The Medical Devices Ecosystem
in the dominican republic
#1 exporter IN the Dominican Republic & Among the world’s export leaders
US$1,904 mm US$ 2,489.5 mm
40 32,358

leading medical devices companies

about the cluster
The Dominican Republic Medical Devices & Pharmaceuticals Cluster is conformed by national and multinational medical devices and pharmaceuticals manufacturers under the free zones regime and companies within the sector’s value-added chain.


The Cluster was created with the objective of promoting specialized education, strengthening the supply chain and serve as liaison in the development and execution of actions that boost the medical devices and pharmaceutical sector’s competitivity.
Creation of a supplier categorization tool aimed at developing national suppliers for the sector. The plaftorm digitally evaluates and classifies suppliers who could provide goods or services to medical devices companies.
Categorization of 9 local suppliers for goods ranging from corrugated materials, flexible plastic solutions, packaging and engineering services, to strengthen the value chain.
Creation of the Certification in Medical Devices Manufacturing, in collaboration with INTEC for the Industrial Engineering major. This program has over 200 graduates, most of them employed within the industry.