4 minute read
Successful Transitioning Stories
By Dr. Julie Ducharme www.synergylearninginstitute.org

Travis Wilson
Travis Wilson is a 21-year military veteran who spent 13 years as a U.S.Army Green Beret. Travis entered the Army in 1995 as an Airborne Medic with the goal of one day becoming an 18D Green Beret Medic. After 6 years in the service, Travis left the Army to attend Boise State University, where he studied Exercise Science and played hockey for the ACHA club hockey program. After completing school, Travis returned to the Army to complete his special forces training and was chosen to be an 18E Communications Specialist. He was then assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group out of Colorado Springs where he remained until his retirement in 2017.

While serving as a Green Beret Travis also started a supplement nutrition store called Caliber Nutrition. After juggling the challenges of active duty and a supplement store along with multiple deployments, Travis decided that it was time to retire and start his own product line, called Alpha Elite Performance – a brand founded upon the consummate professionalism and high physical fitness standards characteristic of the Special Forces community.
When you were transitioning what are some tips you can give veterans interested in moving into the entrepreneurship pathway?
My transition was very different from others. I started a business while I was still active duty. I started a nutrition store selling other people’s products. Then I hired personal trainers to train other people. I have always been an entrepreneur. Typically in the military you get a year before you transition and a lot of people don’t take advantage of it. I actually started planning 5 years out. I wanted to know where my career was going to take me as a Green Beret and what my future would be. That year you should be planning for your future. You need to plan financially,
for work and family. Everything you learned in the military from A to Z you will need for this transition and more. Because civilian employers do not look at military experience the same and when they see a military person’s resume they are typically confused and not sure what to do with it.
What training did you do to help you in your transitional journey into entrepreneurship?
I went to UCCS they have a program for veteran entrepreneurs. There are several universities that have these programs, Syracuse and Texas A&M. At UCCS, I worked with the instructors there for several months and went over a business plan they helped me write. They even helped me look at from 1 year to 6 years of growth. It was a wonderful program. I always tell veterans if they want to be an entrepreneur they need to seek out these programs and this type of help because most of the time it is free.
What barrier did you face when you transitioned out?
I had to deal with divorce, and losing a family. That was a massive wrench thrown into my plan. That’s why I stayed in an extra year and took a hiatus and worked out of Lithuania and worked out of an Embassy while still running my business. This gave me the ability to regroup on my exit strategy. I honestly feel part of the reason my transition was successful was because I built a network of people who helped me with my transition. You have to have a good network, friends and family and help support you as you transition out. Whether it be mental, physical, or more.
I even went to the DAV and I set up my medical a year before I got out, so I got my disability in the first three months. That has to be part of your plan thinking about those barriers that might arise and be able to combat those early.
Leaning forward in the fox hole is what I like to tell people. If you’re leaning forward in the fox hole and getting ahead of any issues that arises then you’ll stay ahead of it.
What’s new and exciting things that are coming up for you?
I have started a new nonprofit called AEP Outdoors. AEP outdoors, we honor the service of our special operations veterans by providing them with adrenaline outdoor adventures and fellowship. It was that brotherhood while they served that kept them alive and it’s the brotherhood that will continue to do so. We’re not here to raise awareness, we already know what the problems are, so we’re just here providing a solution.

I am getting ready to start a new business Mutant Munition, an Ammo Company that will be up and running soon. So make sure to Google us in the next month.
Final tips
Don’t be discouraged and always reach out for help. There are always people everywhere that will help you especially if you are a veteran. And there are so many programs out there that will help you as well.
https://alphaeliteperformance.com/ https://www.aepoutdoors.com/
Coming soon Mutant Munition
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