NID national institue of design case study

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NID AHMEDABAD One of the Wonders of the World



Inside of National Istitute of Design Introducing


Site location








Construction technology


Structure details




Light & Ventilation








Architect Gautam Sarabhai & Charles Eames Client Ministry of Commerce and Industry Site Area 20 acres Built Up Area 27.488 sq m (approx) Established in 1961

National Institute of Design (NID) is internationally acclaimed as one of the finest educational and research institutions for Industrial, Communication, Textile and IT Integrated (Experiential) Design. It is a statutory institute under the DIPP, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. It has been recognised as an ‘Institution of National Importance’ by the Act of Parliament, by virtue of the National Institute of Design Act 2014. It is also recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

“Endanimaiosam doloreptas veli non plicilit officium fuga.”





The establishment of NID was a result of several forces, both global and local.

The late 1950s saw a confluence of these forces, and this time would be a significant one for Indian culture and education .

Based on the recommendations made in the India Report, the Government of India with the assistance of the Ford Foundation and the Sarabhai family established the National Institute of Industrial Design.

As it was originally called as an autonomous all-India body in September 1961 at Ahmedabad.




1955 to 1961

The Inception

1961 to 1970

The Formative Years

1970 to 1980

The Crisis Years

1980 to 1990

The Culture Building Years

1990 to 2000

The Consolidation Years

2000 to 2008

The Rapid Expansion Years

2008 to 2012

The Golden Jubilee Years

NID 2000


NID 2005-07

NID 2005-07

NID 2012-19

NID 2012-19


Context LOCATIONv National Institute of Design is a design school in Ahmedabad, located in Paldi in the new city area on the west bank of river Sabarmati, near the Sardar Patel Bridge.

ADJOINING AREAS The NID campus is surrounded by the Sabarmati River on one side, market on the second sade, school on the third side and residential area on the fourth side These buildings bear no particular style of architecture.



SITE ZONING The Site has been zoned from the main access in a hierarchy of Interaction > Educational > Recreational > Residential. Keeping in mind that Education being the major activity on site, it is placed near thve main entrance for easy access & without disturbing the privacy of other areas. The shape of the site is such that it divides the site into two parts. The site is sloping towards the Sabarmati River.



The whole campus can be distinctively divided into two major zones - Institutional & Residential. The main block which consists both the academic and administration departments is placed on the eastern part facing the river. Sports facilities are in between the two blocks.

The courtyards, functionally conceived as open spaces to segregate between two diverse ‘seminar rooms’ or ‘classrooms’ and ‘workshops’ or ‘laboratories’ due to noise and structural reasons; spatially created light wells for the dark ground spaces. The north-south orientation of the studios gives more light and cuts off the glare. The architect’s main emphasis has been on structural Clarity leading to functional perfection in the largely complex spaces like studios and workshops. The whole process of building the physical form around two main courts and planning the grid based on function makes the building easy to use and understand. The massive blocks of NID devoid of any aesthetically features, suggest an introvert planning.

Grid planning The plan of NID signifies varied spatial experiences with different ‘spatial types’ such as the pen courtyard with thorough way, the raised platform type, the colonnade type facing the green spaces, the multiple entrances, the formal entrance court with the brick shell, and lastly the grid which holds the whole composition together.




ADMINISTRATION At the G.F, separated from the rest of academic areas. 4½” brick wall and wooden partitions provides flexible spaces for the staff.

CONFERENCE Placed between the exhibitions and faculty cabins. This seating act both for formal discussions & informal area for faculty members.

STUDIOS All studios have been designed specially depending on the specific requirement of the courses. All of them are on the external walls and well-lit with natural light. The studios have informalness of the working methodology which is very important basic of the design education. There are well maintained permanent exhibitor spaces both sides of the design street, separate spaces have been provided for separate disciplines.



WORKSHOPS All workshops have North-South orientation. Workshops of wood and metal have double height. clearance. There are sliding panels starting from skirting to sill height which provide sufficient natural light and also helps merging the mechanical interior with outside skirts. Due to large openings there is good light and ventilation Moreover these are connected to open courts which further provides light and ventilation and also acts as outdoor work areas.

EXHIBITON Exhibitions in glass walls Used to display the latest products by the institute, display of posters & other written materials regarding achievements of the institute in various fields in order to tell the visitor what this institute is all about. Light filtering into the semi dark ground floor area, creating the play of light and shadow



AUDITORIUM Auditorium is placed on the second floor, its capacity is about 230 people, it could be directly approached by main staircase from the foyer, but due to its location it’s become a private entry it is fully air conditioned and used for cultural program, lecture, display, etc. INTERIOR CHARACTER A feeling of informal atmosphere has been achieved with a low ceiling for a large open entrance space. Materials in exposed form thus provided under lit surface giving a feeling of intimacy. An informal set up of reception and waiting space with informal rural kinds.


MOVEMENT ABOUT THE SITE Emphasis has been given on pedestrianizing the site, and one is encouraged to walk around the building and discover it slowly and steadily.


PATHWAY Pathways are narrow linear pedestrian path lined with trees on either side which keeps the pathway cool. The pathway is of hard ground and edges are defined by paved edge in brick.

VEHICULAR MOVEMENT Vehicular movement is restricted only till the entrance for the visitors. Students and faculty can take their vehicle to the residential areas & academic block by service road provided at the western side of the campus. Service entry is provided for the various workshops at the

HORIZONTAL CIRCULATION The movement pattern develops on the ground floor through the court like spaces that developed under the structural grid. One is made to experience the receding columns in perspective on the way to canteen. The main circulation on the first & second floors is through a long


It is by triple height staircase marked with platforms at different levels which gives a very impactful experience. One of its major functions is to formalize the entry to auditorium on the second floor. The second staircase has been placed in the rear most court, which is used as secondary preference to the triple height staircase. Spiral stairs have been provided as a means of connecting workshop to the studios. The semi opened space around the canopied roof of the double staircase is an excellent activity area where the students interact, relax and has some major source of exchange of ideas.


Faccus quis dolorestota volut parias kot sapita es nihiliamet, omnis cum enimint, que labo. Et excerib usanda poriost, idunt qui bla alique la non necat. Et haria nitatistia ducium corposs impore lab imo mo voluptatur eriae. Ut lautati sam, sam haritemodis moluptamet, tor aut ex estis ea adia sequia dis autati blaut autatendae poratib usamus, tet aute vella quo ium de possitatiur. He nimusame nonsequ ibusdaeperia dolo conema aut eicimi, cum conseque dolo dentiasit libus. Si quas ex eaquiam quo vellabo rescimos imoloria am exerfero cum volupta seque et moluptaquae nem facersp isquatiunt incil est erspid modis tiap moles es doluptio. Lorum evelecab ipsam konyol quitonya esolobiy.

Friendly People





• • •


As soon as the built form is placed on site it generates its own space in and around it. Thus the outside open spaces are as much important a design criteria as inner spaces. The campus has been completely landscaped. Three platforms extend from the institute building in the lawn acting as built-in sit outs. There is also an ancient monument and open air amphitheater having densely planted around it. Tree , Lawns are not only a feature of landscape but they act as interactive spaces.


Precast rcc shells are designed to carry machine

The first few shell were of rcc

Pre cast rcc

The next step was to develop them of reinforced brick with an rcc bandV at the edge Pre cast rcc In the third stage The entire shell was made up of reinforced

The final stage of developing was the design of brick shell without any reinforcement

Pre cast rcc

Precast RCC shells are designed to carry machine loads of 1000kg/sq. metre (including impact). The first few shells were of reinforced reinforced cement concrete, but the next step was to develop them of reinforced brick with an RCC band at the edges. In the third stage, the entire shell was made of reinforced brick. The final stage of the development was the design of a brick shell without any reinforcement at all. Flooring consists of squares of two module length, cast in situ cement (patent stone).



Ijo Temple

Abang Temple

Precast concrete is a construction product produced by casting concrete in a reusable mold or “form” which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into place. Precast concrete production is performed on ground level, which helps with safety throughout a project. There is greater control over material quality and workmanship in a precast plant compared to a construction site. The forms used in a precast plant can be reused hundreds to thousands of times before they have to be replaced, often making it cheaper than onsite casting when looking at the cost per unit of formwork.


Lighting and ventilation

The campus has been designed taking into consideration the hot and dry climate of Ahmedabad. The activities are so planned that they spill over into inward looking spaces. The courtyards remain in the shadow for most part of the day. To allow the inflow of light into the workshops, sliding panels have been installed which run from the height of the skirting to about 10’ from the floor level. The courtyards remain in the shadow for most part of the day. To allow the inflow of light into the workshops, sliding panels have been installed which run from the height of the skirting to about 10 The external cladding is prefabricated and consists of heat resisting glass in metal frames in workshops and in rosewood frame in studios.’ from th Winds from the riverside are captured in the studios and workshops from the terraces due to adjustable glazing. Features like water bodies with jallis are used to filter the cooled air flowing over the water and passed in interiors.e floor level.



“Officiate sa sit, voluptatibus doloris net quo volesti di omnisi serferro beatur auta cone videl estem aliquaectur sit aut esenda consequ atibus.”

Ratu Boko Temple 29


nodes & courtyards _ meeting points with the courtyards _ generates precious open spaces

doms _ over double heights _ increases span only _ doms has voids


bands _ accentuation of

design street _ primary corridor / _ only first half is ex _ no focus point at t

f the horizontal structure

/ lifeline xciting the end

colums _ inner corridor / semi open _ step back of built space _ over primary view _ make the buildings less heavy

facade _ south - west facades not engaging _ the studios at the south-west facade _ not enough set backs _ no entrance south - west



built & unbuilt _ balance between built and unbuilt space _ a big open and green space is important _ open space must be improved _ only few places for entertainment

different layers _ different layers in different materials _ different layers with different functions


visual connections _ not a lot visual co _ interior ways of t _ campus is isolate to the city

living part _ separated living _ big class rooms „living“ in the stu

onnections the buildings are unclear ed / not connected

g part at the campus allowed a sort of udio

big tree & historical ruin _ identification and symbol of NID _ no integration of the historical monument _ no use as meeting points

open spaces _ multifunctional spaces with different uses


Editor- adnan parkar composition - atif momin sketches by

reena kshirsagar atif momin muhammad hawa zaid inamdaar apurv thakur adnan parkar

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