music therapy, aromatherapy and pet visits, are used in combination with medical support to help alleviate pain. We celebrate and thank our patients for their service at bedside pinning ceremonies officiated by a veteran or active duty service member. Since 1978, The Elizabeth Hospice has touched the lives of more than 100,000 people in San Diego County and Southwest Riverside County. To learn more about our hospice care, palliative care and grief support services for veterans, call 800.797.2050 or visit

The Elizabeth Hospice is proud to be a We Honor Veterans Level 5 Partner, the highest level of distinction.

54 / JUNE 2020

HONOR OUR VETERANS! Invest in the future of Miramar National Cemetery Hundreds of veterans, active duty military, families, businesses, and the public have invested in the future of Miramar National Cemetery. Thanks to their generous contributions The Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation sponsors: • The Avenue of Flags • Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon • Annual Veterans Memorial Services • Annual Veterans Day Observances • Coordinates Veterans Memorial Monuments

Honor our past, present, and future military veterans! Send your donation, today, to the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation All contributions are fully tax deductible.

Help the Foundation Support Miramar National Cemetery. Please go to

and click on “Contribute” to donate to the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation, or mail a check to MNC Support Foundation, c/o 2500 6th Ave., Unit 803, San Diego, CA 92103. / JUNE 2020


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A Veterans Magazine for Veterans by Veterans

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* Editorial Content EACH MONTH Includes the following: • Monthly Featured Editorial Support, resources, inspiration and human interest articles from contributing veteran organizations throughout the country.

Join Us In 2020 San Diego’s best resource for San Diego veterans, transitioning military personnel, active military, military families & veteran organizations Contact us at (858) 275-4281

GET CONNECTED! A Veterans Magazine for Veterans by Veterans 58 / JUNE 2020

• Veterans In Transition Educational Opportunities, Recruiting Civilian Jobs, Articles, Jobs for Vets, Careers in Law Enforcement & Veteran Entrepreneurship • HEALTHCARE Fighting PTSD, Healthcare , Research, Studies & more • Monthly Calendar Information Military & National Holidays, Including Events ( Airshow, Military/Veteran Film Festivals, Feet Week, City Job Fairs, EDU Seminars,Workshops etc...) • SD Vets Columns Transition, Financial, Legal, Health, Veteran Life, Arts, & more... • Community Endorsements Supporting businesses, organizations, educational institutions, community services and promotions for veterans, military personnel & military families.

2020 Editorial Calendar & Themes

Publishing Date – The 1st of each month. Space Reservation Deadline – Mid Month (Drop deadlines vary with confirmation and month (Call for monthly details) * Please note themes & features are added closer to issue publication date

• JANUARY - SD Veterans 2020 - Transition 2020 - Health 2020 • FEBRUARY - Veterans Community Outreach - Transition - Adapative Sports - Education • MARCH - *Women’s History Month - Brain Injury Awareness Month - Month of the Military Caregiver • APRIL - *Month of the Military Child - Transition - Health - Community • MAY - *Memorial Day Issue - National Military Appreciation Month • JUNE - *PTSD Awareness Month • JULY - *Independence Day - Disabled Veterans

• AUGUST - Summer Issue - *“Dog Days of Summer” Tribute To Service Dogs - Purple Heart Day • SEPTEMBER - * San Diego Air Show - “Never Forget” 9/11 - San Diego GI Film Festival - Liberty Station • OCTOBER - Veterans In Transition - Military World Games • NOVEMBER - *Veterans Day Issue - *San Diego Fleet Week • DECEMBER - Holiday Issue - BEST of 2020 - Pearl Harbor Remembrance



SHARE FACTS ABOUT COVID-19 Know the facts about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and help stop the spread of rumors. FACT


Diseases can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Fear and anxiety about COVID-19 can cause people to avoid or reject others even though they are not at risk for spreading the virus.



For most people, the immediate risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low.

Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more serious complications from COVID-19.

There are simple things you can do to help keep yourself and others healthy.



• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Stay home when you are sick. • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

You can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms:





Someone who has completed quarantine or has been released from isolation does not pose a risk of infection to other people.

For up-to-date information, visit CDC’s coronavirus disease 2019 web page.

• Fever • Cough • Shortness of breath Seek medical advice if you • Develop symptoms AND • Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or if you live in or have recently been in an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19.

CS 315446-A 03/16/2020

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Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. 314915-A March 16, 2020 1:02 PM / JUNE 2020


62 / JUNE 2020 / JUNE 2020


PTSD COACH PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. More than half of individuals experience at least one trauma in their lives. The National Center for PTSD offers FREE, confidential mobile apps that provide help, education, and support related to mental health.

Download PTSD Coach to:

Learn about PTSD and available treatments Track your PTSD symptoms over time Practice relaxation, mindfulness, and other stress-management exercises Grow your support network Access crisis resources

PTSD Coach is not meant to replace professional care.

Search “PTSD Coach�

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