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Courage to Call
Courage to Call is dedicated to improving mental wellness for Veterans, Active Duty, Reservists, National Guardsmen, and their families via countywide outreach and education, a 24/7 peer line, as well as individual short-term, solution focused preventionoriented plans. This program is led by veterans and their family members.
What does Courage To Call provide?
Every day in San Diego County, current and former service members and their families deal with the complex maze of issues that accompanies military life. Often times the most difficult problem is not knowing where to turn when you need help.
Courage to Call is a free, confidential, veteran-staffed 24/7 helpline dedicated to assisting active duty military personnel, veterans, reservists, guard members, and their families, regardless of discharge status, through information, guidance, and referrals. We offer an optional deeper level of care with case management and can assign a veteran peer navigator to your case. These “Navigators” will help you navigate the resources and will advocate on your behalf.
Types of assistance include
• Access to resources or referrals • Employment services • Food, housing and shelter • Rent and utility assistance • Counseling/mental health services • Family and legal resources • VA and other benefits and information • Veterans transition services • Low-cost or no-cost recreation
All Courage to Call Peer-Support Specialists have been in the military and understand the rigors of the military and military family life. Peer-Support Specialists provide a “first contact resolution” by ensuring that client needs are addressed to the best of their ability during their first contact with Courage to Call.
Courage to Call Veteran Peer Navigators provide oneon-one peer support in navigating the service system through information and referrals, proactive check-in, follow-up assistance, program enrollment and advocacy with the ultimate goal of providing enrollment assistance in the services they need.
All Veteran Peer Navigators are trained social workers with the essential knowledge to provide resources and support to reduce stress and improve overall wellness.
Learn more about Peer Support, Peer Navigation and Training for Organizations visit
If you are seeking help
Call 1-877-698-7838 or dial 2-1-1 option 4 or visit our website at “Get Help”
To contact us
(877) 698-7838
Make your secure, tax-deductible donation today to Courage to Call. Help us continue to provide support to current and former service members and their families in San Diego County. Thank you for your generosity!