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Chilequake Team













P R O J E C T 1: Members:




Thesis Statement

Seismic effects in Chile: Earquakes and Tsunamis “It’s not earthquakes that kill people, it’s buildings that kill people” ‘Article 25: the built environment’s charity’

Resilient Architecture Research | Open Online Academy

TEAM MEMBERS Participation: Full course MARIA LARA VAZQUEZ mlv.arquitectura@gmail.com MARCELA SCHEER scheermarcela2@gmail.com


Seville | SPAIN


Natal | BRAZIL

Participation: 4 weeks SIMONA DINESCU simonamdinescu@gmail.com



Bucarest| ROMANIA

Chile is a seismic country that faces regularly earthquakes and tsunamis due to its geographical location. Although the authorities have implemented national strategies against seismic hazards in the past 50 years, there is still a lot to improve. By studying the current situation from a critical point of view and by investigating successful examples of

resilient architecture we will identify some guidelines and recommendations that would help to improve the level of resilience in the country. We aim to approach the research not only from an architectural and structural point of view, but also from a socio-cultural one because we believe that resilient architecture should respond to both natural and social challenges.

Critical analysis of the current situation in Chile : -from an architectural point of view (typography, shape, structure, materials, technical solutions) -from a sustainable point of view -from an integrated point of view -effects on society, on local communities and on individuals Brief study of successful solutions applied in different parts of the country

Investigation on how the principles of sustainable development can be applied in the process of designing a resilient architecture in Chile Guidelines for creating a sustainable resilient strategy for Chile that will -provide resilient shelters -respond efficiently to natural and social challenges -involve architects, local communities, local authorities and universities

Research Framework


The world’s largest earthquake ever registered occurred in Chile in 1960, with a 9.5 Richter magnitude..The main shock set up also a large tsunami with devastating consequences


On February 27, 2010, a massive earthquake and tsunami destroyed a large part of Central Chile.Three regions—O’Higgins, Maule, and BioBio—comprising 5 major cities and 45 small towns. 370,000 homes were damaged.The final death toll of 525 victims and 25 people missing.

The risk of Earthquakes in Chile is derived from its geological position in the “ring of fire”. The highest risk is produced by the movement of the Nazca plate (6.8cm/year) under the Southamerican plate, creating a subduction zone.

This geological phenomenon can also be followed by other natural disasters : Tsunamis Volcano’s eruptions Landslides

Subduction zone: continental-oceanic convergence

AUTHORITIES RESPONSE The Chilean Urban Planning Framework comprises the General Law of Urbanisation and Construction (LGUC) and its Ordinance (OGUC). This law consists of four hierarchical planning instruments, or types of plan. − Regional Urban Development Plan − Intercommunal Plan − Communal plan − Plans for specific sectors of cities These plans are implemented through the application of 14 norms, or regulations, managed through the building control process and the granting of building permits, that cover: land use, plot size, plot occupation and building height. The planning framework also seeks to define high risk or ‘hazardous’ areas

Tsunami formation after earthquake

CRITICAL ANALYSIS where construction is restricted, but not prohibited. However, the concept of vulnerability to hazards is not well understood by existing planning law, which also does not cover predisaster planning for earthquakes or tsunamis. This means that plans already in force fail to adequately address risk from natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruption. The country’s building codes, are recognized as some of the best in the world, and the country has implemented many quake-resistant building techniques to stem future disasters. Since the 1960`s, seismic codes have been enforced for all new construction.

Regardless of these efforts, the authorities` ambitions to achieve a high level of resilience are not being fulfilled. Some of the problems relate to the fact that: - the central and local authorities are facing problems in implementing emergency strategies for resilience and reconstruction -it takes a lot of time to repair or rebuild the damaged houses, so it can take years until the people are receiving houses -the temporary shelters have a tendency to become permanent -the architectural prototypes are not adjusted to the different climate areas -the system is not fit to respond to a large-scale natural hazard -people don`t trust the authorities.

MEDIAGUAS After the earthquake in Chillan (1939), the foundation “Un techo para Chile” starts producing a wooden modular house for natural disasters, named “mediagua”, that is still being used in Chile as a preferred solution to emergency situations. However, technology can offer nowadays better solutions and the mediagua` s efficiency has been widely discussed. While some architects believe that this solution responds best to the country`s needs, other professional state that it is outdated. They are trying to change the form, the materials and the technology used for emergency shelters.

EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS Ground Shaking/ Motion



Design of foundation systems that penetrate the liquefiable layers.

Tsunamis and Seiches

Location of the Structure Avoid those locations in a region or on a site where the potential for ground failure . Locate structures where ground water is low, where soils are compacted, and where soils are not homogeneous sands or gravels.

Liquefaction MITIGATION STRATEGY Site Selection Design Technology MITIGATING TSUNAMI AND COASTAL SURGE HAZARDS Locating development above the coastal flood zone Orientating structures to reduce the profile presented to wave Site-planning options for locating structures, parking and landscaping Altering the site and construction of flood protective structures.

Specific Recommendations for Site Planning Set back structures beyond the code or zoning minimums to provide an extra margin of safety. Set back structures from the lip of coastal bluffs. Be aware of multiple hazards. (storm surge, tsunami, coastal erosion, debris flows, fires and earthquakes)

Resources for Tsunami Mitigation Elevate structure above the expected tsunami inundation height. Energy-abating structures, earth berms, and vegetation can dissipate some of the energy of the waves(not a failsafe solution). If inundation <1m-flood walls may protect structures from both surge and battering from debris Low-lying areas -elevation of the structure or by creating “weak nonstructural walls”, perpendicular to expected waves . Orientate buildings perpendicular to wave inundation to provide the smallest profile to the wave. Design structure and foundation to resist earthquake forces and the forces of water velocity, debris battering, and scouring and liquefaction of foundations and piles.

Site planning -rapid evacuation of Provide setbacks between buildings occupants to high ground and erosion or flood control structures Structures-designed for vertical to permit maintenance, strengthening evacuation and subsequent augmentation. In site planning, be aware that vegetation and buildings can become “dislodged” and be driven by wind and wave action into structures. Vegetation may serve to stabilize beach areas.

Intervention on the Site Site Compaction.On sites with unconsolidated soils, the response of the site can be improved by compacting the soil, compressing it so that soil particles are forced together, reducing water-filled voids and increasing the friction between soil particles. Change Soil.excavation of the liquefiable soils and replacement with compacted hetero-geneous fill. However, for both this approach

Foundation systems and structures designed to reduce damage from ground failure.

and the compaction alternative, site performance is improved by construction of barriers to the infiltration of water so that the groundwater level of the site is lowered. Dewatering the Site.Requires constructing wells to pump out and lower the ground water level to reduce liquefaction susceptibility. should be combined with the construction of infiltration barriers and a back-up power source to ensure post-disaster pump operations.


Set back structures from both the toe of an upslope and from the lip of a down slope. Drainage Since water acts as a lubricant on slope-failure surfaces, it is critical that the site and its surroundings be well drained, that irrigation is limited, and that dewatering systems reduce subsurface hydrostatic (water pressure) pressures. Redundant Infrastructure Ground failure can severely disrupt utility and lifeline connections to a site. networks should be redundant, providing more than one means of connection, access, and egress.

Adjacency-Adjacent land uses may pose a threat to the continued operation of the proposed facility. Collapse-hazard structures can spill debris onto the site, damaging structures or blocking access and egress. Setbacks from adjacent land uses and separation from adjacent structures should be used to protect structures, access and areas of refuge and to protect against pounding.


Height / Proportion

GROUND SHAKING Earthquake Fault Zones Many state geological surveys produce maps of active earthquake faults - that is, faults that exhibit “Holocene surface displacement” or ruptured within the last 11,000 years. These maps depict faults where they have ruptured the ground surface, as fault movements usually recur in geologically weak zones. Local governments are responsible for reviewing geologic reports and approving those reports before approving a project .

Structural Design Principles Force distribution Floor Plan Height/Proportion Uniformity on structural system Distance between buildings Non structural elements Force distribution



7a.abrupt shape variations 7b.

8a.weak floor

8b.weak floor solutions

9a.shear wall

9b.shear wall



10a.stiffness variation-10b. balanced stiffness

11a.stiffness variation-11b. balanced stiffness

Floor Plan

3a.long floor plan-3b.distributed movement joints


12a. 12b. uniform distribution

13a. 13b. redundancy

14a. 14b. strong column/weak beam

15a. 15b. hyperstaticy

1.non-regular distribution of weight

Floor Plan

4a. torsional forces- 4b.correct distribution 2a.fake symmetry 16. wall-column interaction

2b.symmetric distribution

2c.balanced resistance

5a.Weak interior corner on floor plan


interior corner

Non-structural elements

17a . wall-column interaction


wall-column interaction


QUINCHA DESIGN Concrete and brick building materials may be strong, but they are also very stiff and brittle and tend to break or crack during earthquakes. Quincha is more flexible and moves with the tremors. The status of concrete and brick resulted in a negative connotation for quincha as only suitable for the houses of poor people.


In many earthquake prone areas, people tend to think that modern technologies like brick and reinforced concrete should make strong houses resistant to earthquakes. These materials come from industrialized countries and possessed a certain status in the community.


Historically quincha had been used for centuries in Chile and Peru possibly because it was able to withstand earthquakes. Despite the connotations associated with quincha, however, the community agreed on an improved quincha design for new construction.

Study Case - Traditional housing in Totoral, Atacama, Chile.

Soon brick and concrete buildings began to replace many of the traditional wood and earth homes called Quincha. However, after the May 1990 earthquake, older quincha structures held up better than more “modern” buildings


The improved quincha designs were built with the following features: concrete foundations for stability; wooden columns treated with tar or pitch to withstand water; careful joining between columns and beams; vertically woven canes between



columns for wall stability; lightweight metal roofing to reduce danger from falling tiles; and roof wires for attaching beams and columns to protect against roof collapse during earth movements.

Study Case - Modern architecture with Quincha

RESILIENT STRUCTURE Infrastructure The foundation is not very deep, but made of stone. There is not an isolation system which can protect the house from humidity. The wall is constructed by a wood frame, where the conections allows the structure flexibility.


The roof strucure uses the same framing system of the walls, with a continuous ridgepole and an enclousure made by the atatchment of California Tule mats in the wood frame.

Despite its general pattern, there are several typologies of quincha walls in the vernacular architecture all along South America. The general pattern consists in a series of vertical timber posts connected together by a top and a bottom beam. The quincha walls are usually settled on the first floor adobe walls and there is no special connection between them.

The quincha walls vary in the type of stiffeners, which can be timber diagonals that run through along the wall height or timber struts that are located in the bottom of the wall, between the posts. In both cases the walls are filled with cross linked cane, earth and mud. The final plaster is composed by an additional layer of mud and another of lime.


The filling materials are basically earth, quincha and a vegetal fiber called California Tule. Those materials has proven their resilience in terms of absorving the impact of sismic activities.




There are tree more common ways to find roofs made of California Tules in Chilean vernacular architecture. Depending of the technique developement, they can be more resilient, when a “California Tule comb” is previously made, then attached to the roof frame. All those techniques are passed through generations of the traditional communities in South America.

With some variations, they had shown their resilence in Earthquakes incidents in Chile and Peru as well. Similar to the roof structure, the wall has its flexibility and resistence in a way that makes the facades of these vernacular houses resilient to tearthquakes.


BUILDING ORIENTATION On the South Hemisphere, for protecting the houses from the solar heating on Summer, it is common to open less for North and more for South (where the solar radiation is indirect.

THERMAL INERCIA The clay layer, covered by cane and straw, confer good thermal isolation, which mantains the house cold during the day and warm at night.


Besides, the material composition of the houses walls makes them fully breathable, creating a pleasant microclimate in the interior. ROOFING The quincha houses also have extended roofs in order to reduce the heat gain on Summer and ensure the passive heating on Winter. The heat is, in that way, distributed by natTural convection and radiation process, even though, it is possible to use fan systems to acelerate the process.



Tsunami south/west








Against Geographical Threats, Geographical Responses

Height average 3.5m - 4m Waves continues to advance 5 blocks in the city

Mitigation Hills

Initial height 4m (2.81 m/s) Wave decreases to 2.8m (1.42 m/s) after crash with the forest, the water reaches the third block

Typical Section Complimentary anti-tsunami Plan

INTEGRAL MASTER PLAN The Plan for Sustainable Reconstruction (PRES) of Constitución was developed after the 8.8 earthquake/tsunami of February 27th, 2010. ELEMENTAL was given 90 days to produce all the necessary studies and documents capable of coordinating the action of both public and private entities in the reconstruction of INFRASTRUCTURE,PUBLIC SPACES AND SERVICES, HOUSING,ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES and ENERGY of the city. The 8.8 Earthquake Chile – Sustainable Reconstruction MasterPlan was done with the intense participation of the entire community.


Evacuation System

Conditioned Building Zone

Audible and visible: -Sirens audible -Balisas Guides: - Signs- PV -Lighting Meeting Points-enabled public space Distance / time to escape: Speed = 53,65 mt/min (2 mph) Rengifo Street 1.050 mt (19,6 min) Cruz Street 1.060 mt (19,8 min) Rozas Street 1.010 mt (18,8 min)

ZONE 1 in study area ZONE 2: Water height ≤ 4m Water velocity ≤ 3m / s ≤ impact strength 25kN / m -Ground floor in concrete - Deep-Foundations -Construction discontinuous ZONE 3: Water height ≤ 2m Water speed ≤ 2 m / s Impact strength ≤ 2kN / m -Concrete base. 1st floor-40cm high field

PRES CONSTITUCION, by ELEMENTAL Social housing for Arauco´s workers. Elemental proposed combining the funds available for temporary emergency shelters and social housing to provide better-quality shelters with a higher initial cost that could then be dismantled and reused in an incremental social-housing scheme. The architects designed the social housing units as half of a good house instead of a complete, but small one: building-in the possibility for residents to double the floor area of the house to 80 square meters. Next to each built section of the row house is an open space of the same size into which residents can expand their house. Higher quality social housing eventually increases in value and provides families with capital growth where the collateral can be used to guarantee a loan for a small business, or pay for higher education for children.


FORM, GEOMETRY AND GROUND Ground Located above the risk level area. Road section lowered to evacuate possible floodings Low height reduces the period of a building to 01.-0.5 sec.

Ground Floor plan/ First floor plan with expansion area highlited

Building atributes Continuous load path Equal floor heights Symmetrical plan shape minimizes torsion. Identical vertical resistance Uniform section and elevations Seismic resisting elements at perimeter No cantilevers No openings in diaphragms

Floor to floor connection Why Wood-frame Buildings Can Withstand Seismic Forces Ductility-With numerous nailed Redundancy-provides numerous joints, they are inherently more ductile load paths through shear walls and than those with rigid connections. diaphragms, which typically have This makes them more flexible and hundreds of allows them to dissipate energy when structural elements and thousands subjected to the sudden loads of of nail connections. Overloading can an earthquake. Wooden structures be transferred to alternate load paths. have numerous load paths, it helps Alternatively, structures supported by to avoid collapse should some heavy frames constructed from nonwood materials have relatively few connections fail. structural members and connections. Strength and stiffness-The lateral The failure of one loadpath due to forces of an earthquake tend to design or construction flaw can lead distort (rack) buildings. Shear walls to overloading of adjacent members are critical for providing racking or joints. resistance,and walls and diaphragms Connectivity-easy to secure to (roofs and floors) constructed with the foundation using standard and tie-downs plywood or oriented strand board connections (OSB) structural sheathing over manufactured for high-load designs. lumber framing are very effective. Critical connections in seismic areas 2 3 Weight-Wood-frame construction is 1 lighter than other types.Forces in an earthquake are proportional to the weight of a structure.


RESILIENT STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Structural wood framework C16 and C24 36.5mm x 70 mm for the vertical grid 36.5mm x 120 mm for the roofing 36.5mm x 160 mm for the horizontal grid

1.connection to foundation 2.vertical wall connections 3.overlapping minimum distance >450mm



ROOF Steel panels coated in aluminium and zinc.

ROOF - structural framework + plywood + steel cladding STRESS: direct sunlight, rain, wind, high/low temperature

WALL CLADDING 8mm fiber cement panels, with special rebated corners. OPENINGS - windows - wood carpentry - double-glazing - doors - wood panels

CLIMATE Type: Mediterranean Summers - warm, dry (4 months) Average temperature- 19°C Record high - 30°C Winters - mild Average - 7°C Precipitations: 800mm VILLAVERDE HOUSING


Roof section

Standard Detail 1.moisture barrier 2.structural plywood 3.gutter 4.cellulose insulation 5.gypsum board 6. studwork 7. fibre-cement 8.vinyl floor 9.Floor finish 10. concrete slab 11.foundation beam 12.overlap plate 13.pine slab 14.stepped fiber-cement 15.pine beam 16.skylight




Sheathing resists shear and racking

COMPATIBILITY The combination between fiber cement and wooden frames usually causes no problems as the two systems move in the same way. The fixings have to be flexible in order to allow the cladding to move relative to the building structure. Fiber cement is highly compatible with wooden structures. The boards protect the structural wood from decay caused by insect attacks, by repeated changes of freeze and thaw and by rotting when exposed to moist environments. The choice of complementary materials creates an architecture resilient to both earthquakes and floods.

-the roofs of neighboring units are united => higher protection from external agents (ex: strong winds, ground shaking) - the houses in the endings of a row have the roof ended on the face of the wall since there aren`t usually heavy rains - the light metal sheets are safely connected to the plywood




Fiber cement is a mixture of wood fibers (cellulose), Portland cement, clay and sand. Because it’s made from a liquid cementitious mixture, it can be molded to closely resemble painted wood, stucco, or masonry. It is recommended in all climates and it is ideal for hot humid regions.Uses: roofing, wall claddings and internal linings in wet rooms. COATING Painting or covering the boards with siding materials is a good way to improve the durability because this way the fiber cement is protected against water penetration.











Architects: SENARQ S.A., Abraham Senerman Structural Engineering ALV Ingenieros | Alfonso Larraín Vial Seismic Energy Dissipatiers Sirve | Juan Carlos de La Llera Construction 2007- 2009( before the 2010 seismic disaster) Height 194 m Features: 52 storeys, 7 underground floors, heliport Use: Office and Retail Space

COSTANERA TOWER Architects: Alemparte Barreda Wedeles Besançon Arquitectos y Asociados ABWB, y Pelli Clarke Architects Construction 2006-2012 Height 300 m (200 m at the 2010 seismic disaster) Features: 65 storeys, 6 underground floors Use: Office and Retail Space





This technology allows the structure The Titanium La Portada Tower’s to flex to a certain degree like a structure consists of a rigid, spinal column, with energy-absorbing reinforced-concrete core and a “discs” between the vertebrae, which flexible perimeter frame that are also act as replaceable “fuses” in the joined together by composite floors case of a major quake. made of steel beams, pre-stressed concrete and a structural concrete overlay. A key innovation was the incorporation of a seismic energy dissipator system every third floor, to act as shock absorbers to reduce the building’s deformation by up to 40% during an earthquake. Energy dissipator system / damping system



Tower structure Primary:Stiff concrete/steel centre Secondary: Perimetral columns Therd: Energy dissipators


Front elevation

Side elevation

Design principles applied: symmetrical floor plan, controled shape variation, proportioned height, uniformity in force distribution, strong columns, stiffness, moment resisting frame Typical floor plan




The Titanium La Portada Tower’s two façades are composed of a total of more than 6,000 pre-assembled aluminum and crystal panels, an average 160 centimeters in width and 360 centimeters in height. interior pane. The double-glazed panels are composed of an 11-millimeter-thick laminated exterior pane and a 12-millimeter-thick tempered.This configuration allows the panel to withstand up to 400 kilograms per m2 of pressure, and prevents panes from falling in case of breakage.

Frame 360x160 cm Preassembled auminum and glass panels Glazing 5+5 mm thick laminated exterior pane+ 0.38 PVB interlayer 13 mm air space 12 mm thick tempered interior pane Structural sealant glazing is a type of glazing that can be applied to stick unitised and panellized systems. Instead of mechanical means (i.e. a pressure plate or structural gasket), the glass infill panels are attached with a factory-applied structural sealant (usually silicon) to metal carrier units that are then bolted into the framing grid on site. External joints are weathersealed with a wet-applied sealant or a gasket.





FIXING SYSTEM Prefabricated sections of curtain wall, delivered to the jobsite and erected section-by-section. Benefit of this system: ipanels can be fabricated in a factory to ensure quality control, more efficiently installed. The panelized system introduces another joint between mullions which increases the possible locations for water or air leakage, which must be carefully constructed in the field to prevent problems.

The design of glazing assemblies depends on the calculated interstory drift for the building. Glazing generally performs better with stiffer

structural systems that have lower inter-story drift or where larger edge clearances are provided at the mullions.




LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) a system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

1.the façade glass, which maximizes the entry of natural light while filtering out infrared rays;

solar radiation (winter) Core and Shell (CS) pre-certification (prior to construction)-in recognition for meeting high, environmental friendly design standards in five categories: building site, energy usage, indoor environment, water usage, materials and resources. ventilation

Natural ventilation flow


2.the curtain wall, with ventilation slots; For its exterior, the curtain wall features low AGC brand low emissivity (low-e) Belgian crystal, endowed with a high thermal-lighting performance due to its seven micro-precious-metal coatings that filter out infrared rays while letting visible light pass through. Thus, the building’s interior spaces remain cooler and better illuminated, resulting in reduced energy consumption through a decreased dependence on air-conditioning and lighting.

The tower’s efficient energy use is the result of a combination of factors, including: 1.the façade glass, which maximizes the entry of natural light while filtering out infrared rays; 2.the curtain wall, with ventilation slots; 3.the elevators, equipped with energy recovery systems; 4.the heat recovery cells in the ventilation ducts. 5. advanced climate control system, designed to boost energy savings, encourage responsible use, and take advantage of the fresh, cool mountain air that flows into the city each night to ventilate and lower the temperature of the building mass.

The coating improves the acoustic performance of the façades and impedes the entry of harmful ultraviolet light.


WATER RECYCLING An estimated 3.2 million liters of water will be reclaimed annually, resulting in a substantial savings in drinking water consumption.

To complete the system, Senarq’s architects developed an innovative process to recover the condensate produced by the climate control units. The water is channeled drop-by-drop and accumulated in special tanks, to be used exclusively for watering the gardens and maintaining the level of the reflecting pools at the building’s base.

Other important project attributes that contributed to the LEEDCS certification were: the over 32% savings in potable water consumption, through precision usage specifications; the utilization of the climate control equipment condensate for watering the gardens and offsetting the evaporation from the reflecting pools; the solid waste removal system, which segregates recyclable materials; the employment of light-colored building and plaza surface treatments and elements as well as vegetation to reduce the tower’s participation in the city’s “heat island effect,” a phenomenon generated in part by dark-colored building materials that retain daytime warmth that is liberated at night.

The Belgium’s last generation glass block most of the infrared and UV rays , while allowing most of the natural light access. This is complemented with metalized rollers blinds, which reflect the sun rays. All this improves the energy efficiency and interior climate comfort for the users.

Studies indicate that the Titanium La Portada Tower will be approximately 35% more energy efficient than a conventional building providing similar comfort in a climate zone like that of Santiago, Chile.

CONCLUSIONS The country is threatened by geological hazards, with a high risk of seismic events, suffering a large earthquake every 20-30 years.

The most damaged areas were found in rural regions, where building regulations and quality of construction are not always applied.

Chile has one of the hardest anti seismic regulation for buildings. The capital, Santiago de Chile, is the most developed urban area, concentrating the 40% of the population.This city´s case study “Titanium Tower” put in practice a new technology, a damping device for energy dissipation, developed locally by expert engineers like Juan Carlos de la Llera. The performance of the building after the 2010 seism was excellent. These devices were used also in the Costanera Tower, which nowadays is the highest building in South America.

Adobe houses were 27% of the homes damaged in the earthquake, and 84% were located in the regions O’Higgins, Maule, and Biobío. While some were merely old and poorly built houses, others were located in zones that had been declared Zones of Historic Conservation. After an evaluation on urban areas, some conclusions were found: Materials: Traditional materials adobe+stone constructions proved to be the most damaged while flexible materials (adobe+timber/straw) proved to be more resistant.

However, the majority of the country, was devastated by the latest earthquake, 27F 2010.

Design: the least damaged buildings related to typologies where earthquake recommendations were followed , symmetry, shape, forces distribution, proportion between floor plan /height. Construction control: Post refurbishments to existing buildings not properly linked to main structure. decreased the capacity to resist disasters. Lack of maintenance: Constructions damaged by previous earthquakes were more likely to collapse without appropriate reinforcement When it came to housing, all these factors amplified the tragedy . The tsunami after the earthquake was even worse for coastal communities, without any protection against water force.

However, the 2010 disaster was a wake-up call for chilean population. Initiatives like Chile 8.8 started to evaluate and rethink strategies to avoid past mistakes. The Sustainable Post-Tsunami Reconstruction Masterplan in Constitución, impulsed by ELEMENTAL, proved to show a new successful way of rebuilding based on the community involvement. The key design factor of this master plan is to design cities with an antitsunami urban DNA. A mitigation park and river bank will slow down a potential tsunami. This strategy was complemented by an alert and evacuation emergency plan to avoid human losses in a potential disaster.

REFERENCES Bonomo T., U., & Atria L., M. (2010). Muro Pumanque - Colectivo Muro. Del autoencargo libre a la voluntad de lo real. De Arquitectura, De arquitectura, nº22, 2010, Pág. 30-35.


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http://inhabitat.com/how-building-codes-savedlives-during-chiles-earthquake/ http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/0238132/arquitectos-una-guia-de-alternativaspara-colaborar http://presconstitucion.cl/ http://www.elementalchile.cl http://www.creactivistas.com/2011/01/chile-88reconstruir-el-futuro.html http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/0246901/lineamientos-patrimoniales-para-lareconstruccion-en-el-valle-de-colchaguacolectivo-murohttp://www.proyectotarapaca. org/ https://vimeo.com/54537287

http://www.houselogic.com/home-advice/roofinggutters-siding/siding-guide-options/ www.concretethinker.com/solutions/DisasterResistance.aspx www.fibrecementconsulting.com/ publications/990925.durabilitypaper.pdf http://www.motherearthnews.com/green-homes/ fiber-cement-siding-zmaz09jjzraw.aspx http://glassmagazine.com/article/commercial/ critical-connections-1311867 h t t p : / / w w w. d o w c o r n i n g . c o m / c o n t e n t / publishedlit/63-1216.pdf http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/0277161/en-detalle-muro-cortina

P R O J E C T 2:


Verna Tech Flood Team





















PUNCTUAL CO-WORKERS: Jose Carrasco, Delphine Ewen, Kwabe Isa



CHRISTIANE MAES Born in 1989 Architect and civil engineer. Graduated from UCL, Belgium. Living in Murcia, Spain.

FLORENCE DELAIRE Born in 1989 Architect and civil engineer. Graduated from UCL, Belgium. Living in Toulouse, France.

PUNCTUAL CO-WORKERS: Jose Carrasco, Delphine Ewen, Kwabe Isa

Rising sea levels is one of the main consequences of global warming and climate change. Some countries are completely related to water and their future depends on floods’ regulation. Beyond these countries, flooding is a natural hazard that concerns most of the world population and that is becoming more and more common. Developping resilient architecture is thus an essential strategy to cope with this threat.

RESEARCH FRAMEWORK We have chosen to analyse two countries facing floods for centuries: the Netherlands and Bangladesh. Both countries are highly densely populated and have flat and low territories. But they have different climates, resources and economical contexts.

Submerged land in Europe and Asia if all the ice of the world melted down

Through these two case studies, we show some solutions in flood-proof building design, as well as in urban and territory planning. The research focuses on the comparison of strategies at different scales and in different situations, to see how they can be adapted in other places around the world.

THE NETHERLANDS - High density of population - Delta region: large part of territory below or at sea level - High technology solutions: dikes, barriers, dams, canals, drainage systems... - Temperate climate

BANGLADESH - High density of population - Delta region: large part of territory below or at sea level - Vernacular solutions, low income resources and local materials - Tropical climate: monsoon rains and violent storms


THE NETHERLANDS / Geographical context

BANGLADESH / Geographical context

- Climate: Temperate and oceanic, with cool summers, mild winters and high humidity.

- Climate: Tropical with cyclones and a warm monsoon rain season from june to october.

- Topography / Hydrography: Delta region of the main rivers of Northern Europe (Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt). Flat and low territory with only about 50% of its land exceeding 1m above sea level, and 25% below sea level.

- Topography / Hydrography: Delta region of the main rivers coming from the Himalayas (Brahmaputra, Ganges and Meghna). Flat and low territory with many rivers, wetlands and swamp.

- Demography: Highest density of population in Europe (407/km²) / High quality of life

- Demography: Most densely populated large country in the world (1,059/km²) / Important part of poor people, living in urban slums or rural areas.

- Urbanization: Randstad conurbation (Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht) of about 7 million people. - Economic sectors: Shipping, fishing, agriculture and trade (world’s 2nd largest exporter of food and agriculture products), among others.

- Economic sectors: Textile industry in the cities / Rice, tea and jute agriculture in rural areas.

- Relation to water: it has always been part of the everyday and political life. Dutch people, even if struggling with water, know how to take advantage from it (excellent knowledge in naval techniques, huge sea ports, soil fertility and influence in agriculture...)

- Relation to water: Providing important nutrients to the soil while overflowing their banks, rivers have created a rich and fertile plain. Flooding plays an essential role in agriculture, but has to be controlled.



- Natural causes: Storm tides from the North Sea flowing upstream > rivers overflowing and coastal flooding

- Types: Flash floods (river banks) / Riverrine floods (major rivers) / Rainfall induced floods (embanked areas with bad drainage) / Storm surge floods (coastal areas)

- Causes due to human activities: Global warming (rising sea levels) / Urbanization (less soil absorption and more runoff surface) / Long history of reclaimed land from the sea (sinking polders, built flood plain areas due to an excessive confidence towards dikes and dams) - Consequences: Destruction of lives, infrastructures, crops / Loss of land / Salinity of soil - Floods and Democracy: Water management has been seen as a collective issue since the Middle Ages when villagers started to form cooperatives to manage the building of infrastructure resulting in the first water boards. In the 18th century, flood prevention began to be a centralised issue by the parliament.


- Urbanization: Several big cities (Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna...) but most people live in rural zones, living from agriculture.

- Natural causes: Big delta region (melting snow from the Himalayas) + Tropical climate (monsoon rains) > rivers overflowing - Causes due to human activities: Global warming (rising sea levels and melting ice from glaciers) / Climate change (increased rainfalls and cyclones) / Deforestation (less evapotranspiration and faster soil erosion) / Urbanization (less soil absorption and more runoff surface) - Consequences: Destruction of lives, infrastructures, crops / Loss of land / Failure of comunication infrastructure/ Bad sanitary conditions (cholera, malaria) / Drop in rice production (high salinity of soil) / Submersion of the Sundarbans mangrove barrier (extinct species)

THE NETHERLANDS / Multilayer Safety Approach The Multilayered Safety strategy is the last flood management program implemented in the Netherlands. It is based on 3 action phases, containing all the flood protection measures established in the country. The 3 types of measures are applied at 3 different scales to protect the inhabitants, infrastructure and land. The idea is to not rely only on prevention, but add a back-up in case the primary flood defenses fail, adding the other two supplementary layers of protection.

PREVENTION / Territory scale / historical solutions In the 12th century, water boards started to appear, whose purpose was to maintain the water level and to protect a region from floods. These agencies still exist.

PREVENTION Reduce the flood probability. Keep the water away from inhabited sites.





Decrease the loss due to flooding. Urban planning and building strategies.

Building Urban Territory


CRISIS MANAGEMENT Temporary actions: warning systems and emergency measures.

Around the 10th century, villages and farmhouses were built on manmade hills called terps, later connected by dikes.


As the ground level dropped, the dikes by necessity grew and merged into an integrated system.

Polders In the 13th century, Dutch started to use windmills to pump water out of areas below sea level. The windmills were later used to drain lakes, creating polders surrounded by dykes.


The entire country is divided into 53 dike ring areas

PREVENTION / Territory scale / engineering solutions

PREVENTION / Territory scale / live with water

The Zuiderzee Works enclose a large shallow inlet of the North Sea. It is a large scale protection against flood and allows the reclamation of new agricultural land by polderisation.

The observation of climate change effects has led to think that all the technological projects implemented before may not be enough to resist natural hazards.

Afsluitdijk, 1927-1932

The Delta Project is a series of constructions built to protect the Delta and reduce the Dutch Coastline.

Oosterscheldedam, 1986 Maeslantkering, 1997

The current project “Room for the river” intends to give more space to the water in the landscape. That is being done by enlarging and deepening the river beds and designating overflow areas. Dutch people are building on the other side of the dike. Instead of fighting water, they try now to live with it.



REDUCTION OF IMPACT / Building scale

At urban scale, it is possible to reduce the impact of heavy rains or water level rising by channeling, storing and absorbing water.


In the Netherlands, the canals in the cities let room for water and channel it through a planned circuit.


Storm water retention parks, places and tanks can be integrated in the design of the urban environment, and be used as public spaces.


Benthemplein, Rotterdam

Large paved surfaces increase run off and overload the urban sewage system. Permeable pavement, parks and green roof can absord rain water.


Prevention measures like removable barriers can also be an efficient implementation at urban scale.



Ijburg, Amsterdam neighborhood of floating houses

At urban scale, crisis management consists on all the emergency actions to put in place to save lives and material. It includes warning systems and evacuation plans, ensures working communication system and electricity supply, installation of removable gates and sand bags, and provides medical help, drinkwater and food and refugee shelters.


Dike Raised House Room for the river

Flood Wall Water storage Evacuation Water infiltration


Maasbommel, amphibious houses


At territory scale, an important part of the crisis management sits in the floods forecasting. On the one hand, it aims at predicting a flood due to extreme rainfall, on the other hand, it concerns the prediction of the effects of climate change on the rising sea level. According to the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, the North Sea level will raise 1 meter by 2100.


Dordrecht, parking and storage on ground floor





Hoek van Holland: 5 floors of apartments



Synagogue on a mound in Sliedrecht

Most Dutch people live in urban areas.


Space is scarce in the Netherlands. In the city, the typical canal houses are narrow town houses, two or three storeys high, with wide openings. Other typologies of detached and semi-detached houses are also very common. Most people live in a closed nuclear family structure, the individual independance is much respected. Dutch have a long tradition of living with the water, like the houses aligned along the canals within cities can show. They have also been living on water, transforming transportation barges in boat-houses. People now welcome the idea of living on floating houses, where they can enjoy views and experiment a sense of freedom.

Amsterdam, MVRDV

Dutch barge


Almere, UNStudio

MAASBOMMEL HOUSE, Netherlands, Factor Arch. 2005


The houses are situated near the river Maas in Maasbommel, on a location designed by the government to be an experimental site to test new flood-resilient systems. The houses are built out of the protected zone by dykes and are then more exposed to floods.

The project includes two types of houses: - 14 floating houses, - 32 amphibious houses. Each house has two storeys.

Floating Houses

Water levels above 7 meters +NAP occure on average once every twelve years.

From these houses, the inhabitants can enjoy beautiful views. With the inclination of the roof, the house opens itself facing the water. For transportation, each house can park a car and a boat.

Amphibious Houses

On the ground floor, we can find the living room and kitchen with access to the terrace. On the upper floor, and on a split-level floor, there are two bedrooms and a bathroom. An extra bedroom is situated in a split level in the basement.

MAASBOMMEL HOUSE / Shape / amphibious principle Amphibious houses are flexible: they adapt to the level of water without disturbing their functionality. They lie on the ground on normal conditions and float when the water level rises. They can be ordinary houses built on floating foundations.

MAASBOMMEL HOUSE / Shape / buoyancy stability The houses are connected in pairs. This way, the floating platform is larger and heavier for each module, improving the stability of the structure. Pair of houses form a stable module

Light weight structure Low Gravity Center

On the ground, July 2005

Floating, January 2011

There have been several episodes of floods since their construction that have proven the efficiency of the system.

The stability is ensured respecting a simple principle: keep the gravity center of the structure as low as possible. In these houses, 70% of the weight sits on the concrete foundation, 25% in fixed parts of the construction and 5% in the occupancy. The houses have only two storeys.

Each pair of houses is anchored to two mooring pylons. They prevent the houses from floating away and permit to resist current forces. These steel piles allow the houses withstand a water level rise of 5,5 meters.


MAASBOMMEL HOUSE / Structure / foundations

MAASBOMMEL HOUSE / Structure / main frame

The amphibious houses rest on a concrete slab. The floating foundation is made of an ordinary reinforced concrete, with an aggregate making it waterproof. It is not poured in one piece: the joints are sealed with an additional water-resistant sealing strip.

The mooring pylons are made of steel and driven deep into the ground. The barges are fastened together by steel plates around the pylons. Joining two modules helps in reducing the number of pylons and increases stability.

The foundation box is built on site and then hoisted on its place.

MAASBOMMEL HOUSE / Insulated enclosure

The arched roof is made of wood. It is assembled on site and hoisted to its place. Steel tie struts anchor the roof to the walls.

MAASBOMMEL HOUSE / Building systems

The sandwich panels and the timber frame integrated in it are prefabricated and assembled on the concrete foundation. To avoid humidity problems, the two parts of the house are sealed with a jointing tape.


In a floating house, the structure needs to be very light. The walls and the floors are built in a prefabricated light wooden timber frame.

The main energy saving strategy is to supply the walls and roof with a good insulation layer. All the walls have a layer of 120 mm of glass wool and in the roof a 100 mm of Expanded polystyrene foam.

The houses are connected to water sewage, electricity and gas on the bottom of the docks. The pipes are flexible and oversized so they can follow the rising and lowering movement of the house.

BANGLADESH / Multilayer Approach / territory scale

BANGLADESH / Multilayer Approach / territory scale

1959: Creation of Bangladesh Water Development Board management of water resource

UNDP and Government of Bangladesh project for coastal afforestation: plantation of mangroves as protection against floods, wave actions and storm winds. Mangroves accumulate sediment on the forest floor and raise ground level. They protect the embankments situated behind them.

1964: Master Plan of large scale measures like embankments and polders, which are now densily populated. Map of polders with their dykes

1980’: Shift in strategy small scale projects like pumping and improved cropping practices 1990’: World Bank Flood Action Plan (after the catastrophic flood of 1988) system of embankment along the rivers

Bad environmental consequences of embankments: - riverbed sedimentation - water logging - deterioration of soil productivity The embankments present many failures due to: - poor design - poor maintenance - man-made breachings

BANGLADESH / Multilayer Approach / building scale ON MOUND

Kutigram, houses and agricultural land on mound


Traditional rural house on earth plinth


Floodable part of the wall made of masonry


Raised platform inside the house to protect children and belongings


House on stilts only in hilly regions



FFF* model applied along the coast: combination of mounds, ditch land and mangrove planting. * Forest, Fish and Fruit.

Development of flood-resistant rice crop and floating agriculture.

Crisis Management Early forecasting and warning systems: The Georgia Institute of Technology in US can deliver forecast to more than 100 000 people.

BANGLADESH / Houses typologies In rural areas, the house is composed of rectangular closed rooms arranged around a courtyard with ponds, wells, kitchen, toilets.

During floods, houses need to be connected by suspended path.

In the cities, there is a vast inequality between rich and poor. In Dhaka, a very dense city, the elevated part of the city is developped and the low lying land is occupied by slums, constantly threatened by floods. The housing need for Dhaka is very high. In the city, the house is also a place of work and production.

School on boat (boat used as a bus and a classroom)

Lift House, pioneer amphibious house in Dhaka

Traditional houses are raised on an earth plinth, the walls and roof are made of organic materials like thatch, straw, bamboo cladding, bambo cross-braced frame, earth coating...



LIFT HOUSE, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Prithula Prosun, 2009

LIFT HOUSE / Shape / amphibious principle - Buoyant foundations: Bamboo frame filled with empty used water bottles / Hollow ferrocement foundation

The LIFT* House is an experimental project testing the efficiency of amphibious houses made with local resources. * Low Income Flood-proof Technology.

The project is designed for poor population of the urban slums of Dhaka, living in flood-prone areas. The anchored spine is connected to 2 floating houses of 2 storeys each.

- Light structure: Bamboo frame

Spine: important mass to resist water pressure

- Low gravity center: Few storeys and large floating platform The top of the service spine becomes a walkway that provides exterior working space and an elevated access to neighbouring house

Service Spine Amphibious High Resistance Light structure Brick & concrete Bamboo

- Vertical guidance system: Steel pipe attached to the bamboo structure, that can slide up and down into the main pipe anchored in the masonry.

Ground Floor

Amphibious house Service Spine free to float up and down static on ground

1st Floor

LIFT HOUSE / Structure / foundations Service spine

Mooring pylon

The foundation system is a waterproof concrete slab resting on six concrete foundation piles.

The anchorage of the service spine is of prior importance to prevent the floating platform of the houses from tipping over and floating away. The bamboo houses can slide up and down into a slit cut steel pipe anchored in the masonry. The inner sliding pipes are attached to the bamboo dwelling by steel plates.

Amphibious dwelling Two models were tested: (1) Hollow ferrocement, more efficient but prone to leakage. (2) Empty plastic bottles




LIFT HOUSE / Structure / frame To stiffen the bamboo structure, columns and beams are made from multiple poles. They are tied by nylon rope or metal rod through pre-drilled holes.

Two lintel bands of concrete strengthen the brick walls, ensuring a strong bond. Lintels for lateral support span across the interior of the water cisterns, reducing the risk of buckling of the brick walls.

LIFT HOUSE / Enclosure / facade Since local materials such as mud and wood are vulnerable to water and humidity, modern construction materials have replaced them in urbanized areas and slums (especially reinforced concrete and corrugated sheets). One of the big advantages of amphibious houses is to avoid water contact with the facade during floods, so that vernacular architecture and local materials can be reintroduced. To protect the facade from the rain, extended roof eaves are used to prevent direct wetting of the walls. Traditional woven bamboo mats are used for walls, roofs and doors cladding.

LIFT HOUSE / Enclosure / roof

The facade is made of a double bamboo mat wall: - a woven bamboo panel

The LIFT house roofing is composed of several layers: - the external layer made of a peeled bamboo skin pattern (a) (b) - two layers of woven bamboo panels - an air and moisture barrier membrane between these two layers



BANGLADESH / Enclosure / openings - split bamboo strips as external finish

The windows are empty openings but can be closed thanks to a simple sliding system that allows double bamboo shutters. Wood door frames and window shutters are covered with bamboo cladding on either side. Even the door handles are cut from a hardy species of bamboo.

LIFT HOUSE / Building systems / water management

LIFT HOUSE / Building systems / energy optimization

The city of Dhaka is not able to provide basic services, such as access to water, electricity and a sewage system. The LIFT house is selfsustaining in providing these services, using passive resources.

Two solar panels (one for each house) provide electricity for 1 fan, 5 energy saving light fixtures, a mobile charger and TV connections for each living unit, during 6 hours / day. While the dwelling raises during a flood, a vertical movement of the wire connecting the solar panel and battery is permitted by a large slack.

All the building systems are located in the service spine: kitchens, bathroom, composting toilet storage tanks, water cisterns and solar panels. The primary source of water (cooking, bathing, washing clothes and boiled drinking water) comes from collected and filtered rainwater. The secondary source of water (toilets, washing and irrigation) comes from the collected graywater. Reused water is filtered by a biosand filtration pipe that removes pathogens and chemicals.

Hand pump water source

LIFT HOUSE / Building systems / waste recycling

rainwater used water biosand filter

re-used water cistern

rainwater filter

rainwater cistern

“The LIFT house composting latrines divert urine and deposit into the soil of the garden through an underground pipe where it can be used as fertilizer.”

photovoltaic panels for electricity generation 2 latrine pans

waste storage

urine diverted to exterior garden



STRATEGY / Leave space

There are several strategies to cope with flood hazards. This strategies will need to be adapted to a specific situation to suit local culture and geography, and use available resources. They can be combined and they should create redundancy to increase safety. This strategies apply at all scales.

Why? With accelerated climate change, and rising sea level, water will need more space to extend. It is a permanent consequence.

The combinations of all the strategies used are complementary and handle prevention, reduction of impact and crisis management. They could look for synergy with other water management issues. The selection of the proper strategies to use depends on several paramaters.



- permanent / seasonal / ocasional - shallow flood / high water level - slow / strong currents / waves

- material available - techniques, equipment and labor - historical, local knowledge



- possibility to displace settlements - land available to build large barriers - need for agricultural land - possibility to build with higher density

- people - belongings - single house - community of houses - agricultural land - infrastructure


Resist long-lasting high water level

Stability: Low gravity center: heavier elements in the basement, enlarged floating platform, well distributed weight.

Light materials: Timber, bamboo, OSB insulated panels, plastic.

Floating foundation: Reinforced concrete hollow box, empty plastic bottles or tonels, EP foam coated with fiber reinforced concrete. Independent of water level Transported, moved, oriented Can lie on the floor if no flood Only few floors

It is possible to build floating cultivation, sustainable energy plants and entire communities. Bangladesh


Mooring pylons: The houses are anchored to a mooring pile so they don’t float away.



Type of flood This strategy can be applied for all kinds of floods.

Where? It is a good solution for places on low earth level and around waterfronts.

Availble land The aim is to let land free to be flooded. Typically around rivers, deltas, sea and all waterfronts.

How? It can be implemented by extending floodable floor, or by digging deeper water channels and storm water storage area, whether natural or artificial.

Available resources It can involve editing laws, moving settlements, moving infrastructure, building water container. It needs planning at large scale.

At building scale, that means, let water pass under or through the building.

Object of protection Protect all natural and artificial entities.

Room for the river Singapore Nijmegen, NL

Canals Water Storage place, park Amsterdam Rotterdam Haerbin, China

BUILDING STR. / Leave space Stability: Bracing the piles increases stability and resistance to wind and current. Grade beamlink improves rigidity.

Piles Base Flood Elevation Tension bracing in pairs Piles 25 cm diam. 5m deep

Resist currents, high water level Piers Resist Erosion: Deeply founded and anchored, piers are not digged out by erosion and scour. Base Flood Elevation Columns Grade beam max depth for Erosion and scour Piers foundation Footings

Openings on the walls at ground Materials: Reinforced conlevel, distributed on the perimeter crete, treated wood, reinto lower the pressure on the walls. forced masonry, steel piles. Lower forces Need for cleaning on the structure Difficult access and On every disconnection topography Lower wind and More floors sismic resistance



Footing Pier

Concrete block Grout Steel bars Reinforced concrete footing






In rural areas of Bangladesh, Rural area houses on stilts are only present on hilly regions, they may not be accepted in other places for cultural reasons.

Dhaka slums




Why? When floods occure with high currents, displacing debris and coupled with other natural hazards, their force are extremely strong and difficult to withstand. Where? It is a good solution for places where floods occure regularly and where the rising water level is known. How? Settling in places with low flood risk level, like high regions or artificially raised floor level. In this strategy are also included reducing the human causes of floods by reducing sealed pavement surfaces and increasing the surface of absorbing and permeable floor, reducing deforestation. Raised ground Dordrecht, NL

Agriculture Bangladesh

Type of flood Can resist current and waves. The water level must be below the mound level.

Why? When or where avoiding floods is not possible, it is necessary to build safe places for people, land and infrastructure.

Availble land Need of large amount of soil.

Where? Around already built cities, infrastructure and all kinds of settlements with cultural, economical or social and demographical value that need to be protected.

Available resources Need appliances to move a large amount of soil and technical knowledge to build erosion resisting mounds. Object of protection Building large raised earth platforms can protect communities as well as agricultural land.

Artificial mounds Netherlands Bangladesh

BUILDING STRATEGY / Avoid Resist Erosion: Coating the plinth with stabilized earth, with cement or building a perimeter brick wall when soil is loose. Freedom of typology Protect various entities High cost Difficult to achieve Need for land Building on raised floor is a traditional solution used for centuries in the Netherlands and Bangladesh. It can be done on every place with available soil.

Resist currents, high water level

How? This strategy needs redundancy of the installations because the failure of one barrier can have catastrophic consequences. Barriers are installed at multiple scales from the territory to the building envelope.The barriers can be permanent, removable or able to open and close when needed. Dunes New-Jersey

Dikes Netherlands

Type of flood Dams and dykes can resist current and waves if well designed. The height of the barrier limit the height of flood protection. Availble land Need land to create distance between settlements and water. Implanted vegetable buffers depend on the land and species available. Available resources Building dams needs a high level of technological resources and has a high cost. Building strong dykes needs technological knowledge. Object of protection Protect all entities.

Walls Green belt Dams Netherlands S. Francisco Sri Lanka


Mounds can be natural or artificial. They can carry a house or a settlment, infrastructure or agricultural land. Artificial platforms involve removing soil, creating ditches and ponds.

Sealing: Waterproof membrane to coat the walls, shields on openings

Gravity center

Less than 90cm water level rise

Waterproof materials: EP foam, polythene, lime plaster, liquid asphalt, stainless steel, galvanized steel.

Stability: Resistance: Low Gravity Center Reinforced masonry, cast in Heavy walls place concrete, steel frame

Reinforcing steel bars Cement blocks Mortar cement with water resistant additive

wall board Furring strips Rigid insulation board

Truss mesh reinforcement, stainless steel Slab Outside sidding

Reinforcing steel bars Cement blocks Brick tie Moisture barrier Closed cell spray foam Corrosion barrier Air space Brick

Keep the contact with ground floor High cost ON MOUNDS







1.House on individual artificial mound 2.Settlement on artificial mound 2


Difficult to achieve

3.Individual artificial terp


Concrete retaining wall

Sweden Noaq air filled tube


Water filled dam


Typar sandbags

Mississippi Earthen dyke

WATERPROOF Waterproof walls are used for low parts of the walls. It is used as last choice because it is more prone to failure and leakage.


SYNTHESIS Some cooperation initiatives are emerging, such as the Delta Plan 2100, a collaborative research program between the Netherlands and Bangladesh, that shares experience Adding a level of complexity, it is and knowledge in water managecrucial to combine flood resisting ment and flood-proof solutions. strategies with other hazards strategies, like storms, tsunamis, earthquakes... that occur simultaneously in many countries. Flooding is a complex issue that we need to approach in many scales, wider scales being the most efficient.

Sea level rise is a worldwide phenomenon. The Netherlands and Bangladesh are among the most vulnerable countries, but floods are increasing all over the world. A common effort has to be done, especially to help flood-prone poor populations, so we can all live as environment adapted people and not as climate change refugees.

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The four strategies found in this research consist of living with water, on water, away from it or ultimately against it. Not all the solutions are applyable for a situation and the chosen strategies have to be approached from the specific local culture and resources. That way, they can be integrated with all the components of local life and environment.

We chose to look closer on the amphibious solution. This surprising example shows that the current approach to face natural hazards is more and more oriented towards a flexible way of living, in terms of climate change and social evolutions. In an amphibious house, we don’t have to choose between live on water or on earth, we can enjoy both and we can change position as Indeed, our research framework the environment does, building is no was about finding some examples more a static item. of architectural design adaptation between flood-prone countries with With this presentation, we hope we different geographical contexts. The managed to make a small but interLIFT House, is an unexpected re- esting contribution to the resilient arally good example, that proves that chitecture research. We also hope it it is possible to combine high tech- will help sharing useful information nology strategies with vernacular and ideas for designers, engineers, methods and local resources. The builders, and every concerned indiresult is a well-adapted project to its vidual. social, cultural and economical contexts. And above all, it is a resilient solution to environmental changes.

“Floating Vegetable Bed Cultivation”, A. Rahman, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, BCAS, Dhaka, “Climate Change in Bangladesh: Confronting Impending Disasters”, H Rasid, Bimal Paul, Lexington Books, 2014 ;http://www.shidhulai.org/ourwork.html. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/blog/wholestory/shrimp-and-mangroves http://www.ilri.org/aggregator/ sources/277?page=12 [8] [9] “The LIFT House: An amphibious strategy for sustainable and affordable housing for the urban poor in flood-prone Bangladesh”, Prithula Prosun thesis, Waterloo University, Ontario, Canada, 2011 “Design Like you give a Damn” (2), edited by Architecture for Humanity [10] [11] http://www.bbc.com; http://inhabitat.com http://www.nleworks.com/case/makoko-floatingschool-preview/; http://www.waterstudio.nl/ http://www.landezine.com/index.php/2012/06/ kallang-river-at-bishan-ang-mo-kio-park-by-atelier-dreiseitl/bishan-park-by-atelier-dreiseitl-landscape-architecture-02/ http://www.archdaily.com/446025/qunli-stormwater-wetland-park-turenscape/52799c86e8e4 4ef00400009d_qunli-stormwater-wetland-parkturenscape_qunli02-jpg/ http://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/en-gb/projects/room-for-river-waal-dike-relocation-lent-nijmegen/2031 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/20/sanddunes-hurricane-sandy_n_6510084.html http://inhabitat.com/nyc/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/

files/2012/11/Rotterdam-Flood-Barrier-Gate.jpg h t t p : / / w w w. f a o . o r g / d o c r e p / 0 1 0 / a g 1 2 7 e / AG127E10.htm; http://www.hexapolis. com/2014/10/23/inspiring-ingenious-photosshow-residents-created-home-islands-2011-mississippi-flooding/ http://cmisheetpiling.com/redwood-shores-levee-upgrade/ http://www.urbangreenbluegrids.com/projects/ plan-tide-dordrecht-the-netherlands/ http://www.geekfill.com/2014/04/22/before-thenetherlands-had-dikes-tides-interfered-with-daily-life-and-villages-were-built-on-small-artificialhills-called-a-terp-3648x2736/ http://www.dauphinislandvacationrentals.com/ rentalsearch/dauphin-island-vacation-rentalspet-friendly-rentals ; imagesfrompo.com h t t p : / / w w w. t h i s o l d h o u s e . c o m / t o h / p h o tos/0,,20569037_21121271,00.html http://www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/dpu/research/crosscutting-themes/climate-resilience-in-cities http://drh.edm.bosai.go.jp/database/item/cad7f76da4a1eadb63dddf582f59a8c7bd482454 http://www.noaq.com/lng-en/ http://www.typargeosynthetics.com/products/geocells/geocell---flood-control.html A New land use Model : Forest Fruit Fish, 2011 UNDP Bangladesh, Community –based Adaptation to CLimate Change through Coastal Afforestation Spatial planning key decision room for the river,2006, Netherlands [12] http://www.bandudeltas.org/ h t t p : / / w w w. w o r l d b a n k . o r g / e n / n e w s / feature/2014/10/08/a-paradigm-shift-for-guard-

P R O J E C T 3:


Parasyut Design Team






















OOAC Open Online Academy





Northeast Pacific May to November. A peak in late August/early September

Atlantic and Caribbean Sea Officially, the season spans from early July to the end of November. Peak activity is first half September

Southeeast Indian basin From late October to May. Peak season mid-January to mid-February

North Indian basin From late October to May. January to mid-February




Southeast Indian basin From late October to May, Peak season mid-January to mid-February

Southwest Pacific Begins late October or early November until May. Peak in February and March

Northwest Pacific All year round, but main season goes from July to November with a peak between August and September


The Philippines country is where the Parasyut Design Team focused their studies. The country is also knowed as the Republic of the Philippines and it’s located in the Pacific Ocean in South-east of Asia. This particular archipelago has more than 7,100 islands of territory.



Tropic of Cancer




Pacific Ocean



4 Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean

5 3 6 Tropic of Capricorn


img 2:World map of Ciclone Basins

HOW HIGH IS THE RISK TO BECOME A VICTIM OF NATURAL DISASTER? Nowadays everyone is in risk of becoming a natural disaster victim, but there are those who are in fact in more risk than others. Areas like South-east Asia and North America are the most affected areas in the world by Earthquakes, Typhoons, Floodings, Tsunamis, Landslides, and Volcano Eruptions.

Thesis Statement Architecture for the PEOPLE

Buildings are a second layer to our fragile bodies. They shelter us from the great dangers of the outside world. But what Parasyut Design Team really wants to understand is: Why do our buildings fail to meet their primary and most essential function in the face of a horrendous event such as a Typhoon? And how does a person, a city, or even a whole country, recover from the trail of destruction left behind when natural and political disasters are combined? Our goal is to show that properly applied Architecture can simplify and solve some of the greatest barriers to resilience, while unifying local and international communities. We chose to work in the Philippines not only because of its location in the western Pacific Ocean, an area hit by an average of 20 typhoons or tropical storms every year, but also because the Filipino spirit is not easily broken and we have much to learn from their resilient culture. In the following weeks we will be looking at different construction methods and materials, from the past, to the future.

PARASYUT DESIGN TEAM Open Online Academy | Resilient Architecture Research Course


TEAM members Carla Pereira | Architect arqpereira00@gmail.com


Rita L. Borges | Architect rita.lborges@gmail.com


Giovanna Araujo | Designer gbelmont044@gmail.com

img 3

IDENTIFY THE PROBLEMS What happened? .meteorological phenomenon .thunderstorms .rains, landfalls .wind, pressure .tropical cyclone .storm .coastal areas - waves - floods .climate change


.Tarpaulins for emergency shelter

The Philippines are well knowned for there tropical maritime climate that is usually characterized by relatevely high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of rainfall.1

.Water purification systems to areas where drinking water is necessary

In fact climate is one of the main reasons for this occurences. In the Philippines territory it’s possible to identify three types of climate change. They are described as:

.physical and natural destruction .death


img 5

What to do AFTER the TYPHOON?

img 6


.Safe and dignified shelter is a basic human right and in a post-disaster scenario it’s more than just putting a new roof over people’s heads and providing emergency shelter. It’s about fit-out-purpose rebuilds thar address the local culture, environment and economy. .Housing must improve on what went before and incorporate future risk mitigation in the design.

Legend: Type I. Two pronouced seasons: dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. Type II. No dry season with a pronouced rainfall from November to January. Type III. Seasons are not very pronouced, relatively dry from November to April, and wet during the rest of the year.

What are the MAIN obstacules? . Damaged roads

Type IV. Rainfall is more less evenly distributed throughout the year.

img 4:Climate variations map


.Fallen trees and debris interfering with the communication systems

img 7

“Climate of the Philippines”

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_the_Philippines

img 8

img 9

img 10


img 12

img 11. Philippines map, showing the which areas are in higher risk of being affected by Typhoons. Source: http://vm.observatory.ph/findings.html

img 13

Typhoons Formation and Developement: How a typhoon is formed? Typhoons, or tropical cyclones, start like giant engines, porwered by warm and moist air rising over the ocean waters near to the equator, according to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration.2 So Typhoons are formed by: .Sufficiently warm sea surface temperatures, atmospheric instability, .High humidity in the lower to middle levels of the Troposphere, .Enough Coriolis force to develop a low pressurecenter, .A pre-existing low level focus or disturbance, low vertical wind shear. The areas most affected are Southeast Asia and North America. In the Philippines, particularly, people are affected like 20 times a year by a typhoon or tropical strom.

MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES used in Filipino vernacular architecture:


Rectangular, cubic shape Stilt houses of wood, bamboo or other native material Easily repaired or rebuilt in case of natural disaster Provides a natural flow of ventilation.

12 11

img 15




img 14








img 21


img 16


Connection between construction elements Legend: 1 Ground posts 2 Stair entrance 3 End floor joist 4 Grass cover 5 Wall board 6 Girder

Legend: 1 Warm air rises 2 Rain water runoff 3 Stilts 4 Cool air 5 Storage 6 Entry stairs 7 Shaded area

img 17 6


7 Shelf 8 Lower tie beam 9 Upper tie beam 10 Queen post 11 Bamboo and organic material 12 Top tie beam






img 22

img 18

IVATAN HOUSE IFUGAO HOUSE 1st level stone pavement 2nd level room frame,walls, floor 3rd level pyramidal hopped roof




img 20 - Ifugao Floor

img 19

The Ifugao house withstand in a square form floor. This particular building is built to survive floods, that’s why the house is elevated from the ground.

img 23

img 24











Forms, Geometry and Grounds


Vernacular, from the Latin “vernaculus”, means native. Vernacular architecture refers to the grammar, syntax, and diction in expressing buildings in a locale, while signifying the diverse range of buildings traditions in a region.1

Supported by 12 post, 4 of them at each corner support the hipped roof made of bamboo Floor: reed mat

Philippines Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular architecture of Philippines can address the most common of structural problems with its simplicity and logical arrangement of elements, space and materials. The houses are built with a simple structure of bamboo and wood, covered by a thatched roof, that protect the large windows from sunlight and rain, with vented soffits to assist in dissipating the hot air upwards moderating the temperature inside. Vernacular Architecture of Philippines promotes natural ventilation, fast and economic construction with local and organic materials, simple structure and climate concerns. Book.“Arkitekturang Filipino. A History of Architecture and Urbanism in the Philippines” Chapter 2 “Philippine Vernacular Architecture and its Austronesian Ancestry”.


1 3


img 27



img 26 Kalinga Floor Plan 1 Food storage 2 Cooking area 3 Entrance 4 Bed 5 Storage 6 Bamboo sticks and organic roof material 7 Ground posts 8 Stair entrance

Guiuan National High School Project Architects: MAT-TER Location: Guiuan, Philippines Architects In Charge: Christin To, Hugo Martinez Social And Feasibility Research/Development: Charles Dhinakaran, Javi Muriel Santurino Type: Education /Disaster Relief Year: 2014 This project conceived and designed by MATTER, is due to be constructed in the Philippines. Guiuan National High School project, focused it study and design in for key characteristics of the geometry resilience,Modular Diversity, Internal Grid Web-Network Structure, Scalability and Boundary Unification; with an unique form structure, the architects applied these elements with the intentio of creating a compact and aerodynamic building that serves primodly as a school, but also as a community center and mass shelter in case of a natural disaster. Overhall The form responds to climate, context and typology needs.




Forms, Geometry and Grounds Contemporary Architecture

Contemporary emergency architecture todas, seeks to respond the needs of the population that constatly experience natural hazards; and also seeks to respond climatic and environmental requirements that many live in. With a simples base design, like square, rectangular and circle floor, for the examples that we’ve present, the goal beyond the multifunctional spaces, the architecture re-uses or re-invent local construction techniques and materials.

School for 1000 Students - 10,000sqm

img 30

Proposed School Size for Guiuan

img 31

img 32

img 28 - Site Plan

BB Home Project

img 29 - Program Morphogenisis for School

S-House 2 Project

Architects: H&P Architects Location: Hanoi, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam Area: 44 sqm Year: 2013 Contractor: H&P Architects The BB (Blooming Bamboo) Home project, was conceived and designed especially for the Vietnam, but like any resilient architecture, this project can also be built in different countries, the importance is that it adapts to the environment where it’s going to be built. In the Vietnam, the natural hazards are frequent and severe, storms, floods, sweeping floods, landslides, drought, Etc...are also a constante in this area and over the years have been damaging the country, it takes away about 500 percent persons and 1.2% - GDP - equally assets and reduces the involved areas’ development.

Architects: Vo Trong Nghia Architects Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Area: 31.0 sqm Year: 2014 The S-House 2 its’s project that has been developed over the year, and till now there have been 2 forms of this house. First there was a more fragile struture, fully covered by synthetic roof and walls. And now we have a concrete frame struture covered with nipa palms panels. The main object for this project was too quickly response to the urgent need of low-cost housing. In the Vietnam people are frequently threatened by natural hazards, and this particular construction it’s prepared to resist tropical stroms, typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes , despite the look this house it’s well anchored to the needs of this area and people.

img 35 img 38

img 39 img 36 Sleeping Area

Living Space + Dinning Area


img 33

img 34

1. Living room 2. Worship 3. Bedroom 4. Bathroom (with WC) 5. Kitchen 6. Staircase to indoor terrace 7. Laundry + Drying 8. Outdoor Terrace 9. Indoor Terrace (Sleeping+learning) 10. Top sapce for relax (also exit in emergencies) 11. Oil tanks (recycled) 12. Anchoring steel piles (when floating)

Natural Ventilation during the high temperatures

img 41 img 42

img 37

img 40

Silong - floor Kisame - living area Babungan - Roof

Structure and Materials Vernacular Architecture: Case of study

Vernacular architecture is a pure response to a person’s or society’s building needs, as it is crafted by individuals, the main goal is to be re- sistant and tailored to what that individual particular needs. The building construction methods are considered tested trough tri- aland-error until they achieve perfection over time with concernings regarding climatic, functional and social needs. img 43

The Bahay Kubo is an example of a traditional cube house of the Philippines. It has a simple structure of bamboo with anahaw thatching material for the roof and besides the evolution with modern times regarding materials and technology, it maintains its raised structure on stilts and thatched steeped roof.




Silong - floor


Buffer area for rising waters during floods and prevent pests Used for storage, may be fenced off or not Constructed with wood and bamboo img 44






img 45




2 Kisame - living area



Tall and steeply pitched - collling effect - water flow down quickly - limited space to move around the house



Let in fresh air and natural light The cube shape - is easiest to pre-build the walls Windows - large awning held by a wooden rod or sliding

img 46


img 50







Babungan - Roof

img 47 img 49

img 51 img 48

Source: www.asiafinest.com

img 52 Source: pixshark.com


S-HOUSE 2 Project


Legend: 1. Steel Plate Joint (img 58) 2. Covering Joint by Mortar (img 59) 3. Installing the Wood furring (img 60) 4. Making the Nipa Parm Panels (img 61) 5. PC Foundation (img 62) 6. Installing the Nipa Parm Panels (img 63) 7. Roofing Cement Board (img 64)

In this project the materials are: .Concrete frame structure .Nipa Palm Panels .Corrugated Cement Boards .Concrete Foundations .Steel Door and Window


The ultimate goal of S-House 2 Project was to promote the low-cost housing, that’s why the building is built we local and pre-fabricated materials.



2 3 img 54

img 53


BB HOME Project 4 2

img 57

5 3

img 55

img 56

Bamboo Roof





Bamboo of 8-10 Diameter

Vertical Garden

Nylon Sheet (rain shield) img 68

Leave Roof

1 2

Wall Materials Polycarbonate Sheet

Vertical Garden

img 69 Rope

Bamboo Pile - Beam Connection

Door Materials and door shapes

20 L Cointaners

Structure and Materials

What are the MATERIALS? In this project the materials are, BAMBOO in most of the construction, STEEL ANCHORS, OIL TANKS and LEAVES. This is a more modern approach to this situations, a shelter with a vernacular design but a contemporary concept.

Contemporary Architecture: Case of study

200 L Oil tank 4 V-Shaped Steel bars (welded to make a cross > Ting Pile Moving direction of ting pile Two U-Shape steel bars (10cmx5cm - welded to make steel box of 10 cm >Holding pile for up and down shifting Steel Slab (fixed into the ground using screws) Bamboo of 8-10 Diameter

Rope Axo Building OPEN and CLOSED when necessary

img 65

img 66

img 67

What are we looking for? An architecture for the people, conceived, designed and constructed by the people. Following this idea, a architecture for the people needs to responde culture and tradition needs, but also needs to responde local and territory needs. In this areas what are the problems? First of all, lack of constructive efficiency, meaning, the are many construction techniques that once have answered local needs, nowadys, if climate changes and environmental transformation this techniques new to be reinforced and improved. Seconde, the materials that are use, it’s a fact that they are local and most likely they are low-cost for the population, but today they are not so effective. Natural hazards are becoming more and more intensive and destructive, therefore materials should be heavier and more resistant rather than light and weak.




The facade of a building is one of its most important elements, not only for the aesthetics but also and mainly for energy efficiency matters. Using vernacular elements like bamboo and stone is possible to readapt construction systems from the past to present, turning them more resilient facing natural disasters and durability of construction. Stone, wood and bamboo facades are more energy efficient and more economic. These materials have less primary energy requirements, they promote natural ventilation and require cheaper maintenance costs.

The roof is the most importante protection of our house from the rain and the wind. The most common type of roofing designs are the Hip Roof and Gable-End Roof.

The roof is regarded as the most important element in Filipino architecture. Traditional Philippine dwellings have a teep slope for easily shedding rain, with means for capturing and storing rainwater. The steep slope also helps draw hot indoor air upwards to the top of the roof and away from the living areas. Deep overhangs protect the large windows from harsh sunlight and rain, with vented sofftis to further assist in dissipating the hot air and moderating the temperature inside the roof structure, and consequently, the living spaces bellow.

img 70

img 72 img 71

img 79 HIP ROOF


“Quatro aguas” is a Spanish architectural term meaning, a roof with 4 sides instead of just the two-sided A-frame design. This type of roof is more aerodynamic and more wind resistant compared to the gable, which is a double pitched roof. The wind flows smoothly over a hip roof, whichever direction it comes from.

img 82

img 81


STONE WALLS B img 84 img 73


Bamboo Facade and Walls

A Bahay Kubo house ROOFING SYSTEM


img 85 maytuab (hip roof) A img 76

img 75


In the Ivatan homes, roofs are built with bamboo structure and covered up with a net system and cogon. This houses are classified according to there roof configuration, meaning, we identify two types of roofs, the maytuab (hip roof) and sinadumparan (gable roof); both are built with the same materials.

sinadumparan (gable roof)




img 74 img 77

img 78

Ivatan houses, Batanes Province

img 86 Cogon roof

img 87 Roof net Bamboo structure

OPENINGS Bayanihan: “A Filipino word derived from the word bayan meaning town, nation, or community in general. ‘Bayanihan’ literally means, ‘being a bayan,’ and is thus used to refer to a spirit of communal unity and cooperation.

img 89

img 88

Building Enclosures Vernacular Architecture: Case of study

The windows in traditional Filipino homes can take up ore than 50% surface in proportion to the walls. Maximizinf daylight and cross-ventilation are prioritized in the vernacular filipino design, including two different components: one layer of sliding panels fitted with translucent windowpane (“capiz”), and a second layer of manually operable wooden louvers. However the cheap glass used for the windows especially in the Filipino slums, cannot withstand 200km/ winds and are also very suscepitble to beig hit by flying debris. This causes the glass to break, leav-

img 90

ing the entire structure of the house even more vulnerable to destruction.

Solutions to resist typhoons

Typhoon and Hurricane shutters can provide protection from such failures during the storm. Shutters are often constructed of steel or aluminum, but ply-wood and local materials are low-cost alternatives. The shutters are attached to the outside of the building using screws, clips, or a track system. In addition to this, another way to prevent from wind invasion is by choosing sliding doors over hinged ones, once it makes ir harder for the door to be blown in by the swinging. Z-shaped rods are a great option to strengthen doors and windows that are made of bamboo, mats, and/or timber planks (without frames), or by being precisely nailed.

img 91 Hurricane Shutters: Made of steel, aluminum, ply-wood or local materials

Impact Resistant Glass

Vernacular architecture it’s a way how people reflect their culture and traditions. In the Philippines, architecture has it’s own way of telling the story of how this particular population live their lives. A great influence in the way people build their homes and public spaces, is the climate. In the philippines the we have three different types of climates, and in each and everyone we identify high temperatures, strong winds and also rain. That’s why, constructions are built with light and local materials. During our research we’ve realized that the Filipino architecture is most likely built with wood, timber, bamboo and other local materials. Only in the late 20th century, concrete construction start to appear, but today people maintain the wooden structures as the perfect construction technique. The images above, show us how building enclosures are built during the years.



This dome building is constructed 90% of wood, which is a very stable material (once that does not dilate or explode do to hight temperatures) and promotes fire resistant because if large sections of glugam are used in the framework of this house, it will be more resistant to fire (the charcoal surface inhibits the oxygen penetration and slows the combustion). The characteristic of being a 360º shaped building allows to maximize the amount of sunlight absorbed and the big windows promote interior spaces with light. This project example intends to bean ecologic, confortable, healthy, protector, modular and mainly, an economic project for housing using wood as main constrcution material.

In a more modern approach, we’ve found two different types of roofing systems, and more importantly resistant to any natural hazard that occure in this areas.

img 93

BB Home project, it’s an inspired Bahay Kubo house. This bamboo structure it’s ready and prepared to nateural disasters, most likely Typhoons and other tropical storms, floods and earthquakes. The structure itself closes when it’s necessary, so we are talking about strong winds or even rain. The roofing materials are BAMBOO for the structure and cover up of the roof.

img 92

img 101

img 102

img 104

img 103

Simple shape for minimized wind exposure

Ability to float in case of flood

Ting for solid structure

The images above, shows us the building transformation during a natural hazards.

img 94 LIGHT STEEL FRAME img 95

img 105 Clapboard Timber

Timber Frame

Wattle and Daub

Plaster and lath interior lining and exterior board sheating, rosin and clapboards.

Stave construction, timber four-sided frame with vertical exterior weatherboards.

Tar coated exposed frame with an early pre-evolutionary version of exterior stucco.


img 96

img 98

img 99

img 100

img 97

S House project, is a design prepared for strong winds and earthquakes. The constructive system is concrete and them Nipa Plam panels. First we have a concrete frame, which is the all body of the house, it’s what supports the all house. For the facade we have Nipa Palm Panels, that prevent the house from strong winds.

img 106


Building Enclosures

Contemporary Architecture: Case of study

For the contemporary architecture, we’ve tried to understand what has been done around the world to resolve the problems resulting from the natural hazards. For the facades we’ve look for light structures most likely made by light steel and timber frames. The roofs systems, in the examples we have the use of wooden materials, such us, bamboo; and also theirs the corrugated steel sheets, which we believe it’s the strongest and resistant material to apply in case of natural hazards. Finaly for the openings, according to the vernacular architecture, and we have some inteligent interventions, windows and doors should have a shutter system. This way the people inside the house are protected from strong winds and others situations. Knowing this, the example that we present is shutter system made with polycarbonate windows and steel frames.

Wind moves faster at greater heights, an advantage of tall buildings, which are more effective when it comes to cross ventilation and stack ventilation. If a building has windows only on one side, natural ventilation will not reach further than two times the floor to ceiling height, and if the building has windows on both sides, natural ventilation will reach a limit of less than five times the floor to ceiling height. The most ventilation is achieved when buildings are oriented so that the shorter axis aligns with prevailing winds, while orientation perpendicular to the axis will limit passive ventilation. Structural elements and internal spaces can channel air through the building in many directions in those cases.

img 107 img 109

img 108

Open and Closed Window

img 111

img 110

img 112

Building Systems Energy Optimization: Vernacular Architecture

Energy Production and Consumption in the Philippines

Geothermal Energy

A significant share of the Filipino electricity generation comes from renewable energy sources such as Geothermal and Hydropower, but the country also produces small volumes of oil, natural gas, and coal. The country exports nearly all of the crude oil it produces. Out of the total roughly 1.3 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) consumed by the Philippines in 2011, oil constituted roughly 41%, coal 22%, biomass 19%, and 18% from natural gas and various renewable energy sources. Petron Corporation supplies 40% of the oil needs in the country.

How it works?

img 114 Image Source: http://www.ausgeothermalhvac.com.au/

Energy Use and Source Energy Energy Use Intensity (EUI) measures energy use by floor area, which is great to set consumption targets. But when it comes to environmental impacts the ficus needs to be the source energy and what end-uses take the most energy.

Building Evelope and Energy Efficiency In dynamic climates, the effects of heat storage in the envelope assemble become more complex than in steady-state conditions, once the temperature swings that would otherwise occur end up being moderated by thermal resistance from the tehermal mass. High thermal mass materials conduct a considerable amount of energy deep throughout the material. Each materials has a heat storage property, which determinates its capacity to gain or release energy.

img 115

Passive and Active Systems Passive systems can reduce the energy demand or meet it naturally, while active systems move heat and moisture using gas or electricity. Active systems take more energy to meet heating loads than to meet cooling loads, because heating systems covert chemical energy (fuel) into heat which is 75% to 95% efficient, while cooling systems move heat in and out of the building rather than converting energy, and are not measured in a percentage. img 117 img 116

img 113

1. Cows: Manure can be broken down and burnt, producing energy that can generate electricity with a much lower CO2 emission than burning coal. img 118

Building Systems

img 119

Energy Optimization: Vernacular Architecture

6 Innovative ways to produce electricity for typhoon emergency Energy Efficient Design for the Philippines 2. Lemons: Acidic fruits and vegetables, when in large quantities, can work as batteries by inserting two different metallic objects into them. The chemical change in the metal produces the energy.

The climate of the Philippines is Tropical, with high temperatures and oppressive humidity. For the building envelope in this climate, keeping the sun off and maximizing ventilation are priorities. Reflective insulated light colored roofs, and walls that pass breeze but not rain with open eaves and porous with low-mass to prevent condensation that causes mold growth, are essential.

img 120

3. Roads: Dark asphalt absorbs heat from sunlight reaching temperatures of 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45 degrees Celsius). Water pipes embedded in the asphalt can collect that energy.

5. Trees: Wires attached to tree trunks by nails and connected to conductors in the ground can produce a faint amount of electricity, due to the imbalance in pH between the soil and the tree. img 122

img 121

img 123

4. Humans: The human body can give off the same amount of energy as a light bulb, 60 to 100 Watts. This generates heat which can be collected for electricity.

6. Rain: A single falling raindrop produces vibrations that can be converted by sensors into electricity. An average raindrop from one to five millimeters in diameter can produce 12 milliwatts of energy.


img 127


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2 img 125

In Philippines they have successfully mastered the ravages of the seasonal typhoons with a long history of struggle and adaptation. With local resources, cost efficiency and locally skills and materials, self sufficiency was achieved transforming vernacular architecture into a vernacular (but more) sustainable and contemporary approach.

img 129

CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE A Modern Bahay Kubo Modular Tropical Apartment Complex for 2050



1 7

Legend: 1 Warm air rises 2 Rain water runoff 3 Stilts 4 Cool air 5 Storage 6 Entry stairs 7 Shaded area





img 130


Modular building Lower construction and flexibility


Open porches close down to protect the house during tropical storms

images source: http://www.homedesignfind. com/green/a-modular-tropical-apartmentcomplex-for-2050/i img 126


Building Systems

img 132

Water Management: From Vernacular to Contemporary Architecture

RESILIENCE: The capacity of a system – be it a landscape, a coastal area or a city – to deal with change and continue to develop. This means the capacity to withstand shocks and disturbances such as a financial crisis or use such an event to catalyse renewal and innovation. (www. stockholmresilience.su.se.) The main characteristics of traditional building systems are ecology and sustainability, thermal isolation, time of construction, costs, security, durability, soundproofing, quality of finishings, esthetics, functionallity and its environment. The main characteristics of a Resilient building systems, besides those mentioned above, are: Economize water and energy, ensure healthy buildings, maximize buildings life, use of eco-efficient materials, low mass construction, minimize waste production and economics. A resilient building which seeks sustainability, it is intended to meet the needs of the present generation without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Prefabricated house completely self-sufficient Ability to operate independently, without the need for any external utility or waste disposal ZERO HOUSE connections. READAPT AND OLD BUILDING





img 133


Flat | Water | Slope


img 135



img 134



CENTURY img 136

Building Systems

Water carriers in Philippines



Water Management: Vernacular Architecture

Populations have always had a need to establish themselves near water sources to ensure their survival. As it was not always possible to establish near these water sources, it was necessary to create infrastructure for water, as the case of aqueducts that carried water to the communities. Other important infrastructure to obtain water were the wells, fountains and cisterns, that guaranteed the rainwater storage utilization. However, other systems were designed for surviving issues, such as those used in the Philippines rice terraces, a complex system of articulation of native materials and construction techniques.

CENTURY img 138

img 137

TERRACE WATER SYSTEM These terraces are fed by an ancient irrigation system of dams, sluices, channels and bamboo pipes, which drain into a stream at the bottom of the valley. img 139

img 140

BAMBOO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS These terraces are fed by an ancient irrigation system of dams, sluices, channels and bamboo pipes, which drain into a stream at the bottom of the valley.

Bamboo pipe water flow from one field to another

Bamboo drip irrigation system

Images source: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrozais_em_terraços_das_Cordilheiras_das_Filipinas

SMALL PONDS FOR WATER COLLECTION Water collection in small reservoirs - used for irrigating crops and drinking purposes.

Stone support

img 142

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img 143 Image source: http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5672e/x5672e03.htm#sources%20 of%20irrigation%20water



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img 144 img 145


In this examples of contemporary SH bahay kubo’s there is an integrated water system. From a rainwater collection system on each terrace to a water slowing system, that stores rainwater in a cistern below the deck, the goal is use and reuse the maximun amount of water. This water is later used as toilet water or for landscaping the area.

Water Management Systems:

WINDMIL L Power+ Water

img 152 Solar


panel s


Rainwater collection permits the use of vertical gardens in the facades img 146 img 151

RAINWATER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Instant irrigation or store water under the houses Modern approach to collect rainwater Resilient approach to collect rain water

img 147

img 148

Building Systems

Water Management: Contemporary Architecture

Water supply and sanitation in the Philippines are characterized by achivements and challenges. In Philippines they have successfully mastered the ravages of the seasonal typhoons with a long history of struggle and adaptation. With local resources, cost efficiency and locally skills and materials, self sufficiency was achieved transforming vernacular architecture into a vernacular (but more) sustainable and contemporary building.



In the Philippines territory, wooden materials like, timber beams, bamboo, wooden doors and others are the materials that we’ve identified in large amounts. Most of the Filipino houses are built with wooden materials.

The concrete it’s a more contemporary material and it’s also found in this disaster areas. From these areas it’s possible to collect, concrete walls, sidewalks and foundation.

Deconstruction Opportunity

Timber Beams



Materilas like corrugated steel sheets can be applied for the construction of new roofs. This material. There are also the metal structures that can serve for other building structures.


Plastic nowadys it’s a material that can be transformed in anything. It’s possible to collected, plastic bottles and containers, mostly; and with theses products we can create a foundation based in water containers. Another example is the use of plastic bottles to create light inside and outside a shelter.

The pieces of furniture, are also a object found in disaster areas, it’s possible to find furniture in good condition, in this cases, the response it’s simple, recycle then into new and improved objects.

6 OTHERS Porcelain tiles, glass, and other materials, are the most dificult materials to reuse, but it’s possible to reuse then, but most likely they are recycle.

Wooden Doors


Deconstruction Opportunity Plywood Sheets

Corrugated Steel Sheets Concrete Walls Porcelain Tile Walls Plastic Sheets





Plastic Containers

img 153

img 155

img 154 img 156

img 157

Building Systems

Waste Management and Recycling Process: Introduction WHAT MEANS? Recycling is the most important of the three R’s, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.3 Along the years, the amount of waste, industrial or domestic, has been increasing. Any product as it’s own ‘time to live and to die’, the importance of recycling it’s exactly to change this cicle of any industrial product that has been manufacture, meaning recycling a product mean giving another change or another life to any debris or waste that we find. RECYCLING HISTORY History says that recycling started long before the concept was even created. The population needs obligated then to reuse the materials that were already put a side and did not had any use to the daily activities.1 But the reuse of things came more important

during the World War II, all products and objects were important for war instruments. Without a concrete idea, people started doing recycling even before the green movement were invented, people understood the importance of recycling. “The History of Recycling” Source: http://www.benefits-of-recycling.com/historyofrecycling/


All materials can be recycled, but there are those that are suited for the process. Suited for recycling means that are some materials that spend more energy to recycle than others, and recycling also means reducing the energy waste on manufacturing and also air and water polution.3 There is so much that we can do to prevent the massive destruction of the environment. “The History of Recycling” Source: http://www.benefits-of-recycling.com/historyofrecycling/ 2 “The History of Recycling” Source: http://www.benefits-of-recycling.com/historyofrecycling/ 3 ”Materials Best Suited to Recycling” 1

Source: https://suite.io/laurence-o-sullivan/yd720y


The Cogon it’s a fragile material and not resistant to Typhoons or any tropical storm. The roof is protected with fishing nets or bambo trellis, and the system usually last more than a decade. img 158

img 159


The stone walls are already prepared for Typhoon and earthquakes, but there’s a way to make them more resistant to any disaster. img 164

LIMESTONE WALLS Construction of the Congon roof is made at least by 20 Wood trusses for cogon roof. The man. The image above, representes how do they built thatch, usually is 30 centimeters this particular roof. thick.

HOW 2 1

can we make the roof more resistant to Typhoons?

3 4

Cross Section

img 161

img 160

To prevent the destruction of the Ivatan House, instead of building the cogon roof, they’ve reinforce the roofs with materials like corrugated steel sheats and concrete slabs. With these changes these houses are capable to survive natural hazards.

img 162

img 165

These stone walls are the brand of this area. The Batanes province is featured by this stone walls, that’s is why many people agree that new and contemporary materials have to be carefully introduced in order to not destroy the architectural landscape.


can we make the roof more resistant to Typhoons?

There are many new constructing that are been built in Batanes. For some this is the perfect intervention for the construction of a resistant home. But for others this concrete massive img 167

img 163

img 166

constructions are the wrong path to prevent the destruction of the Batanes homes. In the Ivatan house, are being constructed with mortar and cobbles, walls have one meter more of thickness.

Legend: a. Concrete Walls b. Limestone and Concrete Walls img 169

img 168



img 170 Roof System, Rope

Cogon Roof

Cogon Roof

Roof System, Structure Eleme t

Roof System

Roof Net, Structure Element

Roof System


ructure, Bamboo Trusses

Roof Net, Structure Element

Bunghalo Roof Structure, Trusses Cogon Roof Stone Wall

Stone Walls

Wood Bars

Window Wood Structure

3 Wood Door

Window Wood Structure


Wood Window Stone Stairs

Building Systems

Waste Management and Recycling Process

IVATAN HOUSE, Batane Province: Case Study The Ivatan people are unique human beings. According to William Agsunod, the mayor of Mahatao, a town in Batan, tge archioelago’s largest island, Nature and Human beings are as one, - “We understand nature. Nature cannot live with us. We have to live with nature”.1 Form their simplicity of life and activities they are a population capable of surviving from any natural disaster. The houses of Ivatan are constructed and repaired through a cooperative system called kayvayvanaan or kamanyiduan. The Ivatan House is a UNIQUE vernacular architecture. This structure is divided into four houses, first we have the main house with the sleeping areas, then there’s the cooking house that during the cold seasons are used as sleeping quarters, and also there’s the toilet area and bathhouse. The houses is open in three walls and the fourth wall since it’s in direction to the strongest typhoon winds it’s fully closed.

Waste Management Recycling After a typhoon, as we can se in the image above, we identify a lot of potencial materials that can be used to repaired the houses that survived the natural hazard. For the Ivatan house, the materials that are found for recycling are wood, cogon leaves and limestones. For a better and resistant house, recycling materials means using materials like wood and limestones. The cogon leaves are a fragile materials and for that reason they are not useful. And finaly to complete the stage of repairing the Ivatan houses concrete is also an important material to use and reuse.

2 Window Wood Structure

Structure Bamboo Trusses

Wood Floor Flooring Structure

oof Structure, Bamboo Trusses

3 OPENINGS img 171

img 172

oring Structure

img 173

Stone Foundation

No Ivatan home is ever built facing north, the direction from which the wind typically roars strongest. The Windows, equipped with tough wooden shutters, face the oceans at the east or west.2


can we make the roof more resistant to Typhoons?

Doors and windows, are made with hardwood planks, and exceptionally narrow and short compared with those of standard houses. For bolting doors and windows, hardwood bars are used.

img 174

img 178

TYPHOON RESISTANT HOME WHAT SHOULD A TYPHOON READY HOME HAVE? Contemporary architecture is now conceived and design to resist an intensive disaster, it doesn’t matter what’s the hazard the importance is that the building characteristics respond to it very well and with the minimun damage possible. With this thesis, we want to know mostly how can we prevent the massive destruction and how can we make a already built home resistant to natural hazards, most likely, Typhoons.

img 176 img 175

img 177



4 side slope roof with an angle of 30° to 45° to prevent it being lifted off by the wind.


img 179

img 180

Reinforce the bracing in the structure.

Trees Around the house to prevent strong winds

Stilts can serve as a basis for flood-resistant and storm surge-resistant homes.

img 181

To avoid wide roof overhangs, separate the diverse structure elements from the house (balcony).

img 182


img 183


Resilient Architecture Research: Typhoon in the Philippines _ Easy to build and the structure is detachable - can be relocated _ Highly replicable - Modular construction _ Uses durable and local materials _ Organic materials provide natural ventilation _ The mature bamboo when properly dried is stronger _ A safe, elevated location when possible is prefered _ Revise building standards _ The space under the house can be used to store water and food

WHAT ARE THE MATERIALS THAT CAN SURVIVE A TYPHOON? _ CONCRETE Walls, Frames Strutcture or Foundations. _ METALS Corrugated Steel Panels and Metal Structure, it’s important to reinforce roofs and structure of the buildings that continuosly keep survive natural disaster. _ STONES But not only industrial materials can survive typhoons, Stones are a local materials and quite abundant in the Philippines that all over this year with the Ivatan Houses, proved that is not only the contemporary techniques that are capable of resisting the worlds natural hazards. _ BAMBOO It a fact that bamboo it’s a plant resistant enough to survive this situations. Bamboo it’s like the metal structures from our ancestry. Bamboo it’s use more in structures and as coverering up material.

Foundations Are constructed with heavy materials, most likely concrete. This concrete foundations are anchored to the ground allowing the house to resist andy natural hazards.


img 184

Walls Reinforced the walls, it’s possible to use local materials, what matters is to have a heavy and anchored frame structure.

Fixations Walls, and roof structure should be firmly fixed together. Storm Shutters installing storm shutters over windows and doors protects from rain and wind.

Posts; strapped on concrete footing. The entire house is detachable from the footing (relocation).


img 185

1. Structure System: Bamboo Structure and Metallic Structures 2. Roofing System: Concrete Slabs and Corrugated Steel Sheets 3. Walls Systems: Stone and Concrete, and Concrete Walls 4. Foundations Systems: anchored Concrete Foundations

typhoon yolanda destruction img 186

Resilient Architecture Research: Typhoon in the Philippines

The phenomenon of observing nature in search for answers that will bring us closer to technological advancement and scientific innovation is becoming increasingly talked about each day. Mimicking those natural processes to solve current challenges is an ecologic and pertinent strategy. In vernacular Architecture, it is necessary to adapt primordial construction concepts and techniques to contemporary materials, promoting modern Architecture and historic preservation at the same time. The Architect must resort to endogenous materials, but also add innovative knowledge and construction methods to obtain a more successful result from this inter-relation, while asking the right questions towards safeguard when it comes to, in the case of our research, Typhoon resilience. This integration should result in sustainable, ecological, and economical Architecture with the ability to resist natural disasters that are becoming ever more frequent due to climate change. This is not only crucial to prevent from catastrophic destruction of buildings, but also to solve and rebuild post disaster.

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[page 4] _img 28 - “MAT-TER Designs Storm-Resistant School for the Philippines “, http://www.archdaily.com/502896/mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines/5361cb1dc07a80e280000060_mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines_mat-ter_resilient_school_13-jpg/ _img 29 - “MAT-TER Designs Storm-Resistant School for the Philippines “, http://www.archdaily.com/502896/mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines/5361cae5c07a80e28000005e_mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines_mat-ter_resilient_school_08-jpg/ _img 30 - “MAT-TER Designs Storm-Resistant School for the Philippines” , http://www.archdaily.com/502896/mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines/5361cb0bc07a802de1000057_mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines_mat-ter_resilient_school_11-jpg/ _img 31 - A view of one of the interior courtyards, “MAT-TER Designs Storm-Resistant School for the Philippines” , http://www.archdaily.com/502896/mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines/5361cabac07a80f0d900005d_mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines_mat-ter_resilient_school_04-jpg/ _img 32 - The School Gardens, “MAT-TER Designs Storm-Resistant School for the Philippines” , http://www.archdaily.com/502896/mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines/5361cab6c07a802de1000054_mat-ter-designs-storm-resistant-school-for-the-philippines_mat-ter_resilient_school_03-jpg/ _img 33 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-04.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-04.jpg _img 34 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-03.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-03.jpg _img 35 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-05.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-05.jpg _img 36 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-05.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-05.jpg _img 37 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-05.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-05.jpg _img 38 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 39 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 40 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 41 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 42 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/

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_img 93 - http://inhabitat.com/solaleya-domespace-homes/attachment/15216/?extend=1) _img 94 - http://inhabitat.com/solaleya-domespace-homes/attachment/15216/?extend=1) _img 95 - Light Steel Frame, http://www.mepsengenharia.com.br/blog/2013/04/05/light-steel-framing-e-suas-novas-possibilidades-para-a-arquitetura/ _img 96 - Timber Frame, http://cariboucreekloghomes.com/timber-frame-construction/ _img 97 - Timber Frame, http://www.fermacell.co.uk/en/content/timber_frame_1169.php _img 98 - Clapboard Timber, http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/insights/bsi-033-evolution _img 99 - Timber Frame, http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/insights/bsi-033-evolution _img 100 - Wattle and Daub, http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/insights/bsi-033-evolution _img 101 - Blooming Bamboo home, BB Home Project H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/ wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg _img 102 -Blooming Bamboo home, BB Home Project H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/ wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg _img 103 -Blooming Bamboo home, BB Home Project H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/ wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg _img 104 -Blooming Bamboo home, BB Home Project H&P Architects, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/ wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-07.jpg _img 105 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 106 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 107 _img 108 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 109 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 110 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 111 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/

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_img 53 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 54 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 55 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, http://ad009cdnb.archdaily.net.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/52422bb1e8e44e67bf000015_bb-home-h-p-architects_-c-_doan_thanh_ha_-__-7--1000x666.jpg, http://www.archdaily.com/431271/bb-home-h-and-p-architects/52422bb1e8e44e67bf000015_bb-home-h-p-architects_-c-_doan_thanh_ ha_-__-7-jpg/ _img 56 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, “The house during night light”, http://ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/52422e13e8e44e67bf00001c_bb-home-h-parchitects_-c-_doan_thanh_ha__portada.jpg _img 57 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 58 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 59 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 60 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 61 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 62 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 63 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 64 - “Vo Trong Nghia Architects develops prefabricated dwellings for vietnam”, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/vo-trong-nghia-s-house-prototype-long-an-vietnam-09-16-2014/ _img 65 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, “List of materials used in the BB HOME project”, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-10.jpg, http://o. homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-10.jpg _img 66 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, “Prototype closed and open depending on the necessity”, http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2013/09/dezeen_Blooming-Bamboo-Homeby-HP-Architects_15.jpg, http://www.dezeen.com/2013/09/25/blooming-bamboo-house-by-h-and-p-architects/ _img 67 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, Axo of the project, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-08.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/ uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-08.jpg _img 68 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, “Wall Materials”, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-10.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-10.jpg _img 69 - Blooming Bamboo by H&P Architects, “Wall Materials”, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-10.jpg, http://o.homedsgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Blooming-Bamboo-10.jpg

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[page 8] _img 92 - http://inhabitat.com/solaleya-domespace-homes/attachment/15216/?extend=1)

_img 143- Building Systems, Water management, http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5672e/x5672e03.htm

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_img 153 - Potencial Materials that can be used for future building constructions, http://media.msf.org/Docs/MSF/Media/TR1/a/4/b/9/MSB5313.jpg, http://media.msf.org/Docs/MSF/Media/ TR1/a/4/b/9/MSB5313.jpg _img 154 - History of Recycling, the World Wars was the starting point for the recycling process, http://www.lpwalliance.com/storage/Publications/HowphotoChangedTime/66e6092e605c028e1fc6a7be6770176e.jpg _img 155 - History of Recycling, the World Wars was the starting point for the recycling process, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/The_Home_Front_in_Britain_during_ the_Second_World_War_HU36196.jpg _img 156 - History of Recycling, the World Wars was the starting point for the recycling process, http://cdn.static.ovimg.com/episode/1613351.jpg _img 157 - History of Recycling, the World Wars was the starting point for the recycling process, http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2014/02/25/ap160730063_custom-444aed211f80a4ae0892c6c81b66f3596bc20f10-s1100-c15.jpg

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_img 158 - “Heritage Architecture of Batanes Island in the Philippines: A survey of different house types and their evolution”, http://aboutphilippines.ph/filer/toledo-cebu/cmhb2004-01.pdf _img 159 - “Heritage Architecture of Batanes Island in the Philippines: A survey of different house types and their evolution”, http://aboutphilippines.ph/filer/toledo-cebu/cmhb2004-01.pdf _img 160 - “Cross Section” from a roof system after a Typhoon, Ivatan houses new roofing systems, http://tenminutes.ph/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/trusses.jpg, http://tenminutes.ph/ wp-content/uploads/2014/12/trusses.jpg _img 161 - “Heritage Architecture of Batanes Island in the Philippines: A survey of different house types and their evolution”, http://aboutphilippines.ph/filer/toledo-cebu/cmhb2004-01.pdf _img 162 - “Heritage Architecture of Batanes Island in the Philippines: A survey of different house types and their evolution”, http://aboutphilippines.ph/filer/toledo-cebu/cmhb2004-01.pdf _img 163 - “Heritage Architecture of Batanes Island in the Philippines: A survey of different house types and their evolution”, http://aboutphilippines.ph/filer/toledo-cebu/cmhb2004-01.pdf _img 164 - Damaged Ivatan House, http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5521/10819971603_ed9d9cab62_m.jpg, http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5521/10819971603_ed9d9cab62_m.jpg _img 165 - Ivatan Houses, https://beyondwildimaginings.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/batanes-8.jpg, https://beyondwildimaginings.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/batanes-8.jpg _img 166 - Openings from the Ivatan Houses, http://opinion.inquirer.net/files/2014/01/Batanes04-262x224.jpg, http://opinion.inquirer.net/68827/batanes-model-for-storm-readiness _img 167 - New construction in the Batanes Province, Concrete housing, Ivatan Houses, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-fGx2wDrdVc/S8nKUV3GztI/AAAAAAAAGTA/nVopKJagYWc/s1600/ P1320575.jpg, http://www.icomosphilippines.com/2010/04/new-concrete-batanes-houses-with-doors.html _img 168 -New construction in the Batanes Province, Concrete housing, Ivatan Houses, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-fGx2wDrdVc/S8nKUV3GztI/AAAAAAAAGTA/nVopKJagYWc/s1600/ P1320575.jpg, http://www.icomosphilippines.com/2010/04/new-concrete-batanes-houses-with-doors.html _img 169 - Stone and Concrete walls Ivatan House, and example of how to built or reconstructed a resistant typhoon house, https://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/107566631/disp/0d2643cc46011630c4e182376dc5b31e.jpg _img 170 - “Heritage Architecture of Batanes Island in the Philippines: A survey of different house types and their evolution”, http://aboutphilippines.ph/filer/toledo-cebu/cmhb2004-01.pdf _img 171 - Ivatan House Openings, https://socsyturvy.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/ivatan-house3.jpg, https://socsyturvy.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/ivatan-house3.jpg _img 172 - Ivatan House Openings, http://www.geocities.ws/kitnaldo/pic_15.jpg, http://www.geocities.ws/kitnaldo/pic_15.jpg _img 173 - Ivatan House Door Opening, http://static.rappler.com/images/batanes-16.JPG, http://static.rappler.com/images/batanes-16.JPG

[page 16] _img 174 - Structure systems resistant to natural hazards, like, typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, Steel Building Structure, http://www.skcthailand.com/wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/Steel%20Buildings/SKC%20Steel%20Buildings%20001.jpg _img 175 - Structure systems resistant to natural hazards, like, typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, Building built with Earth and Bamboo, http://constructpix.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/bamboo-structure1-960x633.jpg _img 176 -Roofing systems resistant to natural hazards, like, typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, Corrugated steel sheets, http://vancouverwaroofing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/2-1-2Corrugated-Panel.jpg _img 177 - Roofing systems resistant to natural hazards, like, typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, Concrete Roof, http://www.tornadoproofhouses.com/images/pitched-roof-shoring.png _img 178 - Hip Roof, 4 aguas roof, “8 features of a typhoon-resistant house”, http://www.rappler.com/move-ph/issues/disasters/typhoon-yolanda/44283-features-typhoon-resistant-house _img 179 - Build the roof at an angle of 30° to 45° to prevent it being lifted off by the wind, “The ten key principles of cyclone resistant construction”, http://www.dwf.org/en/content/ ten-key-principles-cyclone-resistant-construction _img 180 -Reinforce the bracing in the structure; strengthen walls and joints/ junctions to increase stiffness, “The ten key principles of cyclone resistant construction”, http://www.dwf.org/ en/content/ten-key-principles-cyclone-resistant-construction _img 181 - Avoid wide roof overhangs; separate the veranda structure from the house, “The ten key principles of cyclone resistant construction”, http://www.dwf.org/en/content/ten-key-principles-cyclone-resistant-construction _img 182 - Representative Model of a house resistant to Typhoons _img 183 - Wall construction system, Concrete with Stones, http://www.freshpalace.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Home-Chamoson-Switzerland-Exposed-Concrete-Stone-Walls.jpg _img 184 - Foundations system, Concrete foundation, http://blog.buildllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/BUILD-LLC-01.jpg _img 185 - Concrete posts used anchored the house to ground. _img 186 - Typhoon Yolanda destruction, http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/GjeQmBKmjLhqgeZSJIi4EQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD00MjA7cT03NTt3PTYzMA--/http:// media.zenfs.com/en_sg/News/AFP/184bfdd795d06202a1c7d60e8970f2adf7384748.jpg

P R O J E C T 4:


Kukan Hatten Team
























Sasha London UK Agnieszka Warsaw PL Alaa Alexandria EG


Team Kukan Hatten

Johanna Recife BR

earthquake resilient architecture in Japan





Born in Alexandria - Egypt, 20 years old. Currently a second-year student studying architecture at the Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University and supervising the scientific content of a scientific college student magazine.

Born in Moscow - Russia, 20 years old. I worked as a Sushi chef and a Thai chef for some time but now I work in carpentry making bespoke furniture and kitchens while I prepare to start my first year of Architecture at Westminster University.




Born in Hannover - Germany, 28 years old. In 2003 moved to Recife - Brazil. Graduated from the American School of Recife. In 2010 received a Bachelor degree in International Relations and in 2015 in Architecture.


Born in Zyrardów, near Warsaw - Poland, 25 years old. Graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology with students exchanges at Eindhoven University of Technology in Netherlands and University of Detroit Mercy in US. In 2015 received a Masters degree in Architecture.

THESIS STATEMENT A comparative case study of earthquake resilient vernacular and contemporary built environment in Japan. With focus on analysing earthquake resilience (in geometry, structure, building enclosure and building systems) and the relation to the existing cultural context. As a result of this research we aim to produce an accessible resource detailing the findings of our study to aid future earthquake resilient development worldwide, especially in less developed countries. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK - Study of the general earthquake resilient properties and characteristics of Japanese architecture. The aim of this task is to create a base/template for further case study research. - Each week each member of the team will choose a vernacular or contemporary project which will be analysed in order to understand how earthquake resilient built environment works. The result of weekly research will be presented on Saturday meeting - Gathering all the analysed developments and creating an accessible online database (website), which will aid the research on earthquake resilient architecture.


000 context


Earthquakes in Japan introduction to earthquake resilience

img. 3 - Exceedance probability within 30 years considering all earthquakes (JMA seismic intensity: 6 Lower or more)

img.4 - Japan Tectionic Zone - geographical placement of all tectonic plates around islands of Japan



This research about earthquake resilience in Japan will gather material and examples of those new techniques and methods that are developed and used currently to help future resilient design.

The island of Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean in East Asia and has a population of 126 million people who struggle every year with the consequences of numerous earthquakes. Japan is located in an area where several continental and oceanic plates meet and that is why the island deals with frequent earthquakes and possible tsunami waves. Throughout the past decades Japan suffered three massive earthquakes that killed over 200 thousand people, injured more than 500 thousand, and left thousands of families homeless. Whole cities were devastated and destroyed. In 2011 the strongest ever recorded earthquake hit Japan and triggered a massive tsunami wave along the Pacific Coast, killing thousands of people and serious damages were caused to the nuclear power plant Fukushima. Japan suffers every day from earthquakes and because of that buildings have to be build in a resilient way. The Japanese are adapting and developing new techniques and methods to strengthen their structures, roofs, walls and openings so they could stand impacts caused by earthquakes.


img.7 - Performance objectives under different intensities of earthquake shaking. (From repairable damage under minor shaking to collapse prevention under strong shaking).

In 1923, the Great Kanto Earthquake killed 140,000 people in this area. On Tuesday, January 17th 1995, at 5.46 a.m. (local time), an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 on the Richter Scale struck the Kobe region of south-central Japan. This region is the second most populated and industrialized area after Tokyo, with a total population of about 10 million people. The ground shook for only about 20 seconds but in that short time, over 5,000 people died, over 300,000 people became homeless and damage worth an estimated £100 billion was caused to roads, houses, factories and infrastructure (gas, electric, water, sewerage, phone cables, etc). Many of the older, wooden houses completely collapsed. Fire, triggered by broken gas pipes and sparks from severed electrical cables, caused a huge amount of damage, destroying at least 7,500 wooden homes. Office blocks built in the 1960’s of steel and concrete frequently collapsed in the middle so that a whole floor was crushed img.5


Destructive effects

introduction to earthquake resilience but the rooms above and below remained intact. Modern buildings, designed to be earthquake proof, did quite well on the whole and suffered little damage, although some were left standing at an angle when the ground beneath them liquefied. An additional problem for rebuilding was that most people were not covered by insurance due to the difficulties of insuring such an earthquake prone area. Between 3% and 5% of Japan’s industry is located in and around Kobe. This includes most types of industry - from light manufacturing to high-technology and heavy industry. Strong ground movements led to settlement and liquefaction in these areas and damage to industry was severe. This is one of the many earthquakes that took place in Japan and with geographical location near the intersection of the Philippine, Pacific, Eurasian and North American Plates, Japanese people are aware that earthquakes will always be a part of their lives.

001 geometry


Floor plan layout

traditional earthquake resilience In the earthquake prone areas geometry is one of the most important aspects of every building. It is visible in vernacular Japanese architecture where even the most complex geometries are created by stacking simple shapes together. The ancient Japanese architecture (like rectangular takayuka jukyo or circular tateana jukyo) focused on organising all the living space in a single-spatial simple room, because it was the most resilient way to build. When the needs and the way of thinking about the space changed and people started creating more and more complex architectural geometries. Instead of being one structural geometry, they tended to be two or multiple connected but structurally independent spaces. The construction of Japanese buildings spreads out sideways rather than upwards just because it was more resilient to stack a number of simple geometries next to each other. During the earthquake each simple shape will work, vibrate and twist separately and the building has much greater chance to withstand the disaster than a complicated and complex geometry.

img.8 - Buildings should be divided into simple shapes. The space can be separated by seismic gaps, which will allow each building to vibrate and twist separately. This solution leads to minimizing stress concentration in joints.

img.9 - Minka (common people’s house) with two connected but structurally independent buildings omoya and kamaya.

img. 10 - A more complex shape created with stacking of simple shapes on example of Mochitsuki’s House floor plan.


takayuka jukyo in Toro



tateana jukyo in Toro


Tatami layout

traditional earthquake resilience Tatami is a type of mat made originally from rice straw and used in vernacular houses in Japan since Muromachi period (though popularized among commoners in the end of 17th century). The uniqueness of interior with flooring from tatami is the way it was designed. In most interior designs the flooring of the room is depending on the floor area, but when it comes to tatami, the size of mats dictates the size of the room. Even though the size of tatamis varies throughout the regions of Japan it is always in aspect ratio 2:1 and in traditional Japanese measurement units 1 ken by a half ken or 6 shaku by 3 shaku (around 1.8m x 0.9 m). Because most of the vernacular Japanese rooms are designed around tatami mats, it is not unusual that room floor areas were measured by the number of tatami mats - 畳, which in traditional Japanese measurement units is translated to one tsubo (equals two tatami mats, which is a square). The interesting aspect of tatami mats is the way they join together. The junction of T shape is considered superior over a cross junctions, which is said to bring bad fortune over the household.

img.15 - Different tatami layout depending of the need of the space in the room. Characteristic T-shape junctions. img.17

img.16 - Each mat had a designated function e.g. entrance mat. img.18


002 structure


Horyu-ji pagoda

traditional earthquake resilience

Fulcrum joint

img. 22 - Horyu-ji pagoda section


img. 21 - Fulcrum joint and balancing toy principle each story moves independently during the earthquake which negates the destructive forces.

img. 23 - swaying effect and ‘shinbashira’

Horyu-ji pagoda is one of five-story wooden pagodas in the Nara prefecture, near Kobe. Even though it was built in 609 in the earthquake prone area, it is still standing and no major damage had occurred to it during any disasters that happened since the pagoda was erected. It is possible thanks to four structural properties: 1. Material - Every structural part of the pagoda is made out of wood. When wood is under pressure it bends but does not break easily. It is a flexible material, which can easily absorb seismic stresses. 2. Fastening - The wooden beams and columns are fastened together without a nail, but by carved joints. When the ground starts to shake, the wooden elements are rubbing against each other, which prevents the force to go up the tower. 3. Structural layers - Each story of the pagoda works independently. 4. Swaying effect - Introducing ‘shinbashira’, a cylindrical column in the middle stabilizes the structure. During the earthquake second story moves to the right, while third to the left. This snake-type movement negates earthquake forces and protects the pagoda.

003 enclosure



Traditional Roofs

traditional earthquake resilience



The traditional Japanese roofs have very interesting and complicated design. They are well known from their complex form and huge mass comparing to the rest of building. There is a number of characteristics that are connecting all vernacular Japanese roofs, sheltering space from rain, snow, wind and sun, maintaining the temperature indoors and most importantly providing good air flow in the interior. The most important factor in the Japanese interior is taking care of comfort of all inhabitants. Providing good air flow and shade, in hot and humid climate, is sometimes more important than protecting the structure from earthquakes. The materials of vernacular roofs differ, from thatch and shingle in farmhouses (minkas) to tiles in urban settlements (machiyas), but the form and structure of the roof is always design in the way to maintain a good comfortable climate in the indoors.


003 enclosure


Shoji (washi)

traditional earthquake resilience In traditional architecture Japanese walls are usually created in a way to allow as much comfort as possible, to regulate the humidity, heat and light levels. The exterior walls are usually thin concrete, panels or sometimes even shoji. Shoji can be a door, window or a room divider; they are often comprised of thin wood wrapped in washi or modern printed paper, and sometimes even plastic. The thin panel of ply usually holds together a wooden lattice. The grain of the wood is an important part of the Japanese design. They are often able to slide to allow a customizable space, and having a sliding door takes up considerably less space than a swinging door. In nearly all the residential houses openings were designed to give as much flexibility and choice to inhabitants as possible. They could decide if they want more or less sun in the interior or if they want to create a soothing draft to create a nice indoor climate. Shoji panels enabled this kind of flexibility. However using light structure to support huge openings for shoji panels isn’t the most resilient solution in earthquake prone areas. Japanese people accepted the impermanence of built homes and valued more comfortable conditions indoors than safety.




img.28 - Example of flexible shoji windows and doors in traditional townhouse (machiya).

img.29 img.33


なまこ壁 Namako-kabe



traditional earthquake resilience The Japanese often built a small “kura” house or storehouse that can be used to house valuables in the event of an earthquake or typhoon. It is usually built of many layers of clay and sand covering the wood. This principle really moves away from the traditional joinery of Japanese architecture. NAMAKO-KABE. The traditional “kura” storehouses often have namako-kabe design. These are wide white joints on usually black slate. They are usually much stronger and the tiled exterior provides protection from fires. They are often slightly rounded at the top to remind people of the sea cucumber, namako.There are multiple types of geometries used, predominantly the shihanbari (pictured) which allows water to run off easily. Alternatively umanori meji is the pattern with lines running parallel and perpendicular to the ground. Some “kura” were still constructed out of wood such as the azekura and board-wall kura, however, these required stricter rules such as distance from other buildings.

img.34 - Little openings in massive structure of kura storehouse. The interior is tightly sealed from exterior.

SHOSHOIN. Built in the traditional azekura log-cabin style with a raised takayuka-shiki floor it is the oldest surviving building of its type. The critical feature is that the logs are triangular in cross section allowing air to pass during the autumn and winter months. Then during the summer and rainy autumn seasons the wood swells up closing the gaps, meaning that it is able to keep the moisture out. It is located in a Buddhist temple complex and houses many of the relics moved from other buildings that have been destroyed by earthquakes over the years. The lack of nails and joints that can move about freely have played a large role in allowing this building to remain standing through the years.



namako-kabe shoshoin

Japanese people accepted the impermanence of built homes. They developed a house typology: typhoon and earthquake-proof storehouse, kura. The structure of this house is a complete opposite to shoji panels. The openings are small to shelter as tightly as possible all the valuable goods and families in case of approaching disaster. img.37


004 systems

img.41 - Logo of Mottainai Philosophy, philosophy of respect to all the waste human beings are creating.


Mottainai Philosophy

traditional earthquake resilience Mottainai means in Japanese “what a waste” and describes a feeling of regret after wasted resource. img.38


concrete img.40

img.42 - Schemes showing the most important aspect of Mottainai Philosophy - 3R rule: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with Respect to it.

In Japan, intensive industrialization in the 1950s and 1960s had led to a series of environmental crises, which prompted the government and industry to adopt preventive and remedial measures to improve its management of industrial waste. Construction and demolition waste is the waste materials that are produced in the process of construction, renovation or demolition of residential or non-residential structures. Construction industry produces large amount of waste throughout the year. Most of the time construction and demolition waste ends up in landfills disturbing environmental, economical and social life cycle. Process of recycling construction and demolition waste includes storage, sorting, collection, transportation, recycling and disposing. Recycling methods used in Japan are heating and rubbing methods, eccentric-shaft rotor method and mechanical grinding method.




traditional earthquake resilience



Machiya Townhouse in Kyoto 町家 - plan img.46 - Natural cross-ventilation scheme in a traditional Japanese townhouse - machiya.

tori-niwa 通り庭

- long corridor supporting airflow



- inner courtyard img.43


img.47 - Sketch of the interior of machiya house showing the two-story high tori-niwa (long corridor, which is supporting airflow through the building).

MACHIYA TOWNHOUSES IN KYOTO. Vernacular Japanese buildings were designed so air can naturally flow through the interior space. Nearly all vernacular examples of Japanese architecture share the concern about air control inside of the building, but there is one particular example which shows this approach the best - machiya 町家 (typical townhouse in Kyoto). Machiyas were designed to allow the air to flow through all of the first floor, which kept the building really cool during the humid Japanese summers in a really dense urban setting. To sustain the airflow through the houses Japanese proposed a long corridor, tori-niwa 通り庭, stretching from the front to the back of the house. This solutions creates a cross ventilation which supports air flow in the building and makes the interior really cool during the hot summers. Additionally to maintain air flow inside, the townhouses had an inner courtyard - tsubo-niwa, which allowed the air to exit the building. Tsubo-niwas are not only a perfect way to maintain comfortable conditions inside of the building but also a great solution to provide light to the interiors and connects the inhabitants with environment and nature.

001 geometry

阿蘇 ァームヴィレッジ

Aso Farm Village

img.48 - Scheme of stress concentration in a hemispherical shape during an earthquake. img.49 - STEP BY STEP scheme on how to build a styrofoam dome structure.

contemporary earthquake resilience Aso Farm Land was opened in 1995 as a full-scale health facility near an active volcano Mount Aso. The Aso Farm Village was designed to help people with rebuilding their health through a number of facilities within the village. For example there is a hot spring with open air-spa. There is also Ganki no Mori (Forest of Vitality) with around 40 interactive equipments to play. The most interesting aspect of the Aso Farm Land project is the shape of the houses. Even though it may seem extraordinary for Japanese culture and architecture, the hemispherical shape is not uncommon in vernacular architecture e.g. ancient pit dwellings, tateana jokyo in Toro, Shizuoka prefecture. The shape of the dome proved to be resilient in case of an earthquake because of the stress concentration. STRESS CONCENTRATION. Domes distribute forces in all directions naturally, and thus the design is much better at dissipating energy. Most of the mass of a dome is low and this lower center of gravity reduces the chance of a collapse.

img.50 step 1 - In-situ circular concrete foundation.

step 2 - Fabricated Airform in proper size.

step 3 - Filling the Airform with steel rebar.

step 4 - Application of shortcrete on structure.

step 5 - Polyurethane foam applied to interior.


002 structure


Sendai Mediatheque contemporary earthquake resilience The library consists of three main elements: tubes, pipes and skin. The lattice tubes were assembled floor by floor and stabilise the building from lateral force as well as bear the gravitational force of the building. A honeycomb iron frame is connected through T-sections to these tubes, it reinforces the plates removing the need for beams and allowing to reduce the thickness of the floors. The skin is comprised of glass, stainless steel and aluminium. Non-combustible wood and shatter resistant frames help keep the envelope flexible and reduce the damage to a minimum. In 2011 the library sustained a magnitude 9 (Mw) earthquake with little damage. The roof collapsed and some glass broke on the 7th floor however the building remained mostly intact with no casualties.



img.53 img.55


002 structure

img.59 - ‘shinbashira’ in Tokyo Skytree

東京スカイツリ Tokyo Skytree

contemporary earthquake resilience

shinbashira - a cylindrical column used in traditional Japanese pagodas to help withstand earthquakes. img.57


After the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, Tokyo Skytree took no structural damage, even though the epicenter of the earthquake was around 350 km away. Originally the tower was designed to withstand a metropolitan epicentre type earthquake and in addition a catastrophic storm with velocity to 80 m/s (can be encountered once in 500 years). The structure of this skyscraper is inspired by traditional Japanese five-story pagoda temples, which have never fallen down because of earthquakes. It uses the concept of ‘shinbashira’, a column built in the centre of the temple which is controlling vibrations during earthquakes. Skytree’s shinbashira is a reinforced concrete cylinder and contains a staircase. The shinbashira is surrounded by a steel truss structure, the primary resistance to earthquake. The foundations of the Tokyo Skytree were cast-in-situ wall piles and can resist dangerous forces during earthquakes and typhoons. The whole system reduces the earthquake loads by up to 40%.



Apple Towers Sendai contemporary earthquake resilience

seismic isolation - the laminated rubber bearing and sliding seismic isolator are main structural elements in Apple Towers structure. img.61 building without seismic isolation img.64




building with seismic isolation

The negative impact of earthquake is not visible only after a building collapsed. Earthquakes can also make furniture and non-structural inner walls falling and flying around being a threat to every person in the building. The extensive research on seismic isolation is conducted worldwise to mitigate this danger. The idea behind seismic foundation is that the main structure of the building is separated from base foundation, so that building itself will not be affected by earthquake shaking. Seismic isolations consists of two types of bearings, which are supporting the whole structure of the building. The first is a laminated rubber bearing, made out of layers of rubber and steel plate, which sways from left to right to isolate the building from ground shaking. When shaking intensifies the sliding seismic isolator absorbs the tremors. The Apple Towers in Sendai is a perfect example of that solution. Developer of the 30-story Apple Towers say that during an earthquake not a lot of objects fall over in the building.





Azuma House in Osaka contemporary earthquake resilience Modern japanese architecture takes a slightly different approach with a more minimalistic style. The building envelope has a simplified shape with an almost constructivist touch to it. Concrete is often used to create thick resistant walls, however glass is still a very important aspect of the design to let in light and air and to maintain the tradition of sliding doors and divisions. To comply with the ever rising building standards buildings now often have beams, pillars and thicker walls. However, this is more suitable to low rise buildings as it can suffer damage over the course of multiple earthquakes and it is recommended to use damping and isolation systems for high rise buildings. It seems like modern Japanese solutions took the resilience of earthquake-proof kuras (storehouses) and implemented it to the exterior walls, while interior walls are following the philosophy of flexible and open shoji.

img.66 - Cross-section of Azuma Home in Osaka by Tadao Ando. Showing the structure of the concrete minimalistic walls, the roof and the main inner courtyard.

The philosophy of roofs in modern Japanese townhouses changed because of rising prices of land in big cities. In modern Tokyo or Osaka inhabitants can’t afford to maintain a massive structure of the traditional roof and in most cases they want to add another function to the roof. The vernacular properties of maintaining airflow and comfortable conditions in contemporary flat roofs had to be achieved in different way. Most popular solution is introducing small courtyards and skylights that are the main source of light in the interiors and are supporting airflow inside of the house. Average Japanese person living in a city cannot afford to lose valuable and expensive space for a massive roof structure. The main function of the roof shifted from being a sheltering thermal mass to being a fifth facade, in most cases a terrace.





Townhouses and Skyscrapers contemporary earthquake resilience The use of windows in contemporary Japanese houses didn’t change its primary functions to provide light, ventilation and frame an interesting and valuable view outside. The modern changes in thinking about the exterior wall and the threat of earthquakes in most of big cities of Japan led to losing the flexibility of openings of shoji. In presented case studies the windows - frames are predesigned by an architect and inhabitants have no chance to change the view like they had in traditional Japanese shoji houses. On the other hand the more sturdy walls with smaller and set openings makes the whole structure more resilient and just safer. The Japanese philosophy of flexibility in architecture had to be translated more in the interiors rather than the exteriors. Moreover, in the minimalistic design of the modern facades openings are an important statement and each opening is a result of a number of functional and contextual analyses.


img.70 - Facade of the Room Room House in Tokyo by Takeshi Hosaka.

YOKOHAMA LANDMARK TOWER. Its 392,885 square meters of floor space over 70 floors up into the sky and 3 floors down into the basement include shops, restaurants, and offices. The true appeal, however, is the Sky Garden, a 360-degree observation deck on the building’s 69th floor. FACADE. The final configuration fused several details from Japanese culture into the granite cladding and overall form of the building. First was the azekura characteristic of the tower. Azekura was a style of Japanese architecture dating from 7th century, known for its precise jointing and chamfering of wood. The chiseled appearance of the tower, particularly in the edges defining the four mega columns and the strong horizontal lines, borrowed from the joint details of this architectural style. WINDOWS. Another cultural feature of the tower resides in the dark horizontal windows, mirroring the boxwood combs used by Japanese women.




004 systems

img.77 - Omotenashi House is designed to be self-sufficient house incorporating technology and traditional Japanese thinking. Students from Chiba University created a low-carbon house which can be used as a post-earthquake solution.

Omotenashi House - passive energy


Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster


Given the not so distant Fukushima disaster, coupled with a drone carrying radioactive traces landing on the prime minister’s office, Japan is not yet ready to invest in nuclear energy again. Hence looking at alternate sources is very important, there have been advances in solar, wind and tidal energies and Japan hopes to increase it’s energy production from the 2010 levels of 2.96 Gw to 19.6 Gw by 2030. During an emergency or disaster however if there is damage to the grid it is important for resilient shelters to require the smallest amounts of energy possible. Most modern Japanese energy needs are for air conditioning due to the long summers and humid climate. To provide people cool and comfortable spaces the shelters can put features resembling blinds on the outside of the building rather than inside, this will not only create ambient light levels but if the heat is stopped before passing into the building, it is then not subjected

PASSIVE ENERGY contemporary earthquake resilience to the greenhouse effect and you do not need to cool the buildings. As for humidity untreated materials such as clay and timber will absorb and release moisture easily thus reducing humidity in the space. In the aftermath of an earthquake it might not be safe of plausible to start a fire, however something like a thermal solar collector can heat the water as well as be created from recycled materials to reduce waste. The beauty of a thermal solar collector is that even a low cost one is still as efficient as an expensive one and therefore is applicable during a crisis such as this. REDUCING DAMAGE. The PEER centre in California has developed a series of components to try and reduce the damage caused by earthquakes. For example the flexible strap conductor could potentially bend but not break, it would also reduce the force acting on the conductor bushings which are often built from ceramics and are therefore very susceptible to force.

Waste Management

水 | 無駄

WATER AND WASTE contemporary earthquake resilience



Kubota Pipe System - flexiblity

Water Management



WATER. Japan has, on average, 1,668mm of precipitation a year. While this is considerably more than in a lot of other countries, the river’s steep gradients, short length along with long hot summers, means that a lot of the water is lost into the ocean before it can be used efficiently. Japan currently has a number of systems for grey water recycling which work on the individual level within one house, a wide area circulation type where grey water treatment plants process and redistribute water in a city. There is also a non-circulation type system which gathers rainwater for the untreated flushing of toilets. KUBOTA PIPE SYSTEM. During an earthquake it is important to maintain access and cleanliness in regards to water. So for the last 40 years the Kubota Corporation has been developing an earthquake resistant pipe system which has a wider and longer bell than standard pipes and a thinner spout that sits in it, therefore allowing the pipeline to move with the earthquake without breaking the circuit or sprouting leaks. Closer to the homes, there is a device that is able to sense the pressure in the pipes, and if the line is damaged the drop in pressure will cause the valve to shut off the supply preventing contamination of the supply. Whilst Japan has earthquake resistant water tanks-made from glass-fibres, they are the last stand of defense for a lot of people.

WASTE. In 2008 the Japanese Governement focused on developing recycling policies which would led to reduce of waste from 52 milion tons to 50 milion tons. Moreover, they stressed the importance of waste recycling and suggested the rate improvement from 20 to 25% by 2012. Waste is classified into two categories in Japan: municipal and industrial. The disposal of municipal wastes is the responsibility of the municipalities. The disposal of industrial wastes is the responsibility of the entities that generate the wastes. 3R INITIATIVE. To reduce, reuse and recycle was first used on G8 Summit in Kobe, where the Japanese Government agreed on implementing Kobe 3R Action plan to help improving resource and waste management. TOKYO SUPER ECO TOWN PROJECT. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government launched Super Eco Town Project in Tokyo to stimulate the development of sustainable waste industries. They designated an area in Tokyo to be a place for all the recycling and waste treatment facilities, for example: construction and demolition waste, e-waste or food waste. TMG came up with an idea to control waste around Tokyo by tracing every waste with IC tags. This system is promoting legal waste disposal and reminding citizens of Tokyo how important is proper waste management.


Team Kukan Hatten earthquake resilient architecture in Japan


PERSONAL SUMMARY - ALAA As we saw throughout the research Japan suffers everyday from earthquakes, some of them having enormous dangers. Since we knew that most people don’t die from the earthquake itself but from the destroyment of the buildings, buildings had to be built in a resilient way. That was the aim of our research, a study of earthquake resilient vernacular and contemporary built environment in Japan, also analysing earthquake resilience (in geometry, structure, building enclosure and building systems)with the relation of the buildings to the cultural context. We analysed vernacular buildings like traditional tatami houses and pagoda, but also contemporary buildings like Tokyo Skytree, Yokohama Landmark Tower or Sendai Mediatheque. Observing how both traditional and modern architecture responds to earthquakes helped us to udnerstand the principles of designing resilient architecture.



traditional resilience


contemporary resilience

PERSONAL SUMMARY - JOHANNA Throughout the research we compared vernacular Japanese buildings with contemporary resilient architecture. We saw that even though the architecture and material changed due to the effects of earthquakes in Japan, the traditional values of comfort by, for example, light, ventilation, floor plants and openings were maintained in the modern buildings. The main difference between vernacular and modern buildings is the structure that in the current days is more secure. Instead of using thin concrete walls and wood the walls are made of thick concrete and steel. The geometry used in the past and today is very similar, the only difference is that new techniques that are being implemented in skyscrapers, such as damper systems or seismic isolations allow the save construction of resilient mega constructions. One can say due to this research that the Japanese architecture learned a lot from the past devastation and is developing towards great innovation and safety.

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simple shapes


advanced technology

PERSONAL SUMMARY - SASHA By researching the contemporary and vernacular examples of building in Japan we have been able to create a comprehensible study of some of the systems utilized in Japan. Given Japan’s investment and experience in dealing with earthquakes it has been a goldmine of information. By focusing on certain low-cost examples we have been able to find the principles that protect structures in Japan, and could potentially work in other less economically developed countries. Through this project time and time again the key principle has been prevention and not response which should be an important aspect to anyone undertaking a project in dealing with earthquakes. While the Japanese culture is very disciplined and particular it has been a great contrast to western architecture. Instead of trying to defy nature and reclaim the land, the Japanese try to integrate their life into the world around them. I believe that in particular skeleton & infill systems should be explored more widely and their function can be adjusted for other locations around the world. This would ensure reliability and cost-effectiveness of the construction in affected areas.


resilience as structure and infill theory (diagrams by N. John Habraken)

PERSONAL SUMMARY - AGNIESZKA Investigating the traditional and contemporary examples of resilient architecture of Japan has let us to create a story of how people and their architecture tackled the problems connected with frequent earthquakes. The method we have chosen, analysis of various case studies, introduced to us not only examples of buildings that are resilient in the face of an earthquake but also indigenous concepts and ways of thinking of people that are born and raised with a feeling of architectural impermanence. By comparing each week traditional and contemporary solutions we could track a specific mindset that was visible through buildings and its geometry, structure, enclosure and systems. The notion that I found the most important is the ability of a building or structure to work with the earthquake not against it. In traditional pagodas we could observe five stories working completely seperately when the ground is shaking. The same flexiblity and adaptability applied to the simple plans connected with seismic gaps. They were designed to let the building respond to the earthquake. This way of thinking I am hoping to translate into resilient housing solutions. What is more, by analyzing and understanding Japanese approach to the earthquake resilient architecture we have been able to create a small database of examples, which could be later on translated to other very different contexts, countries or places.

resilience in flexibility and adaptability



Team Kukan Hatten earthquake resilient architecture in Japan


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Kenzo Tange - A Plan for Tokyo 1960


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To conclude our research we point out in our thesis statement that comparing earthquake resilient vernacular and contemporary built environment in Japan (in geometry, structure, building enclosure and building systems) and the relation to the existing cultural context had the goal to produce an accessible resource detailing the findings of our study to aid future earthquake resilient development worldwide, especially in the less developed countries. While researching we found many contemporary and modern examples that can be used in areas that suffer from earthquakes and their consequences. We discovered that from a simple geometrical context, buildings should be divided into simple shapes to minimize stress concentration in joints. Moreover, there is a number of traditional structural solutions that can be translated to the contemporary architecture, like shinbashira. What is most important is to understand the adaptable mindset of a community living in earthquake-prone areas. To design the resilient housing we have to respond to earthquakes by applying flexible and adaptable structures, which can easily work with strong forces.

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Team Kukan Hatten earthquake resilient architecture in Japan








Urban Floods Team













P R O J E C T 5: Members:



URBAN FLOODS Flood resilient architecture in Europe Understanding how floods happen at urban areas, so called big cities and how we can help protecting them and cohabit with the problem. Shaping cities for resilience takes a big plan and effort, but the knowledge of the facts and ecosystem of territory can lead us to a right approach for each specific situations. Using valuable examples of how projects around the world are helping big cities to control and be safe from floods, and how through smart and sustainable planning is possible to design a resilient city. With Netherlands as a primal example of a well managed plan and expertise, and how they managed to control waters after being flooded. But also understanding the culture and connection between the city and the water or the relationship between the citizens and their rivers or coasts. That means to cohabit, finding a way to solve the problems that floods cause in the cities, by bringing them to light and taking benefit of water being part of our cites.


Born in Bilbao, Spain, 1989. Graduated from the University of the Basque Country with students exchanges at Polytechnics University of Barcelona. In 2014 received a Masters degree in architecture. In 2015 moved to Brussels, Belgium. DIANA CIRNE

Born in Porto, Portugal, 1984. Graduated and Master at the Escola Superior Artistica do Porto in 2012. Same year she moves to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where she live and works since then.

Floods in Florencia (Italy) in 1966.



Climate change Floods are the most prevalent natural disaster in Europe. Global climate changes have a big impact in Europe in many ways, changes in temperature and precipitation, warmer oceans, rising sea level and shrinking snow and ice cover on land and at sea. Those lead to several impacts on ecosystems, socio-economic sectors and human health. Flood risk will increase in the future but not only due to climatic change, also because of population growth and related increasing urbanization (often in floodplains). In 2030, it is expected that 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities.

Scenario of Europe in 5000 years (National geographic)

To deal with these risks, many European countries focus on building, reinforcing and maintaining flood defense projects.

Areas of Potentially Significant Flood Risk (APSFR)

For a resilience city, the strategy should be broadened with pro-active spatial planning, building prescriptions, warning systems, evacuation and recovery plans. Type Floods Fluvial Pluvial Groundwater Coastal Flash floods

Flood risks strategies

Structural and non structural approaches “Traditionally, flood risk reduction has been concentrated on the construction of embankments and retention by reservoirs. Such measures, also called flood control strategies, aim at reducing the flood hazard, i.e. the probability of hazardous flooding. Attempts to decrease vulnerability, i.e. the other aspect of risk, have been of minor importance.” Merz et al., 2010 “Meanwhile, it is well recognized that structural flood control alone does not solve the flood problem and countries are moving towards more integrative practices that recognize the importance of a coherent set of flood risk management measures.” Alphen & Bourget, 2010

Distribution between microdrainage and macrodrainage

These include engineering, social, economic and administrative measures. “The paradigm shift from “providing the safe level of protection” to “reducing the risk to the acceptable level” is possible only through wide acceptance of the fact that absolute safety is impossible to achieve and that every individual, community and state must adapt to a certain level of flood risk.” Anzeljc, 2010


HISTORICAL CONTEXT I do not know much about gods; but I think that the river Is a strong brown god—sullen, untamed and intractable, Patient to some degree, at first recognised as a frontier; Useful, untrustworthy, as a conveyor of commerce; Then only a problem confronting the builder of bridges. The problem once solved, the brown god is almost forgotten By the dwellers in cities—ever, however, implacable. Keeping his seasons and rages, destroyer, reminder Of what men choose to forget. Unhonoured, unpropitiated By worshippers of the machine, but waiting, watching and waiting. T.S. Elliot, The Dry Salvages, Nº3 of Four Quartets

Middle age Rivers have always been important to people. First civilizations settle along the fertile soil of rivers. In the Middle Age, cities used rivers to fortify themselves and trade with other cities. In the Middel age water, as one of the four elements, remained in contact with the city.

Sluis, Holland 14th century

But cities started to grow. Centuries later their morphology changed so much that they lost the connection with the environment. In some cases, rivers where moved or hidden, flooded lands not respected, high density cities built...

Industrial revolution During industrial revolution, a lot of cities in Europe built factories near the rivers so they could use them as a way of transport. This caused so much pollution in rivers that they where no longer part of the cities. The contamination, bad smell, bad hygienic conditions made many cities to turn back to the rivers, in some cases even to hide them.

Bilbao, Spain 1975

Bilbao, Spain 2012

Rotterdam adaptation strategy, DEURBANISTEN

Comprehensive Strategy for Hoboken, OMA team

Relationship with water With years, we realized that we have to go back and recover the identity that we had. Rivers or green spaces can be linked to cities. The most interesting projects are the ones that combines more healthy and pleasant environments with the manage of water infrastructure. Instead of an industrial model which is getting water out of the city as quickly as it is possible, keeping it in the city and using it as an asset, as a floodplain, as somewhere people want to go and visit.



Delta commission dyke, NL

Deeping the rivers to create space for water

Holland experience The Netherlands, a country with a long and proud history of water protection have been reclaiming land from the sea and holding back the water for centuries.

Amsterdam, Holland

The city of Amsterdam and it’s rings of canals shows the relationship with water in an urban design that includes water as part of the city, as roads and houses. This urban strategy avoids drainage problems and protect streets from flooding.

This is what COHABIT really means, living with the characteristic of each land and to enhance the chances that this characteristics gives us.

New approach But see level rises, and after the heavy floods in 1990, they realized that the traditional defenses, were no longer sufficient. Instead of heightening dikes and reclaiming land, they make room for the river, and they start planing for protection.

Sea storms The beaches and dunes are land’s first defense from sea storms, opposing erosion in this natural defense. Infrastructures like sand barriers can also be man made, but what really makes them resilient is the ecosystem they keep. Without it, they are just a pile of sand that will disappear within a storm.

‘The Water Dyke’ proposal, Sorg Architects

Provisional measures Littoral Venecia, Italy

Traditional methods like dunes, dikes or walls, block the view and access for people to the coast, causing major disruption to delicate ecosystems with large in-ground foundations and impassable walls.

Dunes in Zoutelande, Zeeland (50 meters high)

Predicted exposure of U.S coastline and coastal population to sea level rise in 2100. With and without habitats in their coastal lines.

A minimally invasive or provisional structural system is an interesting approach as they would prevent damage to urban design while restoring and protecting waterfront environments.



Closing the river High tides from the Thames Estuary have always proved to be a problem for London. The first Romans settlements remained safe in their raised position (on what is now the City of London). But city grows and flooding land was not respected. The Thames Barrier was designed by the engineers Rendel, Palmer and Tritton. Operational since 1982, it’s purpose is to prevent the floodplain in the center of London. When needed, it is closed (raised) during high tide; at low tide it can be opened to restore the river’s flow towards the sea.

London, England

Thames barrier in London, England

Since it has been in operation, the barrier has been raised 100 times to protect the city from flooding. It is anticipated that the current barrier will protect the city until 2070, when rising of sea levels will mean the level of protection will no longer be sufficient.

3m is the maximum tide the gates can withstand (the highest tide has been 1.94 m).

Defense from high waters To protect the lagoon cities of Venice from floods, is being constructed the Mose project, consisting of a series of mobile barriers which are raised to separate the lagoon from the sea if risk threatens.

Chiollia, Italy

Mose consists of a series of barriers made of mobile gates located in the inlets. When inactive, the gates are full of water and completely invisible, resting in housing structures in the seabed. When there is a risk of particularly high tides which could cause flooding, compressed air is emitted into the gates, emptying them of water to make them rise.

These project also includes implementation of local defense measures in lagoon towns to protect them from floods. - At the “edges” of the city, public spaces and quaysides have been raised. -Two gates at the Vena Canal have been installed, in case of high water, the gates isolate the canal from the lagoon.



Urban heat islands effect graphic.

Green infrastructures

Central park, New York.

A green infrastructure is the utilization of vegetation, soils and natural processes for the management of water as well as to generate a healthier urban environment. Compared to other regions of the world, Europe has a relatively dense population, and most of land is currently used. As a result, many of the natural areas that remain are under pressure and at risk of becoming fragmented. This affects the good functioning of the ecosystem.

Improving green infrastructures play a central role in fighting climate change by protecting us against pollution, floods and the effects of a changing weather patterns, i.e minimizing the high temperatures in the cities, called “urban heat islands effect UHI”. Solutions that incorporate green infrastructures in urban areas will extend the drainage surface implying a storage/delay of rainfalls water which will contribute not only to minimize flash floods but also will give time to contaminated city waters to be filtered before being discharged into the sea. Parks are a win win option, as they offer a variety of design options and great living spaces for inhabitants. But big green areas to drainage and collect flash floods require big space, the key in cities is using a variety of solutions along the city, using the given resources.

Green roofs

Angular green roof school, Denmark (BIG)

Bjarke Ingels Group designed this school for Denmark with a very interesting environment statement of energy efficiency. Besides blending with nature and developing biodiversity, the green roof helps controlling rainfalls, as well as cooling and isolating the building. Some other advantages with green roofs are that water is stored by the substrate and then taken up by the plants from where it is returned to the atmosphere.

Boompijskade, Rotterdam

Also reduce the amount of storm water runoff and delays the time at which runoff occurs, resulting in decreasing stress on sewer systems at peak flow periods.

Advantages - Energy Efficiency - Increased Roofing Membrane Durability - Fire Retardation - Reduction of Electromagnetic Radiation - Noise Reduction - Increased Biodiversity - Improved Air Quality - Moderation of Urban Heat Island Effect - Storm water Management Disadvantages - Structural Limitations - Installation and Maintenance Costs



Water Storage

Water square Rotterdam, Holland

Water parking Rotterdam,Holland

In case of rainfall water, delaying water into the sewage is as important as cleaning it. The implementation of water storage systems will help. As the rain comes, the water will accumulate in basins/tanks that during dry times have a different use. The water square Benthemplein, in Rotterdam, by De Urbanisten, is a good example of this strategy, an urban space providing quality space for inhabitants. With three different basins, two deep basins work for the immediate water whenever it rains, and the last basin, more deep, receive water when consistently keeps raining.

Same way of approach this problem, Rotterdam is now building a new car parking where underneath is a water storage, ready to hold 10 000m3. When heavy rains threaten to overflow the system, doors open and the whole water is collected here, waiting for the rain to stop. Both systems will later pump the water to the usual sewage, or if in small quantity, flows to a underground infiltration device, gradually seeping into earth, helping irrigation.

Smart tunnel Storm water Management and Road Tunnel Is a storm drainage and road structure in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, whose main objective is to solve the problem of flash floods and also to reduce traffic jams. SMART tunnel. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

MODE 1 Activated when moderate rainfalls. Excess flood water will be diverted to SMART storages and only the lower drains of tunnel will be used. MODE 2 Activated when major storm. In one hour traffic will be evacuated from the road tunnel. MODE 3 Activated if heavy rain storm prolongs. Usually will be confirmed 1-2 hour after Mode 2 is declared. Road tunnel will be re-opened within 4 days of closure.

Characteristics - 20-30m underground - 1,9 km length - 12m diameter - 3 million m3 capacity



Floating houses Ijburg, Amsterdam by Marlies Rohmer

Floating structures This structure will use water as a construction area, is a good alternative to construction in easy flooded lands. It protects the building from flooding, as it rises with the water level. The down side of this structures is the bad performance with strong winds or waves, being inappropriate for coastal regions. Netherlands is known for their boat houses since the existence of canals, these new buildings use the same concept but with a more interesting design approach.

REM island, Amsterdam

Stilts structures Poles, posts or pillars are used to suspend the structure in a higher level, allowing the building to stay at a distance from the ground. In this case the structure is more stable and strongly built, performing better in windy circumstances and waves.

Amphibious structure Amphibious house, London, by Baca architects

In times of low water they rest on a concrete base, but when sea level rises, the flexible pipes stretch up and the structure floats like a ship. This structure will be efficient in both dry and wet situations. For situations where the water level varies a lot during the year this presents to be the most effective way to build.

Maasbommel, The Netherlands, by Factor Architecten

The costs of building won’t be much higher as a normal construction project with basement.


MATERIALS Biological concrete

Main structure Microalgae Fungi Lichens Mosses

Biological concrete Simulation of a vegetated facade at the Aeronautical Cultural Centre in Barcelona, Spain.

This concrete incorporates a biological layer that collects and stores rainwater, providing a moist environment where micro-algae, fungi, lichens and mosses can thrive. Opposed to the vegetated facades and vertical gardens that depend of a large layer of plant substrate which can lead to complications associated with additional loads, maintenance, the decrease of light, or the reduction of space around the building, with this “green” concrete organisms can grow directly on the multi-layered material.

Waterproof layer

A waterproof layer separates the organisms from the inner structural part of the concrete, while an outer layer acts in reverse, allowing rainwater in and preventing it from escaping.

Porous pavement Porous pavement is a permeable surface with a stone reservoir underneath. The reservoir temporarily stores water runoff before let infiltrate it into the subsoil. It is manufactured without “fine” materials, instead incorporates void spaces that allows infiltration. Since there’s a reservoir underneath the porous pavement that stores and infiltrates the runoff water, using this pavement will significantly reduce the amount of land needed for traditional storm water management measures.

Robinson Nature Center, Columbia

Porous pavement increases groundwater recharge, reduces pollutants in storm water runoff, and helps alleviate flooding as well as contamination of streams.

Ideal location - Low traffic - Overflow parking areas - Resurfaced parking lots Benefits - Reduce pollutants - Storm water Management - Replenish groundwater - Reduce hydroplaning and ice buildup Disadvantages - Installation and Maintenance Costs - Structural Limitations - Useless in areas with dust or salt - Big section need - Not recommended for low soil permeability - Avoid areas close to drinking water supply


From the beginning of the research, our main focus was to answer the question of how to protect cities by primarily prevent the floods, instead of how to build for flooded situations. This direction showed us a valuable way to deal with the problem, designing at an urban scale in order to prevent and help diminish the possible disaster. Looking to history we can understand the use and value of water for cities and their own grow, but the path of history will have different turns in different cities, we realized that culture plays a big influence in a way this problem is managed. The Netherlands after going through a big flood, were able to create a full plan and reformulate it when in need along the times, and this still helps nowadays in defending the whole country. Other countries, like Italy, with a large history of floods, will keep going through it even having the same resources. Analysing some of these countries, made us realize, how important the aspect of a smart urban design is to prevent floods. Depending of flood type, there are several alternatives to deal with it. But starting in a big scale protecting from the sea, managing the rising sea level seems like an obvious move from

countries dealing with high sea levels. In countries with resources and funds is doable to make this, also because won’t take space in land but in the sea or riverbed. Like these big infrastructures is also possible to use them in rivers or canals, managing the waters inside the cities, what is a big problem to some cities as well, like London, seeing the Thames being untamed for years, but the new systems show to be successful for a long time. The use of seamless urban design as flood prevention projects shows to be important for the whole plan, helping delaying the water going to sewage or into the soil. And at the same time used as a quality space for the city, is a win win situation. Is easier to see the big picture and think about what can be done in a big scale to help, but a lot of times this simple projects, if planned ahead will bring a less stressful situation by the moment the flood threatens. Presently there’s not much built projects following this concept, supposedly because we are talking about settle in cities that can’t handle much change or that will be a slow building process as it takes constructions in urban area. Although in situations where is done shows being an important step to deal with this problem.

Likely the last possibilities, the use of green infrastructures suffers the same impasse, takes time and money to transform normal surfaces into a green surface, even being proved better with a long list of advantages, but thinking about built cities it can also take space that maybe is no longer available. Though, cities like Rotterdam are making this process faster paying the owners a part of the costs to transform the normal roof top into a green roof helping the city managing rainfalls.

Educating citizens and government for a sustainable planning is one of the first steps, by the moment people aloud expenses and human resources for this, changes will happen and the more investigation done as well as build projects will create a path for a sustainable management of floods. Like the proposal from OMA to New Jersey says, the clear path is by resist, delay, store and discharge, shows being possible those changes to happen in a built city.

The use and research about new materials that help filtrating water, and in some cases storing it to delay the sipping into ground, this new generation of material can be of enormous value to help not only storing water but also cleaning it. We believe that further research in this type of materials will help in many circumstances, not only in big cities but also in small cities or third world countries where many resources aren’t available to treat this issue. We also looked over some systems to build in water or in waterlogged land, showing that in situations that are needed to build on water and use it as a plot the project can be done.

The limited amount of build projects done in this field leave us with a concept that where was used is a major success, but because there are still reluctance in spending to prevent something that may stop eventually, what evaluating by data is the opposite, floods in cities will keep happening and will keep damaging new and old cities. Is needed that more cities take these steps for resilience and show how much value adds to the city safety as well as to the urban design.



Solutions like one house at a time don’t work to defend its own city, but a comprehensive strategy that extends to several steps and scales will. Infrastructures and landscape plans to coastal defend; smaller infrastructures to manage river water; seamless urban projects and green infrastructures to aid the delaying and storage of water; a well designed circuit connecting them all for a manageable drainage route and discharge. One single work can’t be as effective as a well planned strategy. The purpose is to cohabit with water as part of cities existence, transforming a problem into a pleasant space that also contributes for a healthier city.

Resist, Delay, Store and Discharge. Comprehensive Strategy for Hoboken, OMA team

SOURCES GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT - European agency envioronment: http://www.eea.europa.eu - Floods research in Europe: http://www.starflood.eu - New Orleans: http://www.wbarchitects.com/ - Dutch dialogue: http://dutchdialogues.com/ - The urbanisten, water squares: http://www.urbanisten.nl/ HISTORICAL CONTEXT - TEDxNOLA - David Waggonner - Living with Water. - Documentary Architecture & Water documentary. Relation between London and Thames: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeEuXrT-cCA - New Dutch solution to floods: http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2014/s3999293.htm - Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge: A Comprehensive Strategy for Hoboken: http://www.rebuildbydesign.org/project/oma-final-proposal/ COHABIT - The study, “Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms,” published July 14 in the journal Nature Climate Change. - Oyster & attenuation of waves: http://blogs.kcrw.com/goodfood/2012/11/could-oystersease-flooding-during-the-next-hurricane/ - Provisional sea storm walls: http://www.archdaily.com/396757/moma-ps1-rockaway-callfor-ideas-winning-proposal-sorg-architects/ - Protection to sea Stroms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AavgUVMIpSA&feature=youtu.be INFRASTRUCTURES - London Thames barrier: http://www.londonarchitectureblog.com/ - The MOSE System for the Defence Against High Waters: https://www.mosevenezia.eu

CITY ENCLOSURES - Rivers cleaning system using the water force: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5l7s6wC50g - Green Infrastructures: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/ecosystems/index_en.htm - Green roofs: http://www.greenroofs.org/index.php/about/greenroofbenefits - Downspout Disconnection Program: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/54651 URBAN STRATEGIES - Provisional barriers to floods in river’s banks: http://www.yankodesign.com/2008/08/14/ dikes-and-dams-be-damned/ - Waterplein Benthemplein: http://www.urbanisten.nl/wp/?portfolio=waterplein-benthemplein - Smart Tunnel: http://smarttunnel.com.my/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEVLDvmDmMY BUILDING SYSTEM - Rotterdam projects related with water: http://www.waterworld.com/articles/wwi/print/volume-25/issue-5/editorial-focus/rainwater-harvesting/rotterdam-the-water-city-of-the-future. html - Floating houses: http://www.rohmer.nl/en/project/waterwoningen-ijburg/ - Baca Architects - Flood Resilience Amphibious House: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=I6hUOWDoc5o&feature=youtu.be MATERIALS - Biological concrete: http://www.dezeen.com/2013/01/03/spanish-researchers-develop-biological-concrete-for-moss-covered-walls/ - Permeable paving system: http://www.vbgov.com/government/offices/eso/Documents/permeable-fact-sheet.pdf, permeablePavingHowardCountyMasterGardeners10_5_11 Final








Himalaya Team













P R O J E C T 6: Members:




Our Group ”Himalaya” is interested to conduct a research in resilient architecture after the earthquake 2005 in Kashmir and Himalayan part of Pakistan.



S E I S M I C R E S I L I E N T A R C H I T E C T U R E I N PA K I S TA N may 2015

We found that the rehabilitation planning, development and construction is orientated to the self-construction, based in vernacular and traditional architecture, using local materials but currently, reinforced with some modern materials like concrete and steel, usually without technical calculations but based in the experience. Our international group is interested to conduct a detailed survey and assessment study “post occupancy resilience study” in Pakistan and looking for collaboration with UN, Intentional NGOs , Earthquake Rehabilitation Authority (EERA) & National Disaster HOLA HOLA HOLA HOLASAManagement Authority of Pakistan as they have gathered rich DIAsjajlkdjajdkasjdkasjdksajd experience in extensive reconstruction program.as: Earthquake Resistant Constructions. ddjlksdjklasjdaskldjakldjskljd-


This research is oriented to the development of liveable places after earthquakes, a disclousure of traditional techniques and an exhibition of the improvements that can be introduced in the context of the analysis.

w e s ta n d for h i m a l aya

EMILIO BECERRA Architect Málaga, Spain

MARTA BOIX Architect Valencia, Spain

IFTIKHAR AHMAD Engineer Peshawar, Pakistan




An earthquake is a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth’s crust or volcanic action. The vibrations are caused by rocks breaking under stress. These movements are produced by the tectonic plates.

Plates’ forces

Himalaya, called “the Roof of the World” a mountain range in South Asia.The immense mountain range was formed by tectonic forces. Eighty million years ago, Indian Subcontinent was located approximately 6400 Km south og the Eurasian plate, both separated by the Tethys Sea. The Indo-Australian tectonic plate was pushed northward by the convection currents. When India and Tibet collided, the light sedimentary and metamorphic rock that makes up the subcontinent of India pushed against Tibet, forcing it upwards and created The Himalayas. The process hasn’t stopped., the Indo-Australian plate is still moving toward Eurasia 3 cm per year, pushing Tibet upwards. The highest mountain range on the Earth continue to rise by 2 cm each year, getting higher.

Formation of Himalayas

Relation tectonic plates and earthquakes

The Himalayas and the earthquakes



October 8, 2005, magnitue 7.60 richter scale 80.000 perished people 4 million of homeless Extensive destruction Pakistan’s north, kashmir valley Paralysed services Collapsed homes 84% of destroyed housing

Pakistan has recorded one of the highest temperatures in the world. As Pakistan is located on a great landmass north of the tropic of cancer, it has a continental type of climate characterized by extreme variations of temperature, both seasonally and daily. Very high altitudes modify the climate in the cold, snow-covered northern mountains; temperatures on the Balochistan Plateau are somewhat higher. Along the coastal strip, the climate is modified by sea breezes. In the summer, hot winds called Loo blow across the plains during the day. Trees shed their leaves to avoid loss of moisture. The dry, hot weather is broken occasionally by dust storms and thunderstorms that temporarily lower the temperature. Evenings are cool , the diurnal variation in temperature




DHAJII CONSTRUCTION In the ancient language ‘Dhajji’ was used to describe patchwork quilts. Because of its visual similarity, the term was applied to a traditional building technique of the Kashmir mountains. Dhajji construction is made of highly subdivided light timber frames with masonry infills. During the 7.6 magnitude Earthquake of October 2005, traditional Dhajji houses proved to be surprisingly earthquake resistant while nearly half a million other buildings, many of them made with modern building materials, have collapsed. Intermediate floor

Foundations Foundations must be at least 2 ft deep in solid ground. It is necessary to add a plinth of 1 ft on top of the foundation to keep the base plate away from the ground to avoid insects and water. It is better to keep the top surface of the foundation irregular to avoid water getting trapped under the base plate. Roof structure

Only best timber available can be used. For two storey buildings, the posts on the ground floor should be stronger placing the larger side of the post in the direction of the wall. For secondary subdivision, we have to use timber half as thick as the post. Walls can be subdivided in various ways. The strength of the finished wall depends on the quality of connections and the number of bracing boards. Two pieces of timber are connected with nails.

Walls’ structure

Elevation north





In less than three years over 120,000 rural houses were rebuilt after the

Walls without openings are stronger. Windows weaken the walls. It’s necessary to keep them to a minimum.

2005 Earthquake using the Dhajji construction technique. To avoid having a shop window front taking up an entire side. This part of the house will be weak and collapse quickly.

This extraordinary achievement was made possible by three factors: an owner driven reconstruction approach, accompanied by an extensive training programme directed at workers and house owners, and last but

Hipped roofs are stronger than pitched roofs with 2 slopes because they don’t fall over. The roof must be braced inside.

not least the need of the people to make use of local resources instead of spending their money on costly transport of modern building materials.

The length of a wall must not exceed 15 ft. If the wall is longer it has to be braced in between by a buttress wall or a beam well connected to another wall in the same direction. If space is limited, it must be lower than the house wall and the upper part sall be closed by a panel to avoid snow drift.

Dhajii Elevation



Windows are weak points. To make as few as possible.

Smaller windows are better than big ones. To avoid placing all the windows and the doors in the same wall.

Some considerations It is necessary to use flat stones or bricks, never round stones.The stones are joined by mud or lime mortar, but excessive amount of mortar should be avoided.

Verandas should not be deeper than 1/3 of the To facilitate filling the stones, boards may be fixed on one side of the wall depth of the building. and the may be removed later. After that, to secure the stones against falling out, a galvanized wire mesh can be nailed to both sides of the wall. Verandas placed in the middle of the building are The mud plaster is made by one third better. of clay, two thirds of sand and straw. The walls should be covered with several layers of plastering.

Once the floor structure is executed, it is necessary to put a layer of timber boards over the structure. After this, there is a packed layer of twigs to provide the thermal insulation. The thicker the layer, the better the insulation. This layer is contained by a stone barrier or a timber board. The final layer is made by waterproofing earth, which contribute to the thermal insulation.

Yasmeen Lari is a Pakistan’s female architect who works in disaster areas . She has built over 36.000 houses for victims of floods and earthquakes in Pakistan.

LEARNING FROM YASMEEN LARI Lari’s team has recorded a series of documentaries called “Al Jazeera’s Rebel architecture”. Yasmeen trained 10 architecture students to apply the new techniques at Moak Shariff Village. Many of the buildings were built by concrete blocks with no reinforcement, so after the earthquake, these collapsed and killed thousands of people. The new housings had to preserve the local architecture, and the construction with low-cost materials.

Lari uses vernacular techniques and local materials such as lime and bamboo. Her houses have a tiny carbon footprint and are simple enough for self-construction. She thinks different improvements to apply in traditional buildings to avoid disasters. Then she visits the destroyed villages and plans educational and divulgative activities for local inhabitants. The main objective is to teach people to reconstruct their homes implementing the learnt things.

Special grids for corners: to tie the walls in two directions

Recycled materials to do new bricks

Tied bamboo flooring structure

HOUSING IN BAGH The foundation Article 25 manages different projects around the world to provide buildings for some of the most vulnerable communities. They provide the skills and knowledge needed to make safe building after natural disasters.This housing prototype is based on the pakistani vernacular architecture, called Dhajii construction. The timber reticulate works well against earthquakes. The wood is a cheap material in Pakistan, as well as, easy to assemble.

Section and details

Grids for mud lime walls recovering

CO NTEM PO RARY Ast udyoft hebui l di ngst hatsur vi vedt heKashmi rear t hquake makei tevi dentt hatt hemoder nmet hodsofanal ysi sanddesi gn ar el i mi t edf ort hecompl et ecompr ehensi onoft r adi t i onalsyst ems.Anewmor ei nt egr at edappr oachi sneededt oassesst he s ei smi cadequacyofver nacul arst r uct ur es. Overt hecour seoft hel astt went yyear s,const r uct i onpr act i ces havechangeddr amat i cal l yi nt heKashmi rVal l ey .Now,mostof t henewbui l di ngsar eofr ei nf or cedconcr et e.Br i cki sst i l lused, butonl yf ori nf i l lwal l sbet weenr ei nf or cedconcr et ef l oorsl abs. Concr et ei nKashmi r ,asi nmostoft heThi r dWor l d,i snott r eat edasasophi st i cat edmat er i alr equi r i ngcar ef ulqual i t ycont r ol . I ti smi xedbyhand,dumpedbyt hebasket f ul l ,andr et emper ed i fnecessar y .I naddi t i on,muchoft heconst r uct i oni snotengi neer edf orear t hquakef or ces.I nst ead,i tmustr el yont hei nf i l l masonr yf ormostofi t sl at er al st r engt h.Thet i mberr unner beamsandDhaj j i Dewar if r ameshavebeenabandonedas unwant edvest i gesoft hepr emoder nwayofl i f e. Whati sneededi sacombi nat i onoft r adi t i onalver nacul arconst r uct i ont echni queswi t hamodestandcompat i bl ei nt r oduct i on ofsomemoder nmat er i al sandt echnol ogy .

STRUCTURE AND FO UNDATIO NS Ther ear et hr eegener alpr i nci pl esf ordesi gni nganear t hquak er esi st antst r uc t ur e: 1.Wal l sandr oofar ewel l i nt er c onnec t edands or i gi dt hatnodef or mat i onoc c ur si nt heear t hquak e. 2.Wal l sar ef l ex i bl eenough,s ot hatt hek i net i cener gyoft heear t hquakei sabs or bedbydef or mat i on.I nt hi sc as ear i ngbeam,whi c hi s abl et ot ak ebendi ngf or c es ,i snec es s ar yand t hej oi nt sbet weenwal l andr i ngbeam andr i ngbeam andr oofmus tbe st r ongenough. 3.Thewal l sar edes i gnedasment i onedi nc as e2,butt her oofi sf i x ed t ocol umnss epar at edf r om t hewal l ,s ot hatbot hs t r uc t ur al s y s t ems canmovei ndependent l yast heyhav edi f f er entf r equenc i es . Amodel s howi ngt het i mberel ement si nt r adi t i onal Kas hmi r i dhaj j i dewar i c ons t r uc t i on.T of or m t heex t er i orandi nt er i orwal l s ,a s i ngl el ay erofs t oneorbr i c k( f i r ed orunf i r ed)mas onr yi sl ai di nt ot he wal l swi t hi nt het i mberf r ame. Onl yhor i z ont al t i mber sar epl ac ed, andt i mber sont hei ns i deandout s i def ac esoft hewal l ar et i edt oget herl i k el adder s ..


Conf i nedmasonr ymodelhouse andt r ai ni ngsi t e. Si t edocument ed f orst epbyst ep phot ogr aphsf or i nf or mat i onmat er i al s.

1.Foundat i on TheERRAs t andar dsadv i s edf orar angeoff oundat i ons t andar ds dependi ngons oi l t y pe,andbas edonex c av at i onofus ual l y atl east2f eet ,andmor t ar edmas onr yupt opl i nt hl ev el .Onl y af ewar easoft heaf f ec t eddi s t r i c t shads of ts oi l ,andav er y hi ghpr opor t i onofs i t eswer eonr oc konorc l os et ot hes ur f ace.Thi smadeex c av at i ondi f f i c ul t . 2.Pl i nt h Thei ni t i al s t andar dspr omot edbyERRAi nSpr i ng2006wer e onl yf orr ei nf or c edmas onr yc ons t r uc t i on,wi t hv er t i c al s t eel r ei nf or cementandapl i nt hband.Themaj or i t yofhous ehol ds st ar t edorc ompl et edt hei rpl i nt hwi t hi nt hef i r s tbui l di ng seasonaspert hi ss pec i f i c at i on,butof t enmi ni mi s i ngt hec os t i nmasonr yandsandc ementmor t arbyc ons t r uc t i ngat gr oundl ev el r at hert hanr ai s edt her ec ommended1f tabov e gr oundl ev el .


CO NTEM PO RARY Ear t hquakesi nKashmi rhaveoccur r ed wi t hr egul ar i t yovert hecent ur i es,andt he Kas hmi r i housesr ef l ectanadapt at i ont o t hi st hr eatt hr ought hei nt er l aci ngofheavy t i mberwi t hi nt hepl aneoft heext er i or wal l soft hemasonr ybui l di ngs.I nKashmi r ,asi nmostcount r i es,woodandnai l s ar es i mpl yt oopr eci oust obeusedf or mor et hanwhati sabsol ut el ynecessar y , s omas onr yi st hepr i mar ybui l di ngmat er i al .Mos toft het r adi t i onal bui l di ngsi nSr i nagarc anbedi vi dedi nt ot wobasi csyst emsofc onst r uct i on.

1.Wal l s Typi caldesi gnmi st akeswhi chmi ght l eadt ot hecl l apseoft hehouse 1.Ri ngbeam i sl acki ng. 2.Li nt el sdonotr eachdeepl yenoughi nt o mas onr y . 3.Thedi st ancebet weendoorandwi ndow i st oos mal l . 4.Thedi st ancebet weenopeni ngsand wal lc or neri st oosmal l . 5.Pl i nt hi sl acki ng. 6.Thewi ndowi st oowi dei npr opor t i ont o i t shei ght . 7.Thewal li st oot hi ni nr el at i ont oi t s hei ght . 8.Thequal i t yoft hemor t ari st oopoor ,t he v er t i c al j oi nt sar enott ot al l yf i l l ed,t hehor i z ont alj oi nt sar et oot hi ck( mor et han15 mm) . 9.Ther oofi st ooheavy . 10.Ther oofi snotsuf f i ci ent l yf i xedt ot he wal l .

2.Roof s

3.Wi ndowsandopeni ng.

Ther oofshoul dbebui l tas l i ghtaspossi bl e.Roof swi t h t i l esorst onepl at esar enot r ecommended,ast heyar e heavyandi ncaseofanear t hquaket het i l esorpl at es mi ghtf al li nt ot hehouse.For ear t hquaker esi st anthouses apyr ami dalr oofwi t h4i ncl i nedpl anes,whi chr estona hor i zont alr i ngbeam,i st he bestsol ut i on. Themostused sol ut i oni sar oof wi t honer i dge andt woi ncl i ned sur f aces,buti n t hi scaset he beamsonwhi ch t her oofr est s, mustf or m ar i ng andcr osst he gabl e.

Openi ngswi t hi nt hewal l sdes t abi l i z et hewal l s y s t em.I nanear t hquak e di agonalcr ac k sof t enoc c ur ,s t ar t i ngatt hewi ndowedges .Li nt el shav e t openet r at ei nt ot hewal l f oratl eas t40c mi nor dert oac hi ev eagood bond.Thebes ts ol ut i oni st oal s ous et hel i nt el asar i ngbeam onwhi c h t her oofst r uc t ur er es t s . .I ti sal sor ec ommendedt hatt hepar tbel owt hewi ndowbebui l tasa l i ghtf l exi bl es t r uc t ur e,f ori ns t anc ef r om woodenpanel sorwat t l eand daub.Thef ol l owi ngr ul eshav et obet ak eni nt oac c ount : a)Thel engt hoft hewi ndowss houl dnotbemor et han1. 20m andnot mor et han1/ 3oft hel engt hoft hewal l . b)Thel engt hofwal l sbet weenopeni ngsmus tbeatl eas t1/ 3oft hei r hei ghtandnotl es st han1m. c)Door smus tbeopenedt owar dst heout s i de.Oppos i t et heent r anc e doort her es houl dbeal ar gewi ndoworanot herdoor ,whi c hac t sas emer gencyex i t .

1. 1.Rammedear t hwal l s

1. 2.Adobewal l s

1. 3.Wat t l eanddaub

I nt her ammedear t ht echni quemoi stear t hi spour edi nt o af or mwor ki nl ayer s10t o15 cm t hi ckandcompact edby r ammi ng.Thef or mwor kconsi st soft wopar al l elpanel s, separ at edandi nt er connect ed byspacer s. Tr adi t i onalt echni quesuse f or mwor kwi t hbi gwooden spacer s,whi chcauseopeni ngsandweakpar t sand of t enshowhor i zont al shr i nkagecr acksbet weent he l ayer s,ast hef r eshl ayeron t opoft heol doneshows l ar gershr i nkage

Bl ocksofear t hpr oduc edmanual l y byt hr owi ngwetear t hi nt oaf or mwor kar ec al l edadobes ,ormud br i cksorsomet i mess undr i ed ear t hbl ock s .Whenmoi s tear t hi s compact edi namanual orpower edpr ess,t hec ompr es s edel e ment ssof or medar ec al l eds oi l bl ocks.Bl oc k spr oduc edbyanex t r usi onpr oc es si nabr i c kpl ant , ar ecal l edgr eenbr i c k si nt hei runbur ntst at e.

Cons i s t sofv er t i c al andhor i z ont al el ement smadeoft i mberor bamboo,f or mi ngadoubl el ay er gr i dwhi c hi sf i l l edwi t hear t h.The v er t i c al el ement sar eus ual l yt r ee t r unk s ,t hehor i z ont al ones bamboo,r eedort wi gs .Thi si st he mos tf l ex i bl es y s t em,asi ti sbas i c al l yat i mbergr i ds t r uc t ur ewi t h f l exi bl ej oi nt sandear t hi nf i l l .

Temperwi t ht wo «heads»,usedi n Ecuador

Wal l wi t hf i l l edt ex t i l e hos es .Guat emal a

Passi veDesi gnt echni ques Pas s i v et echni quesar eaboutdesi gni ngt ot hel ocalcl i mat e( or i ent at i on, s ol ar ,wi nd,geol ogy ,t opogr aphy ,wat er )t oi nf or m howt oheat ,cooland v ent i l at eabui l di ng.Est abl i shedPassi veDesi gnt echni quesi ncl udesol ar gai nmanagementt hr ought hecont r oloft hear easofgl azi ngonf acades, s uns pac es,sol arshadi ng.Vent i l at i onmanagementt hr oughal i gni ngwi ndowst ocr eat ecr ossf l oworusi ngadi f f er encei nopeni nghei ghtt oencour aget hest ackef f ect( whi chi ncr easesvent i l at i on)andt her malmanage mentt hr oughi nsul at i ng,conduct i veandi r r adi at i vemat er i al sort her mal mas sc onst r uct i on. 87Whent hesepr i nci pl esar ecombi nedt echnol ogi es s uchasTr ombewal l s,sol archi mneysandi nt el l i gentf acadescanbei mpl ement edandl eadt oar educt i oni noper at i onalener gy .

Cl i mat i cr i sksi nPunj ab,Paki st an

I nor dert oadvi seonpot ent i alst r uct ur almeasur esdur i ngdesi gn,t her i sks t obe‘ adapt ed’ agai nstneedt obei dent i f i ed.Basedont hehazar dmappi ng t hathast akenpl aceal ongsi det hi sgl obalr evi ew( seesepar at eHazar d MapsandHazar dMapRepor t )t hekeycl i mat i cr i sks( bot hhi st or i caland pr oj ec t ed)ar e: 1.Fl oodi ng Fl oodi ngcanoccurf r om anumberofsour cesandcoul dber out i ne,seasonal oc c ur r ence,oranexcept i onalone. 2.Hi ghTemper at ur es Deal i ngwi t hhi gheri ndoort emper at ur eswi l lbepar t i cul ar l yi mpor t antf or hous es ,school sandheal t hcent r es .



Removet hel oos epar t i c l es ,peb- Remov et hel oos epar t i c l es ,pebbl es bl esanddus tf r om t her oofs ur f ac e and dus tf r om t her oofs ur f ac e

ert hef oam wi t hanot herpl as Layt he2I nc ht hi c kf oam ( ex t r uded Cov i cs heeti nor dert opr ot ec ti t ss ur pol yst yr enes heet s )ont hepl as t i c t f ac ef r om f r es hc onc r et eand sheet . wat er .

Mai nt ai nt hes ames l opef ort he concr et ef ordr ai nageaspers l ope ofr oofsl ab.

Cov ert hewhol er oofwi t h2i nc h t hi ckc onc r et e1:2:4( c ement : s and: aggr egat e)

Tr adi t i onalmat er i al sar el owener gyc ons umi ngi nt er msoft hei rpr oduc t i onandar emor eenv i r onmentf r i endl y .Sol ut i onsl i k ebr i c kt i l eswi t h st abi l i zedmud,c ements t abi l i z edmud,mudwi t ht her mopol e,t i l ei ns ul at i onsofal lk i ndsc anbec ombi nedwi t hr ef l ec t i v et ec hni quest oac hi evebet t err es ul t s . Ther esul t ss howt hatt r adi t i onal andenv i r onment al l yf r i endl ymat er i al s per f or m compar abl ywi t hs pec i al i z ednewi ndus t r i al l ypr oduc edmat er i al sandar emor el i k el yt obeaf f or dabl eandav ai l abl e.Ther ef or et her e i sat echni cal l yf eas i bl es ol ut i onav ai l abl ef orar angeofi nc omegr oups t hatwi l lal soaddr es sot herc r i t er i as uc hasappear anc eanddur abi l i t y .



Paki st anSt r aw Bal eandAppr opr i at eBui l di ng( PAKSBAB) PAKSBABof f er scr eat i vegr eenbui l di ngsol ut i onsusi ngl ocall abour andr enewabl emat er i al s,suchasst r aw,t opr ovi deaf f or dabl eper manenthousi ngespeci al l ysui t edf orsei smi candsever et emper at ur er egi onsofdevel opi ngcount r i es,suchasPaki st an.Thebui l di ng met hodsusedar eaboutt wot i mesmor eener gyef f i ci entand al mos tonehal ft hecostofmoder nl owi ncomehousi ng. I npos t di sast err econst r uct i onpr ogr ammesandi nbui l di ngcodes, t her ei sanemphasi sonconvent i onalbui l di ngmat er i al sandmet hodssuchasconcr et eandmasonr yconst r uct i on.Thesemet hods ar edeadl ywheni mpr oper l yconst r uct edandr equi r et heuseofhi ghc os t ,ener gyi nt ensi vemat er i al sandski l l edl abour ,usual l yunaf f or dabl ef ort hepoor .Concr et eandmasonr yconst r uct i onal soper f or m poor l yi nhotandcol dcl i mat es,andt hei rpr oduct i on,t r anspor t at i onandusear ehar mf ult ot heenvi r onment . St r awbal econst r uct i onusesst r aw,anagr i cul t ur albypr oduct , c ompr essedandt i edi nt obal es,asbui l di ngbl ocksf orwal l s.Ascur r ent l ypr act i sedi nmanydevel opedcount r i es,st r awbal econst r uct i onof f er snumer ousbenef i t s,i ncl udi ngener gyef f i ci ency ,t heuseof nat ur alnont oxi cmat er i al s,andr esi st ancet oear t hquakes,f i r es andpest s.St r awbal ebui l di ngshavepr ovent obedur abl e,some l as t i ngmor et han100year s.

Bamboopi nspr ov i deout of pl anes uppor tf ors t r awbal ewal l s

Oner oomeds t r awbal ehous eunderc ons t r uc t i on

PAKSBABhasdevel opeduni quest r awbal ebui l di ngmet hodspr ov i di ngexcept i onalst r uct ur al capaci t i esataboutonehal ft hecostof moder nl owi ncomehousi ngi nPaki st an.Weal sout i l i ser enewabl e andl ocal l yavai l abl emat er i al ssuchasst r aw,bamboo,wood,cl ay s oi l ,sand,gr avel andr ock,aswel lasl ocall abour .

Compar edt oc onv ent i onal bui l di ng met hods ,PAKSBAB‟ sappr oac hi s uni quei nt hatt hepr i mar ymat er i al s ofs t r aw,t i mberandbamboous ed i nourhomebui l di ngpr oc es ss eques t erCO2.

Weal s out i l i ser enewabl eandl ocal l yavai l abl emat er i al ssuchas s t r aw,bamboo,wood,cl aysoi l ,sand,gr avelandr ock,aswel las l oc al l abour . T odat e,t hehomesPAKSBABhasbui l thavebeenext r emel ywel l r ec ei v ed.I nt er vi ewsandasur veyofPAKSBAB‟ sl owi ncomehomeowner shaveshowni mpr ovement si ns ecur i t y( 30% f el tsecur e bef or e/ 100% af t er ) ,comf or t( 40%/ 100%) ,heal t h( 30%/ 80%) ,school at t endance( 20%/ 80%) ,empl oyment( 60%/ 100%) ,economi ccol l at er al( 50%/ 100%)andsoci alst at us( 50%/ 80%) . St r awbal econst r uct i oni sext r emel yener gyef f i ci entandc omf or t abl e,wi t hanexcel l entbal anceofi nsul at i onandmass,r educi ngt he amountoff uelr equi r edf orheat i ngandcool i ng.

St andar d24f tx24f ts t r awbal ehous e

I nt er r upt i onofwat erandsani t at i onser vi cesdur i ngadi sast er of t encompr omi sest heheal t h andsoci albenef i t sder i vedf r om t hei ri nst al l at i on.Thedamages i nsewersyst emsandwast ewat ert r eat mentcausecont ami na t i onofnear bybodi esofwat er , l os sofsour cesofwat er ,andenv i r onment aldegr adat i onwhi chl e adt ounheal t hf ulcondi t i onsi n ur bancent er s.

2.Des al i nat i on:,i sanex pens i v e opt i onandhasmuc hhi gheroper at i on andmai nt enanc er equi r ement s . 3.Sani t at i on:pr ov i det hec ol l ec t i onof us edwat eri nhous ehol dsandhuman was t e

1.Cent r al i seds y st emswi t hl ar gegr av i t y sewersyst emsandc ent r al was t ewat ert r eat mentpl ant s.

2.Decent r al i s edorc ommuni t y bas ed syst ems

Wat ersuppl yandsani t at i on Househol dsneedvar i ousessent i ali nf r ast r uct ur eandser vi ces. Forexampl e,r esi dent sandbusi nessesneedaccesst oi nf r ast r uc t ur e( suchaswat ersuppl y ,sani t at i on,el ect r i ci t y ,r oadsand t r ans por t ,communi cat i on,et c) .

3.Onsi t esys t ems :pr ov i desmos tf unc t i ons ofasani t at i ons y s t em ont hes i t eoft he housi ngandgener al l ys er v esonei ndi v i dualhousehol d.

Heal t hr i sksr el at edt ot hei nadequat emanagementof sol i dwast e Fl i es ,r at s ,dogs ,s nak esandot hers c av enger sar eat t r ac t edt ogar bage,par t i c ul ar l yi nhotc l i mat es .I ff oodi s s c ar c e,peopl emaybef or c edt os c av engeaswel l whi c h wi l l l eadt oi nc r eas edc as esofdi s eas e. Pool sofr ai nwat eras s oc i at edwi t hwas t ec ol l ec t i onwi l l pr opagat et hebr eedi ngofmos qui t oest hatt r ans mi tmal ar i a,dengueandy el l owf ev er .Heapsofgar bagepr es enta f i r er i s kands mok ec anal s obeaheal t hhaz ar di ft hebur ni ngwas t ec ont ai nsi t emss uc haspl as t i c sorc hemi c al s.

ECONOMI CSOFWASTERECYCLI NG Rec y c l i ngwi l lonl ybef easi bl ei fi ti seconomi cal l yvi abl e.Thi swi l l dependl ar gel yont hemar ketval ueoft hemat er i al ,oncepr oduced. Pos t di sast err econst r uct i onwor knor mal l ypl acesahugedemandon quar r ymat er i al ssot her ear et ypi cal l ygoodeconomi cgr oundsf orr ecyc l i ngbui l di ngwast e.Anexcept i onmi ghtbei nr ur alar easwi t hgood ac ces st ounl i mi t edquar r i es.





This building, located in Jar Maulwi, Pakistan, is designed by the german architects Ziegert roswag Seiler Architekten Ingenieure in collaboration with local architects.This earth and bamboo school offers a sustainable new teaching volume for the local community while providing local craftsmen with new skills.

The school is composed of two rectangular volumes that operate independently . One of them is constructed first and after the other, so that the structures work independently against earthquakes .

The concept was adapted to the skills of local builders so that traditions of the community could be threated into the final structure. The school required seven additional classrooms to accommodate its growing student population.

Simple volumes, not too long, have a better performance against earthquakes.

Ground floor

That new classrooms measure around 40 m2.

First floor


The new building structural system transforms the existing techniques, creating very durable structures. Missing a foundation as well as a horizontal damp proof the earth walls are exposed to harmful raising humidity from the ground. Brickwork in combination with two moisture barriers prevents damages caused by upraising humidity., raised more than 60 cm from the ground the earth walls are protected in the case of a flood. Instead of using timber or steel beams, the roof is fully constructed of locally grown bamboo. A bamboo frame structure is filled with straw.













The school is a pilot project for a transformed building method, one which can be adapted for different uses.

ROOF 3 layer bamboo ceiling Straw earth filling Lime coating Bitumen membrane Earth layer

The first-floor walls are built using the wattle-and-daub method: light bamboo frame structures filled with earth. The ceilings and roof are constructed using a system of triple-layer bamboo beams joined with simple knots and steel rods, then covered with a layer of earth.

FAÇADE FIRST FLOOR Straw earth Bamboo strip façade Earth wall FAÇADE FIRST FLOOR Cob wall Horizontal bamboo bracing for monolitic earth walls, specially in the case of an earthquake.

The bamboo is treated with Borax, a natural salt which protects against parasite infestations. The main ideas of the project are to promote local traditions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and expensive products from outside the region and develop natural material and economic cycles.

OVER GROUND FOUNDATION One brick layer, Bitumen membrane Brickwork FLOORING Compacted earth Bricks or tiles

Facade detail

OPPENINGS Glassed openings at the south to heat the building.

BUILDING SYSTEMS The project is designed to promote the area’s traditional, ecologically-friendly construction culture by keeping the benefits of the traditional methods. Elevation south

Elevation north

The natural and adaptable materials can be returned to nature at the end of its lifespan, creating a closed natural cycle. The natural activity of earth provides climate control and a healthy indoor environment, unlike other modern materials like concrete, plastic or derivatives.

Climate adapted design. Earth and its humidity activity is conditioning the building. Glassed openings to the south are heating the building pasive in the winter against sun and heat. Crossventilation is cooling the building down at night.











The training program was divided into theoretical education, hands on training and on site implementation. The training would be implemented in two modules (pilot phase and regular phase). Each module taked about three months, within this period 90 hours of theoretical education and hands



on training were undertaken. The theoretical

element would create an understanding of the building

system, methods and materials while strengthening a positive perception


of traditional materials, especially earth and bamboo. Trainees had to understand the advantages as well as the problems of the construction method and how to create high quality buildings resistant to weather and natural hazards. The hands on training reinforced the lessons learned in the


theoretical sessions, and simultaneously the participants were involved on the construction. Additionally the buildings would prove the sustainability of the construction method and showcase the potential of the materials for


high quality design, comfort and cost efficiency.

Followed scheme

Collaborative construction in Earther School

CO NCLUSIO N OurGr oup” Hi mal ayaconduct edgr oupr esear chi nr esi l i entar chi t ec t ur eaf t ert heear t hquake2005i nKashmi randHi mal ayanpar t or fPaki st an.Wef oundt hatt her ehabi l i t at i onpl anni ng,devel opmentandconst r uct i oni sor i ent at edt ot hesel f const r uct i onbased i nver nacul arandt r adi t i onalar chi t ect ur eusi ngl ocalmat er i al sbut c ur r ent l y ,r ei nf or cedwi t hsomemoder nmat er i al sl i keconcr et e andst eel ,usual l ywi t houtt echni calcal cul at i onsbutbasedi nt he ex per i ence.Havi ngt hesecondi t i ons,ourr esear chwasmor edi f f i c ul tbecausesomet i meswedi dn' thaveenoughi nf or mat i onand l ac koft i meandr esour ces.Ouri nt er nat i onalGr oup“Hi mal aya”i s i nt er est edt oconductadet ai l edsur veyandassessmentst udy:“ pos toccupancyr esi l i encest udy”i nPaki st anandl ooki ngf orcol l abor at i on wi t hUN. ,I nt ent i onalNGOs,Ear t hquakeRehabi l i t at i on Aut hor i t y( EERA)&Nat i onalDi sast erManagementAut hor i t yof Pak i st anast heyhavegat her edr i chexper i encei next ensi ver ec onst r uct i onpr ogr am. as:Ear t hquakeResi st antConst r uct i ons.

BIBLIO G RAPHY -Const r uct i onmanualf orear t hquaker esi st anthousesbui l tofear t h.( GATE-BASI N( Bui l di ng Advi sor ySer vi ceandI nf or mat i onNet wor k )atGTZGmbH( Gesel l schaf tf ürTechni scheZusammenar bei t ) -Housi ngandconst r uct i ont echnol ogy .UnHabi t atPaki st an -Theear t hquaker esi st antmudandbr i ckar chi t ect ur eofkashmi r( Randol phLangenbach) -Dhaj j ic onst r uct i on( Nat i onalDi sast erManagementaut hor i t yPaki st an) -Ear t hquaker esi st antt r adi t i onalconst r uct i oni snotanOxymor on.Randol phLangenbach - At r adi t i onalf ut ur e ht t p: / / www. al j azeer a. com -The14t hWor l dConf er enceonEar t hquakeEngi neer i ng( Oct ober1217,2008,Bei j i ng, Chi na) -Ear t hquakeResi st antSt r uct ur esDesi gn,Bui l d,andRet r of i t-Mohi uddi nAl iKhan-Googl e Books_f i l es -Sei smi cResi st antHousi ngPaki st anOpenAr chi t ect ur eNet wor k_f i l es -ERRAsConst r uct i onPol i cy:Quer i esandExpl anat i ons -Gover nmentofPaki st an.Ur banDevel opmentSt r at egy( Ear t hquakeReconst r uct i on&Rehabi l i t at i onAut hor i t yI sl ami cRepubl i cOfPaki st an,I sl amabad) -Rur alar chi t ect ur eofKashmi r . -Resi l i entAr chi t ect ur e( Mol l yJankowskideSousa) -Ear t hquakesi nI ndi aandt heHi mal aya:t ect oni cs,geodesyandhi st or y .RogerBi l ham.Uni ver si t yofCol or ado,Boul der ,USA,2004. -St r uct ur alEngi neer i ngf orNor t her nPaki st an:I ndi genousAr chi t ect ur eandEar t hquakeResi st ace,Ji mmyChi yiSu.Ci vi lEnvi r onment alEngi neer i ngCor nel lUni ver si t y ,1993. -Post Ear t hquakeReconst r uct i onScenar i oi nt heRur alNor t her nAr easofPak i st an,Syed Eht esham Husai n.I nst i t ut eofI nf or mat i onTechnol ogy ,Lahor e,Paki st an,2008.

Wehavef oundagoodgui desofver nacul arconst r uct i onanda c asest udyexpl ai ni ngst epbyst ept hepr ocessandusi ngl ocal mat er i al sandwor ker s. Themai nconcl usi onoft hi ski ndofconst r uct i oni nt hi spar toft he wor l di st heyar eusi ngl ocalmat er i al swi t houtt echnol ogi calr es our cesbutr ei nf or ceswi t hsomemoder nt echni quesl i keconcr et e andst eelbei ngaki ndofver nacul arandl owcostsyst em ofconst r uc t i onandevenecof r i endl y ,r ecycl i ngandr eusi ngol dmat er i al s t obui l dt henewconst r uct i ons,bui l tbyl ocalpeopl e,ever y day mor eexper i enced,andhavi nggoodr esul t s. Af t ert hi sdi sast r ousear t hquakei n2005,t heconst r uct i onofbui l di ngsi nHi mal ayahavei mpr ovedver ymuchi nsecur i t y ,r esi st an-

TheHer i t ageFoundat i on.www. her i t agef oundat i onpak. com Gui dancenot eonr ecover y ( UNDP,I RP) -Wor l dHeal t hOr gani t at i onWEDC.Sol i dwast emanagementi nemer genci es. -Pl anni ngcent r al i sedbui l di ngwast emanagementpr ogammesi nr esponset ol ar gedi sast er s.( Shel t ercent r e,Pr oact ,di sast erwast er ecover y) . -Lear ni ngf r om Ear t hquakes,t heKashmi rEar t hquakeofOct ober8,2005:I mpact si nPaki st an.EERISpeci alEar t hquakeRepor t ,2006. -Sei smi cResi st antHousi ngPaki st an.Ar t i cl e25,devel opment+di sast err el i ef -Ear t hquakeReconst r uct i onandRehabi l i t at i onAut hor i t y( ERRA) ,Paki st an -Bhat arconst r uct i on.Ani l l ust r at edgui def orcr af t smen.Swi ssAgencyf orDevel opmentand Cooper at i onSDC,Fr enchRedCr oss,Mansehr a,2007. -Lear ni ngEar t hquakeDesi gnandConst r uct i on.HowAr chi t ect ur alFeat ur esaf f ectBui l di ngs dur i ngEar t hquakes?CVR.Mur t y ,I ndi anI nst i t ut eofTechnol ogyKanpur . -www. unhabi t at . or g. pk/ -Dhaj i iConst r uct i on.Agui debookf ort echni ci ansandar t i sans.Ar ch.Tom Schacher ,Pr of .Dr . Qai sarAl i .Uni ver si t yofAppl i edSci encesofSour t her nSwi t zer l and,Uni ver si t yofEngi neer i ng andTechnol ogyofPeshawar ,Paki st an,2009. -Cat orandCr i bbageConst r uct i onofNor t her nPaki st an.Ri char dHughes,London.

Gui del i nesf orbui l di ngbamboor ei nf or c edmas onr yi near t hquakepr onear easi nI ndi a.Sr eemat hiI yer .Fac ul t yoft heSc hool Ar c hi t ec t ur eUni v er s i t yofSour t her n,Cal i f or ni a,2002. - Tr adi t i onal f or msofr ur al habi t ati nPak i s t an.Kami l KhanMumt az.Humanset t l ement sand soci ocul t ur al env i r onment sUnes c o. - ht t p: / / www. des i gnboom. c om/ ar c hi t ec t ur e/ z i eger t r oswagsei l er ar chi t ek t eni ngeni eur eear t hens c hool i npak i s t an/ - ht t p: / / www. pl at af or maar qui t ec t ur a. c l / c l / 02136561/ ar qui t ect osyl ac omuni dadl oc al l ev ant anes c uel adebar r oy bambuenpaki st anLocal l ymanuf act ur at ed cobandbamboos c hool bui l di ng,J arMaul wi ,Pak i s t an,Zi eger t ,Roswag,Sei l erAr chi t ekt enI ngeni eur e.

-Shel t er i ngFr om aGat her i ngSt or m TheCostandBenef i t sofCl i mat eResi l i entShel t er . Mar cusMoench,TheShel t er i ngTeam.I nst i t ut ef orSoci alandEnvi r onment al Tr ansi t i onI nt er nat i onalBoul der ,2014. -Rur alHousi ngReconst r uct i onPr ogr am Post 2005Ear t hquake.Lear ni ngf r om t hePaki st an Exper i ence,AManualf orPost Di sast erHousi ngPr ogr am Manager s.ShahnazAr shad, Sohal bAt har .TheI nt er nat i onalBankf orReconst r uct i onandDevel opment ,Washi ngt on,2013. -Gui del i nesf orbui l di ngbamboor ei nf or cedmasonr yi near t hquakepr onear easi nI ndi a.Sr eemat hiI yer .Facul t yoft heSchool Ar chi t ect ur eUni ver si t yofSour t her n,Cal i f or ni a,2002.

P R O J E C T 7:


S.R.S Team

























Open Online Academy | Resilient Architecture Research Course COASTAL FLOOD RESILIENT ARCHITECTURE IN U.A.E

Team Members: Neebal Alazawi

Architect | Project Manager IRAQ Participation : Full course

Lubna Amir

GeoHazard | Cultural and traditional engineering ALGERIA Participation : 2 Weeks

Dima AlChamaa

Architect SYRIA Participation : 3 Weeks

Yara AlSharif

Architect SYRIA Participation : 3 Weeks

Neda Salmanpour

Architect | Undergraduate IRAN Participation : 1 Week

Resilient Architecture Research

Thesis statement: Resilient architecture become obligatory, UNEP had an agreement on “Disaster Risk Reduction” 1 . Therefore, this project research will focus on the flood disaster phenomena in United Arab Emirates. A timeline of studies will consider the vernacular architecture resiliency of the country and compare it to the contemperory ones that is used in the region. The research and analysis will consider the “Form, Geometry, Grounds”, “Structure and materials”, “Building enclosure”, and “ Building systems”. Finding “Resilient and sustainable furure design” solutions that is safe and durable is the objectives outcomes of this project.

Fujairah is the selected region: - “Consequently, Fujairah boasts a higher than average yearly rainfall of the UAE, allowing farmers in the region to produce crop annually.” 2 - Fujairah’s geographical location is suspected to many Natural disasters and recent catastrophic events have shown that intensive attentiveness should be devoted to this region. Example of recent natural disasters is the Al Qurayyah floods in 1995.3 - Moreover , Fujairah is a less developed emirate that depends on federal support. It suffers from the lack of developed infrastructure, poor construction, low levels of education and vulnerability to disasters.3

Refrence 1 - http://unep.org/newscentre/Default.aspx?DocumentID=26788&ArticleID=34814&l=en 2 - Coastal Zones in the UAE, Part I in Climate change, Impacts, Vulnerability, adaptation , Environment Agency Abu Dhabi 3- Pictures taken from the climate change report from the Environmental agency in Abu Dhabi


Geographical Context The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is more exposed to natural hazards than has been previously. In the last 20 years the UAE has been subjected to earthquakes, landslides, floods and tropical storms and it is not as protected from natural hazards as it has often been assumed. The rapid growth of population and its increased concentration in urban centers, and the lack of a clear hazard planning policy and engineering regulations contributes to making this area more vulnerable , The vulnerability of the communities to natural hazards is strongly influenced by cultural and social factors.

Climatic conditions Climate change in U.A.E brings different effects such as ,Sea level rise ,Storms Frequency (thunderstorms, heavy rains, sandy storms, etc…) ,Floods, and related hazard induced : Landslides. The climate change impact in the U.A.E on coastal ecosystems, Inundation in coastal areas, and Coastal erosion and shoreline retreat.

The geological structure of the land The geological structure of the UAE follows that of the Arabian Platform. The Arabian Platform encompasses not only present day Arabia but also the shallow Arabian Gulf and the rocks of the coastal Zagros Mountains of Iran.

The Hajar Mountains

The desert

The Hajar Mountains are located along the north-eastern margin of the Arabian plate, in northern Oman . The Hajar Mountain range is a key factor in inducing a significant amount of rainfall during summer in Fujairah . These mountains have peaks of approximately 3, 000 meters, and run parallel to the coast of Gulf of Oman. The Hajar Mountains in Fujairah consist of a distinctive complex of igneous rocks, an ophiolite suite that represents the upper mantle and oceanic crust of an ocean that once lay to the north-east. The Hajar mountain range that divides the UAE in two, from Ras Al Khaimah to Al Ain has kept Fujairah separated from the rest of the country. The variability of the east coast climate is partly due to the presence of the Hajar mountain range. 2

Most lands of the present day UAE consists of sand deserts, stretching from the Arabian Gulf coast south to the unbroken and uninhabited sands of the Empty Quarter and at the east to the gravel plains bordering the Hajar Mountains. Sabkha is the Arabic term for low-lying saline flats subjected to periodic marine inundation. Three types are dentified, based on their environment of formation.2

Refrence 2 - Coastal Zones in the UAE, Part I in Climate change, Impacts, Vulnerability, adaptation , Environment Agency Abu Dhabi 3- Pictures taken from the climate change report from the Environmental agency in Abu Dhabi

The geographical map of U.A.E

Storm and Cyclone in the Arabian Peninsula


Induced natural hazard due to the Gonu Cyclone: heavy rains, landfall and floods.


1.Geographical Context A historic flood event: In 1995 Al Qurayah acity in fujairah had a catastrophic Flood that was not expected . Al Quraya is located on the Indian Ocean coast (25° 14’ 22N - 56°2138E), north of Fujairah City .“It lies at the foot of the Hajar Mountains and is situated at the mouth of the Safad valley.” . The Hajar mountain as mentioned before it is inducing a significant amount of rainfall, and this factor made huge increase of the flood . Inaddition to the natural effect of rainfall on the city , the dam hadn’t the enough capacity to store the amount of water that have been raining in 3 days of heavy rain and storms, therfore it caused a dam failure . This event was the worst in fujairah emirates history ,inwhich 90 percent of the Al Qurayah area was affected.

The impact of flooding on Al Qurayah

high water discharge water

failure of an old dam and extensive flood damage

Flood effects to the city:

houses collapsed due to flood

- Destruction of houses - food and livelihood security - Mud and debris deposits - The loss of poultry - Loss of livestock , and durable assets. - Surge of the sea damaged what is around - Traffic


Debris and residual effects of the flood

Solutions taken in al Qurayat Guidance Plate describes the road to Al


A budget of $4million provided by the UAE government to rebuild the dam and in the Safad and Thayb valleys above Al Qurayah town , three breakwaters are being built.

The project solution expectation :


- More rainwater being collected

Poor infrustrure and mainatinance

- irrigate more farms especially during summer - support the regions underground water storage : Protect houses from the torrent sweepings. Results

Refrence http://uobrep.openrepository.com/uobrep/handle/10547/241787

Huge and unexpected catastrophes

Vernacular Case Studies Structure and Materials The project research will Examine the local material resources and traditional construction techniques that have been developed and crafted throughout the region’s construction history. Traditionally, Emirati buildings were constructed with materials provided by nature from the surrounding environment. The materials varied from coral, stone and mud through to palm fronds and animal hair depending on the availability and ease of construction and durability performance of these materials. Based on these factors the materials fell into two categories: - Woven materials - Masonary Materials Inwhich the project will be discussing and explaining it’s components. tion units used the most among the rest. Areas close to the shore also used coral, shell and beach-stone which were unified with gypsum-based mortar, whereas in the oasis areas of Al Ain and Buraimi, mud brick constructions were built using mud-based mortar.

Traditional construction method Traditional housing unit with demonstration of internal construction units with the load bearing walls and wooden ties that reinforce the masonry and act as the skeleton structure that keeps the unit together and prevents the deformation of the form.

Grounds, foundation and base The soil in this region is relatively lose and therefor it can not accommodate extreme or concentrated pressure so, the foundations mostly starts from the ground level where a heavy stone pad is provided to push down the sand and soil and create a relatively stable ground by compressing the

particles and meanwhile it uplifts the building which prevent the water to enter the building during floods. Further reinforcement is made at the bottom of the thick load bearing walls which acts as the foundation that transfers the load of that wall to the ground level and disperse the load.

Wall structures Depending on e region and availability of materials, moun Refrence

tain stone, marine stone and mud brick were the construc

In regions away from the shore , dry masonry construction was used i.e. Locally found stones. Masonry utilization in building structures helped to reduce the temperature in summers and increase in winters by providing a thermal mass and a time lag in the heat transformation. Therefor the masonry materials are classified into three categories: 1- mountain stones 2- marine stones 3- mud brick 1- Mountain Stones Mountain stones were widely used in dry areas close to the mountains were use of this stone type was feasible and convenient for the locals. The mountain stone structure were divided into two parts:

1.Summer houses: Which were mostly located in the high elevations with openings within the walls for the passage of cool wind. 2.Winter houses: Consisted of tightly laid walls which was plastered over to keep the cold wind out and were mostly located in the lower elevations. 2- Coral and shell Stones Some buildings in coastal areas used coral/ shell stones in the dry format as they would leave them in the sun for days to reduce the salt and water concentration and was mainly used in construction of wind tower since due to its low weight and high strength that is a resultant of the cellular structure of these organisms . Then each stone would be used as the load bearing construction unit which would be connected to each other with gypsum mortar. The over all expenses associated with the construction process of coral stones limited this construction method.

3- Mud brick Mud bricks were mostly cast in wooden blocks or shaped by hand and were left to dry up in the sun and later on covered with plaster mixed with straw which then connected with one another via locally mixed mortar to by laid unit by unit to create the wall. This construction method was relatively popular due to it high thermal mas therefor providing thermal comfort in the extreme weather.

Vernacular Case Studies Column grid structures -Most of the structure were oriented around central court with a rectilinear grid with the rooms all laid around the the big open space at the middle. -The width of the grid would correspond to the size of the room needed and if big spaces were required the grid would replicate itself and columns would be places in the middle of the room. -Central courtyards were favored due to climatic situation and that effected the placement of the grid and depth of each room.

-Materials that were used in the grid systems were mostly wooden poles in places where interruption was not preferred and thin wooden columns were preferred to thick stone walls i.e. Guest halls

Heritage House Before restoration 1995

Central courtyard with one grids laid out around the open space. -Stone based , load bearing grids were most preferred in exterior and between each room to provide thermal comfort with their high thermal mass and their thickness would not break the visual connection within one space.

-The grid could not expand more than two rooms since that would block the cross ventilation and natural light entering the space . But in structures like the Mosques where big spaces were necessary wooden columns were used to carry the roof and light contraction materials were used in the roof to not overload the grid.

Heritage House after restoration 1995 Its very interesting how to grid was emphasized on the outside of the structure and was not just a technical construction process , it would also shape the elevation and decorations on the outside of the building which brings a sense of connectivity between the interior and exteriors of the building.

Residential house with the grid responding to functions of each room.

Al Utayba Mosque, Abu Dhabi (case Study)

Repetitive rectilinear grid of the mosque and its connection to the façade Refrence

Vernacular Case Studies

Al Muhannadi Mosque(stone columns)

Al Muraykhi Mosque (case study)

Exterior of the Mosque

Section of the uplifted mosque to prevent water entering the space.

Analysis of Mosque Proportions Windows Analysis

Door analysis Analysis of the proportions of the plan dimensions of the mosque including the Prayer hall Riwaq Sahan Ablu Refrence

Load bearing walls and wooden coloumns as main structural supports.

Stone columns were not widely used since carving the perfect column and its transportation was bot very feasible and the one piece stones were not locally available. interior of the mosque

Façade Analysis

Contemporary Case Studies Structure : The Amphibious house Design (Case study) The Amphibious house is a building that rests on the ground on fixed foundations but when the flood occurs, the entire building rises up and floats, buoyed by the floodwater. The project is UK’s first amphibious project which is located now on the Thames River, and it is nearing completion. Baca Architects designed the house just 10 m from the river’s edge, and replaced a dilapidated bungalow with a contemporary house for a couple which wanted to live on a floodprone island near the river. The Amphibious House can cope with over 2m of flood water. 1

The Amphibious house Design Starting from the Outside near the water, the design is integrated by a terraced landscape , which the architect called as the flood cells, which acts as an early warning system that the water is rising. The terraces will fill with water before the ‘wet dock’ under the house does, and then the home itself will smoothly rise to stay above the surface. The upper part of the house is an insulated lightweight timber construction, which rests on a concrete hull creating a ‘free- floating pontoon’. The base of the house will be set between four ‘dolphins’, which consists of permanent vertical guideposts, which are recessed into the side of the house, surrounded by Zinc shingles.

Both guideposts and the shingles can be seen clearly on the side elevations. The roof lights are following the line of the guideposts as well to continue the group of bands around the building.

Few amphibious houses were built around the world, and most of them have been one to two storey dwellings, typically built with wate proof concrete bases that provides buoyancy. This new house is designed with an open living space at the primary floor, arranged around a double height space overlooked by the upper floor gallery of the master bedroom. A predominatelyglazed facade, facing south allows a panoramic view toward the river.

Refrence 1 -http://www.baca.uk.com/index.php/living-on-water/amphibious-house

Contemporary Case Studies Building Envelope System in the U.A.E:

There are three main elements that affect the building envelope system in any built structure: 1- The foundation protection system 2- Windows and façade insulation system 3- Roof protection system

In general, the main problems of the window and façade system in the UAE, which helps in increasing the flood damage is high humidity variations through seasons, and high temperatures. Humidity affects the dimensions of materials in a building, as it shrinks and swells when losing or taking water. This changing moisture content can shrink the joists and studs as well, and cause plaster cracks. Considerations on windows are taken in most structures in the UAE, considerations indicating excessive relative humidity (RH). The same considerations are taken for walls as well. As for Roof systems, the temperature problem affects more than humidity, as when high thermal radiation hit your roof, especially in a country that reaches a temperature beyond 50 degrees Celsius in summers, it causes big cracks, leaks and damages in the roof. In this section, we are going to discuss the last two elements affecting the BES (Building Envelope System) of the UAE built structures, which are windows, walls, and roof systems. Then we will take a case study and analyze these elements, and provide the best solutions that can be taken to have the least amount of damages when floods occur.


Any roof consists of two components: the material covering the roof, which is directly exposed to the environment, and its structure which is an understructure supporting the roof covering material. The first part should be very long-lasting and resistant to violent solar radiation, oxidation, and the effects of weather conditions like seasonal temperature and moisture fluctuation. Regarding the roof’s structure, roofs must be sufficiently strong and rigid enough to withstand the applied loads and should also show no deflection in between structural spans. There are many problems that help in roofs failure in general, and in Fujairah city especially. A typical percentage analysis of the elemental building cost of a normal average house shows that the roof component, including the ceiling alone takes about 30% to 40% of the total cost of the building. So, when a heavy rainstorm occurs in Fujairah, roof collapse and because it is expensive to replace it, it stays for a while, then the roof starts to get eroded, and the total house can be left to be eroded and may not be replaced even in the distant future.

Refrence http://www.sesam-uae.com/Green/seminar0608/press/Henkel%20Polybit.pdf http://fmlink.com/a/44283 http://www.pmsilicone.com/temperature-extremes/

Two types of roof is being used in U.A.E : - Pitched roof - Flat roof

This roof shows signs of wear, because it has been exposed to many temperature swings

Contemporary Case Studies Roof Another problem of roof failure is the structural inadequacy of the structure, which is one of the major causes of the collapse and ripping off of roofs. By the time, it was found that roofs design relies basically on experience, intuition, common sense and the rule-of-thumb, which is unfortunately resulted in very defective roofing systems that in most cases also contributed to the collapse and ripping off of roofing systems. Noncompliance with design specifications and manufacturers’ requirements for the use of roof covering materials have also resulted in poor performance of some of the roofs and are the major causes of roof leakages. Failure to stop these leakages immediately resulted in the deterioration members and the loosening and rusts on roofing nails used in the timber joints. Finally, the roof structures are usually not built to any design specifications, also the lightweight nature of most of roof structures formed from smaller timber sections makes them highly subjected to damage from suction caused by strong winds.

Walls and Windows

Structure example used in U.A.E of a compound wall

To protect the walls and windows of buildings in the city, a good wall Insulation system is needed to avoid vapor condensation, and the use of Multilayer block wall as well. For humidity, joint sealing can reduce big damages.

So the main causes of roofing failure in the UAE can be pointed as follows:

Windows should go on with these rules as well to create a secured building envelope that can face any rainstorm occurring.

- Effects of environmental degradation - Design problems - Poor construction practices and supervision - Lack of maintenance

double glazed window example used in U.A.E.

Refrence http://www.sesam-uae.com/Green/seminar0608/press/Henkel%20Polybit.pdf http://fmlink.com/a/44283 http://www.pmsilicone.com/temperature-extremes/

In the UAE, the main building materials are concrete, glass and steel. The use of curtain walls is very common there as well. These materials were used in the country after the discovery of oil in the late 19th century; and the architecture started to change from vernacular architecture which had a traditional touch of Islamic architecture to totally modern architecture as can be seen in Dubai magnificent buildings. Fujairah as a city in the UAE is considered to be a modest city compared to the modernization of Dubai. Concrete is mainly used in wall systems, with simple openings in the façade. Glass or double glass is used for these windows. As mentioned, Fujairah is a simple city, and with a low yearly income the buildings there tend to be simple and it have a traditional style, because it is easier for people there and cheaper.

Contemporary Case Studies Building Systems: Air and Energy Supplying energy has many different resources , but the task is how to choose these resources. What aspects do we consider? How long would it live and sustain? How does it affect the surrounding? Well in the case of U.A.E , oil is their main source of energy. The rapid growth and the urge of fast construction , results in neglecting the clean environment and transformed it into a dangerous ones.Developers have concurred the building construction decision instead of the owner/occupier clients . Where their focus was on the “initial capital expenditures without considering operating costs that are typically borne by tenants.” 1 Two forces are deteriorating the U.A.E environment future, the commercial forces and the cheap electricity. However, the U.A.E government have seen the dangerous aspect of ignoring this phenomena and started to work about it. Moreover, building regulation have been updated according to green building rules. Even clients started to prefer and demand natural and green resources instead. Also, a evolutionary clean and green city “Masdar City” started to be built in 2006. The Abu Dhabi government is preparing a clean future for the country, and in this section of the chapter we are going to take this example as a case study and discuss it to show the country’s capability in developing and improving the quality of built structures.

Refrence http://www.carboun.com/sustainable-design/passive-cooling-responding-to-uae%E2%80%99s-soaring-electricitydemand/

Masdar City

This first zero-carbon emissions and zero-waste city explains clearly how clean air, energy, waste, and water are managed in a sustainable way. Masdar has committed more than $1.7 billion (U.S.) to renewable energy developments, with those investments helping to deliver nearly 1 gigawatt of clean power in the United Arab Emirates and beyond. Within the UAE, Masdar Clean Energy projects include: The 100-megawatt Shams 1 solar power project with Abengoa Solar and Total that stretches over more than 2.5 square kilometers in western Abu Dhabi, seek to add value to the national economy while also reducing industrial carbon emissions.

Masdar City’s 10-megawatt solar photovoltaic plant in Abu Dhabi, Masdar City’s 1-megawatt solar rooftop installations, and carbon capture and sequestration projects that seek to add value to the national economy while also reducing industrial carbon emissions. Internationally, Masdar Clean Energy has invested in highprofile, utility-scale renewable energy projects like Torresol Energy, a joint venture in Spain with SENER that operates 120 megawatts of concentrated solar power plants, and the London Array, a 650-megawatt offshore wind farm in the Thames Estuary.

Contemporary Case Studies Building Systems: Masdar City The Masdar Headquarters building is also meant to set an example to following development in the city by raising the bar above the Masdar City’s goals for individual buildings. These goals can be summarized as reducing energy use and waste production in each building to appropriate levels so that the city’s clean renewable energy systems and its waste-to-energy plants can handle . The Masdar City minimizes energy consumption by deploying best commercially available international energy efficient techniques and setting stringent building.

Efficiency guidelines in areas such as : - Insulation - Low-energy lighting specifications - The percentage of glazing (i.e., windows) - Optimizing natural light - Installing smart appliances, ex: building management systems - A citywide energy management system that interacts to manage the electrical load on the grid – all along the system, from the utility to the consumer.

Water and Waste The Masdar Institute building has been designed to minimize water consumption and maximize the efficiency of treatment and production techniques. In the long term the goal is to lessen the huge water consumption to the target of 105 liters per person per one day, with an initial target of 179 liters per person per day. The improvement from 179 per person per day to 105 per person per day is expected to be achieved through increased environmental awareness to residents over time. And that can be achieved through high efficiency appliances, low-flow showers, highly efficient laundry systems, a water tariff that promotes water efficiency, incentives, real-time monitoring, smart water meters that inform consumers of their consumption, reducing leakage ultimately to 1%, treated wastewater recycling, high-efficiency irrigation and lowwater use landscaping, particularly through use of indigenous desert flora. The current wastewater system integrates grey water and black water for processing and treatment

at the city’s membrane bioreactor (MBR) plant. The treated sewage effluent produced at the MBR will be used for landscaping. The biosolids resulting from the wastewater treatment can be reused for compositing and in any future waste-to-energy plant.

Refrence http://www.sesam-uae.com/Green/seminar0608/press/Henkel%20Polybit.pdf http://fmlink.com/a/44283 http://www.pmsilicone.com/temperature-extremes/ http://www.masdar.ae/en/energy/detail/masdar-clean-energy-who-we-are https://www.academia.edu/1740945/sustainable_developments_masdar_city_one_planet_living_principles http://www.carboun.com/sustainable-design/masdar-headquarters-the-first-positive-energy-building-in-the-middle-east/ 5-http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/technology/masdar-city-searches-for-cleaner-water

Waste Management The waste management strategy at the Masdar Institute campus aims to reduce waste that ends up in landfills and increase the resource potential of materials through recycling and reuse. As a first step, systems will be used and awareness will be raised to reduce the amount of waste generated in the Masdar Institute, by encouraging reusable bags and containers for example. The second step is to classify and collect the waste produced by those living and working on campus. Masdar Institute buildings have separate waste chutes to allow for the separation of waste. Once collected, the waste is sorted into compostable, non-recyclable and recyclable waste. All appropriate bio-waste is composted and the product used to improve the landscaping. At a future date recyclable waste will be processed in Masdar City or as close by as possible.




















P R O J E C T 8: Members:


As earthquakes has intrigued me since childhood, I wanted to take a more BROADER look at it than only from an architectural side. Thus thinking that way I can be more OBJECTIVE, I rather wanted to see HOW the most earthquake prone countries, Chile and Japan, has approached finding/designing earthquake resistant/proof buildings, rather than concentrating on WHAT has been done till now.

done by – molly jankowski de sousa

GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT & EARTHQUAKES THE EVENT On 12 May 2008, at 14:28 hours, Sichuan Province was struck by a devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake. Its impact was felt as far as Beijing and Shanghai, some 1,500 km and 1,700 km away. The epicentre of the quake was located in Wenchuan County, 80 km northwest of the provincial capital Chengdu. The disaster affected approximately 70 million people and destroyed nearly 6.5 million homes. Some 15 million people were evacuated and it is estimated that approximately 4.8 million people were forced to live in temporary shelter. In addition, more than 5 million farmers lost their harvest. As of December 2008, the death toll had reached more than 100,000 with over 374,643 injured and 17,923 missing.

Where does earthquakes occur?



FORM Titanium La Portada has a height of 194.0 metres (636.5 ft) at the roof and 52 above ground floors, plus another 7 underground floors. The seven underground floors are used primarily for parking. There are 20 high speed elevators to service the building, which move at a speed of 6.6 metres per second (22 ft/s). It has a total floor space of 129,500 square metres (1,394,000 sq ft) for mixed office use.[There are two helipads on top of the building.By 2010, Titanium La Portada is expected to be the 13th tallest building in Latin America.

The energy dissipators of the Titanium La Portada building, developed by SIRVE, were subjected to their most important test on February 27. With 52 stories and standing at 190 meters tall, it was a challenge to see how the tallest building in South America would behave when submitted to the second strongest earthquake in the history of Chile (the fifth strongest earthquake ever recorded by mankind). The tower had no damage at all, which was also a demonstration of how advanced national engineering has become, regarding earthquake resistant technologies. The Titanium skyscraper was undamaged, while many other buildings, houses and other types of constructions collapsed, as well as other strategic buildings such as hospitals, educational and cultural buildings, assistance centers, fire departments, and others suffered important structural damage that reflected on high repairing costs due to reconstruction or to lack of operation continuity. The dramatic experience drawn from the earthquake has meant an extreme challenge for SIRVE, observing an increase in the demand for dissipation projects, of about 500%.

Construction began in January 2007 with an investment of US$120 million, and its inauguration was expected in December 2008. Primary materials used include aluminium reinforced concrete, steel, granite and glass curtain wall. Because Santiago is prone to earthquakes, the building was anchored 50 metres (160 ft) deep with 65 concrete and steel pylons, allowing it to withstand an earthquake of 9.0 on the Richter scale. The tower did not suffer any damage from the earthquake in February 2010, although one of the decorative fixtures in the exterior did collapse, and was immediately fixed. The space occupied by the building was formerly an upscale shopping mall, the Portada de Vitacura. So as to integrate well with the surrounding area, 70% of the ground level will be open to pedestrians, and much will be green space and recreational. Titanium La Portada is the first project in South America to be certified green in the LEED rating system by the US Green Building Council. Mario Olivares says : Just like having the clearest skies in the world (in the north of Chile) made it possible to boost an explosive development of Chilean astronomy, worldwide, our country sees an open door to be a world leader in the field of anti-seismic engineering• . The seismic energy dissipators used in the Titanium Tower were developed by SIRVE through a Fondef project, which was begun in 1996 by Juan Carlos de La Llera, engineer and professor at PUC, who was just coming back from a specialization scholarship at Berkeley, United States. Energy dissipators are metallic or viscous devices optimal for friction, which are located in special places within the structure of a building and make it possible to reduce displacements caused by severe earthquakes in approximately 25 to 45%. Titanium has 25 transversal dissipators and 20 longitudinal ones, which enabled the reduction of displacements caused by the February earthquake in approximately 40%, thus protecting the structure and its contents.

In search of an earthquake proof building In search of an earthquake-proof building By John D. Sutter, CNN It's a sobering fact: Earthquakes alone don't kill people; collapsed buildings do. But can people engineer buildings that wouldn't crumble when subjected to the rumblings of the Earth? In the wake of the Haiti and Chile earthquakes, such a question has more importance now than any time in recent memory. The simple answer is yes. The technology exists to make buildings nearly earthquake-proof today. However, installing those safer buildings all over the world isn't so simple. Neither is figuring out who will pay. In a handful of interviews, engineers who work on earthquake-resistant buildings said current technologies prevent well-designed buildings from cracking when the ground shakes beneath them. As the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile show so graphically, the real issue may be that adoption of these building technologies -- many of which require only simple changes to building materials or composition -- is far from equitable. In Chile, an 8.8-magnitude earthquake has killed more than 700 people. On January 12, a less powerful earthquake, one measuring 7.0, killed more than 200,000 in Haiti. The difference in those death tolls comes from building construction and technology, scientists and engineers have said. In Haiti, buildings were constructed quickly and cheaply. Chile, a richer and more industrialized nation, adheres to more stringent building codes. How it works Technology designed to keep buildings from collapsing works essentially in two ways: By making buildings stronger, or by making them more flexible, so they sway and slide above the shaking ground rather than crumbling. The latter technology employs an idea called "base isolation." For about 30 years, engineers have constructed skyscrapers that float on systems of ball bearings, springs and padded cylinders. They don't sit directly on the ground, so they're protected from some earthquake shocks. In the event of a major earthquake, they sway up to a few feet. The buildings are surrounded by "moats," or buffer zones, so they don't swing into other structures. "You actually take the foundation of building and you put it either on almost like springs or on a mechanism so it is allowed to move a little bit with the earthquake," said Armstrong of the building code council.

Well-designed buildings with base-isolation systems ensure that no lives will be lost, no matter the strength of an earthquake, said Michael Constantinou, a professor of civil engineering at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. More difficult than perfecting the technology, he said, is figuring out how large of an earthquake will hit a certain area. "The issue is estimating correctly the seismic demand," he said. "I don't think there is a problem with the technology." Mehmet Celebi, a senior research civil engineer at the U.S. Geological Survey, said there have been striking examples where buildings made with base isolation survived earthquakes while others did not. He said a University of Southern California hospital in Los Angeles, for example, survived a 1994 earthquake "absolutely unharmed." A neighboring hospital building that did not use the isolation technology suffered considerable damage, he said.

Factors governing effect of Earthquake on structure 

Intensity of earthquake

Type of earthquake waves

Type of structure

Type of design

Shape of structure both in plan & elevation

Type of soil

Type of foundation

Type of material used for construction

Load of structure

New developments Still, some engineers are developing technologies to improve on this idea of semi-floating buildings. Bill Spencer, a civil engineering professor at the University of Illinois, said electronic sensors that detect seismic shaking can tell the building how to react to avoid damage. "It's in the spirit of the anti-lock braking systems in cars," he said. "They measure the dynamic behavior of the car and adjust the braking force to get it to do what you want it to do." Celebi said buildings with those censors have been built in Japan but not in the United States. Some use accelerometers, which are also found in newer smart phones, to detect motion. "If they exceed a certain level, then the damper system goes into action and reduces the amount of shaking" in the building, he said. Old ideas Others are trying to make earthquake-safe buildings less expensive. New buildings with earthquake-resistant technology cost about 5 to 10 percent more than those built without the precautions, engineers said. The cost of retrofitting old buildings to modern earthquake standards is much more expensive but has been tried in certain cases, such as when the city of San Francisco retrofitted its city hall with baseisolation technology. That project, which included other improvements, cost a total of $293 million, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. High costs keep countries such as Haiti from adopting the latest building techniques and technologies, said Nicholas Sitar, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. He said making buildings more basic might actually make them stronger and would cost less than hightech upgrades. "Sometimes it's very simple," he said. "Simple square buildings that are relatively stout will do very well [in earthquakes]. The problem is that most architects and people don't like to live in square structures with square windows." Awareness Engineers pointed to other simple solutions, such as reinforcing concrete buildings with steel rods and bolting wooden buildings to their foundations, as ways to prevent mass casualties in earthquakes. But such measures still aren't taken in many parts of the world, Armstrong said. "There's a way to reduce the risk," he said. "The countries that have not adopted the codes tend to be poorer countries and perhaps the degree of sophistication or commitment to code enforcement is also an issue in these countries." It would be a start for more developing countries to adopt building codes that include measures about earthquake resistance, he said, but that wouldn't fix everything. Armstrong said people all over the world, and with all job types, from city planners to construction workers, need to be aware of technologies and building methods that prevent buildings from collapsing in earthquakes. "You can write a really good code, but you'd better have the capacity to enforce it," he said. "You've got to have people on the ground who are trained and certified in codes and are willing to enforce the codes."

Hospitals Vernacular case study - The vulnerability of the facility for the vulnerable A severe earthquake is one of nature’s most terrifying and devastating events, resulting in widespread destruction. Apart from causing, in most cases, huge economic and social disruption, such events also have a sudden and massive impact on the health status and health conditions of the population affected. Experience from past earthquakes throughout the world clearly shows that the health facilities in the affected area are the key to launching an immediate response. There is a widely held expectation that hospitals and other health facilities are prepared to deal with any crisis. In general this may be a valid perception, but past events have demonstrated that health facilities may be particularly vulnerable to earthquakes and therefore rendered unable to respond. The seismic vulnerability of hospitals, if compared to other buildings and installations of equal size and construction, is more complex since it is generated by their structural, functional, technological and administrative organizational performance. Given the importance of an efficient response to emergencies and the need for a functional health care infrastructure in the aftermath of a disaster, hospital administrators must assess a facility’s vulnerability to earthquakes and obtain estimates of existing risk levels in order to ensure a proper response to emergency needs. A reliable and comprehensive hospital assessment can be carried out only by taking into account all three main vulnerability categories – structural, nonstructural and administrative/organizational– in that order. The Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology is indebted to the Regional Office of the WHO for recognizing the need to carry out such an activity as well as for financial support.

Soil category

Determination of the soil category where the health facility is located is crucial, since this factor plays an important role in vulnerability evaluation through the selection of appropriate vulnerability index modifiers. According to Eurocode 8. Soil category Description A. Rock/hard soil conditions Rock or other geological formation characterized by a shear wave velocity (Vs) of at least 800 m/s, including at most 5 m of weaker material at the surface. Stiff deposits of sand, gravel or over consolidated clay, at least several tens of metres thick, characterized by a gradual increase in mechanical properties with depth and by Vs values of at least 400 m/s at a depth of 10 m. B. Medium soil conditions Deep deposits of medium dense sand, gravel or medium stiff clays with a thickness of from several tens to many hundreds of metres, characterized by a Vs value of at least 200 m/s at a depth of 10 m increasing to at least 350 m/s at a depth of 50 m. C. Soft soil conditions Loose, cohesion less soil deposits with or without some soft cohesive layers, characterized by Vs values below 200 m/s in the uppermost 20 m. Deposits with predominant soft-to-medium stiff cohesive soils, characterized by Vs values below 200 m/s in the uppermost 20 m. Information on soil conditions should be gathered from the design documentation of the health facility or be determined

by an expert. If there is no possibility of determining the soil category, it is recommended that a conservative approach be taken by adoption of category C.

Reducing the seismic vulnerability of a health facility is usually more complex than for other types of facility. Some of the reasons for this are that: • buildings cannot normally be vacated during retrofitting; • scheduling of the work must take into account the operation of the different health services so as not to cause serious disruptions; • a wide variety of unforeseen tasks can be expected owing to the difficulty of precisely identifying details of the construction process before the work begins; and • the effects of structural modifications on non structural elements and on architectural finishes must be identified before work starts

SEISMIC VULNERABILITY Structural vulnerability evaluation The structural vulnerability evaluation is performed using Forms HSVE001 and HSVE-002 (see Annex 1) for every building in the facility (6,11). Form HSVE-001 is applicable to masonry buildings and Form HSVE-002 to reinforced concrete buildings. The forms contain sections covering general building data, occupancy load, soil type, existing damage and vulnerability indices/modifiers. General building data This section includes information on: • number of buildings (if the facility contains several buildings) • year of construction • building type • number of storeys • total building area • building function. The year of construction is important for reinforced concrete buildings in determining the level of aseismic protection. The subsection on building type includes identification of the principal bearing system of the building. Two predominant groups of construction are encountered in European health facilities: masonry and reinforced concrete. According to the European building typology matrix (12), within each group the following predominant building types are found (see Annex 2). Masonry buildings M1.2 – simple stone masonry buildings M3.1 – unreinforced masonry buildings with wooden floors M3.4 – unreinforced masonry buildings with reinforced concrete floors M5 – overall strengthened masonry buildings.

Reinforced concrete buildings RC1 – reinforced concrete moment-resistant frame buildings RC3.1 – buildings with reinforced concrete frames with regularly distributed unreinforced masonry infill walls RC3.4 – buildings with irregular reinforced concrete frames RC4 – reinforced concrete dual-system buildings RC5 – buildings of precast concrete tilt-up walls RC6 – buildings of precast concrete frames with concrete shear walls.

A. Classification of damage to masonry buildings

B. Classification of damage to reinforced concrete buildings


JAPAN – CONTEMPORARY case study Japan a leader in engineering earthquake-proof structures, helping to limit damage - By Brian Vastag

Huge shock absorbers, walls that slide and Teflon foundation pads that isolate buildings from the ground all help explain why medium- and high-rise structures in Japan remained standing in the wake of the country's largest earthquake on record. Since the devastating Kobe temblor in 1995, Japan has become a world leader in engineering new structures and retrofitting old ones to withstand violent shaking. "The Japanese are at the forefront of seismic technology," said Eduardo Kausel, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at MIT. "All modern structures have been designed for earthquakes." Strong Japanese building codes specify rules for short, medium and tall buildings, said Ron Hamburger, senior principal at the engineering firm Simpson Gumpertz and Heger in San Francisco. New buildings shorter than three stories are required to have reinforced walls and foundation slabs of a certain thickness, meaning "there is not a whole lot of design to it," Hamburger said. Mid-rise buildings, those up to 100 feet, require much more-intensive engineering, while designs for high-rise structures often employ innovative earthquake-resistant designs that undergo rigorous review by the country's top structural engineers. The omnipresent threat of large quakes has turned shake-proof innovations into selling points for new high-rises, drawing higher rents, Hamburger added. Mid-rise buildings such as hospitals and laboratories in Japan, as well as on the West Coast of the United States, often rest on huge rubber or fluid-filled shock absorbers. While the shocks in your car bounce up and down, these larger absorbers slide side to side, quickly dissipating lateral motion and turning it into heat. Other shorter and mid-rise buildings rest on Teflon-coated pegs embedded in the foundation. The weight of the structure anchors the building on the pegs, but when the ground shifts the entire building slides over the smooth surfaces.


This technique is one of many "base isolation" methods that decouple buildings from the ground beneath, rendering them subtly floating structures. In the United States, such techniques grew in prevalence after the 1989 quake that hit the San Francisco Bay Area. The historic, mid-rise city halls of San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles were all retrofitted to rest on giant shock absorbers. Taller buildings employ more sophisticated measures, often in combination. All modern skyscrapers are engineered to be strong yet flexible, so they sway in the wind - a discomfiting sensation felt on the observation decks of super-tall buildings such as the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in Chicago.

Designing extra flexibility into the tallest buildings is essential for earthquake-proofing, said John W. van de Lindt, a civil engineering professor at the University of Alabama.Video filmed during the aftershocks that hit Tokyo shows high-rises doing exactly that wavering dramatically without snapping. "You will get shelves tipping over and copy machines running across the floor," said van de Lindt, but structural damage will be minimal, even when the top of the building lurches 10 feet or more in each direction. "It's like a yardstick when you bend it - it snaps back without any damage." Hollow walls hiding sliding metal plates are also common in recently built mid- and highrise buildings in Japan. The heavy plates help dissipate motion.

The most sophisticated systems employ fluid-filled shock absorbers that slosh thick oil in the opposite direction of any swaying. One of the tallest buildings in Tokyo, the 781-foot Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, included such a "semi-active oil damper" design when completed in 2003. Although the high-rises of Japan may be in good shape, experts worry that traditionally built houses fared much worse. "My strong feeling is that there are collapsed wooden buildings in the hills and rural areas over there that we don't know about yet," said van de Lindt, who has tested V-shaped braces and other relatively simple techniques for strengthening wood structures in Japan. Some 2,200 people died in wood-and-tile homes during the Kobe earthquake, van de Lindt said. That toll prompted the Japanese government to launch an intensive research and retrofitting program - called "Dai-Dai-Toku," or, roughly translated, "very, very special" - to prevent a similar catastrophe. It remains unclear how those efforts performed Friday, but van de Lindt and other National Science Foundation-funded researchers will find out soon. The agency is sending a dozen or more rapid-response teams to Japan to evaluate the damage and gather information from damaged and collapsed structures. "The idea is to get perishable data," which will then be used to further improve earthquake-resistant construction, van de Lindt said.


VERNACULAR Having looked at the selected case studies, the following measures has been used to design earthquake proof buildings: 

Make buildings more stronger to hold against the earthquake and more flexible to slide from side to side; Base isolators such as ball bearings, springs and padded cylinders;

As a contemporary case study , the selected country was Japan, which is on the forefront of the most latest developments as far as earthquake technology is concerned. Japan has recently experienced some of the most vicious earthquakes, yet was able to to reduce losses, especially human losses to the bare minimum. Measures taken by Japan are:

Well-designed and other base-isolation systems were introduced

Chile has brought energy dissipators and;

semi-floating structures

Brought material changes such as Titanium, aluminium, reinforced concrete, steel and granite .

Electronic sensors to warn of imminent tremors

Damper systems

Huge shock absorbers

Sliding walls

Teflon padded foundations for mid and large buildings

Teflon coated pegs embedded in the foundation for smaller buildings

Hollow walls hiding sliding metal plates that helps dissipate the motion

And fluid-filled shock absorbers

Inflatable airbags

To emphasize the URGENCY of finding a solution , a closer look at the vulnerability of the facility for the vulnerable, stresses factors such as :

Soil types

The complexity of preparing a vulnerability facility against earthquakes

Seismic vulnerability

Level of Damage

and the future……..

Recommendations….. foundations


Avoid building on liquefaction; It is as humans on quicksand !


Sensors to monitor seismic activity, set off alarm for inflatable airbags to be released and other emergency measurements Teflon and other new materials for foundations and walls




‘base- isolation’

Lots of research has been done, but there’s a lot of room for improvement


Titanium, its been discovered and realised that with technology other materials can be developed that is just as or even more flexible


A mixture of a silicon type product can also be able to make walls more flexible during an earthquake


Shatter proof for minimum breakage and injuries;


perhaps start using unbreakable Perspex for less breakage and injuries


Perhaps wider and more reinforced to serve as shelter during quakes

Large buildings

Usually roof area is only about the size of the ground surface area; so it’s a small area that needs to be taken into consideration

Small buildings

Lots of research can still be done in this area !

FINALLY: As a matter of importance, the issue of providing care during an earthquake lies with health facilities. Shouldn’t its structure be treated with utmost URGENCY to find a structure that can REALLY withstand an earthquake?

Conclusion Having seen the different approaches taken by the mentioned countries and looking at the impact of earthquakes on the vulnerability of the facility that has to provide services to the vulnerable, I conclude that : CHILE- has taken a STRUCTURAL APPROACH to their design of earthquake proof buildings, by reinforcing/flexing joints of structures, have constructed skyscrapers that float on systems of ball bearings, springs and padded cylinders and the application of a different structural material, Titanium. JAPAN – has taken A SCIENTIFIC ENGINEERING APPROACH, with fluid filled shock absorbers, airbags as earthquake proof concrete foundations and, walls that slide and Teflon foundation pads that isolate buildings from the ground; all help medium- and high-rise structures to remain standing. Hopefully with this in mind, more avenues can be explored and we can get closer to finding solutions to this destructive, devastating natural disaster’s impact!

A many great thanks to our professors, instructors and all that makes these courses possible. credits HANDBOOK ON GOOD DESIGN & BUILDING PRINCIPLES- UNDP & UNISDR UNEP in CHINA – Building back better BRIAN VASTAG Low Rise Earthquake Resistant BuildingsAnutosh Chaudhuri et al Reducing Earthquake Risk in Hospitals from Equipment, Contents, Architectural Elements • and Building Utility Systems –GeoHazards International and GeoHazards Society and SwissRe CNN – JOHN D. SUTTER


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