Children are become easier getting hypothyroidism than adults

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Children are Become Easier Getting Hypothyroidism than Adults

TABLE OF CONTENT I. INTRODUCTION II. These factors increase the risk of goiter prevention and treatment for children III. CONCLUSION

At puberty, a child's body needs high thyroid hormone so easy to influence the metabolism of thyroid hormones and cause simple goiter in children. The underlying cause of goiter is caused by iodine deficiency. Every day, your body needs 150-200 mcg iodine derived from food, water, air ... If you live in areas of iodine, water and wildlife deficiency, the body does not result in receive enough iodine needed These factors increase the risk of goiter - Some substances dissolve in water: In water in some mountain areas with calcium, magnesium, fluoride ..., make the water hardness, affecting the synthesis of thyroid hormone and causing goiter.

Age: Children goiter vulnerable than adults, especially during puberty because at this time, the demand for thyroid hormone in the periphery is very high

Prevention - Eat foods rich in iodine such as fish, shrimp paste; fish sauce ... especially the food comes from the sea. Children need access to clean water and fresh environment. Planting and greening barren hills to prevent erosion, timely treatment of hypothyroid diseases, rational drug use.

- Use iodized salt is good preventive hypothyroidism. Mix iodide to table salt at the rate of 1 / 20000-1 / 40000, or according to the World Health Organization: 20 mg / kg. In addition, you can use these oils parenteral or oral iodine (lipoid) under directed by your doctor to prevent simple goiter.

Treatment Simple goiter in children can be on their own, sometimes caused some complications pinched into the trachea, esophagus, dumb, decreased intelligence, slow physical development, hyperthyroidism. The disease can be treated by using thyroid hormones as directed by your doctor, most cases perform well. Surgery is indicated when medical therapy is not supported for a long time and become human tumors. Many humps, bumps too large will cause pinched as hard to swallow, ectopic tumors or malignant tumors tend.

Hypothyroidism Revolution is an eBook written by Tom Brimeyer, a health practitioner, researcher, and author on hypothyroidism, nutrition, and hormones. The book provides natural solutions that cover all aspects described in a simple way and easy to understand and follow. In book, the method involves 100% natural so you don’t have to worry about any side effects. By sticking to the system, you will put an end to it for good without any chemical, pill or operation. Is that the method you are seeking for? Let’s move to discover how the program works. Moreover,

the book also includes some useful information related to

hypothyroidism in children, how to prevent and treat the disease. People can see more for information at:

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