Free Chapters : Guidebook For Basic Social Media Content Marketing

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Siapa Izah?

With a Bachelor Degree (Hons) Aircraft Engineering Technology, my partner and I co founded Compronetwork in 2014.

After graduating, I spent the next 5 years gathering experience working as a graphic designer & marketing ocer.

+ Graphic Designer for Erezeki High Global Income MDEC

+ Digital Marketer & Designer for Chester Venture Berhad

+ Digital Marketer & Designer for GilaHartanah

+ Creative & Marketing Team Lead for Hasbul Brothers

In 2020, I decided to resign and spent time building my own business.

International and local clients :

LikeMethod, Teras Maju Sdn Bhd, Soleha Rafiee, Buwatje, Iman Shoppe, Wildan Sdn Bhd, Huzeifa Studios, Awantona, DropshipKartel, Jancoca


Dropship, Colleen's Auto, Ruhail Monsoor, Cardguppy, NR Exclusive, Home Wodages.

In 2022, I founded Admis Life and started taking courses in psychology as well as certification in cognitive behavioural therapy to build my dream business, a psychology cafe clinic. My mission?

Admis Life




Before we start to talk about marketing, first thing first, let’s get ourselves updated with this latest marketing mix that replaced 4Ps.

SAVE - Marketing Mix

Just in case you didn't know, the 4P framework was formulated back in the 1960s to derive a good strategy for marketing.

As time goes by, few other models are created such as 5P, 7P, 4Cs, 4Es to innovate 4P in order to adapt to the current industry.

But none is actually at par in underlying basics of marketing as good as the SAVE model.

Who created SAVE?

It was written by Richard Ettenson, Eduardo Conrado and Jonathan Knowles. They published the framework in the January-February 2013 edition of Harvard Business Review.

The SAVE model was suggested for B2B Marketing as a successor of 4Ps.

✅S - Solution vs Product

It's never about the product anymore. If you provide solutions to people's problems, & dilemmas, you will be rewarded.

Instead of creating product oriented strategies, we now focus on service & solution oriented. Be customer oriented. Why? Because customers don't care about your product. They only care if it can solve their problem. What's in it for them?

Example : Canva

What does canva solve?

Canva solves problems for people who want to do design but have no time to learn complicated settings of Adobe Photoshop.

As for myself I love Canva because it rarely crashes and I can easily share my design file for others to edit.

✅A Access vs Place

The old school marketing will always push for place and ownership.

You don't need a place to sell your product.

In this world of high speed internet, as long as people can easily access your solution, they are happy. I want it now, how fast can I get it?

Example : Grabcar

Grab solves problems for people who need a car ride and they want them as soon as possible.

You can easily grab apps using the internet, no need to wait at a taxi stop to order a taxi.

✅ V - Value vs Price

Price war can kill the market.

If our solution helps our audience solve their pain, they are willing to pay whatever price to get the value.

It's not about which one is cheaper anymore.

For example, there are 2 types of webinar tickets, which one will people buy? All my clients reported that more leads choose to purchase the highest price tickets.

Even if the price is 1999 vs 399. The clients choose to have access to premium features.

Interesting isn't it?

Remember to highlight your value clearly.

✅ E Education vs Promotion

Consumers today have tons of options,and purchasing power isn't too low as it was back then.

So, instead of directly promoting our business, we need to educate people first.

Make them familiar with our business, create interest and trust before showering them with oers to buy our solution.

Example : Onpay

Onpay gave out a free 3 months trial for ecommerce beginners.

It is to ensure users are familiar with their solution.

After the trial ends, users will receive notification and reminders to upgrade their package or they will no longer have access to their landing page.

Since we are already in 2022, I think it's a good idea we move on from 4Ps.

10 Types of Digital Marketing

Ready to educate your target market? You have 10 choices to choose from.

1.Search Engine Marketing

SEM covers paid trac from search engines. You purchase Ads space that appears to users.

Contohnya, Google AdWords.

In SEM there is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Search engines charge clients each time their ads are clicked.

To learn Google Ads, you can Sifu Google Ads, Wan Mus.

2. Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of growing your online visibility in non paid (organic) search engine results.

Search engine results pages(SERP) appear to users after they search set of keywords using a search engine like Google/Bing

Example of SEO Guru, Neil Patel.

3.Social Media Marketing

It gives businesses increased exposure and connects with consumers intimately.

They'll also get valuable customer feedback to improve their business.

Be it FB, IG, Twitter, Tiktok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, you’ll gain more reach when you post quality content.

4.Content Marketing

It's the practice of delivering a quality piece of content to users to generate sales and leads.

This content can live anywhere online. Tweets, a YouTube video, and blogs.

As you create content, remember who you’re talking to and what they’re interested in.

Content marketing is an ongoing practice.

It’s not always about sales but more about engaging and educating your audience to build brand recognition and trust.

Creating relevant, quality content helps you stand out & boosts your SEO.

5. Aliate Marketing

It's a process of paying for conversions.

Think of it as becoming a salesperson for another product or service and earning a commission.

There is no upfront cost to aliate marketing, you'll get paid for conversions.

My favourite aliate program master: Peng Joon.

6.Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing uses people with an enormous online reach considered experts by the target market to drive trac & sales.

It's most practised on Instagram. Companies hire Instafamous to promote their brand by posting their products.

Example local influencer marketing Neelofa. International, Kaby.

7.Email Marketing

Email updates provide value to consumers. Update email subscribers on a regular basis.

This fosters a relationship unlike any of the other types of digital marketing. As a result, it'll build brand trust and brand loyalty.

As a start, you may use Mailerlite for free email marketing and automation.

8. Mobile Phone Advertising

Although all the listed digital marketing take part in your mobile phone, SMS advertising, WhatsApp, Telegram, Wechat are not well represented in any of those categories.

Malaysians really love doing business using whatsapp. We even have our own whatsapp commerce system, Yezza, to use.

9. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing refers to a post of some sort that is trendy, funny, or strange enough to garner a massive amount of shares online.

Viral marketing causes an enormous spike in website trac over a short period of time.

But it's very hard to do and predict what people will accept.

10.Oine Digital Marketing

Enhanced oine marketing is oine marketing that uses electronic devices to boost the user experience.

For example, restaurants that let customers put in their order with electronic tablets, radio marketing and television marketing.

Okay now that you already know the 10 types.

From here, choose those that you are interested to learn and be good at it.

You can mix any of this to increase the value you can provide.

As an example, we can combine content marketing + social media marketing. And that is what we are going to learn in this ebook.

Content Strategist vs Content Marketing Strategist vs Content Marketer

Before we proceed deeper, let's learn some definitions first.

According to Content Marketing Institute, Content strategist plans and guides content eorts across the organisation, including marketing eorts.

Content marketing strategist plans and guides content marketing eorts specifically.

Content marketer - play a strategic role, a tactical role, or some combination of the two within the practice of content marketing.

Why is this important?

This will help you determine the job scope for your team.

Social Media Manager - Manage social media. Reply DM, comment, update information, manage feedback, schedule posts, report performance.

Social Media Content Writer Produce specific content write ups to cater for social media audiences.

Next, Why Social Media?

Why do we need to use social media for our business?

The answer lies on data provided in Malaysia Digital Report 2022 by Hootsuite.

According to Kepios, Malaysian internet users spend more than 9hours per day accessing the internet.

What are they doing? One of them is to search for information.

Majority of 54.7% utilise media sosial to search information on brands or products they came across.

What will happen if they can't find us on social media?

Well, they might think we DIDN'T EXIST anymore or we have a high potential of being branded as a SCAM.

We don't want to ruin our first impression, right? So let us learn how to create content in social media.

It can be : + Grow the brand with awareness campaign + Turn customers into advocates + Drive leads and sales + Improve customer retention


Tuan Hasbul Ari once said, during the earliest stage of business, the main drive for any business owner is sales.

Therefore, before you start putting any content out there, decide your target. To do this, use this simple formula.

1.Decide target sales per month

2.Decide how many leads per day. Use 10% rate

3.Determine range of reach/trac per post, 1% rate

Example :

Target sales = 90 customers per month (3 per day)

Closing rate = 10%.

Leads = 30 potential customer click on your link (whatsapp/website/landing page)

Leads rate = 1%

Reach minimum = 3000 people content post reach per day

From here, we can decide our content performance benchmark.

Remember this simple formula, the higher the reach, the greater the numbers of potential new customers.

Trac Sources

To start advertising and driving people in our social media, there are 3 major ways to do so :

1. Organic content

Any content we put up on social media without paying anything, 100% our own eort (organic). Be it in video format or written or even pictures. This is a long term game.

2. Run ads


All paid advertising you can find. Facebook Ads, Tiktok Ads, Instagram Ads, Twitter Ads and many more. You pay to get faster reach.

3. Utilize Influencer & Key Opinion Leaders

There are 2 types of famous people on social media. Influencers are people with a lot of followers and can influence others for any reason such as being funny, pretty, rich, royal. Example : Kaby Lame, Kim Kadarshians.

While Key Opinion Leaders are experts on the field with many followers to influence such as Ustaz celebrity and famous doctors. Example : Habib Ali Zainal Abidin, Dr Sheikh Muzaphar.

My advice, for optimized social media marketing performance, use all 3.


Now that you already set your objective, timeframe and trac source, focus on answering 'who'. Who are you going to sell your products to? Who will have the highest possibility to buy your product/service?

Target the same audience for your social media content. Create content as if you are speaking directly to them. There are few ways to identify our customer avatar. The best way is to look at your database. Who is the MAJORITY?

Target the similar customer demography, behaviour & interest.

But, if you are still new this is how we experiment.

1.Set your ideal customer.

2.Test their demography, interest & behaviour one by one. For this, you can use this list.

+ Female/Male : Female

+ Age range (range 10-15years) : 25-35

+ Location : KL, Johor, Melaka, Penang

+ Language : Manglish, English

+ Education : Diploma

+ Occupation : Teacher

+ Min salary : 2500

+ Status : Married

+ Social Media (High Tendency) : Instagram


Beauty : Local skincare, Kayman

Hobby : Deko rumah & masak

Food : Sweet, Famous Amos

Religion : Muslim, Ustaz Habib Ali

Travel : Airasia

Transport : Myvi

Entertainment : Maher Zain, Blackpink

Fashion : Elegant, Duckscarves, Gucci

Public figure : Fazura

Reading Genre : Education, Parenting, Career


Set Customer Avatar
“Thepowerofcontentliesinthewriting. Contentdoesnot explicitlyselltheproductbutratherhelpssellitindirectlyby educatingyourprospect.”- RobertW.Bly

Want to learn more?

Get the full version access here at RM99 only:

I welcome all to share your key takeaways or feedback on social media especially twitter, instagram & facebook.

May Allah reward those who seek to improve their knowledge & be kind towards others.

Izah, #matimemberi

Izah Asmadi @izahasmadi @nuizart


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